Englisch Klausurvorbereitung Characterization

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A Characterization 1.

Theme/topic/subject, Divide text into parts/headings, Summary, Author/place/genre/date, Wquestions (Who, Where, Why, What, When, How)

2. Characterization
1. Introduction: introduce task, aspects to be analysed to characterize 2. Personal data: name, age, sex, nationality, profession => general impression 3. Outward appearance: body (-language), face, clothes, gestures, facial expression => social status, moral, emotions, physical shape 4. Behaviour/actions: toward other characters, Reaction/response, Actions (What/How) => personality, psychological shape, atmosphere, Comparison, motivation 5. Attitudes/views: speech, communication (What/How), => thoughts, dreams, emotions, personality, values 6. Relationship/function: social background, family, friends, => type of character Analysis 3. Outward: Ethical: Name, Birth, Origin, Sex, Physique/Clothing: tall, colour, voluminous, muscular, massive, attractive, pretty, youthful, young, fast, robust, tough, beautiful, cute, formal, causal, fit, glamorous, handsome, charming, Lank, wispy, small, weak, ugly, old, slow, tired, strange, mysterious, informal, exotic, extraordinary, weird, pale Gestures/Expression/Profession 4/5. Character: Personal/Emotional/Social: committed, dedicated, heroic, brave, modest, ambitious, artistic, extrovert, creative, apathetically, neutral, bubbly, energetic, vivid, fanciful, visionary, confident, gentle, happy, joyful, friendly, generous, individual, independent, devoted, altruistic, openminded, tolerant, dominant, famous, inspirative, talented intellectual, civilized, educated, progressive, responsible, intelligent, critical, experienced, sensitive, realistic, conservative, dreamful, bigheaded, excited, excellent, charming, thankful, hones, eager, plain, resolute, diligent (fleissig), polite, honest, curious, hard-working, tough, pleased, content, satisfied, funny, soft, wise, reliable, arrogant, calm, peaceful, curious, determined, decent (anstaendig), eloquent (redegewandt), faithful, fantastic, graceful (anmutig), humerous, kind, loud, loyal, lovable, outgoing, punctual, peaceful, quiet, reasonable (vernuenftig), balanced, interested, resistant, diplomatic, enthusiastic, efficient, assertive (durchsetzungsfaehig), cooperative, adaptive, selfcritical, meritocratic (leistungsorientiert), accurate, adventurous , liberal, mature, religious, attentive, authorative, commanding, artistic, clinical, factual, anticipatory, authentic, sensual, economic, spontaneous, athletic, Calvinistic, diplomatic traditional, professional, enthusiastic, erotic, indulgent (gutmuetig), transparent, noble, gallant (edel) Concerned, pathetic aggressive, angry, irritated, bad, evil, diabolic, mad, rough, utopic, conceited (eingebildet), coward, annoying, egoistic, stupid, jealous, serious, impudent (frech), mean, greedy (gierig), indifferent, violent, helpless, nice, ridiculous (laecherlich), calm silent, confused, shy, stange, stunned, carful, unfair, stubborn (hartnaeckig), boring, busy, clumsy, crazy, careless,

