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Right Execution Daily 1


Right Execution Daily 2

Coca-Cola, the product that has given the world its best-known taste was born in Atlanta, Georgia, on May 8, 1886. Coca-Cola Company is the worlds leading manufacturer, marketer and distributor of non-alcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups, used to produce nearly 400 beverage brands. It sells beverage concentrates and syrups to bottling and canning operators,distributors, fountain retailers and fountain wholesalers. The Companys beverage products comprises of bottled and canned soft drinks as well as concentrates, syrups and not-ready-to-drink powder products. In addition to this, it also produces and markets sports drinks, tea andcoffee. The Coca-Cola Company began building its global network in the 1920s. Now operat in gin more than 200 countries and producing nearly 400 brands, the Coca-Cola system has successfully applied a simple formula on a global scale: Provide a moment of refreshment for a small amount of money- a billion times a day. The Coca-Cola Company and its network of bottlers comprise the most sophisticated and pervasive production and distribution system in the world. More than anything, that system isdedicated to people working long and hard to sell the products manufactured by the Company.This unique worldwide system has made The Coca-Cola Company the worlds premier soft-drink enterprise. From Boston to Beijing, from Montreal to Moscow, Coca-Cola, more than anyother consumer product, has brought pleasure to thirsty consumers around the globe. For morethan 115 years, Coca-Cola has created a special moment of pleasure for hundreds of millions of people every day.The Company aims at increasing shareowner value over time. It accomplishes this by workingwith its business partners to deliver satisfaction and value to consumers through a worldwidesystem of superior brands and services, thus increasing brand equity on a global basis. They aimat managing their business well with people who are strongly committed to the Company valuesand culture and providing an appropriately controlled environment, to meet business goals andobjectives. The associates of this Company jointly take responsibility to ensure compliance with the framework of policies and protect the Companys assets and resources whilst limiting business risks.

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Born Died

July 8, 1831 August 16, 1888 (aged 57) Linwood Cemetery in Columbus, Georgia United States Chemist Coca-Cola Knoxville, Georgia Ann Eliza Clifford Lewis Charles Ney Pemberton James Clifford Pemberton, Martha L. Gant

Resting place

Nationality Occupation Known for Home town




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Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), also known as Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) are products that have a quick turnover and relatively low cost. Consumers generally put lessthought into the purchase of FMCG than they do for other products.The Indian FMCG industry witnessed significant changes through the 1990s. Many players had been facing severe problems on account of increased competition from small and regional players and from slow growth across its various product categories. As a result, most of thecompanies were forced to revamp their product, marketing, distribution and customer service strategies to strengthen their position in the market.By the turn of the 20th century, the face of the Indian FMCG industry had changed significantly.With the liberalization and growth of the Indian economy, the Indian customer witnessed anincreasing exposure to new domestic and foreign products through different media, such astelevision and the Internet. Apart from this, social changes such as increase in the number of nuclear families and the growing number of working couples resulting in increased spending power also contributed to the increase in the Indian consumers' personal consumption. Therealization of the customer's growing awareness and the need to meet changing requirements and preferences on account of changing lifestyles required the FMCG producing companies toformulate customer-centric strategies. These changes had a positive impact, leading to the rapidgrowth in the FMCG industry. Increased availability of retail space, rapid urbanization, andqualified manpower also boosted the growth of the organized retailing sector.HLL led the way in revolutionizing the product, market, distribution and service formats of theFMCG industry by focusing on rural markets, direct distribution, creating new product,distribution and service formats. The FMCG sector also received a boost by government ledinitiatives in the 2003 budget such as the setting up of excise free zones in various parts of thecountry that witnessed firms moving away from outsourcing to manufacturing by investing in thezones.

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Though the absolute profit made on FMCG products is relatively small, they generally sell inlarge numbers and so the cumulative profit on such products can be large. Unlike someindustries, such as automobiles, computers, and airlines, FMCG does not suffer from masslayoffs every time the economy starts to dip. A person may put off buying a car but he will not put off having his dinner.Unlike other economy sectors, FMCG share float in a steady manner irrespective of globalmarket dip, because they generally satisfy rather fundamental, as opposed to luxurious needs.Athe South Indian region. It is predicted that in the year 2010, the FMCG sector will be worthRs.143000 crores. The sector being one of the biggest sectors of the Indian Economy provides upto 4 million jobs.

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The FMCG sector consists of the following categories: Personal Care

- Oral care, Hair care, Wash (Soaps), Cosmetics and Toiletries, Deodorants and Perfumes, Paper products (Tissues, Diapers, Sanitary products) and Shoecare; the major players being; Hindustan Lever Limited, Godrej Soaps, Colgate, Marico, Dabur and Procter & Gamble.

