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Business and Managerial Ethics Assignment



NAME A V S Srikanth Abhinav Sharma Abhishek Panda Aditya Tare Ankit Modi Deepak Anand Divyansh Singh Gaurav Choudhari Kartik Kaushik

ROLL NO 1 6 9 12 25 43 47 53 65

Business and Mangerial Ethics

Table of Contents
How norming has been done? ................................................................................................................ 3 Characteristics of the Norming Stage ................................................................................................. 3 How has that affected performance? ..................................................................................................... 3 GROUP RANKING .................................................................................................................................... 3 My Realizations (Aditya Tare) ................................................................................................................. 4 My Realizations Srikanth AVS .............................................................................................................. 4 My Realizations (Deepak Anand) ........................................................................................................ 5 My Realizations (Divyansh) ..................................................................................................................... 6 My Realizations Ankit Modi ................................................................................................................. 7 My order of individual ranking of characters ( Abhishek Panda) ........................................................... 7 My realization (Abhinav Sharma)............................................................................................................ 8 My Realization ( Kartik Kaushik) ............................................................................................................. 9

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Business and Mangerial Ethics

How norming has been done?

In the norming stage, the group has begun to be effective. The focus of each individual is on "how can I help the group?" Because of this, there is increased cohesion and more collaboration. Trust begins to emerge and differences are appreciated. The issues become how to strengthen relationships, open communication and provide positive and constructive feedback. The team focuses on cooperation. The leader's task is to support the group and its members and the group's task is to communicate and ensure the flow of data. Managing the process of norming requires a balanced focus on people and work. Work planning will proceed apace as people feel more comfortable in their roles and in working with other people. Group norms and behaviours may be deliberately developed and stories used to discuss and deploy these. Characteristics of the Norming Stage

Increased cohesion More collaboration Emerging trust Appreciation of differences Issues of strengthening relationships, open communication, positive/constructive feedback

How has that affected performance?

This is the phase where the team really starts to function and work together as a team. Individuals start to understand each others work habits and ethic and everything seems much more natural. Responsibility and roles are much more clearly defined, expectations are set, and collaboration is in full swing. Finally, a steady-state is achieved, where the team reaches an optimal level of performance. A good team will feel like a happy family whilst other teams reach working agreements where personal differences are managed and largely kept under control. The manager cannot sit back and relax in this stage, but their focus can now be significantly more on the work as the people-related activity falls into a maintenance mode with ongoing performance management and motivation. Care does need to be taken to sustain an effective task-people balance as it is easy to slip into a happy and lower-performing family or to forget the people in an ever-increasing focus on the task at hand.

The individual rankings of the group are shown in the excel below :INDIVIDUAL RANKINGS FROM WORST TO BEST Ranking 1 Lakshman Vishnu Yadav Roshna Ashok Pradip Ranking 2 Lakshman Yadav Vishnu Ashok Roshna Pradip Ranking 3 Lakshman Vishnu Yadav Roshna Ashok Pradip Ranking 4 Lakshman Ashok Yadav Vishnu Roshna Pradip Ranking 5 Yadav Vishnu Lakshman Ashok Roshna Pradip Ranking 6 Ashok Pradip Lakshman Yadav Roshna Vishnu Ranking 7 Lakshman Roshna Yadav Ashok Pradip Vishnu Page 3 of 9

Business and Mangerial Ethics After that we used mode to find the final group rankings which are shown below :FINAL GROUP RANKINGS FROM WORST TO BEST Lakshman Vishnu Yadav Ashok Roshna Pradip

My Realizations (Aditya Tare)

The Narmada case shows an individuals true character. This case reveals their emotions, sheds light on their character and brings out their spontaneous mood. To begin with, Lakshman who is an opportunist and wanted favour from Roshna. He exploited her and took advantage of the situation. He also showed no clemency when Roshna was pleading for help. Next is Roshna should be placed at the 4th position. Roshna showed love and commitment to her lover Ashok and had the courage of crossing the river during flood, but she could have waited for opportunity instead of giving in to Lakshmans demand of kissing her. She was honest enough to confess and tell this incident to Ashok. Had she been disloyal she could have kept quiet about the incident. She felt vindicated when Ashok was mercilessly beaten up by his father. This is an act of Selfishness and deriving pleasure from others misery. Next in the ranking comes Yadav who simply demanded Rs. 50 which was ten times more than the usual fare and did not help the poor girl. To him, its not people but money that matters the most. Next is Ashok. He is a suspicious and over-possessive lover who wants absolute loyalty from Roshna and doesnt think twice about beating her up. Ashok didnt empathize with her and showed no compassion towards her. His character truly symbolizes unkindness and selfishness. Next in the ranking is Pradip Patel. He is mercurial, impulsive and irrational person who showed complete disregard to individual freedom and thinks that its his moral right to beat his son up. Lastly Vishnu comes at 6th position. His character can be described as an escapist. Roshna wouldnt haveto go through her ordeal had Vishnu intervened at that moment. Vishnu is a person who remains oblivious to the suffering of fellow humans. Hence, my personal opinion about rankings is 1) Lakshman 2) Roshna 3) Yadav 4) Ashok 5) Pradip 6) Vishnu

