The Scottish Rite in Greece

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The Scottish Rite in Greece

Andreas C. Rizopoulos,
fcially, the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite has been
present in Greece since July I8,: when the rst Supreme Council
was established by Demetrius Rhodocanakis under the authority
given to him as active member of the Supreme Council of Scotland.
Thus it now has a fully documented history of over I,o years. The Scottish Rite
in other forms has been present in Greece, or at least in what is the present
Greece for almost an additional one hundred years, that is since I,8I. This paper
does not aim to present the complete history of the Rite in Greece, which would
necessitate a full-length book and most probably would only interest a very lim-
ited audience. Instead, I intend to present the most important developments
during these ::o years and to comment on the origins and on some contentious
events of the period and nally to raise a number of questions.
The Beginning of Greek Freemasonry
In I,8: the first Masonic lodge was erected in Corfu, the capital of the seven
Ionian Islands, under the authority of the Grand Mother Lodge of Verona at
Padova and ultimately under the National Directorate of Lyon of the French
Rectified Scottish Rite and was named Beneficenza (Benevolence or Charity).
This lodge became dormant shortly after the Venetian Republic started per-
secuting Freemasonry. It was revived in I,o, when the French occupied the
Ionian Islands for a brief period and again became dormant until I8oo when
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the French came to the islands for the second time. Then it was revived again
and united with Lodge Filogenia, which was working in Corfu, under the
name Beneficenza-Filogenia Riunite, Filogenia meaning friendship of the
nation. On :I November I8II Count Dionyssios de Roma applied to the
recently revived Grand Orient of France to place this lodge under its aegis.
Following the approval of the Grand Orient, Roma turned the lodge into a
Provincial Mother Lodge that is, a lodge with the authority to create new
lodges in the area. Eventually after the beginning of the British Protectorate in
I8I- Roma and the other Freemasons of the time, decided to declare the lodge
to be the Serene Grand Orient of Greece. That was a very bold move if we are
to consider that at the time there was no country existing under the name of
Greece. It is noteworthy that after the launch of the War of Independence in
I8:I, Klemens von Metternich, the influential Austrian Foreign Minister,
stated that he knew of no country with the name of Greece because he could
not nd it on his maps.
Roma took another bold initiative by approaching the Grand Master of the
newly formed United Grand Lodge of England (U.G.L.E.), Augustus Duke of
Sussex, offering him the position of Grand Master of the new Grand Orient
headquartered in Corfu. Records existing in the French National Archives
confirm that the Duke accepted the position, although I have not been able to
find any mention in the Proceedings of the U.G.L.E. It seems that Roma on the
one hand was trying to obtain legitimacy of the new body and on the other
hand to serve a political purpose. The kettle of the revolution was already on
the fire, and the Ionian Islands were the only part of Greece that was beyond
the reach of the Ottomans. This situation was to be exploited during the War,
but that is another story.
The Demise of the First Grand Orient of Greece
Despite the fact that this new Grand Orient was effectively placed under the
U.G.L.E., all Ionian Freemasons traced their identity from the Scottish Rite.
Thus we nd them signing all documents, including Craft diplomas, with their
Scottish Rite ranks. A large number were I8, Sovereign Princes Rose Croix, and
Roma and a couple of other leaders held only the ,I. This was not just a local
confusion, but signing all Masonic documents with ones highest rank fol-
lowed the practice in the French Rectied Scottish Rite. One would have
expected, though, that after deciding to establish a closer relation with England
they would have adapted to the English practice, which did not acknowledge
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Andreas C. Rizopoulos
the High Degrees. But this consideration comes out of hindsight, since at that
period these distinctions were not really clear-cut in the Continent.
So I believe that it is sound to state that the Scottish Rite was present in Greece
from the rst beginnings of Freemasonry. The demise of the rst Grand Orient
of Greece is also indirectly due to the Scottish Rite. Here are the relevant events.
During the War of Independence (I8:II8:8) it seems that there was no
Masonic activity as such in Greece. Greek Freemasons were active in the War
and instrumental in its success, but that was not the time for regular Masonic
activity. Following the liberation of Greece, the Ionian Islands remained under
the British Protectorate, and Freemasons continued with their normal activi-
ties. At the same time in the mainland the rst Governor, Ioannis Capodistria,
although a Freemason himself, in I8:8 proscribed all secret societies, including
Freemasonry. It was not until the I8-os that Freemasonry was revived.
In Corfu there was now located Anthony Dandolo, a former ofcer in the
army of Napoleon and a ,,, S.G.I.G., from a French lodge. Dandolo for a num-
ber of years created Masons under the authority of his ,, within the clandes-
tine lodge Phoenix that he reportedly erected in I8I8. Dandolo was Francophile,
and for many years he engaged in political activity against the British Protec-
torate. In all those years it seems that the regular Freemasons of the Grand Ori-
ent simply avoided Masonic contact with him. When the Duke of Sussex died in
I8a,, the Grand Orient, together with the English Pythagoras Lodge, working in
Corfu since I8,,, decided to organize a memorial service. Dandolo, despite his
anti-British feelings, demanded to be present and to be received with the hon-
ors pertaining to his ,,.
