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Panasonic Subscriber Communicator KX-G7100/7101

Version 1.40 June 2000

Release Notes Version 1.40


KXS87 - GPS Quality Threshold Setting KXNCK - Channel Noise Check

KXS88 - Watchdog Mode


KXS75: Default value changed from 0 to 1. KXS81: Maximum time interval increased from 65535 to 3932100 seconds. KXS82: Maximum time interval increased from 900 to 15300 seconds.

Version 1.30
Improved Detection Event table; clarified Transmission Data Format section and moved to Appendix D, added Run User Application and Analog Port Condition functions to KXA commands (> Rev. F), clarified KXS01, KXS14, KXS18, KXS48, KXS53, KXS54, KXS55, KXS60, KXS62, KXS67, KXS68, KXS69, KXS73, KXS76, KXUTC, KXD01; and appendices A, C, D, E, F, H.

Version 1.20

KXST - Status Information KXLED - Satellite in View LED <CTRL> GET - Get Satellite Downlink Data

KXS81 - SC Terminated Message MMA KXS82 - SC Terminated GlobalGram MMA KXS83 - Digital Output Default Value

KXS84 - Roaming Capability KXS85 - GCC ID of Roaming Mode KXS86 - Day of the Week Mode

MODIFICATION OF EXISTING COMMANDS (REVISION F, X2C1F) KXS50: Reduced PIN code maximum value to 9999. KXS60: Added 6 Byte Position Format (LAT/LON) option. KXLED: Added blinking LED option. KXA/KXB commands: O/R address range increased from 1-3 to 1-8.

2000 Panasonic Industrial Company, Inc. All rights reserved.

CONTENTS................................................................................................................................................. I USING THE KX-G7100/ 7101 .................................................................................................................... 1 TRANSMISSION COMMANDS ................................................................................................................ 5 Using the Transmission Commands ............................................................................................................... 5 KXA01 - Wake at Specified Time(s)............................................................................................................ 12 KXA02 - Wake at Time Interval .................................................................................................................. 13 KXA03 - Wake Upon Satellite Arrival......................................................................................................... 14 KXA04 - Communicate in Byte mode.......................................................................................................... 15 KXA05 - Perform Function Upon Port Condition Change ............................................................................ 16 KXA06 - Perform Function Immediately ..................................................................................................... 17 KXA00 - View Status/Deactivate All KXA Commands ............................................................................... 18 TRACKING COMMANDS ...................................................................................................................... 19 Using the Tracking Commands .................................................................................................................... 20 Restrictions.................................................................................................................................................. 20 KXB01 - Wake at Specified Time(s)............................................................................................................ 26 KXB02 - Wake at Time Interval .................................................................................................................. 27 KXB03 - Wake Upon Satellite Arrival ......................................................................................................... 28 KXB00 - View Status/Deactivate All KXB Commands................................................................................ 29 SET-UP COMMANDS.............................................................................................................................. 31 Using the Set-Up Commands ....................................................................................................................... 31 KXS01 - Network Control Center ID ........................................................................................................... 32 KXS02 - Polling Parameter.......................................................................................................................... 33 KXS03 - Default Message Priority............................................................................................................... 34 KXS04 - Default Report Recipient............................................................................................................... 35 KXS05 - Default Message/GlobalGram Recipient........................................................................................ 36 KXS06 - Acknowledgment Level ................................................................................................................ 37 KXS07 - Default Message Body Type ......................................................................................................... 38 KXS08 - Default Service Type..................................................................................................................... 39 KXS09 - [Reserved] .................................................................................................................................... 40 KXS10 - Report Interval .............................................................................................................................. 41 KXS11 - Number Of Reports To Be Transmitted ......................................................................................... 42 KXS12 - Position Report Interval................................................................................................................ 43 KXS13 - Number Of Position Reports To Be Transmitted............................................................................ 44 KXS14 - Gateway (GWY) Search Mode...................................................................................................... 45 KXS15 - Priority Search List For Downlink................................................................................................. 46 KXS16 - Packet Error Acceptance Level...................................................................................................... 47

Contents - i

KXS17 - Checksum Frame Count ................................................................................................................ 48 KXS18 - Continuous Position Determination ............................................................................................... 49 KXS19 - Data Collection Period / Sample Points ......................................................................................... 50 KXS20 - Position Data Age Limit................................................................................................................ 51 KXS21 - Minimum Quality Indicator for Doppler Positioning...................................................................... 52 KXS22 - Maximum Age of Orbital Elements ............................................................................................... 53 KXS23 - Set Latitude / Longitude ................................................................................................................ 54 KXS24 - Internal Position Calculation ......................................................................................................... 55 KXS25 - GPS Data Format .......................................................................................................................... 56 KXS26 - Data Response Timeout................................................................................................................. 57 KXS27 - Serial Packet Acknowledgment Timeout ....................................................................................... 58 KXS28 - Maximum Retries to DTE ............................................................................................................. 59 KXS29 - Abort Response to NCC................................................................................................................ 60 KXS30 - Abort Report................................................................................................................................. 61 KXS31 - Operation Mode ............................................................................................................................ 62 KXS32 - Byte Mode Trigger........................................................................................................................ 63 KXS33 - Byte Mode Timeout ...................................................................................................................... 64 KXS34 - Byte Mode Length ........................................................................................................................ 65 KXS35 - Byte Mode TX SOM/EOM / RX SOM/EOM ................................................................................ 66 KXS36 - Byte Mode Message Type ............................................................................................................. 67 KXS37 - Power Down Mode ....................................................................................................................... 68 KXS38 - Minimum Power Down Interval .................................................................................................... 69 KXS39 - Inactive Interval ............................................................................................................................ 70 KXS40 - Power Save Mode ......................................................................................................................... 71 KXS41 - Inbound Flow Control ................................................................................................................... 72 KXS42 - Outbound Flow Control................................................................................................................. 73 KXS43 - RS232C Mode .............................................................................................................................. 74 KXS44 - Duplex Switch .............................................................................................................................. 75 KXS45 - Inbound Message Treatment.......................................................................................................... 76 KXS46 - Outbound Message Treatment ....................................................................................................... 77 KXS47 - Save Inbound Message.................................................................................................................. 78 KXS48 - Inbound / Outbound Queue Size.................................................................................................... 79 KXS49 - UTC Time Adjust ......................................................................................................................... 80 KXS50 - PIN Code ...................................................................................................................................... 81 KXS51 - Automatic GlobalGram Polling ..................................................................................................... 82 KXS52 - GPS Datum Select......................................................................................................................... 83 KXS53 - RTS Logic Setting......................................................................................................................... 84 KXS54 - Output Pulse Mode Setting (KX-G7101 only) ............................................................................... 85 KXS55 - Analog Port Select ........................................................................................................................ 86 KXS56 - Distance Select.............................................................................................................................. 87 KXS57 - Area Select.................................................................................................................................... 88 KXS58 - Speed Select.................................................................................................................................. 89 KXS59 - Send Transmission Log to DTE..................................................................................................... 90 KXS60 - Data Format .................................................................................................................................. 91 KXS61 - RS232 Driver Auto Shut Down ..................................................................................................... 92 KXS62 - GPS Output Pulse Error Message .................................................................................................. 93 KXS63 - Time Window ............................................................................................................................... 94 KXS64 - Quick Power Down....................................................................................................................... 95 KXS65 - Position Transmission Mode ......................................................................................................... 96 KXS66 - RAM Manager .............................................................................................................................. 97 KXS67 - User Application Program Auto-Start............................................................................................ 98

Contents - ii

KXS68 - Serial Port Settings........................................................................................................................ 99 KXS69 - Outbound Data Route Management............................................................................................. 100 KXS70 - User Application Debug Mode .................................................................................................... 101 KXS71 - Remote Configuration Password ................................................................................................. 102 KXS72 - Echo Remote Command Response .............................................................................................. 103 KXS73 - [Reserved] .................................................................................................................................. 104 KXS74 - Message Transmission Mode....................................................................................................... 105 KXS75 - Message Type Auto Change........................................................................................................ 106 KXS76 - Satellite Elevation ....................................................................................................................... 107 KXS77 - Message Body Transmission in Byte Mode ................................................................................. 108 KXS78 - Buffer Full Message.................................................................................................................... 110 KXS79 - Event Timer ................................................................................................................................ 111 KXS80 - GlobalGram Message Format...................................................................................................... 112 KXS81 - SC Terminated Message MMA (Maximum MSN Age) ............................................................... 113 KXS82 - SC Terminated GlobalGram MMA (Maximum MSN Age).......................................................... 114 KXS83 - Digital Output Default Value....................................................................................................... 115 KXS84 - Roaming Capability .................................................................................................................... 116 KXS85 - GCC ID of Roaming Mode ......................................................................................................... 117 KXS86 - Day of the Week Mode ............................................................................................................... 118 KXS87 - GPS Quality Threshold ............................................................................................................... 119 KXS88 - Watchdog Mode.......................................................................................................................... 120 KXS00 - Get Values of All KXS Parameters.............................................................................................. 121 SPECIAL COMMANDS......................................................................................................................... 122 KXM01 - Fixed Message ........................................................................................................................... 122 KXD01 - Output Port State ........................................................................................................................ 123 KXD02 - Get Analog Port Value ............................................................................................................... 124 KXCB - Clear Transmission Log for DTE ................................................................................................. 125 KXP01 - I/O Port Linkage ......................................................................................................................... 126 KXIB - Clear Inbound Queue of SC........................................................................................................... 127 KXOB - Clear Outbound Queue of SC....................................................................................................... 128 KXUTC - Check/Set Internal Clock ........................................................................................................... 129 KXCHK - System Diagnosis Test .............................................................................................................. 130 KXST - Status Information ........................................................................................................................ 131 KXLED - Satellite in View LED................................................................................................................ 132 GET - Get Satellite Downlink Data............................................................................................................ 133 KXNCK - Channel Noise Check................................................................................................................ 134 Default Configuration ................................................................................................................................ 135 Default Baud Rate ..................................................................................................................................... 136 APPENDICES ......................................................................................................................................... 137 Appendix A: Understanding the Modes of Operation ................................................................................. 137 Appendix B: Byte Mode Operations .......................................................................................................... 138 Appendix C: ASCII Character Table.......................................................................................................... 139 Appendix D: Transmission Data Format .................................................................................................... 142 Appendix E: Function / Parameter Setting Matrix ...................................................................................... 148 Appendix F: Power On Off ..................................................................................................................... 153 Appendix G: Serial Interface...................................................................................................................... 155 Appendix H: GPS Datum Table ................................................................................................................. 157 DEFINITIONS OF KEY TERMS .......................................................................................................... 160

Contents - iii

Using The KX-G7100/ 7101

There are two ways to communicate with the Panasonic KX-G7100/7101 Subscriber Communicator (SC). The SC can be connected to a PC or DTE via its built-in RS-232 serial port, or can be accessed indirectly through the ORBCOMM system (remote PC/DTE to satellite to SC, referred to as "HOST" from here on in). Further, the KX-G7100/7101 is configured for operation with two command sets: the default ORBCOMM command set, and the Panasonic command set.

The ORBCOMM Command Set

The ORBCOMM command set uses two serial port interface modes for communication: the primary Protocol mode, and Byte mode . Protocol mode In Protocol mode, the communication between SC and DTE is based in the Serial Interface Specification as prepared by ORBCOMM. The DTE can send and receive messages, reports, commands and "GlobalGrams", as well as obtain time-of-day and position estimates. This is the SC's default mode of operation. If desired, the default can be changed to Byte Mode using KXS31 (Operation Mode). Byte mode Byte mode is used primarily for direct-connection communication between the SC and PC/DTE. In this mode, data bytes are generated without header, length field, or checksum information, allowing a more efficient transfer of large messages. However, the transfers are less robust due to the lack of acknowledgements and checksums. Configuring the SC to identify Byte mode data can be done by configuring these Panasonic commands: KXS32 (Byte Mode Trigger), KXS33 (Byte Mode Timeout), KXS34 (Byte Mode Length), KXS35 (Byte Mode TX SOM/EOM, RX SOM/EOM).

Using the KX-G7100/7101 -

The Panasonic Command Set

The Panasonic command set is divided into four subsets, each having its own section in this manual: Transmission Commands Tracking Function Commands Setup Commands Special Commands

Accessing the Panasonic Command Set

The KX-G7100/7101 uses an on-board command interpreter, allowing you to see immediate results of changes made to any command parameters on the PC/DTE screen. If using a PC, you must have communication software (i.e. HyperTerminal or equivalent, set at 4800/8/None/1, Flow Control OFF) and an RS-232 serial (modem) cable for connecting the SC to the PC. To access the SC and use the Panasonic commands, enter the following: CTRL + K X O R B (Hold the CONTROL key down while typing the K X O R B characters.) The PC/DTE will acknowledge with the SC's serial number and the right chevron ( > ) command prompt. To exit the Panasonic command set, enter CTRL + Q. If no command is entered after 5 minutes, the SC will default back to the ORBCOMM command set.

Inputting the Panasonic Commands

All Panasonic commands are input in UPPER CASE. Commands begin with the letters KX and end with <Enter> or equivalent (<Return>, <CR>, <CR><LF>). Command parameters or variables are separated by a comma ( , ). These commands are available in both PC/DTE and HOST operation.

Sending Commands
From the PC or DTE:
Change to command mode (type <CTRL> KXORB). Send only ONE command at a time. Wait for the > prompt from the SC before sending additional commands.

From the HOST (remote):

Message must be placed in the email message body (not in the subject line). The first character of message must be $. The maximum size of the message is 180 characters. After each command, press the <Enter> or <Return> key. On some DTEs, it may be necessary to use <CR>, <LF>, or both <CR> and <LF>. (<CR> is 0x0d, and <LF> is 0x0a.) Example: To set the Acknowledgement Level (KXS06) and Transmission mode (KXA05), type: $KXS06=1 <Return> KXA05=0,1,2,3 <Return>

Using the KX-G7100/7101 -

Remote Configuration Password

To prevent tampering and assure security, a remote configuration password can be assigned using KXS71 (Remote Configuration Password). The password must be appended to the appropriate Setup, Transmission or Tracking command in order to allow remote configuration changes. By default, KXS71 is set to "0000", meaning no password is active and therefore not needed in the message body. Assigning a value to KXS71 activates the password and mandates its use in the message. Furthermore, assigning a value to KXS71 also serves to activate an inherent, secondary password: The last four digits of the SC's serial number. Either can be used when KXS71 is set. Example: To configure KXS06 and KXA05 when KXS71=AZ90. $KXS06=1 <Return> KXA05=0,1,2,3 <Return> PW=AZ90 <Return> Another use of the password feature is Group Configuration. To configure a group of SCs, set KXS71 to the same value on each SC in the group.

Command Response Message

After a KX command is sent, an ACK or NACK response message is received from the SC.

<ACK> Message
When a command has been sent successfully, the SC responds by echoing the message that was sent. For example, the command KXA06=2,1 <Return> would be followed by KXA06 = 2,1.

<NACK> Message
When a command is unsuccessful, one of the following error messages will be received. ERR0 Parameter error (the parameter is beyond the minimum or maximum permissible value), or Command not defined (command does not exist). ERR1 Exclusive control error (two or more settings conflict). ERR2 Response message not created. During a remote configuration session, If the receive buffer is full, the SC will send this error message to the HOST.

Except in the case of ERR2, command responses from a remote configuration session are not echoed back to the PC/DTE. If confirmation via email is desired, KXS72 (Echo Remote Command Response) can be set to see the echoed responses from each entered command. Please note that ONLY the default O/R recipient set by KXS05 can receive the echoed responses.

Using the KX-G7100/7101 -

Transmission Commands

Using the Transmission Commands

The Panasonic Transmission Commands can be thought of as macro commands. The Transmission Command set is designed to allow a user to quickly and easily design and implement an application.

Restrictions on Selection
KXA01 - KXA04 commands:
Only one command can be active at a given time. Example: If KXA01 is active and the user inputs the KXA02 command, the KXA01 command will be canceled.

KXA05 and KXA06 commands:

KXA05 can be active at the same time other commands are active. KXA06 can always be used, regardless of the transmission commands typed in.

