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Volume 98, Issue 27

January 15, 2009


DAILY Conflicted since 1911

HAMAS MUST BE TALKED TO features 10+11
2 News

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The McGill Daily, Thursday, January 15, 2008 3

Montrealers march in
solidarity with Gaza

Deborah Guterman history to justify Jewish opposition

News Writer to Israeli policies in the Occupied
“Silence kills. Jews know this all

n estimated 10,000 people too well,” said Lippman. “We can-
marched Saturday in protest not stay and watch others kill in our
against the Israeli military name.
campaign in Gaza, part of a world- “We will stand up in solidarity
wide movement denouncing recent with all those who are demanding
violence. an end to Israel’s attacks in Gaza, to
The frustrations of the crowd the blockade of the Gaza Strip, and
were tangible. Participants walked to the continuation of violations of
down Ste. Catherine from Peel to human rights and international law,”
St. Urbain, chanting “Viva! Viva! added Lippman.
Intifada!” and “Israel—Assassin! Aaron Lakoff, a collective member
Israel—Terrorist!” of Tadamon! Montreal, maintained that
“I feel a little helpless,” said Israeli treatment of the Palestinians
McGill graduate student Kianoosh contradicts Jewish values.
Hashemzadeh at the protest. “I feel “A lot of people have interpreted
like this is helping me feel as if I am Jewish values to be standing for liber-
a part of a movement that is against ation and for justice. And what Israel
the activity taking place in Gaza.” is doing is actually smack in the face
According to the Israeli Minister of those traditions and a smack in the
of Foreign Affairs Tzipi Livni, the aim face of all of humanity,” said Lakoff.
of Israel’s offensive is to stop the bar- No opposing groups organized
rage of rockets and mortars being against the protest. However, onlook-
fired from Gaza into southern Israel, er Yoni Khajehzadeh was displeased
numbering about 500 since the start with the march. Identifying himself
of the 20-day offensive. However, as an Iranian Jew, Khajehzadeh was
due to the low mortality rate of the concerned the demonstration threat-
Hamas rockets, the conflict has left ened Israel’s legitimacy as nation-
13 Israelis and over 900 Palestinians state.
dead. In addition, 4,400 Gazans have “I’m not saying that everything
been injured to date. that is going on in Gaza is right, but
Protester and McGill law student what I am saying is that Israel has a
Maha Hussain defended Israel’s right right to exist as a sovereign Jewish
to protect its citizens, but felt the state,” said Khajehzadeh.
Israeli response to be disproportion- The Montreal demonstration
ate. coincided with several held across
“It’s like shooting fish in a barrel; Canada in Ottawa, Toronto, Calgary,
they have nowhere to evacuate to,” and Vancouver over the weekend.
she said, referring to Gaza’s borders, Tens of thousands have also protest-
which have been sealed for the past ed in Britain, France, Belgium, and
18 months. Spain.
The campaign was organized by According to Nina Amrov, spokes-
the Coalition for Justice and Peace in person for SPHR, the primary goal
Palestine, Tadamon! Montreal, and of the protest was to mobilize those
Solidarity with Palestinian Human outraged by the alleged war crimes
Rights (SPHR). committed by the Israeli Defense
Many Jewish groups also took part Forces in Gaza. The organization
in the rally, including the Alliance of hopes the demonstration will incite
Concerned Jewish Canadians (ACJC), the Conservative government to end
Independent Jewish Voices, and its support of Israeli policies that fla-
Young Jews for Social Justice (YJSJ), a grantly abuse international law, said
new Quebec Public Interest Research Amrov.
Group-McGill working group. In addition, both Amrov and
Elise Eisenkraft Klein, a member of Lakoff underscored the need to con-
the YJSJ, emphasized the diversity of sider the context in which Hamas has
voices within the Jewish community. been firing rockets, saying the tar-
“I think it’s important that the geted towns – Ashkelon, Sderot, and
Jewish community is not shown as Ashdod – are where many Gazans
being a monolithic voice, and that lived before 1948 and 1967.
there are opinions that Jews have “We’re talking about the Gaza
out there other than [those of] the Strip: 75 per cent of the population
big organizations and pro-Israel...lob- there are refugees. It’s the world’s
bies,” said Klein. largest open-air prison,” said Lakoff.
Speaking at the demonstration, “People have to go through the
Independent Jewish Voices represen- largest obstacles in the world just to
tative Abby Lippman called on Jewish get basic necessities of life.”

Photos by Charles Mostoller / The McGill Daily

4 News The McGill Daily, Thursday, January 15, 2009

Refused homeless get new beds

Program likely to end in the spring when funding dries up
Hayley Lapalme ONLINE
McGill Daily
Check out the audio
version of this story at

omeless people who are rou- and
tinely refused from shelters broadcast on CKUT
because of cited misconduct in the coming days.
will now have a place to sleep. The
City of Montreal will offer a new bed they have trouble getting their story
service at select locations to keep the across. They need somebody who
homeless from braving the cold over- will sit down with them and will say,
night. ‘look, what’s your problem, how can
Initiated on December 15, 2008, we help you, and where will we go
the service, known as the respite from here?’” Morgan said.
program, provides a small, private While intoxication, violence, dis-
room to guests refused elsewhere orderly behaviour, and drug use
for a period of 72 hours in an effort are often-cited reasons for refused
to reintegrate them back into the access, RAPSIM suggested that the
general shelter system. The urgency homeless are often refused for rea-
of such a program is marked by the sons more complicated than these
death of André Gagnon, who died on labels suggest.
a park bench from sub-zero tempera- “[Refusal] is related to a combi-
tures in late December, days after the nation of problems: substance abuse
program began. issues are mixed with mental health
The Réseau d’aide aux personnes issues,” explained Viannay, adding
seules et itinérantes de Montréal that compound problems compli-
(RAPSIM), a coalition that defends cate the shelter’s response to their
homeless rights, hopes that the inclu- case. Rachel Wine / The McGill Daily
sive nature of the respite program will Morgan explained that the respite While beds are almost always available to Montreal homeless, many still sleep on the street.
attract those who previously avoided program aims to improve the alloca-
city services. tion of city beds, since most nights specifically to the needs of respite decline. The city seeks to catch part Old Brewery Mission, a shelter in
“The minimum is to offer a place they are left empty as Montrealers guests, thus requiring an intensi- of the population neglected by the Old Montreal, stressed the need for
where they can spend the night out prefer to sleep on the street. fication of existing infrastructures shelter system with the respite pro- it to be extended indefinitely. “While
of the cold…and to help them to take “I don’t know of anybody who has instead. gram. it may be true that you won’t die of
more long term steps,” explained requested a bed in Montreal, and [for “What we did was less spectacu- Rejent, a man living on the street the cold on the streets of Montreal
RAPSIM member Patricia Viannay. whom] none were found,” Morgan lar. The work was done quickly,” he since his wife died six years ago, in July, there are other reasons why
While emergency mechanisms said. said, adding that city institutions expressed no desire to seek shelter you might be victimized and assault-
have existed since 2003 to guarantee To date, the respite program consulted only briefly before taking in a city institution, describing them ed, and at risk in the summer. So we
a bed to anyone who requests one, has seen the Pavillion Patricia action. as depressing. He was not convinced think this service should be year-
according to Cyril Morgan, Director MacKenzie add two beds for women According to Viannay, there are that the public is concerned with the long,” he said.
of the Welcome Home Mission – an and Welcome Hall add four more for few real alternatives to shelters circumstances of the homeless. The city resurrected the model for
organization that reaches out to the men to provide the respite service. in Montreal. Inadequate fallbacks “We die like flies, and the world the respite project from L’Echelle, a
homeless – many still choose to sleep Roughly a dozen people have used include cafés, open stairways, bus doesn’t care. We are a disposable pilot project run by the Old Brewery
outside or are refused access to shel- the service so far. shelters, park benches, garbage community,” he said. Mission a few years ago. L’Echelle ran
ters. Jacques Bertrand, also of dumpsters, heating vents, or the Funding for the respite program out of funds and closed operations
“We found that many times, men RAPSIM, regretted that economic underside of sandwich boards. – provided by the province and the at the end the end of the winter, and
get turned away because they were constraints have prevented the There exists no legal way to force city – will expire at the end of the the respite program will likely go the
not received properly or because creation of a new location catering the homeless into shelters if they winter, but Matthey Pearce of the same way.

Pro-life club hosts controversial event during interim

McGill students divided on Choose Life’s pictures of fetuses at crossroads

Josh Nobleman pictures or circulating literature that scale images of a fetus developing took part in counter-protest, was con- material, despite certain students’
News Writer could be construed as hateful.” from conception. Each month of cerned with the philosophy Choose charges that the club distributed
SSMU VP External Devin Alfaro pregnancy contained different facts Life was promoting. hateful material.
assured Council in October that about foetal development, and each “[They’re] portraying people who Complaints from individual stu-

ro-life group Choose Life could definite consequences would follow fetus “said” something in the photo have had abortions as immoral,” said dents can be made through the SSMU
push for full club status by if Choose Life were to circulate any caption, with the seventh-month Golightly. “I’m most concerned about Equity Committee; the Judicial Board
month’s end, provided that such material, and Choose Life was fetus saying, “I can look around!” the effect this could have on students hears grievances between clubs.
the club’s interim activities are not granted the right to free speech and On the table, in a binder, lay [with] what I consider to be propa- According to SSMU VP Clubs &
considered unacceptable by SSMU’s regular assembly. similar illustrations photocopied ganda.” Services Samantha Cook, some stu-
Equity Committee. On November 24, at one of the from a biology textbook, “Human The UGE is due to publish a repro- dent complaints have been taken
At the October 28 Council meet- club’s first events, Choose Life tabled Development.” ductive rights zine in February. up with the Equity Committee, but
ing, Choose Life was granted three- at the McGill crossroads with displays Diagonally across from Choose However, U2 Philosophy Honours SSMU will not necessarily reopen
month interim club status in a 21-to- of images of fetuses – an event Fohl Life, a group of students organized Trevor Bant did not react as strongly the Choose Life debate at Council,
two vote, amidst concerns voiced hoped would bring the issue into an informal counter-protest on the to the group’s event. as equity officers may decide the
by students from the Quebec Public public focus. The club established a corner of the crossroads, handing “I see no problem as long as they issue independently or defer it to
Interest Research Group-McGill and voting booth and comment station out pieces of cloth reading “my body, say things in a respectful and tolerant a separate committee. To date, the
the Union for Gender Empowerment asking when a fetus should legally be my rules.” Other protesting students’ manner,” Bant said. “But I don’t know Judicial Board has received no com-
(UGE) about incendiary anti-abor- considered a person, signs matched those displayed by the how many McGill students would be plaints.
tion tactics used by similar groups. “We wanted the voting to spark UGE at the October Council meeting: sympathetic to their cause.” Choose Life’s next planned event
Preceding the vote, Choose Life discussion, encourage people to “Legalize abortion” and “fight gender Fohl maintained that no pam- is a talk on Monday by Mary Meehan,
president Natalie Fohl assured stu- reflect on the question, and voice oppression.” phlets were actively handed out, and a veteran pro-life speaker urging
dents and councillors that the club their opinion,” said Fohl. U3 Sociology student Sarah those available for circulation con- liberals and feminists to defend the
would not condone “using graphic Displayed on the table were to- Golightly, a member of the UGE who tained no inflammatory or graphic unborn.
The McGill Daily, Thursday, January 15, 2009 News 5
A constitutional crisis
Canada’s political chaos tops world headlines
Last year’s turbulent political circus was topped off with a constitutional
crisis in Ottawa, a failed proposal for Liberal-NDP coalition, and the Governor
General – a representative of the Queen – proroguing Parliament by request
of Prime Minister Stephen Harper. For those of you who were holed up pre-
paring for your exams, The Daily gives you its no-nonsense guide to last
month’s crisis, as Parliament gets ready to reconvene.

Canada elects a minority Con- Governor General Michaëlle
servative Government under Harper. Jean cuts short an official visit to
Liberals lose 18 seats. Central Europe, announcing she will
return to Ottawa the next morning.
OCTOBER 20 Rumours circulate that Harper might
“prorogue” (i.e. suspend) Parliament
Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion to let heads cool, bringing it back in
says he will resign once the Liberals January or later. A full-blown consti-
choose a replacement. tutional crisis erupts around wheth-
er Jean would be forced to follow
NOVEMBER 22 Harper’s request to suspend or dis-
solve Parliament, whether she could
At an economic forum in Peru, ask for a demonstration of confidence
Harper says that deficits are essential, in the Government from the House
after both he and Finance Minister of Commons, and whether she could
Jim Flaherty said during the election ignore him and allow the coalition to
campaign that deficits are undesir- govern.
Aquil Virani for The McGill Daily able and damaging.