It seems that both Greek and British Freemasons refused his demand, and
Dandolo was so incensed that he applied to Grand Orient of France for a char-
ter to place Phoenix Lodge under the French aegis. He received the charter a
couple of months later, and from then on, for the next seven years, there was
constant warfare between Phoenix and the Grand Orient of Greece. The Grand
Orient sent a number of memoranda both to the Grand Orient of France and
the U.G.L.E. protesting against the establishment of a French lodge in a
Masonically occupied territory, but to no avail. Then around I8-o the Grand
Orient of Greece ceased to exist. Unfortunately we have not been able to pin-
point the exact time and the potential nal stroke. The fact remains, though,
that the developments are again avored by the Scottish Rite, since everything
seems to have been initiated from the offense felt by Dandolo when his powers
emanating from his ,, were not acknowledged.
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The Scottish Rite in Greece
Phoenix Lodge remained active and with a strong presence in Corfu,
remaining under the Grand Orient of France until Io,I when it decided to join
the then Grand Orient of Greece and received the honorary number I.
The Second Grand Orient of Greece
Around I8-- several lodges were working in mainland Greece formed by former
members of Phoenix Lodge and others who had been initiated in France and
Italy, under the Grand Orient of Italy located in Florence. On Io February I8o,
seven lodges that were working in Athens, Piraeus, Chalkis, Patras, Syros, Lamia,
and Argos, demanded their independence from the Grand Orient of Italy. This
was given to them two months later, and the newly-formed Grand Orient of
Greece started to get organized by drafting its Constitution. The existence of
seven lodges does not infer that there was a large number of active members. At
the same time the leading members of the lodges in Athens and those behind
the application for independence, were persons highly placed in the society
university professors, military leaders, politicians, and so onand all of them
with very strong personalities. So while there was not a big body from which to
draw the leadership of the Grand Orient, nevertheless the leading personalities
could not agree on the nomination of the rst Grand Master. The founders of
the new Grand Orient could only agree to appoint a Deputy Grand Master pro
tempore until they could nd someone acceptable by all for this position.
The Birth of a Prince
Among the founders was Mikes Rhodocanakis who sometime in I8o8 men-
tioned that a cousin of his was a very prominent prince living in England named
Prince Demetrius Rhodocanakis. So the new Grand Orient of Greece decided
to contact him and offer him the position of Grand Master. All of them assumed
that a prince would most denitely be a Freemason as well. They were surprised
to nd out rst that Rhodocanakis was not a Mason, and second that he was not
interested in their proposal. It is not clear what happened next but it seems that
Rhodocanakis must have changed his mind and decided to accept the offer.
Who was Rhodocanakis? Demetrius Rhodocanakis claimed that he was
born on I- December I8ao on the island of Chios, or Scio, and called himself
Prince, and as such he is titled in almost all Masonic references. However the
records of the island of Syra, or Syros, prove that he was born there, according
to the declaration of his father deposited at the Registry of Births on Io Febru-
ary I8aI. As to the title of prince, see below. Rhodocanakis went to Manches-
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ter, England, from Syra in I8oo and lived there until I8,: when he returned to
Greece. He died in Hermoupolis, Syra, in Ioo:. A more detailed biography of
Rhodocanakis has been published in Ars Quatuor Coronatorum, the transac-
tions of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. :o,o of London.
Rhodocanakis went to Manchester in I8oo, presumably to work in one of
the companies of his uncles. There were two major companies at that time in
England with ofces in London and Manchester. It is unknown to which one
he was attached. One was named Rodocanachi & Sons Merchants and the
other Rodocanachi Giovanni & Co. Rhodocanakis, with the expert help of a
well-known and talented forger named Simonides published an impressive
genealogy of his family, tracing his roots to Emperor Constantine Paleologue,
and thus set the foundations to his claim that he was a descendant of a Byzan-
tine Imperial family. Rhodocanakis made the rst move to claim his title by
an ingenious, if not orthodox, way. In I8o, he was registered in England as a
naturalized alien under the name Prince Demetrius Rhodocanakis. In view
of the countless princes of European origin who were circulating in Europe at
that time no one disputed his claim. His next move was to ask to be erased
from the Greek records, on :o March I8oo, as having obtained British citizen-
ship and being a resident of Manchester. Much later, while living in Greece, he
embarked on a legal ght with the Mayor of Hermoupolis, Syra, because the
latter would not recognize his title as prince, since no royal titles were recog-
nized in Greece, save those belonging to the then reigning royal family.
