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Grand Rapids FRC Bulletin

November 11, 2012

9:30 AM Redeeming Love: The Doctrine of Limited Atonement

The Christmas Program has been distributed to the Sunday School and Catechism classes. A packet has been sent home with your child(ren) to let you know the verses and songs that your child(ren) should memorize in order to recite them for the Christmas Program on Christmas Day. If your child would like to do a Special number, please submit these to Heather Engelsma or Julie La Rocque no later than December 2. Practices for the Christmas Program will occur on two Sundays: December 16 & 23. Ordination Service - Everyone is invited to attend the ordination service of Candidate Rob VanDoodewaard as home missionary of the Free Reformed Church plant in Powassan. The ordination will take place, the Lord willing, this Friday, November 16 at 7:30 PM, at the St. George Free Reformed Church, with Dr. Jerry Bilkes conducting the service.

Scripture: Ephesians 5:25-33

Text: Ephesians 5:25-27

~ Calendar ~
5:50 PM - SONG SERVICE: Psalter 37:1 and Psalter 265:all verses 6:00 PM "Faint, Yet Pursuing"

The Lord willing... James 4:15

Dorcas Notes: Please return the wrapped boxes for Operation Christmas Child, today. Thank you for your support. November 12 (Monday) 7:30 PM Consistory Meeting. November 13 - (Tuesday) 9:45 AM Ladies Bible Study. Coffee is at 9.45 AM and the lesson starts at 10. Ladies of all ages are welcome and nursery is provided.

Scripture: Judges 8:1-28

Text: Judges 8:4

November 13 - (Tuesday) 7:30 PM Trinitarian Bible Society meeting at Plymouth Christian High School. Rev. Jerrold Lewis will present the topic. November 14 - (Wednesday) 5:45 PM Join us for our Fellowship Meal and meeting following. See the flyer in your box for details about the meal coordination. We plan to eat promptly at 5:45. November 14 - (Wednesday) 7 PM Fellowship meeting led by Russ Herman. Russ topic will be Lessons from Paul for True Thanksgiving. November 14 - (Wednesday) 7 PM - Boys and Girls Club. Gym night for boys & girls grades K 2. There will be a regular meeting for all the others. November 17 - (Saturday) 7 AM Mens Breakfast Bible Study at the Rainbow Grill in Hudsonville. November 18 - (Sunday) 4:15 PM Youth group meeting. Snack: Pronk November 19 - (Monday) 7:30 PM Elders meeting. November 22 - (Thursday) 9:30 AM Thanksgiving Day Service. November 28 - (Wednesday) 7 8:30 PM We plan to have another Pinterest evening. Watch your mailbox for further details.

I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. Psalm 91:2

~ From The Consistory ~

Visitors, welcome. We hope you are blessed through worshiping with us this Lords Day. Today, Dr. Jerry Bilkes will conduct our worship services. This morning, the sacrament of Holy Baptism will be administered to Doha Lee, son of Mr. Young Jae Lee & Mrs. Min Kyoung Kim. Next Sunday, we welcome Dr. David Murray to our pulpit, D.V. There will be a Thanksgiving Day service, led by Pastor C. Pronk, on Thursday, November 22 at 9:30 AM. The Sunday School & Catechism classes (beginners 7 grade) Psalter of the month is #31: 3, 6 & 7. Please review with your child(ren).

~ Church Family ~
I would like to thank the congregation for all the cards, e-mails, prayers and support during my recent stay at the Cleveland Clinic. They were encouraging to me. I thank God for his providential mercy. Psalm 28:7 Anne Faasse Please Remember in Our Prayers: Mr. Everett Beute, Mr. Dwight Prince, Mr. Trent Timmer, Mr. Howard Vanden Toorn, Mr. Rick Vander Veen, and Mrs. Mina Van't Hof. Shut-ins: Mrs. Dorothy Hitchcock, Mr. Cornelius Jobse and Mrs. Gertrude VanderGraaf Serviceman: Dan Arnoudse

~ Other

News ~

The 2012-2013 FRC of Grand Rapids directory is in your mailbox! For those who do not have mailboxes, the directory is available in the narthex.

Mother In Charge November: Cherise Bergsma Today: AM A: B: PM A: B: AM A: B: PM A: B: Suzanne Kleyn, Tammy Timmer Annelise Moerdyk, Sonia Wielhouwer Arleen Boven, Maddie Prince Laura DeJong, Marieke Ude Susan Osmun, Makenna Pronk Julie Timmer, Rene` Vander Hart Martha Markwat, Liz Prince Lisa Van Strien, Rieneke Ude

Next Week:

Thanksgiving Day: Heather Engelsma, Renee Langerak, Hannah Kleyn

~ Ushers ~
Today: Next Week: AM Steve Kleyn AM Dave Pronk PM Andrew Bergsma PM Henry Boven

~ Offerings ~
1 collection: nd 2 collection: Box at Exits:

Today Education Fund Denominational Fund Christian Rest Home Fund

Next Week Denominational Fund General Fund Word & Deed Fund

Thanksgiving Day: Guatemala Mission

LITURGY November 11, 2012 Morning Service Votum & Salutation Psalter: 292: 1, 2, 5 Law Baptism & Psalter: 278: 1, 4, 5 Scripture Reading: Ephesians 5: 25-33 Text: Ephesians 5: 25-27 Pastoral Prayer Offertory Psalter: 109 Sermon: Redeeming Love: The Doctrine of Limited Atonement Psalter: 230: 5, 6, 7 Prayer Offertory Psalter: 48: 2, 6, 8 Benediction Doxology: 196 ******

Song Service: Psalter 37: 1 and Psalter 265: all verses

LITURGY November 11, 2012 Evening Service Votum & Salutation Psalter: 398 Scripture Reading: Judges 8: 1-28 Text: Judges 8: 4 Apostles Creed Psalter: 331: 1, 4 Pastoral Prayer Offertory Psalter: 73: 1, 2, 5, 6 Sermon: "Faint, Yet Pursuing" Psalter: 236: 2, 3, 4 Prayer Offertory Psalter: 427: 4 Benediction Doxology: 197 ******

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