Montreal crime drops

NOVEMBER 27 Canadians rally for and against
the proposed coalition, with people
Flaherty releases a fiscal update demonstrating in the cold, calling
which opposition parties criticize for radio stations, and organizing on
lacking an economic stimulus pack- Facebook and blogs to denounce
age, removing the right for public the coalition or explain its necessity.
servants to strike until 2011, and trim- Harper addresses the country on TV
Band-aid criminality, less murders, things like
that; but there is still the problem of
of Montreal North youth talent that
attracted over 500 people. Some of
ming public financing for opposition
parties. All three opposition parties
at 7 p.m., while Dion’s reply comes
nearly half an hour late with the pro-
solutions don’t citizen confidence [in the system].
The system has a responsibility to
Solidarité’s projects are funded by
the City of Montreal.
vow to vote against the update. duction values of a webcam, putting a
dent in the coalition’s credibility.
address root causes maintain its own credibility – and this
is where we want change. Because
“There needs to be teamwork,
what happened in Montreal Nord is
of crime, say critics criminality has gone down, but confi-
dence is not back.”
just a sample of what could happen
elsewhere,” Henriguez said.
The Tories remove the party pub-
lic financing cuts from the upcoming
After a two-hour conversation,
the Governor General agrees to pro-
University of Toronto criminolo- Gartner also argued for the long- vote on the fiscal update. The oppo- rogue Parliament at Harper’s request,
gist professor Rosemary Gartner also term effects of this sort of commu- sition parties respond that they will stopping the opposition from bring-
linked the drop with a larger cultural nity interaction. bring down the government regard- ing down the government and mak-
Sam Neylon trend. “[While] there’s evidence that less, and the Liberals say they will ing this 16-day Parliamentary session
The McGill Daily “High intensity policies may have [community activities] may not have use their December 1 opposition day the sixth-shortest in Canadian his-
a short-term effect on crime, but after much effect on crime directly, but to motion to bring down the Tories tory, with the only shorter sessions
a few months it tends to go right back they may do so indirectly and in the and propose a coalition government being held during the two World

ast year, Montreal experienced up.... It’s happening across Canada’s long term in the extent that they get between the Liberals, NDP, and the Wars, the Great Depression, and the
its lowest level of violence since major cities. It’s happening in the people in the communities interact- Bloc Québécois, with Dion as Prime Pacific Scandal of 1873.
1972. This hopeful news is tem- United States as well. We are able ing with each other more,” she said. Minister. The Conservatives shift the
pered, however, by a year that saw to rule out some things as possible “The more that people in neigh- opposition day to December 8. DECEMBER 8
violence perpetrated by both civil- explanations; or say things may con- bourhoods are interacting with each Dion resigns for the second
ians and police that erupted after the tribute...maybe changes in people’s other, the more responsibility they time in two months and the Liberal
police shooting of 18-year-old Freddy attitudes and beliefs, tolerance for will feel for their community because Executive decides it can’t wait until
Villanueva in Montreal North. violence,” Gartner said. they will identify with it more. The April to select a new leader. At 8 p.m.
Commander Clement Rose, head “The best evidence of decades of more they will want to assist people The Tories back down from the the polls close in the provincial elec-
of the Montreal Police major crimes research that looks at what police do in their communities. And all these anti-strike provision, but the coali- tion, in which Premier Jean Charest
division, was quoted in the Gazette suggests that the kinds of marginal things, which don’t seem like crime tion possibility remains on the table. barely grabs a majority after a late
attributing the drop to the police’s changes they make from year to year prevention efforts, in fact do tend Partisans on all sides express outrage, surge for the Parti Québécois, many
recent campaign against street don’t have a big impact on crime. The to lower crime rates, but in the long and pundits openly admit they have believe due to soft nationalist voters’
gangs. Their campaign includes causes of crime are wrapped up in all run.” no idea what will happen next. anger over separatist Bloc MPs being
aggressive enforcement tactics such sorts of economic, social, and politi- “I think that to base the analysis called “illegitimate” by the Tories and
as Project Eclipse, a special anti-gang cal factors, and the police can’t get only on criminality is maybe not the NOVEMBER 30 much of English Canada.
unit focused on making arrests, and rid of economic inequality, the police right way. Criminality is a part of it –
prevention programs that develop can’t get rid of poor schools.... So I’m yes, the city is safer, but at the same Word leaks from several “anony- DECEMBER 9
important ties to neighbourhoods not criticizing the police for not hav- time, we need to think: do the people mous Liberal sources” that Dion’s
where street gangs are a problem. ing an effect on serious crimes: why who were susceptible to criminality most likely successor, Michael Bob Rae is the final Liberal lead-
Victor Henriguez, a spokesperson should we expect them to?” have a better future right now?” said Ignatieff, is uneasy with the coalition, ership candidate to drop out, leaving
for Solidarité Montreal Nord, a group Henriguez has already felt a posi- Henriguez. while the other leading Liberal candi- Michael Ignatieff as the winner by
of organizations that united after tive cultural change in Montreal According to the Gazette, there date, Bob Rae, supports it. acclamation. Although the opposi-
Villanueva’s death, noted a change in North. were 29 homicides reported on the tion leaders keep their mouths tight,
police attitude since the riots. “Since the events of August, I island in 2008, the lowest numbers DECEMBER 1 most agree that the coalition has lost
“The feeling of security for the think we have seen a community that since 1972. This drop is relative to 35 its opportunity to gain power.
people has increased because we is ready to work to better their own homicides in 2005, 42 in 2006, and The three opposition leaders sign
have more officers on the streets,” he lives, and to have a better future for 41 in 2007. In addition, there were an accord for a Dion-led Liberal-NDP TO COME
said, noting a big push by the police their children,” said Henriguez. approximately 59 attempted murders coalition government until June 2011,
to help the community – including Montreal Nord Solidarité has in 2008, compared to 99 in 2007 and with the Bloc promising support in Parliament will be reconvened on
several collaborative workshops. organized, among other events, 136 in 2006. Of the homicides, seven confidence matters until June 2010. January 26, with the budget to be
Still Henriguez felt violence is only seven dinners with youth to talk were related to street-gangs, versus The Liberals would get 18 of the 24 presented the following day. Stay
one factor in the relations between about crime, expectations, and 14 in 2007. There were 39 street-gang cabinet minister posts, while the tuned for all the action.
citizen and police officer. employment, as well as workshops related attempted murders in 2008 remaining six to the NDP – their first
“I think that, yes, there is less and shows – including one showcase versus 54 in 2007. time in Cabinet. - compiled by Nicholas Smith
Commentary The McGill Daily, Thursday, January 15, 2009

The shifting discourse on Gaza

Aristotle’s Lackey
Sana Saeed Alison Withers / The McGill Daily

cosmic motherly-sounding Israel and piercing predictions of the “unravelling” of Israel’s claims of self- perspective, in such pieces as “Why do Klein also got in on the action when
voice has always told me that ramifications of the war are flooding defence and cries of moral respon- they hate the West so much, we will she posted “Israel: Boycott, Divest,
even the darkest of clouds major newspapers. sibility. Fingers are viciously being ask,” and “Why bombing Ashkelon Sanction” on her online blog. And the
have silver linings. The past two Unapologetic opinion pieces thrust toward the direction of the is the most tragic irony.” Gideon list continues tirelessly.
weeks have forced me to now won- about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict political timing of the war, the Israeli Levy’s “The Time of the Righteous” This proposed shift is not solely
der if the same idea of a silver lining are being published every day. Aside breach of ceasefire; the failures of in Haaretz unwaveringly with silent about politics, just as the situation in
applies to clouds of white phospho- from asserting truths about the con- Israel’s propaganda machine this solemn anger lashed out against all Gaza is not. To approach the conflict
rous. flict during an extremely pertinent time around, and the unfathomable supporters of the Israeli so-called as such is to approach it with a nar-
In an arbitrary 15 years from now, and bloody time, a common cause denial of the existence of a humani- “defensive war,” claiming that “anyone row and propaganda-cluttered ideo-
the past two weeks (and, unfortu- cannot be found amongst the authors. tarian crisis. Even the International who justifies this war also justifies all logical mind. The Palestinian issue
nately, the remaining time to come) The claims of the Israeli government Red Cross, a thoroughly neutral orga- its crimes.” is about a mounting humanitarian
will be remembered with images of in regards to the operation and the nization, came out with a statement The BBC’s Paul Reynolds brought crisis which has existed for far longer
disturbing death and injury, reports facts about the humanitarian crisis which condemned and criticized to the public’s attention, early on, than 18 days. Our governments (save
of complete destruction of an already are two points of contention which Israel for its complete lack of compli- the question of Israel’s propaganda for the Venezuelans) may not be tak-
weakened Gazan infrastructure; have been repeatedly brought up. ance (and fatal defiance) of the orga- in “Propaganda war: trusting what ing the appropriate action required
thousands of IDPs; an unreachable The commentary has also, unsurpris- nization’s attempt to reach injured we see?” Khalid Rashidi’s “What you to address the atrocities being com-
humanitarian crisis and stories from ingly, treaded outside the proximity and starving Gazans. don’t know about Gaza” in The New mitted by Israel, but challenges to
survivors. Yet there is another mem- of the current conflict. It is extremely There generally seems to be an air York Times wrote a quick and to- the mainstream discourse through
ory which may leave an impact on hard to discuss this war without con- of exasperation, as though the war the-point piece with “a few essential the mainstream discourse allow for
the dynamics of the region and the sidering 60 years of context. And it has become one of the final pieces in points that seem to be missing from the general populace to gain the
North American perception on the is this particular tangent which may a long and painful Jenga puzzle, with the conversation [in the press] about critical information necessary for
entire 60-year-old conflict. leave a legacy in popular discourse the prophetic early quivering of the Israel’s attack...” change in the policies of our own
Without question, the North and thought about the conflict at tower just beginning. These sighs of Former Israel Defense Force states toward any country oppress-
American media has often shown large in North America – a region being fed-up most poignantly found soldier and now Oxford professor ing another people. On January 14,
sympathy with one side more so in dire need of another perspec- within the brief titles of the daily Avi Shlaim’s furious article in The the president of the United Nations
than the other – an unfortunate, tive. Underdog ideas seeping into commentaries. Guardian, “How Israel brought Gaza General Assembly, Miguel d’Escoto
but natural occurrence. At the same the mainstream allow for a slim, but American historian Mark LeVine’s to the brink of humanitarian catastro- Brockmann, described the slaughter
time, however, a digression from potentially momentous opportunity seething article “Who Will Save Israel phe” labels Israel as a rogue state. Just of the Palestinians as genocide. The
such a grievance is vital. The afore- for the balance to be tipped toward a from itself?” featured in Al-Jazeera recently, the Times Online reported tower begins to sway a bit more.
mentioned complaint does not take more equal and fair footing. discusses the gun with which Israel that Israeli soldiers coming back from This is the silver lining in the
into consideration the surprising The rise of commentaries has has shot itself in the foot, albeit with the frontline were revealing the sort of clouds of white phosphorous over
slight shift in the coverage of the also thrown out a rather pathetic and an extremely unsatisfactory answer to “ruthless tactics against Hamas” being Gaza.
war and humanitarian crisis. Oft- almost saddening punch to Israel’s the title question. Robert Fisk’s repeat- used. One soldier claims that he was
repressed opinions and oft-ignored public relations monopoly. Active ed commentary in The Independent shocked to see the neighbourhoods Sana’s column appears every other
facts are being given the opportunity writers, in print or online, have has asked and answered age old ques- in Gaza as though “we [had been] Thursday. Send Jenga solutions to
to be expressed. Fierce criticisms of rushed to assist in and showcase the tions from an insightful and firsthand bombing them for years.” Naomi

The Daily must tackle elephant-sized issues

McGill Senate in determining who has resembles the three blind people over food services results in a massive
authority to ban study-related travel each describing an isolated part of transfer of wealth from the student to
to countries deemed risky. Principal the other proverbial elephant. I can the University. Similarly, I would have
Munroe-Blum recently explained understand that The Daily did not liked to see an analysis by a law stu-