Transmission Commands -

Automatic Power-Down
(See flowchart in Appendix F for more detail)

KXA01 - KXA03 commands:

When the KXA01, KXA02 or KXA03 commands are entered, the Power Down mode will be automatically activated (KXS37=1, Power Down mode - On). At the start of the specified function, the SC will power on automatically and stay awake for a specified interval, in order to send data. To prevent the SC from sleeping while using KXA01, KXA02 or KXA03, disable the automatic Power Down mode. Configure set-up command KXS37=0 (Power Down Mode - Off).

KXA04 or KXA05 commands:

KXA04 or KXA05 will automatically disable the Power Down mode (KXS37=0 Power Down Mode Off) To power off automatically when either KXA04 or KXA05 is active, use KXS37=1 (Power Down Mode - On), or use the remote control lines.

SC Power ON/OFF Operation

For the SC to power down automatically, the following conditions must be met: SC has its latitude and longitude (KXS23), SC has satellites orbital elements, Age of orbital elements is less than KXS22. When the SC does not have the satellites orbital elements, the SC will repeat the Power On-Off cycle until the orbital data is acquired.

5 min

5 min

5 min.

Power On

Power Down

Power On

Power Down

Transmission Commands -

Wake-Up Time Duration: KXA01-03

Wake-up time is the time set by the KXA command or the time a is satellite acquired when SC has messages in the inbound queue. During the wake-up interval, the SC will power on and begin: Creating data for transmission Transmitting data Calculating the next start time

The SC will transmit immediately after the data is created.

Power On

Wake-up time Power Off 15 or 25 min

Start Time

When using KXA01, KXA02 and KXA03, the SC will wake-up for the minimum period shown in Table 1 below. This period is a function of the type of data to be transmitted.
Data Type

Wake-Up Time (Min)

Current position data (Doppler) Current position data (GPS) Current I/O condition Fixed Message Poll to NCC Poll to DTE
Function vs. Wakeup Time

25 15 15 15 15 15

Transmission Commands -

When a Satellite is Not Acquired

In the event that a satellite is not acquired in the first pass, transmission will occur upon the acquisition of the next satellite. Under these circumstances, the wake-up interval will be ten minutes.

10 minutes Start Time

Satellite Acquired

If the SC cannot create the data during the wake-time interval, the SC will send the following message to HOST:

Message Type POSITION Poll to DTE

<Error Message> NO POSITION DATA, (Time Stamp) <Return> NO DATA FROM DTE, (Time Stamp) <Return>

Transmission Commands -

Power-Down Interval: KXA03

Using KXA03 will cause the SC to sleep until the next satellite is acquired. Power consumption can be further reduced by selecting a power-down interval that will cause the SC to sleep through several satellite passes. After the power-down interval has expired, the SC will wake-up on the next satellite pass. For example, when interval timer is set to sixty (KXA03=60,x,x), the SC will sleep at least for 60 minutes after it sends the data and powers down. If no satellite is acquired, the SC will continue to sleep until the next satellite pass.

Minimum Sleep Time Power ON

Power ON

Power DOWN

Power DOWN

satellite in view

Transmission Commands -

Byte Mode: KXA04

In Byte Mode, the SC sends a specified number of characters within a specified time limit.

Perform Function When I/O Condition Changes: KXA05


port condition


A = Checks for Port condition change. B = When Port condition changes, creates a message and sends the data to NCC. When the SC transmits a poll to the NCC, the SC will power on at Start Time and send the polling command to NCC. The SC will wait 15 minutes for the data to be received. In case of KXA01 - 03, after 15 minutes, the SC will power off automatically.

Data from NCC Poll to NCC

15 min Start Time

Transmission Commands -


When the SC polls the DTE, the SC will power on at Start time and send the polling command to DTE. The SC will wait 15 minutes to receive data from the DTE. As soon as the SC receives the data from the DTE, it will send it to NCC. The SC will wait 15 minutes for the data to be received. After 15 minutes, the SC will power off automatically..

Start Time

The SC receives data from the DTE for 15 minutes.



When the SC does not receive a response from the DTE within the specified time, the SC will transmit an error message.

Transmission Commands -


KXA01 - Wake at Specified Time(s)

Wake at a specified time, perform assigned functions, and transmit. User can set up to 5 functions in each of 6 timed events. The minimum time between events is 30 minutes. Each event occurs at the specified time defined in variables HH and MM on the command line. Variable T assigns the sequence number to the timed event. Variables LH and LM define the difference in time between a chosen time zone and GMT. Variable A is the Originator/Recipient address as defined in the ORBCOMM serial specification. Variables D1 ~ D5 are the functions performed in each event, as shown in the table below.

KXA01 = T, LH, LM, HH, MM, A, D1.D5 <Return>.
Event Number ( 1-6 ) Hour of Time Zone ( -11-+12 ) Minute of Time Zone ( 00 or 30 ) Event Start Time - Hour ( 00-23 ) Event Start Time - Minute ( 00-59) 0: This command off 1: Current Position data 2: Current I/O condition 3: Fixed message (pre-set by user) 4: Poll to NCC (message inquiry) 5: Poll to DTE 6: Not used 7: Run User Application (> Rev F) 8: Analog Port Condition (> Rev F) Address (O/R indicator 18)

>KXA01=1,-5,0,1,30,2,1,2 <Return> KXA01=1,-5,0,1,30,2,1,2
To transmit the Position and the I/O port condition to O/R indicator 2 every day at 1:30 Eastern Standard Time (EST) in the USA: >KXA01=1,-5,0,1,30,2,1,2 <Return> The function will continue to run and transmit every day at 1:30 EST until it is cleared. To transmit the I/O port condition at 1:30 EST and the position at 5:15 EST: >KXA01=1,-5,0,1,30,2,2 <Return> >KXA01=2,-5,0,5,15,2,1 <Return> To clear all functions: >KXA01= 0 <Return> When KXA01, KXA02 or KXA03 commands are entered, the Power Down mode will be automatically activated (KXS37=1, Power Down mode - On)

Transmission Commands -


KXA02 - Wake at Time Interval

Wake for one specified interval, perform assigned functions, and transmit. User can set a fixed interval from 1 minute to 10080 minutes. Each function occurs at the specified time defined in variables HH, MM and I on the command line. Variables LH and LM define the difference in time between a chosen time zone and GMT. Variable A is the Originator/Recipient address as defined in the ORBCOMM serial specification. Variables D1 ~ D5 are the functions performed at each interval, as defined below.

KXA02 = LH, LM, HH, MM, I , A, D1-.D5 <Return>
0: This function off Hour of Time Zone ( -11- +12 ) Minute of Time Zone ( 00 or 30 ) Hour of Start Time ( 00-23 ) Minute of Start Time ( 00-59) 1: Current Position data 2: Current I/O condition 3: Fixed message (pre-set by user) 4: Poll to NCC 5: Poll to DTE 6: Not used 7: Run User Application (> Rev. F) 8: Analog Port Condition (> Rev F) A: Address (O/R indicator 1-8)

Length of Time Interval ( 1 - 10080 ) [min]

>KXA02=+1,30,4,0,180,3,3 <Return> KXA02=+1,30,4,0,180,3,3
To transmit a message to O/R indicator 3 every 3 hours beginning at local time 4:00: >KXA02 =+1,30,4,0,180,3,3 <Return> When KXA01, KXA02 or KXA03 commands are entered, the Power Down mode will be automatically activated (KXS37=1, Power Down mode - On)

Transmission Commands -


KXA03 - Wake Upon Satellite Arrival

Wake upon satellite arrival, perform assigned functions, and transmit. A sleep interval timer is available in this function to conserve battery power. The variable I defines the minimum sleep interval. Variable A is the Originator/Recipient address as defined in the ORBCOMM serial specification. Variables D1 ~ D5 are the functions to be performed as defined by the table below.

KXA03 = I, A, D1...D5 <Return>
0: This function off 1: Current Position data Minimum Sleep Interval (1 - 1440) [min] 2: Current I/O condition 3: Fixed message (pre-set by user) 4: Poll to NCC 5: Poll to DTE 6: Not used 7: Run User Application (> Rev. F) 8: Analog Port Condition (> Rev F) Address (O/R indicator 1 - 8)

>KXA03=60,3,1 <Return> KXA03=60,3,1
To transmit Position to O/R indicator 3 with a sleep interval of at least 60 minutes: >KXA03=60,3,1 <Return> When KXA01, KXA02 or KXA03 commands are entered, the Power Down mode will be automatically activated (KXS37=1, Power Down mode - On)

Transmission Commands -


KXA04 - Communicate in Byte mode

SC will receive data from the DTE only in byte mode and transmit to the specified O/R indicator. Byte mode data is converted into messages for transmission where the length of the byte mode data is determined by B, and a timeout limit is defined by T. Variable A is the Originator/Recipient address as defined in the ORBCOMM serial specification.

KXA04 = O, B, T, A
Address ( O/R indicator 1 - 8) Timeout ( 1 3600 ) [sec] 0: Function - OFF 1: Function - ON Number of bytes to send

>KXA04=1,100,60,2 <Return> KXA04=1,100,60,2
To transmit 100 bytes of data from the DTE via the SC to O/R indicator 2, within a time frame of 60 seconds: >KXA04 =1,100,60,2 <Return> If KXS36 (Byte Mode Message Type) is set to 1 (Report, 6 bytes maximum), O/R Indicator is controlled by KXS04 value. If KXS36 is set to 0 (Inbound Message), O/R Indicator is controlled by address selected in KXA04. See Appendix B (Byte Mode Operations) for more detail. KXA04 will set the Power Down mode to off (KXS37=0). To reactivate the Power Down Mode when using KXA04, set KXS37=1 (Power Down Mode On) after the KXA command has been configured.

Transmission Commands -


KXA05 - Perform Function Upon Port Condition Change

Monitor the specified Digital Input port, perform assigned function(s) upon a change in the condition of that port and transmit upon satellite acquisition. Variable P defines the port to be monitored. Variable Tr enables and disables this function and defines the change in the state of the port that triggers a function. Variable A is the Originator/Recipient address as defined in the ORBCOMM serial specification. Variables D1 ~ D5 are the actions the function is to perform as defined by the table below.

KXA05 = P, Tr, A, D1...D5 <Return>
0: This function off 1: Current Position data 2: Current I/O condition 3: Fixed message (pre-set by user) 4: Poll to NCC 5: Poll to DTE 6: Not used 7: Run User Application (> Rev. F) 8: Analog Port Condition (> Rev F) Address (O/R indicator 1 - 8)

Digital Input Port Number (0-1) Tr: (Trigger) 0 OFF 1 LOW -> HI 2 HI -> LOW 3 HI <-> LOW

>KXA05=0,1,3,3,4 <Return> KXA05=0,1,3,3,4
Usage example above will poll the NCC and send a fixed message to O/R indicator 3 when PORT 0 changes from LOW -> HI. KXA05 will set the Power Down mode to off (KXS37=0). To reactivate the Power Down Mode when using KXA05, set KXS37=1 (Power Down Mode On) after the KXA command has been configured.

Transmission Commands -


KXA06 - Perform Function Immediately

Perform function immediately after receiving the KXA06 command from the PC/DTE. Variable A is the Originator/Recipient address as defined in the ORBCOMM serial specification. Variables D1 ~ D5 are the actions the function is to perform as defined below.

KXA06 = A, D1...D5 <Return>
Address ( O/R indicator 1-8 ) 0: This function off 1: Current Position data 2: Current I/O condition 3: Fixed message (pre-set by user) 4: Poll to NCC 5: Poll to DTE 6: Not used 7: Run User Application (> Rev. F) 8: Analog Port Condition (> Rev F)

>KXA06=1,4 <Return> KXA06=1,4
To immediately transmit Position data to O/R indicator 2. >KXA06=2,1 <Return>

Transmission Commands -


KXA00 - View Status/Deactivate All KXA Commands

View status of or deactivate transmission commands KXA01 ~ KXA05.

To show the status of each transmission command (KXA01 - KXA05) >KXA00 <Return> To cancel all transmission commands (KXA01 - KXA05) >KXA00=0<Return>

>KXA00 <Return> KXA01=1,-5,0,1,30,2,0 KXA01=2,+0,0,0,0,1,0 KXA01=3,+0,0,0,0,1,0 KXA01=4,+0,0,0,0,1,0 KXA01=5,+0,0,0,0,1,0 KXA01=6,+0,0,0,0,1,0 KXA02=+1,30,4,0,180,3,0 KXA03=60,3,1 KXA04=0,1,1,1 KXA05=0,0,1,0 KXA05=1,0,1,0
Example: If KXA02 (Wake at Time Interval) and KXA05 (Perform Function Upon I/O Condition Change) are both active, the user will receive the following message: >KXA00 <Return> KXA01 = 1, KXA01 = 2, ... KXA01 = 6, KXA02 =+1,30,4,0,180,3,4 KXA03 = KXA05=0,1,2,3,4 If no transmission commands are active: >KXA00 <Return> KXA00=0

Transmission Commands -


Tracking Commands

KXB01 =
and transmit. Wake up at a specified time, wait for a designated event, perform assigned functions,

KXB02 =

Wake up for one specified interval, start observation of event, perform assigned functions, and transmit when event meets the assigned condition.

KXB03 =
and transmit.

Wake up upon satellite arrival, start observation of event, perform assigned functions,

The Tracking Commands, also known as KXB commands, are a superset of the Transmission Commands and are unique to the KX-G7100/7101 series SCs. These commands reduce power consumption and have increased functionality. Each of the Tracking Commands will conditionally perform a specified function and transmit upon satellite availability. To conserve power, the communicator will enter sleep mode between satellite passes. Conditions are sampled during a period called the Observation Period.

Tracking Commands -


Using the Tracking Commands Restrictions

Tracking Commands CANNOT be used in conjunction with other Tracking Commands. For example: KXB02 CANNOT be enabled when KXB01 is active. In addition, the Tracking Commands CANNOT be used in conjunction with the Transmission Commands KXA01 ~ KXA04.

Tracking Command Functions

Seven functions are available when using Tracking Commands. Functions may be used individually or together. If required, all seven functions may be used in any of the Tracking Commands. The seven functions are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Current Position Data Current Digital I/O Fixed Message Poll NCC Poll DTE Run User Application Current Analog Port

(For more information on the Tracking Command Functions, see Appendix D: Transmission Data Format.)

Tracking Command Conditions

Four basic conditions are available for use with the Tracking Commands. Distance Speed Area In Area Out

Each condition is configured using the appropriate Set-up command.

Distance Executes GPS position calculation at KXB command power on. When the SC moves the appointed distance from initial location to current position, the SC judges (by KXS56 - Distance Select) that a Distance Event has occurred. Initial position is first position that results when the SC executes the KXB command with condition B. When the SC detects a distance event, the SC always updates the location as reference location .

Tracking Commands -




mark indicates event occurrence.

Speed Executes the GPS position calculation at KXB command power on. When the SCs speed exceeds the appointed speed, the SC judges (by KXS58 - Speed Select) that a Speed Event has occurred.

Velocity threshold KXS58

Sampling rate is approximately once every one second, and a minimum of 5 (five) samples are required to determine that an event has occurred. Area In Executes GPS position calculation at KXB command power on. When the SC enters the assigned area, the SC judges (by KXS57 - Area Select) that an Area In event has occurred.

KXS57 Radius LAT/ LON

The SC must be in the area for at least five intervals per the one-second measurement interval.

Tracking Commands -


Area Out Executes GPS position calculation at KXB command power on timing. When the SC exits from the area assigned, the SC judges (by KXS57) that an Area Out event has occurred.

KXS57 Radius LAT/ LON

The SC must be in the area for at least five intervals per the one-second measurement interval.

Logical AND and OR functions Conditions may be combined using logical AND and OR functions. For example: Distance AND Speed Distance OR Speed When using a logical OR statement, at least one of the two conditions must occur for the event to be satisfied. When using a logical AND statement, both conditions must occur for the event to be satisfied. Inverse conditions The following Inverse conditions are available: Speed Not Distance Not Area In Not Area Out Not

Note: A (NOT) event or a combination with (NOT) event occurrence is determined at the detection time set by KXS79 (Event Timer).

