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TIO Financial

Corporate Profile Integrated Marketing for Financial Services

TIO Financial


01 02 03 04 05 06

Letter from TIO Financial Partial Client List Published Work Working with TIO FInancial

07 08 09 10 11 12 13

Account Management Leadership Michael Raisanen Joshua Levitt Norman Rabinovich 14 15 16 17 18

Marketing Assets Logo & Brand Standards One-Pager Pitch Deck Corporate Brochure Fund Profiles, Fact Sheets and Prospectus Monthly and Quarterly Reports White Papers and Surveys Website & Mobile Online Widgets Infographics Photography, Videography, and Animation Marketing Consulting Brand Audit Creative Roundtable Compliance Review Business Intelligence

24 25 26 27 28

Visibility Services Advertising Campaigns and Media Buy Press and Public Relations Social Media Marketing Promotional and Sponsored Editorial Content Third-Party Marketing Mission Statement Service Listing Contact Information

29 30 31 32

19 20 21 22 23

TIO Financial

For more information, contact + 1 646 450 8475 or

265 Canal Street, New York, NY 10013

TIO Financial is the trade name for International Office, LLC, which neither directly or indirectly offers or provides asset management, advisory services, securities or investments. Zacks & Co., a FINRA registered broker dealer, a Chicago-based firm established in 1978, is our third-party marketing partner of record. Copyright 2012 International Office, LLC.

Capital is money, capital is commodities. By virtue of it being value, it has acquired the occult ability to add value to itself. It brings forth living offspring, or, at the least, lays golden eggs.

Letter from TIO Financial

Dear Financial Professional:

The financial services industry is in a state of flux. The nimble will react swiftly to profit from new opportunities. Within the next few months, the marketplace dynamic will shift quickly, as hedge funds gain legal rights to market directly to wealthy investors and institutions. Of the 320 million people in the U.S., approximately 3 million are high-net-worth individuals with $1 million or more at their disposal to invest, the most sought after demographic in the nation, the 0.1% of the much vaunted 1%,who managers will be free to pursue more directly with aggressively targeted marketing. Newsletters, magazines, phone calls and hedge fund industry shrapnel extolling the virtues of Competing Funds, A through Z, will soon arrive to the world's inbox each and every morning. Traditional asset managers should be worried about new entrants competing aggressively for their clients. Small hedge funds with strong returns will grow rapidly as their good news is easily shared through media and marketing; meanwhile, large hedge funds with below average returns need to think creatively about how to keep clients engaged, and fully invested, despite the lackluster year. The weakest firms will always fall away, but most managers in the middle market will survive by adopting a more creative approach to raising assets under management. For all firms, competition to raise new capital will be fierce. This is the same violent and vibrant deregulated marketplace where most other industries already compete. To catch a customer's eye, and interest, visual cues become much more important. Competition also improves everyone's game, meaning branded materials, web presence and corporate communication stance must always be of

the highest quality, with investment opportunities defined more precisely, as investors become more discerning and expect more and deeper disclosure. Branding and marketing become fundamental for growth. TIO Financial is a full-service creative agency that delivers integrated marketing campaigns and strategies for financial services companies. From brand identity, to logo design, to website, to corporate brochures, to fund profiles, to social media marketing and, now, commercial advertising campaigns across all media outlets, TIO Financial can be your creative partner. "Creative" includes financial copywriters, brand strategists, art directors and web designers; production involves software developers, logotype artists, typesetters, blog publishers, photographers and pen-and-ink illustrators. We also offer a former SEC regulator, now in private practice, to vet all the copy and strategies, meaning everything we cook up can be pre-certified kosher with compliance. Our team was designed to help fill in gaps in your organization, we make our process and your process fit together seamlessly. This profile of our capabilities and deliverables where TIO Financials expertise could benefit any small, medium or large hedge fund, asset manager, investment bank or other financial services specialist that wants to better represent itself through corporate materials and have that reflected more positively in the public eye. Please be in touch to discuss any or all of these ways TIO Financial can help you win business.

