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HAARP Engineering 'FRANKENSTORM' Hurricane Sandy - CAUGHT on SATELLITE and RADAR!!!

11:35 Added: 1 week ago From: revmichellehopkins Views: 441,976 Sort by time | Sort by thread (beta)

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You had me right up untill you asserted that Praying is going to make a difference. Then you just lost me. Im sorry but do something usefull people.
Antifaith29 2 days ago 2

There is no way you could see features like that with any degree of certainty on such a large map.
Nayan psytribe 2 days ago

All the scientific facts you throw out there and then you end it with god bless you....
w agnerdavidson 2 days ago

trying so hard not to be judge mental..but I think, I mean you being a rever and and all, maybe you should spend more time encouraging more people to God instead of discouraging them away from the government. ''worry not for the morrow''. I know the context was meant differently, but in all honesty there is nothing you can do. for example, Judas turning in Jesus, needed to be done so God let it happen. the slaughter of millions of Jews by the nazis, hard for us to comprehend but was allowed by G
nduclet351 2 days ago

its refreshing to see proof and hear it explained so clearly , thanks michelle

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the big guys should know its not nice to fool mother nature.
mark corn 2 days ago

All of this information is just heartbreaking, I am just speechless....what 0 suggest Playlist exactly do you Unsaved we do with this information now?
gia paz 2 days ago


I know it is troubling. It causes me grief to know it too. Bless your heart. We do have several methods of changing things like this. 1. Prayer - the most powerful weapon in our arsonal. 2. Knowledge - researching and sharing. 3. Lobbying US and UN law makers to create laws to govern these technologies. 4. Our vote. Right now this is the best list I can come up with.
revmichellehopkins in reply to gia paz (Show the comment) 2 days ago 2

God Bless Michelle... :) :)

YoungKeese816 2 days ago

God bless you too Sweetie! Thank you so much for your encouragement. Be blessed. (o:
revmichellehopkins in reply to YoungKeese816 (Show the comment) 2 days ago 2

Can you point to any published articles that discuss the consequences of HAARP, these supersonic undulations, and other theories you suggest in this video? Videos say a lot, but it's the literature that really bring home the scientific scope and realization. Also, do you work in atmospheric sciences for a career?
qw ertyyqw ertt 2 days ago

What I've learned regarding Atmospheric Science is because my best friend, who works for NASA, is a consumate instructor. He can't help himself. Knowledge just oozes out of him. LOL... I have had the privelage of working on projects with him. He is one of the world's foremost authorities on Atmospheric Science. I share with the public what he cannot.
revmichellehopkins in reply to qw ertyyqw ertt (Show the comment) 2 days ago

ok, I just Google-Scholared HAARP and some of the other terms you mentioned. I'm not getting any results. Do you have any papers? i'd love to

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read them? i'm a wx nerd if you can't tell lol :)

qw ertyyqw ertt in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 2 days ago

LOL... You're fine. If you google HAARP site on search - that will take you right to the site I believe. For Infrasonic Undulation - Wikipedia - Infrasonic and then undulation. Then you will understand the process.
revmichellehopkins in reply to qw ertyyqw ertt (Show the comment) 2 days ago

You, see Rev., that's my concern. If I google that I'm redirected to or publication websites. Most of the sites I find are completely fabricated and very obviosuly conspiracy theorists. The Alaska page talks of HAARP being an ionospheric study. As you probably well know, atmospheric phenomena is limited to the troposphere, not at a level nearly 100 km above sea level. I just don't want to connect apples to oranges without there being an explicit connection between them.
qw ertyyqw ertt in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 2 days ago

I sent you a link Sweetie. I guess it didn't go through. Here it is again. haarp. alaska. edu/ Good luck. (o:
revmichellehopkins in reply to qw ertyyqw ertt (Show the comment) 2 days ago

and im sorry if it sounds like im talking down, but as an inspired-scientist from my 4th grade teacher (god bless our educators and professors!), i am questioning the relevance of HAARP in the ionosphere (85+ km above sea level) to tropical cyclones. i google HAARP and there seems to be no clear correlation. all i find is some conspiracy websites with lunatics that dont know what they're talking about LOL!
qw ertyyqw ertt in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 2 days ago 9

Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft take information from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. Those planes deploy aerosols. American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P. My Channel Feature vid reveals confirmation from DHS that President Obama did indeed order DHS to CONTROL Hurricane Sandy!
revmichellehopkins in reply to qw ertyyqw ertt (Show the comment) 2 days ago 6

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Shhh... That's because those are generally the only people who talk about HAARP as if it is a global weapon of mass destruction that causes earthquakes, volcanoes and hurricanes...
Nayan psytribe in reply to qw ertyyqw ertt (Show the comment) 2 days ago 9
revmichellehopkins in reply to qw ertyyqw ertt (Show the comment) 2 days ago

