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Friday November 9, 2012

Yes, He Did: Obama Wins Four More Years

The president won a second fouryear term late Tuesday, holding a Democratic firewall in enough crucial battleground states to block Mitt Romneys path to the White House. The outcome was sealed when Ohio and its 18 Electoral College votes went to the Democrat. Two hours later Obama emerged with his family to wildly cheering supporters in Chicago with a message of healing for both sides of the fractured country. Tonight you voted for action, not politics as usual, said Obama. You elected us to focus on your jobs, not ours. I am looking forward to reaching out and working with leaders of both parties to meet the challenges we can only solve together. It was both a narrow triumph for Obama and a crushing defeat for Romney, bringing to an end the former Massachusetts governors six-year some would say lifelong quest for the nations top political seat. Yet it was worse still for Republicans, who even before the final results set in were gloom-struck by the failure to persuade enough Americans to change course in the face of the worst economic decline in modern memory. The ultimate paradox for Americans: after enduring what many assess to be the most divisive, expensive, lieinfested campaign in the countrys history an odyssey spanning 18 months and an unprecedented $6 billion they will awaken Wednesday to find the broad contours of their country almost exactly the same. Obama will keep the White House, the Democrats will keep the Senate and the Republicans will hold the House of Representatives a formula unchanged, and likely to ensure continuing partisan gridlock when the next Congress assumes power in January. Romney was magnanimous in defeat. After calling Obama he stepped in front of supporters in Boston, making his congratulations public and urging Americans to rally together. This is a time of great challenges for America, and I pray that the president will be successful in guiding our nation, said Romney. This nation, as you know, is at a critical point. At a time like this, we cant risk partisan bickering and a white majority. Assessing the even break in the popular vote, conservative pundit Charles Krauthammer told Fox News: This is not a mandate, either in the numbers or the way (Obama) campaigned. He added, As a psychiatrist, I will write prescriptions for anyone who needs them right now. But the country nevertheless remains a house divided by the tiniest of margins, a dynamic that spells trouble for any break in Washingtons legislative logjam. Real estate mogul Donald Trump, who travelled to Boston to be with Romney on Tuesday, unleashed a string of invective on social media, challenging the system itself. This election is a total sham and a travesty. We are not a democracy! said one of Trumps messages. Lets fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice! The world is laughing at us, said another. Obamas string of wins in his journey to 270 electoral college seats included Romneys birth state of Michigan and his state of residence, Massachusetts. Obama also claimed New Hampshire, where the Romney family cottages. And the president also held Wisconsin, home to Romneys running mate, Paul Ryan. The social issues that Romney initially embraced during the GOP nomination race, only to shed as he pivoted to more moderate positions in the campaigns final weeks, also were seen to have cost Republicans key seats, perhaps even control of the Senate. Among the fallen Republican Senate hopefuls were Indianas Richard Mourdock and Missouris Todd Akin, evangelicals who sparked successive national furors with insensitive remarks about rape. In Wisconsin, meanwhile, Democrat Tammy Baldwin soared to victory, becoming the first openly gay person to serve in the Senate. And in Massachusetts, a bitterly fought battle saw Democrat Elizabeth Warren reclaim the late Ted Kennedys old Senate seat from incumbent Scott Brown, who swept in after Kennedys death when the Tea Party movement was at its height.

political posturing. Our leaders have to reach across the aisle to do the peoples work. And we citizens also have to rise to the occasion. Far and away the most enduring outcome is the survival of ObamaCare. By defeating Romney, the president preserves the signature legislative achievement that nearly cost him his presidency. The health-care overhaul, which doesnt come into full effect until 2014, is now expected to remain a permanent part of American life. Though agonizingly close both candidates were deadlocked with a 49 per cent share of the popular vote as counting continued early Wednesday Romneys share was disproportionately anchored in mostly white, southern states, traditionally a Republican stronghold. Obama, by contrast, was able to summon a broader, multi-ethnic coalition elsewhere, including a huge majority among African-American and Hispanic voters, putting the president over the required 270 electoral college votes to secure the White House. The outcome sparked immediate fury among many of the loudest voices on the American right. Fox News commentator Bill OReilly led the way, declaring: Its not a traditional America anymore. The white establishment is now a minority. And the voters, many of them, feel the economic system is stacked against them and they want stuff, he

continued. You are going to see a tremendous Hispanic vote for President Obama. Overwhelming black vote for President Obama. And women will probably break President Obamas way. People feel that they are entitled to things and which candidate, between the two, is going to give them things? Yet exit polling also indicated voters gave Obama the benefit of the doubt on a range of issues, splitting evenly on the question of ObamaCare and favouring the president over Romney for policies more likely to benefit the middle class. As well, polls showed voters still blame former president George W. Bush more than they do Obama for the tepid American economy. Florida remained too close to call early Wednesday, with Obama holding a thin lead. But with the president winning the battlegrounds of Ohio, New Hampshire, Colorado, Nevada and Iowa, the Sunshine State no longer offered Romney an avenue to victory. GOP surrogates late Tuesday cited everything from Superstorm Sandy to media bias in the first wave of blame-storming. But identity politics were also part of the conversation, as conservatives grappled with their inability to broaden their base beyond

Friday November 9, 2012

Fiji News
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Friday November 9, 2012

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Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama feels that the bond of friendship between the Fijian people and ordinary people of the world is untouched by decisions taken by certain governments at political level. Despite what happens by certain governments at the political level, the bonds between our peoples and ordinary people the world over - can never be broken, the head of Government said. This, he said, is the reason why many of these visitors keep coming back to our shores and leave with sadness to the tunes of Isa lei. Some of our neighbours at government level and in the unions - havent understood, or dont want to understand, have spread misinformation and have tried to punish Fiji, the Prime Minister said. But the ordinary men and women of Australia, the US, China, Canada, India, Europe, New Zealand and Japan have seen through this agenda and

Variable Mortgage

Youths Need To Be Acknowledged For Their Efforts Youths need to be acknowledged for continuously support us with our
their efforts and work done in their communities, says permanent secretary for Youth and Sports Mr Josefa Sania. In presenting the project materials to the Natadradave Youth Club in Tailevu, Mr Sania said youths have a lot of energy and passion and need a community wide support to develop and utilizes opportunities presented to them. Natadradave youth president Setareki Goneyali in receiving their project material from the Ministry of Youth and Sports last week said they plan to assist the women in their village by purchasing an oven, to enable the women to make pastries for sale in the local markets. There are thirty youths in our club, including some parents who

have continued to engage with us, to support us. Speaking at the Mana Island Resort and Spas 40th anniversary and the Multi Returnees Week celebrations, PM Bainimarama said ordinary men and women of these countries engage with Fiji and take the trouble to understand. He said that although the celebrations was for the 40 years for Mana Resort and Spa but the real cause for celebrations was the loyalty, trust and friendship shown by the visitors who kept coming back. On behalf of every Fijian here today, I want to thank all the multi-returnees for being faithful to Mana and to our country, Prime Minister Bainimarama said. And he assured them that though there were some tough decisions that needed to be taken, Fiji was forging One Nation in which all Fijians will have equal stake and will provide a viable and stable future for its children. We are turning our backs on the divisions and instability of the past.

(conditions apply)

project. We engage in farm work, which includes root crops like cassava, dalo, yaqona and the women have also planted voivoi (pandanus leaves) near our two maleya ponds. With the income we will generate from the sale of our fish and root crops, we would like to assist the women with their baking business because they already have the skills, said Goneyali. The youth club received an additional 3,000 tilapia also known as maleya to their fish farm from the ministry. Nadoloi youth club of Serea Village, Naitasiri and the Naloto youth council of Naloto village also received assistance from the Ministry last week for their farming and virgin oil projects.

Members of the public will for the first time have the opportunity this week to interact directly in one location with staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and other Diplomatic Missions based in Suva. Every week, various government ministries and agencies display their services at the Government Referral Centre as part of government's reforms to increase the public's accessibility to government services. This week the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will display its services together with foreign diplomatic missions based in Fiji. While the Ministry will display its services and products, it will also highlight the close bonds between Fiji and the international community as well as the mutual benefit their citizens enjoy on account of things they have in common. During the event, foreign diplomats based in Suva will inform

Foreign Ministry To Give The Public Ground Breaking Access To Services

the public about the work of their Missions and services they provide to the people of Fiji. The week-long event provides an opportunity to the general public to understand Fiji's engagement and operations in international relations. Foreign Ministry staff will talk about the Foreign Service, a diplomats profession, about career opportunities at the Foreign Ministry, and explain foreign policy themes and actions. Visitors will also receive practical information about what to do when problems emerge while abroad. The Open Day will include exhibitions of documents and treaties of great historical significance. The Referral Centre is located in the building that once housed the Fiji Visitors Bureau in Suva and will be open daily from 8am to 4pm Monday to Friday this week.

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Friday November 9, 2012

Fiji News
Mana Island resort having established itself as one of the premier hotels in Fiji is celebrating its 40thanniversary on Monday. Since its establishment in 1972, the resort has come along with major developments taking place on the island. Mana Island Resorts General Manager Masao Tanaka said, Fiji has the potential to maximize its returns in the tourism industry and for this year alone tourism arrival recorded the highest number from Australia and New Zealand. This is encouraging because of the major developments happening on the island like the newly built spa facilities and the beach bures and for next year we are looking at upgrading the old buildings that were built since its inception. Mr Tanaka adds, one of the major developments the resorts is envisaging for the new year is to boost their honeymoon programs in the resort and this is expected to open up the markets in the India, Chinese and European market for the tourism sector. Meanwhile, for returnee family spending their past holiday vacations it has never been better than the warm

Tourism Potential In Fiji

hospitality on Mana Island. Cathy Mears from Australia has been choosing Fiji as their holiday destination for the past 12 years and being part of the 40th anniversary is icing on the cake she explains. I love the Fijian hospitality, it gives us that sense of belonging and we can proudly say that there is no place to spend your holiday but right here on Mana, she said. Mrs. Mears adds, we are privileged to be part of this celebration and for resort to come this far is major achievement and I give credit to the management for their hospitality and services. Similar sentiments were shared by New Zealand family from Auckland that has been spending the last eight days on the island. Nicki Manning said, this is first time on the island, its great one thing that I love is the hospitality and smiling and caring people in Fiji. Fiji has the potential to grow in the tourism sector and to compliment the Fijian hospitality is just amazing, Mrs. Manning said. The 40th anniversary celebration was officially opened by the Prime Minister Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama.

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ANZ Fijis sixty employees are set to lose their job following an announcement by the bank to introduce a limited voluntary redundancy program after a review of its business. ANZ says the voluntary redundancy package is available to eligible staff who has been employed with ANZ Fiji on or prior to December 31, 1989 in recognition of their loyalty and longterm contribution to ANZ Fiji. After an expression of interest period, ANZ Fiji will advise staff who have had their application accepted and approximately 60 staff will receive this package. ANZ CEO Pacific and Fiji Vishnu Mohan said the decision to offer a voluntary redundancy program was a considered approach to reducing costs in ANZs Fiji business to reflect a more challenging business environment. ANZ is committed to continuing to grow and invest in our business in Fiji and we need to better manage our cost base to allow us to continue to provide market-leading products and services for our customers and continue to be a valuable contributor to the Fijian economy. We have chosen to offer this program to eligible staff in recognition of their loyalty and long-term contribution to our business. Our main priority is to ensure that there is no disruption to the service our customers receive and customers should not expect any changes to their banking services. Meanwhile, ANZ is also in the process of relocating its Pacific regional headquarters from Melbourne to Fiji, with the recent appointment of Mohan as CEO Pacific, based in Suva.

ANZ Fiji To Cut Sixty Jobs

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Fiji News
4.30pm weekdays while it is closed during the weekends. In the Western division: Lautoka- Elections Office- 8am4.30pm weekdays and 8am-2pm on Saturday while it is closed on Sunday. Nadi Nadi Town Council from 8am4.30pm weekdays while being closed during weekend Sigatoka- PA Nadrogas Office- 8am4.30pm weekdays while being closed during the weekend. Ba-DOs office- 8am-4.30pm weekdays while being closed during the weekend. Tavua- DOs office- 8am-4.30pm weekdays while being closed during the weekend. In the Northern division: Labasa- CND office weekdays from 8am-4.30pm while being closed during the weekend. Savusavu- PA Cakaudroves office from 8am-4.30pm while being closed during the weekend. Nabouwalu- PA Bua from 8am4.30pm while being closed during the weekend. Levuka- PA Lomaiviti office from 8am-4.30pm while being closed during the weekend. Minister of Elections, Aiyaz SayedKhaiyum said registered voters requiring corrections to their details on the register must personally bring their voter registration card to facilitate the correction process. One lucky Suva man has won $3 million of the $21 million Tattslotto Super Draw over the weekend. This has been confirmed by Fiji Tattslotto resident executive director, Graeme Brown. We have just heard that there has been a first division winner with last Saturdays $21 million super draw and the winner from Suva has won more than $3 million, he said. I spoke to him this morning and he is very happy and is looking forward to the presentation. Mr Brown said the 40 year old anonymous Suva man was one of the 12 winners in Fiji. Another $30 million mega draw has been scheduled for the end of the year. Meanwhile, October 19, 2012 would be a day Ba-resident Anita Devi would never forget. The widow from Tamatama, Ba watched proudly as her eldest child,

Friday November 9, 2012

Eighteen Electronic Voter Registration centers have been identified and will open for the second phase of registration in urban centers around Fiji starting this Saturday. The elections office from November 10 till December 7, 2012 will now facilitate registration of voters only for those who have not registered to date and corrections to the provisional national register of voters (register) from this Saturday. Below are registration centre and time details: In the Central/Eastern division: Navua- Navua Police Bure from 8am5pm Lami- RB Patel Harbour Point from 9am- 7pm on weekdays and 8am8pm on Saturdays while 8am-2pm on Sundays Suva- Elections Office from 8am to 4.30pm on weekdays and 8am-2pm on Saturdays and closed on Sunday Suva- MHCC from 9am-9pm Nasinu- New World SupermarketValelevu from 8am-8pm on weekdays and Saturday while 8am-2pm on Sunday Nausori- Elections Office from 8am4.30pm on weekdays and 8am-2pm on Saturdays while it is being closed on Sunday. Nausori- RB Patel Southpoint from 9am-8pm weekdays and 8am-8pm on Saturdays while 8am-2pm on Sundays Korovou- DOs office from 8am-

18 EVR Centers Identified

$3M Lotto Winner

Nikhil Singh, scooped an award for attaining the highest Biology marks at Xavier College in Ba. Stopping by the RC Manubhai Ba outlet on their home way, the 42-yearold couldnt believe her luck when she scratched the winning $30,000 Hungry Shark major ticket prize. This was the fourth win at the outlet over the past two years. The sum is much more than a prize, but an opportunity out of her constant struggles and cements her dreams of sending her two sons to university. A widow for 10 years, the Rakiraki native has struggled endlessly throughout life, supporting her sons and continuing to care for her elderly father-in-law after her husbands sudden death in 2003. Ive worked in cane-farming and on my own and have received help from neighbors and family and when I won that $30,000 I felt so excited, she said.

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The Ministry of Health received a timely gift of 16 used computers from the Suva Rotary Club. Speaking during the handing over ceremony of the computers, Suva Rotary Club president Peter Rankin said the computers would improve communications among staff members at various health centers in Suva. "The computers are in very good condition," Mr Rankin said.

Rotary Club Donates To Health Ministry

"And it can help improve the interaction between health staff members," he said. Receiving the gift on behalf of the ministry, acting chief pharmacist Apolosi Vosanibola said the computers would be used by health officials to develop patient database. "It will also help doctors and nurses keep a better record of patient's health and their check-ups," Mr Vosanibola said.

Air Pacific Says Rebranding Will Boost Tourism

Air Pacific chief executive David Pflieger says the airline's re-branding to Fiji Airways is expected to boost tourism as it would help potential visitors associate the Fiji brand with holidays. Now that weve rebranded the airline we expect more people to know about Fiji, whereas before when a person would search online for holiday and Fiji no one knew about Air Pacific because they were never associated together, Pflieger said. He said the introduction of the new Airbus A330s in 2013 is also expected to boost tourism, with the possibility of securing new routes. That is an option for us because with the arrival of our brand-new airbus A330s more people are expected to know more about Fiji. Pflieger made the comments while briefing Police Commissioner Ioane Naivalurua and senior officers. The chief executive stressed the importance of having the right team. There was a lot of negative criticism against some of the decisions we made but they had to be made for the benefit of keeping our national airline running and having the right team is very important for success. Pflieger said implementing the changes was not easy.

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Friday November 9, 2012

Fiji News

Fijian products displayed during the 5th Yiwu International Forest Fair Exhibition held in Chinas Zhejiang Province gained a lot of interest with Chinese companies. Investment Fiji chief executive, Ravuni Uluilakeba, confirmed Turkish and Malaysian companies enquired on specific timber products for large scale production and export. There were lots of positive feedback from exhibitors in regards to Fiji timber industry on possible set up of value adding furniture factory and low cost housing, he said. Our delegation The Fijian delegation at the exhibition was led by Fijis Ambassador to China, Esala Teleni and Mr Uluilakeba which was held from November 1 to 4. The delegation included representatives from the Investment Fiji, Department of Forestry Fiji Pine Group of Companies, Fulluck Trade & Tour Company and Fiji Embassy Beijing official. Other local companies included Future Forests, Sustainable Mahogany Industries Limited, Tropik Wood Industries Limited, Pacific Green, Artwood Fiji, Fiji Hardwood Corporation and Beijing Herbi Noni Company. These companies provided product brochures and samples that were displayed at the Fiji booth in the Yiwu Exhibition Center. The delegation emphasised to interested buyers that Fiji had large scale plantation of pine and mahogany

Turkey And Malaysia Interested In Fiji Timber

while large scale planting of teak had also commenced in an effort to minimise exploitation of its native forest. Utilisation of one of Fijis major invasive species, the African tulip, was also discussed with a couple of Chinese investors. The delegation viewed products made from forest waste materials like furniture, houses made from engineered wood products and forest equipment. Bamboo utilisation was the attraction of the exhibition as its utilisation is widespread into food, tea, furniture, clothing & textile and outdoor uses. Mr Uluilakeba said: To make the most of such exhibitions, discussions were also held with Yiwus Department of Foreign Affairs. The prime focus for Fiji is to have a permanent booth in the future Yiwu International Forest Products Exhibition, where Fiji is expected to attend with a greater number of participants. Other opportunities In addition the delegation also visited other provinces such as Guangdong and Zhejiang province to cater for new foreign investment interest in other sectors like; real estate, medical, housing and bottled water. Apart from China, other countries that showcased their products during the exhibition included Canada, Malaysia, Taiwan, South Africa, Kenya, Thailand, Mongolia, Australia and Vietnam.

Fijians living abroad will also have their say in the 2014 general election, says Election Minister Aiyaz SayedKhaiyum. Sayed-Khaiyum said work is being done regarding the registration of Fijians off-shore and government has already spoken with the missions abroad regarding the registration of Fijians currently residing there. At the moment we are working with our providers as to how best we can provide this service taking into consideration the limited resources we

Fijians Living Overseas To Be Registered Soon

have but at the same time we shall be able to provide these services as far wide as Germany, UK or Afghanistan where Fijians are residing abroad." "Police and Military officers who are currently on peace-keeping missions abroad will be able to register once they return or if services are provided to them." Meanwhile, Sayed-Khaiyum also added that his Ministry is looking to have a one day election in Fiji and move from the trend of the usual seven days of elections as done previously.

Happy Diwali to all

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Four juveniles aged between 13 and 17 years together with a 30 and a 36-year-old year old man appeared in the Magistrates Court in Tavua charged with two counts of rape. It is alleged that the six raped a 20 year old woman from Ba who was on her way back home after a wedding reception on September 28, 2012 at 9pm. The victim reported the matter last weekend alleging the six men dragged

Juveniles Charged With Two Counts Of Rape

her to a nearby bush and raped her. Police spokesperson Ana Naisoro said the four juveniles are a 17 year old form five student, a 16 year old form four student, a 14 year old class eight student and a 13 year old class 7 student. Investigators are preparing separate files and will have the files forwarded to the Officer in Charge of the Juvenile Bureau for recommendation, Naisoro said.

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Fiji News

Friday November 9, 2012

A 19 months old infant drowned in a bucket of water at her home in Lautoka. The deceased was at her Lautoka home with her sister and their mother when it is alleged she went missing. Upon searching, the body of the infant was found floating in a bucket of water by her sister, a class one student who later carried her inside the house and informed their mother. Attempts were made to revive the infant at home before she was rushed to the Lautoka Hospital where she was pronounced dead on arrival. The Fiji Police Force following the incident is again stressing the need for parents and guardians to keep a close eye on their children at all times. Police spokesperson, Ana Naisoro said it only takes a few minutes for a tragedy to occur which is why it is absolutely vital that the issue of supervision must be taken to heart and taken seriously.

Infant Drowns In A Bucket Of Water

"And as earlier highlighted majority of these cases unfortunately involve children who are under 10 years of age," she said. "We cannot stress this point enough and the onus is on parents and guardians to ensure their homes and surroundings are kept clear of materials that can pose a safety concern for their children." "Too many young innocent lives are being lost due to drowning related incidents and it is sad to receive such cases involving those deemed vulnerable and are at a stage in their life where they rely on others for their safety." "Children are inquisitive and once given the opportunity to explore which could expose them to a dangerous situation that could prove fatal." The drowning death toll stands at 57 compared to 30 for the same period last year.