My Realizations Srikanth AVS

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Business and Mangerial Ethics The case brings forth the different shades of characters in the world we live in. The true character of a person can be found in some special circumstances as illustrated. The emotions people display in these kind of situations will show their inherent sense of character. Ashok, is a suspicious and over-possessive lover who wants absolute loyalty from Roshna and doesnt think twice about beating her up. Ashok didnt empathize with her and showed No compassion towards her. His character truly symbolizes unkindness and selfishness. Next in the ranking is Pradip Patel. He is mercurial, impulsive and irrational person who showed Complete disregard to individual freedom and thinks that its his moral right to beat his son up. Lakshman who is an opportunist and wanted favor from Roshna. He exploited her and took advantage of the situation. He also showed no clemency when Roshna was pleading for help. Next in the ranking comes Yadav who simply demanded Rs. 50 which was ten times more than the usual fare and did not help the poor girl. To him, its not people but money that matters the most. Next is Roshna should be placed at the 4th position. Roshna showed love and commitment to her lover Ashok and had the courage of crossing the river during flood, but she could have waited for opportunity instead of giving in to Lakshmans demand of kissing her. She was honest enough to confess and tell this incident to Ashok. Had she been disloyal she could have kept quiet about the incident. She felt vindicated when Ashok was mercilessly beaten up by his father. This is an act of Selfishness and deriving pleasure from others misery. Lastly Vishnu comes at 6th position. His character can be described as an escapist. Roshna wouldnt have to go through her ordeal had Vishnu intervened at that moment. Vishnu is a person who remains oblivious to the suffering of fellow humans. Hence, my personal opinion about rankings is 1) Ashok 2) Pradip 3) Lakshman 4) Yadav 5) Roshna 6)Vishnu

My Realizations (Deepak Anand)

The Narmada case shows an individuals true character. This case reveals their emotions, sheds light on their character and brings out their spontaneous mood. To begin with, Ashok is a suspicious and over-possessive lover who wants absolute loyalty from Roshna and doesnt think twice about beating her up. Ashok didnt empathize with her and showed no compassion towards her. His character truly symbolizes unkindness and selfishness. Next in the ranking is Lakshman who is an opportunist and wanted favour from Roshna. He exploited her and took advantage of the situation. He also showed no clemency when Roshna was pleading for help. Next in the ranking comes Yadav who simply demanded Rs. 50 which was ten times more than the usual fare and did not help the poor girl. To him, its not people but money that matters the most. Hes only concerned about his monetary wealth. According to me, Roshna should be placed at the 4th position. Roshna showed love and commitment to her lover Ashok and had the courage of crossing the river during flood, but she could have waited for opportunity instead of giving in to Lakshmans demand of kissing her. She was honest enough to confess and tell this incident to Ashok. Had she been disloyal she could have kept quiet about the incident. She felt vindicated when Ashok was mercilessly beaten up by his father. This is an act of selfishness and deriving pleasure from others misery. Page 5 of 9

Business and Mangerial Ethics Vishnu comes at 5th position. His character can be described as an escapist. Roshna wouldnt have to go through her ordeal had Vishnu intervened at that moment. Vishnu is a person who remains oblivious to the suffering of fellow humans. Last in the ranking is Pradip Patel. He is mercurial, impulsive and irrational person who showed complete disregard to individual freedom and thinks that its his moral right to beat his son up. Hence, my personal opinion about rankings is 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Ashok Lakshman Yadav Roshna Vishnu Pradip