Your Creative Partners, @TIO Financial

Partial Client List

Financial Clients of Record Current




Global X

Past Projects MW- BLACK AND WHITE Completed by Principal Team Members prior to joining TIO FInancial




Global X Funds

Gotham HTF
Gotham has been chosen to provide a distinctive look for MCGOVERNWNG marketing LOGO communications.


Gotham is a family of geometric sans serif typefaces designed by American type designer Tobias Frere-Jones in 2000. The Gotham font was initially commissioned by GQ magazine, whose editors wanted to display a sans serif with a "geometric structure" that would look "masculine, new, and fresh" for their magazine. The type has since been used by a variety of corporations ranging from Coca-Cola, the Obama campaign as well as Qwest. The lettering that inspired this typeface originated from the style of 1920's era sans-serifs like Futura, where type, like architecture, like the organization of society itself, was to be reduced to its bare, efficient essentials, rid of undesirable, local or ethnic elements. MW logo is created from Gothham HTF with custom designed details. Thats why you should always use the relevant logotype provided as a Adobe Illustrator le on the included disc. Secondary typeface is Didot.

Global X

Global X Fun

Published Work

Working with TIO Financial

Account Management
TIO Financial is a special operations team that can enhance any firm's marketing approach. As an external agency dedicated to the financial sector, new companies with small teams tend to outsource the preparation of all of their marketing materials to us, allowing their principals to focus on the main operating lines of their companies. For larger clients, our team is often hired for specific revamp or visibility projects or to provide outside counsel and offer creative approaches for their internal marketing departments. We work well on our own or in partnership with your marketers. Project management in our client relationships is based on transparency, responsiveness and accountability. In addition to active involvement of our principals, a dedicated project manager is assigned to each client as an administrative point of contact and cloud-based project management software is employed for time keeping, reporting, milestones and client sign-offs at each phase of every project.

Project management in our client relationships is based on transparency, responsiveness and accountability.
Every client and project is different, but our experience has been that an hourly based budget for each deliverable provides the greatest transparency and accountability. The biggest variable for the cost of any project is the number of iterations and back and forth required to satisfy our clients. We work to streamline the process through multiple Project Memos to define the scope of each job, outline our approach and agree on the priority elements before delivering a first draft. After reviewing the first iteration, a second draft incorporates our client's feedback, leading to a third draft which should be a nearly complete version in every way barring any small changes. The goal is to then deliver a final version that is fully ready to go.

Michael Raisanen
Michael is a well-known brand strategist with experience from many industries, including digital media, consumer technology, fashion and financial services. He has created brand platforms for clients operating in all aspects of financial services, including hedge funds, boutique investment banks, investment advisers and developers of financial intelligence technology. He started his marketing career at NFO Worldwide, Sweden, devising and implementing global market surveys for clients in the financial services industries. He relocated to NYC, the world's epicenter for marketers, helping launch successful communications and online marketing campaigns for Lendingtree, Amazon, Fujifilm and Bluefly, before founding TIO. Michael lives in New Canaan with his wife Laura and two boys. Education Gothenburg School of Economics and Commercial Law, Masters of Business Administration, 2001 Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration, Bachelors of Business Administration, 1998

Joshua Levitt
Communications Director
Joshua Levitt has 15 years experience, with seven years serving as an independent communications counsel. Specialties include changing corporate perception through effective communication, developing media, community relations and PR campaigns and serves for clients as their Chief Financial Copywriter, Ghostwriter, Speechwriter, Online Publisher, and Editor. As an executive, he was director of communications at Everest Capital, a veteran global macro hedge fund, and in charge of crisis communications, community and media relations and public relations for Advanced Power, an international energy developer. His first career was as a foreign correspondent for the Financial Times, based in Madrid, Spain. Education Columbia University, Business, 2005, Visiting Fellow Columbia University, Journalism, MS, 2005, Knight-Bagehot Fellow Tufts University, BA, 1998, International Relations