Environmentally-Friendly Fuel Hits Fiji Market

Bred Bank Opening Boosts Confidence In The Economy

FIJIS newest bank, BRED Bank, opened its doors Monday after injecting close to $40 million into the Fijian economy against a backdrop of what Reserve Bank of Fiji Governor Barry Whiteside describes as sound financial sector. The French-owned bank not only reinforces this view of financial robustness but will further provide employment opportunities to Fijians and, through competition, will improve the banking experience for the public. With such favourable indicators, the entrance of BRED Bank is considered timely, and it is expected that customers will benefit from healthy competition within the industry, Mr Whiteside said. Governor Whiteside said the financial system continues to be sound with development in the various sectors reflective through the growth in the total assets of financial sectors. On the entrance of the newest player in the financial sector, Governor Whiteside said the bank viewed Fiji as having relatively good developed market size, with appealing future economic prospects. The fact that we are being seen more and more as an economic and financial hub in our Pacific region is also extremely appealing, Mr Whiteside told businessman, media and the public who gathered to partake in the stylish entrance of the bank. The BRED Bank (Fiji) Limited is locally incorporated and is a subsidiary of Compagnie Financiere de la BRED (COFIBRED). The Banks local chief executive officer, Satish Deb, said they were very passionate about the bank because they had created it with a culture and mindset to provide better banking for Fiji. As it opened its doors, the CEO highlighted that besides being customer-oriented, the inaugural offers by the bank for the customers who open their account includes not having to pay any monthly service or transaction fee on their premium savings account. On top of that, it also offers the current highest interest rate in the market with 2.75 per cent annum on all balances. And in a move that will surely please the Ministry of Social Welfare, the bank offers a quarter per cent above the published rates for savings and retail term deposits for senior citizens. Plus there will be no waiting in queues as the bank will have a separate counter for the senior citizens in the banks bid to display its respect and appreciation to these members of the community.

TOTAL (Fiji) Limited introduced its newest fuel product Excellium diesel and unleaded to the Fiji market that will benefit vehicle owners significantly and is anticipated to back efforts to protect the environment. The company had launched Excellium unleaded in April early this year to see whether or not the market was ready to change with its innovation. Positive results saw the introduction of this fuel, and boasts improved engine protection, reduced fuel consumption and lower carbondioxide emissions. Total (Fiji) Ltd managing director Sylvain Quemeneur said Excellium was committed to a 30-kilometer journey with a full tank but proven to have traveled from 60 to 80 kilometers further. He said the fuel was manufactured in Europe where their research centre was based and the result of research since 2004 after tests on more than 100 vehicles.

He said their aim was to ensure vehicle owners used every drop of the fuel. "We do trust in our security and our innovation," Mr Quemeneur said. "To be here in Fiji, we have to invest here so we keep coming up with innovation we want to leave the impression that there will be always innovation with us," he said. "And other ways we want to invest here is to create more employment and build new technology," he added in an interview. "Really, our investment (on introduction of Excellium) has really been about the environment. "We introduced this fuel here because here in Fiji, we really need to take care of our environment. This is paradise, it's beautiful but we must protect it." Mr Quemeneur said with the Excellium, vehicle owners would spend less on fuel because of reduced fuel consumption, and would retail at the same price as diesel and unleaded.

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Fiji News

Friday November 9, 2012

A new $3 million shopping complex in Carreras Road in Votualevu, Nadi has resulted in 50 new jobs. The complex which was opened by Prime Minister Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama has the U Save Supermarket, 12 shops attached to it and 14 market stalls. Complex owner Bobby Khan who migrated to NZ in 1989 said he is planning to build another 15 shops in the Complex next year which will become a big mall. Khan who is a car dealer and owns a finance company in New Zealand said after having success in New Zealand he decided to invest in Fiji and the Fiji governments policy of dual citizenship also attracted him. Commodore Bainimarama said the Government assists businesses as it provides people with jobs and sustainable livelihoods. The cost of attaining education at the University of the South Pacific will become higher from next year following the announcement of a 5% increase in tuition fees. The decision was reached during the 75th USP Council Meeting. Vice Chancellor and President of the University, Rajesh Chandra said they

$3M Shopping Complex Opened In Nadi

Any Bank Can Apply, Says RBF

FIJI'S central bank the Reserve Bank of Fiji (RBF) does not have a policy on limiting the number of financial institutions that can set up here in the country. While noting that entry in the local banking system was quite deregulated, RBF governor Barry Whiteside however, said that anyone could apply to establish a bank in the country. But he said those applicants must meet the RBF's "fairly" comprehensive licensing requirements that played an integral role in ensuring that were dealing with reputable, tried and proven players. Mr Whiteside said historically, they had had banks withdraw from the country for various reasons. He said some contended that indicated the country was sufficiently banked. While he said Fiji did not have that policy to limit players in the financial industry, added they would like to ensure that those institutions that do come in were strong and had the appropriate backing to take them forward. "May I add that the decision to commence full banking operations in a new jurisdiction is not a spur of the moment thing and is certainly not taken lightly," Mr Whiteside said at the opening of new entrant BRED Bank (Fiji) Limited. "Banking is a relatively difficult and complex business to establish. Setup and operating costs are extremely high," he said. He added that a new institution trying to position itself in an already competitive market must be prepared to do more to secure a share of that market. "There are strenuous compliance requirements set by the regulators that must first be met before the business can even think of taking in the first deposit, or giving out the first loan," Mr Whiteside said. "These compliance measures have been further strengthened since the Global Financial Crisis (GFC). The new operators also know that the cost of failure and subsequent withdrawal is extremely high," he said. He said developments in the various sectors had been reflective of the growth in the total assets of financial institutions.

However, he said that businesses also have a responsibility to play by the rules and ensure fairness for its consumers. The Prime Minister said that they are extremely concerned that some business houses in Fiji have chosen to impose excessive mark-ups in the price of some goods and services. He said this practice becomes even more unconscionable when Government has reduced or zero-rated duty to make goods more affordable for ordinary Fijians and certain business houses that import these goods do not reduce prices accordingly. He said such businesses reap huge profits at the expense of Government and the consumers. Bainimarama said that the government is watching these businesses closely and will take the necessary action to remedy this greed. had not increased the tuition fees since 2008, and to compensate for inflation and other increased costs the Council opted for this choice. Meanwhile, the Council has approved an annual plan for 2013 which has a proposed total income of $170.37million and a proposed total expenditure of $170.22million.

USP Tuition Fees To Increase By 5%

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Fiji News

Friday November 9, 2012


Fiji In The 81St Session Of General Assembly On Interpol

The Fijian Government has optimized on the opportunity to contribute to the 81st Session of the General Assembly on Interpol hosted by the Government of Italy. The Minister for Defence, National Security and Immigration, Mr Joketani Cokanasiga is representing the Fijian government at the meet and acknowledged the unprecedented support from member countries in the pursuit to meet the challenge of the 21st century crime. He said it was critical to discuss in the meeting ways and means of improving initiatives to enhancing global interaction and cooperation amongst Police institutions to combat organized crimes. Fiji being considered the hub of the Pacific, given the porous nature of borders and the limited resources remains susceptible to the commonly lucrative and multifaceted crimes such as illicit drug trafficking, trafficking in persons, money laundering and cyber activities, he said. Over the years, non-state actors have exploited the legal gaps, systems etc and these challenges are considered a catalyst to the committal of these crimes. Minister Cokanasiga gave an example of a case where a foreigner in collaboration with a local was arrested at the airport charged and is serving his sentence in prison for human trafficking. This case unraveled the existence of networks and well established syndicates within the region and its link to the international illicit market. This crime thrives given the limited resources and porous nature of our borders, outlined Mr. Cokanasiga in regards to the trafficking case. The inadequacies of resources have been a contributing factor to the problems in combating trafficking in persons in Fiji and smaller Island States. Mr. Cokanasiga further stated the revamp of Fijis Immigration laws to factor in combating, recognizing human trafficking and smuggling as an offence. The Government of Fiji in 2011 demonstrated significant efforts to establishing national framework that would address effectively the challenges of trans-border crimes and combating modern day slavery despite the challenges. Key stakeholders with the Ministry of Defence launched a National Plan of Action to eradicate Trafficking in persons & Child trafficking establishing a specialised unit to investigate cases abiding by international protocols. The challenge for Fiji is the capacity to effectively monitor perpetrators and victims associated with such illicit activities and any other forms of crime attached to human trafficking and smuggling. Although Fiji faced with the capacity constraints, it continues to make progress in developing its partnership with other member countries encouraging integrated approach to addressing crimes of this sort and of course the challenges that the 21st century will bring, Mr. Cokanasiga said. In relation to the evolving technology, complexity of crimes and the different modus operandi criminals, Fiji welcomes the approach for International assistance toward various spheres of investigation leading to outclass law enforcement. Defence Minister further elaborated certain forms of economic underdevelopment in terms of government infrastructure, systems and pertinent laws as variables that add to the scourge of human trafficking and smuggling. The various risk factors commonly associated with underdevelopment all contribute to shaping patterns of armed violence and emergence of complex crimes in most developing countries. So with our global partnership through Interpol office and existing bilateral with other traditional partners, Im certain that we would be able to address the ensuing issues of modern day slavery we should embark on capacity building, technology and most importantly sharing of crucial relevant information/data and resources, outlined Mr Cokanasiga. Minister Mr Joketani Cokanasiga concluded with Fijis request for more interactive discussions and cooperation with other countries.

59% Not Ready For Job Market

Fifty-nine per cent of the 12,000 people registered under the National Employment Centre (NEC) are not ready for the job market, according to a recent survey. This was revealed during the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Fiji National University and the National Employment Centre. Director for National Training and Productivity Centre of the Fiji National University Kamlesh Prakash said the university through NEC provided a whole range of tests which "tells the employer about the skills of the unemployed individuals". He said the findings were the result of an aptitude test taken by a selection of school dropouts as well as those still in high schools from the Central, Western and Northern divisions. "The tests help the employer to select the right individuals for the job," he said. Mr Prakash said the university was in charge of the facility "providing a whole battery of test to students to gauge their aptitude and IQ level". He said part of the training involved career guidance and counseling in which the university provided service to help students into desired areas of work according to the test results. FNU vice-chancellor Dr Ganesh Chand said the objective was to gain full employment of the youths. He said employment generation led to poverty alleviation which in turn prepared the youths for the job market. Minister of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment Jone Usamate said a strong skilled learning force that was committed could be a source of attraction for investment. He said greater employment prospect was a policy of the government. "We have to make sure that everything we do leads to employment," he said.

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The Fijian government sent a note of congratulations to the recently re-elected President of the United States of America, President Barrack Obama. Head of Government Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama wrote on behalf of government and the people of Fiji in conveying this message. On behalf of the Government and People of Fiji, and on my own behalf, I send you our warmest congratulations

Fiji Congratulates Obama On Election Victory

on your re-election to the Presidency of your great country. Your victory has been resoundingly welcomed from Fiji and from around the world. We offer you our best wishes for the challenging task you have to lead the American people through this turbulent phase in world history and to continue to provide the leadership and the inspiration for the free world, a task for which you have the strongest support of my Government.


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Fiji News

Friday November 9, 2012

Minister Visits MFO Headquarters

Minister of Defence, National Security, and Immigration Mr. Joketani COKANASIGA with MFO Chief Financial Officer, Mr. John Durie The Minister of Defence, National Lieutenant Colonel Pacolo Luveni, Security, and Immigration, Mr Joketani and senior ministry official, Mr Joji Cokanasiga made a courtesy call on the Dumukoro. Director General of the Multi-national Issues discussed included the Force and Observer Mission (MFO) at reimbursement costs to the Fiji the MFO Headquarters (HQ) in Rome, Government for Fijis troops serving Italy. with the MFO, and negotiations for an The Minister, who is currently in increase in Fijian soldiers death and Rome attending an Interpol General injury compensation rates. Assembly Meeting, called on the MFO The Ministerial Delegation traveled to HQ to discuss issues regarding Fijis Egypt to visit Fijis troops in Sinai. The soldiers serving with the MFO in the MFO Mission has, in recent months, Sinai Desert, Egypt. been the subject of numerous attacks The Minister was accompanied by by various armed elements. The Fiji the Commander Land Force of the area of responsibility is tense at the RFMF, Colonel Mosese Tikoitoga, moment, with Fiji troops and the MFO, the Director Army Legal Services, being placed on a high alert status.

Foreign Relations 'Must Translate Into Benefits'

Fijis Prime Ministers office permanent secretary Pio Tikoduadua says that foreign relations must translate into development benefits for the country. He made these comments while on tour at the Fijian Embassy in Seoul, Korea. Marketing strategies and products that we sell needs to attract the kind of things that they do, Tikoduadua said. He further added that people on diplomatic missions abroad need to understand what Fiji provides that will sell and in the end lure foreigners to hop into a 10-hour flight to Fiji as opposed to going to a closer destination. This is a critical link and so we all need to work together whether it is for business, honeymoon or whatever. The link enables us to do a lot of things. It is therefore a critical joint, Tikoduadua added. Tikoduadua was also joined by Fiji National Provident Fund chief executive Aisake Taito who was in Korea to attend the International Social Security Association Conference in which the FNPF won two awards; for Reforming National Provident Fund Pension Scheme and for Promoting External Financial Literacy.

Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama congratulated the Federated States of Micronesia on the 26thanniversary of their National Day. In his letter to the FSMs President, His Excellency Emmanuel Mori, Prime Minister Bainimarama sent well wishes to the people and the government of the FSM. I extend on behalf of the Government and people of Fiji and on my own behalf, our best wishes and warmest congratulations to the Government and people of the Federated States of Micronesia. Celebrated on the 3rd of November, the anniversary in the FSM gave the

Fiji Joins The FSM In National Celebrations

Fijian government the opportunity to reaffirm the relations between the two countries. As Fiji and the Federated States of Micronesia continue to enjoy their collegial relations, we must capture every opportunity that keep emerging for strengthening development partnership at a bi-lateral level as well as within the broader framework of the Pacific region and the global agendas in general, PM Bainimarama said. Please accept, Excellency, our best wishes for your continuing good health and happiness and for the prosperity and enduring resilience of the people of the Federated States of Micronesia.

13,421 Sit For FSLC Examination

A total of 13,421 students are sitting this year's Fiji School Leaving Certificate (FSLC) examination which commenced Monday as seventh formers look to complete their Fiji Seventh Form exams across 164 secondary schools around the country Minister of Education Filipe Bole has conveyed his well wishes to students. According to the Education ministry, there has been an increase in the number of centers hosting exams this year from 161 last year. The examination ends on November 19th.

A team of medical specialists from Taiwan arrived in the country to help villages and patients in the Sigatoka area. The group consists of cardiologists, nurses, psychiatrists, dermatologists and pediatricians. They are part of the International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF) medical mission to Fiji. "We have got a very strong line up this year and we believe that only by providing accessible and affordable health care, will we be able to help build a better nation," said the director and acting High Commissioner of the Trade Mission of Taiwan, Hommer

From Taiwan With Love

Chang. Minister for Health Dr Sharma said the team would target the Nadroga and Navosa areas as well as attend to patients working at the Sigatoka Hospital. "All specialists will attend to patients and optimise their environments," Dr Sharma said. He said the visit would also help upskill local doctors and nurses. "It's a great way of interacting, learning and providing services for the people of Fiji," said Dr Sharma. According to co-ordinator Vanessa YiYin Lin, the team had been travelling to Fiji since 2010.

Fiji News

Friday November 9, 2012


Need To Revive Nursing Spirit

Bring back the spirit of Florence Nightingale to the nursing profession where passion and care is synonymous with the nurses themselves. This was the message this week from the Minister for Health Dr Neil Sharma when he spoke to what he termed as an Elite Nursing squad" which consists of 21 experienced nurses. The selection process for the squad followed an internal advertisement in the CWM Hospital. Selections were then based on the criteria of 5-9 years of experience, and maturity in the principles of nursing. Dr Sharma said that the extent of negative feedback about the poor standard of nursing care has prompted for a change in this area of concern. We need a system to develop our nursing and medical capacity a lot more. So to that effect, there has been a lot more technology input in CWM hospital. We also have to improve the human factor, the nurses. We need a very new class of nurses, an Elite work force, Dr Sharma said. The Elite nurses will undergo weeks of training in areas of ethics and professionalism through interactive sessions on laws and the psychological aspects. A new system of remuneration called the Annual Performance Assessment to be introduced by next year features nurses being remunerated based on commitment and utmost performance. Bonuses and overseas attachments for upskilling and training are also efforts to reward nurses and improve patient care.

Fiji - Where happiness finds you

This will be the slogan for Fijis new global advertising and marketing campaign following the previous branding name Fiji Me. During the launch in Denarau, Tourism Minister Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum shared that the new campaign is designed to encourage tourists from around the world to make Fiji their number one holiday and conference destination. Last year, a research project on Fijis marketing positioning done by the Board revealed that the current branding, Fiji Me was not having the desired impact globally and that Fiji needed a new marketing strategy. Meanwhile the new global advertising campaign has been developed by New Zealand-based ad agency, ColensoBBDO and will feature spectacular images of the spirit of Fiji captured by worldrenowned internationally-acclaimed photographer, Steve McCurry. Sydney-based agency, Circulate is developing a social media campaign designed to capitalise on the major opportunity presented online and create local and overseas advocates of tourism in Fiji.

Poverty Day Campaign An Absolute Success

Close to one million dollars in unpaid water bills have been waived as part of the Bill Waiver campaign which started last month. This is according to Water Authority of Fiji Chief Executive Officer Opetaia Ravai who says that at least one thousand people have benefited from

Nearly $1 Million In Water Bills Waived

this campaign. $20 million is still being owed in outstanding bills which have accumulated over the years and question was raised with Ravai on how the dues will be collected. The Bill Waiver Campaign ends on 31st of next month.

The recently commemorated 2012 International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (IDEP) by Government has been a huge success. We have been receiving feedback from the ground and the word is the same IDEP has been great. We have achieved what we had set out to do and that was to raise awareness on poverty and to show the services that various government agencies provide on the ground in their own way alleviate poverty, said the Poverty Monitoring Unit director Mr Meleti Bainimarama said. For the first time, Government took the IDEP to the North where it was commemorated in three centres: Kubulau, Bua on 19 October; Taveuni on 26 October; and Dreketi, Cakaudrove on 2 November with the international theme of Ending the Violence of Extreme Poverty: Promoting Empowerment and Building Peace. We decided to align this years IDEP to Governments Look North policy

where economic development is the priority. And so Government has began taking the necessary measures to ensure economic prosperity for Vanua Levu is made a reality through infrastructural initiatives such as the signing of the $200million upgrading of the Nabouwalu-Dreketi road which will be commencing soon, the upgrading of the Hibiscus highway; and the recent completion of the Savusavu Jetty improvement, Mr Bainimarama said. Mr Bainimarama said the infrastructure developments taking place in Vanua Levu would indirectly assist government in alleviating poverty in the North. The commemoration of IDEP in these three centers was an opportunity for Government to bring its services to the peoples doorstep. Government can only do so much; we can only promote empowerment, but it is really up to the people to take the initiative and end the violence of poverty. IDEP is usually observed annually on October 17.

Commonwealth Secretary-General Kamalesh Sharma says the door is open to Fiji's military government if it wants to discuss a return to democracy. The 54-member organisation Tuvalu and Kiribati for the past two suspended Fiji in 2009 after it failed to weeks and passed through Brisbane hold multi-party elections. on Thursday on his way back to the The military government lifted Commonwealth Secretariat in London. draconian emergency laws in January He is also working to build up national this year and in May appointed a institutions in many of Fiji's small special commission to draw up a new island neighbours. constitution. "They're faced with enormous Military leader Commodore Frank challenges," he said. Bainimarama claims Fiji will hold free "We need to understand how we can and fair elections in 2014. assist them." Mr Sharma says the Commonwealth Mr Sharma said protecting human rights, has been in touch with the regime improving conservation, developing recently and offered to help out. businesses, strengthening the judiciary "We are watching it very closely and democracy, cutting public debt and and our offer to help re-establishing fighting climate change were crucial. democracy in Fiji is an open one," he But capacity limitations make directing told AAP from Fiji. funds difficult. "Although Fiji is currently suspended, "How can you unlock the funding that that in no way affects my mandate; it's is already waiting there," Mr Sharma a continuing one to show openness to asked. engage. "We've got to work out where to direct "If they want to talk to us, if they need the funds and how to help organisations any help, we're here." and groups within these states access The secretary-general has been in them."