My Realizations (Divyansh)
My personal opinion about rankings is 1) Yadav 2) Vishnu 3) Lakshman 4) Ashok 5) Roshna 6) Pradip Explanation for the above ranking is as follows: To begin with, Yadav who simply demanded Rs. 50, this was ten times more than the usual fare and did not help the poor girl. To him, its not people but money that matters the most. Next is Vishnu. His character can be described as an escapist. Roshna wouldnt haveto go through her ordeal had Vishnu intervened at that moment. Vishnu is a person who remains oblivious to the suffering of fellow humans. Next in the ranking comes Lakshman who is an opportunist and wanted favor from Roshna. He exploited her and took advantage of the situation. He also showed no clemency when Roshna was pleading for help. Next is Ashok. He is a suspicious and over-possessive lover who wants absolute loyalty from Roshna and doesnt think twice about beating her up. Ashok didnt empathize with her and showed no compassion towards her. His character truly symbolizes unkindness and selfishness. Next in the ranking is Roshna should be placed at the 5th position. Roshna showed love and commitment to her lover Ashok and had the courage of crossing the river during flood, but she could have waited for opportunity instead of giving in to Lakshmans demand of kissing her. She was honest enough to confess and tell this incident to Ashok. Had she been disloyal she could have kept quiet about the incident. She felt vindicated when Ashok was mercilessly beaten up by his father. This is an act of selfishness and deriving pleasure from others misery. Lastly Pradip Patel comes at 6th position. He is mercurial, impulsive and irrational person who showed complete disregard to individual freedom and thinks that its his moral right to beat his son up.

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Business and Mangerial Ethics

My Realizations Ankit Modi

The Narmada case portrays the various facets of human behavior. The case throws light on human intentions, their reactions to a given situation and brings out their true character. First in the ranking is Lakshman who is an opportunist and wanted favour from Roshna. He exploited her and took advantage of the situation. He also showed no clemency when Roshna was pleading for help. Second come Ashok - a suspicious and over-possessive lover who wants absolute loyalty from Roshna and doesnt think twice about beating her up. Ashok didnt empathize with her and showed no compassion towards her. His character truly symbolizes unkindness and selfishness. Next in the ranking comes Yadav who simply demanded Rs. 50 which was ten times more than the usual fare and did not help the poor girl. To him, its not people but money matters the most. Hes only concerned about his monetary wealth. Vishnu comes at 4th position. His character can be described as an escapist. Roshna wouldnt have to go through her ordeal had Vishnu intervened at that moment. Vishnu is a person who remains oblivious to the suffering of fellow humans. Roshna comes at the 5th position. Roshna showed love and commitment to her lover Ashok and had the courage of crossing the river during flood, but she could have waited for opportunity instead of giving in to Lakshmans demand of kissing her. She was honest enough to confess and tell this incident to Ashok. Had she been disloyal she could have kept quiet about incident. She felt vindicated when Ashok was mercilessly beaten up by his father. This is an act of selfishness and deriving pleasure from others misery. Last in the ranking is Pradip Patel. He is mercurial, impulsive and irrational person who showed complete disregard to individual freedom and thinks that its his moral right to beat his son up. My order of individual ranking of characters 1 Lakshman Opportunist, No compassion for other 2 Ashok Hasty, domineering 3 Yadav Money-minded 4 Vishnu Selfish , unemphatic, aloof 5 Roshna Love , honesty, edgy 6 Pradip Impulsive

My order of individual ranking of characters ( Abhishek Panda)

From Worst to Better: Lakshman Vishnu Yadav Roshna

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Business and Mangerial Ethics Ashok Pradip Reason behind such a judgement is : Lakshman: He was resourceful enough to help Roshna with the gratification that he demanded at that point from Roshna. His love was towards Rohna was not justified by his action and portrayed an image of an opportunist who simple exploited a person in trouble to achieve his ill intentions. Traits Shown: Opportunist , No compassion for other , disrespect for women. Vishunu: The character saw a wrong being done to Roshna and was very well in the state of advising Lakshman against doing such act. However he chose not to do so. This shows his lack of empathy towards the suffering of the people around him. This characteristic according to me is one of the major lapse in character of a social human being . Traits shown : Selfish , noempathy for the suffering of others and no point of view . Yadav: He also had the resource to help Roshna. He has some items to carry to the other side of river for some of his needy friends so he initially refused to help Roshana , however agreed to take Roshna at a higher cost which Roshan was not able to pay. This character is in shades of white and grey. His actions of leaving an essential work of taking food for his fried for higher payment was a sign of his week moral values and mindset to do anything for money . Traits Shown: Opportunist, money minded . Roshna: She sacrificed he modesty for her love which showed her dedication and commitment for her love , however she could have handled the situation in other ways also. The fact that she was ready to compromise without exploring other opportunities can be interpreted in a negative manner . However she was true to accept her mistake in front of Ashok and was not willing to hide the incident with Lakshman speaks a lot about her honesty. Traits Shown: Love , honesty, impatience Ashok : The way Ashok reacted on hearing Roshana was uncalled for and was very impulsive . He had no soft corner or empathy about how Roshana was feeling .His sudden outburst at Roshana shows his lack of understanding and highhanded attitude in the relationship . Traits Shown: no empathy , Impulsive, not understanding, highhanded attitude Yadav: He reacted as per the social norms on seeing his son beating Roshna , however he is very impulsive as he did not understand the situation before beating up Ashok. Traits Shows: Impulsive and immature.

