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General Objective

: To know and understand the basic concepts of Volume Calculation

Specific Objectives : At the end of the unit you should be able to : Explain the basic concepts and principles of EDM. Define the use of EDM. Explain the system that use EDM Describe the operation of EDM equipment Identify errors and correction in EDM.


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6.1 6.1.1 General Electronic Distance Measurement

Electronic distance measurement (EDM), first introduced in the 1950s by the Geodimeter Inc. founders, has since those early days undergone continual refinement. The early instruments, which were capable of very precise measurements over long distances, were large, heavy, complicated, and expensive. Rapid advances in related technologies have provided lighter, simpler, and less expensive instrumentsthese EDM instruments (EDM Is) are manufactured for use with theodolites and as modular components of Total Station instruments. Technological advances in electronics continue at a rapid rateas evidenced by recent market surveys that indicate that most new electronic instruments have been on the market for less than two years. Current EDMIs use infrared light, laser light, or microwaves. The microwave systems use a receiver/transmitter at both ends of the measured line, whereas infrared and laser systems utilize a transmitter at one end of the measured line and a reflecting prism at the other end. Some laser EDMIs will measure short distances (100-350 m) without a reflecting prismreflecting the light directly off the feature (e.g. building wall) being measured, Microwave instruments are often used in hydrographic surveys and have a usual upper measuring range of 50 km. Although microwave systems can be used in poorer weather conditions (fog, rain, etc.) than can infrared and laser systems, the uncertainties caused by varying humidity conditions over the length of the measured line may result in lower accuracy expectations. Hydrographic measuring and positioning techniques have, in a few short years, been largely supplanted by Global Positioning System (GPS) techniques. Infrared and laser EDMIs come in long range (10-20 km), medium range (3-10 km) and short range (0.5 to 3 km). EDMIs can be mounted on the standards or the telescope of most theodolites; additionally, they can be mounted directly in a tribrach. When used with an electronic theodolite, the combined instruments can provide both the horizontal and the vertical position of one point relative to another. The slope distance


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provided by an add-on EDMI can be reduced to its horizontal and vertical equivalents by utilizing the slope angle provided by the theodolite. In Total Station instruments, this reduction is accomplished automatically.


Electronic Angle Measurement

The electronic digital theodolite, first introduced in the late 1960s (Carl Zeiss Inc.), set the stage for modern field data collection and processing. When the electronic theodolite is used with a built-in EDMI, (e.g., Zeiss EIta, Figure 5.1) or an add-on and interfaced EDMI (e.g.. Wild T-1000, Figure 6.2), the surveyor has a very powerful instrument. Add that instrument to an on-board microprocessor that automatically monitors the instrument's operating status and manages built-in surveying programs and a data collector (built-in or interfaced) that stores and processes measurements and attribute data, and you have what is known as a Total Station.

FIGURE 6.1 Zeiss Total Stations. The EIca 45 and 55 have on-board data storage (1.900 data lines), whereas the EIta 50 requires an interfaced data collector. On board programs include coordinates, free stationing, polar points, heights of objects, connecting distances (between remote points), and setting-out angle accuracy from 3 to 5 seconds and EDM distances to 1.500 m (single prism). (Source : Courtesy of Carl Zeiss Inc-.Thornwood. N.Y. in the Ramsay)


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FIGURE 6.2 Wild T-1000 Electronic Theodolite, shown with Dl 1000 Distomat EDM and the GRE 3 data collector. (Source : Courtesy of Leica Co. Inc..Toront in the Ramsay)


Principles of Electronic Distance Measurement (EDM)

Figure 6.3 shows a wave of wavelength . The wave is travelling along the x axis with a velocity of 299, 792.5 0.4 km/s (in vacuum). The frequency of the wave is, the time taken for one complete wavelength.

FIGURE 6.3 : Light Wave (Source : Courtesy of Leica Co. Inc..Toronto in the Ramsay)


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=c/ where


= wavelength in meters c = velocity in km/s = frequency in hertz (one cycle per second)

Figure 6.4 shows the modulated electromagnetic wave leaving the EDMI and being reflected (light waves) or retransmitted (microwaves) back to the EDMI. It can be seen that the double distance (2L) is equal to a whole number of wavelengths (n ). plus the partial wavelength () occurring at the EDMI. L = (n + ) / 2 meters (6-2)

The partial wavelength () is determined in the instrument by noting the phase delay required to precisely match up the transmitted and reflected or retransmitted waves. The instrument (e.g.. Wild Distomat) can count the number of full wavelengths (n ). or, instead, the instrument can send out a series (three or four) of modulated waves at different frequencies. (The frequency is typically reduced each time by a factor of 10, and of course, the wavelength is increased each time also by a factor of 10.) By substituting the resulting values of and into Equation (6-2), the value of n can be found.