Door Open For Fiji


Friday November 9, 2012

Mika Singh Concert Vancouver BC November 4 2012

Friday November 9, 2012


Mika Singh Concert Vancouver BC November 4 2012


Friday November 9, 2012



Friday November 9, 2012


Lakshmi was the daughter of the sage Bhrigu and took refuge in the ocean of milk when the gods were sent into exile. Lakshmi was reborn during the Churning of the Ocean. As soon as the gods saw Lakshmi, they all fell in love with her beauty. Shiva claimed Lakshmi as his wife, but since he had already taken the Moon, her hand was given to Vishnu, whom Lakshmi herself preferred. Lakshmi is the goddess of light, beauty, good fortune and wealth. While Laxmi is generally worshiped to achieve success, she does not reside long with anyone who is lazy or desire her only as wealth. Steps of Lakshmi Pooja Spread a new cloth on a raised platform: Place a handful of grains in the center and, on this, place a kalash (pitcher) made of gold, silver, copper, or terracotta. Fill three-fourth of the kalash with water and place a betel nut, a flower, a coin, and some rice grains in it. Arrange five kinds of leaves or mango leaves in the kalash. Place a small dish on the kalash and fill it with rice grains. Draw a lotus with turmeric powder ( haldi ) over the rice grains and place the idol of goddess Lakshmi over it, along with coins. Place the idol of Ganesha: In front of the kalash, on the right (South-West direction), place the idol of Ganesha. Also place ink and books related to your business or occupation on the platform. Light a lamp and begin the puja by offering haldi, kumkum, and flowers to the platform on which the kalash is placed. Then offer haldi, kumkum, and flowers to the water that is to be used for the puja. Invoke the river goddesses to be part of this water. Invoke goddess: Lakshmi by reciting

Lakshmi Pooja

the Vedic mantras addressed to her. One can also recite the mantras mentioned in the Puranas or simply take some flowers in your hands, close your eyes, and think of goddess Lakshmi being showered with gold coins by two elephants standing on either side of Her and chant Her name. Then offer the flowers to the idol. Place the idol of Lakshmi: Place the idol of Lakshmi in a plate and bathe it with water, panchamrit (a mixture of milk, curd, ghee or clarified butter, honey, and sugar) and then with water containing some gold ornament or a pearl. Wipe the idol clean and place it back on the kalash. Alternately, you can just sprinkle water and panchamrit on the idol with a flower. Offerings: Offer sandal paste, saffron paste, perfume ( itr ), haldi, kumkum, abeer, and gulal to the goddess. Offer a garland of cotton beads to the goddess. Offer flowers, especially the marigold flowers and leaves of Bel (wood apple tree). Light an incense stick and dhoop. Make an offering of sweets, coconut, fruits, and tambul. Make an offering of puffed rice and batasha. Pour some puffed rice, batasha, coriander seeds, and cumin seeds over the idol. Safe where you keep money and jewelry; Worship this safe as a symbol of Lord Kuber. Aarti: Finally, perform the aarti for goddess Lakshmi. Always remember that she does not like loud noise. So the aarti should be accompanied only by a small bell. Do not clap hands, as is the practice when performing aarti for other gods. A peaceful and sublime atmosphere should prevail during the diwali day pujan. Do not light crackers while the puja is on or immediately after it.

Dhanteras marks the first day of fivedays-long Diwali Festival. Dhanteras Festival, also known as Dhantrayodashi or Dhanwantari Triodasi, falls on the auspicious thirteenth lunar day of Krishna Paksha in the Hindu month of Kartik (October/November). In the word Dhanteras, "Dhan" stands for wealth. On Dhanteras Goddess Laxmi is worshiped to provide prosperity and well being. Hence Dhan Teras holds a lot more significance for the business community Dhanteras Legends A very interesting story about Dhanteras Festival says that once the sixteen year old son of King Hima. was doomed to die by a snake-bite on the fourth day of his marriage as per his horoscope. On that particular fourth day of his marriage his young wife did not allow him to sleep. She laid all the ornaments and lots of gold and silver coins in a big heap at the entrance of her husband's boudoir and lighted innumerable lamps all over the place. And she went on telling stories and singing songs. When Yama, the god of Death arrived there in the guise of a Serpent his eyes got blinded by that dazzle of those brilliant lights and he could not enter the Prince's chamber. So he climbed on top of the heap of the ornaments and coins and sat there whole night listening to the melodious songs. In the morning he quietly went away. Thus the young wife saved her husband from the clutches of death. Since then this day of Dhanteras came to be known as the day of "Yamadeepdaan" and lamps are kept burning throughout the night in reverential adoration to Yam, the god of Death. According to another popular legend, when the gods and demons churned the ocean for Amrit or nectar, Dhanavantri (the physician of the gods and an incarnation of Vishnu) emerged carrying a jar of the elixir on the day of Dhanteras. Dhanteras Preparations To mark the auspicious day, houses and business premises are renovated and decorated. Entrances are made colorful with lovely traditional motifs of Rangoli designs to welcome the Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity. To indicate her long-awaited arrival, small footprints are drawn with rice flour and vermilion powder all over the houses. Lamps are kept burning all through the nights. Dhanteras Traditions On Dhanteras Hindus consider it auspicious to purchase gold or silver articles or at least one or two new utensils. It is believed that new Dhan or some form of precious metal is a sign of good luck. "Laxmi-Puja" is performed in the evenings when tiny Diyas of clay are lighted to drive away the shadows of evil spirits. "Bhajans"devotional songs- in praise of Goddess Laxmi are also sung. Dhanteras Celebrations Dhanteras is celebrated with enthusiasm. "Lakshmi-Puja" is performed in the evenings when tiny clay diyas are lighted to drive away the shadows of evil spirits. Bhajans or devotional songs- in praise of Goddess Laxmi are sung and "Naivedya" of traditional sweets is offered to the Goddess. There is a peculiar custom in Maharashtra to lightly pound dry coriander seeds with jaggery and offer as Naivedya. In villages cattle are adorned and worshiped by farmers as they form the main source of their income. In south cows are offered special veneration as they are supposed to be the incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi and therefore they are adorned and worshiped on this day.


Chai Time

Friday November 9, 2012


This may be nervous week for you. You may have health issues relating to stomach, liver or intestine. You should be very cautious and disciplined about your dietary habits. Problems to your thickest friend may cause anxiety. Your negligence may give destructive results. As a student you need to improve your presentation skills. However the pressure may be, you will come out successful at the end of the week. Mother may have sudden journeys or temporary depression. Children may have encouraging results in education and delay in career. Spouse may have indiscreet expenditure. It is better to avoid money lending to others. Father may have financial losses and needs your support to come out of it. During this week you may have additional responsibilities even from strangers. Elder siblings may have relief in career whereas younger siblings face financial crisis.


You will have memorable events during this week. You may enjoy monetary benefits from career. You will feel proud for your efforts in desired field. You may even forgive envious persons at office and home. You may try to invest in speculation as a long term strategy. Repairs to house or vehicle may irritate you. Students related to accounts and technical subjects may have encouraging results. Mother may spend more for proud and lavishness. Children will have success abroad or there may be finalization of a marriage alliance. Spouse may have financial gains during the week and his/her decision to invest the same may not materialize. Father will have troubles in career which can be resolved towards the end of the week. Elder siblings may enter into partnership business whereas younger siblings will taste loss in a real estate deal.

your patience. You may have criticism at home even after your sincere efforts. You may prefer loneliness to company and seclusion than public life. Saturn in ascendant may not allow you to move freely. Minor health issues will have major affect on your life. Students may have average performance due to over confidence and excitement. Mother may have pleasant life at work place and enjoys respect as well as recognition. Children may plan for education abroad. However disturbances in love matter may worry them. Spouse will have Change in career or minor accidents while in transit. Father may have pleasant news or he may plan for a long journey to holy places. Elder siblings may finalize an investment option. They may have delayed results at work place or trouble through boss. Younger siblings will get clearance for journey abroad.




You may have normal results during this week. Jupiter in retro in ascendant may have lethargic effect on you. You may have to do the same thing more than once to complete it. If you are searching for a beautiful house this is a fruitful week. Venus in 5th house in debilitation may cause distraction at college or workplace from opposite sex. You should not interfere in others matters and focus on your life. Students will have positive results. Mother may have benefit of land or vehicle. Children may have a long journey which may involve troubles. Care should be taken regarding female children (in teenage). Spouse may have new business ideas but extreme financial pressure. Father may have temporary health disturbance but success in career. Elder siblings need more patience to solve career related problems. They may also have trouble in love life. Younger siblings may purchase a vehicle.

You may have an energetic and ambitious week ahead. You may take every event as a challenge to prove your abilities. Your enthusiasm may hurt others hence try to control your emotions. You may spend more money on jewels and other costly articles to impress be loved. There may be benefits to land or financial support from relatives. You may have success through journeys or you may enter in to new contracts. Success in education is likely. Mother may have change in career or support from her father. Children will outperform in education and career. Spouse will have better opportunities in career and recognition at work place. Father may have health disturbances like piles, or urine infection. Elder siblings may have financial pressure or breakup in love affairs. Younger siblings may have mixed results in career and pressure in family life.


You may enjoy another electrifying week. You may be entrusted with a responsible task at work place. Moon in 10th house will boost up your confidence levels and your efforts will give better yield. You may have noble thoughts and fertile imagination regarding your future. Students will have testing time as they may suffer with forgetfulness. Any decision regarding higher education should be postponed. Mother may have blood related issues or proneness to diabetes. Children may suffer in love matters or they may not able to take any decision regarding career. Results of an interview may with hold this week. Spouse will have argumentative outlook and father may have financial deficiency. Elder siblings may prosper well in their life. Child birth may bring happiness in their life. Younger siblings will enjoy success in career.

this week. You may have to wait till the last moment even in petty issues. You may be dejected with the dullness in life. Though everything seems to be pleasant but there may be sudden failure in the last moment. You may have speculative loss as a reason of hesitation to take a decision. There may be mixed results related to education. Mother may have pleasant life as she may feel contended with her life. If she is in business then utmost care should be taken while recording transactions. Children may have success in love affairs but their choice may not be the right one. Spouse will have improvement in status. He/ she may enjoy the benefit of land/house/ vehicle. Father may take miserable decisions like standing as guarantor for his friends, rash investments etc. Elder siblings may lose money in speculation or indiscreet expenditure. Younger siblings may decide to resign job.



You may have health issues and emotional situations during this week. Mercury being in 6th house may cause nervous weakness or pessimistic thoughts. You may not be in a position to accept any sort of negative results. There may be attitude problems in love life and better to be silent. Venus in 4th house may offer success in education but Jupiter afflicting Venus may dilute the satisfaction. Mother may have sudden expenditure or hospitalization. She needs rest and peace of mind to stabilize her health. Children may have average performance in studies and career. They should be more disciplined in life. Spouse may have spectacular loss in speculation otherwise she may have work in distant place. Father may have tough time with his superior and elder siblings may have trouble in their married life. Younger siblings may have success in education.

You may have more expenditure than expected throughout the week. There may be change in nature of work. You may have unexpected enmity with colleagues or neighbours for no reason. You may postpone your decision regarding post graduation studies. Delay in a communication may frustrate you. There may be promising results for students. Mother needs special attention regarding her health. She may face embarrassing situations with her relatives. Children will have success in education and promotion in career. Spouse may have extra burden at work place which results in exhaustion. He/ she may need pleasant time to restore the energy. Father may have new business proposals and encouraging results if he is in banking/education sector. Elder siblings may reach to new heights in spite of problems at home whereas younger siblings will have problematic life.



There may be thorough changes in your life this week. You may try to change your life style because of realization. If you are searching for a job then this week may prove fruitful. There may be delay in finalization of a trip to distant places. You may spare with no time to spend with your family members. You may be warned by doctors regarding a dangerous health hazard. There may be mixed results for students and results of an examination may be postponed extending your nervousness. Mother may feel loneliness as Venus is debilitated in 7th house. Children will have health hazards or minor injuries while playing. Spouse may have heavy work load or there may be distractions at work place by colleagues. Father may buy new conveyance or invest in a fixed asset. Elder siblings may have financial pressure as well as ill reputation. Younger siblings may have good opportunities in career.

you may have memorable times during this week. You may take major decision regarding your higher education. Your attraction towards another person may ruin your intelligence. You may long for intimacy, love and affection. Few marriage proposals may bring hope. Mercury in 10th house gives you an opportunity to learn different nature of work. There may be change in your job or your superior may get a new job. Your observation and analytical skills need to be improved a lot. Mother may feel dizziness or indigestion and need proper medical guidance. Children may have encouraging results regarding education and a progress in fine arts satisfies you. Spouse may have wavering mind and fluctuating confidence levels. Father may have transfer or deputation to a distant place. Elder siblings may face marital problems whereas younger siblings may indulge in minor accidents.


This is going to be a testing week for


You may have nervous moments during

You may enjoy mixed results in various fronts of life. You may have back pain or excess heat in the starting of the week. You may not complete your assignment with in stipulated time which is major source of your worry. However you may speed up your work and complete them in the end of the week. Students should not postpone their studies. Even slight negligence from your side costs more. Mother may be interested in short journeys or refreshment trips. Children will do well in education and career but the outcome may be postponed to next week. Spouse will successfully overcome financial struggles. Father may try to expand the business which may fall through. Elder siblings may have prosperity in career but silly mistakes may cause anxiety. Younger siblings will try to speed up their lives. It is better for them to post pone decisions relating to marriage or business.

World News
The first club a 22,000-squarefoot (6700-square-meter), open-air property on Candolim beach in the tourist hotspot of Goa is scheduled to open in mid-December, followed by a second club in the southern Indian city of Hyderabad early next year, Gupta said. Though Indians may soon get to mingle with bunnies on the beach, they still can't buy Playboy magazine, which is banned in India. Gupta said he wants to separate the powerful Playboy brand from its adult associations, remaking it as an aspirational lifestyle brand for the growing Indian middle class. He pledged to build clubs his wife would want to visit and plans an aggressive advertising campaign to strip his venture of any adult associations. "We will dissociate from nudity completely," he said. "We are positioning it around lifestyle, aspiration and glamour." So far, the company has been vexed in that effort, with media outlets plastering photos of Sherlyn Chopra, the first Indian woman to pose nude for Playboy magazine, next to articles about the club. "I have nothing against her, but as an Indian lady she is associated with Playboy magazine," Gupta said. "PB Lifestyle has nothing to do with that." He said the company plans to invest $37.5 million to open clubs, bars and cafes over the next five years, with a

Friday November 9, 2012


India is set to get its first Playboy club next month, with demurely dressed bunnies and a focus on glamour instead of sex. The club's promoters are striving to recast the Playboy brand so that it won't spark a backlash in a country that has only slowly come to terms with deep kisses on the big screen. That means there won't be nudity, but there will be bunnies though whether they will sport bodices, bunny ears and cotton tails remains in question. "Bunnies are an integral part of Playboy culture," said Sanjay Gupta, the chief executive of PB Lifestyle. "We will have bunnies but keeping in mind Indian sensibilities, we are toning down the costume. We are working very closely with Playboy to design a bunny outfit for India." He said the details of the Indian bunny costume are "confidential." PB Lifestyle is a Mumbai-based company with an exclusive license from Playboy Enterprises to open Playboy clubs, hotels, bars and cafes and sell Playboy branded merchandise in India.

India's First Playboy Club To Focus On 'Glamour'

goal of opening 120 outlets, including retail stores, over the next decade. Local officials will be monitoring Gupta's efforts with interest. "Assuming there is going to be vulgarity and activities that are not in tune with the Goan culture, their proposal will not be granted permission," said Nikhil Desai, Goa's director of tourism. "However, they could be setting up a perfectly decent club."

Voters in Puerto Rico have supported a non-binding referendum to become a full US state. The measure will require approval from the US Congress, but President Barack Obama has said he will respect the vote. The island is currently a US territory, which uses the dollar and whose citizens travel on US passports. But it does not return senators to the US Congress and is represented in Washington by a non-voting delegate. Almost 80% of the island's electorate took part in the referendum, the fourth in the past 45 years. With almost all the votes counted, almost 54% voted to change the island's relationship with the US. And in reply to a second question on what future they favoured, nearly twothirds wanted full statehood.

Puerto Rico Wants To Become The 51St State Of The US

If Congress grants its approval, Puerto Ricans would have the right to vote in all US elections, but would also have to pay federal taxes, something at present they are excused from. The island came under US control in 1898 when Spain lost the island at the end of the Spanish-American war. Ties were strengthened in 1917 when Puerto Ricans became US citizens and were allowed to serve in the military. 'No other option' There are now almost a million more Puerto Ricans in the US than on the island. Supreme Court judge Sonia Sotomayor, singer Jennifer Lopez and the former jazz musician Tito Puente are all of Puerto Rican descent, though all three were born in New York. Ties between the island and the mainland are strong and many on the island considered it inevitable that a full union be requested. A young voter in the capital San Juan, Jerome Lefebre, said: "Puerto Rico has to be a state. There is no other option. "We're doing okay, but we could do better. We would receive more benefits, a lot more financial help." But that opinion was rejected by Ramon Lopez de Azua: "Puerto Rico's problem is not its political status. "I think that the United States is the best country in the world, but I am

Puerto Rican first." The island has been hit hard by the current recession - it has debts of $68bn (42bn) and unemployment is more than 13%. President Barack Obama, who visited the island last year, has said he will respect the will of Puerto Ricans if there is a clear majority. Any change would require approval by the US Congress, but no territory has ever been denied a petition for admission to the States.

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World News

Friday November 9, 2012

State bill comes after disabled woman wins claim. Queensland has introduced legislation now preparing to sidestep further that will allow it to discriminate against challenges by amending the AntiNew Zealanders by blocking access to Discrimination Act. government aid. The amendments are included in the The legislation is contained in Youth Justice (Boot Camp Orders) and amendments to the state's Anti- Other Legislation Amendment Bill, the Discrimination Act, included in a bill primary purpose of which is to allow to establish boot camps for young the sentencing of young offenders offenders. to a month in a boot camp centre, It follows an out-of-court settlement where they would take part in physical with disabled New Zealander Hannah training, health and substance abuse Campbell, who has cerebral palsy and programmes. requires fulltime care. The changes are covered in a section In a hearing New Zealand advocates of the act overriding requirements hoped would become a test case for the of citizenship and visa status in increasing exclusion of Kiwis from a government eligibility policies. wide range of benefits, concessions and "The exemption will only apply to government assistance across Australia, government policies for the provision 20-year-old Ms Campbell challenged of financial or other assistance, services the refusal of disability payments on or support and will only extend to the basis of discrimination. citizenship or visa status criteria," The claim centered on the fact that Attorney-General Jarrod Bleijie told the special category visa applies only the State Parliament. to New Zealanders, and exclusion "It is not a blanket exemption for on that basis contravened the Anti- government policies in relation to Discrimination Act's provisions other grounds covered by the Anticovering race, nationality and ethnicity. Discrimination Act. The Queensland Government defended "Public resources are finite. Limits its position by defining Ms Campbell must often be placed on who is ligible as a temporary resident because of the for government-funded assistance. special category visa she was granted "The exemption will ensure that on arrival in 2006. government entities can adopt and All New Zealanders arriving after implement assistance policies based February 2001 are subject to such on citizenship or residency without visas, which allow unlimited residence being exposed to litigation which and employment, but deny them access would further deplete scarce public to the dole, and many social welfare resources." payments and other safety nets. New Zealand advocate David Faulkner Recent exclusions include ineligibility for said the amendments, which would emergency housing in New South Wales, legalise discrimination on the grounds and student travel concessions in Victoria. of nationality or visa status, were Australians living in New Zealand are clearly a response to Ms Campbell's eligible for most benefits and other case. payments. "It seems to be targeting New The Queensland Civil and Zealanders." Administrative Tribunal said Ms SCV Campbell appeared to have a strong * Special category visa. case of direct discrimination under the * Applies to New Zealanders arriving state's anti-discrimination laws. in Australia since February 2001. "The claimant's position should be * Allows unlimited residence and regarded as strong, and any reasonable employment, but denies access to many settlement ought to obtain a result close social welfare payments, including the to that of a successful claim." dole, and other safety nets. But the state's decision to settle denied * Recent exclusions include New Zealand advocates the opportunity ineligibility for emergency housing in of a test case to use in other litigation, New South Wales, and student travel and the Queensland Government is concessions in Victoria.

Aussie Move To Block Welfare For Kiwis

At Least 4 Dead After Shopping Mall Collapse

A six-storey shopping mall has collapsed in the Ghanaian capital Accra, killing at least four people, but a desperate rescue operation has so far retrieved 39 survivors. Police say 50 employees worked in the building, but all were not believed there before the collapse, which occurred ahead of opening time on Wednesday morning. A total number of those inside at the time has not yet been determined. President John Dramani Mahama has suspended his campaign ahead of December 7 elections, and has offered prayers for those trapped and called the incident a "tragedy" as he visited the site. Thousands flocked to the scene, including family members in search of relatives. A police official says the 39 people pulled from the rubble alive have been taken to hospital for treatment. Family members could be seen at the site attempting to call relatives who may be trapped, while scores of rescue workers at the scene sought to clear debris and get oxygen masks to victims. A man who saw his brother being put in an ambulance on a stretcher yelled out in agony: "He can't move. He can't move." The cause of the collapse of the Melcom shopping mall in the centre of the capital is not immediately clear.

Thousands Displaced By Floods In India's Andhra Pradesh

The floods were triggered by a tropical cyclone Flooding has forced almost 100,000 people to leave their homes after torrential rain lashed the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh, officials say. The death toll in rain-related incidents has risen to 25, with more than 1,500 homes damaged. Rescue teams have helped more than 2,000 people stranded in flooded regions, a navy release said. The rains were triggered by a cyclone which hit Andhra Pradesh last week. Cyclone Nilam hit parts of the state and neighbouring Tamil Nadu with winds of up to 100km/h (60mph). The cyclone killed more than 10 people, including crew members of an oil tanker which ran ground near Chennai (Madras). Heavy rains have disrupted normal life, as well as rail and road traffic in at least six districts in coastal areas of Andhra Pradesh. Crops have also been damaged. The districts of Visakhapatnam, East and West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur and Khammam are among the worst hit by the flooding. Most of the deaths were caused by drowning and house collapses in East Godavari district, which experienced the heaviest rainfall in 40 years, senior official T Radha told the Associated Press news agency. Mr Radha said 95,000 people had been moved to over 100 state-run relief camps in three districts. PM Manmohan Singh had called state Chief Minister Kiran Kumar Reddy and offered federal help for the floodaffected areas, a statement issued by Mr Singh's office said.

