VRockola PRO QuickStart

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VRockola PRO QuickStart

VRockola is a software solution that allows the use of a standard Windows PC, as a jukebox, for home entertainment or commercial use (as a coin operated machine in a jukebox rental business).

it is VRockola for me?

You can use VRockola in your home, as a media player, in a PC based home jukebox or your software platform in a jukebox rental business.

How it works?
After you install VRockola, the software search classify and display the media ordered by artist, album or category in a graphic environment that allows to program music & videos in the well known traditional jukebox way ( typing the number assigned to each media file). You can add a coin receiver connected trough the mouse and make it work in conjunction with the software to make selection available only after the insertion of a coin (credit).

1. Press [P] to add a credit or insert a coin (click here to see how to install a coin receiver) 2. Type the number of the song or video you want to play.

VRockola as a jukebox

VRockola can be operated with a touch screen monitor too

VRockola is designed to be controlled with a numeric keypad (right side of your keyboard)

Numeric keypad

Optionally you can use arrows keys, but remember that for commercial use, the numeric keypad and a coin receiver connected to the mouse are enough to operate VRockola as a jukebox.

Arrow Keys

Start to use VRockola PRO

1. Execute VRockola ( Start > Programs > VRockola PRO > VRockola PRO 2. After a few seconds you will see music organized in panels showing the album tittle, artist name, songs (VRockola assigns a unique number to every one) and album art covers (click here to know how to add album art covers to VRockola):

3. On the numeric pad use [*] and [ / ] keys to navigate trough the music or [Up] / [Down] arrow keys to jump between music genres.

The following Numeric pad keys are used to control VRockola:

Back /Forward
Use [*] and [ / ], to navigate screens one by one.
* (or [Right] / [Left] arrow keys).

Last /Next Genre

Use [-] / [+] to jump between music genres.
* (or [Up] / [Down] arrow keys)

Show Playlist
Press [Num-Lock] to show the Playlist

Toggle fullscreen
Press numerical [ENTER] to show fullscreen video when you havent programmed all inserted credits

The following keys are used to play and stop songs (shouldnt be available to the public):

Credit Insertion
Press [P] key to add credits
* (use [LeftMouseButton] to connect a coin receiver)

Play a random song

Press [TAB] key to let the software select and play a free random song

Stop current song

Press [SPACE BAR] to skip current song

Exit VRockola

Press [Q] to EXIT VRockola

* (or [RightMouseButton], or [ESC] key )

Connect a coin receiver

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