Rhodocanakis presented his British passport, with the word prince accom-
panying his name, as proof of his right to the title.
The Beginning of the Supreme Council of Greece
Rhodocanakis described developments following the invitation from the
Grand Orient of Greece. His own version of the events is presented in an elab-
orate publication titled Ofcial Report of the Proceedings Relative to the Founda-
tion of the Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Greece and Election of its First Grand
Master, which Rhodocanakis produced in I8,: and sent to all Grand Lodges.
There Rhodocanakis writes:
About this period a condential correspondence took place between cer-
tain delegates of the fraternity in Greece and myself relative to my candi-
dature for the vacant post. At that time my answer was an unqualied
refusal; rst, because I was not myself a Mason; and, secondly, because I
was then of opinion that the dignity, although highly to be coveted, was
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The Scottish Rite in Greece
too onerous to permit me to accept it with satisfaction to myself, or to
those brethren over whom I was thus atteringly called to preside. Even-
tually, however, my conscientious scruples were overcome, and, taking
counsel of sundry brethren well qualied to advise me in this somewhat
difcult position, I at length permitted myself to be proposed as a candi-
date for initiation.`
Rhodocanakis, through his contacts and endowed with the title of prince,
somehow contacted the Grand Lodge of Scotland. On I8 October I8oo he was
Initiated, Passed, and Raised at St. Andrew Lodge No. a8 in Edinburgh. The next
day he was exalted to the Royal Arch and on the :oth was admitted to the Order
of the Temple. Then on :o November he was advanced to the Royal Order of
Scotland by the Grand Chapter of H.R.D.M. A few months later Rhodocanakis
is reported to have been present as a visitor to St. Andrews Lodge of Mark Mas-
ters No. :8 S.C. in Manchester and recorded as Prince Rhodocanakis, ,o.`
Rhodocanakis had accepted the offer of the Grand Orient of Greece and was
preparing himself for the position by trying to collect all degrees available to
him. But at the same time he seems to have had his sights on other schemes.
While still a ,o he contacted the Supreme Council of England and Wales in
order to obtain a Warrant to establish a Supreme Council in Greece. C. John
Mandleberg refers to this incident in Ancient and Accepted:
In Europe, Supreme Council found itself involved with the establish-
ment of a Supreme Council in Greece which was eventually set up by
Prince Demetrias [sic] Rhodocanakis, a Freemason who seems to have
been endowed with both inuence and considerable ambition. Prince
Rhodocanakis ,o had his rst interview with Supreme Council on ,th
February I8,o. On the following day the Council resolved that a Warrant
could be granted to him to establish a Supreme Grand Council for the
Kingdom of Greece, or other political government which he may decide
upon. However Supreme Council made the proviso that it should be
assured that the leading Members of such Kingdom or Government, as
well as the Clergy of that Country, are in favour of such proceeding, and
further that no politics be mixed up with Masonry; this is the rst time
that Supreme Council made any reference to the leading Members of
such Kingdom, and more specically to the Clergy of that Country, in
considering any request for the establishment or recognition of a
Supreme Grand Council. Supreme Council attached the further condi-
tions to the grant of a Warrant that the proposed Council should be sta-
tionary in Athens or the Capital of the Country decided on, and that the
other Supreme Grand Councils with which it was in amity should give
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their assent. Supreme Council went on to resolve that when it received
these assurances the degree of S.G.I. ,, will be conferred on Prince
Rhodocanakis with full power to establish a Supreme Council in the
Country agreed to.
However in the following May Rhodocanakis wrote to Supreme
Council to withdraw his request for a Warrant and said that he had been
elected to ll a vacancy in the Scottish Supreme Council. At the same time
[Nathaniel] Philips, the Grand Treasurer General, told the Council that he
had met the Archbishop of Lyra who had told him that there was no
objection to a Supreme Council being formed in Greece.
The reason why Rhodocanakis withdrew his request was that on :8 April
I8,o he was coroneted Sovereign Grand Inspector General, ,,, by the Supreme
Council of Scotland, and he received the required Warrant to establish a
Supreme Council in Greece from this body.
But the above was not the last time Rhodocanakis approached the Supreme
Council of England and Wales. Next year Rhodocanakis approached them on
the potential establishment of a Supreme Council on the Isle of Man.
In May I8,o he also sent a query to Supreme Council about The Red

of Rome and Constantine, and then in February I8,I he asked if it

would take The Order of Justinian under its Banner. The latter offer
Supreme Council resolved to decline with thanks. Then at the Council
Meeting on Ioth May Br. Prince Rhodocanakis a ,, of Scotland was
admitted. The Prince told the Council that Yarker had asked him to be
the rst Sovereign Grand Commander of a new Supreme Council which
Yarker proposed to form in the Isle of Man. Although Rhodocanakis said
that he never had any intention of accepting the post offered to him,
Supreme Council considered it prudent formally to resolve that as the
Isle of Man is part of the Kingdom of England there cannot be another
Supreme Council within its jurisdiction according to the ancient statutes,
and to send a copy of the Resolution to the Prince so that he would be in
no doubt of its position.