Public why she thinks deregulating tuition

– or in her words, re-regulating it – is
receive any submissions critically
assessing the situation (read my last
dent or professor as to how a lawsuit
against McGill could be instigated if a

a good idea. In addition, one reader column for my thoughts on that sub- student on a research trip or intern-
recently reminded us how last year ject). However, the fact that The Daily ship abroad were to be injured or
the McGill administration closed the has so far failed to critically address worse and just how expensive that
Marc Selles Architecture Café, one of the few the problem is unacceptable. would be for our University. Further,
remaining student-run food services What The Daily should be doing The Daily would have benefited the
on campus, only to reopen it under is exactly what its Statement of most from an editorial explaining

ne of The Daily’s major roles The Daily offered its readers a steady the umbrella of McGill Food Services. Principles mandates: to initiate and how all these issues are related and
is to depict and analyze and detailed coverage of several These events are all symptoms of the provide a forum for discussion. calling on readers to share their
power relations and other McGill-related news items. Two cam- fact that McGill is strapped for cash Our University is strapped for cash. thoughts and opinions as to how to
issues typically not covered in the pus unions – representing graduate and that the administration is doing What do we think about this? What address the situation.
mainstream or corporate media. In students (AGSEM) and non-academ- everything it can to raise funds and can we do to counter the problem?
the last few months, The Daily has ic staff (MUNACA) – have recently cut costs. But not once, be it an edi- More importantly, how can we create
reported on many such topics affect- clashed with the McGill administra- torial or a commentary piece, were dialogue between the various actors The Public Editor serves as the read-
ing the McGill community, but has tion over wages. A third one, assem- these issues properly linked. involved in order to understand and ers’ representative. His opinions and
failed to tie them together adequate- bling undergraduates employed at It’s not that The Daily has ignored solve the problem? conclusions are his own, and his col-
ly and provide a clear and concise McGill (AMUSE), seems poised to the proverbial elephant – the News The Daily would have benefited umn appears every other Thursday.
analysis. begin operations soon. The adminis- section has admirably covered the from an economics student explain- Send him your thoughts to publiced-
Last semester, the News section of tration is currently grappling with the issues. My concern is that The Daily ing how the monopoly McGill holds
The McGill Daily, Thursday, January 15, 2009 Commentary 7

How the left lost its edge

Hartlee Zucker another. This is not what I signed up into the streets of Gaza, and made
for. tens of thousands of phone calls
Why is it that for nearly a decade, to civilians in the region, warning

ike any McGill student, I gener- as thousands upon thousands of them of impending operations and
ally like to think I’ve got all the rockets and missiles have killed and urging them to stay clear of terror-
answers – at least in whatever maimed civilians inside Israel, the lib- ist enclaves. Nearly 40 Gazan civil-
narrow field of study I have chosen to eral press lay impotent? In the recent ians, children included, have been
pursue. As an International Relations wave of conflict, the press has sorely transferred into Israel for medical
minor, I’ve taken no less than seven lacked a comprehensive critique care, but that has also escaped the
classes that have mentioned real- of Hamas – a terrorist group which world’s attention.
ism, idealism, constructivism, and exploits its own civilian population, Don’t misunderstand me – no
any other “ism” you could possibly using them as human shields in order crisis is ever black and white. The
imagine. Consequently, I have always to further their own political aims; a blame for war is shared by all par-
felt comfortable identifying myself group which plants explosives inside ties involved, and all actors should
as a “liberal,” in some contemporary its own schools, booby traps its zoos, be held accountable. But perhaps
sense of the word. and hides in and among families. someone can explain to other per-
But I must confess that I’m baf- These all seem fairly consistent with plexed liberals why we are suddenly
fled by how we self-proclaimed liberal ideals. expected to decry loss of life for only
“liberals” seem to be currently rep- I’m confused as to why “our” one group, rather than for civilians
resenting ourselves in the media. In press has chosen to omit certain on both sides of this conflict. I am
theory, I’m all for a liberal slant in facts which seem relevant if we, as ashamed, to put it mildly, that my
the news, keeping journalistic integ- progressive, humanistic thinkers, supposedly like-minded brethren
rity in mind, of course. Lately, how- actually claim to cherish life over have sought to portray the situation
ever, being a liberal seems to mean death. (Which is not the impres- in Gaza as so appallingly one-dimen-
picking and choosing. It means sion I get from Hamas.) We seem sional. If this is today’s liberalism, I’d
deciding when and to whom it is to have completely overlooked the rather be unaffiliated.
convenient to apply our principles, fact that in a concerted effort to
it means upholding human rights for minimize civilian casualties, the Hartlee Zucker is a U2 Humanistic
some while excluding others, and it Israeli military has dropped hun- Studies student. You can reach her at
means valuing one human life above dreds of thousands of pamphlets


Concordia’s earthly inspiration

Melanie Adelson, Christopher Columb, es in SCB last fall suggests a different the community,” explains Concordia
Alexandra Wong, and Benjamin Wong source for inaction. Environmental and R4 Coordinator
For our SCB project early last Louise Hénault-Éthier. “Basically,
September, we aimed to implement a both grassroots projects and top-
composting system at McGill. In the down initiatives meet halfway,” while
You see it. Now be it.
any McGill students frown process of meeting and discussing the established committee forums pro-
upon Concordia, seeing matter with Sustainability Director vide the necessary channel through
it less as an institution for Dennis Fortune, we discovered which opinions are expressed and
higher learning and more as a quirky there already was such a proposal in acted upon.
school whose ranks teem with activ- the pipeline. We were subsequently The issue, therefore, has now Graduate Diploma in Business
ists. McGill students’ attitudes toward
Concordia’s radicalism and its stu-
redirected toward determining the
source of post-consumer food waste
become one of McGill streamlin-
ing communication between stu-
Administration (GDBA)
dents’ refusal to “fall in line” moti- on campus. Much to our disappoint- dents and administrators. But are Concordia’s Graduate Diploma in Business
vates them to label Concordia and ment, this task too had been initi- Concordia’s and McGill’s cultures
Administration is for all students wanting
its student body as inferior. In reality, ated by others in different depart- fundamentally too different for a
however, it is McGill elitists who must ments. Unfortunately, administrators similar organizational approach to to strengthen their undergraduate training
battle their inferiority complex. failed to inform us of the overlap of be implemented here? And if so, with solid business fundamentals. Prior work
One issue that McGill sorely lags intent until too late in the semester what values lie at the heart of those experience and management tests, such as the
behind Concordia is environmental for any change to occur. Had we not two cultures?
been tossed back and forth between Whatever their differences, both
GMAT, are not required. No matter your field
sustainability. In 2002, Concordia
students initiated the Sustainable different administrators who were universities are educational institu- of study, you’ll have the professional skills to
Concordia Project, further reveal- unaware of the work outside of their tions that seek to unlock the con- put your vision into motion in less than a year.
ing their passion for action albeit immediate departments, the admin- structive and intellectual capac-
in a more peaceful environmental istration might have been able to ity of students. Before proceeding
manner. It took McGill students constructively synthesize students’ further with any lofty projects, the Now accepting applications for September, 2009.
three years to begin a similar project energy on a specific issue. It is this McGill community must first address Visit to find out more.
on campus, and the Sustainability type of bureaucratic red tape that the failure of one of the most basic
Director position was not even craft- fills so many McGill students with needs of a active community: com-
ed until the end of 2007. McGill’s pro- chagrin, emasculating their spirit for munication and social interaction.
active deficiency is so inherent that activism. By improving upon those deficien-
commerce majors in the Desautels McGill’s organizational struc- cies, the University will be on its way
Faculty of Management are required ture varies greatly from Concordia’s. to reclaiming its stature as a leading
to take Social Context of Business Their sustainability project takes on proactive university in Canada.
(SCB), a class that has an indirect goal a multi-stakeholder approach, where
to educate them on the topic and to students, faculty, and administra-
motivate the business students into tors come together in a collabora- Melanie Adelson, Christopher
“Taking Action.” Such “behind the tive effort. Advisory committees act Columb, Alexandra Wong, and
curve” behavior might lead one to as liaisons between the administra- Benjamin Wong are U3 Management
conclude that McGill attracts more tion and the students leading ini- students and love the planet. You can
reactionary rather than proactive tiatives. In addition, administrative reach them at benjamin.wong2@
individuals. However, our experienc- policy is “open to comments from
8 Commentary The McGill Daily, Thursday, January 15, 2009

Aaron Vansintjan / The McGill Daily


Smashing one piñata at a time

Ted Sprague actually pushes the Israeli masses
to the hand of the Zionist reaction-
aries who are using these attacks as

iñata Diplomacy has again a pretext for their rabid imperialist
shown itself to be what it is: a agenda.
brightly-coloured donkey filled There is a section of Israeli mass-
with cheap bits of logic that perpetu- es who are opposed to their imperi-
ate opinions found on CNN and FOX alist government, who are trying to
News. First, it was Kreitner’s piece pry away their brothers and sisters
on Mumbai tragedy whereby he fell from the chauvinist demagogue of
into supporting Bush’s war on terror. their government. The rocket attacks
Then not surprisingly, his opinion on surely are not helping the cause of
the recent Gaza incident reeks just these anti-war Israelis. In Israel, daily
the same. From now on, I have com- demonstrations against the war have
mitted myself to publicly smash this been taking place, a fact that most
Piñata every week with all my might media and Kreitner fail to mention.
and expose what truly lies inside it: Maybe it is because of the “minimal
dirt! I will start with his latest piece research” Kreitner has done on this Israel has called the
on Gaza. topic as he himself admitted. My dad position of Special
First, let us put everything into always told me: if you have nothing Rapporteur “a propa-
context. Since 1948, the Palestinians better to say you should just shut
ganda instrument.”
have been forcefully driven out of your mouth, or else you will just be
their home. They have been colo- spreading ignorance.
nized in all senses of word. Thus, The Palestinian masses and the
an oppressed people have the right Israeli masses fundamentally have
to resist their occupiers with all a common enemy: the Israeli impe- COMMENT
means up to an armed struggle. The rialist government. On one side,

Israel’s opaque politics

Palestinians have the right to fight it plunges its own people into an
against Israeli imperialism as much unending war on terror designed
as the Americans fought against the to subdue any dissent at home,
British imperialism with guns in the and on the other, it continues to
American Revolutionary War more oppress Palestinians after 60 years.
than 200 years ago. Understanding this starting point,
Now, if we start from this premise
– that it is the Palestinians who are
we won’t fall into Ricky’s cheap reac-
tionary logics. We have to be able to And the expulsion of UN Rapporteur Richard Falk
the oppressed and the Israeli govern- wade through the chauvinist clouds
ment who is the oppressor – then we that have been thrown around by the Aaron Vansintjan objections to the person.” Falk calls Israeli officials know that – perhaps
shouldn’t even take the Israeli gov- Israeli government (and their friends Israel’s method “politics of opaque- they are afraid of a Jew criticizing
ernment’s words seriously that they in Washington, Ottawa, etc.) equally ness;” by focusing on Falk, Israel’s Israel, perhaps they did not want a

are “defending their citizens,” “fight- by the fundamentalist Hamas (and srael’s bombing and occupation of government is “trying to make the scathing UN report just before their
ing fundamentalism,” “avoiding civil- Hezbollah, Iranian regime, etc.). Just Gaza has dominated the headlines realities of the occupation as obscure invasion, or maybe they simply did
ians casualties,” etc. Throughout the as much as there are Israelis who since December 27. What escaped and as speculative as possible.” not want a UN Rapporteur to be in
history of wars, all aggressors always are fighting against the imperialist the headlines and was obscured from By looking into Richard Falk’s danger during the occupation. The
try to paint themselves as the victims policy of their government, there the public eye was Israel’s deporta- deportation, we can more clearly question, then, is not whether Israel
and the victims as the aggressors. are Palestinians who are fighting tion of Richard Falk, the UN Special understand the current situation and was justified in attacking Hamas, but
With that being said, with the against the growing fundamentalism Rapporteur, appointed by the United Israel’s long-lasting politics of decep- whether the international public will
interest of the genuine liberation of in their own backyard – if they have Nations Human Rights Council, just a tion. Take Israel’s recent bombing be fooled for long.
Palestinians in mind, I will have to one left. week before the bombing started. and full-scale invasion of the Gaza Israel is like a boy that accuses his
criticize the indiscriminate rocket I will state this bluntly: a revolu- The rapporteur recently con- strip. They claim that it is justified, schoolmates of doing wrong so that
method of Hamas (and other indi- tion by the Israeli workers that over- demned Israel for its “flagrant and because Gaza has been shooting the teacher can see him as angelic
vidual terrorism methods which have throws the imperialist government massive violations of international rockets at Israeli land for months, and in contrast. The public, and most
been used by Hamas, and the PLO in of Israel will be required for the solu- law,” and the Israeli government when the barrage reached a level that importantly the Israeli public, has to
the 1970s), but not from a hypocriti- tion of the Israel-Palestine problem. claimed that they denied his entry was more than a slight irritation they look beyond the benign facade and
cal moralistic point of view as the The only other alternative is a mutual because they disagreed with his reciprocated. Once again, Israel’s be aware of Israel’s hidden wrongdo-
international community has done. genocide – take your pick. appointment and stated that “the government shifts the attention away ings behind every single accusation.
I criticize it because this method is mandate of the rapporteur is com- from itself to hide its own actions. The crimes of others (Hamas’s blind
not effective and counter-produc- pletely distorted...and directed as By focusing the media’s attention violence) should not legitimize their
tive. First, it is not even denting the Ted Sprague is a Master’s II student a propaganda instrument against on Hamas’ rockets, Israel can hide own: the Israeli army has victimized
military might of the oppressors. in Chemistry. You can reach him at Israel.” the fact that they actually provoked a whole people.
Secondly and most importantly, it To clear things up, the Special Hamas by punishing all Gazans col- As a last resort, I would like to
Rapporteur’s job is to investigate the lectively during a siege that lasted quote Robert Fisk, the Middle East
condition of human rights in a certain nearly a year. Israel, by allowing no correspondent of the Independent:
area. As of June 2008, when Richard more than a trickle of supplies to “Have we forgotten the 17,500

