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Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera Aloe Vera gel is beneficial for many skin conditions plus other health problems. Applying the Aloe Vera gel treats Eczema. It is also useful for cooking burns,minor cuts, sun burns, andalso for hemorrhoids.It can also be used orally for constipation. In India it is commonly known as Ghegwar and a sweet dish called ghegwar halwa is prepared for making the aloe tasteful for medicinal use. Aloe Vera helps to reduce pain in joints. It is good also for stomach ache. The plant grows good also in pots.

Butter bur Extract

Butterbur Extract Herbal Extract May Help Prevent Migraines Butterbur Extract Reduced Migraine Headaches by Nearly 50% in Study By Jennifer Warner WebMD Medical News Reviewed By Brunilda Nazario, MD on Tuesday, December 28, 2004 More From WebMD Tips for Managing and Avoiding Your Migraines Suffer From Chronic Pain? Learn Ways to Overcome It Get Health News Delivered to Your Inbox Dec. 28, 2004 -- An herbal extract may help many migraine

sufferers reduce the number of attacks by nearly 50%, a new study suggests. Researchers found that a daily dose of Petasites hybridus root, commonly known as butterbur, appears to be safe and effective at preventing migraine headaches. "The 75-mg butterbur dose reduced headache frequency by 48 percent -- a substantial treatment effect," says researcher Richard B. Lipton, MD, professor of neurology at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University in New York, in a news release. "Butterbur is a traditional herbal treatment for migraine prevention," says Lipton. "Our study shows that butterbur really does reduce the frequency of migraine attacks, so it's a welcome addition to the therapeutic arsenal we have available to combat migraine." The results of the study appear in the Dec. 28 issue of the journal Neurology. Butterbur May Aid in Migraine Treatment In the study, researchers compared the effects of 50 or 75 mg twice a day of butterbur extract pills vs. a placebo in preventing migraine headaches in 245 people with frequent migraine. All of the participants reported at least two to six migraine headache attacks per month over the previous three months before the study began. After four months of treatment, researchers found the 75 mg dose reduced migraine headache frequency by 48% vs. the 26% reduction found with the placebo. The 50 mg dose was associated with a 36% reduction in migraine headache frequency, which according to the researchers is not significantly different from the effects of the placebo. . The most commonly reported side effects of treatment with butterbur were gastrointestinal problems, predominantly burping. Simple Steps for Lowering Cholesterol For people battling high cholesterol, choosing meals wisely

Cholestrol LDL

can be a challenge. Restaurants, holiday meals, even an office potluck may present unhealthy temptations. However, making dietary modifications that cut out the bad stuff while still allowing you to enjoy your meals is possible and relatively easy - try these healthful ways to lower your cholesterol: * Reduce saturated fat. The richest sources of saturated fat (fat that is usually solid at room temperature) in the diet are red meat and dairy foods. Substitute soy protein for animal protein, and try non-fat versions of dairy products. * Avoid trans-fat. If "partially hydrogenated oil" is found in the ingredient list on food labels - especially snack foods - try baked or air-popped versions of those treats instead. * Use fresh garlic regularly in your meals. Garlic has been shown to help lower cholesterol levels. * Drink green tea daily. The antioxidants in green tea help lower cholesterol and prevent the cholesterol in your blood from oxidizing. * Eat plenty of soluble fiber. It has a powerful cholesterollowering effect. The best sources are beans and lentils, apples, citrus fruits, oats, barley, peas, carrots and freshly ground flaxseed. And don't forget one of the best ways to lower cholesterol levels: exercise regularly and maintain a healthy weight. Your doctor can provide you with diet and exercise recommendations specific to your situation. EUCALYPTUS EUCALYPTUS A Natural Cough Remedy Respiratory problems are common in cold, dry weather. Everything from chest congestion, bronchitis, and bronchial cough to sinusitis, sore throat and laryngitis can disrupt the holidays. Instead of suffering, try the natural antibacterial agent eucalyptus. The dried leaves of eucalyptus trees are available as a salve, rub, essential oil or in whole leaf form, fresh or dried, all for topical use. Try a small handful of whole leaves or a teaspoon of the essential oils (I recommend oils containing 100 percent pure eucalyptus or