Household Care
-Fabric wash (Laundry soaps and synthetic detergents), Household cleaners (Dish/Utensil/Floor/Toilet cleaners), Air fresheners, Insecticides and Mosquitorepellants, Metal polish and Furniture polish; the major players being; Hindustan Lever Limited, Nirma and Ricket Colman.

Branded and Packaged foods and beverages

- Health beverages, Soft drinks, Staples/Cereals, Bakery products (Biscuits, Breads, Cakes), Snack foods, Chocolates, Ice-creams, Tea, Coffee, Processed fruits, Processed vegetables, Processed meat, Branded flour, Bottled water, Branded rice, Branded sugar, Juices; the major players being; Hindustan Lever Limited, Nestle, Coca-Cola, Cadbury, Pepsi and Dabur

Spirits and Tobacco ; the major players being; ITC, Godfrey, Philips and UB

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In India, beverages form an important part of the lives of people. It is an industry, in which the players constantly innovate, in order to come up with better products to gain more consumer sand satisfy the existing consumers

The beverage industry is vast and there various ways of segmenting it, so as to cater the right product to the right person. The different ways of segmenting it are as follows: Alcoholic, non-alcoholic and sports beverages

Natural and Synthetic beverages

In-home consumption and out of home on premises consumption. Age wise segmentation i.e. beverages for kids, for adults and for senior citizens. Segmentation based on the amount of consumption i.e. high levels of consumption andlow levels of consumption. If the behavioral patterns of consumers in India are closely noticed, it could be observed thatconsumers perceive beverages in two different ways i.e. beverages are a luxury and that beverages have to be consumed occasionally. These two perceptions are the biggest challenges faced by

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the beverage industry. In order to leverage the beverage industry, it is important toaddress this issue so as to encourage regular consumption as well as and to make the industrymore affordable.Four strong strategic elements to increase consumption of the products of the beverage industryin India are: The quality and the consistency of beverages needs to be enhanced so that consumers aresatisfied and they enjoy consuming beverages. The credibility and trust needs to be built so that there is a very strong and safe feelingthat the consumers have while consuming the beverages. Consumer education is a must to bring out benefits of beverage consumption whether interms of health, taste, relaxation, stimulation, refreshment, well-being or prestige relevantto the category.

Communication should be relevant and trendy so that consumers are able to find anappeal to go out, purchase and consume.The beverage market has still to achieve greater penetration and also a wider spread of distribution. It is important to look at the entire beverage market, as a big opportunity, for brandand sales growth in turn to add up to the overall growth of the food and beverage industry in theeconomy.

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In Coca Cola, the company have a long standing belief that everyone who touches their business should benefit. That basic proposition that their business should bring benefit &refreshment is central to the way they operate in Communities around the world. Coca ColaIndia provide extensive support for community programmes across the country, with a focus oneducation health & rainwater harvesting, all key priorities of the Indian government which has recognized the companys efforts with a several awards.

Coca Cola India is supporting community based primary education project setup to provideeducational opportunities to marginalized children in slums & villages. To data, the projects has benefited 50 schools, 1000 of students, over 500,000 villagers and 10,000 slum dwellers, as wellas several village near Coca Cola bottling.

Coca Cola India is supporting community based rainwater harvesting projects in rural &urban areas to help restore water levels & promote community education in ways to conservenatural resources. These initiatives have a benefited over 10,000 Delhi residents, as well as localcommunity members, both in areas surrounding Coca Cola bottling plants & else where.

Coca Cola India is partnering with NGOs as well as St. Johns Ambulance Brigade (RedCross) to provide free medical facilities & information to poor people who cant afford to visit hospital facilities. These efforts are helping tens of thousands of under privileged people in sevenstates in India, as well as several villages near Coca Cola bottling plants.The company has also supported a range of other national initiatives, such as a major polioeradication drive and drought- relief programme, in addition to support towards the nationalcricket championship for the blind, and national athletics meetings for the physically challenged.

