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(It is advised to have DMG pages 172-173 and MM Pages 201-202, as well as the MM errata available and open)

Personality: Quotes from the monster manual: Oozes are amorphous creatures that live only to eat. They inhabit underground areas throughout the world, scouring caverns, ruins, and dungeons in search of organic matterliving or dead. A gelatinous cube attacks by slamming its body into its prey. It is capable of lashing out with a pseudopod, but usually engulfs foes. Physical Description: This creature looks like a thick wall of quivering, transparent protoplasm. The nearly transparent gelatinous cube travels slowly along dungeon corridors and cave floors, absorbing carrion, creatures, and trash. Relations: Gelatinous cubes are solitary creatures and rarely interact with any other creatures except when feeding on them. Most gelatinous cubes have an intelligence score of -. Therefore, the likelihood of a gelatinous cube interacting with another creature is equal to the likelihood of a gelatinous cube having any sort of intelligence score. Needless to say, both are rare. Alignment: Gelatinous cubes with an intelligence score of - are always neutral. However, an intelligent gelatinous cube may change alignment through experience. Environment: Underground Religion: Gelatinous cubes with an intelligence score of - follow no religion. However, intelligent gelatinous cubes may be swayed by a religion or philosophy through experience. Language: Gelatinous cubes do not know any languages. (see nonconversant) Names: Gelatinous cubes do not have names. However, each gelatinous cube has a slightly different viscosity from other gelatinous cubes. This is somewhat analogous to the uniqueness of fingerprints among most humanoids. Using blindsense, a gelatinous cube can attempt to discern the semi-unique viscosity of another ooze. However, this information is hardly useful to most gelatinous cubes as most lack any intelligence. Interacting with the world: Gelatinous cubes lack any fine graspers, such as hands. Therefore, many tasks are difficult or even impossible (See skills). Gelatinous cubes can lash out with a pseudopod. This is defined as an amorphous, directed bulge from the gelatinous structure of the cube. A gelatinous cube's ability to manipulate anything with such a protuberance at all is poor at best. Such a protuberance cannot grasp anything as a hand could. In addition to this, a gelatinous cube can move objects through it's body at half its movement speed rounded up to the nearest multiple of 5. For example: If a gelatinous cube's movement speed is 15ft, it would be able to move objects through its body at a speed of 10ft. Magic items that simply have the requirement must be warn grant their effect to a gelatinous cube as long as it remains within it's gelatinous form. (DM's may wish to enforce the house rule that only one magic item of a certain slot (such as worn on the head) may be in effect, citing magical aura interference as the cause. DM's may also wish to rule that no magic item can effect can be utilized by a gelatinous cube as items cannot be propperly worn) Finally, gelatinous cubes cannot be be proficient with any weapons or armor. Gelatinous Cube Racial Traits: STR +0 DEX (see DMG) (Monster Dex 1) CON +16 INT (see DMG) (Monster Int - or 1) WIS (see DMG) (Monster Wis 1) CHA (see DMG) (Monster Cha 1)