cruel, fanatic, doubtful, depressive, foolish, hectic, horrible, hurt, guilty, wild, impolite, cold, instinctive, impatient, jealous, lazy, miserable, nervous, nave, narrow-minded (engstirnig), obedient, selfish, superstitious, untidy, weird, lonely, aghast (entsetzt), dependent, unreserved (vorbehaltlos), cold-blooded, vengeful (nachtragend), rebellious, perplex (ratlos), childish, corrupt, bourgeois (spiessig), criminal, fastidious (verweohnt), hedonistic, audacious (dreist), careless, maipulable, materialistic, strict, chaotic, nostalgic, negative, pessimistc, ironic, powercrazed (machtbesessen), ruthless (skrupellos), vrutish (animalisch), fraudulent (betruegerisch), deceitful (hinterlistig), fiery (hitzig), leery (misstrauisch), unsociable (menschenscheu), melancholic, militant, quarrelsome/pugnacious (streisuectig), tactless (Taktlos), reckless(draufgaengerisch), predictable, haphazard (planlos), aimless, dainty (penibel), obscene, barbarous, brassbound (unbeugsam), barefaced (unverschaemt), ignorant, damageable, vulnerable, coltish/frisky (spielerisch), 4/5. Speech: Context: Register (Sprachebene, Tenor, Jargon): slang, colloquial, (in)formal, everyday, written language, poetic, sophisticated (complex/anspruchsvoll), familiar, technical terms, scientific, religious, metaphorical, abstract, grammar, casual, static/frozen, cultivated, elaborate (ausgekluegelt), academic -> reflecting content/situation, addressed reader, knowledge of jargon, education, comfortable, vivid language, better imagination/classification of abstract ideas Medium: Choice of words (Wortschatz): denotations (grundbedeutung), connotations, keywords, figurative/literal, emphatic (ausdrucksvoll), negative, euphemism, synonym, abstraction, stilted > fluid text, effective/efficient, objective/subjective tenor, creativity, excitement, atmosphere Argumentative Techniques: direct address, usage of facts/numbers, structure of arguments, coherent, emotional, normative, analogue, authority Style (Stilschichten/Methodik): plain (schlicht), sober, natural, matter-of-fact, precise, concise (praezise), vigorous (energisch), fluent, passionate, elegant, artificial, stilted (hochgestochen), wordy, colourless, clich ridden, snappy, lengthy, clumsy, spontaneous, trite (banal), expressing doubt/certainty, earnest, serious, academic, polemic (streitsuechtig), neutral, old-fashioned, biased (parteiisch), long/short sentences, plain, decent, experienced, moderate (maessig), coarse (grob), un/precise, differentiated, superficial, strange, wise, soft -> misunderstanding, expression, credibility, attractiveness, objective, subjective, dialogue, linking words, train of thought, coherence Tone (Wortcharakter/Aufnahme des Leser/Gefuehle): humorous, playful, colloquial, conciliatory (beschwichtigend), depressive, serious, solemn (feierlich), ironical, satirical, sarcastic, warmhearted, aggressive, whining, reproachful (vorwurfsvoll), critical, alarming, angry, intimate, excitited, personal, affecting, informed, knowledgeable, intelligent, interesting, engaging, conversational, anxious, annoyed, grateful, resolute (entschlossen), impudent (frech), provocative, friendly, indifferent, happy, rude, boring, passionate -> snappy, emotions, message, reader involved/influence, antithesis, actual strategy Rhetorical devices: alliteration, anaphora, allusion, reference, antithesis, ellipsis, hyperbole, irony, metaphor, paradox, employment of leitmotifs, repetitions, juxtapositions, questions, quotation, enumeration, appeal, comparison, digression, grammatical tenses, illustration, superlative, personal pronouns, anecdote, antithesis, assonance (rhyme), contrast, emphasis, euphemism, chiasmus, climax, embracing we, figurative language, imagery, intention, irony, paradox, personification, pun(play), quotation, repetition, rhetorical question, simile, parallelism, tautology, understatement, Synecdoche (lat. pars pro toto/totum pro parte), Onomatopoeia, Triple (Trikolon), Anticlimax , Allusion -> professionalism, literal level, variation

Always making reference to the text (lines)

3. Evaluation/Conclusion
Narrator: omniscient, personal, first-person Characterization: direct, indirect Character: Protagonist, antagonist, modern hero, anti-hero, tragic hero, romantic hero, Hemingway hero, dynamic character (three-dimensional, changing facets, development), static character (flat, one-dimensional, stereotypical, predictable)

B. Diary Entry
Structure: Date, address, introduction/general sentence, main part (what happened, Feelings, hopes, future plans), connectives (anyway, but, besides so etc.) conclusion goodbye