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Coca cola is leeding soft drink brand in india until 1977, when it left rather then reveals its formula to the government and reduces its equity stake as required under the Foreign Regulation Act (FERA) which governs the operation of forgien companies in India. Coca cola reentered the Indian market on 26th October 1993 after a gap of 16 years, with its launch in Agra. An agreement with the Parle Group gave the Company instent ownership of the top soft drink brands of the nation. With access to 53 of Parles plants and a well set bottling network, an excellent base for rapid introduction of the companys International brands was formed. The Coca Cola Company accwuired soft drink brands like Thumps Up, Gold spot, Limca, Maaza, which were floated Parle, as these products had achieved a strong consumer base and formed a strong brand image in Indian Market during the re-entry of Coca Cola in 1993. Thus these products become a part of ranhe of products of the Coca Cola Company. In the new liberalized and deregulated environment in 1993, Coca-Cola made its re-entry intoIndia through its 100% owned subsidiary, HCCBPL, the Indian bottling arm of the Coca-ColaCompany. However, this was based on numerous commitments and stipulations which theCompany agreed to implement in due course. One such major commitment was that, theHindustan Coca-Cola Holdings would divest 49% of its shareholding in favor of residentshareholders by June 2002.Coca-Cola is made up of 7000 local employees, 500 managers, over 60 manufacturing locations,27 Company Owned Bottling Operations (COBO), 17 Franchisee Owned Bottling Operations(FOBO) and a network of 29 Contract Packers that facilitate the manufacture process of a rangeof products for the company. It also has a supporting distribution network consisting of 700,000retail outlets and 8000 distributors. Almost all goods and services required to cater to the Indianmarket are made locally, with help of technology and skills within the Company. The complexityof the Indian market is reflected in the

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distribution fleet which includes different modes of distribution, from 10-tonne trucks to open-bay three wheelers that can navigate through narrowalleyways of Indian cities and trademarked tricycles and pushcarts.

Think local, act local , is the mantra that Coca-Cola follows, with punch lines like Life ho to
aisi for Urban India and Thanda Matlab Coca-Cola for Rural India. This resulted in a 37% growth rate in rural India visa-vie 24% growth seen in urban India. Between 2001 and 2003, the per capita consumption of cold drinks doubled due to the launch of the new packaging of 200 mlreturnable glass bottles which were made available at a price of Rs.5 per bottle. This new market accounted for over 80% of Indias new Coca-Cola drinkers. At Coca-Cola, they have a longstanding belief that everyone who touches their business should benefit, thereby inducing themto uphold these values, enabling the Company to achieve success, recognition and loyalty worldwide.

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'Coca-Cola's' brand personality reflects the positioning of its brand. The process of positioning a brand or product is a complex managerial task and must be done over time using all the elementsof the marketing mix. Positioning is in the mind of the consumer and can be described as howthe product is considered by that consumer. When researching the positioning of a product,consumers are often asked how they would describe that product if it were a person. The purposeof this is to develop a character statement. This can ensure that consumers have a clear view of the brand values that make up the brand personality, just like the values and beliefs that make upa person. Many people see 'Coca-Cola' as a part of their daily life. This affinity between the brand and the consumer leads to a high degree of loyalty and makes the purchasing decisioneasier. Brand positioning guides 'what' will be communicated in the company's advertising, whilethe character statement guides 'how' a message should be delivered or put across.

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Coca Cola, the worlds most famous brand completing 121 St year of its existence on 8th May this year. Today the Company is an unquestionable leader in the world business of non alcoholic beverages. CocaCola is the worlds largest selling soft drink & arguably the most successful product ever marked in the history of commerce. More than one billion serving of Coca Cola products are consumed everyday around the world in more than 200 countries.In India, Coca Cola operates through the Coca Cola India Division Office situated at Gurgaon near New Delhi. Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd. is the fully ownedsubsidiary of the Coca Cola India which runs a number of bottling plants all over India.Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd., Varanasi is one of the key unit in East U.P. Thisunit is situated at approximately 18 KM from the city and 40 KM from the nearest airport of Varanasi. The unit has a single bottling line of 600 bottles per minute capacity. Almost all brandsof Coca Cola Company, prominent amongst them, Coca Cola, Thums Up, Sprite, FantaKinley Soda etc.., are manufactured here. The sizes of packaging vary from 200 ml, 250 ml, and300 ml to 1 liter capacity. Returnable glass bottle (RGB) is the only package used. Glass bottlesare handled in plastic reusable crates. Thus there is no any significant environment impact because of packaging.The raw materials are used are Water, Sugar, Concentrate & Carbon Di Oxide Concentrate plant near Pune supplies the Concentrate to this bottling unit.The wasted generated during the manufacturing process are mainly waste water & non hazardous solid waste in saleable and non saleable category. Saleable waste includes brokenglass, plastics , papers, gunny bags, metal scrap & other miscellaneous waste. Obviously thesaleable waste is recycled or reused as raw material to businesses and industrial activities and hasno adverse environmental impact. Non saleable waste consists of biological ETP Sludge, usedcarbon, garbage and canteen waste etc.

