WASP Newsletter 10/01/64

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Odober 1964 CLASS NOTES WAGS TO WAFS DEL SCHARR wore her uniform at the banquet. NANCY LOVE has sold her airplane. The girls enjoy participating in horse shows, while Nancy and her husband are sailing most of the summer In Martha's Vineyard. BETTY GILLIES and BARBARA LONDON flew to Cincinnati in Betty's Baron to attend the reunion. 43-1 MARY LOU COLBERT NEALS received notice of the WASP reunion just 5 days before the 13th. The letter finally found her in California. MARJORIE KETCHAM DEACON passed thr~ugh Cincinnati just one week later on her vacatIOn. The word was too late for her to rearrange her plans. 43-2 CA"1HERINE VAIL BRIDGE hopes to kee p in touch for future plans. RUTH FRANK LING REYNOLDS has guests after the reunion at her farm in New York. The guests: tEWISE COLEMAN ADIE and MARTHA WAGANSEIL DAVIS both 43-2 class. The 3 have not been together since disbanding. MARGARET KERR BOYLAN, named special assistant to William J. Schulte (Asst. Administrator for General Aviation, FAA). Margaret is daughter of the late Sen. Robert Kerr (D. Okla.) and just recently returned to USA after 10 years foreign service duty with Mr. Boylan. MAR Y TROTMAN O'BRIEN missed seeing old friends again. 43-3 LAURINE (RENE) NIELSEN lives in Palmer, Alaska. 43-4 NANCY LEEBAKER is in Fairbanks, Alaska. GINNY HILL WOOD and CELIA HUNTER are operating a camp in Alaska. If you want a vacation i~ the rugged wilderness from June 1 - Sept. 10 wnte.: Camp Denali, Box D, College Alaska for details. CONSTANCE LLEWELLYNHOWERTON writes that since deactivation 10 gals from 43-4 class have kept a round robin letter going. That's 20 years! ROSA LEA FULLWOOD MEEK brought favors to the banquet from Mooney Aircraft. She is a Mooney dealer in Kerrville, Texas. MAR Y JANE STEPHANS MEIKLE has moved to Nebraska. 43-5 JILL McCORMICK was one of the winn~rs of the 1964 Amelia Earhart Scholarship at the Nmety-Nme Convention. She is also on the FAA Women's Advisory Committee. Presently Jill is teaching in the Aviation Dept. at Purdue University. HELEN TURNER HOLLAND was in Canada at the time of the reunion. Hopes to find more Wasps close to Norman, Oklahoma. JO PITZ EGAN was vacationing in Florida August 13th. Major Yvonne Pateman is stationed in Anchorage, Alaska. MARJORIE SANFORD THOMPSON toured Europe in August, but won't miss the next reunion. 43-6 CAPT. MARIAN TIBBETTS is stationed at what used to be Big Spring Air Field, now called Webb AFB. She is with the pilot training program. MAURINE BRUNSVOLD WILSON was very sorry to be unable to see everyone in Cincy. 43-7 SAMMY CHAPIN HASSEN had a lovely pool party for those attending the Wasp reunion. The very next day the family (Sammy, Charles and their two sons) flew to Massachusetts In their Cessna 310. CARO BAYLEY BOSCA attended the reunion. She was an aerobatic champion in the 40's. 43-8 CAPT. DORIS WILLIAMS is back in the states for a new assignment in Westover AFB, Mass. She was on leave in California in August. LOIS DOBBIN A UCHTERONIE is Governor of the New England Section of the 99's. 44-2 FRANCES LARAWAY SMITH hopes to make the 1969 reunion. She has a family of six. FRANCES SMITH TUCHBAND was on vacation during August with her family. DORIS ELKINGTON KAMAKER sailed with her husband, Cdr. USN, July 23rd for Naples, ha~. . . RUTH M. PETRY lives in PhoenIX, Anzona. 44-3 JEANNE WAGNER SIMPSON hopes ~asp contacts with one another could lead to Information and publication of the acti vities of t.hose former Wasps still contributing to the held of aviation. 44-2 ESTHER NOFFKE is employed at Pal-Waukee Airport on northwest edge of Chicago. EUNICE BOARDMAN owns and operates a 48-foot kitch out of Marina Cay in the British Virgin Islands.