at least 55 percent eucalyptol) in boiling water for twicedaily steam inhalations. Apply rubs as needed to chest and throat or cautiously around nostrils to ease congestion. It smells wonderful and will help to ease respiratory symptoms. FENNEL SEEDS Contemporary herbalists recommend fennel to aid digestion, and yes, it does help expel gas. It works by relaxing muscles in the digestive and reproductive systems. It's been used traditionally to boost mothers' milk production and promote menstruation. * Soothe Indigestion: Like many other aromatic herbs, fennel appears to relax the smooth muscle lining of the digestive tract to help expel gas. European research shows it also kills some bacteria, lending support to another of its traditional uses-to treat diarrhea. * Stimulate menstruation: One study suggests the herb has a mild estrogenic effect, meaning it acts like the female sex hormone, estrogen. This action may have something to do with its traditional use as a milk and menstruation promoter.

Cure colic: In a recent Israeli study, researchers gave an herbal fennel tea to 33 colicky babies and a nonmedicinal drink to 35 other colicky infants for seven days. More babies who received fennel tea showed improvement that those who received the placebo drink. Although the study is from conclusive, it can't hurt to try giving fennel tea to a colicky baby. "It' worth a try, because colic is such a complex thing," says Dr. DerMarderosian.


Fenugreek This ancient herb may help increase your milk production

What is fenugreek? - Fenugreek is one of the worlds oldest

medicinal herbs. It has a variety of uses, including increasing breastmilk production. Where does it grow? - Fenugreek is indigenous to the eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea, but it is grown in India, Morocco, Egypt and England. The herb can grow to be about two feet tall. It blooms white flowers in the summer and has very aromatic seeds. What is it used for ? - Fenugreek seeds are ground and roasted and used to flavor to curry. The seeds are also soaked and then powdered and used to make lip balm and tonic. The seeds can be used to make tea, which can reduce fever and menstrual pains, or they can be used in an ointment to treat skin infections. The seeds have also been used to increase libido in men and serve as an aphrodisiac. Ground seeds are often used to give a maple flavor to sweets and candies. Ground seeds are also used to flavor cattle food, including different vegetable meals and hays. Fenugreek's leaves, which are high in iron, are used in salads. Taken internally, fenugreek is used to treat bronchitis, coughs, respiratory problems, sinus conditions and to increase milk supply (see more below). Fenugreek in history - The Egyptians, Greeks and Romans used Fenugreek for medicinal and culinary purposes. According to Kathleen E. Huggins, RN, MS, director of the Breastfeeding Clinic at San Luis Obispo General Hospital, fenugreek was one of the major ingredients of Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound, a popular 19th century cure-all for "female complaints." Fenugreek and breastfeeding Fenugreek seeds contain hormone precursors that increase milk supply. Scientists do not know for sure how this happens. Some believe it is possible because breasts are modified sweat glands, and fenugreek stimulates sweat production. It has been found that fenugreek can increase a nursing mothers milk supply within 24 to 72 hours after first taking the herb. Once an

adequate level of milk production is reached, most women can discontinue the fenugreek and maintain the milk supply with adequate breast stimulation. Many women today take fenugreek in a pill form (ground seeds placed in capsules). The pills can be found at most vitamin and nutrition stores and at many supermarkets and natural foods stores. Fenugreek can also be taken in tea form, although tea is believed to be less potent than the pills and the tea comes with a bitter taste that can be hard to stomach.