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Najibabad plant (the company) is spread over an area of about 50 thousand square meter. The plant was established in 1983 as Mansarover bottling company Ltd. This plant was franchise outlet for Parle Export Bombay. As per BIFR ruling, coca cola took over this plant 14 th February 1998 and absorbed all the 275 permanent employees. the only major change in the operational setup was the appointment of a General manger and Finance manger.The Nazibabad plant product line consists of the following Coke Thumps up Maaza he plant procures the concentrate required for producing the soft drink from pune. The cans and the pet bottles for all the soft drink are procured from Pune and Ghaziababad. The plant produces both 200ml and 300 ml of coke and thumps up and 250 ml maze.

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The product is seasonally nature thus the production depends upon the season. The peak season when the production is the maximum is between April and July. The per day peak production capacity is as following. Aerated Drinks Maaza : 23,000 crates : 10,000 crates

The per day production during non-peak season is as per demand. The plant has three bottling lines. Two bottling lines produce aerated drinks and the third line produces a non aerated drink i.e.Maaza. Aerated Drink: Line 1 Line2 : 340 Bottles per minute : 200 bottles per minute

Non- Aerated Drink: Line 3 : 240 Bottles per minute

The number of hours the machines works depends upon the season and the demand. During the peak season the machines run an approximately for 16 hrs 24 hrs. But during the non-peak season the plant is closed down for maintenance from the month of November till January .other than this, the plant is operated according to market demand.

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Finance Department (Mr.R.K.Malhotra)

Production Department (MR.B.Joshi)

HR Department (Mr. Dervesh Kumar)

Marketing & sales Department (Mr. Rawinder Rawat )

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Thanda Matlab Coca-Cola

" which sky-rocketed the brand to make it India's favorite soft-drink
brand. In 2003, Coke was available for just Rs. 5 across the country and this pricing initiative together with improved distribution ensuredthat all brands in the portfolio grew leaps and bounds.CocaCola had signed on various celebrities including movie stars such as
Karishma Kapoor

cricketers such as
Srinath Sourav Ganguly

, southern celebrities like


in the past and today, its brand ambassadors are

Aamir Khan

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And Hrithik Roshan

Thums Up
is a leading carbonated soft drink and most trusted brand in India.Originally introduced in 1977, Thums Up was acquired by The Coca-Cola Companyin 1993. Thums Up is known for its strong, fizzy taste and its confident, mature anduniquely masculine attitude. This brand clearly seeks to separate the men from the boys

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Worldwide Sprite is ranked as No.4 soft drink and is sold in more than 1 90countries. In India Sprite was launched in 1999 and today it has grown to be thefastest growing soft drink leading the clear lime Category.Today Sprite is separated is perceived as a Youth Icon Why? With a strong appealto the youth. In spite has stood forward and honest attitude. It is clear crisp refers itstaste encourages the todays youth to trust their instincts influences them to be trueto who they are and to obey their thirst.

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The company acquired a european drink Fanta in 1960. Fanta orange is the Coreflavor. But it is also available in other citrus and fruit flavor. Consumers, particularlyteens, fondly associated Fanta with happiness and special time with friends andfamily this positive imagery is driven by the Brands fun. Playful personality, whichgoes with its bright colour, bold fruit taste and sparky carbonation.

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This thirst-quenching beverage features a fresh, light lemon-lime taste and fun loving attitude. lts a home-grown national reassuresin India. where it was acquired by Coca-Cola Company in 1993 The productsinvigorating taste and cloudy look havent changed. But th e brand has been revitalized with a new marketing campaign

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Maaza was launched in 1976. Here was the drink that offered the same realtaste of fruit juices and was available throughout the year. In 1993, Maaza was acquired by CocoCola India. Maaza currently dominates the fruit juice category. Over the year the brand Maaza has be comesynonymous with mango. This has been the result of successful campaign like TaazaMango, Maaza Mango and Botal Mein Aam, Maaza hain Naam Consumers regardMaaza as wholesale, natural fun drink which delivers the rich experience of fruit.The current ad. of maaza positions it as an enabler of fun friendship momentsbetween a mother and her kid. as mother trust the brand and the kids loves the taste. Ihecanipaign builds on the existing equity of the brand and delivers a relevant emotionalbenefit to the mother rightly captured in the. tagline Yaari dosti Taaza maaza,

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Minute Maid - A 62 year success story

The history of the Minute Maid brand goes as far back as 1945 when the FloridaFoods Corporation developed orange juice powder. The company developed aprocess that eliminated 80 percent of the water in orange juice, forming a frozenconcentrate that when reconstituted created orange juice. They branded it MinuteMaid, a name connoting the convenience and the ease of preparation (In a minute).Minute Maid thus moved from a powdered concentrate to the first ever orange juicefrom concentrate.