FIGURE 6.4 : Principles of EDM measurement (Source : Courtesy of Kern Ins. Leica in the Ramsay)


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Station Target Reference plane within the distance meter for phase comparison between transmitted and received wave Reference plane for the reflection of the wave transmitted by the distance meter Addition constam Distance meter component of addition constant Reflector component of addition constant Modulation wave length Fraction to be measured of a whole wave length of modulation ( ) The addition constant a applies to a measuring equipment consisting of distance meter and reflector. The components e and r are only auxilliary quantities.

R a e r

The instruments are designed to carry out this procedure in a matter of seconds and then to display the value of L in digital form. The velocity of light (including infrared) through the atmosphere can be affected by (1) temperature, (2) atmospheric pressure, and (3) water vapor content. In practice, the corrections for temperature and pressure can be performed manually by consulting nomographs similar to that shown in Figure 6.5, or the corrections can be performed automatically on some EDMIs by the onboard processor/calculator after the values for temperature and pressure have been entered. For short distances using lightwave EDMIs, atmospheric corrections have a relatively small significance. For long distances using lightwave instruments and especially microwave instruments, atmospheric corrections can become quite important. The following chart shows the comparative effects of the atmosphere on both lightwaves and microwaves.


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ERROR parts per million Parameter t, temperature p, pressure e, partial water vapor pressure Error +1 +1 mm Hg 1 mm Hg Light Wave -1 + 0.4 - 0.05 Microwave - 1.25 + 0.4 + 7 at 20C + 17 at 45C

At this point, it is also worth noting that several studies of general EDM use show that more than 90 percent of all distance determinations involve distances of 1000 m or less and that more than 95 percent of all layout measurements involve distances of 400 m or less. The values in the preceding chart would seem to indicate that, for the type of measurements normally encountered in the construction and civil field, instrumental errors and centering errors hold much more significance than do the atmosphere-related errors.

FIGURE 6.5 : Atmospheric correction graph.(Source : Courtesy of Sokkia Co. Ltd in the Ramsay)


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Following are the characteristics of recent models of add-on EDMIs. Generally the more expensive instruments have longer distance ranges and higher precision. Distance range 800 m to 1 km (single prism with average atmospheric conditions) Short-range EDMIs can be extended to 1300 m using 3 prisms, Long-range EDMIs can be extended to 15 km using 11 prisms(Leica Co.) Accuracy range (15 mm + 5ppm) for short-range EDMIs (3mm + 1 ppm) for long-range EDMIs Measuring time 1.5 seconds for short-range EDMIs to 3.5 seconds for long-range EDMIs Both accuracy and time are considerably reduced for tracking mode measurements. Slope reduction Manual or automatic on some models Average of repeated measurements: available on some models Battery capability is 1400 to 4200 measurements, depending on the size of the battery and the temperature Temperature range -20C to +50C. Nonprism measurements: available on some models with distances from 100 to 350 m (3 to 5 km with prisms)



Prisms are used with electro-optical EDMIs (light, laser, and infrared) to reflect the transmitted signals (see Figure 6.6). A single reflector is a cube corner prism that has the characteristics of reflecting light rays back precisely in the same direction as they are received. This retro-direct capability means that the prism can be somewhat misaligned with respect to the EDMI and still be effective. A cube corner prism is formed by cutting the corners off a solid glass cube. The quality of the prism is determined by the flatness of the surfaces and the perpendicularity of the 90 surfaces.


