The Last Day

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The Last Day By Daniel Perry


Daniel Perry

EXT. - HILLSIDE - EARLY MORNING Theres a silhouette of a man digging into the eastern side of the Earth as an apparent pregnant woman watches over; one arm lay upon her stomach, the other searching her face. DAVID(V.O) It wasnt always like this. The man, DAVID, slams the shovel into the ground, resting one hand on the arm while the other wipes the sweat from his brow. A heavy breath reveals the chill in the air as it nips his dry throat. The pregnant woman, GWEN, comes to comfort the man. He drops his heavy hand to her protruding stomach, searching for signs of life. DAVID(V.O) We werent always afraid. DISSOLVE TO: 9 MONTHS EARLIER- DAVIDS CAR - AFTERNOON- MID MARCH David is focusing on the road while Gwen is flipping through the radio stations. DAVID Can you just pick a station an stick with it? GWEN Theres nothing good on. David shuts the radio off. DAVID There. Problem solved. GWEN Jackass. DAVID Im sorry babe, its just that...Its just I know how my brother is. I know he only asked us over for dinner to tell us were making a mistake. He wants my life to be just like his is...perfect. GWEN Well I guess were just gonna have to show him just how perfect our lives are...together.




DAVID Have I told you lately how much I love you? GWEN No, but it better be a hell of a lot since Im carrying your child and everything. DAVID Its quite a bit. She slaps his arm as he laughs, Gwen cant resist but to smile. DAVID(CONTD) Hey now, no hitting the driver. EXT. - MICHAELS HOUSE - AFTERNOON David and Gwen walk to the front door and he rings the doorbell. In his hand is a bottle of wine. GWEN Now remember, be nice. Michaels the only uncle this childs going to have. DAVID I promise... He bends over and rubs her stomach, his face pressed up against it. DAVID(CONTD) Ill be on my best behavior, just for you, you little undeveloped fetus you. Gwen smacks him on top of his head as the door opens. He jumps up as MICHAEL looks at the two of them, MICHAEL Hey guys, so good to see you. He grabs his brother for a clearly unwanted hug. DAVID You too Mike.




MICHAEL good to see you. GWEN You too Michael. Michael gives her a peck on the cheek before embracing her. David watches as the seconds tick away. DAVID Okay, long enough for a hug. Michael releases Gwen from his grasp. DAVID(CONTD) We brought wine! MICHAEL Oh, how thoughtful lil brother. A bottle only three of the four of us can enjoy. A BEAT

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