The Daily has a

Falk replaced John Dugard, Falk’s job reach Gazans – barely enough to dead – almost all civilians, most
became just that: to report on the keep people alive – it’s almost as if of them children and women – in
condition of the people of Palestine, Israel was waiting for an escalation Israel’s 1982 invasion of Lebanon;
and to evaluate to what extent their so that they could be justified in their the 1,700 Palestinian civilians dead in

Public Editor.
human rights are being violated. attack. It is natural for a people occu- the Sabra-Chatila massacre; the 1996
Richard Falk was a good choice for pied to strike back at their aggres- Qana massacre of 106 Lebanese civil-
the position, because he would write sors, be it with ineffective rockets or ian refugees, more than half of them
an objective report on the humani- with symbolic rocks. children, at a UN base; the massacre
tarian problems Palestinians are fac- Israel’s expulsion of Richard Falk of the Marwahin refugees who were
ing, and his Jewish ethnicity would is a prime example of the “opaque- ordered from their homes by the
Marc Selles is your representative, so get remove the (Isreali) question of ness” with which they have been Israelis in 2006 then slaughtered by
in touch and help him critique the paper. racial favouritism. fooling the media and their own an Israeli helicopter crew; the 1,000
Israel is, therefore, wrong to public for more than 20 years. dead of that same 2006 bombard-
accuse Falk of being one-sided and When Palestinians are the “aggres- ment and Lebanese invasion, almost biased, because it is his job to focus

only on the humanitarian problems
sors,” then Israel is legitimized. If
Richard Falk’s words are twisted
all of them civilians?”

in Palestine. As Falk himself stated in into new meanings, then Israel can
a Democracy Now! interview, Israel’s justify his expulsion. What matters Aaron Vansintjan is a U1 Philosophy
complaints are clearly “part of a much are the facts that Israel is trying to student and a Daily production &
wider and...insidious pattern of try- hide. I do not know the real reason design editor. Send him your love to
ing to shift the attention from their for Falk’s expulsion – only select
Letters The McGill Daily, Thursday, January 15, 2009

Re: “MUNACA, McGill prepare for strike” | News | January 12

Please limit the application of your

principles to the objects and subjects of your
coverage and try to avoid gratuitous digs at
the “authorities.” It just reinforces all the
negative stereotypes about your paper and
makes an interesting article seem, well, paltry.
Alex Silver “It’s a partly Daily par-tay”

Concerns with pro-private Jews, Muslims, and Arabs It’s a partly Daily par-tay Everybody, just quit it already
Couillard’s place at McGill should stand together Re: “MUNACA, McGill prepare for Re: “I’m so over it, really”
Re: “Tadamon! is no paragon” | strike” | News | January 12 | Commentary | December 1
It has come to our attention that Commentary | January 12

Ben Peck / The McGill Daily

McGill has recently cross-appointed So I was reading through the lat- Lisa Miatello is so right. We
Dr. Philippe Couillard to the facul- I was surprised to see that I had est edition of The Daily and marvel- should immediately stop under-
ties of law and medicine (McGill become Blinkovitz on page 12 of the ling at how even with the current taking studies that risk produc-
Reporter, “Philippe Couillard Joins recent issue. Then I realized the extra brouhaha about your journalistic ing results she disagrees with.
McGill Ranks,” January 8, 2009). This “l” had just wandered over there from objectivity, you still managed to
is an issue of significant concern, the “athough” in the first line on publish a fairly non-combative and Mookie Kideckel
as Dr. Couillard is currently under page 19. Aside from pointing out this dry interview with our esteemed U1 Political Science
active investigation for possible sadly displaced letter, I do have a few HMB. I then turned the page to read
conflicts of interest during the last thoughts about the topics covered the also seemingly non-combative
few months of his term (, by Kreitner, Abukhdeir, and Kideckel and dry piece on the current fail- What the world doesn’t Israel is targeting them. But the
“Philippe Couillard sous enquête,” in their neighbouring articles. ing negotiations between MUNACA know about Israel unfortunate deaths of rescue work-
January 9, 2009). The Lobbyists I am sad to see the degree to and the administration and saw this Re: “Israel’s moral high ground” ers and aid convoys have in no way
Commissioner, André Côté, has which discussion over the war in sentence: “Currently, MUNACA is | Commentary | January 12 been the intention of the Israel
come out and said that he has rea- Gaza is polarized. I both agree and requesting ten per cent over three Defense Forces (IDF). The deaths
son to suspect that private health- disagree with aspects of all three years...while McGill is presently How unexpected and refresh- of innocent civilians seeking shelter
care industry lobbyists had several articles. But I’ll try to reduce the offering a paltry 8.5 per cent.” ing, I thought, to see the words in the UN-run school is also tragic,
illegal contacts with Dr. Couillard level of detail to save space. Rather “Paltry?” Seriously? The Daily’s “Israel” and “moral” in the same however, the world fails to recognize
prior to his resignation in June 2008. than try to explain all the reasons pledge to represent alternative line. It didn’t take long before my that, once again, Hamas strategically
Less than two months after his res- why I oppose Hamas, oppose the viewpoints has led to some fascinat- contentment faded and I found hid among them with the expecta-
ignation, Dr. Couillard was hired Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) bomb- ing insights you wouldn’t find in myself shocked and appalled at the tion of IDF fire, and consequently
by Persistence Capital Partners, a ing and invasion of Gaza, and oppose the other journalistic outlets at the many incorrect, incomplete, and innocent deaths that would lead to
firm with aspirations of investing both CUPE’s and Tadamon!’s (with school – although I do occasion- distorted “facts” in this article. This strong international condemnation.
in private healthcare in Quebec. QPIRG funding) proposed boycott ally enjoy the nearly Baghdad Bob also seems to be the trend in most Every country has an explicit
Legal investigations aside, we feel of Israeli academics, I will instead level of optimism about McGill that of the world’s highly “trusted” media obligation to do the utmost in
it is unseemly for an academic insti- raise an often undiscussed outcome The McGill Reporter provides. The such as the BBC, CNN, and even protecting its citizens – and Israel
tution to hire an individual whose of this conflict and the interna- problem is just that even if it is a The Globe and Mail. Additionally, is currently practising what most
political actions contradicted the tional reactions to it: heightened deserved sentiment about McGill’s the strategy of downplaying one countries claim to preach. The
prevailing evidence-based policy ethnic tensions for diasporic Jewish, offer, to use such a blatantly loaded side’s suffering (Israel’s) and using IDF, unlike Gaza’s Hamas terror-
research. The majority opinion and Muslim, and Arab communities. and unnecessary term is so beyond emotional vocabulary and highly ists, make every effort to target
the amalgam of scientific studies I implore all those engaged in the pale of respectable journalism graphic descriptions and images the threat and warn and protect
in medical and health economic protests or other forms of advocacy it seems bizarre to let it go to print. (of the Gazans) with the purpose of innocent civilians prior to action. It
literature support public healthcare to take special care to avoid dehu- Surprisingly enough, I know next to pulling at the emotional heartstrings is Hamas, not Israel, who is respon-
as the most equitable, efficient, and manizing, stereotyping, or otherwise nothing about pay scale increases of the reader – is one that has no sible for the deplorable conditions
cost-effective method of deliver- denigrating innocent civilians and of university-based unions in place in respectable journalism. in Gaza where they store weapons
ing healthcare. Private, for-profit their diasporic counterparts. Though Quebec. I have no idea whether 8.5 In this article, the author fails among innocent Gazans, and use
healthcare systems favour the rich I agree with many of the points per cent over three years is paltry, to make mention of the weapon women and children as human
over the poor, result in unnec- made by those protesting against enormous, overdue, undeserved, smuggling property of the tunnels shields. Let the world not forget
essary duplication of services, Israel, I am concerned by the acts of or some combination of the pre- (“reduced to smuggling bare neces- that Hamas refuses Israel’s right
lengthened wait times, inflation- intimidation and vandalism that have ceding. The only evidence given in sities of food and fuel”). There is to exist and to cease terror attacks
ary salaries and expenses, and the been directed against diaspora Jews support of the school’s stinginess also no mention of any humanitarian (including suicide bombings and
siphoning of patient and taxpayer in Paris, Chicago, Strasbourg, and is a vague statement made by a aid that Israel has indeed offered shootings within Israel, in addition
dollars into private pockets. many other cities. I am concerned MUNACA member about a “similar” the Gazans both before and during to constant daily Kassam rocket fire
McGill is a public university. that rising economic unease will play Concordia union getting 20 per Israel’s Operation Cast Lead in Gaza. from Gaza into Southern Israel that
This appointment sends the wrong into the hands of hateful racists. cent over four years. Is that below In terms of freedom of movement are now within the reach of over
message to McGill staff and stu- The characterizations we Jews, average? Above average? I can’t between Gaza and Israel, the world one million Israelis). Both Israelis
dents, to its five affiliated teaching Muslims, and Arabs create of one know, because you didn’t tell me. seems to be unaware of the dozens and innocent Palestinians are the
hospitals, to its faculties of medi- another can very easily be rede- I realize that I might come off of cases in which Palestinians took victims of Hamas – and until ter-
cine and of law, and to the general ployed by racists (of all political per- a bit like a bitter old man, writing advantage by using health reasons rorism stops, Israel will continue
population that relies on McGill suasions) against all of us. Though angry letters to the paper about to try to carry out terrorist attacks to fight for its right to live in peace
to provide high quality, equitable, we may try to emphasize our differ- the usage of a single word in an in Israel. That Israel is targeting and quiet, with the same morals
and unbiased health services. ences from one another, a caricature article on page five of the paper, but bureaucrats, police, rescue workers, as any other Western democracy.
Sincerely, of a Jew and a caricature of an Arab little things do make a difference. and aid convoys is entirely twisted.
look about the same to Joe Schmo, Please, please limit the application If the world chooses to call Hamas Eden Sagman
Adam Hofmann who may well say, “fuck ‘em all.” As of your principles to the objects terrorist leaders “bureaucrats” or U3 Management and Political Science
MDCM ‘05, Clinical Fellow, absolutely miniscule minorities in and subjects of your coverage and the terrorists “police” then yes,
McGill Faculty of Medicine countries like Canada we must at try to avoid gratuitous digs at the
the end of the day be able to stand “authorities.” It just reinforces all
Cory Verbauwhede together against racism in all its the negative stereotypes about Please send your letters from your McGill account to letters@mcgilldaily.
Law ‘06, LL.B./B.C.L., M.A. forms, especially as we head toward your paper and makes an interest- com, and try to keep them to about 300 words. The Daily does not print let-
what may be a very tumultuous era. ing article seem, well, paltry. ters that are sexist, racist, homophobic, or otherwise hateful. If you don’t think
300 words can contain your thoughts, write to
Isaac Binkovitz Alex Silver about writing a Hyde Park. The Daily received more letters than it could print
U3 Geography (Urban Systems) U2 Psychology in this issue. They will appear in the next issue (Thursday, January 22).
10 Features