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Prisms can be tribrach-mounted on a tripod, centred by optical plummet, or attached to a prism pole held vertical on a point with the aid of a bull's-eye level. However, prisms must be tribrach-mounted if a higher level of accuracy is required. In control surveys, tribrach-mounted prisms can be detached from their tribrachs and then interchanged with a theodolite (and EDMI) similarly mounted at the other end of the line being measured. This interchangeability of prism and theodolite (also targets) speeds up the work, as the tribrach mounted on the tripod is centred and levelled only one lime. Equipment that can be interchanged and mounted on tribrachs already set up is known as forced-centring equipment. Prisms mounted on adjustable-length prism poles are very portable and as such, are particularly suited for stakeout surveys. Figure 6.7 shows the prism pole being steadied with the aid of an additional target pole. The height of the prism is normally set to equal the height of the instrument. It is particularly important that prisms mounted on poles or tribrachs be permitted to tilt up/down so that they can be perpendicular to infrared signals that are being sent from much higher or lower positions. FIGURE 6.6 : Various target and

reflector systems in tribach mounts. (Source : Courtesy of Topcon Instrument Co. in the Ramsay) FIGURE 6.7 : Steadying the EDM reflector with the aid of a second target pole (Source : Courtesy of Leica Co. Inc..Toronto in the Ramsay) EDMI ACCURACIES



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EDMI accuracies are stated in terms of a constant instrumental error and a measuring error proportional to the distance being measured. Typically accuracy is claimed as [5 mm + 5 parts per million (ppm)] or (0.02 ft + 5 ppm). The 5 mm (0.02 ft) is the instrument error that is independent of the length of the measurement, whereas the 5 ppm (5 mm/km) denotes the distance-related error. Most instruments now on the market have claimed accuracies in the range of (3mm 4- 1 ppm) to (10 mm + 10 ppm). The proportional part error (ppm) is insignificant for most work, and the constant part of the error assumes less significance as the distances being measured lengthen. At 100 m, an error of 5 mm represents 1/20,000 accuracy, whereas at 1,000 m the same instrumental error represents 1/200,000 accuracy. When one is dealing with accuracy, it should be noted that both the EDMI and the prism reflectors must be corrected for off-centre characteristics. The measurement being recorded goes from the electrical centre of the EDMI to the back of the prism (allowing for refraction through glass) and then back to the electrical centre of the EDMI. The difference between the electrical centre of the EDMI and the plumb line through the tribrach centre is compensated for by the EDMI manufacturer at the factory. The prism constant (30 to 40 mm) is eliminated either by the EDMI manufacturer at the factory or in the field. The EDMIs prism constant value can be field-checked in the following manner: A long line (>1 Km) is laid out with end stations and an intermediate station (see Figure 6.8). The overall distance AC is measured, along with partial lengths AB and BC. The constant value will be present in all measurements; therefore, AC AB BC = instrument/prism constant (6-3)

Alternatively, the constant can be determined by measuring a known baseline if one can be conveniently accessed.




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Figures 6.8 to 6.10 show a variety of first-generation short- to medium-range EDMIs, The operation of all EDMIs involves the following basic steps: (1) set up (2) aim (3) measure (4) record. 6.6.1 Set Up Tribrach-mounted EDMIs are simply inserted into the tribrach (forced centring) after the tribrach has been set over the point by means of the optical plummet. Telescope or theodolite yoke-mounted EDMIs are simply attached to the theodolite either before or FIGURE 6.8 : Method of determining the instrument-reflector constant (Source : Courtesy of Pentax Corp.,Colo in the Ramsay.)

FIGURE 6.9 Pentax PM 81 EDM mounted on a 6-second Pentax theodolite and also shown as tribrach mounted. EDM has a triple-prism range of 2 km (6.600 ft) with SE == +/(5 mm + 5 ppm). (Source : Courtesy of Pentax Corp.,Colo in the Ramsay.) after the theodolite has been set over the point. Prisms are set over the remote station point either by inserting the prism into an already setup tribrach (forced centring) or by holding the prism vertically over the point on a prism pole. The EDMI is turned on and a quick check is made to ensure that it is in good working orderfor example, battery, display, and the like. The height of the instrument (telescope axis) and the height of the prism (centre) are measured and recorded; the prism is usually set to the height of the theodolite when it is mounted on an adjustable prism pole. 6.6.2 Aim