Large Size: -1 Penalty to AC -1 Penalty to attack rolls, -4 penalty on hide checks, +4 bonus on grapple checks. Lifting and carry limits are double those of medium characters. Saves: Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +1 BAB:+3 Grapple:+7 (BAB + Size) Space/Reach: 10ft/5ft Base Movement Speed: 15ft Attack: Slam +2 Melee (1d6 + 1d6 acid) Racial Hit Dice: A gelatinous cube begins with 4 levels of monstrous ooze, which provide 4d10 Hit Dice, a base attack bonus of +3, and base saving throw bonuses of Fort +1, Ref +1, and Will +1. Special Abilities: Acid: A gelatinous cubes acid does not harm metal or stone Engulf: Although it moves slowly, a gelatinous cube can simply mow down Large or smaller creatures as a standard action. It cannot make a slam attack during a round in which it engulfs. The gelatinous cube merely has to move over the opponents, affecting as many as it can cover. Opponents can make opportunity attacks against the cube, but if they do so they are not entitled to a saving throw. Those who do not attempt attacks of opportunity must succeed on a DC 13 Reflex save or be engulfed; on a success, they are pushed back or aside (opponents choice) as the cube moves forward. Engulfed creatures are subject to the cubes paralysis and acid, and are considered to be grappled and trapped within its body. The save DC is Strength-based and includes a +1 racial bonus. Paralysis: A gelatinous cube secretes an anesthetizing slime. A target hit by a cubes melee or engulf attack must succeed on a DC 20 Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 3d6 rounds. The cube can automatically engulf a paralyzed opponent. The save DC is Constitution-based. Special Qualities Blindsight: An oozes entire body is a primitive sensory organ that can ascertain prey by scent and vibration within 60 feet. Common Blindsight DC checks (see skills) 4 + target HD Discern the semi-unique viscosity of an ooze or other amorphous creature 1/20ft Interpret vibrations in the air of a spoken known language Nonconversant: Gelatinous cubes do not automatically know any languages. A gelatinous cube may spend 2 skill points to gain the ability to read, and understand any language it could otherwise learn. (Even still, A galetinous cube cannot read anything written flat (such as ink on paper) but can read anything engraved or extruded (such as carved lettering) provided they know the language). Additionally, a gelatinous cube can understand spoken language by interpreting vibrations in the air. A blindsight skill check with a DC of 1/20ft (to a maximum of 60 ft) must be made. In order read at all, a gelatinous cube must make a decipher script check with a DC of 2. The cube must also be able to touch the text. Immune to Electricity Transparent: Gelatinous cubes are hard to see, even under ideal conditions, and it takes a DC 15 Spot check to notice one. Creatures who fail to notice a cube and walk into it are automatically engulfed. Ooze Traits: Blind, with immunity to gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions, and other attack forms that rely on sight. Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, polymorph, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits or flanking. Proficient with its natural weapons only.

Proficient with no armor. Oozes eat and breathe, but do not sleep. Racial Skills: A gelatinous cube gains Skill points equal to (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1) per Hit Die, with quadruple skill points for the first Hit Die, if the gelatinous cube has an Intelligence score. A gelatinous cube's only class skill is Blindsight. Additionally, several skills are either hard, very hard, impossible, or altered. Consult the following chart for details. X = Impossible H = Hard. -4 VH = Very Hard. -8 A = Altered/Special Notes. See text. S = Standard. No modifier N = New. See text S Appraise As normal except that a gelatinous cube cannot see. H/A Balance As normal except that a gelatinous cube is a non-humanoid, which simply means balance situations must be conceived of and handled differently and appropriately. N Blindsight WIS (use INT when interpreting spoken words) A gelatinous cube can make a Blindsight perception check to perform a number of tasks similar to spot and listen. -1/10ft distance, -5 if the blindsenser is distracted or if there is some sort of interference, (such as sonic blasts or any other sort of extreme vibration interference) A Bluff As normal except that a gelatinous has limited communicative ability, which may hinder any attempted bluff. A verbal bluff is impossible. X climb A gelatinous cube cannot normally S Concentration As normal. VH Craft As normal except that a gelatinous cube lacks fine graspers. A Decipher Script As normal except that a gelatinous cube cannot read anything written flat (such as ink on paper) but can read anything engraved or extruded (such as carved lettering) provided they know the language. In order read at all, a gelatinous cube must make a decipher script check with a DC of 2. The cube must also be able to touch the text. A Diplomacy As normal except that a gelatinous cube cannot speak. VH Disable Device As normal except that a gelatinous cube lacks fine graspers A Disguise As normal except that the sort of things a gelatinous cube would be very different to what a humanoid would attempt to be disguised as. Some ideas include things such as walls, boulders, another type of ooze creature, etc. A Escape Artist Because of its amorphous body and ooze body type, this skill has hardly any application or use. However, it can still be used to get through tight spaces as normal. X Forgery A gelatinous cube cannot forge any text as they can neither see the text to read nor have the finesse to even write. H Gather Information As normal except that a gelatinous cube cannot see or hear normally, which may pose difficulties. A Handle animal As normal except that a gelatinous cube cannot speak. Instead, an animal may be trained to respond to visible stimuli, such as a certain wiggle or bulge in a certain area, to perform the same tasks. Obviously, the animal must be able to see or otherwise sense the physical form of the gelatinous cube. VH Heal Theoretically possible except that a gelatinous cube's body is naturally acidic and paralytic. This, combined with a