Hamas must W
hen Barack Obama won the presi- in its proposal for a halt to rocket attacks on
dential election, Hamas immedi- Israel. But the proposal was immediately shot
ately sent a letter of congratulations down by Israel. The spokesperson for the Prime
to the President-elect. In an interview with Minister’s office, Mark Regev, told Al-Jazeera
Britain’s Sky News, Hamas politiburo leader that the abatement of illicit arms smuggling
Khalid Mishal said that he was willing to hold across the Gaza-Egypt border was a precondi-

be talked to
talks with the new President, and that he hoped tion for the IDF to halt its ongoing bombard-
that Obama would reciprocate. “Yes we are ment of the Strip. That any Israeli politician, fol-
ready for dialogue with President Obama and lowing Israel’s 2005 pullout from Gaza, would
with the new American administration with have the gumption to be legislating arms con-
an open mind, on the basis that the American trol there isn’t surprising; the degree to which
administration respects our rights,” he said. He Israel’s ongoing blockade has brought the Strip
added that sitting down with Hamas would be to its knees explains why some Israeli politi-
the new administration’s only option if it is seri- cians might think they have the prerogative to
ous about bringing about a lasting resolution to dictate Palestinian domestic policy.
the Israeli-Palestinian quagmire.
Niko Block weighs in on Israel’s repeat- One of very few events that took place while The siege
ed refusal to negotiate openly with the I was living in Ramallah last year that seemed
to give Palestinians some hope that a just solu-
After Hamas won the Palestinian Legislative
Council elections by a landslide in January
Palestinian authority tion to the conflict may one day come about 2006, Israel did everything in its power to
occurred in mid-April, when former-U.S. presi- undermine the new government. In late June
dent Jimmy Carter flew to Damascus and met that year, the IDF moved into Ramallah and
with Mishal, as well as Syrian President Bashar arrested one third of cabinet members and 23
al-Assad. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert Hamas legislators, reinstalling Fatah as leader
refused to meet with Carter during his trip to of the Palestinian Authority.
the region; his official explanation was that he Israel’s siege began when Hamas took con-
did not want to be perceived as holding indi- trol of Gaza a year later. The humanitarian situ-
rect negotiations with Hamas. ation there has since reached levels more dire
than any seen in the region’s entire recorded
Appeals for peace history – barring, maybe, 1948.
When I went to cover the student elections Gaza is one of the most densely populated
at Birzeit University that month, I spoke to a places in the world. One-and-a-half-million
member of the Hamas-aligned Wafaa Party. people live there, 70 per cent of whom are refu-
It was one of few opportunities I had to talk gees or descendents of refugees. There is not
with a member of Hamas while I was there, nearly enough arable land for the region to be
as the group has been forced underground in self-sufficient, nor is there adequate access to
the West Bank since June 2007. About a month water and irrigation, and Gaza’s strawberry and
prior, “GKMH” had been released after four carnation crops have frequently been barred
years in Israeli prison. He had been arrested from export. In the past 18 months, its residents
when he tried to cross the separation wall to have resorted to digging tunnels into Sinai and
help release a friend from an Israeli Defence smuggling Egyptian goods across the border.
Forces (IDF) security compound. Israel has largely blocked the entry of fuel.
“For any solution to come about, Hamas As a result, car and ambulance use has been
must be talked to,” he told me. “Whether limited, and the only power plant in the Strip is
it is negotiated by Carter, or Egypt, or the frequently forced to shut down.
French, the conflict will not end until Hamas Prior to this current spate of hostilities,
is approached.” the UN reported that tens of thousands have
Carter’s visit came at a time of sporadic fight- extremely limited access to water, and more
ing and rocket attacks around Gaza between than half of Gazan children were undernour-
the IDF and Hamas, and he recommended ished. For months it’s been reported that some
that the latter undertake a unilateral cease-fire. people have been scrounging in dumpsters for
The day following the meeting, Mishal pub- scraps of food.
licly announced that Hamas would be willing This policy is what Dov Weisglass, a top
to settle for a two-state solution. “We agree to adviser to Olmert, described in 2006 as put-
a [Palestinian] state on pre-67 borders, with ting Gazans “on a diet;” I would call it collective
Jerusalem as its capital with genuine sovereign- punishment and a war crime.
ty without settlements but without recognizing
Israel,” he was quoted as saying in Ha’aretz. To bomb or not to bomb
Two weeks after Carter’s visit, 11 other Whatever talks led to the six-month cease-
Palestinian factions present in the Gaza Strip – fire – which was brokered by Egypt and expired
including the Popular Front for the Liberation three weeks ago – they were done as covertly
of Palestine, and Islamic Jihad – joined Hamas as the Israeli government could possibly man-
The McGill Daily, Thursday, January 15, 2008 11

age. The reason for this is that negotiating with they have been given by the international might, Hamas has somewhere between ten
Hamas is more unpopular with Israelis than press. and 20,000 trained fighters in the Strip and
the sort of conflict we’ve seen these past two But Gazans do not have the same means an operation to overthrow Hamas altogether
and a half weeks. With Israeli elections set to of civil disobedience against Israel as West would come at an extremely high cost.
be held next month, the ruling Kadima party Bank Palestinians; nor is the West Bank fac- And yet, Israel would lose nothing by lifting
and its rival Likud, led by former prime minis- ing a humanitarian crisis of the scale that the siege.
ter Benjamin Netanyahu have both been jock- Gazans have experienced in the past year and
eying for the support of an Israeli public that a half. Save for the United Nations, which has The question of proportionality
has increasingly supported a hard line policy continued to report on the crisis and provide All this leads us to the inevitable question
toward Hamas. humanitarian aid, Gazans have no friends in as to what Israel thinks it will get out of its
Ten days after Operation Cast Lead began, the international community, and thus little to indiscriminate assault on the Strip – the lev-
Olmert told Ha’aretz that he was speaking with no recourse to their suffering. elling of schools which had served as refuge
several international leaders to work toward a Hamas’s track record suggests that the to dozens of civilians, the bombing of apart-
“diplomatic solution” to the crisis. The same recent resumption of violence is largely a result ment buildings and other non-military targets.
day Tzipi Livni, Israel’s Foreign Minister and of the fact that Hamas has found nothing but In essence, it is the same question that I was
incoming leader of the ruling Kadima party, closed doors in the diplomatic sphere – in its hoping my Israeli family might answer for me
turned down an offer by Russia to relay mes- relationship with other countries too, but espe- while I was there, although my patience for
sages to Hamas by saying, “We have nothing to cially with Israel. Having exhausted all of their their bullheaded racism eventually ran out.
discuss with Hamas.” The contradiction points available options, I am left wondering what It’s the same question that Israeli
to a chronic pattern in Israel’s policy toward other means they have of bringing the world’s Ambassador to the UN, Dan Gillerman, faced
Hamas: bomb or don’t bomb, but never dis- attention to their plight. during the 2006 war in Lebanon; his answer,
cuss. What happened on January 10 was typi- though disturbing and unsatisfactory, is prob-
Israel’s refusal to negotiate has prevailed cal of the conflict. Both sides rejected a UN ably as good as any other. The IDF was in the
too in its relationship with the Syrian govern- cease-fire proposal, which called for a halt to process of killing 1,100 Lebanese civilians after
ment, which has offered on numerous occa- arms smuggling from Egypt and for an “unim- Hezbollah had kidnapped three soldiers and
sions to rescind its military support of both peded provision” of aid to the people of Gaza. kidnapped two others, and with charges that
Hezbollah and Hamas in return for the Golan Israel ignored the truce on the grounds that its Israel was perpetrating a grossly dispropor-
Heights, which Israel seized and has contin- “objectives” had not yet been achieved; Hamas tionate counter-offensive coming from virtual-
ued to occupy since 1967. Although Olmert on the grounds that it had not been consulted. ly every country on the globe, what Gillerman
has insinuated that opening talks with Syria While far from being a prudent, or moral, move said was, “You’re damn right we are.”
would be in Israel’s interest, Hamas does not on Hamas’s part, the failure of the UN’s pro-
believe he has the power in the Knesset, nor posal underscores the necessity for open dia- Niko Block is a U1 Economics student.
the popular support, to pull off such a move. logue with the de facto government in Gaza. Another version of this article was origi-
As with Hamas, Syria’s appeals have been vir- Hamas knows it can’t beat Israel militar- nally published on his blog, nikonavi.
tually ignored. ily. With Gaza being the tiny enclave that it is, January 12.
(about 25 per cent smaller than the Island of
Closed doors Montreal), Hamas doesn’t stand a chance of
Like most people, I do not condone the tar- rebuffing the IDF as Hezbollah did in the sum-
geting of civilians under any circumstance. Nor mer of 2006.
do I believe that attacking civilian targets is Of the 1,000 deaths recorded by January
strategically wise. With the Obama administra- 14, 40 per cent have been women or children
tion preparing to take the helm in Washington, under 18. Roughly 300 of them were militants,
Hamas’s rocket attacks on southern Israel according to the IDF. Of the 4,250 Gazans that
have been playing into its characterisation as have been injured, roughly half were women
a group of psychopathic Islamist vigilantes in or children. By contrast, 13 Israelis have been
the right-wing American press, and as a result killed, of whom ten were soldiers, (and four of
its chances of meeting with the new American those died as a result of friendly fire).
government are much slimmer now. Hilary Israel has maintained its absurd line that
Clinton’s comments Wednesday, that the new it is carrying out the operation to destroy
administration will not speak with Hamas, Hamas’s ability to attack Israel’s border towns,
indicate that Hamas may have already squan- and has expressed that it has no intention of
dered any opportunity for dialogue with the reoccupying the Strip. Despite Israel’s military
Even though, as an occupying force in the
West Bank, the IDF is a legitimate target under
international law, I have and will continue to
support the non-violent strains of the intifada,
which are very prevalent amongst Palestinians
there and deserve far more attention than

Evan Newton / The McGill Daily

Mind&Body The McGill Daily, Thursday, January 15, 2009

How to make breakfast for champions

Fritatta (tatata) of the egg from the pan, run a spatula along the rim
of the eggs. Now pull the egg gently away from the
• 10 large eggs pan at one edge and let the uncooked egg run under
Friends • 3 tbs milk
the edge. The idea is that you always want a cooked
surface on the bottom of the pan that you can lift to
with food • 1 tbs olive oil
let the liquid eggs run underneath to cook the frit-
tata in layers. Continue to do this while occasionally
Sophie Busby & Olivia Hoffmeyer swirling and tilting the pan for the first few minutes
• salt and pepper to taste of cooking.
Preheat the broiler of your oven.
Decide what combination of fillings you want. The Turn the heat to low, shake the pan to prevent
What: The frittata (tatata). classic green onions, ham, and cheese or the Sunday sticking, cover, and cook for about five minutes or
morning brunch fridge clean out (throw anything until the top is no longer runny. Make sure the bot-
How much: $2.59 for a carton of large eggs, plus whatever fillings you want. that needs to be used up into the mix) are both great tom doesn’t burn by loosening it with a spatula or
options. One of our favourite combinations is any jerking the pan around.
Why: Because the most important meal of the day should last all day. green veggie (spinach, broccoli, etc.) and any cheese To seal the deal, take the pan off the stove-top and
(feta, chedder, etc.). put it under the broiler for a few minutes. Watch it
It’s the beginning of a new semester and a new year, so start the day off Cut the fillings you decide on into small, bite-sized very carefully so it doesn’t burn, but let it get to a nice
right with breakfast! Omlettes are so 2008, so impress the brunch crowd with pieces. Heat the oil in a large pan on medium-high. golden brown colour. It should puff nicely.
a frittata. Not only is frittata a fun word to say, it’s also versatile – cut it in fancy Crack the eggs into a bowl and whisk with a fork until Shake the pan around a bit to make sure the egg
shapes for snacks or big slices for breakfast. My favourite thing about this they are mixed well. Stir in the milk, fillings, salt, and didn’t stick to the bottom during cooking and let it
Italian omelette is that even though the preparation can be a bit tricky, if you pepper. Now for the most important step: test the oil. cool for at least five minutes before removing it from
mess up, just stir it around in the pan and voila: scrambled eggs! The eggs won’t cook right if it isn’t hot enough, so the pan and serving.
The recipe that follows is great for a big pan, a lot of friends, or leftovers. drop a bit of egg or water into the heated pan to test Serve hot or cold!
If you just want to whip up an intimate breakfast for a few (or two) just divide it. It should sizzle; if it doesn’t, wait.
it in half and use a smaller pan. When the oil is ready, pour in the egg mixture.
Swirl it around to evenly coat the pan and let the egg
solidify on the bottom. When you can lift the edges
Tips and Tricks:

The broiler is your new best friend: finishing the frittata under the broil-
er will give it a perfect fluffy consistency with a golden crust on the surface.
But be careful! If your pan has a plastic handle it will melt in the oven.

Sally Lin / The McGill Daily

You can avoid this by leaving the oven door open while you broil the frit-
tata making sure that the handle of the pan in sticking out of the oven. Or
you can even hold the pan under the heat (wearing oven mitts, of course).
Besides, recipes that call for the broiler often recommend leaving the oven
door open.
As for serving your tatata, diamond shapes are a very classy way to present
this dish if you want to give it some extra pizzazz.

Can’t get enough tatata? More recipes and blog action from FWF will be com-
ing at you every other Thursday this semester, so gear up that broiler!