Norman Rabinovich
Chief Creative Officer
Norman has over 15 years of design and marketing experience working for Clients and agencies throughout North America. Served as creative lead on projects for such clients as Nike, Reuters, McKinsey & Company, Calvin Klein Underwear, Visit Sweden, Visit Norway and Scandinavia. Before founding TIO, he founded and served as chief principal for Studio 5 in 1, an internationally recognized multidisciplinary design and retail collective in New York. Education Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) , Post Graduate Degree, Communication Design, 2004, University of California, Irvine (UCI) Bachelor of Arts, Studio Art & Digital Design, 2000

Marketing Assets

Logo & Brand Standards

The logo is an extension of your brand, the graphical embodiment of what your work represents to the world explained in the language of design and symbols. What great brands have in common is a distinct and consistent approach for all the design elements that identify the company. Consistent design is important because of its power to elevate your firm in peoples minds and position the brand exactly where you want it; designs are easily recognizable, instantly transferring brand values and promises to you. Inconsistency can detract immediately from your value proposition. In terms of production, full visual brand systems will be provided to replicate your logo design in every piece of printed or online marketing collateral.

Applied Competencies

Logo, Layout and Typeface Design

Approximate Hours of Work 20 - 40 hours

Marketing Assets

Logo and Brand Standards One-Pager Pitch Deck

Corporate Brochure Fund Profiles, Fact Sheets and Prospectus Monthly and Quarterly Reports

White Papers and Surveys Website & Mobile Online Widgets

Infographics Photography, Videography, and Animation

The one-pager is the most basic distillation of an effective communication, branding and visual strategy. Effectively, the first sentence is a company's elevator pitch, the first paragraph describes the best attributes of the firm in context and the second and third paragraphs back that up with details of how the company delivers for its investors or clients. We round that out with appropriate graphic design to place it correctly on new company letterhead. The philosophy here is that before producing anything more elaborate, the business proposition needs to be explained as clearly and forcefully as possible, while the limited space necessitates clear thinking and precision writing to describe a value proposition fully, and in as few words as possible. As a deliverable, the one-pager proves extremely useful for the many online fora where a company needs to describe itself succinctly, as well as a simple leave-behind or handout that conveys a summary of what your firm is all about.

Applied Competencies

Financial copywriting Graphic and Layout Design

Approximate Hours of Work 12 - 16 hours

Marketing Assets

Logo and Brand Standards One-Pager Pitch Deck

Corporate Brochure Fund Profiles, Fact Sheets and Prospectus Monthly and Quarterly Reports

White Papers and Surveys Website & Mobile Online Widgets

Infographics Photography, Videography, and Animation

Pitch Deck
The pitch deck is the most widely used and often least successful marketing tool for most of our clients before we meet them. The challenge in creating pitch decks is that the format requires a focused approach to explain a firm's attributes with a combination of text and visuals that must inform and engage the viewer. The tendency is to both over-write and under-design or to over-design using crude illustrations that detract from message and portray weak production values. The unfortunate truth is that more meetings have ended before they began due to an amateur or sloppy powerpoint being flipped through by a prospect for even a few seconds; a presentation's quality, or lack thereof, is instantly palpable. Our approach builds on the qualities defined in the initial firm analysis, described in the one-pager, with the addition of proper biographies of your principles, description of your investment case or services, plus all the best attributes that exemplify what your firm is about and the most emblematic case studies and visuals that help make your case.

Applied Competencies

Financial copywriting Basic infographics Graphic design

Approximate Hours of Work Pitch deck - 10 slides (12 - 16 hours) Pitch deck - 20 slides (18 - 24 hours)

Marketing Assets

Logo and Brand Standards One-Pager Pitch Deck

Corporate Brochure Fund Profiles, Fact Sheets and Prospectus Monthly and Quarterly Reports

White Papers and Surveys Website & Mobile Online Widgets

Infographics Photography, Videography, and Animation


Corporate Brochure
As a leave behind, a well designed and written corporate brochure will express institutional strength much more than even the best designed stapled PowerPoint deck. Indeed, our printer's high- end binding paper actually reeks of success. A professionally printed and bound brochure can take the firm's image to the next level where more generous narrative text, evocative images, and an inviting presentation can make an argument even more compelling and impressive. A standard Corporate Brochure would include 8 magazine-style pages and a complex project would extend to 12 or 16 pages (or more) and could include custom binding options.