Minute MaidOne of the world's largest juice and juice drink brands Over the years, through innovations and unmatched consumer experience providedin over 60 countries, Minute Maid brand has clearly become one of the world'slargest juice and juice drink brands. The launch of Minute Maid Pulpy Orange in india (starting with the south of the country) is aimed to further extend the leadershipof Coca-Cola in India in the juice drink category

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Water a thirst quencher that refreshes a life giving force that washes all the toxinsaway. A ritual purifier that cleanses, purifies, transforms. water the most basic needof life. The very substances of life a celebration of life itself. The importance of water can never be understood. Particularly on nation such as India where Water governs the life of the millions, be it as part of everyday rituals or as the monsoonwhich gives life to the sub- continent.Kinley water understands of this life giving Force. Kinley water thus promisesthat water in pure as it is meant to be. Water you can trust to be truly safe and pure.Kinley water comes with the assurance of safely from the Coco-Cola Company.That is why they introduce Kinley with reverse osmosis along with the latesttechno1ogy to ensure the purity of our product. Thats why they go through rigoroustesting procedures at each location where Kinley water is produced. Because theybelieve that right to pure, safe drinking water is Fundamental. A universal need thatcannot be left to chance.

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In the company's journey towards the vision 'leading the beverage revolution inIndia', now even Garam matlab Coca-Cola. A hot new launch from Coca-ColaIndia.Georgia, quality tea and coffee served from state of the art vending machines ispositioned to tap into the nations biggest beverage category.Georgia, which promises a great tasting, consistent, hygienic and affordable cuppais available in a range of sizzling flavours, adrak, elaichi, masala and plain teacappuccino, mochaccino and regular coffee Georgia is currently in the roll out stage after a successful launch in Delhi &Kolkata. Georgia aims to become the consumers preferred choice of hot beveragewhen he is on the go, the brand is well on course to achieving it s vision.While Georgia is a mass market offering, Georgia Gold is the premium brand whichcaters to the connoisseur. Made from freshly roasted and ground coffee beans,Georgia Gold is delicious tasting aroma with the tantalizing aroma of fresh coffee.Currently available exclusively at McDonalds outlets across the country GeorgiaGold has driven coffee sales through the roof. The success of hot beverages fromGeorgia Gold has resulted in extension into the cold category, with the introductionof Ice Tea and Cold Coffe

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Diet coke
looking good and tasting great Diet Coke was born in 1982 and quickly became theno. 1 sugar-free drink in diet-conscious America known as Diet Coke in the U.S.Canada. Australia and Great Britain. And as cocacola light in other countries. Itsnow the No.3 soft drink in the world.Its drink of the people who want no calories, but plenty of taste. Ad campaignaround the world for the Dite Coke shares a playful. Sophisticated and fun lovingattitude

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RED (Right execution daily) is a tool to measure sales team and distributors performance in the outlets with respect to all parameters of execution. For effective score of market execution compliance against the picture of success, Red deals with all the departments from manufacturing to advertisement and it effects the operating cycle as well. RED also deals with developing of market their targeting, segmenting and positioning of products and it involves various strategies to the brand as well as the products with enhancing the personality, image, identity, culture, and belief etc each and every day. The person who drives the culture of RED is the market developers who is responsible for the increasing market size by tapping the untapped market, proper execution of brands and products, maintaining relationship with the market ,availability of brands, conveying of problems and issues from market to companies etc. It will serve consumer in better manner, provides suggestions to the company to improve their products sales, gives information about the competitors products, and gives information about the size of the retail network. It gives information about the services given by distributor to their retailers, and gives the information about customers demand and satisfaction. 1. To check the effectiveness of RED. 2. To Survey and evaluate the outlets included in RED. 4. To Find out the customer preferences. 5. To check the cooler management, availability of brands activation of coca cola brand in various orders. Data is collected by survey and interview method from the market. Primary sources include the questionnaire to the retailer and distributers and the company office. Secondary data include post record of company, business magazine... Market Developer role is very helpful for the company and the retailers. Market developer main work fulfills the brand availability, activation and purity of visi cooler. Salesman note able to reach the small shops and shops located in the distant area. Some big shops located at strategically important places were not provided with advertisement