C. Style
Addition: and, as well as, besides, Moreover, Furthermore, What is more, In addition, not only but also, another point is that, plus, simultaneously, besides, including, likewise, moreover, above all, actually, additionally, again, also, as well (as), especially, further, Another significant point is Contrasting: but, however, although, despite, in spite of, Nevertheless, on the contrary, on the one hand, on the other hand, whereas, while, while, in contrast, Neither nor, conversely, in comparison, in fact, in reality, instead Cause: because as, since, this is why, because of, due to, Owing to, for this reason, The (main/basic) reasons are, this leads inevitably to, regarding, indeed Effect/result so, so that, such as, Therefore, Thus, Consequently, as a result, too...for/to, not enough for/to, Because of this, now, the result is, then, accordingly, for this/that reason, hence, in order that, After all, Most probably, It apeears to be Narration/Enumeration: First (of all), At first, In the beginning, Before, After that, Afterwards, When, While, During, Soon, prior to, immediately, Once, Suddenly, As soon as, No sooner than, Hardly when, Finally, Eventually, At the end, In the end, At last, To begin with, until, then, basically, or Emphasis: especially, Particularly, Naturally, exactly because, above all, Whatever, Whenever, too/enough, the more Summing-up: All in all, overall, generally, in conclusion, on the whole, in the main, to sum up, in short/in brief/in general, On the whole, therefore, it seems that, having considered all these issues/outlined the main arguments/taken all these factors into account, then, therefore, thus, to conclude, altogether, hence, in brief, overall Examples/Reference: for example, for instance, For one thing, this includes, such as e.g.. (for example), i.e. (that is), and. as follows, as follows, in other words, in particular, including, for instance, such as, to illustrate, as an illustration, to demonstrate, Take for example, Look at Similarly: equally, likewise, similarly, in the same way, resembling, also, both, correspondingly, equally, in the same way, likewise, similarly, too

Time: now, once, presently, previously, shortly, simultaneously, since, soon, subsequently, then, thereafter, until, until now, whenever, while, after a while, afterwards, at last, at that time, at the same time before, currently, earlier, eventually, finally, formerly, in the meantime, in the past, initially, later, meanwhile Concession: admittedly (allerdings), after all, all the same, although, besides, despite, doubtless, even if/though, even so, however, in spite of, naturally, nevertheless, no doubt, nonetheless, notwithstanding only, still, under certain circumstances, up to a point, while, yet Conclusion: line states that, the conclusion drawn from that cannot be anything else but, This reveals to the reader, I/One/reader conclude that/the following, line is about, Thereby I gather the information, The outcome of the using from the words, By saying, this trait is stressed, The fact that/The statement/The conduct in line stresses/confirms this trait/my assumption, It strikes the reader, too, that, Thence it follows that, That suggests (to the reader) that, This becomes apparent, After all

D. Synonym
SAY/Show synonym: Acknowledge, add, advise, adumbrate (leicht andeuten) affirm, assert, annul, allegorize, authenticate, approve, announce, argue, answer, assume, assert (behaupten), attract, back up, call, come out with, characterize, communicate, copy, claim, confirm convey, clarify, create, certificate, correct, confront, declare, define, decide, determine, distinguish, detect, demonstrate, designate (bezeichnen), diagnose, disclose (aufdecken), deliver, disclose (enthuellen), depict, display, draw, estimate, express, establish, expose, exhibit, evoke, elude (ausweichen), feature, find, guess, imagine, indicate, imply, imitate, interpret, ignore, judge, lay out, locate, maintain, manifest, make known, mention, motivate, mean, name, neglect, notify, notice negate, offer, observe, perform, present, pretend, produce, persuade, portray, pronounce, put into words, provoke, refer, release, read, recite, realize, reject, rehearse, relate, remark, repeat, reinforce reply, report, respond, reveal, speak, specify, state, suggest, tell, verify Examine: assay, analyse, audit/canvass(pruefen), case, check, check out, consider, criticize, delve into (durchforschen), dig into, explore, eye, go into, go over, go through, inquire(befragen), inspect, investigate, look up, look see, parse(gliedern), pat down(abtasten), perus(durchlesen), pick at, ponder (gruebeln), pore over (brueten), probe (erforschen), prospect, prove, read, reconnoiter, research, review, scan, scope, screen, search into, sift, size up, study, survey, sweep, take stock of, try, turn over, vet, view, weigh, winnow Find: ascertain, bring to light, catch, come across, come upon, conceive, contrive, debunk, design, detect, determine, discover, devise, dig up, discern, disclose, distinguish, elicit, espy, explore, ferret out, get wind of, get wise to, glimpse, hear, identify, invent, learn, light upon, locate, notice, observe, originate, perceive, pick up on, pioneer, realize, recognize, reveal, see, sense, smoke out, spot, uncover think of, turn up, unearth

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