Authorities say a nun with a gambling addiction is accused of stealing $155,000 from two rural parishes where she worked. Orleans County District Attorney Joseph Cardone says Sister Mary Anne Rapp is scheduled to appear Monday evening in court on grand larceny charges. Her lawyer, James Harrington, says she'll plead not guilty.

US Nun With Gambling Addiction Stole $155,000

Rapp is a member of the Sisters of St. Francis, based in Lewiston, north of Buffalo. Sister Edith Wyss, the order's provincial minister, says Rapp was placed on leave from her parishes in February 2011 and agreed to seek treatment for a gambling problem. Wyss says Rapp is now in recovery. The thefts occurred in two parishes and were discovered during a church audit.

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World News

Friday November 9, 2012


World's Most Prolific Surrogate Mum Quitting After Giving Away 13 Babies

CAROLE Horlock felt her growing baby move inside her for the first time early this month - an unmistakable fluttering which is a joyful milestone in any healthy pregnancy. Its a sensation with which Carole is a baby thats biologically mine, but not unfamiliar, having been pregnant Id never have agreed if I hadnt been many times before. She loves the certain the couples Ive helped would whole experience, she says. make fabulous mothers and fathers. Yet when she gives birth, she will "Ive never had any regrets. They hand over the baby to another couple, are all lovely people who have been without as much as a cuddle. through so much heartache, and I know At 46, Carole is the worlds most Ive given people who cant conceive prolific surrogate mother - a title which the most precious gift of all." has earned her enormous admiration. It is hard not to be touched by Caroles On one occasion, she was also mired in altruistic sentiments, but there is no controversy when it was revealed that question that surrogacy remains highly the son she had given to one couple was controversial. not the result of artificial insemination While payment for it is illegal, with the fathers sperm, as planned, but surrogate mothers are paid pregnancy was actually the result of a natural - if "expenses" of up to 10,000 (approx accidental - pregnancy with her partner $15,300) by the couples whose baby Paul. they carry. She handed the baby over nonetheless Carole is horrified by any suggestion - the ninth of 12 babies she has carried that she has ever been a surrogate for for other women, including twins and a the money. set of triplets. In total, she has brought "Its a ludicrous suggestion. I do it to joy to nine couples. help ordinary couples, and they pay me In April, if all goes smoothly, Carole will what they can afford," she says. give birth to her 13th surrogate baby - Many women struggle to understand after which, she insists, she will call it a how any mother could hand over a day. "I have to stop because of my age, child she has carried for nine months, but I wish I didnt have to," she says. but Carole has a ready answer. "I dont "Some people ask how I can give up see the babies as my own," she insists.

The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwell have arrived in Port Moresby for the first leg of their visit to Papua New Guinea, Australia and New Zealand. There was a crowd of several thousand at the airport, trying to catch a glimpse of Prince Charles and his wife Camilla. The royal couple was given a 21 gun salute and was also greeted by 200 school children in traditional PNG dress. Prime Minister Peter O'Neill met the couple and Prince Charles inspected the guard of honour and the military band. The governor-general awarded Prince Charles one of PNG's highest honours, making him a grand companion of the Order of Logohu, which means he can be called a chief. Their royal highnesses were then whisked off to their hotel as children along the roads cheered and waved Papua New Guinean and British flags. On Sunday they will travel to Boera village to get a taste of the local culture and attend a public church service. The Duchess of Cornwall will also have an orchid named after her. Resident Ganiga Gomara says everyone is very excited. "They don't know what to expect but

Crowds Welcome Prince Charles, Camilla To PNG

on the day they will definitely be more than excited," she said. It will be Prince Charles' fourth visit to PNG and Camilla's first. Preparations for the royal visit have been underway for several weeks, with the city's infamous potholes being filled in along the route the royal couple will travel. Scores of people have also been picking up garbage from the streets. The November 3-16 trip is the latest to the Commonwealth by senior royals to mark Queen Elizabeth II's diamond jubilee. Prince Charles will be looking to build on a surge in enthusiasm for the royal family during his Pacific tour. When the royals arrive in Australia, they will tour Longreach, in Queensland's central west, as well as Melbourne, Adelaide, Hobart, Sydney and Canberra. The royal couple wraps up their trip in New Zealand, where Prince Charles will celebrate his 64th birthday on November 14. Their main functions are in Auckland and Wellington and will include a traditional Maori welcome that involves the hongi, or pressing of noses, and inspecting costumes from the upcoming Peter Jackson film The Hobbit.

ONE person has died and four others, including a suspected gunman, have been wounded when he opened fire at a food service company in California. The suspect, a parolee who worked at the firm and was identified as Lawrence Jones, shot himself in the head outside the building in Fresno and was in critical condition, police said. Two of the wounded victims were in critical condition and the other was in serious condition. The shooting occurred at the Apple Valley Farms plant in the central part of the city. Apple Valley Farms Inc. is a food service equipment company that was established in 2005, according to online business records. A call to the company went to a voicemail recording that said "due to an emergency we are closed for the day". Police received calls from employees at the site around 8.27am local time. Police Chief Jerry Dyer said officers found the suspect with a gunshot wound to the head and a 32-year-old woman with a gunshot wound to the back outside the business. Inside, they found three other victims.

Workplace Gunman Kills One, Wounds Others In Fresno, California

Fake Diamond Swallower Gets Away With Fine

A Chinese man who swallowed a fake stone in a daring bluff that allowed an accomplice to get away with a real diamond has pleaded guilty to aiding theft and has been given a fine and a two-year suspended jail term. Colombo chief magistrate Rashmi Singappuli ordered the 32-year-old man to pay 100,000 rupees ($1,760) over the September incident in which he swallowed the fake stone at an annual gem exhibition. After the stallholder alerted the police, the Chinese man was arrested but when he passed the stone three days later it was revealed to be fake and investigations found the real thief had got away with a diamond worth $13,600. Police said the accomplice has yet to be found. Photographs showed the captured man, dressed in a black shirt and jeans with his head bowed, being escorted from the exhibition centre by uniformed policemen. He was taken to hospital for X-rays and given laxatives before being held in custody until his trial.


World News

Friday November 9, 2012

Wild dogs have mauled a young child to death at a zoo in the US city of Pittsburgh, officials said. "It is with heavy hearts we report that a tragic accident occurred Sunday at 11:45am when a young child fell into the African painted dog exhibit and was killed," the Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium said in a statement. Keepers entered the enclosure in an attempt to lure the dogs away but failed to reach the child. "Unfortunately the dogs were in pack mentality and not responding," the statement said. A police officer shot and killed one "aggressive" dog. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported the child was a boy of about three. It quoted zoo president Barbara Baker as saying he was on an outing with his

Boy Mauled To Death By Dogs At US Zoo

mother when he fell over a railing - and off a mesh barrier - into the exhibit. The incident is under investigation by both the zoo and police. African painted dogs are an endangered species native to sub-Saharan Africa and their scientific name, Lycaon pictus, means "painted wolf," according to the National Geographic website. Also known as Cape hunting dogs, they are long-legged and have irregularly mottled coats with patches of red, black, brown, white and yellow fur. The zoo's website says the dogs described as hunters whose prey includes antelope, zebras and gazelles are the size of medium domestic dogs. The Wildlife Conservation Network says numbers have drastically dwindled due to human encroachment and only about 3,000 remain in the wild.

Pakistan Acid Attack Parents 'Feared Dishonour'

A drugged Emirati walking his pet monkey poured sand into his neighbors mouth, choking him to death, in a dispute over a barmaid.
"A drugged-up man walking his monkey kicked his neighbour to the ground, bit his nose and poured sand into his mouth before leaving him to die in a dispute over a barmaid," the National reports. The two men had an argument over the woman - the victim's girlfriend - as the defendant, identified by the daily as 31-year-old SE, was walking his monkey. SE told the Dubai Criminal Court his neighbour "attacked him with a razor blade and slashed his head" as he was "tying his monkey to a pole" before spraying sand in his face and poking him in the eye. The defendant responded by punching him in the face and kicking him. "Then I bit his nose and put some sand into his mouth," he testified. The man took his monkey and fled after he noticed his neighbors condition deteriorating, the newspaper added. He "admitted charges of assaulting the safety of his neighbour while under the influence of drugs and of assault that lead to death," it said, adding that the verdict is expected on November 27.

Monkey-Walking Man Chokes Neighbour With Sand In Dispute Over Barmaid

Mother: "It was her destiny to die this way" A couple arrested in Pakistan on look at him twice. I told her before not suspicion of killing their 15-year-old to do that, it's wrong. People talk about daughter with acid say they carried out us because our older daughter was the the attack because she looked at a boy. same way," he said. The girl's father told the BBC that they Her mother Zaheen described the feared she would bring dishonour on aftermath: "She said 'I didn't do it on their family. Her mother said it was her purpose. I won't look again.' By then I "destiny" to die that way. had already thrown the acid. It was her The couple was arrested in Pakistani- destiny to die this way." administered Kashmir last week. Anusha's father is reported to have The Human Rights Commission of taken his daughter inside, beaten her Pakistan reported 943 women were and then acid was poured over her with killed in honour killings last year. the help of his wife. Officials say that That represented an increase of more the couple did not take their daughter than 100 from 2010. to hospital until the following morning. Police say that the incident took place The couple says that an older daughter in a remote village in the southern had already disgraced the family and they district of Kotli. They say that the case did not want to be dishonoured again. was brought to their attention by the Police say this is one of the first cases couple's eldest daughter. of its kind in Pakistani-administered The girl, known only as Anusha, was Kashmir, where such killings are found to have burns over 60% of her relatively rare. body. Her father Muhammad Zafar In March the government of Pakistanitold the BBC what happened: administered Kashmir made acid "There was a boy who came by on a attacks a criminal offence punishable motorcycle. She (Anusha) turned to with life imprisonment.

Flights Grounded After Storm Hits New York

Airlines have suspended hundreds of flights around New York after gale force winds and snow lashed the city where tens of thousands of people are still without power since superstorm Sandy. The severe weather, with snow, sleet, rain and winds gusting to 96km/h arrived on Wednesday, just over a week after hurricane-strength Sandy wrought serious damage on the region. The new gale, a seasonal Nor'easter expected to last 24 hours, was much less powerful than Sandy but was being taken seriously. United Airlines and American temporarily shut down their New York area operations, while New York City and New Jersey called for limited evacuations of low-lying areas. "We won't order the kind of largescale evacuation that we did during Hurricane Sandy but if you experienced significant flooding during Sandy you should consider taking shelter with friends," New York mayor Mike Bloomberg said. "So far we've not had any reports of flooding today," he added. Sandy, which began as a deadly hurricane in the Caribbean, slammed 15 eastern US states and prompted a huge tidal surge that killed at least 109 people in the US and Canada and caused tens of billions of dollars worth of damage. The coastal regions of New York and New Jersey were hardest-hit when Sandy crashed ashore on October 29. A total of 672,572 homes and businesses were without electricity on Wednesday, the US Department of Energy said, with most in New Jersey and New York. Of those, 22,000 lost power on Wednesday in the Nor'easter. Mr Bloomberg said 66,000 customers in New York City still remained in the dark. The main reason for the delay, the mayor said, was that flooding seawater during Sandy had damaged electrical circuits in buildings and that meant a time-consuming clean-up before it was safe to restore power. The latest bad weather would briefly slow down efforts to bring back electricity, pump out flooded basements, clear storm-related debris and rebuild disrupted city services, Mr Bloomberg said. "It will be relatively minor but it's just more work for the utility companies. Our expectation is that tomorrow we'll be back working." He said in the last six days, city and government relief workers had handed out 1.6 million meals and 400,000 bottles of water, as well as 86,000 blankets. Sanitation crews have hauled away 130,000 tonnes of storm debris. Mr Bloomberg said he thought New Yorkers in public housing would all be back home with heat, power and gas by the end of the week. American Airlines and American Eagle announced a suspension of all flights in Philadelphia and in New York-area airports, affecting about 290 flights.

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Friday November 9, 2012


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Try This Practice Test - Discover Canada
C. Newfoundland and Labrador. D. New Brunswick. 6) How can you help to protect the environment? A. Use electricity instead of gas. B. Drive a car to go to and come back from work by yourself. C. Do not buy gas at a higher price. D. Walking, cycling, taking transit or carpooling wherever possible. 7) Where do most French speaking Canadians live? A. Quebec. B. Nova Scotia. C. New Brunswick. D. Ontario. 8) One third of all Canadians live in which province? A. Quebec. B. Ontario. C. Northwest Territories. and Inuit. 3) When does a federal election have to be held under legislation passed by Parliament? A. Within 4 years of the most recent election. B. Within 5 years of the last election. C. When the Queen wants to replace the Prime Minister. D. The Prime Minister can call the election any time at his own will. 4) What are the territories of northern Canada? A. Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories and Nunavut. B. Yukon and Northwest Territories. C. Northwest Territories and Alaska. D. Nunavut and Yukon Territory. 5) Which province in Canada is the smallest in land size? A. Nova Scotia. B. Prince Edward Island.

Friday November 9, 2012


1) What are the provinces of Central Canada? A. Ontario and Saskatchewan. B. Quebec and Nova Scotia. C. Ontario and Quebec. D. Ontario and Manitoba. 2) Why is the British North America Act important in Canadian history? A. It made Confederation legal. B. It was written by the British government. C. The Aboriginal people signed the act. D. It was agreed to by the First Nations

D. British Columbia. 9) From where does the name "Canada" come? A. From "Kanata", the First Nations word for village. B. From the Inuit word "Kanata" meaning nations. C. From the First Nations word meaning land. D. From the Inuit word meaning home. 10) Who is Canada's Head of State? A. Governor General of Canada. B. Members of parliament. C. Prime Minister. D. A hereditary Sovereign (Queen or King). 1.C 6.D 2.A 7.A ANSWERS 3.A 4.A 8.B 9.A 5.B 10.D

Canada Welcomes Largest Number Of Parents And Grandparents In Almost Twenty Years
Up to 35,000 parents and grandparents to be reunited with families Mississauga, November 5, 2012 After the first year of the Action Plan for Faster Family Reunification, major progress has been made in reuniting families more quickly and reducing the backlog of Parent and Grandparent (PGP) program applications, Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney announced Monday. The 2013 Levels Plan, which was tabled last week, includes the admission of 25,000 parents and grandparents for the second year in a row, for a total of 50,000 between this year and next. This is a 60 percent annual increase from 2010 and the highest level in nearly two decades. The Action Plan also took immediate steps to address a backlog of PGP applications that had ballooned to approximately 165,000 applicants, with wait times stretching to an unacceptable eight years. By the end of this year, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) expects to have reduced the backlog by about 20 percent. Of the applications cleared from the backlog, the majority met the requirements of Minister Kenney hosted roundtables with stakeholders and public online consultations were launched. The online consultations ran until May 25, 2012, and received a total of 6,444 responses, the highest number of responses ever received by CIC through an online consultation. A detailed summary of the results of the online consultations will be available shortly on CICs website. For the PGP program to be sustainable, it must be redesigned to avoid future backlogs. The redesigned program must also be sensitive to fiscal constraints, bearing in mind Canadas generous public health-care system and other social benefits. As we work to dramatically reduce the backlog and wait times, work on the redesign of the PGP program is progressing well, added Minister Kenney. As promised, within the next year we expect to launch a modernized PGP program, one that ensures that future applicants are processed quickly and that the program operates on a sustainable basis.

the program and have been approved. Furthermore, there has been strong uptake of the new Parent and Grandparent Super Visa, which allows parents and grandparents to visit Canada for up to two years at a time. The Super Visa is very popular, with over 10,000 Super Visas being issued since its launch in December 2011, and the acceptance rate is high at 87 percent. We listened to Canadians who told us the old program with eight-year wait times just didnt work, said Minister

Kenney. The Harper Governments actions to fix the old broken program are working. Given the popularity of the Super Visa and planned permanent admissions of 25,000 in 2013, we expect to reunite up to 35,000 parents and grandparents with their families next year. This is a significant achievement and the highest number in nearly two decades. On March 23, 2012, CIC launched national public consultations on the redesign of the PGP program.

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Canada News

Friday November 9, 2012

Canadian PM Visits Taj Mahal

Every year, a staggering four million people come to see Indias beautiful icon, the Taj Mahal. On Monday, Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his wife Laureen added to that total. Its really something, Harper said. You kind of have to come here to see it to believe it. The Taj Mahal visit in Agra, about a four-hour drive south of the Indian capital of New Delhi was the first stop on Harpers extended six-day tour in India, the longest single stretch hes had in any one country since becoming prime minister in 2006. People tell me it was built as a monument to the love of his queen and its really a great gift of beauty to all humanity, Harper said after he and Laureen wandered hand-in-hand through the Tajs sprawling gardens. Harper has his history pretty much correct. The Taj Mahal was built by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal. Mumtaz died giving birth to the

couples 14th child in 1631. In 1632, Shah Jahan began work on the white marble icon and it would be finished in 1653. Now, its seen as one of the supreme monuments of one mans love for his wife. Asked if he was planning anything similar for his wife, Harper chuckled. My wife has tastes a little more modest, he said. And she also wants them while shes still living. In fact, Laureen Harpers tastes include a fast motorcycle and an open road. Im not waiting until Im dead, she said, laughing. The Harpers also visited Humayuns Tomb in New Delhi on Monday, another magnificent UNESCO World Heritage Site here built in the 16th century. With those sightseeing trips over, Harper got down to business meeting business leaders late Monday. On Tuesday, he jumped in to the political portion of his trip, meeting several Indian politicians, including Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

There is good news for B.C. drivers during Crime Prevention Week (Nov. 1-7) with new figures showing significant reductions in rates of autotheft crimes. In the first half of 2012, there's been a 17 per cent drop in vehicle thefts throughout the province. A decade ago, auto crime was on the rise and British Columbia had one of the highest rates of car theft in North America. But since the introduction of the Bait Car program in 2002 and with the efforts of police and community volunteers, vehicle thefts and breakins have dropped by 74 per cent and 62 per cent respectively throughout the province. Auto crime is still a problem however, and thieves look for easy targets. If you own an older vehicle, there is a higher risk of it being stolen or broken into as older vehicles often don't have an effective anti-theft device and are easy to steal. Here are some tips from ICBC to help you protect your vehicle and belongings: Use an anti-theft device and remove possessions from your vehicle - shopping bags, spare change, electronics, briefcases, and the vehicle's spare keys. Electronic immobilizers are the best

British Columbia Is Driving Down Auto Crime

protection. They're hard-wired into vehicles and shut down the starter, ignition and/or fuel system. They require a special key or electronic device to start the engine and usually attach to your key ring. Steering-wheel locks are a good visual deterrent for auto thieves but offer a lower form of protection. Park in well-lit areas, near pedestrian traffic. Keep your garage-door opener out of sight. If parking on the street outside your residence, take the garage-door opener with you. Wait for the garage-door gate to close behind you when entering a parkade. Thieves could take this opportunity to slip inside. ICBC and the B.C. government support programs to prevent auto crime in British Columbia such as Bait Car and the Stolen Auto Recovery programs as well as local initiatives such as NasKarz, which has helped to reduce auto crime for the past few years in Vancouver. Crime Prevention Week runs from Nov. 1-7, providing an opportunity to raise awareness about crime prevention measures and to acknowledge the work being done by so many in communities throughout B.C. to help reduce crime.

Mall will move from Russ Baker Way, closer to Templeton Canada Line Station A new high-end mall planned for Russ to and from that mall," he explains. "It's Baker Way in Richmond is moving, going to reduce the number of parking and the City of Richmond is thrilled. stalls that the mall will need and take After some studying, the Vancouver some cars off the road." Airport Authority decided to move the Brodie also says having the mall closer mall closer to the Templeton Canada to the actual airport will encourage Line Station. people in between flights to go Richmond Mayor Malcolm Brodie shopping, since travel on the Canada believes the move makes sense. Line is free for passengers staying on "The new location will definitely be Sea Island. better because it is going to be transit- No exact date has been given when the oriented, so people will be able travel mall will open.

Change Of Location For New High-End Mall In Richmond

As the holiday season approaches, a time when people are typically feeling more generous, you may find that you're getting more requests to donate to charities. And while there are many legitimate companies and charities calling you for fundraising purposes, it's a good idea to take some precautions and be informed. Nov. 1-7, 2012 is Crime Prevention Week and the B.C. government is teaming up with Consumer Protection BC to help keep families and communities safe from crime. The following tips can help protect you from telephone charitable scams: Ask for the information to be sent to you in writing before you commit to a donation. Ask the telemarketer to call you back and, in the meantime, call the charity yourself to confirm they are actually running a fundraising campaign. You can also visit the Canadian Revenue Agency website at www. to ensure that a charity is registered. Ask them to give you the charitable tax number of the charity.

'Tis The Season For Holiday Scams

Remember that if you are told you have won a prize, you should never have to pay money to receive the prize. If you do decide to make a donation over the phone, always keep a record of the date, the name, address and phone number of the person and charity you spoke to, the amount you donated and the method of payment. Always be cautious around giving your credit card information over the phone. Signs of a scam include high pressure tactics or threatening telemarketers who want you to make a donation immediately. If you believe you have been scammed, you can file a complaint with your local police and the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre at 1-888-495-8501 or at their website: www.phonebusters. com/english/common_contactus.html Consumer Protection BC licenses and regulates certain telemarketers in the province, including companies calling on behalf of charities if they are taking payment over the phone. For more information around telemarketing in B.C. or to find out if the telemarketer calling you on behalf of a charity is licensed, please visit: www.