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The EDMI is aimed at the prism by using either the built-in sighting devices on the EDMI or the theodolite telescope. Telescope or yoke-mount EDMIs will have the optical line of sight a bit lower than the electronic signal. Some electronic tacheometer instruments (ETIs) have a sighting telescope mounted on top of the instrument. In those cases, the optical line of sight will be a bit higher than the electronic signal. Most instrument manufacturers provide prism/target assemblies, which permit fast optical sightings for both optical and electronic alignment (see Figure 6.6). That is, when the crosshair is on target, the electronic signal will be maximized at the centre of the prism. The surveyor can (if necessary) set the electronic signal precisely on the prism centre by adjusting the appropriate horizontal and vertical slow-motion screws until a maximum signal intensity is indicated on the display (this display is not available on all EDMIs). Some older EDMIs have an attenuator that must be adjusted for varying distances the signal strength is reduced for short distances so that the receiving electronics are not overloaded. Newer EDMIs have automatic signal attenuation. 6.6.3 Measure

The slope distance measurement is accomplished by simply pressing the "measure" button and waiting a few seconds for the result to appear in the display. The displays are either LCD (most) or LED. The measurement is shown to two decimals of a foot or three decimals of a meter: a foot/meter switch readily switches from one system to the other. If no measurement appears in the display, the surveyor should check on the switch position ,battery status, attenuation, and crosshair location (sometimes the stadia hair is mistakenly centred). EDMIs with built-in calculators or microprocessors can now be used to compute horizontal and vertical distances, coordinates, atmospheric, curvature, and prism constant corrections. The required input data (vertical angle, ppm, prism constant, etc.) are entered via the keyboard. Most EDMIs have a tracking mode (very useful in layout surveys, which permits continuous distance updates as the prism is moved closer to its final layout position. Handheld radios are useful for all EDM work, as the long distances put a halt to normal voice communications. In layout work, clear communications are essential if the points


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are to be properly located. All microwave EDMIs permit voice communicationwhich is carried right on the measuring signal. Figure 6.10 shows a remote device (Kem RD 10). which is attached to the prism. The display on the EDMl is transmitted to the RD 10 so that the surveyor holding the prism is immediately aware of the results. In tracking mode, the RD 10 display will show the remaining left/right and near/far (+/-) layout distances so that the surveyor holding the prism can quickly proceed to the desired layout pointeven on high-noise construction sites.

FIGURE 5.10 Kern RD 10 remote EDM display shown attached to EPM reflecting prism. Slope. horizontal, and vertical distances (from the EDM to the prism) are displayed on the RD 10, Maximum range is 1,300 feet (400 m). (Source : Courtesy of Pentax Corp.,Colo. In the Ramsay)



The measured data can be recorded conventionally in HOLD note format, or they can be manually entered into an electronic data collector. The distance data must be accompanied by all relevant atmospheric and instrumental correction factors. Total Station instruments, which have automatic data acquisition capabilities, are discussed in Section 6.8. 6.7 GEOMETRY OF ELECTRONIC DISTANCE MEASUREMENT

Figure 6.11 illustrates the use of EDM when the optical target and the reflecting prism are at the same height (see Figure 6.6single prism assembly). The slope distance (S) is measured by the EDMI, and the slope angle (a) is measured by the accompanying theodolite. The heights of the EDMI and theodolite (hi) are measured with a steel tape or by a graduated tripod centring rod; the height of the reflector/target is measured in a similar fashion. As noted earlier, adjustable-length prism poles permit the surveyor to set


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the height of the prism (HR) equal the height of the instrument (hi), thus simplifying the computations. From Figure 6.11, if the elevation of station A is known and the elevation of station B is required: Elev. STA. B = elev. STA. A + hi V - HR (6-4)

FIGURE 6.10 : Geometry of an EDM calculation (Source : Land Surveying, Ramsay) When the EDMI is mounted on the theodolite and the target is located beneath the prism pole, the geometric relationship can be as shown in Figure 6.12. The additional problem encountered in the situation depicted in Figure 6.12 is the computation of the correction to the vertical angle () that occurs when hi and HR are different. The precise size of the vertical angle is important, as it is used in conjunction with the measured slope distance to compute the horizontal and vertical distances. In Figure 6.12 the difference between HR and hi is X (i.e., HR - hi = X). The small triangle formed by extending 5' [see Figure 6.12(b)] has the hypotenuse equal to X and an angle of . This permits computation of the side X cos , which can be used together with S to determine : ( X cos ) / S = sin


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Activity 6a

6.1) An EDM slope distance AB is determined to be 561.276 m. The EDMI is 1.820 m above its station (A), and the prism is 1.986 m above its station (5). The EDMI is mounted on a theodolite whose optical centre is 1.720 m above the station. The theodolite was used to measure the vertical angle (+60 2 38") to a target on the prism pole; the target is 1.810 m above station B. Compute both the horizontal distance AB and the elevation of station B, given that the elevation of station A = 186.275 m.