44-4 LOUISE BRAND HYDE spent the month of August at Martha's Vineyard. She still flies and races in the Powder Puff Derby each year~.

'AT KENWORTHY NUCHOLS lives in Dogwood Farm, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. She has many guests during the summer.

EDITH CRAGIN DALEY sent a letter in hopes to get a report of the Wasp reunion.

BETTY TO STREFF REED flew to the reunion with her' husband in their Mooney. They live in Denver. See you in 1969. BEVERLY FRISBIE CARRUTH is waiting for B.Fulk Haydu to give her an account of the reunion. BEA FULK HAYDU flew to Cincinnati in a Cessna 172. BONNIE DORSEY SHINSKI lives in Lemon Grove, California, and could not make the trip to Cincinnati. LOIS McMURDIE is lucky the questionaire found her. The letter went to her mother's home in Spokane which had been sold six years ago. She couldn't attend because it was her husband's birthday. fERI FULK CROOK and her husband Ii ve near Shaw, AFB, South Carolina. They have 2 teenage daughters. Jeri works for 2 Brig. Generals at Shaw. rOT FISHER WISE is in the real estate business with her husband. They have a fourth interest in a Cessna 172, a dachund and 2 teenage children. Ironically, they were weathered in for a few days near Cincinnati 3 weeks before the reunion. They live in Tallahassee, Florida. 44-9 MICKEY McLERNON BROWN at present is living in Austin, Texas. Her husband is working on his doctorate in education at the University of Texas. They have 4 children 6-12 yrs. Her permanent address in San Antonio, Texas. 3ETTY MAR TIN RIDDLE sent a telegram to the banquet because she could not attend. She lives in Rockford, Illinois and an active 99. 44-10 PATRICIA DISSTAN COLEMAN, her husband and their 3 children were on a ranch in Wyoming in August. She will definitely make the 25th reunion. MARTHA BLAIR GAUNCE came to the reunion via camping trip. She left the family and camp at Cleveland, flew to Cincinnati for the dinner; then joined them again the next day to return to North Dakota. COMMENTS OVERHEARD AT THE SHERATONGIBSON "Deadie is just as cute and vivacious as she ever was!" "Who is she" I really didn't recognize her? And to think we were bay-mates. " "Do you realize that between the 4 of us, we have 26 children"? "Just give me a Bloody Mary for breakfast. " "Imagine that - they can both wear their uniforms"

Reunion Spotlight 2 Wo.menAviafor

Pilot~l. . Dr Dora /)oughe.rty of 3616 Landy Lane. Fort Worth. wa~ a featured speaker along WIth world-ramou.s .Jacqueline Coch. r~ne. war'tlme boss of the \\'ASP, Dr. Dougherty. an aviation ps~'choJogist with Bell Helicoptel' Company, was greeted by women she fh:w with 20 yt'ars ago during World War II. She holds world's helicoptt'r rt'cords for womt'n. But she is more interested in talking ahotlt when she . a Wasp helping as with the war than discussing he:- records. . . . "THE LUCKIEST break I ever had as a Wa~p was when J got to fly the B-29," she 'says, "They wanted two girls to fly around the country on demon. stratiolJ hops. and of course we all volunteered. "We had to draw straws. Dee. dee Johnson :\lorman of Sioux Falls and 1 were the lucky ones. and I guess we were the first women in the world to pilot a B-2!!."

BY MARION S. HODGSON CINCIJ\'NATI, Aug. 13 (Spl)-Two record.shatteri women aviators shared the spotlight Thursday night at t reunion banquet of the WASP (Women Airforces Serv

Former fh'in" buddies of hl here includ~ Is~hel Fenton 5t son. who came all the way fn \Vt'slfieJd. :\'Iass .. \\:ith her fc l'hile!ren to aUelle! the reuni( ~Irs. Stinson's memories fJi2ht trainin2 days at Swt' \\'~ter ar~ enliwnmg the .. membrr when" ('ontest that under way. She remembers when a rIa mate at Sweetwater was so jng an open.cockpit trainer Sf eral thousand feet in the 2 "She wanted to get a sunt while she was alone up the so she took off her shirt," M Stinson says. "She got the suntan all rig. but her shirt blew away." The student radioed in help. The message was relay from the tower to Mrs. C Deaton of Wichita FaJls, "hou; mother" of the trainees. . MRS. DEATON rushee! to t flight line with a blanket, t not before a curious car ',whose ship had a radio) zen in on the red.faced Wasp a flew formation with her.