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Canada News

Friday November 9, 2012


6.3 Quake Hits Off Vancouver Island

In Punjab, Harper Plays Sikh Politics

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake has struck off the west coast of Vancouver Island on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey reports. The quake hit at 6:01 p.m. PT, the agency says, 182 kilometers southwest of Port Hardy, B.C. CBC meteorologist and seismologist Johanna Wagstaffe said the quake was felt by residents in the towns of Ucluelet and Tofino, on the island's west coast. "We have had a report of some shaking, about 30 seconds long," Wagstaffe said.

"And a report in Winter Harbour on the northern tip of Vancouver Island of some swaying for about 15 seconds." There is no word yet on injuries or damage. A tsunami alert was not issued. A much more powerful 7.7 quake struck off the coast of Haida Gwaii on Oct. 27, a few hundred kilometers north of Wednesday evening's tremor. That earthquake caused some local minor damage in the Haida Gwaii island chain off the north coast of B.C., but no injuries.

TransLink says it depends on seismic upgrades The aging Pattullo Bridge could be shut but that's one of the options that's out down altogether within the coming there." years, as TransLink tries to figure out It would be a temporary move and isn't what to do with the span until the whole the favoured option, as the Pattullo is thing can be torn down and rebuilt. It's promoted as the free alternative to the hoped that can be completed by 2020. new Port Mann Bridge and carries a fifth The key link between Surrey and New of the traffic crossing the Fraser River. Westminster needs up to $150 million "We're hopeful and we're quite in seismic upgrades over the next 10 confident we can work through the years. A replacement is in the works but current issues," Paddon adds. "We'll is still in the study phase. The bridge come up with a replacement plan and has fallen behind provincial seismic that bridge will be able to serve our standards and there's no guarantee the needs until we have it replaced but closure is a potential option." upgrades can be done. Bob Paddon is a Strategic Planner with A decision on how to move forward TransLink, who insists the 75-year-old should be made early in the new year. Traffic volumes are being considered bridge, for now, is still safe. "We monitor the bridge closely, and I and Paddon notes if seismic work were want everyone to know the bridge is pursued, the bridge would no longer be safe," he says. "We're going to have to able to carry four lanes; instead likely give careful consideration to what our three with a counter-flow system as has next steps would be, though. Certainly previously been considered. one of the options could be looking at Seismic upgrading is especially top of closure if we deem that a necessary mind after a recent major earthquake in step. We have not made that decision Haida Gwaii.

Pattullo Bridge Could Close Ahead Of Replacement

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper (R) and his wife Laureen wave to the photographers during their visit to a Gurudwara or a Sikh temple at Anandpur Sahib in the northern Indian state of Punjab Nov. 7, 2012 Prime Minister Stephen Harper played politics to the half-million Sikhs back home in Canada with photo pose at one of the holiest of Sikh temples. But while Harper was currying favour with Sikh voters in Canada, the government of India expressed its anxiety this week that Canada doesn't do enough to clamp down on Sikh terrorists and their supporters in Canada who are trying to establish a separate Sikh state Khalistan based in the northwestern Indian state of Punjab. "There [is an] area of great concern for us, which was the revival of anti-India rhetoric in Canada," India's junior foreign affairs minister Preneet Kaur, who is from Punjab, told Harper when the two met in New Delhi earlier in the week. "We have, after very hard times, got a good situation of peace and progress back in Punjab and in India and we would like that to continue, so it does concern us. I think we do appreciate very much that you have been very forthright and open about your stand on this. And I think just to mention it to you so that we continue our common fight against terrorism." The worst act of terrorism in Canadian history the bombing of Air India Flight 182 in 1985 was perpetrated by Sikh terrorists. And in India in 1984, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was machine-gunned to death by two of her Sikh bodyguards. Thirty years later in Canada, there are still some Sikh parades and festivals where dead Sikh terrorists are celebrated as martyrs. "I think the Indian government knows our position. We're aware of the challenges and we'll keep working on those things," Harper said Wednesday in Anandpur Sahib, a town about 80 km north of here known as The Holy City of Bliss among Sikhs. During his meeting with Kaur, Harper affirmed that Canada is "a very strong supporter of a united India." Still, in Anandpur Sahib on Wednesday, Harper participated in two events that seemed clearly aimed at boosting his popularity among Sikh Canadians. In bare feet and with his head covered as per Sikh custom, Harper toured the Gurdwara Shi Keshgarh Sahib. It was founded in 1665 and is considered the second holiest Sikh temple in the world. The holiest is The Golden Temple in Amritsar, located near here, which Harper visited in 2009. While in Anandpur Sahib, Harper also visited the Virasat-e-Khalsa, also known as the Khalsa Heritage Centre, a sprawling and majestic sandstone facility designed by Canadian architect Moshe Safdie, which opened in 2011. Harper paused for lots of pictures at both sites taken by more than a dozen photographers from local Punjab news organizations as well as a group of Indo-Canadian journalists travelling with Harper. Several Indo-Canadian Conservative MPs accompanied Harper on the visit including Edmonton's Tim Uppal and Brampton's Parm Gill. Both Uppal and Gill are also Sikh.

Happy Diwali to all

May this prosperous festival bring lots of happiness and love to you and your family


Canada News

Friday November 9, 2012

Wireless industry creating registry for stolen and lost phones to deter black market Canadians may soon be better protected against cellphone theft, with the association representing wireless companies preparing to deny service to phones registered as stolen. Starting Sept. 30, 2013, cellphone customers will be able to register a stolen phone. Canadian companies will then refuse to provide service to a cellphone with a device identifier registered as lost or stolen. "This new device verification process, which will deny service to any device that is on the GSMA blacklist, is designed to help eliminate the black market for stolen devices in Canada and abroad," said Bernard Lord, head of the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association. There are no plans to charge consumers for the service, Lord says, although it's likely to cost the industry $20 million. "I guess we have to consider this as a cost of doing business and making sure that we're doing what's right for consumers across the country," Lord said. The plan comes as the CRTC is consulting consumers on a new code of conduct for cellphone companies. It will be up to customers to immediately report a lost or stolen phone to have their device deactivated, the industry group's news release says. Once the device has been reported, the service provider can then add the device to the blacklist. All instances of personal theft should of course be reported to local law enforcement as well. The U.S. is implementing the same plan in November 2013, and is considering legislation to make it a crime to tamper with a device identifier. Australia and the U.K. have already adopted laws to make tampering with device identifiers a crime. The registry will apply to all GSM, HSPA and LTE phones that are sold now or any smartphone currently sold in Canada. Regulator, police praise move Jim Chu, head of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, says the registry will have an impact on cellphone theft. A recent motion at the association's annual meeting that calls for this kind of registry got unanimous support, he said. Chu says the number of thefts has risen in Vancouver and Montreal. The thefts are usually violent, he noted. "It was too simple a stolen smartphone could be reactivated on another wireless carrier's network, no questions asked. With these actions, that stops, reducing the interest and the motivation for committing these crimes." Industry Minister Christian Paradis says Canadians should take advantage of the registry. "We increasingly depend on our mobile devices at work, home and play. Efforts to combat the theft [of such] devices and consequently the theft of personal information is both welcome and needed. A statement from CRTC Chairman Jean-Pierre Blais says the regulator has been concerned for some time about reports of increased crime involving stolen cellphones. "The creation of a database to keep track of devices that have been lost or stolen, and collaboration within the industry to ensure they are not reactivated, will help to make cellphones less desirable to thieves. I would strongly encourage the industry to implement the database before September 2013 to ensure Canadians benefit from this added protection as soon as possible," Blais said in the statement. "We look forward to receiving further details at the end of November about the CWTA's plan, including data on lost and stolen cellphones in Canada, as well as its other activities related to this issue. This information will enable the CRTC to decide how best to support the industry in its efforts." While the deadline for the database is just under a year away, it's possible the wireless companies will launch their databases ahead of the September 2013 deadline, Lord said.

Cellphone Companies To Refuse Service For Stolen Devices

A police standoff with an armed man at the Starlight Casino in New Westminster, B.C., ended with a gunshot just before 11 a.m. PT. Police have only confirmed that the man is down and did not have any information on his condition. An ambulance was seen rushing to and from the site shortly after the shot was heard. Earlier in the morning New Westminster Police Insp. Phil Eastwood confirmed the man was alone and believed to be armed with a handgun. Police confirmed a woman was involved at the onset of the incident, but she is safe with police and the incident is not a hostage-taking. The incident took place outside the casino and the building was locked down and people inside were told to remain inside, Eastwood said. "While there is no immediate danger to the public at large, they are requested to respect the police barricades that are

Police Standoff At Starlight Casino Ends After Shot Fired

set up around the area. 'Put down the gun' There was a large number of police vehicles and at least one ambulance in the area throughout the rush hour on Thursday morning. Around 7:30 a.m. PT the news reporter reporter Steve Lus said he could hear police on a loudspeaker apparently negotiating with someone at the casino. "Put down the gun. We don't want anyone to get hurt. Put down the gun," police could be heard repeating on the loudspeaker. At first the suspect was apparently refusing police requests to give him a cellphone to continue negotiations, but it appeared he later agreed to talk to police via cellphone, and at around 9:30 a.m. he could be seen sitting on the ground talking on a phone. Several major roads and intersections in the area were shut down to pedestrians and traffic, including all traffic on the Queensborough Bridge.

With daylight savings time now in effect and wet weather upon us, the Surrey RCMPs Traffic Enforcement Team has partnered with the Insurance Corporation of BC (ICBC) to remind motorists about driving in adverse weather conditions especially in low light. Although daylight savings time means potentially more light during the morning commute it also means less daylight in the afternoon drive home, says Surrey RCMP Cpl. Bert Paquet. We want motorists and pedestrians to be extra vigilant when navigating their way around in these adverse conditions. On Friday November 3rd at approximately 6:00pm, Surrey RCMP responded to a pedestrian motor vehicle incident at the intersection of 138th Street and 70th Avenue. A mother and her two children were crossing the street when a vehicle making a southbound turn onto 138th

Surrey Mounties Partner With ICBC For Speed Relative To Conditions Campaign
Street struck the baby carriage carrying the two year old daughter. Luckily, there were no injuries to the child or to anyone else. The driver had been waiting at the light prior to making the turn and had not seen the pedestrians until the last minute. Due to the poor weather conditions and visibility along with the dark clothing of the pedestrians, this incident could have been much worse, says Paquet. Rushing on the road is risky at any time of year, but especially in poor weather, says Harvey Kooner, ICBC Road Safety Coordinator. Driving is a complex task that requires your full attention and in fall and winter months, its more important than ever to slow down, increase your following distance and allow extra travel time. We want to help drivers avoid rushing so were offering free late excuses at drivesmart so you wont need to speed up if youre running behind.

Friday November 9, 2012


Growth Disorders

Possible Complications Other health problems may include: Arthritis in most joints, which along with excess bone growth may put pressure on the nerves of the spine or the spinal cord Carpal tunnel syndrome Colonic polyps Hypopituitarism Sleep apnea Uterine fibroids Vision problems When to Contact a Medical Professional Call your health care provider if: You have symptoms of acromegaly Your symptoms do not improve with treatment Prevention There are no methods to prevent the condition, but early treatment may prevent complications of the disease from getting worse. Delayed growth Delayed growth is poor or abnormally slow height or weight gains in a child younger than age 5. This may just be normal, and the child may outgrow it. Considerations A child should have regular, well-baby check-ups with a health care provider. Causes Constitutional growth delay refers to children who are small for their age but are growing at a normal rate. Puberty is often late in these children. These children continue to grow after most of their peers have stopped. Most of the time, they will reach an adult height similar to their parents' height. However, other causes of growth delay must be ruled out. Genetics may also play a role. One or both parents may be short. Short but healthy parents may have a healthy child who is in the shortest 5% for his or her age. These children are short, but they should reach the height of one or both of their parents. Delayed or slower-than-expected growth can be caused by many different things, including: Chronic disease

Endocrine disorders Emotional health Infection Poor nutrition Many children with delayed growth also have delays in development. Home Care If slow weight gain is due to a lack of calories, try feeding the child on demand. Increase the amount of food offered to the child. Offer nutritional, high-calorie foods. It is very important to prepare formula exactly according to directions. Do not water down (dilute) ready-to-feed formula. When to Contact a Medical Professional Contact your health care provider if you think developmental delays or emotional issues may be contributing to a child's delayed growth. If your child is not growing due to a lack of calories, your health care provider can refer you to a nutrition expert who can help you choose the right foods to offer your child. What to Expect at Your Office Visit The health care provider will examine the child and measure height, weight, and head circumference. The parent or caregiver will be asked questions about the child's medical history, including: Has the child always been on the low end of the growth charts? Did the child's growth start out normal and then slow down? Is the child developing normal social skills and physical skills? Does the child eat well? What kinds of foods does the child eat? What type of feeding schedule is used? Is the infant fed by breast or bottle? If the baby is breast fed, what medications does the mother take? If bottle-fed, what kind of formula is used? How is the formula mixed? What medications or supplements does the child take? How tall are the child's biological parents? How much do they weigh? What other symptoms are present? The health care provider may also ask questions about parenting habits and the child's social interactions. Tests may include: Blood tests (such as a CBC or blood differential) Stool studies (to check for poor nutrient absorption) Urine tests X-rays to determine bone age and to look for fractures Continued Next Week



Your Health

Friday November 9, 2012

How to Take Control Over Your Blood-Sugar Level

You wouldn't need to monitor your blood-sugar levels throughout the day if not for the inconvenient fact that they change. Figuring out what makes them go up and down is the key to keeping them under control. Food: The Blood-Sugar Source line through diet and exercise alone, you may be a good candidate for drug intervention, most likely with an oral medication such as acarbose (Precose) to start with. Exercise: The Glucose Gobbler lifting, for examplethat unlock glucose stored in muscles can make blood sugar go up rather than down. Your doctor can suggest how you might adjust insulin or drug treatments accordingly. Insulin: Fine-tuning the Control If you're taking insulin, the point is to keep blood sugar down, but hypoglycemia can occur if your injections bring your levels too low. On the other hand, you may experience hyperglycemia if your doses are improperly timed. Monitoring can help you figure out how to use insulin to keep glucose levels steady. Inject earlier to bring down highs. precipitates it can boost blood-sugar levels by stimulating the release of hormones that work against the action of insulin and cause glucose to be released from storage sites in the muscles and liver. Naturally, you mainly need to treat the illness, but you also need to take some extra steps to keep your blood-sugar levels down. Drink more water. If blood sugar is higher than usual, your kidneys are probably working harder and producing more urine. The result: You become dehydrated from the unusually high urine output. Therefore, keep yourself hydrated by drinking at least a cup of water every half hour or so. Avoid exercise. Even if you think it might bring blood sugar lower, there's the possibility that exercise will cause the release of glucose from muscles. In any case, it's more important that you rest in order to fight the illness. Consider adjusting insulin. If you're taking insulin, ask your doctor if and when you should take additional or increased doses while you're sick. Morning: The Dawn Phenomenon You'd think blood sugar would be low when you wake up. After all, you've gone an entire night without food. Often, however, blood sugar is high in the morning. The reason: Your body clock triggers the release of hormones that inhibit insulin so that more glucose is available to the body at the start of the new day. This is natural and not necessarily a problem. But if monitoring reveals that your blood sugar becomes excessively high in the morning, you may want to consult your doctor about what actions you can take. Take insulin later. If you're using insulin and take an evening dose, you may find it works better to inject it closer to bedtime for longer-lasting control during the night. Skip the bedtime snack. Try eating less food at night so there's not as much glucose in the blood when morning rolls around. You may also want to eat less at breakfast. Exercise in the evening. Because the glucose-lowering effects of exercise can last for many hours, a workout shortly after dinner can help keep your blood-sugar levels under control the following morning.

Glucose from food makes blood sugar go up within an hour or two of eating a meal, but the extent and speed of the rise can depend on what you eat and how muchand also on how insulin resistant you are. Testing will help you gauge your responses to different foods. Adjust your meal plan.

If the meals you've worked up with your doctor or dietitian fail to keep blood sugar under control, you may need to go back to the drawing board. You could be getting too many total calories in a sitting or eating too many sugars and starcheswhich raise blood glucose faster and higher than other types of foodat once. Mealtime monitoring will help you determine how your blood sugar changes in response to what you eat, and this will provide your medical team with the information they need to guide you to better choices. Be consistent. Using your monitoring data as a guide, try to identify foods that seem better at keeping your blood sugar within your target range. Then try to eat those foods in consistent quantities at the same time every day. The more you control the glucose going into your body, the more you'll be able to predictand controlthe rise and fall of your blood sugar. Limit alcohol. If you drink, try to have only one or two alcoholic drinks a day, preferably with food. Alcohol lowers blood glucose, putting you at risk of hypoglycemia. And mixed drinks are usually high in sugar and calories. Consider medication. If your meter readings indicate you're having trouble keeping your blood sugar in

Moving your muscles revs the body's engine, boosting its fuel consumption. Result: Glucose levels tend to drop when you're physically active. Overall, this is a good thing, and monitoring can provide insight into ways in which you can strategically use exercise to lower your blood sugar. Be sure to work with your doctor to figure out how exercise should factor into your approach to diabetes management. Adjust your drug regimen. Strenuous exercise can sometimes lower blood sugar for hours after your workout even for as long as one or two days. If you're tightly controlling your glucose with insulin or medication, your postexercise monitoring may suggest that you lower your dosages to avoid hypoglycemia. Ask your doctor for specific advice with regard to your condition and activity levels in order to adjust your drug regimen accordingly. Tank up ahead of time. If you're planning to exercise vigorously, you may want to eat more food earlier in the day or take less insulin to make sure you have enough glucose readily available to fuel working muscles. Aim to work out an hour or two after eating, when blood sugar will be naturally high. Keep well fueled afterward. Depending on how strenuous your workout has been, it might be a good idea to increase your food intake for up to 24 hours after exercising to make sure blood-sugar levels don't fall too low. Use exercise as medicine. If you're taking insulin and understand through monitoring how exercise affects your blood sugar, you may find that it's possible to use a workout essentially as an insulin substitutespecifically intended as a way to bring blood sugar down at certain times. (Talk to your doctor before adjusting your drug regimen.) Be alert to the unexpected. Certain types of vigorous exercisesweight

Patients taking regular (fast-acting) insulin normally inject it about 30 to 45 minutes before a meal. But if monitoring shows that your bloodsugar levels tend to be high either before or about an hour after you eat, you may want to add more time between injecting and eating to give the insulin a better chance to bring glucose levels down. You might also do some exercise for a similar effect. This advice does not apply if you're taking rapid-acting insulin analogs such as lispro, aspart, or glulisine, which must be injected 15 minutes or less before eating. Wait a bit to raise up lows. If your blood sugar tends to be on the low side 30 to 45 minutes before you have a meal, you may want to wait until you're closer to eating before injecting insulin to keep blood sugar from dropping lower before you've had a chance to get some food into your system. Even if you're taking a rapid-acting insulin analog, you may want to wait until immediately before eating, or even just after eating, to inject your insulin if your blood sugar is already on the low side. Add small snacks. If insulin injections tend to produce hypoglycemia, you might want to eat a small amount of carbohydrate (such as a handful of raisins) around mid-morning and midafternoon to keep blood-glucose levels steady between meals. Or discuss with your doctor the possibility of adjusting your insulin regimen. Illness: You're Low, Sugar's High Illness and the stress that sometimes

This information is provided for knowledge and educational purposes only. Individuals should visit their physicians for more information on their health.

Your Health

Friday November 9, 2012


A form of Alzheimer's found in teenagers more than 20 years before symptoms even develop could pave the way for early detection, and more improved treatments for the disease, researchers say. New research has shown that nearly half of a group of 18 to 26-year-olds had a gene mutation called presenilin 1 (PSEN1) making the disease likely at a young age, as reported. Brain imaging, blood tests and analysis of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) found 20 out of a group of 44 youngsters had PSEN1. Researchers at the Banner Alzheimer's Institute in Arizona, Boston University and the University of Antioquia found notable differences in brain structure and function between the two groups, with the PSEN1 mutation carriers

Alzheimer's Detected 20 Years Before Symptoms

Health Benefits Of Cardamom

experiencing greater activity in regions of the brain called the hippocampus - involved in memory - and the parahippocampus, as well as having less grey matter in certain brain areas. Results also showed CSF of those with the mutation also had more of a protein involved in depositing amyloid plaques in the brain - a key biomarker of Alzheimer's. Symptoms normally appear at around 45 in people with the PSEN1 gene, but the scientists found evidence 20 years before onset of the disease. "These results add to evidence that Alzheimer's is characterised by a long period of changes that can be tracked, opening up a window for early intervention," the Daily Express quoted Prof Nick Fox, of University College London, as saying.

Shedding those extra pounds especially from around your waist may significantly improve your sleep quality, a new research by US scientists has suggested. The researchers from Johns Hopkins University in the U.S. found that people who lose around a stone in weight - and reduced their waistline by around 15 per cent slept much better, as reported. On the other hand, those who are overweight or obese will continue to have problems, they said. For the study enrolled 77 people who had type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes. The participants, all of whom were also overweight or obese, were randomly assigned to one of two groups. One group went on a diet and had supervised exercise training, while the other group only had the diet intervention. The participants filled out a sleep survey at the beginning and end of the study to identify sleep problems, including sleep apnea, daytime fatigue, insomnia, restless sleep, excessive sleep or sleepiness and use of sedatives to aid sleep. Their body mass index and amount of abdominal fat were also measured at the start and end of the study. Both groups lost about 15lb of weight, on average.