Rhodocanakis remained in England most of the next year and on Ia Sep-
tember I8,I departed for Greece where, after traveling through France and Italy,
arrived in Athens on :o October. The reason for the delay for his departure
(almost three years after he was rst approached to accept the position of Grand
Master) is not clear. His explanation in the report mentioned above is that he
was delayed due to the war between France and Germany. He writes:
political convulsions of an abnormal and sanguinary nature rendered
my projected visit to Greece inadvisable, inasmuch as I did not wish that
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The Scottish Rite in Greece
this visit should be confounded with designs of equivocal character. This
delay was criticized by friends both in Great Britain, America and Greece,
and the causes that had hitherto retarded my long projected departure,
having been removed by the Franco-Prussian truce, I had no longer any
reason for inaction.
This rather feeble explanation, as if the position of the Grand Master of the
Grand Lodge of Greece could be brought into the French-German conict, has
been accepted by some Greek historians at face value. But it is these same histo-
rians who had claimed, although the dates of his trip are mentioned in the pub-
lication of I8,:, that he had visited all European countries in order to contact
the Masonic authorities traveling for months before arriving in Greece regard-
less of the fact that Rhodocanakis does not make such claim.
A possible explanation is that he nourished the hope that he could be
involved with a grander project either through the Grand Lodge of Scotland, or
the Supreme Council of England and Wales.
According to the Report he traveled throughout Greece visiting the various
Lodges in order to smooth out all friction and to invite delegates to form a
Convention for the election of a Council. On :: July I8,: Rhodocanakis was
elected Grand Master, and two days later on :a July he established a Supreme
Grand Council ,, for Greece with himself as Sovereign Grand Commander.
Most of the members of the Council of the Grand Orient were also members
of the Supreme Council.
Respectability and Recognition
After Rhodocanakis had returned to Greece and before the establishment of the
Greek Supreme Council, we nd Rhodocanakis mentioned again in the min-
utes of the Supreme Council for England. Mandleberg refers again to this:
In a letter which Philips wrote to [Albert G.] Goodall at the N.J. U.S.A.,
on :nd February I8,:, he was very scathing about Rhodocanakis and his
ambition to form a Supreme Council in Greece. He added, Prince
Rhodocanakis was made from an E.A. to a ,, in three or four days in
Scotland and has never occupied the Chair of a Lodge or other Masonic
body.This can hardly have been true as the Prince was a ,o when he rst
appeared before Supreme Council in February I8,o, and does not appear
to have been advanced to the ,, until some time later. However, as is evi-
dent in his dealings with Dr. [Henry B.] Leeson, charitable feelings to
those he disliked was never one of Philips characteristics. Furthermore, as
can be seen from contemporary articles and correspondence in the
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Masonic journals, doubt had been cast upon the credentials of
Rhodocanakis; in some of these he was virtually accused of being a char-
latan. These doubts appear eventually to have been dispelled, but
unwholesome publicity of this type would undoubtedly have offended
Philips who had the highest standards of conduct and social propriety.
In October I8,: Rhodocanakis approached the Supreme Council of Eng-
land asking for its recognition:
Supreme Council reacted to this request with the same strict caution
as it had displayed when Rhodocanakis had sought a Warrant from it. It
resolved rst to ask the Scottish Council if it had recognised the new
Council and then to send four questions to Rhodocanakis himself:
I. If there was any Member of the ,, in Greece when he founded the
:. Whether any R.C. Chapter or other Body of the A. &A. Rite was
already working there?
,. Whether the new Council had been recognised by the Supreme
Council of Scotland?
a. Whether it has the approbation of the Grecian authorities?
There was some confusion about the recognition of the Greek
Supreme Council. Writing to Albert Pike of the S.J., U.S.A., Philips quoted
Stewart, the Grand Secretary General of the Scottish Supreme Council, as
saying the Supreme Council for Scotland has not as yet recognised a
Supreme Council for Greece, although, Philips continues, the latter was,
according to Rhodocanakis, established under the authority of the S.C.
for Scotland. However Rhodocanakis then wrote to say that he had no
doubt that the Scottish Council of which he was presumably still a Mem-
ber, would give its recognition as soon as it met. In respect of the other
assurances which Supreme Council had required, he said that there were
no members of the A. &A. Rite in Greece when he opened the Council
there and that his action was approved by both the Civil and Ecclesiasti-
cal authorities. Moreover he added that there was a belief that the King of
Greece will eventually become the M. P. S. G. Cr. of the new Council.