Kay Alspach Mary M. Beritich Margaret Bruns Michie Carmichael Jane Champlin Susan Clark 44-3 M. Joy Jehl DaCosta Margie L. David *44-9 43-2 Patricia Dickerson Katherine Dussaq", Staff Exec. Marjorie D. Edwards 43-5 Ellen Endacott Elizabeth Erickson 44-4 Grace E. Everett Cornelia Fort WAFS 44-3 Virginia Grant 44-5 Harriet Griggs Frances Grimes 43-4 Janice R. Tate Harris Mary Hartson Hayden Head 44-7 Annie J. Henry 44-1 Ethel D. Hoskins 44-10 Levona Lillian Hove Mary"H. Howson 43-6 Margaret M. Hurlburt Edith Keene Kathryn B. Lawrence Hazel Ying Lee 43-7 Mitchell I. Long Paula Loop Alice Lovejoy Lea Ola McDonald WAFS Helen McGilvery Peggy Martin *44-6 Matie N. Mitchell Virginia Moffatt

43-3 43-4 44-4

* *

* * *

* * 43-5 * * 44-8

* 43-5
* 44-9

* *

* * * * * * EO * 44-3

* *

* *

* 43-4

,Beve~iy, Moses ~ Dorot,hy.Nichols Charlotte Niles Jeanne L. Norbeck Margaret Oldenburg Shireen M. Phelps Hazel J. Raines Mabel Rawlinson Helen Richey Gleanna Roberts Betty Scott Dorothy Scott Margaret J. Seip Helen J. Severson Marie Sharon Evelyn Sharp Ethy1 Sheehy, Field Rep. to WASP Dir. Betty P. Stine Harri et M. Thyson Marion Toevs Gertrude Tompkins Mary Webster Bonnie Jean Welz Mary L. Wiggins Betty T. Wood


* *

* *

* Wasps died

in service

ROSTER CORRECTIONS - September, 44-2 43-2 43-3 43-4 44-1 43-5* 44-3 43-4 44-10 44-10