No Condition When conditions are not required, the "No Condition" option may be selected. In these instances, the KXB (Tracking) Commands will function in the same manner as the KXA (Transmission) Commands

Tracking Commands -


Detection Event
The TX event can be selected from the following table of Event Condition Codes. Code
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

A B (NOT) B C (NOT) C D E B or C B or (NOT) C (NOT) B or C (NOT) B or (NOT) C B or D B or E (NOT) B or D (NOT) B or E C or D C or E (NOT) C or D (NOT) C or E B and C B and (NOT) C (NOT) B and C (NOT)B and (NOT) C B and D B and E (NOT) B and D (NOT) B and E C and D C and E (NOT) C and D (NOT) C and E

No Condition (same as KXA function) Moved designated distance Did not move designated distance within detection time Exceeded designated velocity Did not exceed designated velocity within detection time Occurred within designated area, or entered designated area Occurred outside designated area, or exited designated area

Quick Reference Guide

Available Events
A. No Condition B. Distance C. Speed D. Area In E. Area Out Any combination of above

Available Functions
1. Position Data 2. Digital I/O port condition 3. Send Fixed Message 4. Poll to NCC 5. Poll to DTE 6. Reserved 7: Run User Application 8. Analog Port Condition

Notes: The term and in this context means that two events have occurred at the same time. The term or means that either event has occurred. The term "not" is determined at the end of the detection time set in KXS79 (Event Timer).

Tracking Commands -


Timing Modes
The SC has three timing modes available for the Tracking Function:
1) KXB01: Wake up at a specified time, start observation of event, perform assigned functions and transmit. The SC wakes up at the specified time and observes the specified event for the period set by KXS79 (Event Timer). After an additional 5 minute period has elapsed, the SC powers down. Six times can be specified. Each event timer period must be more than 30 minutes apart. This command cannot be used in conjunction with KXA01 02, 03, 04 or with KXB02, 03. 2) KXB02: Wake up for one specified interval, start observation of event, perform assigned functions and transmit. The SC wakes up for one specified interval and observes the specified event for the period set by KXS79 (Event Timer). After an additional 5 minute period has elapsed, the SC powers down . When the interval is less than the detection time set in KXS79, the SC evaluates the interval as identical with detection time (requested interval = detection time ). When interval = 0, KXB02 will cause a continuous power ON mode. That is, SC observes the event continuously and when the event has occurred, the SC transmits the assigned messages. When detection event is specified with the (NOT) mode, the SC continuously observes the event until the period set in KXS79 has ended. This command cannot be set with KXA01, 02, 03, 04 or with KXB01, 03. 3) KXB03: Wake up upon satellite arrival, start observation of event, perform assigned functions and transmit. The SC powers on at satellite arrival time and observes the event for the period set by KXS79. After an additional 5 minute period has elapsed, the SC powers down . This command cannot be set with KXA01, 02, 03, 04 or with KXB01, 02.

Tracking Commands -


Power Down Mode (KXS37) After setting KXB01, KXB02 or KXB03, Power Down mode is automatically enabled (KXS37=1), and the SC will power down. Max. Observation period (KXS79) (Observation Period ends after event occurrence)

5 min Power On Power Down

The SC powers on for the specified time. During the observation period, GPS power is ON. When the specified event occurs, GPS power is OFF. Normally, the SC keeps power on for 5 minutes to transmit any messages in the inbound queue. If the SC cannot detect a satellite during this period, the SC will power down. If the SC is set to run a user application, the SC will keep power on.

Quick Power Down (KXS64 )

Using the quick power down command, the SC can power down immediately after message transmission occurs. Note: The SC will ignore KXS64 in two situations: 1. The SC has messages in the inbound queue, or 2. The SC is set to run a User Application.

Tracking Commands -


KXB01 - Wake at Specified Time(s)

Wake up at a specified time, wait for a designated event that meets specified conditions, perform assigned functions, and transmit. Up to seven functions can be assigned in each of six timed events. Variable T assigns a number to the timed event. The minimum time between events is 30 minutes. The Event Timer command (KXS79) determines how long the SC waits for an event. Each event occurs at the time designated by variables HH and MM. Variables LH and LM determine the difference in time between a chosen time zone and GMT. Variable C specifies the event conditions code summarized in the Event Condition Codes table (page 23). Variable A is the Originator/Recipient address as defined in the ORBCOMM serial specification. Variables D1 ~ D7 are the functions performed in each event.

KXB01 = T, LH, LM, HH, MM, C, A, D1.D7 <Return>
Event Number ( 1-6 ) Hour of Time Zone ( -11-+12 ) Minute of Time Zone ( 00 or 30 ) Event Start Time - Hour ( 00-23 ) Event Start Time - Minute ( 00-59) Event Condition Code (0-30, see page 23) 0: This command off 1: Current Position data 2: Current I/O condition 3: Fixed message (pre-set by user) 4: Poll to NCC (message inquiry) 5: Poll to DTE 6: Not Used 7: Run User Application 8: Analog Port Condition Address (O/R Indicator 1-8)

>KXB01=1,-5,0,1,30,01,2,1,2 <Return> KXB01=1,-5,0,1,30,1,2,1,2
Example: To transmit a position report and the I/O port condition to O/R Indicator 1 twice daily at 1:30 Eastern Standard Time (EST) in the USA when the SC detects movement in excess of one hundred miles (designated distance set by KXS56 - Distance Select, KXS56=1000, 1): KXB01=1,-5,0,1,30,01,2,1,2 <Return> To clear all functions: KXB01= 0 <Return> When the KXB01, KXB02 or KXB03 commands are entered, the Power Down mode will be automatically activated (KXS37=1, Power Down mode - On). During the observation period, GPS remains powered on until the assigned event occurs. 5 minutes after the end of the period set by KSX79 (Event Timer), the SC will power down.

Tracking Commands -


KXB02 - Wake at Time Interval

Wake up for one specified interval, start observation of event, perform assigned functions, and transmit when event meets the designated condition. Variables LH and LM define the difference in time between a chosen time zone and GMT. Observation starts at the time specified in variables HH, MM and I on the command line during the period set by KXS79. Users can set a fixed interval from 1 minute to 10080 minutes. When the requested interval is less than the observation time set by KSX79, the interval is automatically evaluated as the value of KXS79. When the requested time interval is set to 0, the SC observes the event continuously. Variable C defines the event conditions code summarized in The Event Condition Codes Table on page 20. If the event meets the condition, the SC performs assigned functions and transmits. Variable A is the Originator/Recipient address as defined in the ORBCOMM serial specification. Variables D1 ~ D5 are the actions the function is to perform.

KXB02 = LH, LM, HH, MM, I ,C , A, D1-.D7 <Return>.
Hour of Time Zone ( -11- 12 ) Minute of Time Zone ( 00 or 30 ) Hour of specified time ( 00-23 ) Minute of specified time ( 00-59) Length of Time Interval ( 1 - 10080) [min] Event Condition Code (0-30, see page 23) 0: This function off 1: Current Position data 2: Current Digital I/O condition 3: Fixed message (pre-set by user) 4: Poll to NCC 5: Poll to DTE 6: Not used 7: Run User Application 8: Analog Port condition A: Address (O/R Indicator 1-8)

>KXB02=+1,30,4,0,180,03,3,3 <Return> KXB02=+1,30,4,0,180,3,3,3
Example To observe the event every 3 hours beginning at Local time 4:00, and transmit a fixed message to O/R indicator 3 when observed speed exceeds 80 MPH: KXB02 =+1,30,4,0,180,03,3,3 <Return> The speed threshold is set by KXS58. In this example KXS58=80,1. When the KXB01, KXB02 or KXB03 commands are entered, the Power Down mode will be automatically activated (KXS37=1, Power Down mode - On). 5 minutes after the end of the period set by KXS79, the SC powers down.

Tracking Commands -


KXB03 - Wake Upon Satellite Arrival

Wake up upon satellite arrival, start observation of event, perform assigned functions and transmit. SC powers on at satellite arrival time, then starts observation during the time period set by KXS79. A sleep interval timer is available to conserve battery power. The variable I defines the minimum sleep interval. Variable A is the Originator/Recipient address as defined in the ORBCOMM serial specification. Variables D1 ~ D5 are the actions the function is to perform, as defined below.

KXB03 = I, C, A, D1...D7 <Return>
0: This function off 1: Current Position data 2: Current Digital I/O condition 3: Fixed message (pre-set by user) 4: Poll to NCC 5: Poll to DTE 6: Not used 7: Run User Application 8: Analog Port Condition

Minimum sleep interval (1 1440) [min] Event Condition Code (0-30, see page 23) Address (O/R indicator 1 - 8)

>KXB03=60,6,3,1 <Return> KXB03=60,6,3,1
Example: To have the SC wake up on satellite arrival, observe events, and transmit Position to O/R indicator 3 with a sleep interval of at least 60 minutes when the SC exits the assigned area: >KXB03=60,6,3,1<Return> Detection code for Area out is 06. The observation area can be set by KXS57. When the KXB01, KXB02 or KXAB3 commands are entered, the Power Down mode will be automatically activated (KXS37=1, Power Down mode - On)

Tracking Commands -


KXB00 - View Status/Deactivate All KXB Commands

View status of or deactivate tracking commands KXB01 KXB03.

To show the status of each tracking function command (KXB01 KXB03) >KXB00 <Return> To cancel all tracking function commands (KXB01 KXB03) >KXB00 = 0 <Return> ____________________________________________________________________

>KXB00 <Return> KXB00=0
Example: If Time Event #1 of KXB01 is set for Detection Event condition 03 and send analog input information, the user will receive the following message: >KXB00 <Return> KXB01=1,+0,0,0,0,3,1,8 KXB01=2,+0,0,0,0,0,1,0 KXB01=3,+0,0,0,0,0,1,0 KXB01=4,+0,0,0,0,0,1,0 KXB01=5,+0,0,0,0,0,1,0 KXB01=6,+0,0,0,0,0,1,0 KXB02=+0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0 KXB03=1,0,1,0 If no transmission commands are active >KXB00 <Return> KXB00=0

Tracking Commands -


Set-Up Commands

Using the Set-Up Commands

The Set-Up Commands allow the user to precisely configure the SC for highly customized applications. All of the 87 commands retain their settings via internal battery, and the entire command set can be returned to the factory default values if desired (see "Special Commands"). Further, the default values for each command are listed in this manual should it be necessary to reset individual commands. Note that the Set-Up Command set probably contains more commands than required by any particular application. The interface was designed to handle every possible data communications application suitable for use within the ORBCOMM system.

To reset all Set-Up Commands to factory defaults, see Special Commands

Set-Up Commands -


KXS01 - Network Control Center ID

Sets the Identification Number of the Network Control Center (NCC [GCC]) that you wish the message to pass through.

KXS01 = ID <Return> ID: 0 - 255 Default is 1 (USA)

>KXS01=1 <Return> KXS01=1
ORBCOMM assigns the ID number for all GCCs. Other GCC IDs as of February, 2000: Italy Malaysia Brazil Japan 120 121 123 130

Contact ORBCOMM for the latest GCC information.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS02 - Polling Parameter

Sets the prerequisite conditions for transmission. SC will either wait to be polled before transmitting or transmit when a satellite is acquired.

KXS02 = N <Return> 0 = Transmit the data when satellite is available. 1 = Wait to be polled for data before transmitting Default is 0

>KXS02=0 <Return> KXS02=0

Set-Up Commands -


KXS03 - Default Message Priority

Sets the priority level of default messages sent to the NCC.

KXS03 = N <Return> 0 1 2 3 Non-urgent (Lowest priority) Normal Urgent Special delivery (Highest priority. Used for inbound messages only.)

Default is 0

>KXS03=1 <Return> KXS03=1

Set-Up Commands -


KXS04 - Default Report Recipient

Sets default O/R Recipient for reports. Only O/R Indicators 1-3 are available for report addressing.

KXS04 = N <Return> 0: For Loop Back Test 1-3: ORBCOMM registered speed dials, indicators 1 through 3. Default value is 1.

>KXS04=1 <Return> KXS04=1
Refer to SC Provisioning Data Sheet for details on registered O/R Recipients.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS05 - Default Message/GlobalGram Recipient

Sets default recipient for messages and GlobalGrams. Up to eight indicators (speed dials) can be registered with ORBCOMM.

KXS05 = N <Return> 0 Loop Back Test 1-8 Registered user in NCC 9-15 For NCC use only Default value is 1.

>KXS05=7 <Return> KXS05=7
Refer to SC Provisioning Data Sheet for details on registered O/R Recipients.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS06 - Acknowledgment Level

Sets levels for message acknowledgment from the NCC/Recipient.

KXS06 = N <Return> 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. No Acknowledgment. Acknowledgment of non-delivery to NCC Acknowledgment delivery /non-delivery to NCC Acknowledgment of non-delivery to Recipient Acknowledgment of delivery/ non-delivery to Recipient

Default is 1

>KXS06=2 <Return> KXS06=2

Set-Up Commands -


KXS07 - Default Message Body Type

Sets the message body type for transmission.

KXS07 = T (,S) <Return> T = Message body type. Default is 14 T = 0 or 15: Sub-message body type (S) must be used T = 1 ~ 14: Sub-message body type (S) is not used.
Message Body Type T 0= IA5TEXT (Sub Message Body Type is needed) 1= Not used (formerly telex) 2= Voice (under study by CCITT) 3= G3 Facsimile 4= G4 Class 1 Facsimile 5= Teletex 6= Videotext 7= Nationally Defined 8= Encrypted (under study by CCITT) 9= Message (a message inside of a message) 10= Not used (formerly simple formattable text) 11= Mixed Mode 12= Not used 13= Not used 14= Bilaterally Defined (binary data) 15= Externally Defined (Sub Message Body Type is needed)

S = Sub-message body type

Sub Message Body Type S If Message Body Type is 0: 2= Ita2 5= Ia5 If Message Body Type is 15: 0= Text-to-Facsimile 1= Text-to-Voice 2= Pre-defined O/R Addresses 3= Message List 4= NASA 2-line format

>KXS07=0,5 <Return> KXS07=0,5
Not all formats are supported by ORBCOMM. Contact ORBCOMM for further information.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS08 - Default Service Type

Sets the combination of acknowledgement level and priority for space efficiency.

KXS08 = S <Return> S = Service Type S: 0 - 4, 10 - 14 Default is 2
Service Type S 0= Normal priority with no ACK expected. 1= Normal priority with only ACK of non-delivery to NCC. 2= Normal priority with ACK of delivery to NCC or non-delivery to NCC. 3= Normal priority with only ACK of non-delivery to recipient. 4= Normal priority with ACK of delivery to recipient or non-delivery to recipient. 10= 11= 12= 13= 14= Special_delivery priority with no ACK expected. Special_delivery priority with only ACK of non-delivery to NCC. Special_delivery priority with ACK of delivery to NCC or non-delivery to NCC. Special_delivery priority with only ACK of non-delivery to recipient. Special_delivery priority with ACK of delivery to recipient or non-delivery to recipient.

>KXS08=1 <Return> KXS08=1
Note: Numbers 5 through 9 are not defined. Do not use.

Set-Up Commands -



Set-Up Commands -


KXS10 - Report Interval

The time interval between report transmissions. After the SC is polled from the NCC, reports will be generated at intervals defined by I in minutes.

KXS10 = I <Return> Interval (0 - 65535 minutes) Default is 5

>KXS10=1 <Return> KXS10=1
Use KXS11 to set the total number of reports to be transmitted.





KXS10 Command

Set-Up Commands -


KXS11 - Number Of Reports To Be Transmitted

Number of reports to be sent from the inbound queue when the SC is polled by the NCC. If no reports are in the queue, the SC will poll the DTE.

KXS11 = N <Return> N (0 - 255) Default is 1

>KXS11=3 <Return> KXS11=3
Use KXS10 to set the time between reports.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS12 - Position Report Interval

The time interval between position reports. After the SC is polled for a position report by the NCC, position reports will be generated at intervals defined by I.

