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Basic Statistics

Chapter #1

Thursday, November 8, 12

Introduction to Statistics
what is Statistics? Concepts of Statistics. Types of Statistics. Types of Data

Thursday, November 8, 12

Different of Statistics. -Its different when its used in plural & singular. Q1) Why do we Study Statistics? 1. To analyze the economic data. 2. To use statistical tools & techniques to provide accurate & timely information. 3. To create, analyze & transform information. 4. To be able to separate facts from opinions & organize these facts in an appropriate manner & analyze information
Thursday, November 8, 12

Q2) What is statistics? 1. One of the tools to understand information. 2. Meaning of the word statistics: The word statistics is used for either Statistical Data or Statistical Methods. 3. The word statistics means: A collection of facts & figures respecting the condition of the people in a state or any particular class or interest. 4. The word statistics mean: The collection of their information /numerical facts. These facts can be taken in the form of counts or measures. Figure: Numerical quantity or number showing any information. e.g. { 0.3 , 0.5 } = (decimal figure).

Thursday, November 8, 12

Related Examples : 1. we can take the statistics of students of a university (it includes count of numbers of student). 2. It can be based on groups like boys & girls. 3. It can be categorized as graduates. 4. It may also include measurement of height & width.

Thursday, November 8, 12

For Example
Level Number (No.) %




Post graduates






Thursday, November 8, 12

For Example

{ Distribution of Heights in (Cms) }

Height in Cms 160 - 170 170 - 180 180 - 190 Total

No. 660 300 40 1000

Thursday, November 8, 12

Q) How is statistics used? 1. To collect data / information. 2. To make plans for the future ( 5-year economical policy). 3. To help cover the population needs. e.g.Building hospitals, opening more universities, giving more medical facilities. 4. Business. 5. Economics. 6. Political Survey.

Thursday, November 8, 12

Q) How are we to determine if the conclusions reported were Reasonable? what are the factors on which its Reliability Depends? 1. Was the sample large enough. 2. How were the sampled units selected.

Thursday, November 8, 12

Q) Write the difference bet ween Survey & Census Sur vey ( Smaller Case) Census ( Bigger Case)

If the Sampling is done on a If the same sampling is Done on small scale for some people of a very big scale including each the state it will be called a person of the country it will be Sur vey called Census E.g. In this we may select 100 people Randomly & apply the results on the rest of the Population
Thursday, November 8, 12

Definition of Statistics: The Science of Collecting, Organizing, Presenting, Analyzing & interpreting data to assist in making more effective decisions. Types of Statistics: There are 2 types 1. Descriptive. ( Collect, Organize, Present) 2. Inferential. ( Analyze, Decision, Interpret)
Decades 1980- 1990 1990 - 2000 2000 - 2010 2010 - 2020
Thursday, November 8, 12

Popl n

Types of Statistics
1. Descriptive: Methods of Organizing, Summarizing & Presenting Data in an information. E.g. If we calculate the percentage of increase in the population of Yemen for a decode (10 Years). Then its Descriptive.
Interpolation 1960 - 1970 1970 - 1980 1980 - 1990 1990 - 2000 2000 - 2010 2010 - 2020 2020 - 2030 * Infer : to draw conclusion from general fact inference conclusions to Result Consequences. 12
Thursday, November 8, 12



Types of Statistics
2. Inferential: The Methods used to determine something about a population on the basic of a sample. E.g. If we use these calculations (of percentage increase in the population of Yemen) to estimate the population of Yemen for the next Decode then it will become inferential.

Thursday, November 8, 12

Types of Data
Q. a. How many types of Data are there? b. How many types of Variable are there? c. Write the Difference bet ween there Terms. 1. Qualitative Data & Quantitative Data. 2. Discrete Variable & Continuous Variable.

Thursday, November 8, 12

a. There are 2 types of data : 1. Qualitative Data. 2. Quantitative Data. .Quantitative Data has 2 more types: 1- Discrete. (without Decimal) 2- Continuous. (with Decimal)

Thursday, November 8, 12

Qualitative Data or Variable when the characteristic Being studied is Nonnumeric (it cant be shown in the form of numbers) and it Depends on Quality.
.Examples for Qualitative Data
1. Gender. 2. Religion. 3. Types of automobile.(Cars). 4. State of Birth.(Place of Birth). 5. Eye color. 6. Hair Color. .e.g. 1. What percent of the population has blue eyes? 2. How many of the Christians are Catholic or Protestant.
Thursday, November 8, 12

Quantitative Data or Variable when the characteristic studied can be written numerically (it can be expressed in the form of numbers) or it can be measured in Numbers.
.Examples for Quantitative Data
1. Balance in your account. 2. The ages of Company CEOs (Chief executive Officer)

Thursday, November 8, 12

1. Discrete Variable:-Can only take non-decimal values or whole Number. So there are gaps bet ween the values.
.Examples of Discrete Variable 1. No. of children in a family. 2. No. of Rooms in a house.

Thursday, November 8, 12

Continuous Variable : -Can take any value, Decimal or non-Decimal.

.Examples of Continuous Variable 1. Air pressure in a Tyre. 2. weight of a shipment.

Thursday, November 8, 12

Types of Variable Qualitative

Examples :
>Board of PC >Marital Status >Hair Color >Eye Color >Type of Cars

Quantitative Discrete Continuous

Examples :
>Children in a family >T.V Sets owned >Rooms in a house >Students in a class
Thursday, November 8, 12

Examples :
>Children in a family >Amount of income tax paid. >Weight of a student >Yearly Rainfall (in inches) >Duration of flights

Chapter Exercises
Q) Explain the difference bet ween qualitative & quantitative variable. Give an E.g. for each. -Qualitative data is not numerical, whereas quantitative data is numerical. -Examples: >Qualitative: Type of Cars. >Quantitative: *Discrete: Children in a family. *Continuous: Duration of flights
Thursday, November 8, 12

Chapter Exercises
Q) Explain the difference bet ween a Sample & a Population. -A Sample consists of a Small Portion of data when a Population is taken from a Large amount.

Thursday, November 8, 12

Chapter Exercises
Q) Define the Term ( Mutually Exclusive ). -Mutually Exclusive: A Property of a Set of Categories such that an individual or Object is included in Only One category. For Example:A Particular Barrel of Oil can not be Produced by United States & the Persian Gulf Region at the Same Time.

Thursday, November 8, 12

Chapter Exercises
Q) Define the Term ( Exhaustive ). -Exhaustive: A Property of a Set of Categories such that each individual or Object Must appear in a category. For Example:A Student Registered in a University should have his/her Name in at least One list of some subject.

Thursday, November 8, 12

End of Chapter #1
(= Rahma Ahmed Abdullah Alhajri =)

Thursday, November 8, 12

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