Applied Competencies

Financial copywriting Graphic and Layout Design Photography Infographics and Illustration

Approximate Hours of Work Simple Projects (60 - 80 hours) Complex Projects (80 - 120 hours)

Marketing Assets

Logo and Brand Standards One-Pager Pitch Deck

Corporate Brochure Fund Profiles, Fact Sheets and Prospectus Monthly and Quarterly Reports

White Papers and Surveys Website & Mobile Online Widgets

Infographics Photography, Videography, and Animation


Fund Profiles, Fact Sheets & Prospectus

For new funds coming to market, TIO Financial will also prepare Fund Profiles, Fact Sheets and correctly format Prospectus documents necessary for every new mutual fund or listed investment vehicle. The Fund Profile is an 8 - 12 brochure, with each page usually split with content on top and legal footnotes and boilerplate below. We add value through clear and consistent graphic design, type formatting and infographics. The Fact Sheet is a 2-sided derivative of the fund profile. The challenge is to pack each with a tremendous amount of information on a new fund, but present that with clear design and enough white space to make the information easy to understand and approachable. A new Fund Prospectus is prepared by your legal team, but that document often lacks design polish that investors now expect. Our graphic design team takes that 100+ page document and type sets it professionally, ensuring correct spacing, bolded elements, and font sizes are consistent and appealing to the eye.

Applied Competencies

Financial copywriting Graphic and Layout Design Infographics and Illustration

Approximate Hours of Work Fund Profile (40 - 60 hours) Fact Sheets (8 - 16 hours) Prospectus Formatting (20 - 40 hours)

Marketing Assets

Logo and Brand Standards One-Pager Pitch Deck

Corporate Brochure Fund Profiles, Fact Sheets and Prospectus Monthly and Quarterly Reports

White Papers and Surveys Website & Mobile Online Widgets

Infographics Photography, Videography, and Animation


Monthly and Quarterly Reports

With transparency always a buzzword in the financial services industry, many firms generate monthly reports to update investors and clients on market conditions or exposures and quarterly reports that supplement formal regulatory filings with added-value articles or color commentary on a firm's progress over the three-month period. TIO Financial typically helps clients in this area in two ways. Some firms like to produce their content internally, then we step in to produce stronger graphic design layouts for their work, including developing the interface that transfers Excel data into Adobe and other graphic programs. Others outsource both design and content to our team, which interviews a firm's principals and works with internal marketing liaison to generate appropriate content for our layouts. Added layers of complexity for quarterly reports might include Chairman's Letters, in-depth investment case descriptions and profiles and advanced layout designs creating visually appealing reports in the style of a real magazine.

Applied Competencies

Financial copywriting Graphic design

Approximate Hours of Work Monthly Report ( 20 - 30 hours ) Quarterly Report (40 - 60 hours )

Marketing Assets

Logo and Brand Standards One-Pager Pitch Deck

Corporate Brochure Fund Profiles, Fact Sheets and Prospectus Monthly and Quarterly Reports

White Papers and Surveys Website & Mobile Online Widgets

Infographics Photography, Videography, and Animation


White Papers and Surveys

A white paper or proprietary survey can explain an investment case or market rationale to investors or clients better than any other focused marketing tool. In addition to making a case, as a deliverable, a high quality paper is a very effective leave-behind that allows a prospect to gain a detailed understanding of a firm's position or beliefs. Our approach is to identify areas fundamental to your pitch and develop those ideas further as possibilities for an in-depth report to either explain a position or help define scope for a market. Surveys can be included based on proprietary firm data or via crowdsourcing techniques that can also help make a case. Visually, we add to the easy to understand writing with a well-designed format, with extensive use of infographics and images that help make the information easier to swallow.