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tools like stands and boards. In peak season supply of goods were not up to the mark. The retailers are satisfied with promotional activity of coca cola. Sales promotion is a very effective tool for creating brand image of coca cola. Some outlet owner is aware about the RED and follows the RED norms. Visi cooler is very important for increasing sales. Coca cola is good service Provider Company in soft drink industry. Coca cola packaging and branding is better as compared to other company. The researcher gets the chance to visit the market with market developer(M.D). It helped me to understand as to how the RED outlets have been put in different categories, like Silver outlets, Gold outlets, Diamond outlets and Platinum outlets. The job of market developers is to induce impulsive marketing. They visit RED outlets and insure that different brands of coca cola are kept in particular orders. Market share of coca cola is increased because of effective distribution channel and demand of the consumers. Since in kotdwara and its surrounding area heat descends more as compared to other parts of the states so obviously demand is more in this region. The marketing activities are good but there is need of some more promotional activities RED helped in enhancing the overall appearance of the outlet along with increased sales. Convenience for both retailer and the customer to sell and purchase the products respectively



RED stands for Right Execution Daily. It is a survey method for the company to know their position in the market Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd., India divisionunder Eurasia Operating Group has been working on RED i.e. Right ExecutionDaily since FEB 2006.Coca Cola Company believes that its success depends on their ability to connectwith consumers by providing them with a wide variety of choices to meet their desires, needs and lifestyles choices, Company success further depends on theability of their people by execute effectively, every day.

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Worldwide the coca cola company is. 1. in sales of Sparkling Beverages & Juices& Juices Drinks, as well as 2. in sales of Soft Drinks & 3. 3. in sales of BottledWater. Its our customers that are largely responsible for this unrelenting success

Who are the Customers?

Coca Cola customers are grocery stores, restaurants, streets vendors, ma ssmerchandisers, conveniences stores drug stores, movie theaters, & amusementparks- among others.

What do they do!

Coca Cola customer sells its products to consumers & shoppers, who enjoy theproducts at a rate of 1 .5 billions servings a day.

Why is their role important?

Coca Cola customers make it possible for consumer & shoppers in local communities around the world to purchase & its broad purchase & enjoy its broadportfolio of quality beverages.

RED held

every end of the month to check the availability of products, purify the visicooler & chest cooler, marketing elements etc. outlet or outdoor.

In RED Company emphasizes on the setting up a cooler either into Set up Menu Boards with Combo and setting up of Hanging Rack. Setting up Warm Display which attracts the attention of customers. Setting up the price cards or price stripes.
Available essential marketing elements with full of refrigerator inside and crates outsidefor display, of CocaCola product, not other brand. It attracts the customers.

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Coca Cola Companys market can be segmented in RED along 3 linesChannel Cluster, Outlet Volume, and Locality Income

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Outlet Structure of the Coca Cola in India

The outlets can be classified as per three criteria : Consumption Pattern Volume Pattern Shoppers Profile

Types of outlets Consumption Pattern; Grocery:-



Outlets which primarily engaged in retailing of food and various householditems. It include neighborhood outlet stoking provisions, edible & generalhousehold items of daily usages E.G., commodities like flour, pulses, rice &branded household items like toothpaste, mosquito oil, soap etc.

E & D:Outlets selling items to eat which are being cooked within outlet, made at theoutlet & possibility consume in outlet.They may have place of sitting. It includes QSR/Bakery/MITIESt ore/Restaurants/Bars/juice/soft drinks/ ice cream parlor/tea soaps etc.

Convenience:Includes outlets which are small stores or soap generally accessible locally.These are often located alongside busy roads.It includes Chemists soap/STD booths/Pan Bidi soaps etc. E & D includesflowing outlets

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Based on Volume Pattern

According to the volume sale in the outlets the company has adopted a unique policy of categorizing the outlets in four different segments such as:


Those outlets, which give an annual sale of Coca - Cola products more than 800 carats.

Those outlets, which give an annual sale of Coca - Cola products less than 500 to 799 carats

Those outlets, which give an annual sale of Coca - Cola products between 200 to 499 carats.

Those outlets, Which give an annual sale of Coca':-Cola products less than 200 carats

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Market segmentation under RED .

Coca cola companys market can be segmented in RED along 3 lines- channel cluster, outlet volume and locality income.

Number of shoppers or consumer in the given universe

.Coca cola attract the population by executing the following activities. Bringing the cooler at the entrance. Fixing the standee, sign at the entrance. Fixing the combo Board at the entrance.

How coca induce for the incident?

BY putting cooler in prime position. By keeping the cooler pure & clean. By doing Rack Display. By fixing combo Board. By doing Table activation. Counter Top Display.

