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Social Studies Trimester 1 Exam- Review Guide

Geography, Mesopotamia, Monotheistic Religions

Part 1- Geography
1. List the seven continents and four oceans below:


The 0 degree line of latitude that splits the earth into north and south is called:


The 0 degree line of longitude that splits the earth into east and west is called:


What is the difference between urban and rural?


What is the difference between a geographer looking at something globally compared to a geographer looking at something locally?


What does the earth do every 24 hours? Every 365 days? How does the equator affect the seasons on our planet?


Define Weather and Climate. What is the difference between the two?


What is the difference between a renewable resource and nonrenewable resource? List an example of each.

*Define and Describe/List an example if possible:

9. Market Economy

10. Command Economy

11. Traditional Economy

12. Communism

13. dictatorship

14. Democracy/Republic

15. Monarchy

16. Theocracy vs. Secular

17. GDP vs. GDP per capita

18. Population vs. Population Density

19. Ethnic Group

20. Cultural Diffusion

21. Globalization

22. Humanitarian Aid

23. United Nations

Part 2- Fertile Crescent (Mesopotamia)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. This is a Greek word that means land between the rivers: ______________________________ Mesopotamia lies between these 2 rivers: ____________________ and ______________________ Mesopotamia is part of a larger region known as the: ____________________________________ Independent cities in Mesopotamia that had their own government were called: _______________________________ This was the first civilization in Mesopotamia: _______________________ Mesopotamia is located in this present day country: _________________________ Sumerians believed in more than one god, also called: _____________________________ Sumerians were divided up into social classes, also known as: ___________________________________________________ Draw a pyramid showing the order of social classes in Sumerian society (most privileged on top)

10. Who were the important people responsible for recording information? 11. The form of wedge-shaped writing that was written clay tablets was called: ____________________________ 12. Hamurabi was ruler of this Mesopotamian civilization: ____________________________

13. Describe the basic principles of Hammurabis code:

14. Farming increased and led to city-states (and eventually empires) because of:

15. What famous Chaldean king rebuilt the city of Babylon? What did this king supposedly build that is one of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World?

Part 3- Monotheistic Religions

1. Who led the Israelites to believe in one god and is considered the ancestor/founder of Judaism: _____________________________ 2. Who led the Israelites out of Egypt and what was the 40 year journey called that is honored during Passover: _________________________ _______________________________________ 3. Moses received these laws or this moral code from God: __________________________________________________________ 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The belief in one god is called: ____________________________________ The sacred text of Judaism is: ______________________________ Ancestors of Israelites and Jews are referred to as: ________________________________ Jewish religious leaders/teachers are called: _______________________ What is Passover, Hanukkah, Yom Kippur, and Rosh Hashanah? Explain why they are celebrated.


The holy book for Christians is called: _________________________________

10. When Jesus rose from the dead, Christians believe this is the: ____________________________ 11. What is the greek word that means savior? Why is this word important in differentiating between Judaism and Christianity?

12. Jesus was born in _________________________ and grew up in ___________________________ 13. What are Easter and Christmas? Why are they celebrated?

14. What were Jesuss followers called: _________________________. Who were two very important saints who also helped spread Christianity after Jesus rose to heaven? _____________________ and __________________________ 15. After Constantine helped create an Eastern Roman Empire, what was the capital called: ___________________________; What new branch of Christianity was eventually created here: ___________________________ 16. How was Islam founded? What does Islam mean in Arabic?

17. The god of Islam is: ____________________; The prophet is: ___________________________ 18. What is the sacred text of Islam: ________________________________ 19. What empire took over Asia Minor after the Byzantines and included rulers such as: Mehmed II and Suleyman I The Magnificent: ________________________ Empire 20. The Mughal Empire was located in: ______________________________________________; What famous architecture was built by the Mughals (Hint: Cover of your textbook) __________________________________ 21. After Muhammad died- the highest leader of Islam was referred to as the: __________________________ 22. Describe how Islam spread after the death of Muhammad. Where did it spread to?

23. Muslims pray _____ times a day and their house of worship is a: _________________________ 24. Explain what Ramadan is and the reason it is important to Muslims:

25. The fifth pillar (or duty) of Islam requires Muslims to pilgrimage to Mecca, and is called the: __________________ 26. _________________________ refers to the inner struggle people go through to obey God and behave according to Islamic ways. 27. What are the two main branches (denominations) of Islam? Why was Islam split into these two branches (what is the big difference in their historic beliefs)?

28. What is the word that describes the ACCEPTANCE that people have for other religions? _________________________

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