Applied Competencies

Financial copywriting Infographics Graphic design

Approximate Hours of Work White Paper ( 40 100 hours ) Proprietary investor or market-based survey ( 40 100 hours )

Marketing Assets

Logo and Brand Standards One-Pager Pitch Deck

Corporate Brochure Fund Profiles, Fact Sheets and Prospectus Monthly and Quarterly Reports

White Papers and Surveys Website & Mobile Online Widgets

Infographics Photography, Videography, and Animation


Website & Mobile

Website design needs to be simple, clean and functional, but also visually fresh and graphically inspiring to catch and maintain the attention of a visitor who likely has multiple tabs open on a browser of all your competitors; he needs to be given a reason to stay focused on your proposition. In today's business world, your website represents your firm to more people than the thickness of your business card or your corporate address; it deserves to be of the highest quality. A financial services website needs to deliver enough information to engender credibility and trust with visitors, while promising enough added value for someone to follow-up and learn more. Rather than just an online calling card, a website needs to be designed as an application capable of generating leads, distributing content and collecting data analytics. For hedge funds for alternative investment funds, specifically, the age of a website acting as page holder is coming to an end with the JOBS Act. Potential investors and employees will actively search online for information about your firm, along with all of your competitors. Even for the most discrete fund, a certain amount of basic information about the firm, its principals and strategies should be made available to provide a baseline of information that, at least, you can be sure will be accurate. Our base website design is built around a WordPress content management system, but our programmers are able to utilize all back-ends and frameworks currently available. For companies that require a high-level of interactivity and function online deal rooms, social media integration and publishing platforms to achieve their marketing goals.

Applied Competencies

Financial copywriting Graphic design Information Architecture Front-End Programming Back-End Programming

Approximate Hours of Work Simple Website (40 - 60 hours) Complex Website (60 - 100 hours)
Marketing Assets

Logo and Brand Standards One-Pager Pitch Deck

Corporate Brochure Fund Profiles, Fact Sheets and Prospectus Monthly and Quarterly Reports

White Papers and Surveys Website & Mobile Online Widgets

Infographics Photography, Videography, and Animation


Online Widgets
An online widget is a self-contained digital element that can be placed on a website as a special application, an additional tool or educational game, for example, to further engage web visitors. Examples include widgets that allow potential investors in a fund to adjust elements of a sample portfolio to test for market resilience, or applications that manage news flow of Tweets relevant for specific groups of investors, allowing a user, by adjusting graphic equalizer-style controls, to modify various streams of industry-specific information that can be viewed on a client's website. Ultimately, the end-goal of most of these online widgets and tools is to keep a website visitor engaged on a company website, with the theory that the stickiness of a page increases its value and lead to additional transactions. Dozens of widgets can now be designed affordably, as the technical aspects are no longer daunting, but the challenge is to identify the correct widget that can become a tool to enhance understanding of a firm's product offering, and the right way to increase engagement on a website.

Applied Competencies

Financial copywriting Website Programming Graphic design

Approximate Hours of Work Simple Online Widget (40 - 60 hours) Complex Online Widget (60 - 100 hours)

Marketing Assets

Logo and Brand Standards One-Pager Pitch Deck

Corporate Brochure Fund Profiles, Fact Sheets and Prospectus Monthly and Quarterly Reports

White Papers and Surveys Website & Mobile Online Widgets

Infographics Photography, Videography, and Animation


Communicating financial strategies and concepts can be complex when expressed only in language or spreadsheets. A well designed infographic, on the other hand, can instantly convey a complex idea. Rather than output basic Excel graphs or complicated jargon, our team innovates new ways of visualizing intricate concepts using color, shapes and symbols that become an extension of your brand; your proprietary and instantly recognizable visual grammar.

