Is PPAI TwitterList 2012

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PPAI Conference 2012 Twitter Handles

Diana Aviv Joya Banerjee Eric Brown Kyle Caldwell Rena Coughlin Denise De Percin Neal Denton Peter Drury Laura Efurd Shayna Englin Joe Garofoli Shana Glickfield Barry Goodinson Jonathan Greenblatt Tessie Guillermo Tine Hansen- Turton Candy Hill

President and CEO Program Officer, Environment Director of Communications President and CEO President and CEO Executive Director Sr. VP, Government Affairs Officer Director of Development Vice President and Chief Community Investment Officer Principal Political Reporter Partner Development Consultant Special Assistant to the President and Director President and CEO Vice President for Health Care Access and Policy Senior Vice President, Social Policy and Government Affairs

Independent Sector S.D. Bechtel,Jr. Foundation The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Michigan Nonprofit Association Nonprofit Center of Northeast Florida Colorado Consumer Health Initiative YMCA of the USA A Child's Right ZeroDivide Englin Consulting San Francisco Chronicle Beekeeper Group Catholic Charities USA White House ZeroDivide National Nursing Centers Consortium Catholic Charities USA

Twitter handle
@diaviv @joyabanerjee @epbro @KyleMNA @RenaCoughlin @gyrogyrl @NealDenton @seattledrury @LEfurd @shaynaenglin @joegarofoli @DCconcierge @BarryGoodinson @J0NATHAN_G @tmguillermo @tine_nncc


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BEEKEEPER GROUP | 1331 G Street NW, Washington, DC 20005 P. (202) 540-8787 W.

Alice Kessler Jeanne Kojis Judith Kurnick Nancy Leonard Daniella Levine Catherine Lufkin Carla Marinucci Jan Masaoka Alison McCaffree Stephanie McGencey Darin McKeever Giulia McPherson Patricia Huber Morrissey Malik Nevels Gavin Newsom
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Legislative Advocate Executive Director Vice President for Strategic Communications

DiMare, Van Vleck & @Alice_Kessler Brown, LLC Nonprofit Network Southwest @nonprofitneter Washington League of American Orchestras @JudithKurnick @Nancy_Leonard @DaniellaLtoo @Cat_At_CampFire @cmarinucci @janmasaoka @AlisonMcCaffree @DocMcStef @darinmckeever @GiuliaMcPherson @Patty360

William Caspar Public Policy Officer Graustein Memorial Fund Founder, President Catalyst Miami and CEO Chief External Camp Fire USA Relations Officer San Francisco Political Reporter Chronicle California Chief Executive Association of Officer Nonprofits Washington Executive Director Nonprofits Grantmakers for Executive Director Children, Youth and Families Deputy Director, Bill & Melinda Gates Charitable Sector Foundation Support Deputy Director, CARE International Citizen Advocacy Illinois Task Force on Chair, Outreach Social Innovation, Committee Entrepreneurship, and Enterprise Illinois African Executive Director American Coalition for Prevention Lieutenant Governor State of California

@ILAFRAMCP @GavinNewsom

BEEKEEPER GROUP | 1331 G Street NW, Washington, DC 20005 P. (202) 540-8787 W.

Heather Noonan Mike Panetta Andy Pino Nicole Porter Katie Rader Rob Reich Nina Tunceli Seth Turner Robert Wexler Shelley Whelpton Kenita Williams

Vice President for Advocacy Partner Communications Officer and Board Liaison Director of Advocacy Associate, Nonprofit Strategy associate professor of political science Chief Counsel, Government and Public Affairs Senior Director of Government Affairs and Public Policy Principal Senior Associate for Business Development Program Manager

League of American Orchestras Beekeeper Group College Access Foundation of California The Sentencing Project Independent Sector Stanford University Americans for the Arts Goodwill Industries International, Inc. Adler & Colvin The Sheridan Group Southeastern Council of Foundations

@hcnoonan @MikePanetta @AndyPino @nicoleporter @rader_kl @robreich @Beckettini @SethCTurner @eowexler @swhelpton @Kenita_SECF

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BEEKEEPER GROUP | 1331 G Street NW, Washington, DC 20005 P. (202) 540-8787 W.

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