lack of fine graspers makes any heal check incredibly difficult to perform. S Hide As normal. S Intimidate As normal. X Jump A gelatinous cube cannot normally jump. S Knowledge Skills As normal. X Listen A gelatinous cube cannot listen normally. S Move Silently As normal VH/A Open Lock As normal except that a gelatinous cube lacks fine graspers. Instead a gelatinous cube may attempt to insert a protrusion of itself into the lock and pick it. A Perform As normal except that the list of performances available to a gelatinous cube is severely limited. (see the appendix for a list of suggested Performance options) A Profession As normal except that the list of professions available to a gelatinous cube is severely limited. VH Ride As normal except that a gelatinous cube's body is naturally acidic, paralytic, and amorphous. This would make nearly any mount almost, but not quite impossible to ride. A Search As normal except a gelatinous cube cannot see or listen. VH Sense Motive As normal except that a gelatinous cube cannot see or listen. A Sleight of Hand Since a gelatinous cube lacks fine graspers, this skill can instead be utilized to move objects, or creatures, through its gelatinous body without notice. A Know Language Gelatinous cubes do not automatically know any languages. A gelatinous cube may spend 2 skill points to gain the ability to read, and understand any language it could otherwise learn. (Even still, A galetinous cube cannot read anything written flat (such as ink on paper) but can read anything engraved or extruded (such as carved lettering) provided they know the language). Additionally, a gelatinous cube can understand spoken language by interpreting vibrations in the air. A blindsight skill check with a DC of 1/20ft (to a maximum of 60 ft) must be made. In order read at all, a gelatinous cube must make a decipher script check with a DC of 2. The cube must also be able to touch the text. A Spellcraft A gelatinous cube can perform a spellcraft check as normal except that a gelatinous cube can neither see nor hear normally. A gelatinous cube cannot read anything written flat (such as ink on paper) but can read anything engraved or extruded (such as carved lettering) provided they know the language. X Spot A gelatinous cube cannot see anything. H Survival A gelatinous cube cannot perform almost any survival check, including tracking, except that a gelatinous lacks fine graspers to perform many tasks listed in the survival skill entry. X Swim A gelatinous cube cannot swim. X Tumble A gelatinous cube cannot normally A Use Magic Device Theoretically as normal except that a gelatinous cube cannot fulfill any verbal or semantic components. A Use Rope Theoretically as normal except that a gelatinous cube lacks fine graspers with which to manipulate a rope with any sort of finesse.