KXS12 = I <Return> I = Interval (0 65535 minutes) Default is 10

>KXS12=15 <Return> KXS12=15




K KXS12 Command

Use KXS13 to set the total number of position reports to be transmitted.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS13 - Number Of Position Reports To Be Transmitted

Number of position reports in inbound queue that will be transmitted upon a poll from the GCC for a position report.

KXS13 = N <Return> N (0 - 255) Default is 0

>KXS13=5 <Return> KXS13=5





KXS13 Command

Set-Up Commands -


KXS14 - Gateway (GWY) Search Mode

Procedure used by SC to search for Gateways.

KXS14 = S <Return> 0 1 Continuously search downlink band for desired Search band once for desired GWY. If not found, then maintain lock with first discovered downlink. 2 Maintain lock with first discovered downlink. 3 Search band once for desired GWY. If not found, open search to include any ORBCOMM GWY. If none found, maintain lock with first discovered downlink. 4 Search band once for desired GWY. If not found, continuously search band for downlink having no ORBCOMM GWY or desired GWY. Default is 0.

>KXS14=2 <Return> KXS14=2
A value of 2 is recommended in GlobalGram areas. In all other areas a value of 0 is recommended.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS15 - Priority Search List For Downlink

When searching for a link, up to 24 channels can be given priority over the remaining channels by being included in the Priority Search List.

KXS15 = S0, C0 <Return> KXS15 = S1, C1 <Return> KXS15 = S2, C2 <Return>
. . .

KXS15 = S23, C23 <Return>

S = Priority Search list ( 0 - 23 ) C = Available Channels ( 1 - 399 )

Default is 80,90,100,174,184,265,275,285,295,320,115,125,159,271,283

>KXS15=0,230 KXS15=0,230 >KXS15=1,396 KXS15=1,396 >KXS15=2,307 KXS15=2,307 >KXS15=3,283 KXS15=3,283 <Return> <Return> <Return> <Return>

If the search of this list is unsuccessful, the remaining channels will be searched. The channel list will be revised automatically when the SC receives a downlink channel from the satellite. Downlink Channel information is received a minimum of every 16 seconds.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS16 - Packet Error Acceptance Level

Sets the maximum number of packet errors encountered before selecting next channel.

KXS16 = T <Return> T = Threshold (1- 100) Default is 60

>KXS16=47 <Return> KXS16=47

KXS16 must be set in the range of 0 - 50 when KXS17 (Checksum Frame Count) is set to 1.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS17 - Checksum Frame Count

Sets the number of frames to be measured for an error rate on data received from a satellite.

KXS17 = C <Return> C = Count (1 - 16) Default is 2

>KXS17=4 <Return> KXS17=4

If KXS16 (Packet Error Acceptance Level) is set in the range of 51 - 100, then KXS17 (Checksum Frame Count) must be set to a value greater than 1.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS18 - Continuous Position Determination

Set the SC to Continuous Position Determination mode. This command affects both Doppler and GPS calculations. If the Continuous Position Determination is set to ON, GPS position calculation is refreshed approximately every 1 second and position reports are sent every 2 minutes.

KXS18 = N <Return> 0: Continuous Positioning Off 1: Continuous Positioning On Default is 0

>KXS18=1 <Return> KXS18=1
KXS18 cannot be set to 1 when KXS24 is set to 0. When KXA/KXB command is activated, KXS18 will be reset to 0. Due to the high rate of report generation when this command is active, it is recommended that this function ONLY BE USED FOR TEST PURPOSES WITH DTE.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS19 - Data Collection Period / Sample Points

The SC uses the downlink signal for the purpose of Doppler position measurement. The Data Collection Period P determines how often the SC will sample the downlink signal and Sample Points S determines how many points are collected before a Doppler position measurement is initiated.

KXS19=P,S <Return> P = Data Collection Period [secs] S = Sample Points
Period [secs] 4 8 12 16 Sample Points 50-150 25-75 20-50 20- 35

Default is 4, 50

>KXS19=4,50 <Return> KXS19=4,50

Set-Up Commands -


KXS20 - Position Data Age Limit

Sets a maximum age in minutes for the previously measured position to be transmitted. When the SC is polled for a position report it will compare the age of the last position fix with the Position Data Age Limit (KXS20). If the age of the last position fix (KXS23) is less than the value of the Age Limit, the SC sends two position reports. The first report contains the values of Latitude and Longitude in KXS23. The second report contains the values just calculated. If age of the last position fix is greater than the value of the Age Limit, the SC sends only the position report containing the values just calculated. When the SC is polled for Position reports with ages greater than the Age Limit they are not transmitted.

KXS20 = A <Return> A = Age (0 - 65535) [min] Default is 360

>KXS20=37700 <Return> KXS20=37700

Set-Up Commands -


KXS21 - Minimum Quality Indicator for Doppler Positioning

Sets a minimum threshold for Doppler measurement accuracy. Doppler position calculations are continuous despite the setting of the Quality Indicator, however if the accuracy threshold is NOT achieved no Doppler report is issued. When the quality threshold is not achieved and the SC receives a poll from the NCC the SC will respond with an acknowledgement instead of a position report. When the quality threshold is not achieved and the SC receives a poll from the DTE the SC will continue measuring position until the threshold is achieved.

KXS21 = I <Return> Q = Quality Indicator (0 - 15) 0 = Doppler reporting function is off. 1 = Greater accuracy / decreased probability of a report 15 = Less accuracy / increased probability of a report Default is 3

>KXS21=3 <Return> KXS21=3
3 is the optimum setting. KXS21 has no effect upon GPS position reports.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS22 - Maximum Age of Orbital Elements

Sets the maximum acceptable age of orbital elements used in calculation of satellite rise time.

KXS22 = A <Return> A: Age (12 - 8760) [hours] Default is 672

>KXS22=24 <Return> KXS22=24
If age of orbital elements is greater than value of KXS22, the SC enters the satellite search mode to retrieve new orbital elements. Orbital elements are updated each time a satellite is acquired. For more information covering the satellite search mode see KXS38 (Minimum Power Down Interval), KXS39 (Inactive Interval) and Appendix F: Power OnOff.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS23 - Set Latitude / Longitude

Sets the current position.

KXS23 = XXX.XXXX, YYYY.YYYY <Return> XXX.XXXX :Latitude (-90.0000 - +90.0000) YYYY.YYYY :Longitude (-180.0000 - +180.0000) Default is +0.0000,+0.0000

>KXS23=+35.5410, -79.5220 <Return> KXS23=+35.5410, -79.5220
KXS23 can either be set manually or automatically. The SC will update KXS23 whenever it measures its current position by either GPS or Doppler measurement. Valid position data must be present in KXS23 for the SC to calculate satellite rise time. The results of satellite rise time calculations are used to determine SC's next wake-up time.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS24 - Internal Position Calculation

Enables/disables Internal Position Calculation. This command affects both Doppler and GPS calculations. When the internal position calculation mode is enabled and a poll is received from the NCC, the SC will respond to the poll with a position report. When the Internal Position Calculation mode is disabled and a poll is received from the NCC, the poll is forwarded to the DTE. When a position report is received from the DTE it is transmitted to the NCC.

KXS24 = M <Return> 0: Disable internal calculation 1: Enable internal calculation Default is 1

>KXS24=1 <Return> KXS24=1











Set-Up Commands -


KXS25 - GPS Data Format

Defines the format of the GPS data sent to the NCC.

KXS25 = F <Return> F = Format 0 LAT/ LON sentence mode 1 NMEA 0183 sentence mode Default is 0

>KXS25=1 <Return> KXS25=1
The data format will be determined by the combination of settings for KXS25 and KXS60. See Appendix D for more detail.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS26 - Data Response Timeout

Sets the maximum time (in seconds) to wait for data after receiving an acknowledgment poll from the DTE. When the SC receives a poll from the GCC and no message is queued, the SC will poll the DTE.

KXS26 = T <Return> T = Timeout (2 - 30) [sec] Default is 5

>KXS26=5 <Return> KXS26=5















Data received within KXS26 timeout value

Data not transferred, timeout window of KXS26 missed

Set-Up Commands -


KXS27 - Serial Packet Acknowledgment Timeout

Sets the time interval that the SC will wait for an acknowledgment after sending packet data to the DTE. If no acknowledgement is received, the SC will continue to re-send data until the number of transmissions equals the value set by KXS28.

KXS27 = T <Return> T: Timeout (1 - 30) [sec] Default is 5

>KXS27=5 <Return> KXS27=5






KXS27 Command

Set-Up Commands -


KXS28 - Maximum Retries to DTE

The variable R sets the number of successive transmission retries attempted when an acknowledgment is not received. When transmitting commands, messages and GlobalGrams, the SC will continue to retry per the value of R at one-minute intervals. If number of retries exceeds R, the link to the DTE will be dropped.

KXS28 = R <Return> R = Number of retries (0 - 255) Default is 5

>KXS28=5 <Return> KXS28=5
If there are messages in the SCs outbound queue, the SC will continue sending the messages to the DTE until all messages are received by the DTE.

Serial packet Ack. time out (KXS27)



Retry number (KXS28=3)


KXS28 Command

Set-Up Commands -


KXS29 - Abort Response to NCC

Sets switch to send abort report when communication between the SC and DTE can not be established.

KXS29 = R <Return> 0: Do not send abort report 1: Send abort report Default is 0

>KXS29=1 <Return> KXS29=1
Serial packet Ack. time out (KXS27)




Retry KXS28 Abort Report (KXS29=1)

KXS29 Command

Set-Up Commands -


KXS30 - Abort Report

The Abort Report is six bytes of user defined data transmitted to the NCC when there is no response to the send packet command from the DTE

KXS30 = N,
GCC ID (0 - 255) Polled 0: Transmit report when satellite is available 1: Wait to be polled before transmitting report




I1 - I6 <Return>
User defined data, 6 bytes of ASCII data entered in decimal (0~255)

Originator /Recipient indicator (1-3) Service Type (0 -4, 10 -14), see KXS08

Defaults are 1, 0, 2, 1, 0,0,0,0,0,0

>KXS30=1,0,2,1,82,65,66,66,73,84 <Return> KXS30=1,0,2,1,82,65,66,66,73,84

Set-Up Commands -


KXS31 - Operation Mode

Selects the Communication mode between the SC and DTE.

KXS31 = M <Return> 0: Protocol mode 1: Byte mode Default is 0

>KXS31=1 <Return> KXS31=1
When KXA04 (Byte Mode) is activated, KXS31 will be set to 1 (Byte mode). If KXS31 is set to 1 (Byte Mode), set KXS32 (Byte Mode Trigger), KXS33 (Byte Mode Timeout) and KXS34 (Byte Mode Length), KXS35 (Byte Mode TX SOM/EOM, RX SOM/EOM), KXS36 (Byte Mode Message Type). If KXS31 is set to 0 (Protocol mode), set KXS43 to (len = 8). If KXS43 (len) equals 7, KXS31 must not be set to 0. For further information on Byte Mode operation, see Appendix B: Byte Mode Operations.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS32 - Byte Mode Trigger

Sets the trigger type for transmission when byte mode communication has been selected.

KXS32 = T <Return> T= Trigger
0: Transmit upon meeting the conditions of Byte Mode Length (KXS34) or Byte Mode Timeout (KXS33) 1: Transmit after detection of byte mode, receive start of message (SOM) and end of message (EOM) characters (KXS35).

Default is 0

>KXS32=0 <Return> KXS32=0
After the KXS32 is set, configure KXS31 (Operation Mode), KXS33 (Byte Mode Timeout), KXS34 (Byte Mode Length) and KXS36 (Byte Mode Message Type). SOM and EOM characters are defined by KXS35. Byte mode commands KXS31, 32, 33, and 34 can be automated by using KXA04. See Appendix B: Byte Mode Operations.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS33 - Byte Mode Timeout

Sets the time interval the SC waits after receiving first byte before framing the bytes as an inbound report, message, or GlobalGram.

KXS33 = T <Return> T: Timeout (1-3600) [sec] Default is 1 sec

>KXS33=5 <Return> KXS33=5
Byte mode commands KXS31, 32, 33, and 34 can be automated by using KXA04. See Appendix B: Byte Mode Operations.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS34 - Byte Mode Length

Sets the number of bytes in an inbound report, message, or GlobalGram

KXS34 = L <Return> L: Length (1 to maximum inbound queue size per KXS48) Default is 6

>KXS34=50 <Return> KXS34=50
Byte Mode Length must be transmitted within the time specified by KXS33 (Byte Mode Timeout). KXS48 determines maximum buffer size. Byte mode commands KXS31, 32, 33, and 34 can be automated by using KXA04. See Appendix B: Byte Mode Operations.

Set-Up Commands -



Defines the start-of-message and end-of-message ASCII characters used for communication between the SC and DTE.

TX SOM: Start of message character for communication from the SC to the DTE. TX EOM: End of message character for communication from the SC to the DTE. RX SOM: Start of message character for communication from the DTE to the SC RX EOM: End of message character for communication from the DTE to the SC

KXS35 = A, B, C, D <Return> A: TX_SOM B: TX_EOM ( 0 - 127 ) C: RX_SOM D: RX_EOM Default is 2, 3, 2, 3

>KXS35=2,3,2,3 <Return> KXS35=2,3,2,3
SOM and EOM are entered in decimal form. SOM and EOM cannot have the same value. Byte mode commands KXS31, 32, 33 and 34 can be automated by using KXA04. See Appendix B: Byte Mode Operations and Appendix C: ASCII Tables

Set-Up Commands -


KXS36 - Byte Mode Message Type

Sets the type of data sent by the SC when in Byte mode.

KXS36 = T <Return> 0: Inbound Message 1: Report (6 bytes) 2: GlobalGram Default is 1

>KXS36=0 <Return> KXS36=0
Byte mode commands KXS31, 32, 33 and 34 can be automated by using KXA04. See Appendix B: Byte Mode Operations.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS37 - Power Down Mode

When the Power Down Mode is activated the SC will sleep until the calculated wake up time.

KXS37 = M <Return> 0: Continuous Power ON 1: Power Down Mode Active Default is 1

>KXS37=0 <Return> KXS37=0
Wake up times are defined by KXA/KXB commands. If KXA01, KXA02 or KXA03 is enabled, KXS37 is set to 1. If KXA04 or KXA05 is enabled, KXS37 is set to 0. If KXB01, KXB02 or KXB03 is enabled, KXS37 is set to 1 . If continuous power on is desired, KXS37 must be reset to 0 following the setting of KXA/KXB commands. See Appendix F: Power On - Off for more detail on power cycling.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS38 - Minimum Power Down Interval

Sets the minimum number of minutes the SC remains powered down.

KXS38 = I <Return> I: Interval (0 - 535,600) [min] Default is 0

>KXS38=60 <Return> KXS38=60
If KXAKXB commands are used, KXS38 setting has no effect upon SC operation. KXS38=0 will cause the SC power to cycle as follows: ON time will be five minutes, OFF time is determined by KXS39 (Inactive Interval). For the SC to sleep, several conditions must be met: 1. Power Down mode (KXS37) must be activated 2. The SC must have both position fix (KXS23) and satellite orbital elements (KXS22)

Set-Up Commands -


KXS39 - Inactive Interval

Sets the length of time (in seconds) that the SC will power down when satellite arrival is not known, and all channels per KXS15 (Priority Search List for Downlink) have been searched unsuccessfully.

KXS39 = I <Return> I: (0 - 86,400) [sec] Default is 0

>KXS39=300 <Return> KXS39=300
See Appendix F: Power On- Off for more detail.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS40 - Power Save Mode

Using the Power Save Mode forces the VHF RF receiver section to power down when inactive.

KXS40 = M <Return> M = 0 OFF M = 1 ON Default is 0

>KXS40=0 <Return> KXS40=0
Use with CAUTION, as indiscriminate usage will affect communication quality. Default setting recommended for optimum performance.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS41 - Inbound Flow Control

Sets flow control for inbound communication (DTE to SC).

KXS41 = C <Return> 0: Controlled by CTS 1: No inbound flow control Default is 1

>KXS41=1 <Return> KXS41=1
KXS41 must be set to 0 when KXS44 (Duplex Switch) is set to 0 (Half Duplex)

Set-Up Commands -


KXS42 - Outbound Flow Control

Sets flow control for outbound data communication (SC to DTE).