Study finds racial inequalities in cancer screening

Gay and bisexual African-American men are least likely to be screened for colorectal and prostate cancer

Emma Gray 19,410 men who self-identified as gay or Latino men, regardless of sexual December 2008 news release. be more conscious of the need for
Mind&Body writer or bisexual in the California Health preferences. Despite this study’s findings, over- screening revolving around sexual
Interview Survey. The Survey was “For blacks, being a member all, gay and bisexual men are more health, researchers say.
conducted through direct telephone of both racial and sexual minority likely than heterosexuals to receive Prostate cancer is the second largest

frican-American men are more interviews of a representative sample killer of men in the United States, and
likely than men of any other
racial category to develop and
of men over 50 years of age – the age
at which the majority of healthcare “For blacks, being a member of early access to PSA testing is impera-
tive for its prevention or detection and
die of prostate cancer. A recent study
suggests that a lack of screening may
institutions suggest that men begin
to undergo regular screenings for
both racial and sexual minor- treatment. However, the results of the
California colorectal screening study
be to blame.
According to the study “Sexual
both prostate and colorectal cancer.
The data examined revealed
ity groups represent a kind of reveal the discrepancies in access to
public health services for minority or
Orientation and Testing for Prostate
and Colorectal Cancers among Men
that prostate-specific antigen (PSA)
screenings were done 12 per cent
double jeopardy when it comes marginalized populations.
The conclusion of the California
in California,” published in the
December 2008 issue of Medical
to 14 per cent less often on gay and
bisexual African-American men when
to getting PSA testing.” study is aimed at making the statis-
tics more than just numbers. The
Care, bisexual and gay African- compared to heterosexual African- study includes the recommendation
American men are the cohort least American men, and 15 per cent to 28 Kevin C. Heslin Assistant professor, Charles Drew University that those responsible for health ser-
likely to be screened for prostate per cent less oftern when compared vice planning take race, ethnicity, and
cancer. to gay and bisexual Caucasian men. sexual orientation into account when
This study, lead by Kevin C. Heslin, The study also found that African- groups represents a kind of double regular screenings for colorectal of developing screening programs,
an assistant professor at Charles Drew American men on the whole are less jeopardy when it comes to get- cancer. This may be due to the fact especially those programs aimed at
University, was based upon data from likely to be screened than Caucasian ting PSA testing,” Heslin said in a that gay and bisexual men tend to high-risk populations.
The McGill Daily, Thursday, January 15, 2009 Mind&Body 13
Guys and dolls Classifieds
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supposed acts of femininity – dressing their for 3 or more days. General public: $8.10/day;
dolls, styling their hair, and doing their $6.95/day for 3 or more days. 150 character
limit. There will be a $6.00 charge per contract
makeup. On one level this operates as the for any characters over the limit. Prices include
ultimate heterosexual male fantasy, where- taxes. MINIMUM ORDER $40.50/ 5 ads.
in men have complete control over women.
In doll world, women aren’t just objectified,
Guttural mind
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al fantasy is undercut by the erotic intimacy APARTMENTS FOR RENT
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“sexually emancipated;” a man who needs makeup, and skin tone. The skin tones range forces, attempting to marry and settle the
more than a dirty photograph and his hand from “fair” to “Light African.” Only “eth- Eternal Bachelor character. The “iDolla-
to jerk off, however, is often seen to be fall- nic” tones like “Asian” are labeled by their tors” narrative counteracts this; here men Employment
ing short of an Alfie-style masculinity. nationality – Dark African or, say, South- are domesticating themselves. As creeped
Blowjob imitators, fake vaginas, the East Asian are notable omissions. The FAQ out as I am by RealDolls (just looking at Master School of Bartending
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real men don’t. Men who resort to artificial brush and style the doll’s hair, how to pro- interesting implications. Just as vibrators • 514-849-2828
implements for sex just don’t seem to have tect their fingers, what makeup best suits have become symbols of women’s libera-
that natural magnetic masculine sexual the doll, and if it can be posed for doggy tion, perhaps, by some twisted sense of (on line registration possible)
energy the likes of James Bond. Or maybe style. Apparently, just like children’s dolls, logic, RealDolls are being used to liber-
they just don’t buy Axe deodorant. sex dolls require some tender loving care ate straight guys from the constraints of Have you had a “LAZY EYE” since childhood?
A lot of this has to do with the way and affection. classical masculine sexuality, giving them McGill Vision Research is looking for study participants.
masculine sexuality is constructed in Obviously, the sex doll is disturbing a foothold on sexual intimacy. Maybe it’s Please call Dr. Davar Nikneshan at 514-934-1934 ext.
mainstream society – as insatiable and when being viewed from a feminist per- even something along the lines of a good 35307 or email
for further information.
uncomplicated, needing only a hole and spective, whether or not they’re being used thing?
some lube to get off. Society does not as a substitute girlfriend. These arguments
Bilingual Industrial Engineer, student part-
think men require an emotional connec- aren’t hard to draw out. Wait, your ideal time to work from home. Interesting work filing
tion. Emotion? Pfft, that shit’s for women, woman is one you created yourself? “Invention Patents” & communicating with interesting
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only created but also control? This is Contact inventor directly for further details,
silly ways in society, porn being one of the
main playas. For example, porn, marketed all not to mention the Barbie-like pro-
to men, focuses mainly on fucking and usu- portions of the doll (Barbie herself
ally ends in more fucking. Erotica, on the was originally created as a German sex Lessons / Courses
other hand, which is marketed to women, doll, and in RealDolls her legacy seems
generally focuses on relationships and ends to have come full circle), and the binary BELLYDANCE WITH VENUS
Classes start Jan. 15. Studio Bizz. 15% off for McGill
in marriage. If men are taking their sexual assumptions of gender and sex inherent students. 514-288-4989
cues from porn, then intimacy and sex don’t in RealDolls. Did I mention that their
belong in the same bedroom. Intimacy is male doll is out of production? RealDolls
for girly girls; straight-up sex is for manly does offer a penis attachment for female
men. dolls, but they problematically dub dolls
Feminist arguments aside, if a blow-up with this addition “She-Male Dolls.” To
doll is being used simply as a fuck toy, why me, this seems more like trans-fetishism
do some think it’s so much creepier than than a queer-friendly option. The point
a dildo, which basically reduces men to a is that all the aforementioned concerns
cock? The fact is that owners of sex dolls are valid, and in this light, intimate rela-
often aren’t just using their lovely ladies tions with sex dolls are decidedly creepy.
for sex; many form intimate relations with But let’s put those thoughts aside for

them. This is much more problematic a moment and think about men cuddling
from the mainstream masculine point of their RealDolls in bed. There is no doubt
view. Lars and the Real Girl, starring Ryan that RealDolls, with their hairless bodies,

Gosling, is the story of a lonely man, his vacant expressions, and open suggestive
sex doll, and his emotional attachment to pumped-up lips mirror the female body
the intimate object. In the movie, Lars and emulated by the mainstream porn industry.

his doll never consummate their relation- However, the relationships many men cul-
ship, but Lars still grows emotionally close tivate with their RealDoll do not. As stated
to her. It’s supposed to be a heart warming before, masculine sexuality is supposed to
story, yet Lars and the Real Girl parodies a be about fucking, not cuddling. Yet men

real-life phenomenon where men do grow who love their dolls, self-titled “iDollators,”
attached to their sex dolls, where they give are not only bringing intimacy into porn on
them names, call them their girlfriend, and their own terms, but are also performing

Explore your passions.

Write for Mind & Body.

E-mail mindnbody@
Evan Newton / The McGill Daily for
more information.
Culture The McGill Daily, Thursday, January 15, 2009

Courtesy of Rachel Granofsky

Rethinking the city, from the ground up

Actions exhibit presents fantastic yet feasible solutions for the urban landscape
Amelia Schonbeck dening, and investigating possible transformed into a space for people short descriptions of all the contribu-
The McGill Daily links between these everyday acts and to swing. “Our intention was to give tors’ actions, but also features a virtual
bigger issues. “Even if these actions a new picture of urban phenomena, forum where members of the general
are not now considered to be struc- things that are going on in our cities, public can submit their own under-

ave you ever wanted to scale tural ones in planning and managing and the new needs of our society; we takings and discuss concepts and
the side of a building with our cities,” Borasi says, “they could wanted to inspire in designers, archi- projects. Borasi is excited about “the
a rope ladder? Ever wished [provide] a different way to look at tects, planners, and city managers a idea that people could start tomor-
that sheep were being used to trim and tackle common urban problems different way of looking at our built row to do something similar” to what
the lawns on campus, instead of gas- such as pollution, traffic, food securi- environment,” Borasi explains. they’re seeing in exhibition. One of
powered mowing machines? Can ty, waste management, employment, Indeed, the exhibition is grounded her favourite actions exemplifies this
you envision walking down a city and the tensions between a city’s dif- in all of the contributors’ individual concept: “Oranges Lead Nocturnal
sidewalk knowing that the compres- ferent inhabitants. I feel that looking critiques of entrenched urban pat- Walk,” by Los Angeles-based foraging
sion caused by your bodyweight was at these issues from a different angle terns of production and consumption. group Fallen Fruit. “They organize
producing electrical energy? These will allow new, different, and unex- Though their methods and approach- public night walks around the city of
ideas may seem implausible, but in pected answers to emerge.” es vary, the artists featured are con- Los Angeles to harvest fruit from trees
fact they aren’t; each of them has Thus, the exhibit features projects nected by the common belief that suc- with branches growing over fences or
been successfully realized and, along and experiments that take a range of cessful civic planning can be a grass- across property lines into the public
with 96 other creative initiatives, they approaches to rethinking the mod- roots effort. Borasi notes that all the domain,” Borasi explains. “It is a very
are being featured as part of “Actions: ern city, from using parkour for the projects were accomplished “without simple idea that introduces a new way
What You Can Do With the City,” the re-appropriation of abandoned build- a huge budget or a complicated pro- of treating public and private space,
latest exhibit at Montreal’s Canadian ings to guerilla gardening techniques cess.” She adds that one of the exhib- while recuperating food that other-
Centre for Architecture. The exhibi- that can transform concrete lots into it’s goals was to “focus on something wise would be wasted.” That’s the
tion, which gathers together the work vegetable gardens. There is also room that the public could see and relate to “Actions” exhibit in a nutshell: a gath-
of 99 innovative architects, artists, and for the whimsical and outlandish, like with a certain immediacy.” ering of creative and effective ideas
urban planners, aims to challenge the the inflatable pink rubber structures The exhibition’s dynamic title sug- that brings people together to reclaim
way that ordinary people interact with that transformed a German field into gests the importance that is placed on their urban environment.
the cities in which they live. a temporary playground and meeting taking an active stance in changing
In putting together “Actions,” co- place in 2004, or a Vancouver-based the way society conceives of public The CCA (1920 Baile, Metro Guy-
curators Mirko Zardini and Giovanna design firm’s “suspend pants,” which space. It is also fitting that the exhi- Concordia) hosts “Actions” through
Borasi were focused on re-examining are fitted with high-tension cords, bition’s curators established a web April 19. For a schedule of the exhi-
seemingly mundane activities like metal clips, and a reinforced seat, site to accompany the project: cca- bition’s accompanying lecture and
walking, playing, recycling, and gar- allowing nearly any surface to be The site not only provides film series, visit
The McGill Daily, Thursday, January 15, 2009 Culture 15

Never trust a doppelganger

Atmospheric Disturbances follows one man’s offbeat quest to find the wife he thinks he married

called it “a poignant and very funny missing Rema and stop the Royal However, overall the novel does human hybrids, waitresses’ waists,
Alyssa Favreau
Culture Writer journey inside a mistaken mind,” Academy’s nemeses, a group of devi- get its message across, showing us and canine emotions.
“wonderfully sly [with a] magnifi- ant meteorologists by the name of exactly how difficult love is to main- Although endearing, Leo’s consis-
cently skewed sense of humour.” the 49 Quantum Fathers, from dis- tain. Leo’s unwillingness to love this tent denial of his own insanity and

earching seemed to be the This unusual postmodernist turbing regular weather patterns. new Rema exaggeratedly depicts pseudo-logical search for his missing
theme at last year’s Governor book follows the story of Dr. Leo Although unconventional in its how couples often grow apart. He wife do become tiresome. However,
General Awards, Canada’s most Liebenstein, a psychiatrist who approach to the topics of sanity, real- often states that the doppelganger is just when it seems like the charac-
prestigious literary prize, with works believes that the woman he is living ity, and perception, Atmospheric “not the woman I married,” mirror- ter has alienated himself from the
of mystery, self-discovery, and loss with is not his wife, Rema, but a per- Disturbances is a beautifully writ- ing the usual sentiment expressed reader with his ongoing and upbeat
finding their place among 2008’s fect double unaware of her replace- ten tale of a man willing to take his when one’s partner seems to commentary, Galchen ends with a
finalists. One of these selected ment. In his search for answers, he convictions as far as necessary in change. chapter heartbreaking in its calm
works is Toronto-based author Rivka teams up with his patient, Harvey, order to find comfort and the one The first-person narration of resignation.
Galchen’s first novel, Atmospheric who has convinced himself that he he loves. The book’s style is perhaps Atmospheric Disturbances further With its charming style and beau-
Disturbances. Though still relatively has the ability to control the weather, better suited to a short story as the blurs the line between Leo’s adven- tifully tragic theme, Atmospheric
unknown, the novel has been steadi- and is working as a secret agent for diagrams, photos, and scientific defi- tures and reality, as he often juxta- Disturbances is well worth the read
ly garnering praise across the coun- the Royal Academy of Meteorology. nitions included tend to detract from poses intelligent scientific observa- and certainly worthy of the recogni-
try: the Canada Council for the Arts Together they attempt to locate the Galchen’s effortless prose. tions against anecdotes on chimp- tion it has been given.