Applied Competencies

Data Analysis Graphic and Layout Design Infographics and Illustration

Approximate Hours of Work Simple Infographic (2-8 hours) Complex Inforgraphic (8 -20 hours)

Marketing Assets

Logo and Brand Standards One-Pager Pitch Deck

Corporate Brochure Fund Profiles, Fact Sheets and Prospectus Monthly and Quarterly Reports

White Papers and Surveys Website & Mobile Online Widgets

Infographics Photography, Videography, and Animation


Photography, Video and Animation

As a full-service creative agency, TIO Financial provides all the photography, video and animation capabilities that our clients require. Photography is relevant for pictures of principals on websites or custom photo shots for websites and brochures when stock photography proves too limited. For past projects, we have sourced remote photographers to snap images of investment assets in far-off climes, as well all image re-touching required, which we complete in-house. Video is the most popular way to consume media online, with the average person now watching 182 videos online per month. For some clients and campaigns, video can be a very efficient vehicle to communicate a message to wide group, or as part of a television advertising campaign. Others require onpremise video recording, which we are capable of, as well as providing B-roll and live coverage if required. Animation is often used by financial services for two to three second mini-logo movies as part of a corporate video or integrated into a website.

Applied Competencies

Photography & Videography Interactive Animation

Approximate Hours of Work Corporate photo-shoot (4 16 hours) 5-min Video (60 100 hours) 3-second animation (15 30 hours)

Marketing Assets

Logo and Brand Standards One-Pager Pitch Deck

Corporate Brochure Fund Profiles, Fact Sheets and Prospectus Monthly and Quarterly Reports

White Papers and Surveys Website & Mobile Online Widgets

Infographics Photography, Videography, and Animation


Marketing Consulting


Brand Audit
Each engagement begins with an in-depth analysis along three main axes where our team can add value: Communication, Branding, and Visual. We listen to your pitch and ask the right questions to refine your proposition. Our goal is to help define and refine all the elements that represent your firm and how that is presented across all your materials. COMMUNICATION What is your message and what are you trying to get across to investors or clients? What is your firm's investment thesis or ultimate value proposition? How do you back that up in concrete examples and case studies? How does your team deliver against those goals? BRANDING A powerful brand is invaluable to any business. This discussion is not simply about a logo, but how effectively does the totality of your branding impart your messaging to investors or clients? Your firm's name, logo, presentation and materials all need to work together to convey corporate values about quality, precision and accuracy. Are those brand values imparted clearly and effectively across your company? Are they reflected at every touch point with your public? VISUAL An image speaks a thousand words, but too many financial services companies fall back on hackneyed graphics and lazy design. What visual elements are employed by your top 10 competitors to support their brands? What images and visual cues are best for your firm? How can design help make your case? If a company's communication, branding and visual stance are already in great shape, we can dispense with a formal analysis, and move on to creating even sharper marketing collateral. However, when these attributes are found lacking, TIO Financial will work with your principals and marketing team to develop the basic building blocks required for a strong brand.

Applied Competencies

In-depth communication Branding and Visual Analysis

Approximate Hours of Work In-person team meeting plus an insightful 6-page report (8 - 16 hours)

Marketing Consulting

Brand Audit

Creative Roundtable

Compliance Review

Business Intelligence


Creative Roundtable
Much of our business comes from smaller, independent firms that outsource the majority of their marketing work to us, allowing their principals to focus on their core business. However, in working with many more established and institutional firms, we've also found that a creative consulting approach can add tremendous value. Rather than outsourcing projects directly, a company invites our principals to their office for an afternoon of creative brainstorming and feedback opportunities. Our team and your team around a conference table becomes a venue to idea-check or vet your team's creative ideas against our knowledge of best practices and creative approaches that have worked in the past. This creative consulting approach has proved very useful for internal marketing teams trying to develop their own media buy, creative advertising campaigns and promotional opportunities through public relations initiatives. Our goal is always to serve clients effectively, and on their terms. We are quick to recognize when a firm has its own strong marketing team, and our happy to add value in whichever format is most useful for their growth. For these engagements, typically, three of our principals will meet with your team for two hour brainstorming sessions.