FLAXSEED OIL FLAXSEED OIL contain omega 3 fatty acids This particular product by Allergy Research has the added advantage of not only omega 3, but omega 6 (like what you get in evening primrose oil or borage oil & omega 9, like what you get in olive oil). It therefore provides you with a balance of the 3 essential fatty acid groups in the proper relative proportions. Making sure you get the essential fatty acids in the ideal proportions maximizes their beneficial effects Flax Seed Oil for Arthritis In addition, we also suggest that you take 2 500 mg capsules of flax seed oil in the morning and another in the evening. We just couldnt fit 2 grams of flax seed in the Arthritis Team. Flax oil has numerous studies demonstrating its many benefits for the treatment of arthritis, rheumatism, and other health problems. It also is the best source of omega-3 fatty acids. See the World Review of Nutrition and Diet, vol. 66, p. 367-382. GARLIC GARLIC GETS MORE RESPECT Garlic is long recommended as a powerful natural medicine - it can lower high cholesterol and high blood pressure, reduce the tendency of blood to clot and acts as a potent

antibiotic and antifungal. Now a group of scientists is urging the government to fund research on garlic's health benefits and determine the most effective dosage. Mixed results from studies of garlic's effects on heart disease have been attributed to a failure to consistently test similar forms and doses or to focus on allicin, the natural chemical believed responsible for its effects. One expert reported finding huge variations in the amount of allicin in supplements. His tests also showed that some supplements break down within a half-hour after ingestion, suggesting that stomach acid de-activates them. Others took days to dissolve, meaning that their contents might never be absorbed. For best results, you still can't beat raw garlic. Be well, Ginger Featured Herb: Ginger Chronic low-grade inflammation has been linked to the development of many age-related health conditions. Although this process may be barely noticed, there are things you can do to prevent or delay health issues related to inflammation. Consider using turmeric (see yesterday's Daily Tip), following an anti-inflammatory diet, and taking ginger, a natural anti-inflammatory herb that may help to lessen the risks and/or symptoms of many inflammatoryrelated disorders. Dried ginger preparations are actually more powerful than fresh because of a chemical conversion of its constituents on drying. Capsules of dried, powdered ginger are now commonly sold in health food stores; use only those that are standardized for their content of active components. The recommended starting dose is 1 gram per day (usually two capsules), taken after a meal to avoid stomach irritation. There is no toxicity and you can stay on it indefinitely NEEM NEEMS MEDICINAL USES

NEEM AND HEALTH Neem has rightly been called sarvaroghari. Since time immemorial, Indians have learnt and made use of neem in a variety of ways both for personal and community health by way of environmental amelioration. Despite all the vicissitudes India has gone through over the centuries, neem has managed to remain a friend, philosopher and guide to an average Indian. It is time this heritage is appreciated and in area of promotional and preventive health care, our indigenous knowledge and resources are made use of on an increasing scale as low-cost, effective ingredient for the realization of the lofty goal of Health for all.

Neems antiseptic properties are widely recognized now. Neem preparations are reportedly efficacious against a variety of skin diseases, septic sores, and infected burns. The leaves, applied in the form of poultices or decoctions, are also recommended for boils, ulcers, and eczema. The oil is used for skin diseases such as scrofula, indolent ulcers and ringworm. and a fungus that is part of the normal mucous flora that can get out of control leading to lesions in mouth (thrush), vagina, skin, hands and lungs.

Its effectiveness is enhanced on account of its easy and plentiful availability and low cost along with the advantage a big and critical advantage of crating income and employment for the poor. Neem is effective against dermatological insects such as maggots and head lice. It is a common practice to apply neem all over the hair to kill head lice.

Rural inhabitants in India and Africa regularly use neem twigs as tooth brushes. Neem twigs contain antiseptic ingredients. That explains how these people are able to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Ayurveda describes neem as herbal drug which is used to clean the teeth and maintain dental hygiene. Neem in the form of powder is also used to brush teeth and massage gums. Chagas disease is a major health problem in Latin America. It cripples millions of people there. Laboratory tests in Germany and Brazil show that neem may be an answer to this dreadful disease which so far remains largely uncontrollable. In Ayurvedic Should neem products prove effective cure against malaria, the dream of complete eradication of malaria might become a reality. Neem is widely used for treating fevers. It has antipyretic (fever-reducing) property. In addition, neem products also have analgesic (pain-relieving) and antiinflammatroy effects, i.e. for most common ailments neem can provide cheap, easily-available and local entrepreneurship medicines. A wide multitude of diseases or conditions can be successfully treated with various elements of neem. AIDS: Some of the best news is that neem may help in the search for a prevention or a cure for AIDS. So far, the National Institutes of Health reports encouraging results from in vitro tests for an AIDS prevention and possible cure using extracts from the tree. Professionally administered neem solutions are currently being studied for their effects on cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and AIDS. In 1993, in a preliminary study, the National Institutes of Health reported positive results from in vitro tests where neem

