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Online Subject Registration Procedures

Academic Secretariat, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


This slideshow will cover the following areas on subject registration.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. How to access AS Student Page Personal Checklist Subject/timetable Information Online Subject Registration Personal Subject Registration Record Add/Drop Period General Education Subject Selection Preferred Subject Indication Additional Subject Selection Other Regulations Related to Subject Registration

Please click the next button on the right side for starting the slide show on each topic, or click the direct topic if you would like to revise a specific function.

Academic Secretariat, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

1. How to access AS Student Page (I)


You can access AS Student Page from OR PolyU Homepage > myPolyU (University Portal) > AS Student Page

Academic Secretariat, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

1. How to access AS Student Page (II)


You are required to login the system by entering

Your STUDENT ID number; and P.I.N.
Important Note:
You should change the PIN after your first login via Change PIN/Reset PIN. When choosing your own PIN, please avoid using easily identifiable information such as your birthday, telephone number, etc. You are also advised to safeguard your PIN by keeping it secret and confidential. In case you forget your PIN, you can reset your PIN to the first 6 numeric digits of your HKID card no/passport no.

Academic Secretariat, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

2. Personal Checklist


In the Personal Checklist, you can check

the recommended study pattern of your programme your earliest commencing time assigned for performing subject registration and other periods for various activities (e.g. add/drop/change group period)

Academic Secretariat, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

3. Subject/timetable Information


You can check subject information, credits, vacancy before performing subject registration online
1. Select the programme you are enrolled in and press search. Subjects list will be shown, with group, vacancy and credit information. 2. You can check subject details, synopsis & timetable information, if any, by clicking the subject code.

Academic Secretariat, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

4. Online Subject Registration (I)


Please note that Subject Registration on Web

will NOT be affected by rainstorm warning/typhoons/public holidays will NOT be extended

Important Note:
Students can confirm ONCE only for their selection. Adjustment of subject selection could be done during system re-opening time (i.e. on last day of the subject registration period) or during the add/drop period of a semester.

Academic Secretariat, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

4. Online Subject Registration (II)


In order to register a subject, you should 1. choose the designated Programme-Stream, if necessary and note the max. no of elective subject to be chosen 2. select subject group and its component(s)

Academic Secretariat, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

4. Online Subject Registration (III)


After you have selected the subject, please 1. check if there is any time clashes between subjects, and remove one subject, if any.

2. After you select ALL subjects you want, press Confirm for your selection.

To remove the subject

Academic Secretariat, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

5. Personal Subject Registration Record


In this page, you can check

the subject you have registered / pre-assigned to you by your programme offering department; Your credit requirement for the study programme; and Credit transfer or exemption record.

Academic Secretariat, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

6. Add/Drop Period


During the add/drop period, you can

add/drop elective subjects adjust your personal timetable by changing component information
Important Note: If you add/drop subjects more than 4 times, your earliest commencing time to access online subject registration in the next semester will be postponed.
(This arrangement is not applicable to new students in their 1st semester.)

Academic Secretariat, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

7. General Education (GE) Subject Selection


Students from UGC-funded programmes are required to take GE subjects for fulfilling the General Education requirements for graduation. Student can select up to 10 choices with prioritization. Computer iteration will be run after the GE subject selection exercise for allotting a GE subject to students & email will be sent to student for the iteration result.

1. Select up to 10 choices with prioritization. 2. Press CONFIRM button after youve done the selection.

Academic Secretariat, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

8. Preferred Subject Indication


When there is no vacancy for the subject(s) you would like to take during the subject registration or add/drop period, you may indicate your wish via Preferred Subject Indication. Department will contact you if study places of your preferred subject become available after the subject registration or add/drop period.

You may select up to 10 choices with prioritization.

Academic Secretariat, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

9. Additional Subject Selection


All students of full-time programmes can select additional subjects, which are outside their curriculum, to broaden their scope during the add/drop period. Computer iteration will be run after the add/drop period for allotting an additional subject to student, subject to the vacancy of the subject & email will be sent to student for the iteration result.

You may select up to 10 choices with prioritization.

Academic Secretariat, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

10. Other Regulations Related to Subject Registration


Students are advised to refer to the Student Handbook for regulations related to the registration.

Academic Secretariat, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


The End

Academic Secretariat, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

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