Feats: A gelatinous cube's monstrous ooze levels grant it 2 feats. While a gelatinous cube may take any feat it meets the requirements for, certain feats provide little to no benefit. Please consult with your DM, as well as common sense, for specifics. Additionally, gelatinous cubes have access to the following feats: Feat Requirements Effect Encrusted Ooze +1 natural armor. This feat may be taken more than once. Its effects stack. Wiggly Ooze +2 on handle animal checks when using physical motion to communicate with a trained animal. +2 on sleight of hand checks used to move objects or creatures through your body unnoticed. +2 to Perform: Morph Vibration AdeptOoze +1 on blindsight checks. You cannot fail blighdsight checks to interpret spoken words whose source is 30ft away or less, provided the other requirements are met. Tactile Adept Ooze +3 on survival checks used to track creatures when utilizing feelable tracks You cannot fail a decipher script check to read text, provided the other requirements are met. Sticky Ooze +3 to grapple checks Appendix: Suggested Perform Options (and examples) Perform: Morph Synergy: If you have 5 or more ranks in Perform Morph you gain a +2 bonus to Handle animal checks when using physical motion to communicate with a trained animal. Examples with suggested DC: 5 Wiggling or vibrating with intentionality 10 Displaying a static humanoid face on your surface 15 Altering your form to another 3D geometric shape (such as a sphere, cone, or pyramid) 20 - Displaying a humanoid face on your surface that can animate (including mouthing words 2 syllables or less, see standard rules on lip reading) 30 Drastically altering your body into a desired form (Author's note: think fighting polygon team from Super Smash Brothers 64) A sustaining check must be made every round with a DC of 5 +5 per round sustained. The cube cannot perform any task that requires fine motor skills. However, the following skills are possible with a -2 unfamiliarity penalty, even though no ranks can be spent in them: Jump, Climb, Tumble. Additionally, the following skills gain +2 while in a humanoid form:Diplomacy, Bluff, Intimidate Suggested Profession Options: Note: Gelatinous cubes are often paid directly with food, instead of coins, although conventional payment isn't unheard of, especially with more intelligent cubes. Profession: Beast of Burden The gelatinous cube is employed to transport objects in it's gelatinous body. Note: Organic material will deteriorate and inevitably be eaten. Profession: Living Door The gelatinous cube is charged with staying at an entrance and block it, moving aside only for certain persons or those that know a password or other such identifier

Example Character Sheets: Names: No real name, "Master" (see familiar) Monsterous Levels: 4th level Monstrous Ooze Class Levels: 1st Level Sorcerer Race:Gelatinous Cube Alignment: True Neutral Deity: None Size: Large Age: Unknown Gender: N/A Height/Width/Length: 10ft STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA HP 94 Initiative: -4 AC Total 5 10 10 10 10 Mod +10 -4 -5 Dex -4 -4 -4 Size -1 -1 -1 Natural +0 +0 +0 Score 14 3 31 8 1 7 Mod +2 -4 +10 -1 -5 -2 Char-Gen Roll 14 13 15 18 10 17 Level Up Bonus Point +0 +0 +0 +1 +0 +0

Touch AC 5 Flat-Footed AC 5 Saves Fort Ref Will Total +11 -3 -2 Base +1 +1 +3

BAB: +3 Total Grapple +9 BAB +3 STR +2 Size +4 Crit 20x2 Range Melee (5ft)

Attack Bonus Damage Slam +7 1d6 + 1d6 acid Space/Reach: 10ft/5ft Base Movement Speed: 15ft Skills Appraise Blindsense Know: Common Discipher Script Survival Feats: Vibration Adept Tactile Adept Total +2 -3, +1 N/A -1 -5 Ranks 0 2 (2) 0 0

Mod -1(Int) -5(Wis), -1(Int) N/A -1(Int) -5(Wis)

Misc +3 (From Familiar) +1 +0 +3 (when tracking creatures with feelable tracks)

Possessions: Special Abilities: Acid Engulf Paralysis Special Qualities Blindsight: Nonconversant Immune to Electricity Transparent Ooze Traits Blind, with immunity to gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions, and other attack forms that rely on sight. Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, polymorph, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits or flanking. Proficient with its natural weapons only. Proficient with no armor. Oozes eat and breathe, but do not sleep. Spells None. Languages Common (cannot speak) Familiar: Familiar: Edgar +3 appraise HD 5 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA HP 47 BAB +3 Total Grapple BAB +3 STR Score 1 15 10 2 14 6 Mod +2 +0 +2

Attack: Claws +4 melee (1d25) AC Save Fort Ref Will Total 15 Total 2 4 5 10 10 Base +2 +2 +3 Dex +2 Mod +0 +2 +2 Size +2 Familiar +1

Space/Reach: 2-1/2 ft./0 ft.

Skills Listen Spot

Total 3 5

Ranks 1 3

Mod +2 +2

Special Abilities: Emphatic Link Special Qualities: Low-light vision Feats: Weapon Finesse Imrpoved Evasion Alertness (when within master's reach) Language: Common

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