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Feedback 6a 6.1) Solution The given data are shown in Figure 5-15(a) and the resultant figure is shown. The X value introduced in Figure 5-14(b) is, in this case, determined as follows : X = (1.986- 1.810)-(1.820- 1.720) = 0.176 - 0.100 = 0.076 m

If H had been computed by using the field vertical angle of 621'38", the result would have been 557.82m not a significant difference in this example. Elevation B = elev. A + 1.820 + 561.276 sin 60 22 06" - 1.986 = 186.275 + 1.820 + 62.257 - 1.986 = 248.336 m If V had been computed by using 621'38", the result would have been 62-181 m instead of 62.257m a more significant discrepancy.

Well done! Keep it up!.


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When these instruments are combined with interfaced EDMIs and electronic data collectors, they become electronic tacheometer instruments (ETIs), also known as Total Stations. Figure 6.11 to 6.15 illustrate some additional Total Stations now in use. These Total Stations can read and record horizontal and vertical angles together with slope distances. The microprocessors in the Total Stations can perform a variety of mathematical operations: for example, averaging multiple angle measurements: averaging multiple distance measurements; determining X, Y, Z coordinates, remote object elevations (i.e., heights of sighted features), and distances between remote points; and making atmospheric and instrumental corrections. The data collector can be a handheld device connected by cable to the tacheometer (see Figure 6.11 and 6.15), but many instruments come with the data collector built into the instrument. Figure 6.11 shows a Sokkia Total Station Set 3, a series of instruments that have angle accuracies from 0.5 to 5 seconds, distance ranges (one prism) from 1600 m to 2400 m. dual axis compensation, a wide variety of built-in programs, and a rapid battery charger, which can charge the battery in 70 minutes. Data are stored on-board in internal memory (about 1300 points) and/or on memory cards (about 2000 points per card). The data can be directly transferred to the computer from the Total Station via an RS-232 cable, or the data can be transferred from the data storage cards first to a card reader-writer and from there to the computer. FIGURE 6.11 Sokkia Total Station Set 3 with cable-connected SDR2 electronic field book- Also shown is a two-way radio (2-mile range) with push-to-talk headset. (Source : Courtesy of Pentax Corp.,Colo.) Many data collectors are really handheld computers, very sophisticated and very expensive in excess of $2500. If the Total Station is being used alone, the capability of


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performing all survey computations including closures and adjustments is highly desirable. However, if the Total Station is being used as a part of a system (field data collection/data processing/digital plotting), then the computational capacity of the data collectors becomes less important. If the Total Station is being used as part of a system, the data collector then can be designed to collect only the basic information that is, slope distance, horizontal angle, vertical angle, or coordinates and attribute data, such as point number, point type, and operation code. Computations and adjustments are then performed by one of the many coordinate geometry programs now available for surveyors and engineers. Most early models and some current models use the absolute method for reading angles. These instruments are essentially optical coincidence instruments with photoelectronic sensors to scan and read the circles, which are divided into preassigned values from 0 to 360 degrees (or 0 to 400 grad or gon). Some later models employ an incremental method of angle measurement. These instruments have a circle divided into many graduations, with both sides of the circle being scanned simultaneously; a portion of the circle is slightly magnified and superimposed on the opposite side of the circle. As a result, a pattern is developed that can be analyzed (with the aid of photodiodes) to read the circles. Both systems enable the surveyor to conveniently assign zero degrees (or any other value) to an instrument sighting after the instrument has been sighted in. Most Total Stations have coaxial electronic and optical systems, which permit one sighting for both electronic and optical orientation. Other Total Stations have the telescope mounted a bit below or above the CDMI. These instruments employ a specific target/prism assembly similar to that shown in Figure 6.6 (left side). The assembly is designed so that when the crosshairs are centred on the target, the EDMI measuring beam is exactly on the prism. The Total Station has an on-board microprocessor that monitors the instrument status (e.g., level and plumb orientation, battery status, return signal strength) and makes corrections to measured data for the first of these conditions, when warranted. In addition, the microprocessor controls the acquisition of angles and distances and then computes horizontal distances, vertical distances, coordinates, and the like. Many Total Stations arc designed so that the data stored in the data collector can be automatically downloaded to a computer via an RS 232 interface. The download program is usually supplied by the manufacturer and a second program is required to