KXS42 = C <Return> 0: Controlled by RTS 1: No outbound flow control Default is 1

>KXS42=1 <Return> KXS42=1
KXS42 cannot be set to 1 when KXS44 (Duplex Switch) is set to 0 (Half Duplex)

Set-Up Commands -


KXS43 - RS232C Mode

Selects communication parameters for RS232C Mode.

KXS43 = B,
Baud rate (bps): 0 = 300, 1 = 600, 2 = 1200, 3 = 2400, 4 = 4800, 5 = 9600 Parity: 0 = Even, 1 = Odd, 2 = None Data bits (7,8) Stop bit (1,2)




Default is 4, 2, 1, 8

>KXS43=5,2,1,8 <Return> KXS43=5,2,1,8
KXS43 byte length must be 8 when KXS31 is set to 0 (Protocol mode).

Set-Up Commands -


KXS44 - Duplex Switch

Selects duplex mode for communication between SC and DTE.

KXS44 = D <Return> D: Duplex (0 - 2) 0: Half Duplex 1: Full Duplex 2: Receive only Default is 1

>KXS44=1 <Return> KXS44=1
KXS41 (Inbound Flow Control) and KXS42 (Outbound Flow Control) must be set to 0 when KXS44 is set to 0.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS45 - Inbound Message Treatment

The Inbound Message Treatment switch determines how new messages will be managed when the inbound message queue is full. The value of T will determine if new messages are ignored or allowed to overwrite the oldest message in the queue.

KXS45 = T <Return> 0: Ignore new messages and send NACK to DTE 1: Overwrite old messages with new messages Default is 0

>KXS45=1 <Return> KXS45=1
When KXS45 = 1 and the buffer is full, the oldest message will be discarded to make room for the new message.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS46 - Outbound Message Treatment

The Outbound Message Treatment switch determines how new messages will be managed when the outbound message queue is full. The value of T will determine if new messages are ignored or allowed to overwrite the oldest message in the queue.

KXS46 = T <Return> 0: Ignore new messages 1: Overwrite old messages with new messages Default is 0

>KXS46=1 <Return> KXS46=1
When KXS46 = 1 and the buffer is full, the oldest message will be discarded to make room for the new message.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS47 - Save Inbound Message

Detects the outcome of the transmission routine and either re-queues or deletes inbound messages dependent upon the variable S.

KXS47 = S <Return> 0: Message erased regardless of the outcome of the transmission routine. 1: Message re-queued and re-transmitted until the transmission routine is completed. Default is 1

>KXS47=1 <Return> KXS47=1
Used in conjunction with KXS45 to manage the inbound queue.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS48 - Inbound / Outbound Queue Size

Determines how the 8KByte queue area is divided.

KXS48 = S <Return> 1: 1K/7K (1KB inbound / 7KB outbound) 2: 2K/6K 3: 3K/5K 4: 4K/4K 5: 5K/3K 6: 6K/2K 7: 7K/1K Default is 4

>KXS48=3 <Return> KXS48=3
This command is available only from the DTE. The inbound queue size must be greater than KXS34 (Byte Mode Length)

Set-Up Commands -


KXS49 - UTC Time Adjust

UTC Time Adjust compensates for communication propagation and circuit processing delays in the SC.

KXS49 = A <Return> Adjust (0 - 20) [sec] Default is 0

>KXS49=0 <Return> KXS49=0
KXS49 is set at the factory and should not be adjusted.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS50 - PIN Code

Select a security PIN code between the values of 0 and 9999.

KXS50 = C <Return> C: (0 9999) Default is 0

>KXS50=0909 <Return> KXS50=909
User can set PIN code when provisioning the SC.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS51 - Automatic GlobalGram Polling

Sets the switch to automatically poll the satellite to receive GlobalGram messages. This command functions only when the satellite is in GlobalGram mode.

KXS51 = S <Return> S= 0 OFF (No automatic polling) S= 1 ON (Send polling command) Default is 0

>KXS51=1 <Return> KXS51=1
When the satellite is in GlobalGram mode and the Automatic GlobalGram Polling is set, the SC will automatically poll the satellite for GlobalGram messages. This command has no effect upon the SCs transmission of GlobalGrams.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS52 - GPS Datum Select

101 mapping standards (DATUM) are selectable using the GPS Datum Select command. Use Appendix H to choose a mapping standard for the region where the SC will be located. For worldwide usage, the default value of WGS84 is recommended.

KXS52 = D <Return> Datum: 0 - 100 Default is 0 (WGS84)

>KXS52=1 <Return> KXS52=1
This datum has no effect upon Doppler calculations. Changing of datum clears previous position data in GPS resulting in cold start for next position fix.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS53 - RTS Logic Setting

Sets the RTS logic level.

KXS53 = S <Return> 0: ORBCOMM Spec H= True L= False 1: Normal Spec H= False L= True Default is 0

>KXS53=1 <Return> KXS53 = 1

Set-Up Commands -


KXS54 - Output Pulse Mode Setting (KX-G7101 only)

Beginning with Revision G units, the KX-G7101 can generate an output pulse which can be used to synchronize with and/or trigger other devices. The pulse width is one half of the period interval 50% Duty Cycle except when the period is 1 second. In that case the width is 1 millisecond. Minimum and maximum periods are one and sixty-four seconds, respectively. The pulse amplitude is TTL level. The variable P determines the pulse period and width. Variables LH and LM define the difference between a selected time zone and GMT. Variables S1 ~ S6 define the start time of the first pulse, variables E E1 ~ E6 define the time of the last pulse.

KXS54 =
I: Interval 0: OFF 1: 1 sec 2: 2 sec 3: 4 sec 4: 8 sec 5: 16 sec 6: 32 sec 7: 64 sec




S1 - S6,
Start Time S1: Year* (00-99) S2: Month (01-12) S3: Day (01-31) S4: Hour (00-12) S5: Minute (00-60) S6: Second (00-60)

E1 - E6 <Return>
End Time E1: Year* E2: Month E3: Day E4: Hour E5: Minute E6: Second

Minute of Time Zone (00 or 30)

Hour of Time Zone(-11-+12)

*80-99 refers to 1980-1999, 00-79 is 2000-2079. Default is 0 for all values

>KXS54=1 <Return> KXS54=1,0,0,99,2,1,0,0,0,99,2,10,23,30,0

The pulse width is 1 mS in cases where the interval is 1 second. Otherwise, a 50% duty pulse is generated. When Pulse Output function is selected, GPS powers on 12.5 minutes before the start time.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS55 - Analog Port Select

Analog port values can be transmitted using the KXB commands (all SC revision levels), and KXA commands (revision F and higher). Analog Port Select determines which analog port values are transmitted.

KXS55 = P [P, ...] <Return> P: Number of analog port (1 - 7) Default is 1,2

>KXS55=2,3,4 <Return> KXS55=2,3,4
Analog ports 1 and 2 are the standard ports. Ports 3-7 are currently reserved for future use.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS56 - Distance Select

Distance can be used as one of several event triggers for the Tracking commands. The Distance Select command allows selection of units and length of distance to be used as a trigger. Length is resolvable from 0.1 to 5000 units in 0.1 unit increments.

KXS56 = L,U <Return> L: Length (0.1 - 5000) U: Unit 0: Km 1: Mile 2: NM (Nautical Mile) Default is 1.0, 0

>KXS56=3.6,1 <Return> KXS56=3.6,1

Set-Up Commands -


KXS57 - Area Select

Departure from a specified area can be used as one of several event triggers for the Tracking commands. The Area Select command defines the specific area as a circle with a center point, radius and distance unit. The center point is specified using latitude and longitude coordinates with the variables LAT and LON respectively. Each of these coordinates can be specified to the 10-3 degree. The radius is defined using the variables R and U. R is the length of the radius where the length is measured in units determined by the variable U. Radius length can be between 0.1 and 5000 units in 0.1-unit increments.

KXS57 = LAT, LON, R, U <Return> LAT: Center position of circle (latitude) (-90.0000 - +90.0000) LON: Center position of circle (longitude) (-180.0000 - +180.0000) R: Radius (0.1 - 5000) U: Unit 0: Km 1: Mile 2: NM (Nautical Mile) Default is 0.0, 0.0, 1, 0

>KXS57 +40.7889, -74.0732, 10, 1 <Return> KXS57=+40.7889, -74.0732, 10.0, 1

Set-Up Commands -


KXS58 - Speed Select

The speed of the SC can be used as one of several event triggers for the Tracking commands. The Speed Select command defines the specific speed . Speed setting can be between 1 and 255 units in increments of 1 unit. The following units of speed can be selected: Km/h, mile/h or nautical mile/h (knot). The accuracy of speed measurements will be +/- 5km/s.

KXS58 = S, U <Return> S: Speed (1 255) U: Unit of speed 0: Km/h 1: Mile/h 2: Knot (NM/h) Default is 10,0

>KXS58=55,1 <Return> KXS58=55,1

Due to inherent characteristics of the GPS system, a minimum of 5 units is recommended to minimize false triggers.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS59 - Send Transmission Log to DTE

A transmission record is created each time the SC transmits or attempts to transmit. The transmission records are stored in the transmission log containing up to 20 records. When the transmission log is full, the oldest record will be deleted to make room for the newest record. Enabling KXS59 will cause the SC to send the transmission log to the DTE whenever the log is full.

KXS59 = S <Return> 0: Do not send 1: Send when full Default is 0

>KXS59=1 <Return> KXS59=1

Set-Up Commands -


KXS60 - Data Format

Select the format of data transmitted when using KXA/KXB commands. The format can be text or binary for receiving position/speed/direction, digital I/O port status and analog port status. Use of the Binary and 6 Byte / Reduced Byte formats help to reduce the total transmission data size.

KXS60 = S <Return> 0: TEXT 1: BINARY 2: 6 BYTE / REDUCED BYTE [ > Revision F] Default is 0

>KXS60=1 <Return> KXS60=1
When KXS60=2 and KXS25 (GPS Data Format) = 0 (LAT/LON Sentence Mode), a 6 byte position report will be sent. When KXS60=2 and KXS25=1 (NMEA Sentence Mode), Altitude, Speed and Direction data are added to the LAT/LON bytes for a total greater than 6 bytes, but less than KXS60=1 (Binary). As a rule, the difference between KXS60 settings 1 and 2 is that setting 2 removes the Data Code and GPS Counter bytes from the message. Both examples above involve a Position Report request ONLY. Additional data (e.g., Port Status) will add to the number of bytes sent. See Appendix D for full detail on the data structure. 6 byte conversion algorithm is defined in Appendix D and is different from ORBCOMM's 6 byte format! Fixed messages are sent in text type, regardless of KXS60 setting.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS61 - RS232 Driver Auto Shut Down

To conserve power, the SC can automatically turn off the RS-232 port when the SC is not communicating with the DTE. The RS232 Auto Shut Down function allows the user to select between having the RS232 port continuously on (S=0) or having the SC manage power to the port providing power only as needed (S=1). This function is effective only in Protocol (Packet communication) Mode.

KXS61 = S <Return> 0: Off 1: On Default is 0

>KXS61=1 <Return> KXS61=1
When KXS61=1 (ON), the CTS line is set to OFF. A DTE communicating with an SC in this configuration should be set to "no CTS as well. In addition, setting KXS61 to 1 disables KXS40 (Power Save Mode). When SC is first powered on, this function will be invalid for one minute.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS62 - GPS Output Pulse Error Message

On Revision G units using KXS54 (Output Pulse Mode Setting), no GPS pulse will be generated when the GPS circuit is unable to calculate a stable position. When the GPS Output Pulse Error Message is on (M=1), the SC will send an Output Pulse Error message if GPS pulse cannot be generated at the specified time per KXS54. When M=0, no message error message is sent.

KXS62 = M <Return> 0: No error messages 1: Error messages to DTE Default is 0

>KXS62=1 <Return> KXS62=1

Set-Up Commands -


KXS63 - Time Window

Defines a time window within a 24 hour period that the SC can operate

KXS63 = S, LH, LM, S1, S2, E1, E2 <Return>
End time E1: Hour E2: Minute

Switch 0: OFF 1:ON

Start Time S1: Hour S2: Minute Minute of Time Zone Hour of Time Zone

Default is 0 for all values

>KXS63=1,0,0,13,30,16,30 <Return> KXS63=1,0,0,13,30,16,30
In this example, the SC functions only from 13:30 to 16:30 each day.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS64 - Quick Power Down

The Quick Power Down function will conserve power when using the KXB commands. When the function is activated (S=1), the SC will power down after message transmission. When the Quick Power Down function is off (S=0), normal shut down times will be in effect.

KXS64 = S <Return> 0: = OFF (Power down 5 minutes after transmission) 1: = ON (Power down immediately after transmission) Default is 0

>KXS64=1 <Return> KXS64=1

*** Important Notice *** When using a User Application, the Quick Power Down function must be set to off (KXS64=0)

Set-Up Commands -


KXS65 - Position Transmission Mode

The SC will transmit a Position message to NCC automatically after calculating position when continuous position mode (KXS18=1) and a position calculation request is received from the DTE.

KXS65 = S <Return> 0: Not Send 1: Auto Send Default is 0

>KXS65=1 <Return> KXS65=1
If Continuous Position Determination Mode (KXS18) is set to 1 and KXS65=1, reports will be sent EVERY 2 MINUTES. Position measurements using the KXA/KXB commands are NOT affected.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS66 - RAM Manager

Two blocks of RAM are available for application software. The first block of 4KBytes is always available. To access the second block of 10KB, Doppler calculations must be deactivated. The RAM Manager command allows the user to choose between increased user RAM (14KB, M=1) and no Doppler calculation or standard user RAM (4KB, M=0) and normal Doppler calculations.

KXS66 = M <Return> 0: 4KB RAM, Normal Doppler Calculation 1: 14KB RAM, No Doppler Calculation Default is 0

>KXS66=1 <Return> KXS66=1
Doppler calculation is deactivated when KXS66 =1. User Application Program (UAP) must be loaded before KXS66 can be set to 1. Setting KXS66=1 resets KXS21 (Minimum Quality Indicator for Doppler Positioning) to 0.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS67 - User Application Program Auto-Start

User Application Programs (UAPs) can be initiated at SC power up by activating this command (KXS67=1), provided a UAP is loaded in the SC.

KXS67 = S <Return> 0: Do not run UAP at SC power ON. 1: Run UAP at SC power ON Default is 0

>KXS67=1 <Return> KXS67=1
KXS67 can only be set to 1 when a UAP is loaded.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS68 - Serial Port Settings

The RS232C serial port can be managed by either the system or a User Application. When S=0, the SC controls the port. When S=1, the UAP assumes control.

KXS68 = S <Return> 0: Normal (Main system manages port) 1: User Application manages port 2: Reserved Default is 0

>KXS68=1 <Return> KXS68=1
User applications must be loaded if KXS68 is set to 1. After user application usage, KXS68 must be set to 0 in order to achieve serial communication between the SC and DTE.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS69 - Outbound Data Route Management

The Outbound Data Route can be managed by the SC, the user application software, or both. KXS69 allows the user to choose which system manages the Outbound Data Route.

KXS69 = S <Return> 0: Managed by main system (normal mode) 1: Managed by user application 2: Managed by both user application and main system Default is 0

>KXS69=1 <Return> KXS69=1
User application software must be installed to set KXS69 to 1 or 2. KXS69 must equal 0 when KXS68 = 0 When KXS69=2, both systems (main and user application) must complete the receiving process before Outbound queue can be cleared. If condition of [KXS69=0 and KXS68=1] or [KXS69=2 and KXS68=1] should occur, main system loses control of Outbound queue, possibly causing overflow condition. For this reason, these combinations are NOT recommended (see table below).
KXS69=0 OK X KXS69=1 OK OK KXS69=2 OK X

KXS68=0 KXS68=1

Set-Up Commands -


KXS70 - User Application Debug Mode

SC will output debug information to DTE when debug mode is set to ON.