By May I8,, the Supreme Grand Council of Greece had been recognized
both by the Supreme Council of the S.J., U.S.A. and also by that of Scotland.
When the Prince again wrote seeking recognition, resigning from the ,o
in England and nominating Ill. Bro. Mavrokordato of Greece as the Repre-
sentative of the English Council near his own, on I,th May I8,, Supreme
Council resolved to accept his Resignation and to recognize the Supreme
Council for Greece. Mavrokordato (his name is variously spelled in the
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The Scottish Rite in Greece
records) died later in the year, and [Robert] Hamilton sent Rhodocanakis
a Diploma appointing Major S. Karaiskakes as his successor.
The election of Rhodocanakis to the two exalted positions solved the prob-
lems caused by the clashes of personalities but did not have other immediate
effects on the development of Freemasonry in Greece. For another ten years
practically all Masonic activity was limited to Athens. Rhodocanakis was treat-
ing the two councils as his efdom. Following the consecration of the two
Councils he moved to Syra where he continued his writing career and devoted
himself to family life, marrying twice.
Over a period of almost thirty years he was present at just eleven meetings
of the Councils. Between his rst and the second meeting, six years elapsed.
Between the second and the third, ve years, and so on. In between the meet-
ings it is assumed that he kept in contact with them, but not necessarily inform-
ing them of his actions.
Unanswered Questions
Before proceeding with the history of the rst ofcial Supreme Council of the
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in Greece, I nd it necessary to present
some, so far, unanswered questions.
Considering that the leaders of the Grand Orient of Greece were hailing
mainly from French and Italian lodges, it is understandable that they should
consider that the proper structure of Freemasonry included the Ecossais
degrees. Rhodocanakis was living in Manchester, an area under the jurisdiction
of the U.G.L.E., and thus it should seem that he should have approached the
U.G.L.E. to be initiated. Instead he traveled to Scotland. An easy, and probably
reasonable, explanation could be that he was told from Athens that they were
following the Ecossais Freemasonry and in view of the lack of knowledge,
which is present even in our days, he and they thought that Scotland is the
source of Scottish Freemasonry.
We have seen that Rhodocanakis collected several degrees in Scotland,
but when he came to Greece he chose only to establish a Supreme Council, and
nothing was ever mentioned about other Orders. The answer to this is proba-
bly very simple. Rhodocanakis had great difculty nding enough freemasons
in order to call an assembly, and the ofcers of both the Grand Orient and the
Supreme Council were practically the same, because there were no others
available. Thus, he wisely assumed that they could be spread too thin if they
tried to set up other Orders.
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Another intriguing question concerns the delay of the Supreme Council
of Scotland to recognize the new Supreme Council for Greece. Despite the
fact that Rhodocanakis was elected an active member of the Supreme Coun-
cil of Scotland with the mission to establish the Greek Supreme Council, the
recognition from Scotland came almost one year later, after the recognition
by the Southern Jurisdiction.
Schism in the Supreme Council
During the rst decade of the new Supreme Council there was practically no
activity either in the Scottish Rite or the Craft. Lodges numbered only a few
members who met at one ofce or another. New members were effectively
elected, and the degrees were communicated. The rst Chapter was formed
almost twenty years after the establishment of the Supreme Council. The con-
ditions were very loose, Rhodocanakis was absent most of the time and then a
momentous event took place: the notorious Lausanne Congress of I8,-. The
Supreme Council of Greece was represented at the Conference by Ill. Bro. Lind-
say Mackersey, a member of the Supreme Council of Scotland. The results of the
Conference and the repercussions are very well known so I will not expand here.
Several members of the Greek Supreme Council and of the Grand Orient,
under the leadership of Prof. N. Damaskinos, Deputy Grand Master and
Deputy Grand Commander, selected to side with the French, creating thus the
rst schism in Greek Freemasonry. Damaskinos and his followers established a
new body named Supreme Council-Grand Orient of Greece. The schism is
mentioned in the archives of the Supreme Council of England.
In April I8oo a report of a schism among the members of the A. and A.
Rite in Greece was discussed at the meeting of the representatives of the
three British Councils in Dublin. It was said that some brethren had
seceded from the allegiance to the recognised Supreme Council and to
have formed both a Grand Orient and a Grand Council:
It was unanimously resolved that the Delegates should recommend to
their respective SupCouncils only to recognize the original SupCoun-
cil presided over by Prince Rhodocanakis and not to recognise any other.
In spite of this resolution the matter then became somewhat confused.
On I,th December I8oo the Grand Orient of Greece wrote to Supreme
Council Re Conferring the Title of Honorary Grand Master SovGrd
Commander for Greece upon H.R.H. the Prince of Wales.At its Meeting
on oth February I8o, Supreme Council was informed that the Prince of
Wales had accepted this honour and that his Diploma as such had been
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The Scottish Rite in Greece
received. Shortly after this Supreme Council received from the Grand
Orient Sup Co ,, Greece a Circular letter relative to the Cretan
Insurrection. Ordered to lie on the Table.
