BAF 1.2 Fire Fighter Attributes and Responsibility PDF

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OBJECTIVE Learning Outcome 2 Assessment Criteria 2 Display Appropriate Fire Fighter Attributes. 2.1 2.2 REFERENCES a. Manual of firemanship part 6a: practical firemanship I b. Panduan Perkhidmatan Bomba PU 202229 Describe the roles and responsibilities of a fire fighter. List out fire fighter attributes.

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INTRODUCTION Fire fighting one of the worlds most honoured but hazardous occupations. It is the duty of every fire department to practice life safety, incident stabilization, and property conservation. The firefighters job is not comfortable or easy; it is a profession that exposes an individual to a high level of personal stress and danger. Fire fighting requires a high sense of personal dedication, a genuine desire to help people, and high level of skill. THE ROLE OF FIREMAN The fireman has to play the important role such as: a. b. c. Rescue life. To minimize damaging the property involving fire. Humanitarian services.

THE DUTY AND RESPONSIBILITY a. b. c. Fight fire, rescue life and save property. To handle the aircraft emergency. Check and ensure all the command and fire prevention orders are followed and every high-risk fire, which is serious, has been noticed must report to higher authority. Have training on fire and aircraft emergency. Have continuation training for fireman. Have fire lecture and training for base personals. After working cease hour inspect all the buildings. Ensure to inspect and maintain all the fire equipment. To give advise on fire prevention to base personals. Have close relation with civil fire. Do familiarization the whole base so that the fireman will have the experience on their surrounding areas.

d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k.

THE FIRE FIGHTER ATTRIBUTES a. b. Must be physically fit - For work at a fire will almost always involve considerable physical exertion. Must be courageous and yet be calm - For on these qualities will depend his reactions in an emergency.

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Must be patient - For often he will need patience when dealing with persons whose property is involved or threatened by fire and who are in a state of considerable mental distress. Must have initiative and must possess - The will to keep going for long periods under adverse conditions. Must cultivate his powers of observation to the utmost. Must possess an enquiring mind. Must have a keen sense of discipline - For unless he himself is able to obey orders without question lie cannot expect others to carry out his orders. Must never forget that as a member of a local authority fire brigade lie is a servant of the public, and that it is to him that the public turns in an emergency. His duty may be summed up as, firstly, to save life, secondly, to prevent the destruction of property by lire and, thirdly, to render humanitarian services. The fireman who wishes to progress in his profession should study every outbreak which he has the good fortune to attend and endeavour to learn something from it. Thus, after a few years, he will have built up a store of practical knowledge which will equip him to deal with most of the problems which come his way.

d. e. f. g. h.


CONCLUCION In this training session it is proposed to understand the fire fighters attributes and knowledge required by individual to perform duties and responbility as an Aerofireman in RMAF service.

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