Half man, half cockroach

Montreal’s Rawi Hage pens an existential award winner

Jaime Maclean and down St. Laurent on the days

Sasha Plotnikova / The McGill Daily

Culture Writer when he isn’t working as a bus boy
at a local Iranian restaurant. The nar-
rator lives in an apartment building

ritics have received Montreal where he smells the strong spices of
writer Rawi Hage’s new book, the Pakistani family below and drinks
Cockroach, with open arms, tea with the Russian lady in the base-
hailing it as a compelling new exis- ment apartment.
tentialist novel. But don’t let the label The plot follows the narrator as
and praise intimidate you – you can he grapples with the cold Montreal
still enjoy yourself while you read it. winter. The most urgent events in his
Growing up in Beirut, Lebanon, life include collecting money that his
Hage endured nine years of civil war. friends owe him, meeting with the
During this time he was exposed to woman he claims to love, and break-
violence and the strain on sanity that ing into strangers’ houses. However,
comes with an impossibly compli- the majority of his time is spent wan-
cated political situation. The reader dering the streets of Montreal, con-
can clearly see that the violence templating life, and imagining that
and thuggery that the author was he is half human and half cockroach.
exposed to from a young age acutely This bizarre concept, evocative of
affected him. Kafka’s Metamorphosis, begins to
Hage’s characters always seem make sense as the narrator slowly
to be hiding something sinister, in reveals information about himself
a way that makes the reader ques- and the life that he lived before it was
tion their mental stability. It is hard committed to the page.
to know what will happen next, how Among other things, we learn
each character will react to each about an unsuccessful suicide
new event. This style is present in attempt in his recent past: he tried
Cockroach as well as Hage’s first to hang himself from a tree in Mount
novel, De Niro’s Game, which was Royal Park. This action was not about
published in 2006 and won a num- death or trying to end life, but curi-
ber of awards, including the IMPAC osity about what it would be like to
Dublin Literary Award. De Niro’s escape the light. His attempted sui-
Game took place in Beirut during cide results in mandatory weekly
the civil war of the 1970s and fol- therapy sessions, leading to an inter-
lowed the life of a young man named esting relationship between the nar-
Bassam, who is not so unlike the rator and his therapist.
narrator of Cockroach. The whole book takes place in
Delirious visions of life on the edge in Montreal.
Cockroach takes place in a state of delirium. This could be
Montreal’s immigrant community. credited to the narrator’s occasional
We never know for sure where the substance abuse, but the end result is to readers who can recognize the ary world. In his acknowledgements, would be like to travel the streets of
narrator is from (or even what his a foggy style of narration that some- city’s landmarks and frigid weather. Hage thanks the Canada Council for Montreal in the dark winter while you
name is); he spends time with Iranian how reaches moments of lucidity. It Although the novel has a distinctly the Arts and the Conseil des arts et stay warm indoors, or to imagine the
immigrants and refugees, but makes tells the truth as the narrator sees Canadian setting, it is an example of des lettres du Québec. The contribu- world from a cockroach’s perspec-
it a point that he is not one of them. it, but the reader must decide what a Canadian novel that branches off tions of institutions such as Canada tive. The idea is strange and a little
He is free to casually talk to a profes- is real. from traditional Canadiana in its style Council have made it possible for terrifying at first, but this book tells
sor from Algeria about welfare, chat That Hage is Canadian and and subject matter. Hage is proof books to be written and art created a beautiful story told from a unique
with a cab driver who once published chooses Montreal as the setting for that exciting [and unusual] things that may never have had a chance. point of view in words that glide eas-
a magazine in Iran, and wander up his novel makes Cockroach relevant can happen in the Canadian liter- Don’t be afraid to imagine what it ily across the page.
16 Culture The McGill Daily, Thursday, January 15, 2009

Humanitarians can’t afford

to be neutral
Dr. James Orbinski’s genocide that would fundamen-
tally change him. “The Genocide in
memoir questions Rwanda was my undoing,” he writes,
“It was where I came to know inti-
crimes of inaction mately the fullness of what we are
capable of as human beings. No illu-
sions or fantasies were possible after
Ryan Mackellar this; no retreat into false hopes or
Culture Writer comforting yearning for a lost past.”
The failure of both the Rwandan gov-
ernment and the international com-

he 20th century has seen war, munity truly altered his understand-
bloodshed, and humanitar- ing of the world.
ian catastrophe, carried out When governments like the
by crudely armed tribal groups and United States and France initially
modern industrial superpowers. In blocked attempts to label the Rwanda
these situations, humanitarians find crisis as a genocide – a distinction
themselves in a problematic position. that would have made it obligatory
They can decide to remain silent and for the Security Council to intervene
continue to give aid to those who sur- – Orbinski decided to take a differ-
vive, or speak out against the atroci- ent approach. Too much emphasis,
ties and risk being expelled from the he believes, has been placed on the
affected country. The position of the need for humanitarian groups to
Red Cross in Nazi Germany repre- remain neutral – ultimately, such a
sented perhaps the epitome of such position is impossible. To not speak
moral dilemmas. out against atrocities committed by
Dr. James Orbinski, former presi- regimes essentially legitimizes them,
dent of Médecins sans Frontières, is allowing the acts to continue.
no stranger to these questions. His “The doctor’s role is to wit-
latest book, An Imperfect Offering, ness authentically the reality of
gives detailed accounts of his experi- humanity, and to speak out against
ences in some of the worst humani- the horrors of political inaction,” Akhil Virani for The McGill Daily
tarian disasters in recent memory. Orbinski explains. “The only crimes A Quebec youth struggles with the suicide of four friends.
Beginning his work in Rwanda inves- of equal inhumanity are the crimes
tigating the condition of paediatric of indifference, silence, and forget-
AIDS, he realizes that much of the
widespread pain and suffering he saw
could have been prevented had the
ting.” Ultimately, governments will
act largely in their own self inter-
est, not within the realm of higher
Troubled waters in Davis Inlet
right political and economic choices
been made. From there he travelled
humanitarian ideals. Orbinski calls
upon humanitarians present on the
Reflections on life and death in Tout Est Parfait
to Peru during a cholera epidemic, ground at areas of crisis to tell the
to Somalia during the American-led world what is happening. Pamela Fillion
intervention, and to Afghanistan, The McGill Daily of the deaths of their friends who tions tied to suicide and turmoil
which was still reeling from the A 2008 nominee for the Governor had earlier died in a house fire. that follows such a dramatic event
attempted Soviet invasion. General’s Award, The Imperfect Mainly concerned with the in the lives of those left to mourn

Above all, it was Orbinski’s expe- Offering: Humanitarian Action in nly a few days after New aftermaths of youth suicide in a a friend’s suicide. Notably, singer-
rience in Rwanda during its 1994 the Twenty-first Century is $35. Years, reflections on the typical industrial town, the film songwriter Cat Power sets the
most memorable films focuses on the emptiness and mood for two climactic moments
of 2008 began, and amongst the silence that befalls the commu- of the film with her song “Maybe

Wanted: Copy Editer contenders one title stands out:

Yves Christian Fournier’s Tout Est
Parfait. The film, which centres on
nity and on the space in between
choosing life or choosing death.
The film sees Josh (Maxime
Not” and her cover of “Troubled
Waters.” Reflecting on the events
that began 2009 in the community
the life of a Quebec youth after the Dumontier) struggling with the of Saguenay Lac-St-Jean is easily
suicide of four of his friends, espe- deaths of his friends Alex, Simon, likened to the emotion found in
cially in light of recent events, is Thomas, and Sacha. Through the songs of Cat Power, which was
the single most important Quebec his interactions with Sacha’s ex- masterfully chosen by the film’s
film of 2008. girlfriend and Thomas’ father, music researcher Phil Electric.

The Daily is lookeing for you to be a 2009 was christened with the
shocking news of a murder-sui-
Josh tries to come to terms with
how to live “normally.” Although
The original score, composed by
Patrick Lavoie, is also an impor-
part of are team. Is you looking for cide in the Saguenay, a region five
hours north of Montreal, seeming-
the group of boys at the centre of
the storyline are not often depict-
tant factor in the way that the film
manages to establish its setting
a opportunity to worck in a dynamic ly reflecting Tout Est Parfait’s
graphic images. On January 1,
enviernment, develop you’re gram- 2009, a 9-1-1 call was made by a
woman leading police officers
The film focuses on the
matical skills, and gain experients in to her home in Chicoutimi,
silence that befalls and
Quebec where her husband
the exiting field of journalism. If you and the couple’s three young
children were found dead. the space in between
cant read this add with out cringe-
choosing life and death.
According to the police, the

ing, then this position is for you. deaths were a result of a pact
between the couple to commit
Email The Daily at coordinating@ suicide for the new year.
Tout Est Parfait, an award- ed alive, for the brief moments and mood so expertly., or drop by Shattner winning film written by Guillaume
Vigneault and directed by Fournier,
that these characters are on the
screen, they leave an intense
Tout Est Parfait addresses
the difficult subject of suicide in
B-24, we are almost always hear. unfolds a plot which chillingly
echoes these recent events, as well
imprint, which remains even after
the credits have rolled.
Quebec in an engaging and artis-
tic way. Its importance for those
as those of a 1993 suicide pact, Music drives the emotional ten- who have lived or know those
when six children in the commu- sion in the film; music and silenc- who have lived similar circum-
nity of Davis Inlet attempted to es serve to demonstrate the diffi- stances cannot be overstated.
commit suicide on the anniversary culty of speaking about the emo-
The McGill Daily, Thursday, January 15, 2009 Culture 17

Cinema on the edge

Marie Brassard’s provocative selections explore the fringe of German film

Nicholas van Beek a natural outsider. Isabell Spengler, a and Spengler’s other works, espe- separation for much of his inter-
Culture Writer Berliner teaching experimental film cially the playfully absurd Natural views and colouring.
at Universität der Künste, has three Life of Mermaids. But if you can get Camera-ready and made up as
offerings in this selection. Latouy is past the stylistic slush, you can for- a style-minded invader, Nomi also

alking into the Goethe seven minutes of detached and beau- give Spengler on the grounds of her appears as an outsider – there’s the
institute you can’t help tiful images while a somewhat more far-reaching, bold messages. persistent feeling throughout the
but notice the immacu- linear plot follows The Natural Life The Nomi Song by Andrew Horn film that we can’t get beyond his
lately clean floors. After exchanging of Mermaids and Psychic Tequila presents a more linear film: a docu- styled exterior. He is a challenging
some formal pleasantries with adroit Tarot. The pseudo-plot of the latter mentary bio. Clause Nomi has come character, but anecdotes of his voice
receptionists while flipping through follows the idealist Leila through a to be associated with elven space- reverberating around his New York
a German language course pamphlet, western road trip. She acts as a ves- men for a reason – Nomi looked courtyard on lazy afternoons give
you hang your jacket nicely into rows sel, filling herself with the desires like one while singing some of the this little-told story some ground-
of waiting hangers. Surgically cut half of others – from ex-sorority girls to most inspirational pop-opera of ing in reality – a redeeming achieve-
muffins present themselves next to drunken gamblers – by creating fic- the New York New Wave age. The ment, considering the surreal image
percolating coffee. Anticipating the tive fortunes and wedding them with trajectory of his career was fairly of Clause Nomi is about as believable
films to come, the guests sit waiting reality. Whether performing a blow- short, but it reached its peak when as a Psychic Tarot Tequila diva in his

Evan Newton / The McGill Daily

for a cultural experience. Downing a job or trying to convince a prostitute Nomi was a back-up singer for David first appearances on screen.
dry mash of doughy coffee, I begin her life is perfect the way it is, Leila Bowie on Saturday Night Live, and
to choke in my comfy chair. Canine is striving to reach the unreachable ended early with the devastation of The Carte Blanche begins January
cunnilingus flashes on the screen. innards of others. Refusing respon- AIDS. He’s described as the “most 15 and 16 with Berlin, Symphony
Outstretched legs accept a lapping sibility for her “own existence” is the mesmerizing freak show in the his- of a City, and Berlin Song, followed
dog to the overdub of a young woman way she deals with a sense of discon- tory of Rock and Roll” and does not by The Nomi Song and Spengler’s
describing herself as a young revolu- nect from society. And she’s pretty disappoint. Andrew Horn had to three short films on the 22 and 23 of
tionary. The first short film of Marie much naked the whole time. dig deep for this cultural nugget, as January. A string of other selections
Brassard’s selection for The Goethe If you’re counting on plot and style very little footage of Nomi existed continue until March 13, closing with
Institutes’ Carte Blanche has begun. as clean as the welcome rug guarding outside his SNL performance. An The Wonderful Horrible Life of Leni
If the films reveal anything about the Goethe institute, this short film unsuspecting closet in Sweden held Riefenstahl. For the full program
the woman who chose them, I may not be for you. There’s an ama- an hour of footage on Super 8 film, check out
would have to peg Marie Brassard as teurish feel to Psychic Tequila Tarot and Horn relied on six degrees of mon/enindex.htm.