Losing Beer Belly May Help Boost Sleep Quality

They also lost about the same amount of belly fat, which was assessed by magnetic resonance imaging. Although the participants reported a variety of sleep problems, none stood out as being the most common, so the researchers analysed a composite score, which reflects overall sleep health. They found that both groups improved their overall sleep score by about 20 per cent, with no differences between the groups. "We found that improvement in sleep quality was significantly associated with overall weight loss, especially belly fat," the paper quoted Kerry Stewart, professor of medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and director of clinical and research exercise physiology, as saying. "This was true no matter the age or gender of the participants or whether the weight loss came from diet alone or diet plus exercise," said Stewart. Good sleep quality is important in general for good physical and mental health, as well as for a healthy cardiovascular system, she added. Depending on the cause, chronic sleep disruptions increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke and irregular heartbeats. And obesity is said to increase the risk of sleep problems.

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Cardamom combines health benefits and spicy flavors to Indian dishes. Growing wild in Sri Lanka and south of India is the cardamom. It is also cultivated in some other tropical areas. Every cardamom seedpod is usually handpicked. Cardamom belongs to the same family as clove and ginger. Cardamom contains warming properties and it adds spicy warmth to the Indian dishes. Benefits to digestion Cardamom is known to stimulate the appetite in the same way in which it spices dishes that are bland. It is known to stimulate the digestive system. It is also able to counteract excessive stomach acid. The carminative properties of cardamom help in relieving flatulence and indigestion. Cardamom essential oils studies have demonstrated the ability of stimulating the production of bile and reduction of gastric juices. Inhibit Pathogen Growth Herbal Medicines PDR reports that cardamom is able to inhibit the development and growth of viruses, fungi and bacteria. It may help those individuals who are having little resistance to infections and diseases. Its capacity to fight disease and its stomachic properties help in reducing bad breath. Benefits in Respiration Cardamom helps to improve lung circulation. It soothes mucus membranes. A therapeutic guide to herbal medicine called German Commission E Monographs, verified the safety and efficacy of cardamom for the treatment of colds, bronchitis and coughs. It contains expectorant properties and can lead to a reduction in the production of

mucus. Anti-inflammatory Tea containing Cardamom may help in reducing sore throats. Herbal Medicines PDR has said that Commission E has approved usage of cardamom for the treatment of pharynx and mouth inflammation. Traditional medicines have been using cardamom oil in the treatment of inflamed nerves, back muscles and joints that are swollen. Cardamom has analgesic properties, as Indian medicine and traditional ayurvedic reports that it eases joint and muscle pain. Masseuses use cardamom essential oil for massages to relax the muscles and for stimulating the mind. Antioxidant The Association of Physician Journal in India published in August 1998 reported a cardamom analysis of flavonoids and phenolics. It rated the antioxidant cardamom properties at 50-100mg medium levels per serving. Detoxification Cardamom is used in Indian medicine for treating bladder disorders, urinary tract disorders and the kidney. It also treats other complications such as nephritis and cystitis. Antispasmodic The properties could validate cardamom use in remedies of folk in stopping convulsions and hiccups, relieving stomach and intestinal cramping, relieving morning sickness and reducing vomiting and nausea. Anti-depressant Use of cardamom in the treatment of depression has not been validated. Some herbalists however claim that tea made from cardamom helps in relieving depression.

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Friday November 9, 2012

Ajay, Sonakshi To Be Seen In Sa Re Ga Ma Pa 2012 This Diwali

Salman Khan Trapped In Legal Troubles Again

Salman Khan is a handsome man and most eligible bachelor of Bollywood. Even the People Magazine nominated him to be the best looking man from India. However, the super star was held up in many controversies and legal issues previously. Salman, reportedly was arrested on 28th September, 2002 for rash driving. On that fateful day, the actor ran his car into a bakery injuring 4 people on the pavement and killing one of them in the sleep just outside the bakery. The court charged him for culpable homicide and later dropped the case finding that he was not guilty. Not just this, the actor was also found guilty of killing an endangered black buck and was sentenced to 5 years of imprisonment. He was adjourned to Jodhpur jail on the 10th of April 2006 and later on the 13th of April he was bailed out. Y P Singh, the IPS officer who turned lawyer and activist has lately accused the Mumbai Police to be favoring the actor. He is demanding high level of inquiry in the matter and thus wants to reopen the old case of rash driving against Salman. The same case of 28th September 2002, in which he was accused of running his Toyota Land Cruiser car into the bakery thus killing one and injuring four people who were sleeping on the pavement outside. Y P Singh has been urging the Mumbai police to reopen the case. In a press conference he said, "Salman was absent 82 times, when summoned by the court and even the public prosecutor started ignoring the case. The commissioner of police needs to set up a high level inquiry into the matter, to show how simple summons were not being served from time to time for years together and witnesses not produced in court." Lately it was heard that the actor has been suffering from trigeminal neuralgiaa facial nerve disorder commonly known as the suicide disease since last seven years. He is already in great pain due to this, and god knows what else is held up for him to endure. No matter how much the actor ever does to do well and spreads cheer among the millions of faces with his work and social activities, his past always catches up with him. No wonder he is being a good Samaritan with all the good deeds he is being doing, but his ill fortunes is still pulling him back and haunting him with these legal procedures and troubles.

Ajay Devgan and Sonakshi Sinha, are plunging their hands into all that they can do, in order to promote their upcoming movie Son of Sardaar. Reports has to say that, they will make an appearance in the musical reality show Hero Sa Re Ga Ma Pa 2012 on 10th of November at 9 pm. So this diwali, all you have to do to celebrate the lively festival is relax and sit back on your couch, grab the remote control of your television and tune into Zee TV. Get a box of some popcorn along with some Diwali sweets like gujiya and at the strike of 9 pm get the most out of the festival. You will soon find yourselves filled with the ecstasy of the festival and will get huge amounts of entertainment to cheer your day up. This Diwali special episode of Sa Re Ga Ma Pa will not just showcase Ajay and Sonakshi as the celebrity guests at the show but will also have Gurdas Maan as the Mahaguru of the week. The two hours of this show will not fail to give you a nice dose of tradition, Bollywood and music along with a lot of glitz and glitters. The festive mood and the ambiance are

bound to take one to the highest level of festive trance. Catch a glimpse of the contestant Shehnaz sing Taakte rehte tujhko saanjh saware from the movie Dabangg. Apparently, at the sets after Shehnazs performance Sajid asked Sonakshi Sinha to imitate the famous dialogue of the veteran actor Shatrughan Sinha (Sonakshis father). At this she politely said, I am Sonakshi Sinha, not Shatrughan Sinha. I have my own dialogues and refused to do the act. Well this act of hers has certainly raised a few eye brows. Also something to look out for is how Mohammad Zain from Lahore got the standing ovation from everybody when he sang his favorite song Challa. Gurudas Mann himself joined him on stage to enjoy the musical delight while he performed. At this sight Ajay Devgan quoted "It was an honor to see Gurdas Maan perform live. After watching you perform, it's certain that if you love your work dearly, you will never fail in any endeavor." So, gear up to celebrate this Diwali, zara hatke. This time celebrate it musically making the moments mystical!

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Friday November 9, 2012


After winning accolades at home, the Vidya Balan-starrer 'Kahaani' has bagged an award at South Asian Film Festival, a Film awards at the United States, sources in the film trade said. 'Kahaani', Directed by Sujoy Ghosh, won the award for Best Original Screenplay at the South Asian Rising Star Film Awards at New York recently. Sujoy won the award for the best

'Kahaani' Bags Best Screenplay Award At S A F A

screenplay, beating contenders like Anurag Kashyap for 'Gangs Of Wasseypur', Akshat Verma for 'Delhi Belly', Juhi Chaturvedi for 'Vicky Donor' and Gurvinder Singh for Anhe Ghode Da Daan ('Alms Of The Blind Horse'). This is yet another feather in the cap for the film, which has won critical acclaim as well as box office success in India.

Shah Rukh And Gauri In Legal Trouble

Composer Bappi Lahiri has a fullfledged role in the movie "It's Rocking Dard-E-Disco" and says that he has dedicated it to his late maternal uncle and legendary singer-actor Kishore Kumar. "I have acted before in films like 'Main Aurr Mrs Khanna', 'Om Shanti Om', 'Kalakaar' and those were guest appearances. But complete acting I have done in this film. I did acting for my mamaji, Kishore Kumar. I have dedicated my acting in this film to Kishore Kumarji," the 59-year-old said here in an interview. "Everyone has seen his comedy, his

Bappi Lahiri's Tribute To Uncle Kishore Kumar

style, how he used to talk and I have tried to imitate him a bit. 'It's Rocking Dard-EDisco' is a gift from me as an actor to all my fans who love me," he added. Bappi said the film carries a message. "There is a good message for the world through the film. It's not like that a film has been made and disco has been added with some songs and finished. No, it has a good message," Bappi said. Bappi Lahiri is famous for his compositions in films like "Disco Dancer", "Thanedaar", "Saheb", "Namak Halaal", "Taxi No. 9211" ("Bambai Nagariya"), "The Dirty Picture" ("Ooh la la la") among others.

Delhi Safari Short Listed For Oscars After wooing the audiences worldwide, themes about urban sprawl and the effects
Nikhil Advani's animated adventure 'Delhi Safari' has made its grand entry to world's most prestigious movie recognition award ceremony. The film has been shortlisted for the 85th Academy Awards (Oscars) in the animation category. Directed by Nikhil Advani, 'Delhi Safari' is an animated family film with real world

of humanity on the global ecosystem. The idea of this film came to Advani on one of many long nature walks that he enjoys taking with his six-year-old daughter. The balance between fun and being meaningful is what sets the film apart from the many animated films released in this category. 'Delhi Safari' is brave departure from the stereotypical Bollywood animation films with a strong and crisp plot. The English version of the film features the voices of Jason Alexander, Cary Elwes, Christopher Lloyd, Jane Lynch, Vanessa Williams and Brad Garrett. Mending the gap between Hollywood and Bollywood, Advani's 'Delhi Safari' is an entertaining crossover piece and well deserving for being short listed for the Oscars, felt industry experts.

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Trouble brewing over Shah Rukh Khan and his wife Gauri Khan. A court in Bihar's Muzaffarpur district asked the police to lodge a case against actor Shah Rukh Khan, his wife Gauri Khan, filmmaker Karan Johar and the other makers of Student Of The Year for allegedly hurting Hindu religious sentiments by depicting goddess Radha in an unsuitable manner in the film Student Of The Year. Chief Judicial Magistrate S P Singh passed the order on a complaint filed by an advocate Sudhir Kumar Ojha. The court directed for registration and asked police to look into the case and take necessary action against the culprit at Sadar police station. The complaint has been filed under the following sections 294 (Obscene acts and songs to the annoyance of others), 295 (deliberate and malicious act intended to hurt religious feelings

and 295A (injuring or defiling place of worship intent to insult the religion) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), Ojha in his complaint has said an obscene word sexy has been used for Radha in the song which has hurt the religious sentiments of the Hindu community. The star casts of the movie Varun Dhawan, Alia Bhatt and Siddharth Malhotra and the production house, Dharma Productions which produced the film in partnership with Shah Rukh Khan's production company - M/S Red Chillies Entertainment, have also been roped in the case. Student Of The Year directed by Karan Johar is the story of Abhimanyu Singh (Sidharth Malhotra) and Rohan Nanda (Varun Dhawan) who traverse the path of competition, envy, triumph, failure, manipulation and heartbreak in their mini-universe of St. Teresa's High School, Dehradun.

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Friday November 9, 2012

Priyanka Chopra A.K.A Piggy Chops is stirring the world with her latest debut as a pop singer. The beautiful star is all filled with energy, promoting her first international single In My City. She is right now in Los Angeles for the promotion of the same. She has spent quite a lot of time in the city (Los Angeles) to complete her album. Priyanka, says she learnt to sing first and read later as a child. It was due to her father who is a singer and loves to sing that she incorporated music as an integral part of her life. The actor got numerous opportunities, to sing for the Bollywood industry but she put them all down, since she was a bit shy and wanted to give all she had to her acting. Priyankas first debut as a singer was Priyanka Chopra A.K.A Piggy for the Tamil movie Thamizhan (2002), Chops she gave voice to the song "Ullathai Killadhe", and she was also offered Chopra I got to meet her and also to sing the song Tinka tinka in her managed to see a few of her movies. I movie karam (2005) that she declined. loved them! She is great and simply Though she declined the offer she was unbelievable when he was asked which seen singing the song in the television Bollywood actress has his attention? reality show Sa Re Ga Ma Pa. He also quoted during his recent Bengaluru It was in August 2011 that the diva concert I also recently heard her single, it signed an international recording was pretty good. I enjoyed it. agreement with Universal Music However, Hollywood actor, Joseph Group. The CEO of Atom Factory, Gordon-Levitt is also impressed with Troy Carter who also manages Lady this Bollywood star, and is in love with Gaga, was signed by Priyanka. Chopras voice. The Dark Knight Rises Priyankas In my City is already actor said, I came across Priyankas getting accolades from the international new track and found the song very fraternity. Apparently the Jamaican upbeat and refreshing. She is beautiful reggae singer Sean Paul said PC is and extremely talented. The song a stunner! I have heard In My City is going on my iPod list. To this, India is a talented country With Priyanka replied with a tweet, Thank such a single; PC sure does have fans u Joseph! worldwide. I like her and Id love to The lady is sure to go places with her meet her. To Get The Best Valuevocal chordsindustry. set to bring up a For in the and is all Whereas Enrique Iglesias said, Priyanka stormYour Dollar

International Singers Go Gaga Over Priyanka

The box office down south will see three big names - Bollywood stars Ajay Devgan and Shah Rukh Khan and southern star Vijay - vying for the top spot with their releases "Son of Sardaar", "Jab Tak Hai Jaan" and Tamil actionthriller "Thuppakki" respectively. All three hit screens Nov 13. Vijay, who is on a winning streak, is eyeing a hattrick with "Thuppakki". "Vijay's last two films - 'Velayutham' and 'Nanban' were very successful. Both the films ran for 100-plus days. The former, which released on Diwali day last year, raked in more than Rs.50 crore at the boxoffice worldwide. Both films together collected more than Rs.100 crore," Trinath, a trade analyst, told reporters. "Nanban", a Tamil remake of Bollywood blockbuster "3 Idiots", collected whopping Rs.4.2 crore in its

Ajay, Vijay And SRK Set For Big Fight On Diwali Day

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From Bollywood to Hollywood, Anupam Kher has done it all. We all know how talented he really is, but taking it another step was a well known western publication that listed Kher among the 5 most talented actors in Asia. During his three-decade career, Kher, 57, has been featured in more that 450 films, making him one of Indian cinema's most respected actors. Boasting a rich variety of roles, from the dramatic (Saraansh) to the comic (Ram Lakhan). Kher has also won acclaim for his appearances in international projects, which include Gurinder Chadha's Bend It Like Beckham, Ang Lee's Lust, Caution and Woody Allen's You Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger. Signed to London-based United Agents, Kher is now getting Hollywood's attention for his supporting role as a psychiatrist in David O. Russell's awards- season contender Silver

Anupam Kher Among 5 Most Talented Actors In Asia

first week in Chennai. Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh is set to give tough competition to Vijay at the ticket window. "SRK is known for giving bumper openings. His last two films 'Ra.One' and 'Don 2' were equally successful in Tamil Nadu. The former collected Rs.2.2 crore, while the latter raked in Rs.1.3 crore in the first two weeks," Trinath said. He added that Ajay, who recently joined the Rs.100-crore club with "Singham" and "Bol Bachchan", can't be taken lightly as well. "Ajay's films may not have had good openings in Tamil Nadu vis-a-vis SRK films, but the actor having joined the league of successful actors with two commercially hit films needs to be taken seriously," he said.

Linings Playbook, in which he costars with Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence and Robert De Niro. "As an actor, it has always been very important to keep growing, to me, the country of a film's origin is not important. The profile of my part is what matters", says Kher.

Anupam Kher

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Friday November 9, 2012


by: Robert Waldman At The Movies Bumpy Ride! Flight! (14A) * * *

Better buckle your seatbelts and settle in for soaring adventure in Flight, a dynamic suspenseful drama from Paramount Films now freaking folks out at The Empire Studio 12, Colossus and Cineplex Odeon sites around B.C. More accurately Flight is really a high stakes drama rather than an action flick. White knuckle experiences are hard to forget. Director Robert Zemeckis (Back to the Future) is a consummate artist and here he has a top calibre actor in the form of one Denzel Washington leading the charge. Denzel takes centre stage as Whip Whitaker, pilot extraordinaire. Ah, but lots of baggage goes along with Whip and were not just talking about airline tote bags here. Demons aplenty confound our friendly flyer but no one can dispute his talents. Near the start of this film something goes amiss during a routine flight. Swift action is needed to set the plane on its right course and theres no better man for the job than Whip Whitaker. Dont you just love that name, for this navigator is an ace at doing his job, a talent that comes in handy when a Mayday distress call materializes. Plane crashes occur not that often but Zemeckis here takes us on a doozy of a joy ride. Back on the ground, however, the real drama sets in as we see how Mr. Whitaker copeswith the disaster. Thats when the real drama begins as we bear witness to all the pains and heartache that confront this man. Issues of dependency arise with a slow build and how these emotional strains surface are very well constructed. Washington is at the height of his art as a consummate actor, moving from hero to zero without missing a beat. Raw emotion springs forth as we see the gnawing away of a once proud man whose skeletons come back to haunt him. Other stand-out acting in this piece comes from John Goodman as a jovial chap whose like a man Friday to Whip whenever hes in a bind and West Vancouver native Bruce Greenwood as a member of Whitakers team. Lots of coverage of the personnel problems that develop in the aftermath of a crash are well engineered with also Nadine Velazquez particularly tantalizing as Katerina Marquez, a member of the inflight team. Home issues also come into play as does the role of investigators who may be out for more than the facts. Add on impressive work by the always reliable Don Cheadle in the role of hot shot lawyer Hugh Lang and the end result is that Flight is an engaging drama whose 139 minutes is particularly well spent. Deep thoughts emerge from this tragic travel tale that boasts a very real look at dependency issues that many of us face and have to deal with in our lives.

Aaradhya Bachchan who is making lots of news now-a-days for her public appearances with her parents, Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan has hit the headlines yet again. Aaradhya made her debut before the world during her dadaji Amitabh Bachchans 70th birthday and again she has grabbed everyones attention at her moms 39th birthday. When Aishwarya conceived, it was Big B who shared the good news to the world. He said that he is very happy and excited to become grandpa. It was again the megastar who declared that Aishwarya was blessed with a baby girl on November 16th 2011. And it was again Big B who carried little Aaradhya from hospital to home when Aishwarya was discharged. Hence, we can understand the bonding between the grandfather and

Aaradhya Gives Amitabh Endearing Moments Of Life

granddaughter. Amitabh Bachchan's feelings for his granddaughter is beyond measure. Aaradhya occupies his heart. Speaking about Aaradhya who will turn one on November 16th, Mr Bachchan tweets: T 923 - One of the most endearing moments of life ... when your grandchild, without any prompting calls out on seeing you .. DADA !! Mr Bachchan once said that he wants now is some attention from his youngest grandchild. Previously, Mr Bachchan told us: "The only thing that I want her to do right now is that she should start giving us some importance and realise that I am her grandfather. The only thing that she has been able to understand, according to me, is that this bearded person is going to play an important role in her life. She keeps playing with my beard."