KXS70 = S <Return> 0: Mode OFF 1: Mode ON Default is 0

>KXS70=1 <Return> KXS70=1
KXS70 can be set to 1 ONLY when a User Application is loaded.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS71 - Remote Configuration Password

A password can be created for added security when configuring the SC over the ORBCOMM network. When activated, command parameters cannot be modified unless the password is appended to the end of the message. (See page 3 for more detail.) Setting KXS71 to a value other than the default automatically activates the last four digits of the SC's serial number as a secondary password to the assigned password. Four characters must be used to define the password. Valid characters are 0 to 9 and A to Z (capital letters only). Setting the password to 0000 disables this function.

KXS71 = CCCC <Return> C: 4 characters (0-9, A-Z) Default is 0000

>KXS71=AZ90 <Return> KXS71=AZ90
Password is deactivated when KXS71 is 0000. Only KXS and the KXA/KXB commands can be changed remotely; user application software cannot.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS72 - Echo Remote Command Response

Return the ACK or NACK response after a remote configuration session to the default O/R indicator (per KXS05 - Default Message/GlobalGram Recipient).

KXS72 = D <Return> 0: No response 1: Send response to default recipient Default is 0

>KXS72=1 <Return> KXS72=1
When a command is entered correctly, body of the return email message will echo the sent command.: KXS41=1 If the wrong command is entered, message body will contain an error message: EER0

Set-Up Commands -



Set-Up Commands -


KXS74 - Message Transmission Mode

Select the message transmission mode for the KXA/KXB commands. SC can transmit the binary data (KXS60=1) for each parameter (Position/Speed/Direction, Digital I/O Port and Analog Port) separately, or bundled together.

KXS74 = S <Return> 0 :Send apart 1: Send bundled Default is 0

>KXS74=1 <Return> KXS74=1
Sending data apart allows for quicker transmission of non-GPS related data, since GPS data requires additional time for position acquisition. This command is effective when KXS60=1 (Binary message type)

Set-Up Commands -


KXS75 - Message Type Auto Change

KXA/KXB command or byte mode messages can automatically be changed to GlobalGrams when normal messaging is not available.

KXS75 = S <Return> 0: Auto change to normal GlobalGram (not Enhanced GlobalGram) 1: Don't change Default is 1 ( Revision 4.x) Default is 0 on pre-Revision 4.x units.

>KXS75=1 <Return> KXS75=1

Set-Up Commands -


KXS76 - Satellite Elevation

Sets the minimum elevation angle (in degrees) that the SC will respond to by recalculating the wake time using satellite ephemeris data. Only wake portion (satellite entering view) of power ON cycle is affected by KXS76.

KXS76 = E <Return> E: Elevation 0 45 [Degrees] Default is 5

>KXS76=10 <Return> KXS76=10
Under circumstances in which a building or mountain blocks the SC's line of sight, using KXS76 allows the SC to ignore low satellite angles, thereby improving system reliability and conserving power.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS77 - Message Body Transmission in Byte Mode

The message body can be transmitted to the DTE in either Protocol (packet) or Byte mode. When this command is activated (S=1) the SC will transmit the body of the message to the DTE in Byte mode.

KXS77 = S <Return> 0: Normal (Protocol Mode) 1: Byte mode (message body only) Default is 0

>KXS77=1 <Return> KXS77=1
KXS77 is convenient for transmitting data or commands to a personal computer or another communication device. This command only effects communication between the personal computer (or other DTE) and SC. This command effects only the message body. The subject, address and other parts of the message are always transmitted to the DTE in Normal (Protocol) mode.

Set-Up Commands -


Enhanced GlobalGrams
KXS77 may be used to transmit an Enhanced GlobalGram. The SC alone cannot differentiate between a normal GlobalGram and an Enhanced GlobalGram. When Enhanced GlobalGram usage is desired, ORBCOMM must be notified via the provisioning process. In addition, KXS80 (GlobalGram Message Format) must be set to 1.

Data Type Message

User CMND GlobalGram

Enhanced GlobalGram

KXS77=0 (Normal) or_adrs Or_ind Subject Sub_msg_body_type Message User_Data or_ind Sub_msg_body_type Message or_adrs or_ind Subject Sub_msg_body_type Message

KXS77=1 (Message Body Only)

Message User_Data

Message or_adrs or_ind Message Sub_msg_body_type Message

Set-Up Commands -


KXS78 - Buffer Full Message

Activating the Buffer Full Message command (S=1) will cause the SC to transmit a Buffer Full message to the DTE. The buffer full message will be transmitted to the SC only in byte mode.

KXS78 = S <Return> 0: No message 1: Buffer Full message Default is 0

>KXS78=1 <Return> KXS78=1
The Buffer Full Message command can be used in conjunction with KXS45 (Inbound Message Treatment) to assist the DTE in managing the inbound queue.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS79 - Event Timer

When using the Tracking (KXB) commands, the SC will wake up at the assigned time and wait for a designated event. When the designated event meets the specified condition(s), the SC will perform the assigned function(s) and transmit. The Event Timer command determines the period of time in minutes that the SC will wait for a designated event. The SC will power down five minutes after this period has ended. (Refer to "Tracking Commands" section [page 19] for additional detail.) Events are designated in KXB01, KXB02, and KXB03.

KXS79 = T <Return> T: Time (5 - 20) [min] Default is 10

>KXS79=5 <Return> KXS79=5

Set-Up Commands -


KXS80 - GlobalGram Message Format

Selects the SC-terminated GlobalGram format. This parameter is referred to when the SC receives GlobalGram data and KXS77 is set to 1.

KXS80 = S <Return> 0: GlobalGram 1: Enhanced GlobalGram Default is 0

>KXS80=1<return> KXS80=1

Set-Up Commands -


KXS81 - SC Terminated Message MMA (Maximum MSN Age)

(> Revision F) Time interval after which the stored MSN (Message Sequence Number) becomes outdated. Once a stored MSN becomes outdated, all messages delivered to the receiver will be considered new messages, regardless of the MSN value.

KXS81 = T <Return> T: Time (0-3932100) [sec] Default is 3600 (60 minutes)

>KXS81=1800 <Return> KXS81=1800

Use KXS81 to reduce duplication of messages.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS82 - SC Terminated GlobalGram MMA (Maximum MSN Age)

(> Revision F) Time interval after which the stored MSN (Message Sequence Number) becomes outdated. Once a stored MSN becomes outdated, all GlobalGrams delivered to the receiver will be considered new GlobalGrams, regardless of the MSN value.

KXS82 = T <Return> T: Time (0-15300) [sec] Default is 300

>KXS82=600 <Return> KXS82=600

Use KXS82 to reduce duplication of messages.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS83 - Digital Output Default Value

(> Revision F) Allows user to set the default level of the 2 digital output ports. Setting affects both ports.

KXS83 = V <Return> 0: Low 1: High Default is 1

>KXS83=0 <Return> KXS83=0

Set-Up Commands -


KXS84 - Roaming Capability

(> Revision F) Selects type of roaming mode to be used by the SC. KXS84 and KXS85 (GCC ID of Roaming Mode) allow for additional GCCs to be addressed along with the GCC selected by KXS01, allowing the SC to be used in other parts of the world without resetting KXS01.

KXS84 = M <Return> 0:OFF (GCC selected by KXS01) 1:ON (Send message to GCC as set by KXS85) 2:ON (Allow satellite in view to determine destination GCC) Default is 0

>KXS84=1 <Return> KXS84=1

SC must be registered with all desired GCCs through ORBCOMM.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS85 - GCC ID of Roaming Mode

(> Revision F) Selects the GCC(s) to be used by the SC when KXS84=1. Up to 12 GCCs can be selected.

KXS85 = B, G <Return> B: Block (0-11) G: GCC ID (0-255) Default is 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

>KXS85=0,120 <Return> KXS85=120,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 >KXS85=1,121 <Return> KXS85=120,121,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 >KXS85=2,123 <Return> KXS85=120,121,123,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 >KXS85=3,130 <Return> KXS85=120,121,123,130,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
In this example, GCCs 120 (Italy), 121 (Malaysia), 123 (Brazil) and 130 (Japan) are stored in memory blocks 0, 1, 2 and 3, respectively. To delete a location, enter the memory block number and 0. For example, to delete the GCC in memory block number 2:

>KXS85=2,0 <Return> KXS85=120,121,0,130,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

Set-Up Commands -


KXS86 - Day of the Week Mode

(> Revision F) Messages created by the KXA/B commands (except for KXA06) can be sent on any or all days of the week. On days not selected, the message will not be created.

KXS86 = XXXXXXX <Return> X: (0-1) Each day is selected by setting the appropriate bit of the command code, as shown below. 1 Sun 0 Mon 1 Tues 0 Wed 1 Thu 0 Fri 1 Sat

0: Day not selected 1: Day selected Default is 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

>KXS86=0101010 <Return> KXS86=0101010
(Message will be sent Monday, Wednesday and Friday.)

Messages created on previous days that stall in inbound queue (e.g., no satellite) will still be sent as soon as possible, regardless of KXS86 setting. On unselected days, the SC does NOT assume a "power off" mode. The unit will continue to cycle between sleep and wake cycles per the KXA/KXB commands.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS87 - GPS Quality Threshold

(> Revision 4.x) The GPS Quality Threshold setting checks the PDOP (Position Dilution of Precision) value in each data string outputted by the GPS section in the SC. The SC then selects only the strings in which the LAT/LON data is under the assigned threshold.

KXS87 = T <Return> T: Threshold (1-10) Default is 10

>KXS87=6 <Return> KXS87=6
The default setting of 10 allows for the best positional accuracy at the expense of getting less data strings for calculation, due to the increased level of filtering involved. Therefore, when using the SC in "reduced signal" areas (e.g., cities with tall buildings), it may be necessary to try a lower threshold value, since the default setting could result in a degradation of positioning performance.

Set-Up Commands -


KXS88 - Watchdog Mode

(> Revision 4.x) Three levels of resetting activity are available using KXS88. All operate by monitoring the RX activity of the SC, checking at 2:27:30am (local time) every day. Option 1 (software reset) will "soft-boot" the unit on every 24 hour cycle point, whether RX activity has occurred or not, since errant software operation may not always cease the normal RX function. Option 2 (hardware reset) will perform a power-cycling type of reset upon a problem reported with RX function only. Option 3 (both) allows a software reset to occur every 24 hours with normal RX activity, and a hardware reset only when the RX function does not occur over the same 24 hour span.

KXS88 = S <Return> 0: No reset 1: Software watchdog reset active 2: Hardware watchdog reset active 3: Both software and hardware watchdog active Default is 2

>KXS88=1 <Return> KXS88=1
In the case of normal activity occurring on the 24 hour cycle point (2:27:30am local), the reset functions will wait 1 hour before performing their resets to allow completion of the current task. Normal activity is defined as SC sending/receiving message to/from GCC, SC communicating with DTE, SC in Command mode, SC writing to backup memory area.
KXS88 state KXS88=0 (OFF) KXS88=1 (S/W) KXS88=2 (H/W) KXS88=3 (BOTH) RX ACTIVITY NORMAL -Soft reset -Soft reset RX PROBLEM -Soft reset Hard (&Soft) reset Hard (&Soft) reset

Set-Up Commands -


KXS00 - Get Values of All KXS Parameters

KXS00 <Return>

>KXS00 <Return>
KXS01 = 2 KXS02 = 3 KXS03 = 2 KXS50 =3292 KXS51 =1 KXS86 = 0

Set-Up Commands -


Special Commands

KXM01 - Fixed Message

A fixed message can be sent using the Transmission (KXA) and Tracking (KXB) commands. Use KXM01 to define a fixed message up to 200 characters in length.

KXM01 = CCCCCCCCCCC----CC <Return>
Fixed message (maximum 200 characters)


Set-Up Commands -


KXD01 - Output Port State

Sets the state of either or both of the two Output Ports.

KXD01 = P, X(Y) <Return>
Output Port Selection 0: Output Port 0 1: Output Port 1 2: Both Output Port State: 0 (Low), 1 (High) If setting only one port - X If setting both ports - X,Y

Default is 1, 1, 1, 1

>KXD01=0,1 <Return> KXD01=0,1
Example above sets Port 0 to HIGH.

To set both ports simultaneously (Port 0 to LOW, Port 1 to HIGH):

>KXD01=2,0,1 KXD01=2,0,1
To check settings: Enter KXD01<Return>

KXD01 = 1, 1, 1, 0
Output Port 0 Output Port 1 Port 1 Status (LOW) Port 0 Status (HIGH)

Set-Up Commands -


KXD02 - Get Analog Port Value

KXD02 <Return> KXD02=AD1,AD2, (AD3,AD4,AD5,AD6,AD7) AD 1 : Analog port 1 AD 2 : Analog port 2 AD 3-AD 7 :External Analog port

>KXD02 <Return> KXD02=33,105,0,0,0,0,0
An analog port status which is Vin 0.0-3.3V is converted to a value of 0-255 by A/D converter. Analog port 1 : Pin #8 in DSUB Analog port 2 : Pin #9 in DSUB Analog port 3-7 : Extension ports

Set-Up Commands -


KXCB - Clear Transmission Log for DTE

Clears the SC's transmission log.

KXCB <Return>

>KXCB <Return> KXCB : OK

Set-Up Commands -


KXP01 - I/O Port Linkage

The variable C defines the interaction between Input and Output ports. Linkage can be in one of three modes: Off, Straight or Reverse.

KXP01 = C<Return> C:= 0: Off (No Link) 1: Straight (Output Port 0 = Input Port 0, Output Port 1 = Input Port 1) If an Input Port changes from HI to LOW, the Output Port changes from HI to LOW. 2: Reverse (Output Port 0 = Input Port 1, Output Port 1 = Input Port 0) If an Input Port changes from HI to LOW, the Output Port changes from LOW to HI.

>KXP01=2 <Return> KXP01=2

Set-Up Commands -


KXIB - Clear Inbound Queue of SC

Clears the contents of the SC's Inbound Queue.

KXIB <Return> The Inbound queue of the SC will be cleared.

>KXIB <Return> KXIB : OK

Set-Up Commands -


KXOB - Clear Outbound Queue of SC

Clears the contents of the SC's Outbound Queue.

KXOB <Return> The Outbound queue of the SC will be cleared.

>KXOB <Return> KXOB : OK

Set-Up Commands -


KXUTC - Check/Set Internal Clock

Under certain circumstances, it may be necessary to reset the unit's internal clock to current UTC (GMT) time. If actual UTC time is known, it can be entered directly without time zone information (Hour and Minute of Time Zone set to zero). If current local time is used, however, then the time zone data must be input as well. The Usage examples below show both formats.

Hour of Time Zone(-11-+12) Minute of Time Zone(00 or 30) Year Month Date Current Second Current Minute Current Hour

When checking the internal timer:

>KXUTC <Return> KXUTC= -5,0,98,8,28,16,40,0

When setting the internal timer, without using time zone data:

>KXUTC=0,0,98,8,28,21,40,00 <Return> KXUTC=+0,0,98,8,28,21,40,0

The internal clock is adjusted to the exact time when the ORBCOMM satellite signal is received, provided initial setting is +/- 60 minutes. However, it is recommended that the setting is as close to the correct time as possible. When inputted time is off by more than a minute, the internal clock does not update instantaneously. Rather, about one second must elapse to correct for each minute of initial time error. So, if inputted time was wrong by 30 minutes, the SC requires about 30 seconds to synchronize to the correct time in the satellite. Date (YY/MM/DD) is NOT corrected by satellite. Setting new time will clear all current satellite ephemeris data from SC's memory.

Set-Up Commands -


KXCHK - System Diagnosis Test

Performs a self-test on the SC.

KXCHK <Return>

>KXCHK <Return>
EEPROM : RAM: LOOP: ASIC: SYNTHE: ROM Ver: User APPL: GPS Ver.: GPS STAT: OK/NG OK/NG OK/NG OK/NG OK/NG X2C1F-002 NONE N.981002,76F8 OK/NG EEPROM Checksum Check Backup Work RAM Checksum Check Loop Back Test ASIC Read/Write Check Synthesizer Lock Check ROM Version User Application Program checksum GPS ROM Version (KX-G7101 only) GPS Diagnostic Test (KX-G7101 only)

Set-Up Commands -


KXST - Status Information

(> Revision E) Provides data for troubleshooting and other purposes.