Adams, Kate Harris, 4536 Momosa Drive, Bellaire, Texas Adie, Lewise Coleman, 142 Riverview Drive, Marietta, Ohio Bessent, Mrs. Clarice, 2301 Santa Clara Drive, Las Vegas, Nevada Born, Martha Bevins, R. R. 1, Morning View, Kentucky Brickford, Betty Bechtold, 4603 Wood Street, Willoughby, Ohio Campbell, Martha Duncan, 239 E. 33rd Street, New York 16, N. Y. Christansen, Marjorie Redding, Rt. 1, RFD Box 59, Cedar City, Utah Clark, Elizabeth Carsey, Sugar Hill Road, Zepp, Virginia Coakley, Virginia McPike, 31 Chester Drive, Rye, New York Coleman, Patricia Disston, 1054 Rock Creek Rd., Bryn Mawr, Pa. Cronan, Selma, 209 Hillcrest Ave., Leonia, New Jersey 43-2 Davis;. Martha Wagenseil, 1624 Shoreline Drive, Santa Barbara, Calif. 44-3 deLaet, Mary Waters, 620 Darrell Road, Hillsborough, California 44-3 Doerr, Virginia Warren, c/o Breslauer & Warren, Kenora, Ontario, Can. 43-5 Dunkle, Jean Livingston, 3701 Court St., Sioux City, Iowa 44-10 Gaunce, Martha Blair, 514 W. 13th Street, Williston, North Dakota 44-4 Gibson, Patricia, 2070 Hoover Avenue, Oakland 2, California 43-2 Gustavson, Frances Dias, 510 West A Street, Fallon, Nevada Col. Oscar A. Heinlein, USAF, P. O. Box 1525, Vandenberg AFB, Calif. * Henry, Helen Parks, 609 Henderson Falls Road, Toccoa, Georgia 43-2 Hooks, Helen Ricketts, 505 N. Wilson, Hammond, Louisiana 43-3 Howard, Jean Ross, 2900 Connecticutt Ave., NW, Apt 243, Wash. DC. 43-4 Howerton, Constance llewellyn, 649 N. San Marcas, Santa Barbara, Cal 44-9 Jones, Mary Regalbuto, Timbridge Trail, Gates Mills, Ohio 43-3 Kidd, Louise E., 6427 S. W. 10th Terrace, Miami 44, Florida 44-10 Kimport, Julia Loufek, 206 New Castle Way, Madison 4, Wisconsin 44-10* Kurtz, Mary Anne Hoyt, 1692 Hillwood Drive, Dayton, Ohio 44-6 Lemley, Joan Michaels, 5917 S. Oak Creek Dr., Apt.2, Okla. Cy. ,Okla. 43-4 Martin, Betty Naffz, Box 179, Rt. 7, Florence, Alabama 44;-10 Miller, Thelma Hench, 3 Central Blvd., Norwalk, Ohio 43-3' Mitchell, Dorothy Christenson, 4122 Taney Ave., Alexandria, Va. 43-4 Minton, Madge Rutherford, 4840 E. 77th St., Indianapolis, Indiana 44-10 Morrison, Jane, Long Beach, Mississippi 43-1 Neale, Mary Lou Colbert, 24463 Wayman St., Newhall, California 44-7 Reynolds, Muriel Rath, 716 Orange Ave., Nevato, California 43-6 Ricci, Lola Perkins, 3876 Reklaw, Studio City, California 44-9 Riddle, Betty Martin, 1320 Verble PI., Rockford, Illinois 43-3* Rueckert, Ruth Nevada, 2037 Riviera St., San Francisco, California 44-5 Rountree, Martha Harmon, 4717 Winthrop E., Fort Worth, Texas 43-4 Starr, Alice May, 705 Orange Court, River Vale, New Jersey 43-5 Springer, Jean Mohrman, 3439 Berry, Cincinnati, Ohio 43-6 Sullivan, Elizabeth McGeorge, Mt. Crest Orchards, Orrtanna, Pa. 43-3 Trasky, Bertha Link, Grand Rapids, Michigan 44-3 Wahlborg, Evelyn Taylor, 242 Castle Drive, Atwater, California 43-4 Watry, Virginia Harris, 6017 Morse Drive, Oakland, California 43-4 Watson, Ann Howell, 1118 3rd Street, Dover, Delaware 43-8 Williams, Capt. Doris,Hq. Eastern Comm Region, Westover AFB, Mass. 43-6 Wilson, Maurine Brunsvold, 5947 Copperfield St., Riverside, Calif.


WASPS ATTENDING REUNION BANQUET, August 13, 1964 Wifs Betty Gillies Del Scharr Katherine Raw Is Thompson Barbara Erickson London Marjorie Gray Byrd H. Granger MaJ. Ann Johnson Evelyn Greenblatt Dorothy Young Marion Scharr Betzler Helen S. Stone Helen Ricketts Hooks Dr. Dora Dougherty Isabel Fenton Stinson Esther Poole Berner Virginia Crinklaw Kay Menges Brick Dorothy Christianson Mitchell Madge Rutherford Minton Helen Schaefer Faith Buchner Richards Viola Thompson Mason Virginia Malany Melony Rosa Lea Fullwood Meek Rucy Mullins Menshing Martha Thomas Campbell Geraldine Hardman Jordan Ann Karlson Kenney Margaret Ray Ringenberg Jill McCormick Marion Stegeman Hodgson Elizabeth McGeorge Sullivan Lola Perkins Ricci Sammy Chapin Hassan Caro Baylay Bosca Lois Dobbin Auchterlonie Betty Bechtold Brickford Alberta Hunt Nicholson Marjorie Gilbert Stewart Joanne Wallace Orr Mary Ellen Keil 44-3 44-4 Betty Jane Hanson Erenberg Jeanette C. Kapus Grey Allison Dunlap Ruth Shafer Fleisher Jennie Hill Mosley Jean Hixson Sue Delano Parish Mary Helen Gosnell Chappell Barry Vincent Smith Bee Falk Haydu Betty Jo Streff Reed Betty Pettitt Nicholas Alberta Paskvan Kinney Betty Overman Brown Peg Parish Garland Anne Dailey Marshall Betty Stagg Turner Lillian Dixon Kelley Mary Regalbuto Jones Sara Payne Hayden Nancy Mayes June Wolfe Leckie Jean Terrell Moreo Capt. Nona Morrison Louise Magoon Thokey Marty Martin Wyall Ann Atkeison Virginia McPike Coakley Martha Blair Gaunce Thelma Hench Miller