Art around the clock
A week-long celebration of all
things “art” – with performances,
screenings, competitions, and more
– kicked off on campus Monday with
poetry and music, and continues today
and tomorrow with a series of student-
written, directed, and acted plays in
addition to short film screenings. The
ARTifact festival, hosted by McGill’s
Tuesday Night Café Theatre, closes on
Saturday with the famed 24-hour play-
writing competition, in which three
students are given 24 hours to write a
play for ten actors, and then another
24 hours to direct, stage, and perform
it. In addition, a gallery showcasing
McGill students’ visual art remains up
throughout the week – so come out
and support the arts in every form!
Tickets are $6 for students and $10 for
non-students. All shows are at 8p.m.
Contact TNC Theatre at artifact@tues-
Nadja Popovich / The McGill Daily, or call 398-6600 for
more information.
– Spencer Malthouse
TNC Theatre
Lies, half-truths, and Gimli
The McGill Daily, Thursday, January 15, 2009

My not-so-excellent holiday adventure

David G. Koch tackles airport boredom, chihuahuas, and watching inappropriate TV from coast to coast

he mysterious gods of Canadian least distracting, but perhaps most
air travel spared me their worst nauseating broadcast of all. The
punishments during the holi- Discovery Channel was featuring a
days, but I too toiled, dear reader. series of docudramas about great air-
It started in Victoria. After hav- plane disasters! It seems, dear reader,
ing gone through security, I found that in the eighties, Air Canada Flight
out that my red-eye Westjet flight 143 was forced to make an emergency
was delayed by three hours. I killed landing in Gimli, Manitoba, after hav-
time in the airport bar, where some ing run out of fuel. Apparently some
drunk guy recounted to me his tale incompetent jerk had confused his
of financial ruin, love gone wrong, metric and imperial measurements,
and hypnosis. He explained, ad putting a brand new plane and some
nauseum, how hypnotherapy had people into jeopardy.
brought about his “spiritual awaken- Just then, from deep in the belly
ing.” Fortunately, we weren’t seated of the plane, I could hear what
next to each other when the plane sounded like a ratchet gun tighten-
finally boarded. I got some sleep, and ing bolts. “Ah, that’s the sound of a
made it to Calgary by 1:30 a.m. skilled tradesman properly fastening
But due to the delay, I risked miss- vital components onto the plane,”
ing my Calgary connection. This I thought. Meanwhile, on-screen, a
inconvenience would’ve been costly, computer animation recreated the
forcing me to play Elvis Pinball in the crash landing of Flight 143. The plane
video arcade at 50 cents per game all lurched awkwardly in midair before
night long. descending on a decommissioned
I thought the Canadian air travel runway. Its tires blew out as the nose
gods were smiling on me when I grinded along the strip in a shower
found the Montreal-bound flight of sparks, almost plowing through a
waiting. But as I settled in, the PA pair of bike-riding children, before
system crackled, and my illusions coming to a halt at the edge of a cliff.
were shattered. We weren’t moving, “Maintenance is all finished,” the
our pilot said, until the maintenance pilot announced. The TVs flickered
crew had fixed a damaged panel on off, and flight attendants happily
the hull of our jet. Groaning, I braced mimed the safety procedures. A baby
myself for endless hours stuck on the started crying, perhaps sensing our
tarmac. But with festive good cheer, impending doom.
I noted that trained technicians were As we blasted off into the cold
busy ensuring that our plane would night, I remained preoccupied by my
not fall apart in mid-air. angst. The TVs came back on, and Braden Goyette / The McGill Daily
Anyway, I had lots of fun things to I switched the channel to an info- For what they’ve gained in personal entertainment, planes have lost in tact.
distract myself from reality, notably a mercial for “The Ultimate Oldies But
personal TV built into the back of the Goodies Collection,” featuring clas-
chair ahead of me. For a small fee, I sic bands such as Buddy Holly. Hey,
had my pick of several first-rate films, didn’t he die in an airplane crash?
such as Beverley Hills Chihuahua. CLICK. Ah, the news. I wonder if I
Tempting, because I knew from could watch coverage of our immi-
trailers that this was the “Greatest nent demise live on CTV? CLICK.
Chihuahua film ever made.” An ad for some vacation company
Satellite TV was free, but it was plays a rip-off of Bob Marley’s “One
mostly trashy late-night fare aimed Love.” I was never a religious man
at a viewership expected to be semi- until tonight, dear reader, but never
unconscious. Some Jerry Springer did the Herbsman’s words mean
knock off berated an irresponsible so much. (All together now: “Give
pit-bill owner. CLICK. Fox News thanks and praise to the Lord and it’ll
served up coverage about a chi- be alright!”) Prayer seemed to be my
huahua that had survived a pitbull only option, as I neglected to pack
attack. CLICK. Infomercials hawked a parachute in the bulletproof back-
products of questionable merit, such pack that I always bring on planes in
as Tony’s Total Workout DVD and a case of a terrorist attack.
vacuum cleaner with “super suction You may call me a fool, but I think
power.” the airline gods heard my call that
CLICK. I eventually settled on the night. Unbelievers, get hypnotized.
Angel Chen for The McGill Daily

Angel Chen’s illustrations appear every other Thursday. Send her your
thoughts on mediums and gas to Sterling Street appears every Thursday. Send Margot your code to
The McGill Daily, Thursday, January 15, 2009 19

Evan Newton / The McGill Daily

volume 98
number 27

3480 McTavish St., Rm. B-24
Montreal QC, H3A 1X9
phone 514.398.6784
fax 514.398.8318 EDITORIAL
coordinating editor
Jennifer Markowitz
Stifling discussion won’t
coordinating news editor
solve the conflict
Shannon Kiely
news editors Governments and media outlets have been nearly unanimous in
Erin Hale condemning the Israeli offensive in Gaza. As the humanitarian
Nicholas Smith crisis reaches new peaks, people are demanding strong stances
Alison Withers from their public institutions.
features editor This week the Israeli Central Elections Committee voted to
Claire Caldwell ban Arab political parties from its upcoming elections. With the
commentary&compendium editor world focusing on Israel’s offensive in Gaza, eliminating demo-
Max Halparin cratic dissent is no way for the country to rebuild its international
standing. However, there is little chance for the ban to come into
coordinating culture editor
Braden Goyette effect, as Israel’s Supreme Court is expected to overturn it.
Here in Canada, Sid Ryan, the President of the Ontario branch of
culture editors
the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), is also endanger-
Joshua Frank
Whitney Mallett ing peaceful dissent. In December, he proposed a motion demand-
ing all Canadian universities ban any Israeli professor who did not
science+technology editor
denounce the war in Gaza. While we recognize the right of CUPE
Nikki Bozinoff
executives to their own views, persecuting intellectuals in Canadian
mind&body editor universities is no way to further a political cause – not to mention a
Nadja Popovich clear violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
photo editor The diversity of opinion held by Israelis could easily be explored in
Stephen Davis Canada – but Ryan hopes to stop any type of discussion by threatening the
graphics editor livelihoods of those most qualified to participate. The motion disregards
Evan Newton the complex motivations that have led individuals to arrive at their political
production & design editors
beliefs, from heritage and religion, to nationality and political affiliation.
Will Vanderbilt Limiting discussion at a time like this doesn’t help Gazan or
Aaron Vansintjan Israeli civilians; rather than changing public opinion it forces peo-
web editor
ple with a variety of views into one of two rigid, polarized catego-
Ian Beattie ries. Universities have long been havens for critical analysis, and as
students this is a unique point in our lives when we will likely be
copy editor
Alexandra Kelp exposed to many new ideas. Now, as we find ourselves shaken by the
events in Gaza, it’s even more important to hold to that principle.
cover photo Students at Concordia protesting the war last week called for Montreal
Charles Mostoller
universities to cut ties with Israeli universities unless they make state-
le délit ments condemning the offensive, arguing that if Israeli universities
Maysa Phares remain silent, they are complicit in the outcome in Gaza. While these demands rightly seek to raise anti-war sentiment in Israel, a multitude
Contributors of opinions and sentiments exist on any campus, and synthesizing them
Melanie Adelson, Julie Alsop, Niko Block,
Sophie Busby, Angel Chen, Christopher Columb,
into a single protocol may only serve to stifle the exchange of ideas.
Alyssa Favreau, Pamela Fillion, Emma Gray, Deborah Israeli students and professors are engaging in discussion over the
Guterman, Olivia Hoffmeyer, David G. Koch, Hayley
Lapalme, Sally Lin, Ryan Mackellar, Jaime Maclean,
war, and should continue to do so. At universities in Tel Aviv, Haifa,
Sam Neylon, Josh Nobleman, Margot Nossal, and Jerusalem, hundreds protested for and against Israel’s offensive,
Sasha Plotnikova, Sana Saeed, Amelia Schonbeck,
Marc Selles, Ted Sprague, Nicholas van Beek, Aquil as thousands have recently done in Montreal. These demonstra-
Virani, Rachel Wine, Alexandra Wong, tions hopefully reflect the opinions of people in Gaza and Israel who
Benjamin Wong, Hartlee Zucker
find themselves marginalized by their governments. We urge mem-
bers within institutions – be they universities, unions, and govern-
ments – to keep talking. Shutting down discussion helps no one.

The Daily is published on most Mondays and Thursdays by the

Daily Publications Society, an autonomous, not-for-profit
organization whose membership includes all McGill
undergraduates and most graduate students.

3480 McTavish St., Rm. B-26

Montreal QC, H3A 1X9
phone 514.398.6790
fax 514.398.8318

advertising & general manager Boris Shedov

treasury & fiscal manager Pierre Bouillon
ad layout & design Geneviève Robert
dps board of directors
Angel Chen, Ana Gray Richardson-Bachand,
Braden Goyette, Lauren Chang MacLean,
Jennifer Markowitz, Lawrence Monoson,
Maysa Phares, Perrin Valli, Eric Van
Eyken (

The Daily is proud to be a founding member

of the Canadian University Press.
All contents © 2009 Daily Publications Society. All rights
reserved. The content of this newspaper is the responsibil-
ity of The McGill Daily and does not necessarily represent the
views of McGill University. Products or companies advertised
in this newspaper are not necessarily endorsed by Daily staff.
Printed by Imprimerie Transcontinental Transmag. Anjou, Quebec.
ISSN 1192-4608.

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DAILY picture since 1911

Have a burning desire to ask 19,000 students a question?

Got an idea for SSMU policy?
This is your chance to make a difference!!
Copy Editer
Call for Referendum Questions!
Pick up a petition for a Student initiated referendum NOW
either from the Elections McGill Office (Shatner 405) or
online at
The Daily is lookeing for you to be a
All petitions are due at 12:00 noon part of are team. Is you looking for
on February 4th a opportunity to worck in a dynamic
enviernment, develop you’re gram-
matical skills, and gain experients in
All questions must be approved by the Chief Returning
Officer before collecting signatures.
the exiting field of journalism. If you
cant read this add with out cringe-
ing, then this position is for you.
Shatner Room 405
Email The Daily at coordinating@, or drop by Shattner
contact@ B-24, we are almost always hear.

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