On :8th February the Supreme Council of Greece wrote to Supreme
Council Re acceptance by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales of Title conferred
upon him by the Grand Orient Sup Co of Greece and sent by Ill. Br.
N. Damaschino ,,. Instructed to reply that the letter would be laid
before the Sup. Council at their next Meeting. On :nd April a Telegram
was received from the Grand Orient Sup. Co. ,, Greece,requesting that
no action be taken in the question of the Irregular Greek Sup. Council
until receipt of his letter. Four days later there was a letter from the same
source Re Conferment of Title on H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. Consider-
ation ordered to stand over. There is no record of the consideration of
any of these matters in the Minutes of he next Meeting of Supreme Coun-
cil on I,th July I8o,. At the following Meeting the only record is of a Cir-
cular of :Ist August I8o, from IllBroN. Damaschino ,,. Ordered to
lie on the Table. There, tantalisingly, the matter seems to have ended.`
For a number of years the three bodies (Supreme Council, Grand Orient and
the new body of Damaskinos) were working in Athens and it was not until some
years after the death of Rhodocanakis, in Ioo:, and the withdrawal of Damask-
inos, that they managed to resolve their differences and set up to independent
bodies, one for the Craft and the other for the Scottish Rite.
In December Iooo representatives of the three bodies met and started negoti-
ations to end the schism and resume regularity. The situation was harming every-
one both locally, due to the limited number of Freemasons, and internationally
with the confusion concerning recognition by the various bodies in Europe and
the United States. The negotiations carried on for about two months and an agree-
ment was signed. The combined Grand Orient/Supreme Council would restrict
itself only to the Craft and would recognize the Supreme Council set up by
Rhodocanakis as the only legitimate Scottish Rite body in Greece. At the same
time the Supreme Council agreed to recognize all degrees and ofces that had been
granted by the joint body during the years of the parallel operation. Although all
problems seemed to have been resolved there remained some procedural prob-
lems, which were to afict Freemasonry in Greece almost seventy years later.
Meanwhile the two distinct bodies started thriving and expanding despite
the political problems of Europe and the region, which developed in the next
decades, including the two Balkan Wars, World War I, and later World War II.
Part of the expansion included Cyprus, which at the time was under British
rule. Since I8o, the Grand Orient had set up a Craft lodge name Zenon in Limas-
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sol for Greek-speaking Cypriots. The history of Freemasonry in Cyprus is
beyond the scope of this paper, but sufce to state that the conditions in Cyprus
were very delicate. Technically the island, being under British rule, could be con-
sidered to be Masonically British territory. There was already a lodge under Eng-
lish Constitution working in the island, which was established mainly to cover the
needs of the British military and local government employees who were living on
the island. Almost from the rst months, Greekspeaking Cypriots joined this
lodge, and before long they formed almost the majority of the membership. The
majority of the population spoke English, but their preferred language was Greek.
The next move was to ask U.G.L.E. to form a Greek-speaking lodge. This request
was denied and they turned to Greece, which was happy to expand to Cyprus,
not only for the sake of expansion, but also in view of the latent desire to consider
Cyprus as part of the country. When the internal problems of Freemasonry were
resolved in Greece, the next logical move was to demand the creation of a Con-
sistory, ,o, for those who wished to progress to the degrees of the Scottish Rite.
I refer again to Mandleberg and the records of the Supreme Council of Eng-
land and Wales.
Although at that time there were no formal friendly relations between
the two Supreme Councils, in October IoI8 the Greek Council very cour-
teously wrote to the English Council asking whether it had any objection
to their starting a ,o Consistory at Limassol, Cyprus. Supreme Council
approved Towers reply:
My Supreme Council greatly appreciate the kind courtesy
which has prompted you to address this Supreme Council and
they do not desire to raise opposition to your desire to inaugurate
a ,o Consistory under your Constitution in Limassol.
You will of course understand that my Supreme Council do this
without prejudice to their own right of establishing the Ancient
and Accepted Rite in the island of Cyprus in the future. [Note Iaa:
LB ,I, ,:8 (:Ist Oct. IoI8)]`
An immediate interpretation of the move of the Greek Supreme Council
would be that it was plainly an act of courtesy because England did not have a
Consistory in the island and since there was already a Greek lodge there, the
Consistory would be serving only Greeks in an otherwise open territory.
An Uneasy Relationship
The new independent Grand Orient of Greece for traditional reasons decided
on the one hand to continue using the rituals of the Scottish Rite (adapted from
Volume , :o-
The Scottish Rite in Greece
the French texts) and to sign a Concordat with the Supreme Council. The Con-
cordat of Ioo8 was the rst of similar texts to be signed until the last one in the
middle Io8os and was nally revoked in Ioo,.
