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Extra-Curricular Programme 2012/2013

Monday Activity Camogie Year Group All years Time 4-5pm Place Tir na nOg Teachers Ms.BarryMurphy Ms.Colgan Ms.OBrien Ms. Clancy Ms.McGrath Ms.Murphy Mr.Glynn Ms. Cotter Ms. McNally Mr. Brogan Ms. Staunton Ms . Conlon Ms Brooks

Girls Basketball Homework Club Library Soccer Boys Basketball Fitness Classes School Choir. Chamber Choir Tuesday

1st yrs 1st yrs All yrs U17 boys All years All yrs All yrs Senior students

12.30-1pm 4-5pm 12.30-1pm 4-5.30pm 4-5.30pm 7.30-8.15am 3.45-4.45pm Lunchtime

School gym Room 31 Room 2 Gym Gym Gym Room 5 Rm. 44

Activity Cumann Gaelach

Year Group All yrs

Time 12.20-1pm

Place Room 15

Show Choir All yrs Boys Gaelic U18 Interclass 1st yrs BasketballLeagues

3.45-5.30pm Canteen 4-5pm Tir na nOg 12.20-1pm Basketball courts

Teachers Mr. Breathnach Ms. Colgan Mr. Gylnn Mr Nolan Ms.Clancy SportsPrefects

Wednesday Activity Rugby Year Group All Years Time 2-3pm Place Tir na nOg Teachers Mr.Breathnach & Leinster Development coaches Ms.Meehan Ms.Kane Mr.McCluskey Ms. Clancy

Girls Gaelic

Girls Basketball Sports hour

U-16/U18(till Xmas /U14(after Xmas) Cadettes 1st Years


Tir na nOg

4.25pm Tir na nOg

School gym

Girls Basketball 1st year girls Basketball 2nd year girls Basketball Fitness Classes

Seniors 1ST Years(Trials to be announced) 2nd Years (Trials to be announced) All Years

4.15-5.30pm 2.3.00pm

1.45-2.45pm Ms. Clancy Mr. Glynn Mr. Breathnach Mr. O Brien Ms. Colgan Ms. Kane Sports Prefects School gym Mr. Antoniotti School gym Ms. Clancy


School gym

Ms. Clancy


School gym

Mr. Brogan

Thursday Activity Camogie Year Group All years Time 4-5pm Place Tir na nOg Teachers Ms. Barry Murphy Ms. Colgan Ms. O Brien Mr. Hopkins Ms. McGrath Sports prefects Ms. McGrath Ms. Murphy Ms. Cotter

Debating Girls Basketball Homework Club Library Boys Basketball Star Search

All yrs 1st Years(nonschool team players 1st years All years 1st & 2nd years TY

12.20-1pm 12.30-1pm

Room 30 School gym

4-5pm 12.30-1pm 4-5.30pm

Room 31 Room 2 Gym


Room 33

Ms. Stokes Ms. Murphy

Friday Activity Traditional, Music Group Girls Basketball Show Choir (Glee) Year Group All Years Seniors (Occasionally Cadette) All Years Time 12.30-1pm 4-6pm Place Room 44 (Music room) St. Pats Diswellstown Room 5 Teachers Mr. Kelly Mr. Antoniotti Ms. Clancy Mr. Glynn


Additional Activities Activity Golf Year Group All Years Time Various outings throughout year Sundays Place Varies Teachers Ms. Colgan

Show Jumping and Equestrian events Leinster Schools Orienteering League Swimming

All Years

Kilossary Lodge

All Years

CrossCountry Running Track and Field (particularly club runners) Table-Tennis Hurling

All Years (Qualifying times set) All Years

Wednesdays October 24th December 5th January After Christmas Advised in advance

Contact Ms. Clancy Ms. Louise Knox (Parent) Various parks Ms. Clancy around Dublin Ms. Murphy


Ms. Cobbe

Invitation Meets, West Leinsters Morton Stadium Santry To be advised To be advised

All Years


1st Years U-16, U-18 before xmas, U-14 after Xmas All Years Chaplaincy All Years

To be advised To be advised

Ms. Cunningham Ms. Clancy Mr. Brogan Ms. Cunningham Ms. Clancy Mr. Brogan See Mr. Costello Mr D Ryan Mr H OBrien


To be advised

Chaplaincy suite Various Venues



Ms. Anne Bary Murphy and team Mr. Cody Tomas and Ruidri Anders

TY Surfing Trip




Ms.V.Stokes and Team

Tir na nOg is the green area beside the main school entrance gate to your left. Students taking part in activities off Campus should always walk in groups and use pedestrian crossings at all times. We would encourage all students to involve themselves in at least one Extra-Curricular activity. Please note that school sportswear should be worn for all activites that relate to the college. We always welcome the support of parents. If you are interested in assisting in any of the above programmes, please let us know. Students who are competing for the college must ensure that their class work/homework is completed on time (See Student Responsibilities). Absolutely no football boots are to be worn inside the school building. Students should check notice boards/ LCD Displays/ Announcements/ Posters/ Assemblies for more information regarding Extra-Curricular activities. If you have any queries please contact Ms. F. Clancy

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