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RSC 2.0
For decades, the Republican Study Committee has served as the anchor of the conference, the refuge for conservatives and the laboratory of ideas and solutions. Built upon an unshakable and time tested foundation of: Adherence to the Constitution Lessening the tax burden Reducing the size of government Promoting personal responsibility Providing liberty and justice for all Standing upon the shoulders of giants, the RSC of tomorrow has a challenging task ahead and a significant role to play in the future of our great nation -- one in which no one should take lightly. Regardless of which party is in control, strong political winds are always blowing from the left. We will not sway if we remain anchored and unified around our core principles.

Now more than ever, RSC has a vital role to play in shaping Americas future. To be successful, we must be effective. To be effective we must: Cast a Vision

Build Consensus

Achieve Results

From our districts to the U.S. Capitol, we must give our conservative principles a greater voice, a more powerful position, and a more prominent seat at the table in the policy debates.


Where there is no vision, the people perish... Proverbs 29:18
To be effective, RSC must cast a vision that strategically embraces our conservative principles and aligns them with tomorrows challenges.
These challenges are predictable, and by planning and prioritizing, RSC will be proactive, not reactive, and able to influence the agenda. By looking ahead to the major known events, RSC 2.0 will encourage members to develop solutions to the challenges we will confront. Together, we will establish measurable, achievable goals and develop a long-term, strategic plan to help the Republican Conference advance the ball down the field.


No if I can get 70 or 80 percent of what it is Im trying to get... Ill take that and then continue to try and get the rest in the future. - President Ronald Reagan

Weve had our greatest successes as a group when an idea was offered, input gathered, and consensus formed, like Cut, Cap, and Balance. This created broad ownership of a solution and is a model upon which we can and must build.

RSC 2.0 will offer Listening Sessions on major legislation to allow all members to influence the solutions RSC ultimately puts forth. Instead of just a few members deciding for the whole group, RSC Members input will drive the mission. In addition, holding RSC markups of major policy initiatives will allow RSC Members to offer amendments and put their mark on RSC legislation. Finally, RSC must grow support for its ideas across the country by building stronger coalitions with grassroots allies.

Every idea begins with discussion among a few like-minded individuals, but for it to be successful, we must build out from the core group and have buy-in from the full membership. Being a large group, we have many diverse ideas and opinions. This makes our group stronger.

Roundtable discussions with industry and outside group leaders will allow RSC members to advance policy to the grassroots. These groups can then educate their members to support our efforts and engage them to influence the legislative process.


Make a differencenot just a speech. Rep. Jeb Hensarling
Our goal is to achieve results. And, operating in the majority requires us to be resolute and tactically smart, willing to call a fullback dive or a post pattern whatever it takes to move the ball towards the goal line without giving up yardage. We can negotiate our preferences while not compromising our principles. As the largest Republican Caucus in the House, RSC has members on every committee. RSC 2.0 will work the whole legislative process, not just amendment after amendment on the House floor, in order to implement our principles throughout the legislative process. We will also appoint RSC liaisons on all major committees and equip them with solutions and amendments earlier in the legislative process. This strategy will become a yes if approach, instead of no because. And if we are unsuccessful in committee, RSC will consult with the membership and leadership to offer achievable, conservative amendments on the floor again, attempting to move the ball down the field with a yes if approach. However, there will be times when we must take a stand because legislation presented before us will compromise our core values and principles. If we are fortunate enough to preserve this great nation, history will record that there were spirited exchanges, fierce debates, and passionate speeches. And that we held firm, not compromising our core values. With this approach, RSC will certainly have success, and we must celebrate those achievements as a group. Celebrating success will allow us to look at how we crossed the goal line, knowing the next play series is just a few seconds away.


RSC has some of the best communicators in Congress, and in order to maximize results, conservatives must be the ones who defend our policies and advocate for our solutions.
Therefore, RSC will implement the Republican Response Team 2.0.
A rapid response team and a coordinated communications effort will put our ideas out into the main stream showing that House conservatives have the solutions the American people seek. Every issue will have a team of experts ready to appear on television, radio and other mediums to promote the solutions we offer in the House. Communicating this message cannot be left to just Fox News and conservative talk radio. We must reach out to news outlets all across the political spectrum in order to extend the reach for our policies. RSC will also lead Congress in social media grassroots outreach by equipping our members with the tools to build stronger coalitions with grassroots allies. This approach will draw new energy to our cause, while staying true to our core mission.


Because we are fighting a steady breeze and the occasional gale force wind from the left, RSC members must be firmly anchored. Its crucial that there is a concerted effort to protect and enhance the brand. The Right First Steps
By giving our new members the Best Practices Manual, our new conservative colleagues will build their new offices with proven techniques and avoid many of the pitfalls that plague new offices. A new RSC Member Orientation will showcase all the programs RSC offers its members and how we can be helpful in advancing new members legislative goals. RSC2 Mentor Program will partner a new member with a more senior member who can serve as a trusty-worthy friend, in order to build a foundation for success.

Advance the Mission

Advancing our Mission isnt just about offering sound policy, it also requires RSC to strategically think about how to advance our goals. RSC 2.0 will implement a plan to recruit more conservatives to the Steering Committee and add RSC Members to key committees to help influence legislation. In addition, RSC staff can provide introductions and meetings with key industry leaders to help RSC Members advance their policy initiatives.

Staff Member Orientation

Adding a staff member orientation to the mission and services RSC provides will empower staff to be more effective in advocating for their bosses legislative priorities.

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