bark extracts killed the AIDS virus. Using extracts made by soaking neem bark in water, Dr. Van Der Nat of the Netherlands found that the extract produced a strong immune stimulating reaction. Studies reported in 1992 and 1994 showed neems ability to enhance the cell-mediated immune response may be used to provide protection from vaginal contraction of the disease if neem is used as a vaginal lubricant preceding intercourse. AIDS may possibly be treated by ingesting neem leaf extracts or the whole leaf or by drinking a neem tea. Arthritis: Neem has a long history of relieving inflamed joints, supported by recent scientific studies. Most antiinflammatories, such as aspirin and ibuprofen, irritate the stomach and may be the major cause for upper GI bellding. Ulcers sometimes occur as a result of taking too much of these over-the counter drugs. Neem is comparably effective, anti-inflammatory and does not adversely affect the stomach. The active constituents in its leaves relieve pain by acting on the prostaglandin mechanism and significantly reduce acute derma.

Cancer: Throughout Southeast Asia neem has been used successfully by herbalists for hundreds of years to reduce tumors. Researchers are now supporting these uses. Neem has been tested on many types of cancers, such as skin cancers, using neem-based creams and lymphocytic cancer, using the herb internally. In India, Europe and Japan scientists have found that polysaccharides and liminoids in neem bark, leaves and seed oil reduced tumors and cancers and were effective against lymphocytic leukemia.

Dental Care: People in both India and Africa have used neem twigs as tooth brushes for centuries. Neem twigs contain antiseptic ingredients necessary for dental hygiene. Neem powder is also used to brush teeth and massage gums. In Germany many researchers have shown that neem extracts prevent tooth decay and periodontal disease. Infections, tooth decay, bleeding and sore gums have all been treated successfully with daily use of neem mouth rinse or neem leaf extract added to the water. Some people have reported a total reversal of gum degeneration after using neem for only a few months. Diabetes: Because neem is a tonic and a revitalizer, it works effectively in the treatment of diabetes, as well. More than a disease that requires change of diet, diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in people ages twentyfive and seventy-four; it also damages nerves, kidneys, hear and blood vessels; it may even result in the loss of limbs. Incurable, it can be treated in a variety of ways. One recommendation is to take one tablespoon (5ml) of neem leaf juice daily on an empty stomach each morning for three months. An alternative is to chew or take in powder form ten (10) neem leaves daily in the morning. Some studies have shown that oral application of neem leaf extracts reduced a patients insulin requirements by between 30 and 50 percent for nonkeytonic, insulin fast and insulin-sensitive diabetes. Because neem has been found to reduce insulin requirements by upto 50 percent, without altering blood