KXST <Return>

>KXST <Return>
Example: GCC :001,0,0/124/0,0 SAT NO :012 IB/OB QUE :001/000 DATE :99/03/12 19:51:01 TOTAL SAT :24 STORED SAT :01 CKSUM ERR :000 POS STATE :0 Description: Gateway ID / minimum priority / subband ID Current satellite # # of SC-originated/SC-terminated messages in queue Date Total # of satellites in system # of stored satellite orbital elements # of failed downlink checksums since last status packet Status (state) of position determination process (1=GPS busy, 0=Completed or not currently calculating position)

Set-Up Commands -


KXLED - Satellite in View LED

(> Revision E) When active, allows for visual confirmation of a satellite's presence.

KXLED=N <Return> N=0 Non-active N=1 Active (LED lights when satellite is in view) N=2 Active (LED blinks while searching for satellite, stays lit when satellite is in view) [N=2, > Revision F ] Default is 0

>KXLED=1 <Return> KXLED=1
It is recommended that this command is used only for testing purposes, since increased battery consumption will result.

Set-Up Commands -


GET - Get Satellite Downlink Data

(> Revision E) Allows viewing a variety of data such as RX signal level, which aids in determining signal integrity.


(Use to both start and stop data flow.)

Satellite Mode (A delay may occur upon starting this function, since a satellite must be detected for data flow to start.)
SYNC SEG :[012/000/+1324/111/03:123:19:51:32] UL CHAN :[05/04/525,0,585,0/041/+1313/111/03:12:19:51:32] NCC INFO :[001,0,0/124,0,0/+1228/111/03:12:19:51:32] DL CHAN :[285/285/100,320,285,184,275,090,295,265/+1307/111/03:12:19:51:33]

Synchronization Segment Uplink Channel Information NCC Information Downlink Channel Information

Data Interpretation:
SYNC SEG :[ 012

/ 000
2 7

/ +1324 / 111
3 8 10 13 3 4 9

/ 03:123:19:51:32]
5 3 4 3 5 4 5 4 5


:[ 05 / 04 / 525,0,585,0 / 041 / +1313 / 111 / 03:12:19:51:32]

6 10 11 12

NCC INFO :[ 001,0,0 / 124,0,0 / +1228 / 111 / 03:12:19:51:32] DL CHAN :[285 / 285 / 100,320,285,184,275,090,295,265 / +1307 / 111 / 03:12:19:51:33]

1) Satellite number 2) Number of checksum errors in previous frames 3) Doppler frequency (Hz) 4) RX signal level 5) Time 6) Maximum retries

7) Number of AC windows 8) Uplink channel 9) Segment number 10) NCC ID, priority, subband ID 11) Downlink channel 12) All downlink channels of this satellite 13) Base downlink channels of other planes

RX signal level is determined by many factors, including antenna quality and location, cabling, weather and satellite angle. If signal level does not achieve a value of 85 during repeated satellite passes, these factors should be considered before sending a unit in for service.

Set-Up Commands -


KXNCK - Channel Noise Check

(> Revision 4.x) In some situations, it may be beneficial to know the receive signal level by individual channel. The KXNCK command allows the user to select any receive channel between 1-399 for monitoring.

KXNCK=M, C, O <Return> M: Mode 1: RSSI 2-9: Reserved C: RX Channel (1 - 399) O: Offset (Hz)

>KXNCK=1,350,0 <Return> RSSI : CH = 350 / Offset +0 [Hz] EXIT : ESC KEY > 58 > 58 > 54 > 47 > 54 > 57 > 55 etc.
To monitor noise, use channel 350 -- currently not used by ORBCOMM. if indicated level is greater than 80, noise is considered excessive. Check antenna location, external RF interference sources, etc. for possible cause.

Set-Up Commands -


Default Configuration
Set All Configuration Parameters to Factory Default Value

CTRL + D E F <Return>

Set-Up Commands -


Default Baud Rate

Set RS-232C Baud Rate to Default (4800 bps) This command is used when the setting of RS232C parameters of the SC is unknown, and the SC cannot communicate with the DTE.

Keep pressing key A while you Power on the SC or Type AAA 1 second after the SC powers ON

Set-Up Commands -



Appendix A: Understanding the Modes of Operation

The ORBCOMM Command Set
The ORBCOMM command set uses two serial port interface modes for communication: the primary Protocol mode, and Byte mode. Protocol mode In Protocol mode, the communication between SC and DTE is based in the Serial Interface Specification as prepared by ORBCOMM. The DTE can send and receive messages, reports, commands and "GlobalGrams", as well as obtain time-of-day and position estimates. This is the SC's default mode of operation. If desired, the default can be changed to Byte Mode using KXS31 (Operation Mode). Byte mode Byte mode is used primarily for direct-connection communication between the SC and PC/DTE. In this mode, data bytes are generated without header, length field, or checksum information, allowing a more efficient transfer of large messages. However, the transfers are less robust due to the lack of acknowledgements and checksums. Configuring the SC to identify Byte mode data can be done by configuring these Panasonic commands: KXS32 (Byte Mode Trigger), KXS33 (Byte Mode Timeout), KXS34 (Byte Mode Length), KXS35 (Byte Mode TX SOM/EOM, RX SOM/EOM).

The Panasonic Command Set

The Panasonic Command Set is designed to simplify the programming of the SC. Using its four subsets (Transmission Commands, Tracking Commands, Setup Commands and Special Commands), a user can configure the unit to perform almost any desired function within the ORBCOMM system limits. Furthermore, SC owners can develop their own highly specialized applications using Panasonic's Software Developer's Kit (SDK). These User Application Programs (UAPs) begin as "C" code based programs before being converted to a custom format for loading into the SC. Once loaded, the UAP resides in a dedicated 4KB block of memory, which can be increased to 14KB using KXS66 (Ram Manager).

Appendices -


Appendix B: Byte Mode Operations

Trigger Type KXS32=0 bmode_length or bmode timeout KXS32=1 bmode_rx_SOM and bmode_rx_EOM The data between the SOM and EOM characters is determined by the Byte Mode Length (KXS34) and the Time Out is determined by KXS33 Note: Data which does not meet the above conditions will be discarded. Note:
If the message type is a report (KXS36=1), the data will be divided into 6-byte lengths. For example: If the data length is 13 bytes, it will be divided as follows: 6 bytes 6 bytes 1 byte and 5 zeros

Data Length Byte Mode Length is determined by KXS34

Start First Data Bit

End Time Out (KXS33)

Detection of SOM

Detection of EOM

Appendices -


Appendix C: ASCII Character Table

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A

Character Description
^@ ^A ^B ^C ^D ^E ^F ^G ^H ^I ^J ^K ^L ^M ^N ^O ^P ^Q ^R ^S ^T ^U ^V ^W ^X ^Y ^Z ^[ ^\ ^] ^^ ^_ ! # $ % & ( ) * NUL - the null character SOH- start of header, which indicates the beginning of header information. Used in the XMODEM protocol STX - start of text, which indicates the start of the data block. ETX - end of text. Indicates the end of the data block. EOT - end of transmission. Terminates the data flow. Used in the XMODEM protocol. ENQ inquiry. Requests identification from the other system. ACK acknowledge. Accepts a packet received for the remote system. Used in the XMODEM protocol. BEL bell. Beeps the terminal. BS - backspace. HT - tab. LF - line feed. VT - vertical tab. FF - form feed. CR - carriage return SO - shift out. Shifts to a new character set. SI - shift in. Shifts back to the original character set. DLE - data link escape. DC1 - Device Control 1. DC2 - Device Control 2. DC3 - Device Control 3. DC4 - Device Control 4. NAK - negative acknowledge. Rejects a packet received from a remote system. Used in the XMODEM protocol. SYN - synchronous idle. Establishes and maintains synchronization on a synchronous connection. ETB - end of transmission block. Marks the end of a data block. CAN - cancel. EM - end of medium. SUB - substitute. ESC - escape. FS - file separator. GS - group separator RS - record separator. US - unit separator. Space.


Appendices -


Decimal 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93

Hex 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D

Character + , . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ]

Description Comma. Dash Period. Slash.

Decimal 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127

Hex 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F

Character ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~



Appendices -


Appendices -


Appendix D: Transmission Data Format

TEXT Examples ( KXS60 [Data Format] = 0 [Text] )
(Position data includes Latitude, Longitude and Time Stamp) (A) When KXS25 (GPS Data Format) is set to 0 [LAT/LON Sentence Mode]:

Latitude (degree) -90.000 to 90.000 Longitude (degree) -179.999 to 180.000 UTC - ex. 032454 is 3 hours, 24 minutes, 54 seconds Month, 01 to 12 Day, 01 to 31

Example: POSITION:LAT = +33.567,LON = +134.233,034123,04,05 <CR><LF>

(B) When KXS25 is set to 1 [NMEA Sentence Mode]: NMEA Message contains both GPGGA and GPVTG data. The NMEA message is NMEA 0183 Version 2.00.

UTC - (032454.22 is 3 hours 24 minutes 54.22 seconds) Latitude - A:N/S.2345.231,N is 23 degrees 45.231 minutes north) Longitude - A:E/W GPS Quality indicator Number of satellites in use, 00-12, may be different from the number in view Checksum Units of Geoidal separation (meter) Geoidal separation Units of antenna altitude (meter) Antenna altitude above/below mean-sea-level (geoidal) Horizontal dilution of precision

$GPVTG, X.X,T,, M, X.X,N, X.X,K *hh <CR><LF>
Checksum Speed km/h Track: Degree, True Track: Degree, Magnetic * Speed: knot

Note: In G7100, heading angle in magnetic is not used.

Example: $GPGGA,041435.12,3334.380,N,13025.474,E,1,03,2.5,40,M,25,M,,*51<CR><LF> $GPVTG,316.8,T, ,M,1.0,N,2.0,K*47<CR><LF>

Appendices -


2. CURRENT I/O CONDITION (Monitor I/O Ports)

(Data includes status of 4 I/O Ports and Time Stamp)


Input Port 0 status Input Port 1 status Output Port 0 status Output Port 1 status Month (01 to 12) Day (01 to 31) UTC (032454 is 3 hours 24 minutes 54.seconds)

Fixed message (Maximum - 200 bytes) UTC - ex. 032454 is 3 hours 24 minutes 54.seconds Month (01 to 12) Day (01 to 31)

SC queries system for messages by sending Message Inquiry Packet to HOST


SC queries DTE for data by sending System Announcement Packet to DTE


Analog ports AD1-AD7, DDD: Analog Data (0 - 255) UTC - ex. 032454 is 3 hours 24 minutes 54.seconds Month (01 to 12) Day (01 to 31)

Note: AD3- AD7 are reserved for future use.

Appendices -


BINARY Examples (KXS60=1 [Binary] and 2 [6 Byte/Reduced Byte]

The Data Code Byte -- The KXA/KXB commands use the Data Code Byte to determine which reports are sent (see table below). A Data Code of 0x04 would set bit #2, 0x07 set bits 0,1 and 2, etc.
Bit Position 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Binary Value

Bit 0: LAT/LON Bit 1 Speed/Direction/Altitude

Bit 2 Digital I/O Port Data Bit 3 Reserved Bit 4 Analog Port Data

A) When KXS25=0 [LAT/LON Sentence Mode] and KXS60=1 [Binary]:
7 0 0x01 Geodetic Latitude 0 1 2 Geodetic Longitude 0 1 2 GPS Counter 0 1 2

Data Code Byte Latitude (0 - 3240000) bit 23: 0=North, 1=South bit 22 - 0: Data express in 0.1 SEC Longitude (0 - 6480000) bit 23: 0=East, 1=West bit 22 - 0 Data expressed in 0.1 SEC GPS Counter (0 - 604799) [SEC] seconds since 00:00:00 UTC (reset at midnight Sunday)

B) When KXS25=0, and KXS60=2 [6 Byte/Reduced Byte]: Use this when a 6 Byte position report is required. In this condition, ONLY the 6 bytes containing Geodetic Latitude and Longitude will be sent. The Data Byte and the GPS Counter bytes are deleted from the report. The LAT/LON data format expressed below (and above) is DIFFERENT than the ORBCOMM 6 byte format.
7 Geodetic Latitude 0 0 1 2 0 1 2 Latitude (0 - 3240000) bit 23: 0=North, 1=South bit 22 - 0: Data express in 0.1 SEC Longitude (0 - 6480000) bit 23: 0=East, 1=West bit 22 - 0 Data expressed in 0.1 SEC

Geodetic Longitude

Appendices -



7 0 0x03 Geodetic Latitude 0 1 2 Geodetic Longitude 0 1 2 Altitude Speed Direction GPS Counter 0 1 2 0 1 Data Code Latitude (0 - 3240000) bit 23: 0=North, 1=South bit 22-0: Data expressed in 0.1 SEC Longitude (0 - 6480000) bit 23 0=East, 1=West

bit 22-0 Data expressed in 0.1 SEC Altitude (-9999 - 9999) [meter] bit 15: 1=Negative Speed (0 - 255) [Km/h] Direction (0 - 180) expressed in 2 degrees at true. GPS Counter (0 - 604799) [SEC] seconds since 00:00:00 UTC (reset at midnight Sunday) bit 14-0: Altitude Data 0-9999


7 0 0x04 Digital I/O port state GPS Counter 0 1 2 Data Code Digital I/O port state ( see below ) GPS Counter (0 - 604799) [SEC] seconds since 00:00:00 UTC (reset at midnight Sunday) Digital I/O port state 7 0 0: LOW 1:HI bit0: IN PORT0 bit1: IN PORT1 bit2: OUT PORT0 bit3: OUT PORT1

Appendices -


4. ANALOG PORT ( KXS60=1 )

7 0 0x10 Analog data information Analog port status Analog port status : : GPS Counter 0 1 2 GPS Counter (0 - 604799) [SEC] seconds since 00:00:00 UTC (reset at midnight Sunday) Analog data information 7 0 bit0-6: Analog port 1-7 bit7: Reserved Data Code Analog Port Data ( see below ) Analog port status 1-7


7 0 0x14 Digital I/O port status Analog data Information Analog port status Analog port status : : GPS Counter 0 1 2 GPS Counter (0 - 604799) [SEC] seconds since 00:00:00 UTC (reset at midnight Sunday) Data Code Digital I/O port status Analog data information Analog port status

Appendices -



7 0 0x07 Geodetic Latitude 0 1 2 Geodetic Longitude 0 1 2 Altitude 0 1 Speed Direction Digital I/O port status GPS Counter 0 1 2 Data Code Latitude (0 - 3240000) bit 23: 0=North, 1=South bit 22-0: Data expressed in 0.1 SEC Longitude (0 - 6480000) bit 23 0=East, 1=West bit 22-0 Data expressed in 0.1 SEC Altitude (-9999 - 9999) [meter] bit 15 1=Negative Speed (0 - 255) [Km/h] Direction (0 - 180) express in 2 degrees at true. Digital I/O port status GPS Counter (0 - 604799) [SEC] seconds since 00:00:00 UTC (reset at midnight Sunday) bit 14-0 Altitude Data 0-9999

Appendices -


Appendix E: Function / Parameter Setting Matrix

Function/Parameter Setting Matrix
Satellite Communication Communication to DTE



Send Message

Send Report

Report Position to NCC

Byte Mode

IB/OB Queue

I/O Port

User Application

Tracking Function

Protocol Mode

Power Save


A01 Wake at Specified Time (s) A02 Wake at Time Interval A03 Wake Upon Satellite Arrival A04 Communicate in Byte Mode A05 Perform Function at Port Change A06 Perform Function Immediately B01 Wake at Specified Time (s) B02 Wake at Time Interval B03 Wake Upon Satellite Arrival IB Clear Inbound Queue of SC OB Clear Outbound Queue of SC CB Clear Transmission log CHK System Diagnosis Test D01 Output Port State D02 Get Analog Port Value P01 I/O Port Linkage S01 Network Control Center ID S02 Polling Parameter S03 Default Message Priority S04 Default Report Recipient S05 Default Message/GlobalGram Recipient S06 Acknowledgement Level S07 Default Message Body Type S08 Default Service Type S09 RESERVED