My realization (Abhinav Sharma)

My individual ranking of characters is as following: Lakshman Yadav Vishnu Ashok Roshna Pradip Reasons on which above mentioned rankings are based : Lakshman: Lakshman was an opportunist and wanted favour from Roshna. He was in a position to help Roshna but he demanded favour from Roshna. His love towards Rohna was not justified by his action and portrayed an image of an opportunist who simple exploited a person in trouble to achieve his ill intentions and it was more of lust than love. Traits Shown: Opportunist, Selfish Yadav: Yadav was a money minded person. To him, its not people but money that matters the most. He also had the resource to help Roshna. He has some items to carry to the other side of river for Page 8 of 9

Business and Mangerial Ethics some of his needy friends so he initially refused to help Roshana , however agreed to take Roshna at a higher cost which Roshan was not able to pay. Traits Shown: Opportunist, money minded, unemphatic Vishunu: Vishnu can be described as an escapist. He ran away from the situation without giving any solution. This shows his lack of empathy towards the suffering of the people around him. This type of behaviour is unacceptable in a society Traits shown : Selfish , unemphatic, unsociable Roshna: Roshna could have acted in a mature manner by asking Yadav to bring the news of Ashok's well being. By crossing the river also she enquired about Ashok and his family's well being. This could have been easily done by Yadav .This shows childish nature of Roshna Traits Shown: Love , Immaturity, impatience, Revenge Ashok : Ashok reacted in an Impulsive manner. He should have heard Roshna's point of view on the circumstances prevailing and acted accordingly. It was for Ashok only that Roshna sacrificed her modesty. Traits Shown: Impulsive, not understanding, highhanded attitude Pradip: He punished his son without even knowing the situation. He reacted as per the social norms on seeing his son beating Roshna , however he is very impulsive as he did not understand the situation before beating up Ashok. Traits Shows: Impulsive and immature.

My Realization ( Kartik Kaushik)

From Worst to Better: Lakshman Vishnu Yadav Roshna Ashok Pradip

Reason behind such a judgement is : Lakshman: Lakshman who is an opportunist and wanted favour from Roshna. He exploited her and took advantage of the situation. He also showed no clemency when Roshna was pleading for help. Traits Shown: Opportunist, No compassion for other, Exploit, Lust Vishnu: His character can be described as an escapist. Roshna wouldnt have to go through her ordeal had Vishnu intervened at that moment. Vishnu is a person who remains oblivious to the suffering of fellow humans. Traits shown : Selfish , no empathy for the suffering of others. Yadav: He also had the resource to help Roshna. He has some items to carry to the other side of river for some of his needy friends so he initially refused to help Roshana, however agreed to take Roshna at a higher cost which Roshan was not able to pay. This character is in shades of white and grey. His actions of leaving an essential work of taking food for his fried for higher payment was a sign of his week moral values and mindset to do anything for money . Traits Shown: Opportunist, money minded. Roshna: Roshna showed love and commitment to her lover Ashok and had the courage of crossing the river during flood, but she could have waited for opportunity instead of giving in to Lakshmans demand of kissing her. She was honest enough to confess and tell this incident to Ashok. Had she been disloyal she could have kept quiet about the incident. She felt vindicated when Ashok was mercilessly beaten up by his father. This is an act of selfishness and deriving pleasure from others misery. Traits Shown: Love , honesty, impatience Page 9 of 9

Business and Mangerial Ethics Ashok : Ashok reacted in an Impulsive manner. He should have heard Roshna's point of view on the circumstances prevailing and acted accordingly. It was for Ashok only that Roshna sacrificed her modesty. Traits Shown: no empathy , Impulsive, not understanding, highhanded attitude Pradip: He reacted as per the social norms on seeing his son beating Roshna , however he is very impulsive as he did not understand the situation before beating up Ashok. Traits Shows: Impulsive

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