Among some innocent and customary articles in these Concordats, which
proclaimed the independence of the two bodies and the power of the Grand
Orient over Craft degrees and of the Supreme Council of the Higher Degrees,
there have been a number of articles that have created problems and wrong
impressions during the following decades and until the early Iooos.
In the rst Concordat there was an article that gave the power to the Supreme
Council to Initiate, Pass, and Raise Freemasons and then to demand the Grand
Orient to accept them in one of its lodges. This was clearly a usurpation of
power since according to accepted practices the Supreme Council cannot have
any power in Craft degrees. This article was not included in later Concordats.
Two other articles remained in all texts, until the nal one, and they have
been considered an abrogation of power by the Grand Orient. According to the
rst, members of the Supreme Council visiting Craft lodges should be given the
same honors as the members of the Council of the Grand Orient. In addition
holders of the ,, were allowed to visit lodges wearing only the eagle and not
an apron. For a number of years it was a customary sight in Craft lodges of the
Grand Master entering the lodge side-by-side with the Grand Commander
receiving the same honors.
While this provision could be considered as an over-zealous courtesy,
another article was certainly stressing traditions and considerations of inde-
pendence. An article stated that any Masonic offence of a member of the
Supreme Council within the Grand Lodge, or any individual lodge, could only
be tried by the Supreme Council itself.
These articles of the Concordats were part of the initial accusations of the
U.G.L.E. when in Ioo, it decided to withdraw recognition from the Grand
Lodge of Greece. I say initial because as soon as the subject was raised the
Grand Lodge denounced the Concordat, and the accusation became moot.
But let us return to the Io:os. The two bodies were working independently,
and they thrived. There were no other Orders in Greece, and most members of
Craft lodges felt that joining the Scottish Rite was a natural and expected step.
The two bodies were jointly publishing a monthly Masonic magazine, and they
were sharing the same building. As the numbers grew it was decided to obtain a
permanent building, and a property was jointly bought. The Grand Orient held
8o per cent and the Supreme Council :o per cent of the property. Then in Io:8
:oo Heredom
Andreas C. Rizopoulos
the Grand Orient managed to be recognized as a State-recognized Foundation,
while the Supreme Council formed a private association under the Civil Law.
There was no friction between the two bodies until Io,o. The only change
had been the change of the name of the governing authority of the Craft which
initially in the Io,os was renamed Grand Orient/Grand Lodge of Greece and
nally, after World War II, was named Grand Lodge of Greece.
The York Rite and Recognition Issues
Then in Io,o several Greek Freemasons decided to import to Greece the degrees
of the American York Rite with the help and instigation of several Greek-origin
Freemasons, members of the Rite, from Germany. Initially there seemed not to
exist any problem. It is noteworthy that at the Consecration of the rst royal
Arch Chapters there were present several members of the Supreme Council and
the Council of the Grand Lodge. Problems came to surface when the leaders of
this York Rite body requested recognition from the Grand Lodge. We are very
close to the events and the ground is very delicate, so I can only assume that the
Grand Lodge of Greece must have felt that there would be a new body that could
not and would not be controlled by it. Also the Supreme Council must have felt
the danger of losing the monopoly of the progression beyond the Craft.
Both established bodies proscribed the newcomer and threatened with
expulsion their members who remained there. This attitude and several other
events eventually led to the establishment of the National Grand Lodge of Greece
in Io8o. Practically all the founders of this new body were regulars of the York
Rite Chapters, Councils, and Commanderies. The leaders of the National Grand
Lodge decided to strictly follow the British practice in their rituals and the minu-
tiae of their operation. So curiously they decided to abandon the American-style
York Rite and adopt the British Holy Royal Arch and the other degrees beyond
the Craft (Mark, Royal Mariner, Cryptic Degrees, and so on) as practiced in
England. The National embarked also on a concerted effort to obtain recogni-
tion initially from the U.G.L.E. and then from other foreign Grand Lodges.
So we come to Ioo, when U.G.L.E. threatened the Grand Lodge of Greece
with withdrawal of recognition mainly with three charges. First that the Grand
Lodge was involved in politics, by allowing the discussion of the issue of Mace-
donia in Masonic meetings, second that it had removed the necessity of the
Oath from the Obligations and third that it was subservient to the Supreme
Council. The presentation of the pros and cons on the rst two accusations is
beyond my scope, while the third led to historically interesting developments.