Appendices -


Function/Parameter Setting Matrix

Satellite Communication Communication to DTE



Send Send Message Report

Report Position to NCC

Byte Mode

IB/OB Queue

I/O Port

User Application

Tracking Function

Protocol Mode

Power Save


S10 Report Interval S11 Number of Reports to be Transmitted S12 Position Report Interval S13 Number of Position Report S14 Gateway (GWY) Search Mode S15 Priority Search List for Downlink S16 Packet Error Acceptable Level S17 Checksum Frame Count S18 Continuous Position Determination S19 Data Collection Period/Sample Points S20 Position Data Age Limit Minimum Quality Indicator for Doppler S21 Positioning S22 Maximum Age of Orbital Element S23 Set Latitude/Longitude S24 Internal Position Calculation S25 GPS Data Format S26 Data Response Timeout S27 Serial Packet ACK Timeout S28 Maximum Retries to DTE S29 Abort Response to NCC S30 Abort Report S31 Operation Mode S32 Byte Mode Trigger S33 Byte Mode Timeout S34 Byte Mode Length S35 Byte Mode TX SOM/EOM RX SOM/EOM S36 Byte Mode Message Type


Appendices -


Function/Parameter Setting Matrix

Satellite Communication Communication to DTE



Send Message

Send Report

Report Position to NCC

Byte Mode

IB/OB Queue

I/O Port

User Application

Tracking Function

Protocol Mode

Power Save


S37 Power Down Mode S38 Minimum Power Down Interval S39 Inactive Interval S40 Power Save Mode S41 Inbound Flow Control S42 Outbound Flow Control S43 RS232C Mode S44 Duplex Switch S45 Inbound Message Treatment S46 Outbound Message Treatment S47 Save Inbound Message S48 Inbound / Outbound Queue Size S49 UTC Time Adjust S50 PIN Code S51 Automatic GlobalGram Polling S52 GPS Datum Select S53 RTS Logic Setting S54 Output Pulse Mode Setting (7101 only) S55 Analog Port Select S56 Distance Select S57 Area Select S58 Speed Select S59 Send Transmission Log to DTE S60 Data Format S61 RS232C Driver Auto Shut Down S62 GPS Output Pulse Error Message S63 Time Window S64 Quick Power Down


Appendices -


Function/Parameter Setting Matrix

Satellite Communication Communication to DTE



Send Message

Send Report

Report Position to NCC

Byte Mode

IB/OB Queue

I/O Port

User Application

Tracking Function

Protocol Mode

Power Save


S65 Position Transmission Mode S66 RAM Manager S67 UAP Auto-Start S68 Serial Port Settings S69 Outbound Data Route Management S70 User Application Debug Mode S71 Remote Configuration Password S72 Echo Remote Command Response S73 [Reserved] S74 Message Transmission Mode S75 Message Type Auto Change S76 Satellite Elevation Message Body Transmission S77 in Byte Mode S78 Buffer Full Message S79 Event Timer S80 GlobalGram Message Format S81 SC Terminated Message MMA S82 SC Terminated GlobalGram MMA S83 Digital Output Default Value S84 Roaming Capability S85 GCC ID of Roaming Mode S86 Day of the Week Mode


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Appendix F: Power On Off

SC Power ON/OFF Operation

KXA Command OFF

Using KXA01 or KXA02

Using KXA03

Using KXA04 or KXA05

Is message queued ?


Contunuously On

Can the orbit be calculated and conditions 1,2,3,4 met ?

Yes NO


Conditions 1,2,3 met?


Wake-up on satellite rise and interval of KXS38 (if set) Follow message creation schedule per KXA01/KXA02


Wake-up on satellite rise and send message

ON for 5 minutes, OFF for value set by KXS39 (repeat until conditions met)

5 minutes ON, 5 minutes OFF until conditions met

Conditions 1. SC has its position 2. SC has Orbital Elements 3. Orbital Element age within limit set by KXS22 4. KXS38 does not equal zero

Appendices -


Appendix G: Serial Interface

Serial Interface Parameters and default value

Par ameter Speed [bps] Par i t y Stop Bit D ata L ength [bit] Sel ection D ef ault value 300 , 600 , 1200 , 4800 , 9600 4800 [bps] E v en , Odd , None none 1 , 2 1 7 , 8 8 [bit]

IF the SC r ecei v es " A A A " f r om the DTE within one second of Pow er O N , Ser i al inter f ace par ameters are set to default value. ( K eep pressing " A " and Pow er O N )

Serial Interface Connection

Subscriber Communicator (KX-G7000/7001) C D ( C ar r i er D etect) RX (Receive D ata) T X ( T r ansmission D ata) G N D ( Signal Ground) R T S (Request to Send) C T S (Clear to Send) CD RX TX GND RTS CTS D ate T erminal Equipment (DTE)

Refer to the following K X S commands for the interface parameter settings listed below: C T S flow control --K X S41 T R S flow control --K X S42 Communication parameters --- K X S43 Communication mode --K X S44

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Appendix H: GPS Datum Table

In order to get precise positioning data, it may be necessary to use other mapping standards for different countries or regions. Caution Each coordinate system is accurate ONLY in the assigned area. Unauthorized usage may result in a large position error. Datum number 0 (WGS84 ) is recommended. Default value is 0 WGS84
Datum # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Coordinate System WGS84 TOKYO ADINDAN AFGOOYE AIN EL ABD 1970 ANNA 1 ASTRO 1965 ARC 1950 Region World Geodetic System 1984 [Japan, Korea, Okinawa] [Ethiopia, Mali, Senegal, Sudan] [Somalia] [Bahrain Island] [Cocos Island] [Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Swaziland, Zaire, Zambia, Zimbabwe] ARC 1960 [Kenya, Tanzania] ASCENSION ISLAND 1958 [Ascension Island] ASTRO BEACON "E" [Iwo-Jima Island] ASTRO B4 SOROL ATOLL [Tern Island] ASTRO DOS 71/4 [St. Helena Island] ASTORONOMIC STATION 1952 [Marcus Island] AUSTRALIAN GEODETIC 1966 [Australia, Tasmania] AUSTRALIAN GEODETIC 1984 [Australia, Tasmania] BELLEVUE(ING) [Efate, Erromango] BERMUDA 1957 [Bermuda Island] BOGOTA OBSERVATORY [Colombia] CAMPO INCHAUSPE [Argentina] CANTON ASTRO 1966 [Phoenix Island] CAPE [South Africa] CAPE_CANAVERAL [Florida, Bahamas] CARTHAGE [Tunisia] CHATHAM 1971 [Chatham Island] CHUA ASTRO [Paraguay] CORREGO ALEGRE [Brazil] DJAKARTA (BATAVIA) [Sumatra Island] DOS 1968 [Gizo Island] EASTER ISLAND 1967 [Easter Island] EUROPEAN_1950 [Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, German, Gibraltar, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland]
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Datum # 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65


66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74


Region [Austria, Finland, Netherlands Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland] [Republic of Maldives] [New Zealand] [Guam Island] [Guadalcanal Island] [Iceland] [Hong Kong] [Thailand, Vietnam] [Bangladesh, India, Nepal] [Ireland] [Diego Garcia] [Johnston Island] [Sri Lanka] [Kerguelen Island] [West Malaysia, Singapore] [Cayman Brac Island] [Liberia] [Philippines] [Mindanao Island] [Mahe Island] [Salvage Islands] [Eritrea](Ethiopia) [Morocco] [Midway Island] [Nigeria] [Masirah Island] (Oman) [United Arab Emirates] [Saudi Arabia] [Trinidad and Tobago] [Contiguous United States] [Alaska] [Bahamas (Excluding San Salvador)] [San Salvador Island] [Canada] (Including Newfoundland Island) [Canal Zone] [Caribbean] (Barbados, Caicos Island, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Grand Cayman, Jamaica, Leeward Island, Turks Island) [Central America] (Belize, Costa Rica, El [Cuba] [Greenland] (Hayes Peninsula) [Mexico] [Alaska, Canada, Central America, Contiguous United States, Mexico] [Corvo, Flores Island] (Azores) [Egypt] [Hawaii] [Oman]
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Datum # 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85

Coordinate System ORD SURY GRT BRITAIN '36

86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

Region [England, Isle of Man, Scotland, Shetland, Wales] PICO DE LAS NIEVES [Canary Island] PITCAIRN ASTRO 1967 [Pitcairn Island] [South Chilean near 53S] PROV SOUTH CHILEAN 1963 PROV SOUTH AMERICAN 1956 [Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Venezuela] PUERTO_RICO [Puerto Rico, Virgin Island] QATAR_NATIONAL [Qatar] QORNOQ [South Greenland] REUNION [Mascarene Island] ROMA_1940 [Sardinia Island] SOUTH AMERICA 1969 [Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago] SOUTHEAST BASE [Porto Santo, Medeira Island] SOUTHWEST BASE [Faial, Graciosa, Pico, Sao Jorge, Terceira Island] TIMBALAI 1948 [Brunei, East Malaysia] (Sarawak and Sabah) TRISTAN ASTORO 1968 [Tristan de Cunha] VITI LEVU 1916 [Viti Levu Island] WAKE-ENIWETOK 1960 [Marshall Island] ZENDERIJ [Surinam] RT-90(Bursa Wolf model) [SWEDEN] SANTO [Espirito Santo Island] SAO_BRAZ [Sao Miguel, Santa, Maria Islands(Azores)] SAPPER HILL 1943 [East Falkland Island] SCHWARZECK [Namibia] SOUTH_ASIA [Singapore] FINLAND [Finland Hayford-Finland] WGS72 WGS-72

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Definitions of Key Terms


A software program or program package that makes calls to the operating system and manipulates data files, thus allowing a user to perform a specific job. A method of sending data in which the bits can be sent at random times. With Asynchronous transmission, data transmission is not synchronized to a clock. Each character is transmitted one at a time with a start bit at the beginning and one or more stop bits at the end. Any amount of time can elapse before the next character is sent. This allows the time between transmitted characters to vary, but also requires more interface logic to decode each character of data. Its a slower (but more accurate) method than synchronous transmission, because if transmission is interrupted, only one bit of data will be lost. This is the means by which most small computers communicate. A measure of the speed of data transmission. Baud and bit rate are the same for direct equipment interconnections (e.g. via RS-232). Baud and bit rate are not the same for modulated data links, whether wire or radio. Measure of data transmission speed, expressed in bits per second or bps. Binary Digit. The smallest unit of information into which digital data can be subdivided and which a computer can hold. Each bit has only two values, one or zero. The rate at which bits are transmitted over a communication path. Normally expressed in bits per second (bps). 1) The amount of storage required to represent one character; a byte is 8 bits. 2) A binary character operated on as a unit and usually shorter than one word. The equipment that provides the functions required to establish, maintain and terminate a communications connection. Any equipment that connects to DTE using an RS-232 or CCITT V.24 standard interface. Refers to a mathematical model of the earth. Many local datums model the earth for a small region A preset or initial value that is assumed to be the preferred or appropriate selection for most situations.

Asynchronous Communication


Baud Rate Bit

Bit Rate Byte

Data Communications Equipment (DCE) Datum Default Setting

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Doppler Positioning

ORBCOMMs capability for estimating (with 1 kilometer resolution) the location of an SC based on the apparent change in frequency of the satellites downlink with respect to the SC. The apparent change in the frequency of a received signal due to the rate of change of the range between the transmitter and receiver caused by the relative motion of the transmitter and receiver. Data Terminal Equipment. Example is a desktop computer. The angle between the line of sight vector and the horizontal plane. A measure of the minimum elevation angle, above the horizon, above which a satellite must be located before the signals from the satellite are useable. The elevation mask angle is used to prevent receivers from computing position solutions using satellites which are likely to be obscured by buildings or mountains. A set of parameters that describe the satellites orbit very accurately, used by the receiver to compute the position of the satellite. This information is broadcasted by the satellites. Set of software instructions that are set, permanently or semipermanently, into integrated circuitry. A group of bits sent over a communications channel, usually containing its own control information, including address and error detection. The exact size and make-up of a frame depends on the protocol used. The number of vibrations per second of an audio or radio signal. Measured in hertz (Hz), kilohertz (kHz) or megahertz (MHz). The GCC acts as the Operations Center for all Gateway activities. All communications must pass through an ORBCOMM GCC. The GES provides interconnection between the OMS and the satellite constellation. The GES consists of medium gain tracking antennas, RF and modem equipment, and communications hardware to send and receive ORBCOMM data packets. A single GES can communicate with multiple satellites within its main beam. A single, self-contained packet sent or received by a subscriber communicator (SC) when no Gateway can be accessed by the satellite. Packet size is limited to 290 bytes. A constellation of 24 radio navigation (not communication) satellites which transmit signals used by GPS receivers to determine precise location (position, velocity and time) solutions. GPS signals are available worldwide, 24 hours a day, in all weather conditions. The group of radio frequencies extending from 390MHz to 1550MHz. The GPS carrier frequencies (1227.6MHz and 1575.42MHz) are in the L-band. A logical partition of the user devices data stream to and from the adapter.

Doppler Shift

DTE Elevation Angle Elevation Mask Angle


Firmware Frame

Frequency Gateway Control Center (GCC) Gateway Earth Station (GES)


Global Positioning System (GPS)

L-Band Message

Appendices -


Mode Network Control Center (NCC)

A particular functional condition or status. Many systems capabilities are active in one Mode of operation, but not in another. The NCC houses the computer systems and personnel (Gateway Operators) responsible for managing the Satellites and the US ORBCOMM Gateway and for supporting Licensees ORBCOMM Gateways. The ORBCOMM mobile, wireless satellite communications system is a wide area, packet switched, two-way data system. Communications to and from a mobile ORBCOMM subscriber to the Gateway is accomplished by use of a constellation of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites. Consists of the routers, bridges and modems that interconnect the ORBCOMM Gateway elements - in particular the GMS, GSS and GESs, through which command and control messages are passed. The OMS consists of computer and data communications equipment that perform the actual message processing, including message and protocol translation, route determination, subscriber service provisioning, and usage detail recording. Messages handled within ORBCOMMs internal network (message traffic sent from the firewall to a GES). Originator/Recipient. Code name used by ORBCOMM to identify message and report addressees, either in code (speed dial) or email format. The OMS maintains a 4-digit number Personal Identification Number (PIN) code for each SC. 1) For hardware, a connecting component that allows a microprocessor to communicate with a compatible peripheral. 2) For software, a memory address that identifies the physical circuit used to transfer information between a microprocessor and a peripheral. A line or list formed by items waiting for service, such as tasks waiting to be performed, stations waiting for connection, or messages waiting for transmission.


ORBCOMM Commands & Control Network (OCCNet) ORBCOMM Message Switch (OMS)

Outbound Messages (OB) O/R

PIN Code Port


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Random-Access Memory RAM) Rise/Set Time

Memory in which information can be referred to in an arbitrary or random order. The contents of RAM are lost when the unit is turned off. Refers to the period during which a satellite is visible; i.e., has an elevation angle that is above the elevation mask. A satellite is said to rise when its elevation angle exceeds the mask and set when the elevation drops below the mask. A communication standard for digital data that specifies a number of signal and control lines. RS-232 is often associated with a 25-pin connector called a DB-25. A system of sending bits of data on a single channel one after the other, rather than simultaneously. A port in which each bit of information is brought in/out on a single channel. Serial ports are designated for devices that receive data one bit at a time. In asynchronous transmission, the start bit is appended to the beginning of a character so that the bit sync and character sync can occur at the receiver equipment. In asynchronous transmission, the stop bit is appended to the end of a character. It sets the receiving hardware to a condition where it looks for the start bit a new character. Small message processing devices used to access the ORBCOMM system. (Also known as Inbound messages). (Also known as Outbound messages)


Serial Communication Serial Port

Start Bit

Stop Bit

Subscriber Communicator (SC) Subscriber-Originated (SC-O) Messages SubscriberTerminated (SC-T) Messages Terminal

A device, usually equipped with a keyboard and display, capable of sending and receiving data over a communications link.

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