44-5 44-6




44-8 44-9 44-10



43-6 43-7 43-8 44 -1 44-2

Eileen Bristol - Establishment Officer Mrs. Leni Deaton, Staff Exec. Officer Miss Jacqueline Cochran, WASP Dir. Non-Graduates Helen Parks Henry Selma Cronan Martha Duncan Campbell Ruth Nevada Rueckert Virginia Flugel Keefer Jean Nelson Bonar

COMMITTEE OF WASP BANQUET Marion Betzler - Decorations Jean Hixson - Publicity Sammy Hassan - Swimming Party & Program Anne Marshall - Reservations & Hotel Arrangements Cappy Morrison - Program Betty Nicholas - Door Prizes Francie Meisner Park - Name Tags Marty Wyall - Roster Betty Turner - Treasurer

Another graduate from Sweetwat~r's Avenger Field who is attending the reunion is Helen Schaefer. who flew in from San Bruno, Cal. She is a police dispateher.

Later, Dr. Dougherty flew cargo in C.465 and C-47s at Windol'er. ljrah, with the group that was training there for drop,ling the atomic bomb at Hiroshima. "But 1 didn't know what they were training for. and neither did they." she says. The Russians boast llf the first woman cosmonaut, but Dr. Dougherty beat them on distance and altitude records in a helicopter. She set new records f which stilt sland \ in 1961, when she had only nine hours solo in a helicopter.

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MRS. CLIFF DEATON Helen Parks, wife of a surgeon in Toccoa, Ga., flew herf' to the reunion even though she never finished training as a ng Wasp because of splef'nectomy, he "But even after all these years ce I'm a Wa~p at heart," she says. "I h'iJd to see all these wonderrs ful women again." n-


SHE IS LICE:'iSED as Whirlygirl :'\0. 27, has an instrument rat ing in fixed wing aircraft. as well as an airline transport license-the sixth woman in the world to hold this high rating, The 5-foot-5 brunet is a member of President Johnson's woman's advisory committee on aviation. "The thing I'm proudest of right now is being an ex-Wasp," she says,




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A Si Iver Anniversary for the 25TH Reunion IS scheduled for 1969 at Denver.

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Miss Cochran and two WASPs look over the General Electric dis pIa y at the Convention. Miss Cochran holds a mockup of the ]79 with which she has set worllf recorqs.

FAA WOMEN'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON AVIATION The 32-member FAA Women's Advisory Commi ttee on Aviation is a new ly formed group to advise and make recommendations to the FAA. The members serve two years, receive no pay, but are reimbursed for expenses incurred in attending the meetings. They are tentatively scheduled to meet semi-annually. Chairman of the group is Mrs. Jane Hart, 99 and wife of Sen. Philip A. Hart, D-Mich. The Vice-Chairman is Mrs. Jerrie Mock, the first women to fly around the world solo, and 1st to fly in single engine aircraft. Seven members of the group are former WASPs: Dorothy Young, 43-1 Jean Pearson, 43-3 Betty Gillies, WAFS Louise Hyde, 44-4 Jean Ross Howard, 43-3 Jill McCormick, 43-5 Dora Dougherty, 43-3

Jacqueline Cochran flew to the reunion at the controls of her own Lockheed Lodestar.

Jean Terrele 44-10 Now Mrs. Earl Moreo And Mother of 10!

Please send clippings and pictures for the scrapbook to Order of Fifinella, P. o. Box 2912, Fort Wayne, Ind.

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