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translate the raw data into a format that is compatible with the surveyor's coordinate geometry (i.e.. processing) programs. The system computer could be a mainframe, a mini, or a desktop, although lower costs and increased capabilities have recently made the desktop computer the choice of many surveyors and engineers. Also, most Total Stations enable the surveyor to capture the slope distance and the horizontal and vertical angles to a point by simply pressing one button. The point number and point description for that point can then be recorded. In addition, a wise surveyor will prepare a sketch showing the overall detail and the individual point locations. This sketch will help keep track of the completeness of the work and will be invaluable at a later date when the plot file is prepared. Total Stations and/or their attached data collectors have been programmed to perform a wide variety of surveying functions. Some programs require that the proposed instrument station's coordinates and elevation as well as the coordinates and elevations for proposed reference stations, be uploaded into the Total Station prior to the field work. After setup, the instrument station must be identified as such, and the hi and prism heights must be measured and entered. Typical Total Station programs include:

northing, easting, and elevation determination missing line measurement This program enables the surveyor to determine the horizontal and slope distances between any two sighted points as well as the directions of the lines joining the sighted points. resection this technique permits the surveyor to set up the Total Station at any convenient position and then determine the coordinates and elevation of that position by sighting previously coordinated reference stations. When sighting two points of known position, it is necessary to measure both the distances and angles between the reference points; when sighting several points (three or more) of known position, it is only necessary to measure the angles between the points. It is important to stress that most surveyors take more readings than are minimally necessary to obtain a solution. These redundant measurements give the surveyor increased precision and a check on the accuracy of the results. azimuth the azimuth of the line joining a sighted point from the instrument station is readily displayed.


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remote object elevation the surveyor can determine the heights of inaccessible points (e.g., electricity conductors, bridge components, etc.) by simply sighting the pole-mounted prism as it is being held directly under the object. When the object itself is sighted, the object height can be promptly displayed (the prism height must first be entered into the Total Station; it is often set at the value of the instrument hi). offset measurements (a) distance offsets When an object is hidden from the Total Station, a measurement can be taken to the prism held out in view of the Total Station and then the offset distance is measured. The angle (usually 90) to the hidden object along with the measured distance is entered into the Total Station, enabling it to compute the position of the hidden object, (b) angle offsets the prism is held to the left or right of the object being located (e.g., a concrete column). The prism is centred and then an angle is measured to the predetermined centre of the object. The program will compute the coordinates of the centre of the object (the concrete column, in this case). layout or setting-out positions After the coordinates and elevations of the layout points have been uploaded into the Total Station, the layout/setting-out software will enable the Total Station to display the left/right, forward/back, and up/down movements needed to place the prism in each of the desired positions. This capability is a great aid in property and construction layouts. building face pickup This program permits the surveyor to define the vertical face of a building, including all cut-outs (doors and windows) by simply turning angles to each feature.


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FIGURE 6.12 Wild TC500 Total Station featuring angles to 5 seconds and distances to one prism to 700 m (2,300 ft) a*. +/- (5 mm + 5 ppm) accuracy. Data are stored in attached data collector (Wild GPCI field computer). Used in construction and engineering surveys. (Source : Courtesy of Leica, Switzerland in the Ramsay)


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FIGURE 6.13 Wild TCt 610 Total Station with on-board removable data storage modules (module reader required to effect transfer to computer).Angles are read to within 1.5 seconds and distances to one prism to 2.5 km (8,200 ft) at +/- (2 mm + 2 ppm) accuracy. (Source : Courtesy of Leica Co. Inc..Toronto in the Ramsay)


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FIGURE 6.14 Topcon GTS 300 Total Station. The 300 Series instruments have angle accuracies from I second to 10 seconds and single prism distances from 1.200 m (3.900 ft) to 2.400 m (7.900 ft) at +/-(2 mm + 2 ppm) accuracy. (Source : Courtesy of Leica Co. Inc..Toronto in the Ramsay)


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FIGURE 6.15 : Topcon FS2 Data Collector for use with GTS 300 Series Total Stations. (Courtesy of Topcon Instrument Corp., Paramus, N.J.) (Source : Courtesy of Leica Co. Inc..Toronto in the Ramsay)


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Activity 6b

6.2 What is a Total Station? 6.3 Describe typical Total Station programs.

Dont worry, you can do it by your self. Believe me.