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Friday November 9, 2012

Saving Money
Learn how to save money when going out with your girlfriends, using credit, and all around your home in our collection of savings articles. Want to cut your spending and learn how to save money, but not sure where to start? Many experts agree that small changes to your spending habits can make a big difference in your bottom line. Get started by taking a hard look at your accounts and balances. Chances are there will be a few areas of your budget that could be pared down comfortably. Want to save $3600 in one year when out with your friends? You'll find the answer plus more amazing moneysaving tips. Plus, learn how to beat the bank and get the best deal on credit card rewards and rates, and have the allimportant money talk with your partner. How to save money How to save money and still have fun Learn how to save money by making small lifestyle changes without giving up all the fun. Saving money for the future you want doesn't mean feeling guilty about every cent you spend on yourself now. Who would want to stick to a plan that entails that much suffering? The Smart Cookies are all about preserving the lifestyle you enjoy just doing it for less. Each of us managed to find lots of ways we could save extra money, without feeling like we were giving up the things that gave us pleasure. When it comes to deciding what spending strategies work best for you, it's important to come up with some that fit with your lifestyle, not just your goals. Were not asking you to stop visiting the spa or to swap your cashmere sweater for a polyester blend just because it's cheaper. The idea is to figure out what is really important to you and what's not. We learned that we all spent a lot of money on things that didn't provide a great deal in return. And even in those areas that are important to us, there were ways to save money without sacrificing our social lives, stylish wardrobes, or the have happy-hour specials between the small luxuries that brighten our days. hours of 5 and 7 p.m. on weekdays, Some places to look should be obvious with drinks at half price and a range to you by now. If you haven't watched of menu items for under $10. Why not the Discovery Channel in more than meet a friend right after work for a six weeks, maybe it's time to consider half-price drink and appetizer and then switching to standard cable. If you're head home for dinner? spending a disproportionate amount 10 surprising ways to save money on of your paycheck on dinners out, credit card fees try meeting your friends for brunch These 10 easy tips will help you save or a drink instead. There are lots of money on your credit card fees. easy ways to cut back a little without Sometimes we choose the credit cards lowering your standard of living. we use for all the wrong reasons. Eight Here are a few more of our personal years ago I opted for a Royal Bank favorites: Avion card because I was seduced Socializing by the idea of saving up a whack of Instead of meeting a girlfriend for travel points to cash in for a great dinner, suggest meeting for breakfast, family holiday someday. It wasn't lunch, or even coffee, as we mention smart financial planning. While I've above. If you eat out, dinner is always earned 165,000 in points (worth about the priciest meal. And you are likely to $1,650 in airfare), I pay an annual fee have just as much fun no matter when of $170 to use the card. Over eight or where you meet a friend. If you're years that amounts to $1,350. And dying to check out an expensive new when you consider that I sometimes restaurant, why not go early for a drink carry a balance and am charged a hefty and split an appetizer? You'll get to 19.5 per cent in interest, the bank has sample the ambience and the menu for benefited from me having that card far a fraction of the cost. more than I have. Have a Girls' Night In. Rather Selecting the wrong credit card is a than going out for dinner with your common mistake many people make, girlfriends, have $6 Girls' Nights In. says Sylviane, communications Each person can spend $6 on food manager of the Financial Consumer made for sharing like pita bread, Agency of Canada. "There is a whole olives, and a container of hummus, for process you should go through when example, or a small pizza and bring you want to get a new credit card or a regifted wine or combine funds with switch to a different card. There are so others to buy a bottle. We estimate that many products out there that you have we collectively saved at least $3,600 to first identify your needs in order to just by doing this once or twice a week pick the one that will work best for for one year. (How? We figured that we you." each would have spent at least $20 had Getting the right card is the first step. we gone out instead. So we took that Next is reducing the costs associated $14 saved, multiplied it by 52, then by with using that little piece of plastic. 5, the number of Cookies in our money Here are 10 tips to help you do just that. group.) 1. Pay your balance in full: Every Be fashionably late. Eat dinner at month, every time. It's the only way home before you go out to meet your to guarantee you won't spend a cent in friends. Then you can snack on an interest. appetizer or skip the meal as low as2. Know the interest rate on your Advertising for altogether $25.00 per month and just have a drink or two with your credit card: 28 per cent of Canadians Call us Today 604 909 4088 rate they are paying, friends. don't know the Eat early. Most restaurants and bars Apply) to a 2007 survey of 4,000 (Conditions according Canadians by Credit Canada. Make it your business to find out. 3. Ask your bank about low-rate credit cards: If you can't pay your balance in full every month, switch to a lowrate card. All it takes is a simple phone call to your bank. These no-frills cards charge 10-12 per cent interest, sometimes even less. I made the switch from the Avion card to a Scotiabank line of credit Visa which has no annual fee and charges prime plus 5 per cent. I'll be saving a bundle on interest payments. 4. Ditch the retail credit cards and fast: Store cards from places such as Future Shop or The Bay charge 30 per cent interest, the very top rates on the credit card heap. 5. Don't make cash advances on your credit card: The interest rate kicks in from the day you withdraw the money there is no interest-free period. And some credit cards charge a higher interest rate for making these advances. 6. Make sure the reward program offers real rewards: If you aren't paying your balance in full every month, your rewards are being cancelled out by the interest you are paying. 7. Negotiate the annual fee: Ask your bank to waive this fee. If you're a longstanding customer with a good credit rating, you just might get lucky. 8. Know exactly when the bill is due: If you miss your credit card payment by even one day, you'll have to pay full interest for that month. And you don't need to wait until you get your statement to pay the bill you can do that anytime. 9. Reduce the number of credit cards you have: If you aren't paying off your balance each month on all your cards, minimize the damage and carry only one card. 10. Lower your limit: Some people just can't handle having access to $10,000 or more on their credit card. If you're one of them, call your bank and simply ask to lower your limit to prevent yourself from overspending.

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Friday November 9, 2012


Wellington New Zealand

Population The four cities have a total population of 397,300 (June 2011 estimate), and the Wellington urban area contains 99% of that population. The remaining areas are largely mountainous and sparsely farmed or parkland and are outside the urban area boundary. Another major population area is the Kapiti Coast area, north of Porirua City and including the towns of Paraparaumu, Waikanae and Otaki. The population of the Kapiti Coast is 49800. The beach and garden zones of these townships attract life-stylers and retired people: 24.6% are aged 65+ as at June 2011 estimates: The 2011 Census was canceld as it was due to take place just after the February 2011 Christchurch earthquake . The next census is expected to take place in 2013. Counts from the 2006 census gave totals by area, sex, and age. Wellington had the largest population of the four city council areas with 179,466 people, followed by Lower Hutt, Porirua and Upper Hutt. Women outnumber men in all four areas, according to data from Statistics New Zealand, particularly in the Wellington City area. Climate The city averages 2025 hours (or about 169 days) of sunshine per year. The climate is a temperate marine one, is generally moderate all year round, and rarely sees temperatures rise above 25 C (77 F), or fall below 4 C (39 F). The hottest recorded temperature in the city is 31.1 C (88 F), while 1.9 C (28 F) is the coldest. The city is notorious however for its southerly blasts in winter, which may make the temperature feel much colder. The city is generally very windy all year round with high rainfall; average annual rainfall is 1249 mm, June and July being the wettest months. Frosts are quite common in the hill suburbs and the Hutt Valley between May and September. Snow is very rare, although snow fell on the city and many other parts of the Wellington region in July and August 2011. Earthquakes Wellington suffered serious damage in a series of earthquakes in 1848[ and from another earthquake in 1855. The 1855 Wairarapa earthquake occurred on a fault to the north and east of Wellington. It ranks as probably the most powerful earthquake in recorded New Zealand history, with an estimated magnitude of at least 8.2 on the Moment magnitude scale. It caused vertical movements of two to three metres over a large area, including raising an area of land out of the harbour and turning it into a tidal swamp. Much of this land was subsequently reclaimed and is now part of Wellington's central business district. For this reason the street named Lambton Quay is now 100 to 200 metres (325 to 650 ft) from the harbour. Plaques set into the footpath along Lambton Quay mark the shoreline in 1840 and indicate the extent of the uplift and reclamation. The area has high seismic activity even by New Zealand standards, with a major fault line running through the centre of the city, and several others nearby. Several hundred more minor fault lines have been identified within the urban area. The inhabitants, particularly those in high-rise buildings, typically notice several earthquakes every year. For many years after the 1855 earthquake, the majority of buildings constructed in Wellington were made entirely from wood. The 1996-restored Government Buildings, near Parliament is the largest wooden office building in the Southern Hemisphere. While masonry and structural steel have subsequently been used in building construction, especially for office buildings, timber framing remains the primary structural component of almost all residential construction. Residents also place their hopes of survival in good building regulations, which gradually became more stringent in the course of the twentieth century. Architecture Wellington showcases a variety of architectural styles from the past 150 years 19th century wooden cottages, such as the Italianate Katherine Mansfield Birthplace in Thorndon, some streamlined Art Deco structures such as the old Wellington Free Ambulance headquarters, the Central Fire Station, Fountain Court Apartments, the City Gallery, and the former Post and Telegraph Building, as well as the curves and vibrant colours of post-modern architecture in the CBD. The oldest building in Wellington is the 1858 Colonial Cottage in Mount Cook.[The tallest building in the city is the Majestic Centre on Willis Street at 116 metres high, the second tallest being the structural expressionist State Insurance Building at 103 metres. Futuna Chapel in Karori was the first bicultural building in New Zealand, and is thus considered one of the most significant New Zealand buildings of the twentieth century. The Bucket Fountain, Cuba Street; erected in 1969 Old St Paul's is an example of 19thcentury Gothic Revival architecture adapted to colonial conditions and materials, as is St Mary of the Angels. The Museum of Wellington City & Sea building, the Bond Store, is in the Second French Empire style, and the Wellington Harbour Board Wharf Office Building is in a late English Classical style. There are several restored theatre buildings: the St James Theatre, the Opera House and the Embassy Theatre. Civic Square is surrounded by the Town Hall and council offices, the Michael Fowler Centre, the Wellington Central Library, Capital E (home of the National Theatre for Children), the City-to-Sea Bridge, and the City Gallery. As it is the capital city, there are many notable government buildings in Wellington. The circular-conical Executive Wing of New Zealand Parliament Buildings, on the corner of Lambton Quay and Molesworth Street, was constructed between 1969 and 1981 and is commonly referred to as the Beehive. Across the road from the Beehive is the largest wooden building in the Southern Hemisphere,[32] part of the old Government Buildings which now houses part of Victoria University of Wellington's Law Faculty. The Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa is on the waterfront. Other notable buildings include Wellington Town Hall, Wellington Railway Station, Dominion Museum (now Massey University), State Insurance Building, Westpac Stadium, and Wellington Airport at Rongotai. Leading Wellington architects include Frederick Thatcher, Frederick de Jersey Clere, W. Gray Young, Bill Alington, Ian Athfield, Roger Walker and Pynenburg and Collins. Wellington contains many iconic sculptures and structures such as the Bucket Fountain in Cuba Street and Invisible City by Anton Parsons on Lambton Quay. Recently a number of new kinetic sculptures have been commissioned, such as the Zephyrometer. This giant 26-metre orange spike built for movement by artist Phil Price has been described as "tall, soaring and elegantly simple" and which "reflects the swaying of the yacht masts in the Evans Bay Marina behind it" and "moves like the needle on the dial of a nautical instrument, measuring the speed of the sea or wind or vessel." Tourism Wellington is marketed as the 'coolest little capital in the world' by Positively Wellington Tourism, an award-winning regional tourism organisation set up as a council controlled organisation by Wellington City Council in 1997. The organisations council funding comes through the Downtown Levy commercial rate. In the decade to 2010, the city saw growth of over 60% in commercial guest nights. It has been promoted through a variety of campaigns and taglines, starting with the iconic Absolutely Positively Wellington advertisements. The citys long-term domestic marketing strategy was a finalist in the 2011 CAANZ Media Awards. Tourism is a major contributor to Wellingtons economy, injecting approximately $1.3 million into the region annually and accounting for 9% of total FTE employment. The city is consistently named as New Zealanders favourite destination in the quarterly FlyBuys Colmar Brunton Mood of the Traveller survey and it was fourth in Lonely Planet Best in Travel 2011s Top 10 Cities to Visit in 2011. New Zealanders make up the citys largest visitor market, with 3.6 million visits being made to Wellington each year. Kiwi visitors spend on average $2.4 million a day in the city. The capital has approximately 540,000 international visitors each year, who spend 3.7 million nights and $436 million in the city each year. Wellington's largest international visitor market is Australia, with over 210,000 making the trip across the Tasman and spending a total of approximately $334 million annually.

Continued Next Week

What do you expect out of a lowpriced compact sedan? Do you want a small-car model that looks different than larger sedans, and drives with a nimble, sporty feel, or do you want one that emulates those bigger models, emphasizing space, comfort, and features with a lower price? If you're in the latter group, you're in luck with the 2013 Nissan Sentra. This time around, Nissan is aiming to cast this model in the mold of the mid-size Altimayet scaled down in size and price, in the hopes to lure shoppers who want classiness (and frugality, of course) over sportiness. Nissan has tried hard to make the Sentra look and feel like a larger, more mature car, and it succeeds. With its laid-back profile and upscale Infiniti-influenced sheetmetal, the new Sentra looks almost sexy, in a way the outgoing car never wasespecially in the way the arched roofline and flowing rear flank sheetmetal meet around the rear pillar, with a chiseled upkick of the window line. Inside, you may have a little more trouble seeing the Sentra as a 'mini Altima,' as it bears more in common with the Versa than it does with the Altimaand much of it is due to the materials and trims. The interior is well laid-out, but there's no convincing luxury look here. If what you need is small-car

performance thats confident enough for everyday-driving demands, youll find it here. But what you wont find hereand you will in a number of competing modelsis anything close to the zippy performance behind the wheel that youll find in models like the Ford Focus or Mazda3. Furthermore it misses the mark in providing the kind of refined, tactile reassurance of the Chevy Cruze or VW Jetta. The Sentra's powertrain, a 130-horsepower, 1.8-liter four-cylinder engine and Xtronic continuously variable automatic transmission (CVT), puts its best foot forward in typical commuting conditions (gas mileage is great, too at up to 40 mpg highway). It's worst side is when you need a quick burst of power and catch the system flatfooted. There's a six-speed manual transmission available, too, but only on the base Sentra S, and it feels a bit like an afterthought. With a torsion-beam rear axle and rear drum brakesplus standard steel wheelsthe 2013 Sentra won't win any awards for sophistication in handling. But the speed-sensitive electric-boost steering here feels much like what's used in the Altima, with a rather light, feel thats nicely weighted and confident on center. Ride quality is pretty good too. No matter which model or trim level you get, all 2013

Friday November 9, 2012

2013 Nissan Sentra

Nissan Sentra models include Normal, Eco, and Sport modes that affect throttle response and transmission tuning, while Eco mode also reduces air-conditioning draw. The new 2013 Sentra is sized in a range that might have been considered midsizeor close to itjust a few years ago. At 182.1 inches long, about two inches longer than the current car, with a wheelbase 0.6 longer, at 106.3 inches, plus an inch of additional width, the new Sentra has a longer, wider cabin than before. Dimensionally, the Sentra has its rivals beat in the numbers; it has the best official front headroom, front legroom, and rear legroom than any of the other models in this class (including Cruze, Focus, Civic, and Corolla). Overall passenger room, by official measurements, is also more than any of these competing models. In short, the Sentra feels accommodating, but its seating design and seating comfort feel subpar. The seats themselves, front and rear, are flat and unsupportive, and while we thought by the look of them wed get a little lateral support, its there in appearance alone. The Sentra also has one of the roomiest trunks in this class, and in back you can flip the the seatbacks forward (not flat) to an expanded area. Cabin materials are merely average. Nissan lined up the armrests of the

door with the top of the center console, and the contact points are a soft-touch material. We also like the base cloth seats and would probably be happier with them over the plasticky leather (it looks much better in pictures) thats available. It's a relatively quiet cabin at high speeds, tooby budget-priced small-car standards. Looking at the equipment list and pricing, there's a lot of value for the money in the 2013 Nissan Sentra, and it keeps pace with other models in this class, even adding a few features normally reserved for larger, more expensive modelslike dual-zone automatic climate control and Bose audio to some of the lineup. But there are also some frustrating equipment choices. For instance, rear disc brakes are available only on the top-ofthe-line SL or the sporty SR, while a Bluetooth hands-free interface is optional on much of the lineup and not even offered on the base S. In any case, at around $23k for a fully optioned SL, this is a model that poses a strong value for those who want a lavishly equipped, yet frugal, small car. For an extra $400, you can specify a FE+ (fuel economy) package on the Sentra that adds a rear spoiler and low-rollingresistance tires, as well as a few other aerodynamic improvements, so as to obtain the better 40-mpg highway rating.

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Friday November 9, 2012


Whittle your cholesterol, lower your blood pressure and keep your heart healthy with these amazing artery defenders.

Foods That Lower Your Cholesterol

2. Canned Salmon
cholesterol-rich bile acids in the intestines and eliminating them. The result is lower "bad" LDL because there's less cholesterol to be absorbed into the bloodstream. A big bowl of oatmeal per day (about 1-1/2 cups) could cut cholesterol an extra 2 to 3 percent, suggests a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. 4. Roasted Almonds

development of artery-clogging plaque. 5. Avocados

1. Tomatoes

Fresh, Sun-Dried and in Sauce Eating seven or more tomato servings per week cut risk of cardiovascular disease by 30 per cent in a recent study of more than 35,000 women conducted by doctors at Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital. The heart-smart factor? It could be the antioxidant lycopene or the tomato's stellar levels of vitamin C, potassium, and fibre. Cooking tomatoes for 30 minutes or longer raises levels of available lycopene. And 1/4 cup of sun-dried tomatoes has more blood pressurelowering potassium than a medium banana.

Among omega-3rich fatty fish, salmon is king: One serving contains about 1.8 grams of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), important omega-3s that help cut your risk of deadly out-of-rhythm heartbeats, reduce bad cholesterol, cool inflammation, and may even discourage atherosclerosis and the formation of blood clots. 3. Good Old-Fashioned Oatmeal With the Skins Just a fistful of almonds packs a whopping 9 grams of monounsaturated fat, helping slash bad cholesterol, while boosting the good kind. Opting for almonds instead of a doughnut, chips, or pretzels for two snacks a day could cut your "bad" cholesterol by nearly 10 percent. Natural vitamin E in the almond's "meat" plus flavonoids in this nut's papery skin also help halt the

In a study from Mexico's Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, women and men who ate one avocado per day for a week had a reduction in total cholesterol of 17 percent. The amazing details: While their levels of unhealthy LDL and triglycerides fell, good HDL levels actually rose thanks, perhaps to the avocado's high levels of "good" monounsaturated fat. This fatty fruit is also full of cholesterol-cutting beta-sitosterol.
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Betaglucan, the soluble fibre found in oats, acts like a sponge, trapping

Fiji-Sun Times Canada

like age related macular degeneration of retina in the eyes, Alzheimers disease, colon cancers, weak bones (osteoporosis) and the list of fruit nutrition benefits never ends!

Why fruits? Fruits are natures wonderful medicines packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and many phyto-nutrients (Plant derived micronutrients). They are absolute feast to our sight, not just because of their color and flavor but help body keep fit and healthy! Fruits are low in calories and fat and are a source of simple sugars, fiber, and vitamins, which are essential for optimizing our health. Fruits provide plenty of soluble dietary fiber, which helps to ward of cholesterol and fats from the body and to get relief from constipation as well. Fruits contain many anti-oxidants like poly-phenolic flavonoids, vitamin-C, anthocyanins. These compounds, firstly, help body protect from oxidant stress, diseases, and cancers, and secondly, help body develop capacity to fight against these ailments by boosting our immunity level. Many fruits, when compared to vegetables and cereals, have very high

Fruit Nutrition Facts

anti-oxidant values which is something measured by their "Oxygen Radical Absorbent Capacity" or ORAC. Anthocyanins are flavonoid category of poly-phenolic compounds found in some "blue fruits" like blueblack grapes, mulberries, acai berry, chokeberries, blueberries, blackberries, and in many vegetables featuring blue or deep purple color. Eating fruits rich in blue pigments offers many health benefits. These compounds have potent anti-oxidant properties, remove free radicals from the body, and thus offer protection against cancers, aging, infections etc. These pigments tend to concentrate just underneath the skin. Fruits health benefiting properties are because of their richness in vitamins, minerals, micro-nutrients, antioxidants which helps body prevent or at least prolong the natural changes of aging by protecting and rejuvenating cells, tissues and organs in the human body. The overall benefits are manifold! Fruit nutrition benefits are infinite! You are protecting yourself from minor problems like wrinkling of skin, hair fall, memory loss to major ailments

This information is provided for knowledge and educational purposes only. Individuals should visit their physicians for more information on their health.


