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Kushal Jain

10-29-12 1st

1. 1) We need to concentrate on population policies and family-planning technologies to bring down birthrates. 2) If we concentrate on development, population growth will slow down automatically, as it did in developed countries. 2. 1) Security in ones old age. 2) Infant and childhood mortality. 3) Helping hands. 4) Importance of education. 5) Status of women: opportunities for womens education and careers. 6) Availability of contraceptives. 3. Increasing population density leads to a greater depletion of rural community resources like firewood, water, and land, which encourages couples to have more children to help gather resources and so on. 4. The World Bank promotes development in developing countries for the past 45 years. Successes: Developing countries economies have vastly improved and their involvement with the global economy has increased. Failures: Many of the people living in developing countries are malnourished, live in unsanitary conditions, and undergo heavy environmental destruction. 5. It is becoming increasingly difficult to pay back the debt and the resulting interest. The reliefs can be done by HIPC and CGAP. 6. The Bank now has a well-organized and influential Environmental Department, which monitors the Banks projects to make sure they are not environmentally damaging. 7. 1) Education. 2) Improving health. 3) Making family planning accessible. 4) Enhancing income through employment opportunities. 5) Improving resource management. 8. 1 aspect is that couples understand the hazard of the reproductive process and STDs. Also, they should learn the responsibilities of taking care of a child and pregnancies. 9. Women who are not currently using contraception, but who want to postpone or prevent childbearing, are said to have an unmet need. 10. Microlending is small, short-term loans, form 4-6 months worth an average of $67. 11. Education: Ensuring access to complete education for both boys and girls. Reduction of infant mortality: Improve health care systems. Income enhancements: Providing microlending and simulation to economic activities. Environmental degradation: Educate people to protect the environment and the consequences if it is abused. 12. The significance of this event is that for the first time in history, the political, religious, and scientific communities of the world reached a consensus on the population issue.

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