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TEXT 1 A man had a parrot. It was a very beautiful bird and every day the man talked to it.

Pretty Polly, he said. You are a pretty Polly. Pretty Polly, the parrot said. You are Pretty Polly. Every day the man spoke new words to the parrot Hallo he said, and Goodbye. One day the parrot was not in its cage. It was flying about the room. The man ca me into the room and saw the parrot. What are you doing? he said. What are you doing? the parrot said. The man laughed. Then he went out to visit his friends. That evening a thief came to the house. He walked round the house and looked int o the windows. There was no one at home. The thief broke open the door and enter ed the house. First he went into the sitting room. In the sitting room he found some bowls and vases. He put them into a sack. Then he went into the bedroom. In the bedroom he found a gold watch and some money. He put these into the sack, t oo. He stole many things from the house and put them into his sack. The sack was soon full. The thief put it over his shoulder and walked to the doo r. He opened the door and looked out. There is no one there. What are you doing? a voice said. The thief jumped high into the air and dropped his sack. Then he ran out of the house and down the road. What are you doing? the voice said again: Pretty Polly. Hallo, Goodbye. What are yo u doing? 28. To whom did the parrot belong? a. Pretty Polly b. A thief c. A man d. A beautiful bird 29. What did the parrot do one day? a. It saw the mans friends. b. It refused to talk. c. It taught the man some words. d. It flew about the room. 30. What did the parrot do when the man spoke new words to it? a. It understood the new words. b. It said Hallo and Goodbye. c. It spoke the new words. d. It flew about the room. 31. Why did the man laugh? a. He saw the parrot flying. b. The parrot was not in its cage. c. A thief came into his house. d. It could imitate him. 32. Who did the man visit? a. A thief b. His friends c. A funny man d. No one 33. Who did the thief see at home? a. The mans friends b. The man c. The owner of the parrot. d. No one.

34. Why did the thief run out of the house? a. Because someone saw him b. Because he made a noise c. Because the parrot frightened him d. Because he was under the siege TEXT 2 Dear Hasri, Hi, friend, here I invite you to my 15th birthday party Date : Sunday, May 17 2010 Time : 4 p.m Place : My house, Jl. Martadinata no. 57 Sukabumi Please, arrive on time! Without you the party will be different. Cheers, Halima 35. When will the Halimas party be held? a. At 4 p.m b. At jl. Martadinata c. At her house d. On may 15 36. In what year was Halima born? a. 1996 c. 1994 b. 1995 d. 1993 37. Halima hopes that Hasri ________. a. Sings and dances b. Wears new dress c. Attend her party d. Brings a present 38. The notice means ________. No Littering a. Throw your rubbish here b. Do not pick up the rubbish c. Do not throw rubbish here d. Bring your own rubbish Choose the best arrangement of the following words to make a correct sentence! 39. Worked in father my has fifteen years for the museum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 a. 2 8 3 5 7 6 1 4 b. 4 3 5 1 2 8 7 6 c. 4 3 2 8 6 7 5 1 d. 7 6 5 4 3 1 2 8 Choose the arrangement of the words to make a correct sentence! 40. Speech your winner English contest on congratulations the in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a. b. c. d. 7 1 8 2 6 3 3 5 2 8 1 3 3 2 9 1 9 5 2 6 8 4 4 9 4 6 5 4 1 7 7 7 5 9 6 8

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c or d. Text is for number 1 3. Lina Aliana is a student of Biology Science at the University of Indonesia. She lives in East Jakarta. Every morning she gets up at four oclock and washes her se lf. Then she has breakfast at six and at a quarter past seven she goes to Univer sity. She travels by bus. At the university she goes to her classes. She has lunch about twelve at noon wi th her friends. She always has Javanese food. After lunch she usually goes to th e library and reads some book. About four in the afternoon, Lina Aliana goes home. She arrives home between six thirty and seven oclock. She has her dinner, watches television, does her homewo rk and goes to bed. 1. What is Lina Aliana? She is . a. a university student c. a university teacher b. at the university of Indonesia d. a Biology Science at University of Indonesi a 2. what time does she go to the university? She goes to the University at . a. 07.00 am b. 07.15 am c. 07.20 am d. 07.45 am 3. What does she usually do after lunch? a. She does her homework c. she goes to the library and reads b. She goes to classes d. she has dinner Read the text for number 4 8. 3 Dublin Street, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom Dear Lina, I want to be your pen pal. My name is Bob. I live in Edinburgh. It is the capita l of Scotland. My father is a doctor. He works at the state hospital of Edinburg h. My mother is a houses wife. She works at home. She looks after our family. I hav e two sister and two brothers. My oldest sisters, Aliana, studies at a universit y of USA. She is studying science. The second one, Susan is in secondary school. I am the third child. I am in the secondary school. Write and tell me about your family and school. I am very interested to hear abo

ut your life in Singapure. Best wishes Bob 4. Who is the sender of the letter? a. Lina b. Susan c. Bob d. Aliana 5. Bobs mother . a. Works at the state hospital b. lives in Singapore c. Is at the hospital d. looks after the family 6. Who is the youngest girl in Bobs family? a. Bob b. Lina c. Susan d. Laura 7. How many persons are there in Bobs family? There are . Persons. a. Three b. four c. five d. six 8. Where does Lina live? She lives in . a. United Kingdom b. Indonesia c. Edinburgh d. Singapore The dialogue is for number 9 - 13 Andi introduces himself to Paul, an Australia boy. Andi : Hello, may I introduce myself? My name is Andi. I am an Indonesian student. I stay at Madubronto Street no. 7 Solo. Paul : Hi, Andi. My name is Paul. I am an Australian. I am a student, too. My address is at 20 main Avenue, Sidney, Australia. Andi : Where is your school? Paul : I go to International School Jakarta. My father is a Consultant Engineer in Jakarta. Andi : I see. Ok. Nice to meet you, Paul. Paul : Nice to meet you, too . 9. What is Andis Nationality? a. Indonesian b. American c. Australian d. Japan 10. Is Paul from America? a. Yes, he is b. yes, she is c. no, he isnt d. no, she is not 11. Where is Andi from? a. Australia b. Sidney c. Jakarta d. solo 12. Who lives in Main Vanue?......does. a. Paul b. Andi c. the writer d. Pauls father 13. What is Paul father? He is . a. a mechanic b. a tourist

c. a consultant d. a student 14. Bob : I havent seen you for a long time Lina : Im fine, a. How nice you are! b. how is your mother? c. How are you? d. what happen to you? 15. Teacher : Good morning, students. Students : Good morning, : a new student, Lina. Lina : Nice to meet you all. Student o. a. Id like to introduce b. Iam happy to meet c. Its very nice to meet d. I dont think she is 16. A father asks his son to get a newspaper. Father : .. Son a. Please buy me newspaper b. may I borrow newspaper c. Can I have this newspaper d. can you give this newspaper 17. Lina and Bob . a magazine a. Run b. meet c. reads d. sing 18. Kucing sedang tidur di bawah meja. a. The cats sleeping under the table b. the cats slept under the table c. The cats sleep under the table d. the cats sleeps the table 19. 1) here youre 2) dont mention it 3) would you get me the ts under your seat. 6) sure, where is it?The good arrangement a. 3-5-6-1-2-4 b. 3-6-5-1-2-4 c. 3-6-5-1-4-2 d. 3-5-1-6-4-2 20. Lina .. beautiful . she is like her mother. a. Do b. does c. is d. are

thank you.

teacher. Teacher : Nice to meet you to

: Sure, Dad.

ruler? 4) Thanks 5) i of the dialogue is .

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