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Lavender Lady

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Im dead. That was the first thing I noticed, then it was the cold, black emptiness that became obvious. And Im not going to lie, but Im deathly afraid. I had never really believed in heaven, but I did think that there was something more than just this vast nothingness. Ylrrah A faint voice called. So maybe I wasnt alone. Ylrrah. The voice called again, this time it was louder. Like the person was right next to me. Hello, I tried to say, but I had no voice. Thats when I realized I didnt have a body either. Hello dear, It replied, as if it could hear my thoughts. Yes, I can hear you. And I must assure you that you are not dead. It was warm, the voice, and I could feel it even if I had no body. Who are you? I asked, not feeling scared anymore. Though I was confused, if I wasnt dead, then where was I? So many questions, The voice chuckled, and it made me realize that the voice was feminine. Who I am is not of importance right now. But what you need to do is wake up. The ladys voice grew serious, but the gentle tone was still there. So, this is only a dream? I inquired, relieved that this wasnt going to be permanent. Yes, but this isnt just a dream. Take this as a warning. You will be forced to embark on a journey, and if you are not careful The voice had paused, the silence reining the darkness. I began to feel nervous, and shivered my non-existent body as a bitter cold wind tore through me. Hello? I thought as something in the distance shone. At first it was just a small speck of white, but gradually it grew brighter and brighter. Soon, it was too unbearable and I thought I might scream, but I still had no voice. The light was all around me now, and as I couldnt close the eyes I didnt have, I would rather have the darkness back. Be safe, my Lavender Lady. I will see you soon. The voice had returned, but sounded so far away. Suddenly, I felt like I was falling, and the chirping of birds sang in my ears.

Rays of the sun poured onto my face as I awoke, causing me to keep my eyes shut. The dream was still very clear in my mind, making me wonder if I should take it seriously, or pass it off as just a nightmare of sorts. Meay? The sound came from by my feet, and I smiled and slowly opened my eyes and sat up. There, in a little clump of black fur, was Ra with his eyes looking at me sleepily. Mew? He seemed to ask again, and I brought my hand over to pet him to let the fuzz ball know I was alright.

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Its alright Ra, I only had a I stopped in midsentence as I realized that I wasnt in my bed, but on my bedroom floor. Mustve been some dream. I mumbled, thankful that my pillow and blanket had most likely made the fall cushiony, seeing as they had accompanied me to the ground. And even you joined me down here Ra. Who knew you were such a sweetheart. I teased the cat as he generally wouldve stayed on the bed. As if in response to what I said, Ra sneezed and stretched before trotting off and out of my room. Fine you little brat. I muttered. Why my cat was so rude, I had no clue. He surely didnt get it from me. Mroooooowr! The animal cried in the doorway, obviously wanting to be fed. Thinking about it, he wasnt really my cat. He was my recently deceased Grandmothers cat. As I picked up myself from the floor, I took a look at myself in the body mirror that made current residence in the corner of my room, I frowned. It has been two years that we had been living without her. Reaching for my hair brush, I quickly smiled and began taming my hair. As I brushed through the knots and rats, I thought about the moments I had shared with her. Like when I was four and I had tried cutting my hair. Tsk tsk, Ylrrah dear. What have you done to your hair?! Grandma exclaimed, lifting up my chubby chin to look up at her. I...Katie and Maddi.theythey put gum in my hair. I sobbed as I brought up the chunk of my odd colored hair that had a wad of Hubba Bubba stuck into it.They said that..that my hair and eyesare weird. I cried, burying my face into her lap. Now now, crying wont solve anything love. She cooed, stroking my back in the soothing way that always got me to calm down. Maybe they are just jealous little girls of your gorgeous hair and stunning eyes? She said, getting me to stand up and look her in the face again. Hmm? But why is my hair and so different? Even as a child, I knew that I wasntnatural. Maybe youre special? I bet you look a lot like your mother. She smiled warmly, as if she could see my mother in me. Did she have purple hair.and eyes like me? I questioned, my tears had ceased as I was excited to hear about my parents whom Ive never known. Indeed she did, dear. You know what they used to call her because of the beautiful shade her hair and eyes were? I shook my head furiously. How could I have known? They used to call her the Lavender Lady. She whispered. I was back at reality, staring at myself in the mirror. Be safe Lavender Lady. I whispered to myself, even though my voice didnt sound as strange and powerful as the one in my dream, I shuddered. Maybe it was real. Mroowr. Ra whined again, causing me to return from my trance.

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Dont lose your fur Ra, Im coming! I growled, that cat was so impatient. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It was now noon and I had changed from my pajamas, (which were Eeyore themed because I love him) to my pants and flannel shirt, complete with hiking boots. It was almost my daily clothing, seeing as I lived on a miniature farm. But I did have things I could wear in the city that didnt smell like manure. I was currently waiting for my cake to be done, (low and behold, it was my 19th birthday today) stirring the frosting I had prepared. Ding! The timer called, letting me know that it was time to take out the cake. As I opened the oven door, heat washed my face along with the smell of the desert. I reached in with ovenmitts on both hands and gently pulled out the hot dish. Closing the oven, I set the baking dish on a towel on the counter, retrieving a toothpick to stick in the center to make sure the cake was done. When the piece of wood came out clean, I smiled and turned to my frosting. Mew? Ra watched me with his big green eyes. He licked his jaw as I took out the spoon and tasted the frosting, which was plain old vanilla. He stood up and came over to rub himself on my calves, purring while beggingly staring at me. I sighed and dipped my pinkie in the frosting and bent down to let the raven colored cat lick it from my finger. You know, if Im doing this that means I love you. I said to him. His reply when he was finished was a sneeze and he happily strutted away. Youre so spoiled. I laughed, standing back up. Suddenly, there was a very strong breeze outside, which made the tree near the house, slam its branches on the window. A little frightened, I backed up. A low grumble emitted from below me, and I looked down to see Ra next to me, his fur poofed out to make him look three times bigger. Its okay Ra, its only the wind. I tried to comfort him, but he let out another growl accompanied by a hiss. Something was wrong, the cat never acted like this. I almost gave up and tried to pass it as just the wind, but then I could the faint whiney of a horse. About ten seconds later, I was standing outside on the porch to see the mare, Briar, galloping out of the barn and into the brush of a nearby wood that was near the farm. Briar! My voice yelled, but the horse kept running. Soon I couldnt see her anymore, and without second thought, I started running for the trees myself. Heart racing and hair flying, my eyes were looking everywhere for the mare. Meow! I heard the cat call from behind me so I looked back. There he was, the black furred animal running after me like he was a lost puppy. Ra, go home! I dont want to have to lose and then find you in here too. I stopped, pointing back to the house, which I believed was somewhere in that direction. He stopped next to me and sneezed, rubbing himself against my legs. I had the feeling like he was telling me that

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he wasnt going anywhere without me. After his brief little kitty embrace, he let out another growl, which frightened me. As he arched his back, looking forward hissing at whatever was there, I slowly began to turn. Hoping to see Briar, I was gravely mistaken and felt as if time was stopping as my eyes found what was lurking. I wanted to scream, but my mouth stayed shut as if it were sewn. This thing I was looking at seemed to come from a nightmare; it was tall and lanky, its entire body looked as if it had been dipped in mud. Whatever was supposed to be its hands, looked like sharp cutting utensils. And the only thing seen on its face was razor sharp teeth that were curved into a hideous smile. I was taken out of my horrible trance as Ra let out another menacing growl, and the wind seemed to tear through the atmosphere again. All of a sudden, the creatures grin had turned into gaping mouth of fright, and then lunged at me.

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