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It developing Web Pages dynamically in the way the user wants, has been undertaken in a professional manner, so that the project work is not only going to be of academic in nature, but also ultimately a useful live software package to be used .

The system to be developed DOMAIN SERVICE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, which is used for various activities like: 1. To identify the user, and if the user has not yet registered, an option to register, with a provision to opt for addition of new Web Page or delete a Web Page or modify a Web Page; 2. To provide layouts for the Web Page and Templates of the Web Page whenever the user wants to add a new Web Page, showing the placement of the contents, image etc. and also the templates showing the format of the Web Pages; 3. To have an option to search for any page the user wants to modify his/her details. The system provides few templates, which will decide the format of the page i.e. where an image is placed, where logo is placed etc. When the user selects any templates, automatically it has to design a page according to the selected template. The administrator is responsible to add templates.

Advantages of Automation
The main advantages of the DOMAIN SERVICE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM to the following areas. To create client domains Modify domains


REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS Requirement analysis system is in order to understand the problem which a software systems to be designed and together the necessary information. This analysis can be done by reaching the client and on understanding the word that is described by the client in terms of scenarios, i.e., by giving examples of things that happened in their world.

INTRODUCTION: Topic: DOMAIN SERVICE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is a project in Web Application. The present DOMAIN SERVICE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is done manually and is decided to computerize all these activities. The parties involved for these developments are: The following conclusion has been drawn with the discussion with the parties involved. 1) Every client identified by a unique number. 2) Every client will be identified by registration number, which is grouped according to category of domain. 3) Each service will be identified by domain name, which is grouped according to the category of domain.

Present Status of the System:

At present all the reports are prepared manually as their number of domains. Whenever a particular report is needed a report is prepared and a copy is prepared by typing it. There are several disadvantages in this method. It is definitely a time taking procedure it takes a lot of time to contact the persons on particular client. There is a possibility to get the information of client pages. To reduce the time and save money. There is a lot of redundancy and inconsistency in this. The inconsistency present may affect the integrity of the system.


The software requirement phase ends with a document describing all the requirements. This document is called the SRS document. The format of this SRS document is derived from the IEEE guide to software requirement specifications.

1. Abstract: The system to be developed is to perform client web pages. a. Purpose: The purpose of the document is to get the information of the client details. b. Scope: This document is the only one that describes the requirements. It is for the use of developer. Developer cannot change the requirements without consulting the client.

2.Functional and Non-Functional Requirements:

Functional Requirements describe the interactions between the system and its environment independent of its implementation .The environment includes the user and any other external system with which the system interacts. Functional requirements tells the user what the system will be like from his viewpoint, what functions the system will perform, what outputs will be generated, what records will be retained, and what inputs will be required. The requirements for system acceptance testing are also specified. The functional requirements should contain the input requirements and output requirements.

Nonfunctional requirements span a number of issues, from user interface look and feel to the response time requirements to security issues. Nonfunctional requirements are defined at the same time as functional requirements because they have as much impact on the development and cost of the system.

Once all the nonfunctional requirements are identified and described, they are prioritized by importance. Although most nonfunctional requirements are highly desirable, some of them need to be met in order for the system to operate correctly.

Sequence diagram for Customer Logging


User Inteface:



1: enterLoginDetails() 2: validateLogin(String,String) 3: RetreiveData(String)

5: {valid}:showOptions()

4: checkValidity()

6: {not valid}: errorMessage() 7: showOptionsOrMessage()

Sequence Diagram for Entering Administrator:


Control Class:


1: enterCredit Card()

2: getRequestedCutomers() 3: checkValidity()

7: ShowMembershipDetails()

4: UpdateMembershipfeeDetails ()

5: UpdateDomain feedback() 8: ShowDomainDetails() 6: UpdateNewService()

Object behavior
Object behavior gives the states of activities of each individual objects. Every object performs certain functions. The function has several states to accomplish its tasks. Completion of one state triggers another state. The states of activities are represented by state chart diagrams.

State chart diagram for customer Requisition form:-

Display the Requisition form

Fill the details of user in respective fields

Add these details in the database

Close the form

State chart diagram for Customer Domain Registration

Display the domain registrationform

Fill the details of user in respective fields

Add these details in the database

Close the form

State chart diagram for Customer login:

Display the login

Customer need to give userid and password

Check the validation

Display the customer page

State chart diagram for New Service Details Form

Display the New Service

Admin need to give the details

Store the database

Click on add button

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