Applied Competencies

Inter-disciplinary Creative


Approximate Hours of Work 6 - 10 hours

Marketing Consulting

Brand Audit

Creative Roundtable

Compliance Review

Business Intelligence


Compliance Review
One of the biggest impediments to working with outside creative partners is a typical lack of understanding or appreciation for the nuances of financial compliance regulation. The litigious nature of todays society makes a sharp regulatory eye important for the duration of the creative process, from the concept phase ideas, to the details of the copy that is finally written. Our solution to the compliance dilemma is to involve our own compliance expert, a former SEC lawyer, now a litigator in private practice, a former client who enjoyed working with us so much that he joined our practice as our Of Counsel regulatory advisor. His services can be engaged through TIO Financial or directly through his law practice.

Applied Competencies

Legal analysis Textual analysis Financial copywriting Website Compliance and

Disclosure Review

Approximate Hours of Work Document review (1 - 4 hours) Website review (2 - 8 hours)

Marketing Consulting

Brand Audit

Creative Roundtable

Compliance Review

Business Intelligence


Business Intelligence
On the flip side of journalistic skill not writing, but investigating TIO Financial can add tremendous value to an enterprising investment firm that needs a very hands on type of business analysis and information. Recent mandates included a crowdsourcing project to identify 10 turnkey solar and wind projects under development in the USA for European private equity investors along with a similar project to identify service stations in the USA for an Israeli investment group to acquire. These investment ID mandates can be done entirely for business knowledge, or combined with a survey approach and published as the basis for a white paper, conference presentation or op-ed.

Applied Competencies

Investigative reporting Company analysis Crowdsourcing Target interviewing Business plan analysis

Approximate Hours of Work 40 100 hours per project

Marketing Consulting

Brand Audit

Creative Roundtable

Compliance Review

Business Intelligence


Visibility Services


Advertising Campaigns & Media Buy

TIO Financial brings extensive experience from consumer brand advertising campaign strategies, which we've adapted for financial services. A mid-size mutual fund company or asset manager that promotes it's products nationally can spend $10 million to $50 million in annual print, television and internet media buy, in addition to the cost of creative for the campaigns. We apply an integrated approach to strategically produce creative media assets that, while forming the core of an advertising campaign through paid media also can be disseminated through earned media via social media channels and press relations. The goal of an advertising campaign is to provide a promotional outlet as well as added value to your potential customers through the campaign. Value Added Marketing means that if people value the time they spend interacting with a brand through these creative media assets, they are more likely to remember, engage and commit to the firm's proposition. TIO Financial creates campaigns that give people a reason to engage with them. Strategic advertising will mark this next stage in hedge fund business development. As the market is fully liberalized, inspiring ideas will quickly grab the public's attention, and capital raising can be greatly improved. In the hedge fund world, annual advertising budgets of $500,000 to $3 million will become the norm.

Applied Competencies

Advertising creative (design, copy,

Ad cost analysis Media buy

Approximate Hours of Work Monthly (20 200 hours)

Visibility Services

Advertising Campaigns and Media Buy

Press and Public Relations Social Media Marketing

Promotional and Sponsored Editorial Content

Third-Party Marketing


Press and Public Relations

Press and Public Relation campaigns are vital for generating earned media, when newspapers write about your company, and client engagement, especially when a creative public relation campaign reaches prospects via unusual or creative approaches. The reason why press relations and PR are important are because todays media is like an echo chamber, in which the stories covered in the press reverberate through the many social media channels and blogs investors and prospective are exposed to daily. TIO Financial helps clients navigate this complex media landscape, as well as provide monitoring services and online reputation management. We can manage all aspects of PR, as well as strategic online dissemination and content seeding.

Applied Competencies

Financial copywriting Media relations Public relations Speechwriting Blogging

Approximate Hours of Work Monthly (40 100 hours)

Visibility Services

Advertising Campaigns and Media Buy

Press and Public Relations Social Media Marketing

Promotional and Sponsored Editorial Content

Third-Party Marketing


Social Media Marketing

Social Media is a very effective tool to expand engagement with a stakeholders, identify intermediaries and promote company news and developments. Social media campaigns enable brands to do much more than traditional media; a well developed campaign can simultaneously raise brand awareness, generate leads and provide informational value to existing and potential clients all while being measurable in terms of ROI. TIO Financial has developed a digital practice at the intersection of business strategy, technology, and creativity in order to provide services ranging from simple social media account management where we handle your Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to creating shareable digital assets that we actively disseminate to online news outlets, blogs, and influencers.