Volume , :o,
The Scottish Rite in Greece
The Grand Lodge of Greece, in order to nullify the accusations concerning
the Supreme Council, took three very important actions. First, it gave notice of
revocation of the then Concordat. Second, it amended its Constitution by remov-
ing all mentions of the Scottish Rite and the Constitutions of I,o: and I,8o,
changing its title to Grand Lodge of Greece, A.F.& A.M.Third, it introduced the
Holy Royal Arch into Greek Craft Freemasonry using the terminology of the
U.G.L.E., that is Craft Freemasonry in Greece consists of the degrees of Entered
Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason including the order of Royal Arch.
That seemed a very reasonable and wise move since the intention was to
nullify all potential objections of the U.G.L.E.. There was a small technical-
ity though. The Royal Arch that was introduced and placed under the aegis
of the Grand Lodge of Greece was in reality the American York Rite. The same
Rite that was treated, at least, with suspicion and at most, with hostility, some
years before. And to add an interesting note, the brethren who were invited to
set up the first Chapters, etc. were the ones who had been exalted at the York
Rite bodies which were working since Io,o and had become half-dormant
after the National Grand Lodge had decided that the York Rite did not quite
t with its grander plan.
At rst the Supreme Council reportedly considered severing its relations
with the Grand Lodge and establishing relations with the National, but very
soon wiser and calmer thoughts prevailed. After all the Supreme Council was
sharing the same ve-story building in the center of Athens and also had joint
properties in other cities. The Grand Lodge of Greece was much larger than the
National, thus providing a potentially bigger source of new members. Also,
since the then members were coming mostly from the Grand Lodge, if the
Grand Lodge were to ask them to resign from the Scottish Rite in order to avoid
communicating with unrecognized Freemasons, then the Supreme Council
would very soon nd its Chapters empty.
So since then there is a happy cohabitation in the same buildings through-
out Greece of the Grand Lodge of Greece, the Supreme Council of Greece and
the Supreme Grand Chapter which is semi-independent since it is under the
aegis of the Grand Lodge of Greece and has practically the same leadership as
the Grand Lodge of Greece.
As a historical endnote I must remind the readers that U.G.L.E. withdrew
the recognition of the Grand Lodge of Greece in Ioo, and gave it to the National
Grand Lodge a year later. Then recognition was withdrawn from the National
in Iooo in an effort of the U.G.L.E. to push the two Grand Lodges towards
:o8 Heredom
Andreas C. Rizopoulos
mutual recognition, stating that U.G.L.E. now considered them both to be reg-
ular. This approach did not work and in :ooo the recognition was restored to
the Grand Lodge of Greece. Throughout this period, it must be noted, most of
the Grand Lodges of other countries, including the USA and Australia, never
withdrew their recognition to the Grand Lodge of Greece.
I. Andreas C. Rizopoulos, The Three Mancunians, Ars Quatuor Coronati, vol. II,
(:ooo), pp. Ioo8a.
:. Ofcial Report of the Proceedings Relative to the Foundation of the Grand Lodge of
Freemasons of Greece and Election of its First Grand Master (Athens: Freemasons
Hall,I8,:), p. -.
,. Freemasons Magazine and Masonic Mirror, Io Mar. I8,o, p. :,o.
a. John Mandleberg, Ancient and Accepted (London: Quatuor Coronati Correspon-
dence Circle, Ioo-), pp. :-a--.
-. Mandleberg, p. :--.
o. Ofcial Report, p. o.
,. Ofcial Report, p. o.
8. Mandleberg, pp. :---o. The dates of the degrees, of course, cannot be not correct
in view of the dates presented above. His rise through the ranks was rapid, but not
unheard of. There was a period of almost ve months between his initiation and his
appointment as an S.G.I.G.
o. Mandleberg, pp. :-o--,
Io. It must be stated that this never materialized. Many years later, in IoI,, the
Supreme Council of Greece made Honorary S.G.I.G.s of two princes of the Greek Royal
family, Andreas and Christophoros. The only other Royal with tangible Masonic con-
nection was King George II who had been initiated in England while he lived there dur-
ing one of the historic intervals when royals were in exile. George was also given the ,:
in Ioa:. Here is the relevant extract from Ancient and Accepted by Mandleberg, pp. oIII:
King George II of the Hellenes was a PMWS of Conjuncta Chapter No. :I:. On Ioth
December Io,, Supreme Council received a letter from him accepting the invitation to
advance to the ,o on his return to England, and it was conferred upon him at the con-
clusion of the Meeting of Supreme Council on I-th December Io,8. In February Ioa: he
was elected to the ,: to which he was Advanced on -th March. On Ist December Ioa: he
wrote to Supreme Council conveying his thanks for regalia presented to him.
Volume , :oo
The Scottish Rite in Greece
11. For more information on the Lasuaanne Congress, see C. John Mandelberg, The
Lausanne Congress of I8,-, Heredom, vol. - (Ioo,), pp. 8,III.
I:. Mandleberg, pp. a8o8,.
I,. Mandleberg, pp. ,ooo,.
:,o Heredom
Andreas C. Rizopoulos

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