For Women

Friday November 9, 2012

Diet And Workout Tips For To-Be-Weds

Your marriage is just around the corner and you have been busy shopping, making arrangements and battling relatives' egos and have hardly had the time to get your body in shape for that super expensive exquisite wedding outfit. Fret not. These simple fitness tips will make you ready for your most important day. Eating habits Antioxidants tackle various ageing concerns so consume tomatoes, broccoli, eggplant and other sources. Research has revealed that antioxidants can reverse age-related cell damage too. The meal should be with the correct proportions of minerals, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and water, which hydrates our body. The right combination will help us improve our health and also make our skin look great. If you are not healthy inside, no matter what skin care products you use, you can never have the desired effect. Get enough protein Your body uses 20-30% more energy to digest protein foods than carbohydrates. Make sure you have some protein rich food at each meal: try fish, chicken, eggs, milk, tofu or pulses. If you are working out hard aim to eat one gram of protein per your weight in pounds. Water The quality of your skin depends a lot on the amount of moisture in it. The easiest means to keep your skin moisturized in to drink plenty of fluids including water and fresh juices during your detoxification. With this, you can ensure a more radiant and youthful skin, sans the blemishes. What do you do Who has time for trips to the gym? It is easy to make excuses to avoid exercising and this is a big no-no. Getting in some cardio and strength training and/or yoga everyday is a must for flawless skin. It improves the circulation and this is in turn switches on the glow in you. No matter how tempting it is to avoid exercise, do it anyway. You won't regret it. Regardless of what activity you choose - 30-45 minutes a day, three to four days a week, is the maximum for pre-wedding workouts. And you should spend the day or two before the wedding concentrating on relaxation, not fitness. Cardio - You'll be amazed how much you can achieve through just little changes to your daily habits, going for a 10-minute stroll at lunch time, or foot Your arms Strong, lean arms and shoulders can transform your body shape and unless your wedding dress has sleeves they'll be a key feature on the big day. Just five minutes of push-ups every day will tone your arms as well as your back and core muscles. Aim for two sets of 15 with your hands wide apart, then try another two sets with hands just less than shoulder-width apart to work your triceps and get rid of those bingo wings. Goal: Strengthen the chest (pectorals), shoulders (deltoids), upper arm (triceps); increase pelvic stability (transverse abdominus) Instructions: From the prone (face down) position on the floor; maintain a neutral spine with your head up supporting your body from your hands with extended arms under chest and on feet (toes) (Plank position). Inhale while lowering the body until upper arms are parallel to floor and then exhale while returning to start (maintaining slight flex in both elbows). Continue for 15-repetitions. *Do not allow your hips to dip in toward the floor or pushing hips into the air; do not flex your chin to your chest. Your posture Regardless of what areas you want to "fix," that the one area every bride and groom should pay attention to is his/ her posture. It's the quickest way to enhance your overall look. Strengthen the quadriceps -- those upper thigh muscles that will help you to stand tall in new shoes for an extended period of time. You will need - dumbbells and a stability ball. By sitting on a stability ball and lifting dumbbells above your head, you're not just working out your arms and upper back, but engaging your core muscles - the area in your midsection. Sitting on the ball forces you to work more muscle groups. You improve your posture, you pull in your abs, and you burn more calories as well.

cycling to work. Run Running is the best calorie burner out there - it gives you a bargain 600 calorie burn per hour. But don't just jump in: start by setting aside 20 minutes every day; run for one minute, walk for one, and gradually up your running. You'll burn fat; lose inches fast, and best of all you'll run off all that pre-wedding stress! Here is a wedding fitness guide, which includes exercises that target the abdomen, legs, butt, arms and chest. Perform these exercises, three nonconsecutive days per week one after the other, resting after the last exercise for 90-seconds before attempting your second and then third sets. If you do this consistently up to your wedding day, you will look and feel your very best! Your core Goal: Increase inner core strength, pelvic stability, low back strength; mental toughness Instructions: Lying face down on ground (prone), support your entire body in this 'prone' position hovering your body over the floor supported only

from your forearms and toes; Do not allow your low back to dip; focus on drawing your belly button in towards your spine; hold this position for up to 60 seconds. Your lower body Get your legs and butt buffed with lungs. There is no piece of equipment that will tone and shape that lower body like this specific exercise. Goal: Strengthen the low-body (hips, quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, ankles); to improve balance Instructions: Standing with feet parallel and with both arms relaxed at sides; looking straight up. Inhale while stepping the right foot forward approximately 3 feet making sure the right heel touches the floor first. Your right thigh should be parallel to the floor. Do not allow the left knee to rest on the floor your right knee to extend over your toes. Exhale while pushing the right foot from the floor, bringing both arms overhead and returning to your starting position. Repeat to left leg. Repeat for 15 repetitions (1 repetition for each side = 1 full repetition). *Try to keep your body weight centered in the middle of your working/forward

Friday November 9, 2012


Diwali Message For Migrant Hindus: Obligations And Duties Of Indian Diaspora To Bharat Mata
Thakur Ranjit Singh, Auckland, New Zealand Khan speak from time to time. There is no doubt that India had done very well in economic and GDP terms. We have a very strong and able military, IT and nuclear capability, produce most self-consuming goods, have done very well and we are proud of our heritage. I have written so many articles praising India. We come from a nation where we allow a lady of Catholic Religion (Sonia Gandhi) to step aside for a Sikh (Manmohan Singh) to be sworn as the Prime Minister by a Muslim President (when Abdul Kalaam was president) to govern a nation with over 80% Hindus. English is spoken and read more widely in India than in England. India has third largest pool in the world of doctors, scientists and engineers. In addition, India has the third largest army in the world, and even then Indians clasp their hand in humility because we do not believe that we are above or beneath any individual. There is no doubt about our economic, military, educational and historical pride, however, all these collectively cannot hide the fact that India is one of the most corrupt nations in the world despite being the largest democracy. We are low on social justice and equality. The largest democracy can hardly be said to be a shining example of democracy for which our martyrs or shaheeds sacrificed their lives. For how long can we continue to hail the country for its achievements but ignore the theft and corruption that have left the population the size of USA still under poverty? For the light of Diwali to shine in poor shacks in Indias hundreds of millions impoverished people, we, the Indian Diaspora owe an obligation to help our cousins who are not only victims of some medieval outdated customs and shackles, but are also slaves to their very corrupt system and politicians where every man and his dog may sell easily for a few pieces of silver. All out scriptures in Hinduism teach about righteousness, truth and honesty, then how come our majority-Hindu India has so many deficiencies. Many Indian saffron-clad Sadhus, Swamis and Sant Mahatmas roam the developed world imparting their wisdom and collecting foreign dollars, yet their own land leaves a great deal to be taught, with vast area under darkness of ignorance. New Zealand is one of the cleanest and non-corrupt countries in the world, including Australia, USA and Canada. Our blind and misplaced nationalism and loyalty cannot replace the fact that todays India is at the bottom of the ladder of clean countries. Hence as NRIs residing is such countries, we can work as pressure for change in India, even in a small ways. We owe an obligation in our fortunate positions to do this and raise voices against the rot in India so widely documented and unearthed by Indian media which tend to be more neutral and impartial than Indian media in NZ. We NRIs former Indians migrated to developed countries, normally pray in Diwali to deliver us from darkness into light, and praise truth. However, we appear to show silence, in fact tacit approval of the rot in our former home. This goes against the grain of Diwali message in prayers we recited earlier. Therefore, this Diwali, I urge you NRIs and former Indian residents to pray for light to shine on Bharat Mata which can once again regain its position as a place of truth, light of wisdom, righteousness, equality and social justice. May Latchmi Mata leave big mansions and in the spirit of equality, social justice and equal distribution of economic cake, visit the ghettos, slums and poverty-stricken people of lower deciles and lower castes. We pray to Latchmi Mata, Goddess of Wealth to deliver us light, truth and ability to see truth and support those speaking truth, never mind how bitter. Let us all pull out Bharat Mata out of the chasm and darkness of corruption, deception, poor leadership, outdated medieval customs into light, truth, honesty , righteousness, equality and social justice. Let us once again, look honestly in the mirror, and thank Latchmi Mata, for helping make Our Bharat Mahaan, once again. Asato maa sad-gamaya, Tamaso maa jyotir-gamaya. Wishing a Happy Diwali to all. [E-mail:] [Thakur Ranjit Singh is an Aucklandbased media commentator and journalist who has been slated by Indian leadership in Auckland for speaking truth about India. This Diwali message is meant to shower light on darkness existing in India. Thakur speaks truth frankly, without fear and believes in Satyamev Jayate truth shall prevail and win. His Communications, Public Relations and Event Management business website is:]

Thakur Ranjit Singh I wish a happy and prosperous Diwali to all my readers, and let us begin with some prayers common for Hindus during Diwali: Asato maa sad-gamaya, Tamaso maa jyotir-gamaya; Mrityor-maa-mritan gamaya, Om shaantih shaantih shaantih Lead us from Untruth to Truth, from Darkness to Light, from Death to Immortality. Om peace, peace, peace Sarve bhavantu sukhinah sarve santu nirAmayAh sarve bhadrANi pashyantu mA kaScit dukha bhAg-bhavet Let all be happy. Let all be free from disease. Let all see the Truth. May no one experience suffering. This Diwali message comes with sincerity from the heart of a media commentator, a political analyst and a journalist who has recently been at the receiving end for speaking bitter truth about Bharat Mata Mother India. I picked on these prayers, because like Hinduism, our prayers are rooted in TRUTH. A journalist is rooted in truth, which our prayers above urge us to follow and emulate. Therefore, on my Facebook posting I posted some home truths about India and raised some questions about our blind loyalty to Mother India, without questioning what is happening there. In a G 20 survey, India has been shown as the worst place for a woman to be born in. Even United Nations, according to CNN says that India is the most dangerous place to be born a girl. In light of female foeticide, caste and dowry systems, medicine frauds, among other Indian vices revealed by Aamir Khans Satyamev Jayte, it is generally accepted that there are many evils present today where light and truth needs to shine. If Diwali is really to hold its meaning, you cannot ignore Uttar Pradesh where the reason for Diwali, Ram is to have come as incarnation of Vishnu to remove evil. Who speaks about the plight of millions of these voiceless people to who 65 years of independence and economic prosperity of India has yet to arrive? If we are trying to shine the light of Diwali, then we cannot continue to keep over 400 million dalits, lower caste and marginalized and poverty-ridden people away from light of Diwali or the truth which media commentators like me or Aamir

Happy Diwali to all

May this prosperous festival bring lots of happiness and love to you and your family
Aum Sarvana Bhava Aum SUBRAMANIYA SWAMY TEMPLE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Certificate of Incorporation No: S-36117 8840 - No.5 Road. Richmond, B.C. V6Y 2V4 Ph. 604 274 7906

November 13th - November 18th 2012 Daily Program:7:00 PM - 9:00PM Lord Murugans Abhishekam Kirtan - Aarti

S aP k ao a s j ni a do s t

Please join us in offering our sincere prayers to Lord Skanda (Murugan) who can eliminate all the negative forces from our life and bless our life with wisdom, strength & prosperity Aum Sarvana Bhava Aum


Places of Worship
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 10am to 3pm 10am to 1pm, 5pm to 8pm 10am to 1pm, 5pm to 9pm 1pm to 7pm 10am to 1pm, 5pm to 8pm 10am to 1pm, 5pm to 9pm 10am to 1pm

Friday November 9, 2012


8840 No. 5 Road, Richmond, BC 604.274.7906


HOURS OF OPER ATION Monday 5:30pm9:00pm Tuesday 7:00pm9:00pm Sunday 10:00am12 noon
Then India Sanmarga Ikya Sangam Educational and Cultural Society, BC, Canada (EST. 1982 Incorporated S176969)

For Pooja Booking Contact: Aiyaar Shivachariyar Sada Shiva



5441 - 125A St, Surrey B.c.
Affiliated with Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada




Temple hours Monday to Sunday Daily Aarthi Ramayan Katha

9326 - 116th Street, Delta, BC

Morning 8:00am10:00am Evening 6:00pm8:00pm 7:00pm Friday 6:00pm10:00pm pooja/special prayer sessions/Temple/hall PT. Shiu Madri 604.582.4899 PUJARI Soma Sundaran 604.363.7180 maathar sangam Activities & Volunteers Shakuntala Naidu 604.576.4529
Treasurer: Muniappa Naidu 604.576.4529

1pm Sundays
(Hindi & English)

James Kumar 604-581-3191 (res) 604-599-9518 (work) cecil Labon 604-572-4854

president: H.C. Gopal 604.290.1114

secretary: Ganesh Murti 604.315.3166

Hindi Punjabi Fraserview GosPel CHaPel

sunday service 10:30 am12:00 noon 6:30PM - 7:30PM Service in Hindustani & Punjabi Sunday School for Children

14630-107a avenue surrey bC v3r 1v1 Serving the community since 1972

If youre looking for a place to belong or have been searching for answers to lifes questions or healing, come to our services or contact us. Allow us to introduce you to Jesus Christ and help you come into a full relationship with him.

abhishek pentecostal assembly

Sunday School/Worship Service: 1pm 11601-82nd Ave, Delta BC (604) 590-8836 Services are in Hindi and English Senior Pastor Rev. Samuel Krishna

Pastor Santosh Raj 604-582-2650


Rev. Emmanuel Cheema 778-241-9066
Sunday Service @ 5.30 p.m. (Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi & English)
We pray for sickness, demon possessed & family problems. We have testimonies, come and see Gods great work.
You are the light of the world, a city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. (Matthew 5: 11)

15964 88th Ave. Surrey, B.C. V4N IH5


Social Gatherings at 1pm - Last Sunday of each month at SHRI vENKATESHWARA mAHA vISHNU TEmPLE 9326 - 116th Street, Delta, Bc
Bhan mati Raj 604-581-9859 chand Lakhan 604-5880361 Bhan Pratap 604-839-5106 James Kumar 604-599-9518 Satya Nand 604-590-5303 Thakur Kuar Singh 604-587-5439


#4-6468 King George Blvd, Surrey BC

Sunday Service @ 2:00PM

Uplifting Worship | Prayer for healing | music (cD) Available

Shailendra (Shal) Singh 604-596-7353 or 604-323-6506 |


Pastor Isimeli Lesi Korobasaga
Affiliated with Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada

Every Sunday 25Pm @ Peoples Full Gospel

14455 - 104th Ave., Surrey, Bc Phone: 604.592.9001 Cell: 778.938.2734 Email:

REFRESHMENTS PROVIDED Come and experience a time of Prayer and Bible based answers to lifes difficult questions.

We will meet on the first Monday each month - 6-8 pm


38868 - 128th Street, Surrey Bc

Please contact Murti at 604.599.4552

November 11th, 2012 1PM-5PM November 25th, 2012 1PM-5PM

Fiji Canada Association Seniors Branch

Gathering Schedule November 18th Diwali Function for members only 2-7 PM Friendship night/Karaoke Night Call Kash or Subhas for details
Cell: (778) 861-6209 Subhas Chandra 604.433.4298 N.Tejram 604.540.7009 For membership contact:

Service Sundays 2:00pm Bible Study (Hindi & English) Wednesdays 7:30pm
Prayer, counselling & visitations Available

Pastor Eileen Reddy 604.543-8339



(Registered under the Society Act Of BC. Registered Charity # 891336349)

Ph: 604.593.5663 Pastor Sakaraia & Rev. Ema Karoi

12371 96 Avenue Surrey BC Sunday Service @ 6:00PM

Shree Mahalakshmi Temple

467 11th Avenue, Vancouver BC 604.874.5220
Programs for November 2012 Time 5:30pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 10:30am 6:00pm 7:00pm Program Karva Chauth Deepavali Lakshmi Puja and Kanakabhisheka Shree Lakshmi Vinayaka Japa Annakoot, Govardhan Puja Hanuman Japa Deva-Deepavali, Shree Mahalakshmi Japa Date 2 Friday 13 Tuesday 16 Friday 18 Sunday 24 Saturday 28 Wednesday

Join for Hawan, Pravachan and Satsangh followed by Preetibhoj Every Sunday 10:00 a.m.12:00 noon Yoga, Pranayam & Meditation classes every Wednesday 7:00 p.m - 8:30 p.m. Contact Shobha Rae 604.874.9856 Hindi Classes Sunday 12:30 p.m. -1:30 p.m. Contact Madhu Varsney 604.222.1444 Hall rental also availabale. Contact Kushwakant Singh 604.328.5454
Madhu Varsney, President 604.222.1444, Jack Sundar, Secretary 604.541.9359 Kushwaha Kant Singh, Treasurer 604.328.5454

Arya Samaj Centre, 6884 Jubilee Ave., Burnaby, B.C.

Friday November 9, 2012



Andrew Singh Diwali Match: The Angel Of Love Remembered In Annual Soccer Match
was in Surrey for the recently-plated World Sanatan Tournament. As this was a Diwali event, no meat or drinks were allowed in the ground. The opening Jhanda Bandhan was done by the Shiu Sharan Sardar, the wellknow Fiji bhajania, kirtan writer and kirtan singer who is known for many melodious tunes he has written and sung. Rana Singh of Wings Restaurant sponsored Andrew Singh memorial jersey worn by Andrews home teamRama Krishna Mandali. This team is very ably run by Anil Dutt who is its Manager. Final was played between Brahm Gyan Mandali and host team Rama Krishna Mandali, with the match being won by Brahm Gyan. The Andrew Singh Memorial Cup, donated by Andrews maternal grandparents (Nana and Nani) from Calgary, Mr. and Mrs Govind Singh, was presented to the winners by Mrs Budh Ram Singh, Andrews paternal grandmother (Aaji). Cash prizes were also given. The runners up trophy was won by the host team, Rama Krishna. Prizes were also given in other categories, among others to best dressed team, most disciplined team and the best player. Coincidently the best player trophy was won by none other than Andrews cousin, Neil Singh who scored five goals in the tournament. As Neils father hails from Ba, the famous slogan sounded very appropriate: Ba toh Ba hai. This had been a family affair and once again while Andrew is gone, he has brought people and families together in a soccer match held in his memory. His mother, Pratima Singh and her close families went out of their way to cook delicious food for everybody in the ground on the final day. While living, Andrew had been messenger of love and peace. Even in his death, he was able to bring so many people together in a successful Diwali tournament held in his honour. May the blessings and light of Diwali reach everybody. While this Diwali, Jitendra and Pratima Singh will be without one of their lights, they nevertheless thank everybody

TImes sporTs

who made the memory of their angel Andrew Singh a success through this Diwali Soccer tournament. They wish a Happy Diwali and a prosperous Hindu New Year to all. [e-mail:]

Andrew Ashneel Singh was born in Calgary. He was son of Jitendra and Pratima Singh, now of Surrey, and grandson (Nati) of Mr. and Mrs. Govind Singh of Calgary. He passed away on 7 June 2012 and was cremated in an overflowing Valley View Funeral Home in Surrey on 12 June, 2012. So many came to the funeral of this little angle and an icon of love and peace that it created history in the funeral home in Surrey, which has never seen such outpouring of grief. He may be gone, but he is not forgotten. Newton Athletic Park in Surrey was a hive of activity on August 22 and 23, 2012 when a hard-working Jagdish Dayal, formerly of Yalalevu, Ba but now of Surrey organised Diwali Soccer Tournament in memory of Andrew Singh. The two day event saw various mandalis participate in the tournament. One highlight of the tournament was a curtain-raiser match between the visiting Fiji Sanatan team and Surrey Sanatan which saw the visitors from Fiji win and walk away with a trophy and cash prize. The Fiji Sanatan team

Jitendra Singh, father of Andrew Singh, holding DIWALI SOCCER ANDREW SINGH MEMORIAL CUP, donated my Mr. and Mrs. Govind Singh of Calgary. This trophy was won by Brahm Gyan Mandali of Surrey.

Inoke Male's reputation as a national rugby coach faces a severe test as Fiji faces England at Twickenham on Sunday morning, but we would like to believe that he has the element of surprise on his side. One year into the job he has had a 50 per cent success rate having coached Fiji to beat Tonga and Japan but lost to Scotland and Samoa in full Test matches. Under his wings, a Fijian XV beat Tonga and Samoa under the coaching of Tailevu's Whippy in Tonga. Now with the disadvantage of the nonavailability of some key players and having to play a Test match without the players having to play a warm-up

Fiji May Have Element Of Surprise In England Test

match together, his task is enormous and an absolute 'mission impossible' on paper. On the other hand, England has never seen this side play together recently and they will depend on the first half analysis to gauge the strength of their opposition and try and hammer down our confidence with powerful forward play. If we get our act together in the first half they will find that it is always hard to stop a confident Fijian side motivated with the smell of blood. Backline coach Viliame Satala has worked on our defence while Cameron Blades is satisfied with his work on our scrums, two of our past weaknesses in the international arena. These are supposed to be the improvements to the Fiji side that England and the world has not seen. In amateur days the game of rugby union used to be a form of strengthening good relations and promotion of goodwill between two nations. When Fiji toured the northern hemisphere there used to be warm up matches before the eventual rugby tests to give the visitors time to adapt themselves. It would also give the host union the chance to evaluate the strength and weakness of the touring team.

All the advantages are given to the tourists before the Test. However, the English have seen it fit for Fiji to face them in Test first before a game against champion club Gloucester. They probably have a busy Test schedule as the Wallabies and New Zealand All Blacks will be touring and Fiji is happy to fit in anywhere as long as we play such a big game and as the saying goes 'beggars can't be choosers'. But even if they planned to hit Fiji's weak point then we should not blame them. Continued on Page 46


Continued From Page 45 When we had Scotland playing here we had them playing in the midday sun, which was a decision that we hope the Fiji Rugby Union will never repeat. Coming from a cold country and playing in the heat was a great disadvantage to them and if the scoring was close we should not really gauge our strength by that. So much for island hospitality and 'the way the world should be'. But then the English hope they will not regret to not having this Fiji team play before the Test as it could work against their well-laid plans. Despite having not played together recently, the side has the core of the team that played four Test matches this season and Fijian supporters know that it is enough as coach Male knows their capabilities. That is why we should expect Male to field players who have played together and have a similar lineup that played Scotland at Churchill Park.

Fiji May Have Element Of Surprise In England Test

The front row could see Setefano Samoca and Deacon Manu with either Viliame Veikoso or Jerry Naureure at hooker. Powerful scrummagers Benji Makutu and Manasa Saulo will have a chance to prove themselves as England plans to batter the Fiji scrum early in the game. But our hopes are high as former Wallaby Cameron Blades has been working with our scrums and he said that having a good foundation in the scrum was something the players could fall back on when fatigue kicked in during the game. He said consistently training hard was vital to get good foundations laid in the forwards play. Barring injuries, the locks would be Leone Nakarawa and Api Naikatini or Sekonaia Kalou. At open side flanker will be Malakai Ravulo or Iliesa Ratuva while Jo Domalailai comes in at blindside. With Netani Talei out Rupeni Nasiga is expected at number eight. Samu Bola and Nemani Nagusa are the other options for the loose forward positions. Nagusa is the strongman who could make a name for himself in this tour. Male has a lot of confidence in the local players and had said that underestimating them would be a mistake. He had said the local players may have less international exposure but he was confident that they would do well despite the lack of experience playing internationally. "We are confident with this bunch of young and unknown players as we are trying to rebuild the team and work towards lifting our standard in the IRB (International Rugby Board) rankings," he had said before the team left last week.

TImes sporTs
Nikola Matawalu is expected at halfback with Jonetani Ralulu at firstfive, Sireli Naqelevuki at secondfive, Vereniki Goneva at centre with Watisoni Votu and Samu Wara at wing with Metuisela Talebula or Josh Matavesi taking up the fullback berth. Simeli Koniferedi and Kelemedi Bola are the utility players who can play anywhere in the backline and will beef up the reserves bench. England, as expected will play 10men rugby and will use this game as a build up for later matches against the Wallabies and the All Blacks. While Fiji may be untested the English probably believe that they don't really have to worry about us beating them. It's a decision we pray they will regret for the rest of their lives.

Friday November 9, 2012

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Friday November 9, 2012




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Friday November 9, 2012

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