SinglesTourament 01212012

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Scenario 1: Breakthrough

Start: Roll off. The winner of the roll selects table side and starts deployment using the Alternate Deployment scenario rule. The players then rolls again, the winner may choose to go first or second. No Seize Initiative. Scenario Rules: Alternate Deployment: Players deploy one FO selection at a time, starting with the player that won the roll. Units must be deployed more than 18 away from your opponent unit. Once both sides are done, Infiltrators are then deployed and any scout moves are made. (Alternating) Secured Flanks: The enemy is positioned on a wide front which makes their flanks secure. Neither player can use Outflank. Blitz: Your units may leave the table via your opponents table edge. Units that do so score you Victory Points equal to the current Victory Points value of the unit. Units that leave the table in this manner are removed from the game and cannot return. They do not count as Destroyed. Each unit member must exit the table. Note that Flyers cannot make use of the Blitz rule. Deep Striking scatter off the opponents table edge is treated as a mishap. Mission: Both armies are attempting to evade hostile forces and work their way deeper into enemy territory. Avoid enemy forces and breakthrough (using Blitz rule) to leave the enemy surrounded. Game Length: 6 game turns or 2.5 hours (whichever is shorter) Deployment: Pitched battle (18 deployment zones) and Alternate Deployment scenario Rule. Choose 1 HQ to be the Commander. Special Rules: The following special rules are in effect: - Infiltrators - Scouting - Deep Striking - Reserves - Secured Flanks - Blitz Victory Conditions: Use Victory Points on page 300 in BRB. Your score VP equal to the VP cost of your units that leave the battlefield from the opponents table edge in addition to VP for destroying enemy units. Massacre: You score 850+ VP more than the opposing team. Major Victory: You score 500+ VP more than the opposing team. Minor Victory: You score scores 250+ VP more than the opposing team. Draw: You score is within 149 or less VP points than the opposing team. Battle Point Modifiers: +1 Battle Point: You have more units that broke through than your opponent at the end of game. +1 Battle Point: You destroyed more units than your opponent. +1 Battle Point: You commander has broken through. +1 Battle Point: You stopped all your opponents Scoring units from breaking though.

Scenario 2: Its not Luck, its what the card says.

Start: Roll off. Spearhead Deployment. Mission: Objectives. This is a special type of Seize ground. This mission uses 5 objectives Do Not Roll for objectives. One objective is placed in the center of the board. Then each player takes turns placing an objective in each table quarter not within 12 inches of another objective and not within 12 inches of a board edge. Strategy Cards are used for this mission. Each player has six cards they can use during the battle. Each card can only be used once. The cards are as follows: (full text on the card) Missed me: Force the opponent to re-roll a single shooting roll. I've had worse: Force the opponent to re-roll a single 'to wound' roll. I'm okay: Re-roll a single armor save for one of your models. You call this difficult? Re-roll a single difficult terrain test for one of your units. I have a cunning plan: Re-roll the D6 to choose sides, or to seize the initiative. I don't think so: Cancel any single strategy card, including "I don't think so". Game Length: 6 game turns or 2.5 hours (whichever is shorter) Deployment: Spearhead Deployment. Special Rules: The following special rules are in effect: Strategy Cards Infiltrate Outflank Reserves Deep Striking Seize the Initiative

Victory Conditions: Massacre: Your team controls 4+ objectives points more than the opposing team. Major Victory: Your team controls 3 more objectives points than the opposing team. Minor Victory: Your team controls 2 more objectives points than the opposing team. Draw: Your team controls 0 to 1 more objectives points than the opposing team. Battle Point Modifiers: +1 Battle Point: You didnt use any of your strategy cards. +1 Battle Point: You control the center objective point at end of game. +1 Battle Point: You used all your strategy cards. +1 Battle Point: Half of your scoring units survived.

Scenario 3: And so it begins

Start: Roll off. Dawn of War Deployment. Mission: You are tired of waiting around. KILL THEM ALL!!!!!!!! (Annihilation, kill points) Game Length: 6 game turns or 2.5 hours (whichever is shorter) Deployment: Dawn of War (normal deployment, Night Fighting Turn 1 and 2) Special Rules: The following special rules are in effect: - Infiltrators - Scouting - Outflanking - Deep Striking - Reserves - Seize the Initiative - Night Fighting (Turn 1 and 2)

Victory Conditions: Massacre: You score 5+ kill points more than the opposing team. Major Victory: You score 3-4 kill points more than the opposing team. Minor Victory: You score scores 2 kill points more than the opposing team. Draw: You score 0-1 kill points more than the opposing team. Battle Point Modifiers: +1 Battle Point: You kill an enemy HQ +1 Battle Point: You control at least 1 piece of terrain. +1 Battle Point: There are no enemy units in your deployment zone. +1 Battle Point: You have units deep in your enemy deployment zone. (12 from the long edge, majority of the models within 12)

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