Applied Competencies

Social Media Marketing Financial Copywriting Publishing

Approximate Hours of Work Social Media Identity Creation (2 -4 hrs) Monthly (20 - 60 hours)

Visibility Services

Advertising Campaigns and Media Buy

Press and Public Relations Social Media Marketing

Promotional and Sponsored Editorial Content

Third-Party Marketing


Promotional and Sponsored Editorial Content

Third-party editorial content can be promotional or sponsored. When you want something published that is written by you, and about you, it's promotional, and, other times, when you want something closer to advertorial, with independent writing about you, as in your company is great at what it does, and also happens to be an advertiser on banner ads on a site, it's sponsored. Publishing added value articles through industry and private-initiative websites and sector blogs gets a message out to consumers in the market. When done effectively, as a vibrant forum for industry news and discussion, for example, these sector-specific sites can become extraordinarily powerful branding and information tools. TIO Financial can build, staff and operate third-party sites entirely in-house to provide additional outlets for your firm.

Applied Competencies

Financial copywriting Blogging Graphic design Website programming

Approximate Hours of Work 40 80 hours

Visibility Services

Advertising Campaigns and Media Buy

Press and Public Relations Social Media Marketing

Promotional and Sponsored Editorial Content

Third-Party Marketing


Third-Party Marketing
The TIO Financial process was designed to be able to aide an investment firm all along the development path. Once the marketing materials are complete, for many young hedge funds, the next step is seeking institutional support from third-party marketers. Our solution is to be able to offer an in-house relationship to Zacks & Co., a FINRA registered broker dealer, a Chicago-based firm established in 1978. As well as dedicated specialist hedge fund brokers at Zacks & Co., TIO Financial works with Zacks Direct, a new unit formed as a joint marketing venture, that will target 1 million accredited investors with email campaigns on behalf of promising young hedge funds. We also maintain close contacts with many New York City-based third-party marketing firms who we can refer our clients to for additional fundraising help.

Applied Competencies

Third-party marketing Broker-dealer Direct marketing Email marketing

Approximate Hours of Work Monthly (80 160 hours)

TIO Financial is the trade name for International Office, LLC, which neither directly or indirectly offers or provides asset management, advisory services, securities or investments. Zacks & Co., a FINRA registered broker dealer, a Chicago-based firm established in 1978, is our third-party marketing partner of record.
Visibility Services

Advertising Campaigns and Media Buy

Press and Public Relations Social Media Marketing

Promotional and Sponsored Editorial Content

Third-Party Marketing


TIO Financial

We help Asset Managers, Hedge Funds, Private Equity, Public Funds and ETFs tell their stories to investors, media & the world.


TIO Financial is a Full-Service shop:

Communication Branding Collateral Development Ad Campaigns Logo Creation Website Design Copywriting Compliance Review Investor Brochures Corporate IDs Fund Prospectus Fact Sheets Financial Intelligence Database ID Mandates Tailored White Papers Financial PR Social Media Search Engine Optimization Events JOBS Act-Compliant Hedge Fund Advertising 3rd Party Marketing


TIO Financial
265 Canal Street New York, NY 10013 723 Old Stamford Road New Canaan, CT 06840 Linnegatan 9, 413 04 Gteborg Sweden + 1 646 450 8475

TIO Financial

For more information, contact + 1 646 450 8475 or

265 Canal Street, New York, NY 10013


TIO Financial is the trade name for International Office, LLC, which neither directly or indirectly offers or provides asset management, advisory services, securities or investments. Zacks & Co., a FINRA registered broker dealer, a Chicago-based firm established in 1978, is our third-party marketing partner of record.

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