glucose levels, the Indian Government has approved the sale of neem capsules and tablets through pharmacies and clinics for this purpose. Many of these pills are made of essentially pure, powdered neem leaves. Karnim, one medication that contains neem and a number of other herbs, available in many countries for treating diabetes, was found to lower blood sugar by more than 50 percent in twenty weeks and to maintain that level thereafter. Heart Disease: Major causes of a heart attack include blood clots, high cholesterol, arrhythmic heart action and high blood pressure. Neem has been helpful in these conditions too Its leaf extracts have reduced clotting, lowered blood pressure and bad cholesterol, slowed rapid or abnormally high heartbeat and inhibited irregular heart rhythms. Some compounds may produce effects similar to mild sedatives, which reduce anxiety and other emotional or physical states that may prompt a heart attack. The antihistamine effects of the nimbidin in its leaves cause blood vessels to dilate. This may be why the leaves help reduce blood pressure. A recent study proved that, when a patient took either neem leaf extract or neem capsules for a month, her high cholesterol levels fell subsequently. In another study, alcoholic extract of neem leaves reduced serum cholesterol by approximately 30 percent two hours after its administration. The cholesterol level stayed low for an additional four hours until testing ceased. Another study showed that an intravenous alcoholic extract of the leaf produced a large, immediate decrease in blood pressure, lasting for several hours. A neem leaf extract, sodium nimbidinate, given to those with congestive cardiac failure, was successful as a

diuretic. Regarding arrthythmic heart action, neem leaf extract exhibited antiarrhythmic activity, which returned to normal within eight minutes of administration. Rheumatism: Neem leaves have anti-inflammatory activity, similar to that in drugs such as phenyl butazone and cortisone. They can relieve pain and reduce acute pain edema. For rheumatism, tropical applications of a warmed neem cream that contains neem oil and perhaps a mild neem tea will help lessen pain. Stress: Relatively new scientific findings indicate that neem may even be useful for reducing anxiety and stress. An experiment was done on test animals to see what, if any effect neem leaf extract had on these conditions. Fresh leaves were crushed and the liquid squeezed out to produce a leaf extract. The extract was given orally to three main sets of animals, in two standard stress tests. One group received salt water as a base control; another received Valium; another received the neem leaf extract. The third group was subdivided into sets that received ever larger doses. In the elevated plus maze test, doses of neem leaf extract upto 200 mg/kg showed important antianxiety activity equal to or greater than Valium. The test doses of neem leaf extract upto 100 mg/kg were equal to Valium in their antianxiety effect. At 800 mg/kg the effects of the neem totally disappeared. Neem extracts apparently only work in small doses for this application. The explanation of neems antianxiety effect may be its ability to increase the amount of serotonin in the

brain.Because it works well in small amounts, it could be safer than drugs currently used for stress, which may cause many side effects. Ulcers: In the Ayurvedic medical tradition, neem is considered a useful therapy for ulcers and gastric discomfort.Compounds in neem have been proven to have antiulcerative effects Throughout India, people take neem leaves for all sorts of stomach problems. Some scientific evidence exists for its effectiveness for these problems. Peptic ulcers and duodenal ulcers are treated well with neem leaf extracts; nimbidin from seed extracts taken orally prevents duodenal lesions and peptic ulcers, and provides significant reductions in acid output and gastric fluid activity. Low doses of 20 to 40 mg/kg bring the most relief; increased dosages reduce the effectiveness of neems antiulcerative effects. Miscellaneous Health Benefits: Neem truly seems like miraculous natural drug. Neem has been shown to provide an antiviral treatment option for small-pox, chicken-pox, and warts. It is particularly useful for these conditions when applied directly to the skin. This is due in part to its ability to inhibit viruses from multiplying and spreading. Skin Diseases: Neem has been highly successfully against harmful fungi, parasites, and viruses. Although it can destroy these, it does not kill off beneficial intestinal flora nor produce adverse side effects. Neem is toxic to several fungi that attack humans, including the causes of athletes foot and ringworm and candida, which cause yeast infections and thrush. In fact, neem extracts are some of the most powerful Antifungal plant extracts found in the Indian pharmacopia that are used for these

conditions. The compounds gedunin and nimbidol, found in the trees leaves, control the fungi listed above. Basing their studies on the ancient tradition of using neem to purify the air surrounding sick people, two Indian researchers found that neem smoke was successful in suppressing fungal growth and germination. One of neems stronger advantages is its effect upon the skin in general. It has been most helpful in treating a variety of skin problems and diseases including psoriasis, eczema and other persistent conditions.


EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL Olive oil and heart disease Studies have shown that people who consumed 25 milliliters (mL) - about 2 tablespoons - of virgin olive oil daily for 1 week showed less oxidation of LDL cholesterol and higher levels of antioxidant compounds, particularly phenols, in the blood.(4) But while all types of olive oil are sources of monounsaturated fat, EXTRA VIRGIN olive oil, from the first pressing of the olives, contains higher levels of antioxidants, particularly vitamin E and phenols, because it is less processed. Olive oil is clearly one of the good oils, one of the healing fats. Most people do quite well with it since it does not upset the critical omega 6 to omega 3 ratio and most of the fatty acids in olive oil are actually an omega-9 oil which is monounsaturated. Olive oil and colon cancer Spanish researchers suggest that including olive oil in your diet may also offer benefits in terms of colon cancer prevention (5). Their

study results showed that rats fed diet supplemented with olive oil had a lower risk of colon cancer than those fed safflower oil-supplemented diets. In fact, the rats that received olive oil had colon cancer rates almost as low as those fed fish oil, which several studies have already linked to a reduction in colon cancer risk. Types of olive oil Generally, olive oil is extracted by pressing or crushing olives. Olive oil comes in different varieties, depending on the amount of processing involved. Varieties include: Extra virgin - considered the best, least processed, comprising the oil from the first pressing of the olives. Virgin - from the second pressing. Pure - undergoes some processing, such as filtering and refining. Extra light - undergoes considerable processing and only retains a very mild olive flavour. When buying olive oil you will want to obtain a high quality EXTRA VIRGIN oil. The oil that comes from the first "pressing" of the olive, is extracted without using heat (a cold press) or chemicals, and has no "off" flavors is awarded "extra virgin" status. The less the olive oil is handled, the closer to its natural state, the better the oil. If the olive oil meets all the criteria, it can be designated as "extra virgin". What is pure and light olive oil? "Pure" olive oil is made by adding a little extra virgin olive oil to refined olive oil. It is a lesser grade oil that is also labeled as just "olive oil" in the U.S. "Light" olive oil is a marketing concept and not a

classification of olive oil grades. It is completely unregulated by any certification organizations and therefore has no real precedent to what its content should be. Sometimes, the olive oil is cut with other vegetable oils. How to care for your olive oil Resist the temptation to place your beautiful bottle of olive oil on the windowsill. Light and heat are the #1 enemy of oil. Keep olive oil in a cool and dark place, tightly sealed. Oxygen promotes rancidity. Olive oil is like other oils and can easily go rancid when exposed to air, light or high temperatures. You can of course buy extra virgin olive oil in any grocery store. A good source on the internet for extra virgin olive oil is here. Olive oil versus canola oil Do not fall into the hype which is put out by traditional medicine regarding the promotion of canola oil (rapeseed) as superior due to its concentration of monounsaturated fatty acids. Olive oil is far superior and has been around for thousands of years. Canola oil is a relatively recent development and the original crops were unfit for human consumption due to their high content of a dangerous fatty acid called euric acid. If the taste of olive oil is a problem, or if you are frying or sauting food, then you should consider coconut oil. Many nutritionally misinformed people would consider this unwise due to coconut oil's nearly exclusive content of saturated fat. However, this is just not the case. Because it has mostly saturated fat, it is much less dangerous to heat. The heat will not tend to cause the oil to transition into