Outlet Activation According Execution daily) RED (Right Execution Daily):




It means to maintain the visional according to a fix set of coke product which is known asCOLOJ-K, it means the set will follow a particular brand order. Thums-Up will take first placeafter sprite or Limca , Fanta, Maaza and water or soda will take this RED also take care of the S.G.A ( Sells Generating Assets)

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- Activation means doing things in and around the coke outlet that triggersConsumption / Purchase of Coca-Cola Products. The important parts of activation are: Placement of visicooler at Itot spot location Availability of the products. Right location of display racers Impactful Communication of price message The visicooler standards of all the channels

To create the Red Report i asks a set of question from the retailers which are as follows

Related to Visicooler:
Is Cooler in the Hot Spot Location? Does it have all the products of Coca-Cola available? Is the display of the Coca -Cola display of the products i n a s t a n d a r d s u c h a s s p r i t e , Thums up, Maaza, Fanta and Limca",) Is coler working properly? Is the cooler pure? Related to Price Communication: Is there proper price display of the products? Related to product availability: All the brands should be present in the every distribution channel but main concern is that3 0 0 m l s h o u l d b e p r e s e n t i n t h e e v e r y c h a n n e l a n d 6 0 0 m 1 a n d 1 . 5 l i t t e r s p e r b o t t l e s should be present in the Eating and. drinking, convenience and Grocery shop

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Objective of study Scope of study

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1) To know the reason behind low RED (Right Execution Daily) score. 2) To know the availability of activation element in RED outlet. 3) To know the problem in the distribution of activation element. 4) To identify suitable activation element according to the outlet's location. 5) To know the impact of activation element on sell when keep it outside. 6) To know the impact of activation element on customer. 7) To help M.D. (Market Developer) in outlet activation.


1.The main scope of study is to understand t h e i m p a c t o f S . G . A ( S e l l s Generating Assets) on sell. 2.To increase RED score of the outlet. 3.To fill the gape of activation element in different RED outlet. 4.To make a platform for market developer to work on difficult RED outlet.' 5.To analyze the work of the market developer.

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Research Methodology Limitation Observation Problem

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The methodology used to analyze the project is mainly based on survey method and this survey was conducted through Questionnaires and it also include direct contact with grocery retailer,convenience store, eating and drinking and consumer.For survey sample size was taken from different location of kotdwar and it was coveted with the help of market developer and agency holder in kotdwar of the Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverage PrivateLimited.The sample collected from one hundred outlet of ;leach Grocery, Convenience and Eating &Drinking. So total size of the sample ~as three hundred. The number of interviewed was two hundred fifty.

Research design:
A research design is purely and simply the work or plan for a study that guides thecollection and analysis of the data. I have chosen descriptive research design for study

Sampling studies are becoming more and more popular in all types of mass study. Theresult of sampling has attained a sufficiently high standard accuracy

Sample Design
: Non random sampling

Size of sample
: 100

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The data are collected from primary and secondary sources.

Gather information through Questionnaire. Direct interview with Grocery outlet, Convenience store, Eating and drinking andconsumer.


1.Internet Sites,,, 2.Activation booklet of the coca-cola. 3.RED tracker of the market developer. 4.Magazines - Business World Management and Technology

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Although all efforts have been taken to make the results of survey as accurate as possible but thesurvey suffers from the following limitations: 1)The ti me period of study was only for two month so it w a s n o t p o s s i b l e t o c o v e r a l l the areas and go into the depth of the problem and make analysis .2)The area of survey was Kotdwar district and it was concentrated on urban area only .3)The psychological condition varies from place to place because in many places outletowner was not supportive 4)The training was carried on in the peak season s o m a r k e t d e v e l o p e r w a s n o t s o supportive. 5) Some respondents left some of the questions unanswered either due to inability to puta strain on mind or they did not know the answer.

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1)To collect order each and every outlet. 2)To cheque visi-cooler with 100% purity. 3)To see a soft drink in Brand Order.

4)To see every outlet is this soft drink present in display rack. 5)To see every outlet visicooler will present in prime location. 6)To visit every outlet in regular basis. 7)To go every outlet and listen any problems in visi- cooler and soft drink to be noted i n complaine diary. 8)To see each and every outlet worked in better condition. 9)To see as a Market developer (M.D) every outlet f u l l f i l l i n t e r m s a n d c o n d i t i o n s w i t h visi-Cooler. 10)To see as a Market developer (M.D.) if any outlet will not selling your p r o d u c t t h a n you asked why you are not selling in my product. Then you give advise to outlet

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1. Lack of pure visicooler because lean season. 2. Activation Problem. 3. During lean season there is lack of special offer to promote selling. 4. Availability standard in outlet is not according to terms and conditions of the company. 5.There is number of unsatisfied red outlet with admission . 6.M.M.P.O is vanished from outlet 7. Pepsico product is main competitor in market. 8. In most outlet kinley water and soda is least preferred brand .Purity level is worse condition

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12)Data analysis Finding Suggestion

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DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDING Questionnaire OutletType:E&D Grocery Convenience

Outlet Owner : .... Location .. MD Name. : Contact NO

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TRADE CHANNEL 1. Distribut ion of trade channel

Convenience - 71 - Convenience Grocery 18 - Grocery E&D 11 - E&D

18% 11%


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2)Distribution of Visi cooler in the market

7vc- 23, 9vc- 45, 15vc- 13, 20vc- 12, 30vc- 7 VISI COOLER 7vc, 9vc, 15vc, 20vc, 30vc-

7% 12% 23% 13%


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3.Number of outlet located at prime position?