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Feedback 6b


Total Station A combination of interfaced EDMIs and electronic data collectors, they become electronic tacheometer instruments (ETIs). These Total Stations can read and record horizontal and vertical angles together with slope distances. The microprocessors in the Total Stations can perform a variety of mathematical operations: for example, averaging multiple angle measurements: averaging multiple distance measurements; determining X, Y, Z coordinates, remote object elevations (i.e., heights of sighted features), and distances between remote points; and making atmospheric and instrumental corrections. The data collector can be a handheld device connected by cable to the tacheometer but many instruments come with the data collector built into the instrument


Typical Total Station programs include : northing, casting, and elevation determination missing line measurement This program enables the surveyor to determine the horizontal and slope distances between any two sighted points as well as the directions of the lines joining the sighted points. resection This technique permits the surveyor to set up the Tof'1 Station at any convenient position and then determine the coordinates and elevation of that position by sighting previously coordinated reference stations. When sighting two points of known position, it is necessary to measure both the distances and angle between the reference points; when sighting several points (three or mere) of known position, it is only necessary to measure the angles between the points. It is important to stress that most surveyors take more readings than are minimally necessary to obtain a solution. These


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redundant measurements give the surveyor increased precision and a check on the accuracy of the results. azimuth the azimuth of the line joining a sighted point from the instrument station is readily displayed. remote object elevation the surveyor can determine the heights of inaccessible points (e.g., electricity conductors, bridge components, etc.) by simply sighting the pole-mounted prism as it is being held directly under the object. When the object itself is sighted, the object height can be promptly displayed (the prism height must first be entered into the Total Station; it is often set at the value of the instrument hi). offset measurements (a) distance offsets When an object is hidden from the Total Station, a measurement can be taken to the prism held out in view of the Total Station and then the offset distance is measured. The angle (usually 90) to the hidden object along with the measured distance are entered into the Total Station, enabling it to compute the position of the hidden object, (b) angle offsetsthe prism is held to the left ur right of me object being located (e.g., a concrete column). The prism is centered and then an angle is measured to the predetermined center of the object. The program will compute the coordinates of the center of the object (the concrete column, in this case). layout or setting-out positions After the coordinates and elevations of the layout points have been up-loaded into the Total Station, the layout/settingout software will enable the Total Station to display the left/right, forward/back, and up/down movements needed to place the prism in each of the desired positions. This capability is a great aid in property and construction layouts. building face pickup This program permits the surveyor to define the vertical face of a building, including all cut-outs (doors and windows) by simply turning angles to each feature.


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Self Assessment

1. Below are the definitions used in this unit. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate term.

800 m to 1 km (single prism with average atmospheric conditions) Short-range EDMIs can be extended to 1300 m using 3 prisms Long-range EDM/s can be extended to 15 km using 11 prisms(Leica Co.)

Distance range

Accuracy range

(15 mm + 5ppm) for short-range EDMIs (3mm + 1 ppm) for longrange EDMIs

1.5 seconds for short-range EDMIs to 3.5 seconds for long-range EDMIs Both accuracy and time are considerably reduced for tracking mode measurements

Measuring time

Slope reduction

Manual or automatic on some models Average of repeated measurements: available on some models Battery capability: 1400 to 4200 measurements, depending on the size of the battery and the temperature

-20C to +50C Nonprism measurements: available on some models; distances from 100 to 350 m (3 to 5 km with prisms)

Temperature range



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Feedback to Self Assessment

800 m to 1 km (single prism with average atmospheric conditions) Short-range EDMIs can be extended to 1300 m using 3 prisms Long-range EDM/s can be extended to 15 km using 11 prisms(Leica Co.)

Distance range

Accuracy range

(15 mm + 5ppm) for short-range EDMIs (3mm + 1 ppm) for longrange EDMIs

1.5 seconds for short-range EDMIs to 3.5 seconds for long-range EDMIs Both accuracy and time are considerably reduced for tracking mode measurements manual or automatic on some models Average of repeated measurements: available on some models Battery capability: 1400 to 4200 measurements, depending on the size of the battery and the temperature

Measuring time

Slope reduction

-20C to +50C Nonprism measurements: available on some models; distances from 100 to 350 m (3 to 5 km with prisms)

Temperature range

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