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CCEA Executive Meeting Minutes October 12, 2012 7:00 7:35 am at Lakeview

Present: Annie Enzbigilis, Becky Foellmer, Mary Pellin, Gina Stetka, Janet Oliver, Joy DeFors, Erika Myers, Terri Smeltzer, Jake Little, Janet Schultz, Jenny Rickert


Approval of minutes from May meeting A. Annie motioned to approve the minutes B. Jake seconded the motion. C. The September minutes were approved

II. Treasurers Report A. Annie presented the August budget B. Budget will be worked out before next meeting.


Positives/Concerns A. Ide a. Positives i. Tim came and ate lunch with school ii. Tim sends email to groupsgreat communication b. Negatives i. Classroom doors are not staying open. This has been mentioned to custodians and Jill, and despite trying to repair the doors, they continue to not stay open. ii. There is still no buzzer system in the back of the building. B. Prairieview a. Positives i. Teachers enjoyed receiving the surveys from Tim. ii. 5th grade team is excited to take field trips to Chicago again! iii. Teachers are enjoying the positive, upbeat leadership this year. b. Negatives i. 3rd grade fridge is not working. It smells bad. ii. Unsure of administration is on the same page with CCEA regarding

elementary school teachers covering other teachers classes. Be sure to ensure teachers are getting paid, and they are receiving proof of coverage (like the slip LV teachers receive). iii. Teachers are curious/concerned about resources and textbook adoption connected to CCSS. C. Lakeview a. Positives i. LV teachers are happy Tim is attending and participating in Common Core Curriculum meetings. ii. Kristen Ninni - appears to be knowledgeable, and helpful. She is doing a wonderful job facilitating CCSS meetings. b. Negatives i. Concern over fair distribution of teacher coverage. Is there a fair way to ensure the same teachers (who are not requesting coverage duty) are not always asked to cover teachers classrooms? IV. Regional Council Report A. Reminders: Three districts are in remediation B. Naomi wants teachers to check if their administrators have passed their modules C. Teachers: You have no right to privacy on district e-mail accounts a. Use home email to contact Naomi b. People in our region have lost jobs due to misuse of email c. ECS will be switched over to ELIS on February 1st. This new system will be based on the honors system. However, more teachers will be audited. PLEASE GO TO ECS AND PRINT OUT ANYTHING THAT IS CURRENTLY DOCUMENTED ABOUT YOU ON ECS! i. CCEA via Gina Stetka will start keeping track of: (thank you Gina!) 1. Keep track of agendas from PD 2. Keep track of evidence forms from PD 3. Document which teachers attended the PD meetings d. Talk to people about voting no for constitutional amendment e. See Terri for information if youd like to volunteer for the upcoming elections V. Presidents Report A. Met with Tim this week regarding the RIF list and evaluations a. Dst #66 is behind schedule with teacher evaluation categories list, which would affect who gets RIFed

b. This is priority #1 for the Joint Committee meeting next Monday afternoon. c. More information will be coming. d. CCEA has requested teacher training to educate teachers so they are not alarmed when they are no longer evaluated in the top category. Tim is on board with teacher training. VI. Adjournment a. Joy motioned to adjourn the meeting b. Annie second the motion c. Meeting adjourned at 7:36 a.m.

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