Matt Lair Presentation

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Character Profiling

Environment and Space Secret Lair

In order to help me create a believable environment for my character I need to first understand The character itself. So Ive researched Fictional and Existing Magicians to create a character reference/background. With this vital information I can then create and understand my own character which will ultimately help me design the Lair that he will be habitating.
Once Ive finished collecting the various traits these individuals possess I will collate the data into a word map that highlights the traits that will help build my Character.

Existing Characters


29 year old Steven Frayne aka Magician Dynamo is a British born magician who practises the style of Illusion to wow crowds. Growing up in a tough Bradford council estate, Steve learnt his trade originally from his great grandfather who showed him the art of Illusion. Over the years Steven visited New Orleans regularly and perfected his act using an innovative method of dance and hip hop integrated into his street act. Steven gained wide coverage fame with his Channel 4 programme Dynamo: Magician Impossible.

Dynamos unique act incorporates the use of celebrity audiences and apparently random people from the public. He has a quirky sense of style and has drawn a lot of attention, good and bad. His most famous tricks are his walk across the River Thames in London June 25th 2011 and the levitation of Matt Locus at The Emirates Stadium in North London.

Dynamo has made a lot of celebrity friends along the way with performances on the likes of Pharrell Williams, Foo Fighters David Haye and various others.




Dark Entertainer



Bearded Hoodies

Addidas tops and trainers Illusionist

Hip Hop, RnB

I would use this as a strong influence for the personality of my character because I like the unconventional style he has compared to other magicians. Using him as a strong influence would be beneficial because It could help me create my character and his lair to be more modern and gritty compared to polished magicians acts involving rabbits.

Existing Characters

Illusionist Entertainers

Penn and Teller are a magician act who specialise in gore trickery, exposing frauds and clever pranks. Consisting of Americans Penn Fraser Jillete, aged 57 and Raymond Joseph Teller, aged 64. Their act is famed for the exposure of secrets behind their tricks, where they repeat it and slow down the process to show just how theyve done it. Breaking the magical code of Omerta..

Another element that is renowned for is the set up of the group. Penn is a raconteur, someone who tells a story in a skilful way , whilst Teller remains completely quite while he performs.

Penn and Teller have appeared on The Simpsons, Futurama and in music videos for the likes of Run DMC and Katy Perry

Old One is tall and big, the other is short and small

Stage act Story tellers

Innovative unorthodox Card Tricks Experienced

Stereotype Magicians


Fictional Characters


Albus Dumbledore, a famously wise and powerful wizard who is appreciated deeply for his role as the protector of the Light Side of the war with evil. An old 118-150 year old character with a long silver beard and deep blue eyes that portray the kind hearted characteristics that he possesses . He played the role of the stereotypical wizard well, almost identical to that of the Merlin character in Disneys Sword in The Stone. Dumbledore was an eccentric character but extremely knowledgeable with almost an explanation for everything, he was a very powerful wizard and was heavily relied upon by many to stave off the ever on-going threats from the evil dark side of the Harry Potter wizarding world.

Traits: Good, Wise, Kind, Tall, Old, Silver, Bearded, Gentle, Powerful

Fictional Characters



From the darkest depths of the Harry Potter world comes Lord Voldemort, almost the polar opposite of Dumbledore, Voldemort is an evil, destructive and spiteful character. Compelled to his gaunt physical, dead like, existence by the most darkest of magic. He is a snake looking character whos portrayal as The Bad Guy is extremely dark and created well by the author. Voldemort is the single biggest threat to the stability of the wizarding world who brings about him fear and destruction. His thirst for demonic, dictator-like control engulfs him and sends him into a trance to pursue his warped vision of a world he strives to rebuild. He is Dumbledores arch enemy and only real challenger to Dumbledores supreme reign over the preservation of that world. Voldemort has practised and perfected the arts of the darker power of magic. Traits: Dark, Cruel, Cold, Callous, Evil, Destructive, Thin, Spiteful, Snake like, Dead Looking, Soulless, powerful

I like the quirky mystical presence that surrounds these types of people. I will definitely install some of these elements to create a hybrid warrior/magic man/witch doctor with modern day traits like Magician Dynamo. I like the fictional powers that could be instilled into my character and enshrouded into my environment. Apparent traits from my research into real life magicians seems to be the power of illusion, innovation and slyness.
However, I am fascinated by the powerful and spiritual elements that the fictional magician, or Wizards have. Especially the power side of this element can go so easily hand in hand with an Amerind Warrior. I can just imagine a strong fierce warrior with supernatural abilities.

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