dangerous trans fatty acids. TULSI TULSI Tulsi is a beautiful sweet smelling and ever green plant, which is very commonly found in many houses in the subcontinent. When you water this plant in the morning or evening the atmosphere fills with beautiful fragrance. There are many advantages of keeping this plant in the house. The leaves of the plant and the juice of its leaves is used for the treatment of many a common diseases and ailments. It is named as follows in different languages: In Urdu, TULSI In Hindi and Marathi, RAM TULSI In Sanskrit, AJWALA In Latin, OSCIMUM BASILICUM (Commonly BASIL In English, WILD TULSI The advantages of Tulsi are so numerous that in India, they started keeping the Tulsi plant not only for the medicinal purposes but also to ward off evil spirits. So much so that some people even considered the plant sacred. Tulsi plant thus got religious importance and people keep the plant also to bring good luck. The fragrance of the plant also repulses Mosquitoes and flies. In Arabic language it is called REHAN. It is mentioned at number of places in Quran as one of GODs gifts to human beings. It has been quoted in Sura Rehman and Surah Waqia. Huzure Akram(Durudo Salam Un Per) liked this plant and has praised its advantages. Huzure Akram (Peace be on him) has also said that if someone offers you Rehan(Tulsi) Plant, do not refuse to take it, as this plant has come from Jannat(Paradise). Tulsi has been found to be very useful in the treatment of many kind of fevers including Malaria. The simplest and most common use of tulsi leaves is to shew five/six leaves of Tulsi after every meals is very good for digestion. The modern research has also found it to be useful in many

ailments. The Tulsi leaves also contain certain elements found in cloves.As such chewing the Tulsi leaves relieves pain in teeth and gums. If dried Tulsi leaves are burnt the smoke is helpful in removing bad smell and also kills germs. In common cold also the Tulsi leaves could be chewewd and smelled leaves crushed in hands. Tulsi leaves are also helpful in the treatment of following : HEART Take Tulsi leaves and add twice as much water by volume. Boil it. When it remains half the volume add one tea spoon honey in one cup of Tulsi water. Take twice daily. It strengthens heart function

SKIN DISEAES:Tulsi leaves crushed in lime juice can be applied in Eczema and itching. For skin diseases requiring blood purification, like spots on skin, boils, hair loss, moles etc following use could be useful. Take Tulsi leaves and same amount of water and boil it till the leaves become completely pale. Then add the following in one cup of the water: Two table spoon ABE KASNI SABZ and ABE MACO SABZ. Add MISRI and take one cup each in the morning and evening. These are available in Unani medical stores. OR Take Tulsi seeds, commonly known as tukhme balanga. Put it water and keep it overnight. In the morning add honey and take half a cup daily for all skin problems. MOUTH Chewing Tulsi leaves and touching inside of mouth by tongue helps in boils in the mouth. And chewing of the leaves is also useful for dental problems. Also it removes smell. (THE ABOVE IS TRANSLATION OF A PART OF THE ARTICLE ON TULSI APPEARING IN AN URDU MAGAZINE NAMED ROOHANI DIGEST ; from its issue of November 2001)


WALNUTS BENEFITS Health Benefits When it comes to their health benefits, walnuts definitely are not a hard nut to crack. This delicious nut is an excellent source of omega-3 essential fatty acids, a special type of protective fat the body cannot manufacture. Walnuts' concentration of omega-3s (a quarter-cup provides 90.8% of the daily value for these essential fats) has many potential health benefits ranging from cardiovascular protection, to the promotion of better cognitive function, to anti-inflammatory benefits helpful in asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis. In addition, walnuts contain an antioxidant compound called ellagic acid that supports the immune system and appears to have several anticancer properties. Omega-3s benefit the cardiovascular system by helping to prevent erratic heart rhythms, making blood less likely to clot inside arteries (which is the proximate cause of most heart attacks), and improving the ratio of good (HDL) cholesterol to potentially harmful (LDL) cholesterol. Omega3s also reduce inflammation, which is a key component in the processes that turn cholesterol into artery-clogging plaques. Walnuts Protect Arteries after High-Fat Meal Walnuts, a rich source of the omega-3 fat, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), improve artery function after a high fat meal. Food for Better Thought Walnuts have often been thought of as a "brain food," not onlybecause of the wrinkled brain-like appearance of their shells, but because of their high concentration of omega-3 fats. Your brain is more than 60% structural fat. For your brain cells to function properly, this structural fat needs to be primarily the omega-3 fats found in walnuts, flaxseed and cold-water fish. Also Help Prevent Gallstones. A Source of Bio-Available MelatoninProtective. Omega-3 Levels Greatly Improved by Eating Just 4 Walnuts a Day

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