Prime position - 90 No prime position - 10

Yes No



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4.Number of outlets having purity?

Pure - 70 Unpure - 30

Yes No



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5. Number of outlet following brand order?

Brand order - 75 No Brand order - 25

Yes No



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6. Number of outlets needs activation elements?

Activated=80 Not activated=20

Yes No



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1. 71% outlets are convenience store, 11% are under the E&D and remain under 18%are grossary shop 2. 2 3 % o f o u t l e t s a r e h a v i n g 7 v c , 4 5 % o f t h e t o t a l o u t l e t s h a v i n g 9 v c , 1 3 % o u t l e t s have 15vc, 12% outlet have 20vc, and 7% outlet have 30vc 3. 90% of visi cooler are at prime position where consumer can see our product andchoose as per there need. But 10% outlet are not at prime position. 4. . 7 0 % o f v i s i t e d o u t l e t , v i s i c o o l e r a r e p u r e i . e . i n v i s i c o o l e r o n l y t h e p r o d u c t o f Coca cola are placed and 30% of outlets dont keep visi cooler pure. 5. I n o u r s t u d y i t i s r e v e a l e d t h a t 7 5 % f r o m t h e s e l e c t e d o u t l e t f o l l o w t h e B r a n d Order COLOJ-K, but remaining25 %are not following the brand order. 6. 8 0 % o u t l e t f r o m t h e s a m p l e o f 2 5 0 o u t l e t s w h i c h h a v e s u f f i c i e n t a c t i v a t i o n elements but remaining 20% outlets are not fully activated.

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1. We must visit all RED outlets where the activation elements are missing and it must be activated immediately. 2. We must visit all those outlets and arrange the product according to COLOJ-K where are products are not placed in the visi cooler according to COLOJ-K. 3. All the MD needs to visit all the red outlets regularly to keep the visi cooler pure. 4. Prime position of visi cooler enhances the visibility of the product which help consumer to choose the product and some times it influences the customers to switch over from similar product. 5. We should try the increase sell of outlets so that maximum outlets convert into upgrade class. 6. We need to put effort to increase the required number of GOD as per the visi cooler size that they can keep 3day stock to meet the demand

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13)Conclusion Recommendation

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Conclusion; 1. Coca-Cola is the leading soft drink brand in kotdwar region & most selling brand in theregion is Thumps Up, Limca and Maaza. 2. According to most of the outlet owners the product which is seen is sold i.e. "Jo Dikhta Hai Woh Bikta Hai". 3. Prime position of Visi-cooler outside the outlet plays an important role in the selection of the soft drink by customer. 4. Few activation elements like Table Top, Glow Shine Board, Hanger; Road Stand plays a major role in increasing sell of the soft drink. 5. Supply of product as well as stock keeping unit is not up to the mark

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We can sum the recommendations in brief as follows : 1. Aggressive Marketing 2. Regular visit to distributors 3. Sales promotion and advertising to be made more frequent for brand building . 4. Communications should be improved. Fulfill the Demand of product by company . In the fields sales situation. Sales persons work independently and away from the office . 5. Good communication requires interaction between those preparing and those receiving reports. A good sales reporting system provides both for communication from the field tooffice and form office to the field.Sales reports provide data for evaluating performance. 6. Company should make plans for better performance to the sales man. 7. Company should be implement the customers suggestions and complaints about products,service policies, price changes, advertising companies etc. 8. Company should gather information of competitors activities. Transportation confers time utility and place utility to the product. It determines the companys customer service;it has also crucial bearing on the other elements of physical distribution and marketing. 9. Company should must improve its distribution network if they want to compete with major brands. 10. Company should appoint competent & honest salesman so that they could provide schemes to the entire retailers and cover their full route. 11. Instead of increasing the number of flavour of its cola, the company has to think to increase the different quantity of packaging, so that it can attract more customer. 12. Most of the retailers are complaining about delay and no replacement of damage bottles.Marketing Management should sort some solutions to this major problem of replacing these bottles.

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1.Internet Sites,,, 2.Activation booklet of the coca-cola. 3.RED tracker of the market developer. 4.Magazines - Business World Management and Technology

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