It says that the server couldn't be found, as if the page didn't exist o.o'
BunnyHat J in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 2 days ago

Which page Bunny...? (o:

revmichellehopkins in reply to BunnyHat J (Show the comment) 2 days ago

I'm new to being a youtube poster, so how can I send you messages to your inbox, Michelle? I can't seem to find on where to click to access it. Thanks!
Joe Fudd 2 days ago

Put them in a video. Upload the video. If you want it to remain private, just for my view set it to that with my ID, or if not just make it public. Click on my ID and send me a message. It will give you the option to send a video. Click on what video you want to send. And then I will see it.
revmichellehopkins in reply to Joe Fudd (Show the comment) 2 days ago

I saw a NatGEO and they were talking about inhabiting Mars by putting machines that produce carbon monoxide on the planet and let it run. Scientist believes it creates a thicker atmosphere that will heat up the planet
YoungDreezee 2 days ago

Chem-trails? LOL, how many aeroplanes did that take?

ADDAMBONGG 2 days ago

Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft generate data from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. Deploying aerosols. AMS presented discussion

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on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P. My Channel Feature vid reveals confirmation from DHS that President Obama did indeed order DHS to CONTROL Hurricane Sandy!
revmichellehopkins in reply to ADDAMBONGG (Show the comment) 2 days ago

It must be exhausting to be you.

fartzinacan 2 days ago

It's hard to be so loved!!! You're right. (o:

revmichellehopkins in reply to fartzinacan (Show the comment) 2 days ago

True #CitizenSoldier right here. Thanks for making this video. My question is though what do you think this storm was made for? Just to cause a lot of damage, put millions of people in bad positions with the possibility of chaos after the elections? Just throwing ideas out there.
TexasGrow n409 2 days ago

Good point. There are looters that advertised on twitter to join in looting. The story warning the population was attacked by the main stream media as fear mongering. Till those same looters uploading video of their bootie on twitter. And the looting was in full swing. We're told 6 million people are without electricity in this country and that it will remain that way for more than a week. Ummmm... Sounds like a possible situation for Regional Martial Law and suspended elections to me. Thanks.
revmichellehopkins in reply to TexasGrow n409 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

Yeah I remember seeing that. Possibly could be setting everything up for let's say if protest do happen after the election. We all know a majority of Americans are lazy compared to all the other countries that are in the world revolution so they would need other groups to cause chaos to be able to declare martial law. Do you think this was the "October Surprise"? Or do you think October was a surprise in general because a lot of events did happen for political reasons.
TexasGrow n409 in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 2 days ago

I think this was the beginning of the October surprise. I don't think this will be all. Because of the ongoing earthquakes in the aftermath of the 7.7 mag. eq in BC. The possible domino effect down the coast involving devastating

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earthquakes, tsunami and nuclear accidents resulting will be a worse toll on America than it was on Japan. Add to that the frightening instability of the New Madrid Fault... It ain't over till the fat lady sings...
revmichellehopkins in reply to TexasGrow n409 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

If this were a geoengineered storm, the main reason would likely be to cause terror and to alarm people. People turn into sheep after big events. Look at 911, for instance. Obama now can go out and look like a hero. After all, he has the MSM behind him who aren't going to show the poor people who are being neglected in the storms aftermath.
reezw ik in reply to TexasGrow n409 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

I forgot, one more thing... Naomi Klein wrote a great book called shock doctrine which examines how governments and those in power exploit emergencies and disasters in order to promote their interests.
reezw ik in reply to TexasGrow n409 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

Hello mam I would like you to investigate this video game it was made back in 2010 maybe you can see the subliminal messages in this. It seems like all of this fits in with what is happening since the hurricane hit. And now on the news i saw today Michael Greenberg endorsed Obama for the Reelection. Is he a member of the committee of 300? Theres a message in here maybe you can decode it /watch?v=BMkNERw7HLM&feature=my_liked_videos&list=LLTHL_A2bX hKGh0FW-1thA_g
hiredninja 2 days ago

no i dont see it
chiefy67 2 days ago

Infrasonic Undulation Looks like frequency on a spectrograph. If you Google images spectograph, you will find pictures of frequency. "Infrasonic Undulation" through chemtrail is ELF waves stirring air deployed aerosols up. Chemtrails are thicker than the thin vineer of hurricane clouds and come out looking kind of like this... ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( or this | | | | | | And if the pic is clear enough, these patterns are in the thin clouds. Hope this helps.

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revmichellehopkins in reply to chiefy67 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

You are a Masterpiece

MrMetatron7777 2 days ago

Awwwwwwww.... Bless your heart!!! So are you, you darling dear! Thank you for watching. (o:
revmichellehopkins in reply to MrMetatron7777 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

I had a sneaky suspicion this "storm" was engineered from the get-go...I can't understand why so many people know this is going on yet nothing is ever said or done about it...I know "they" own the media and all news stations in this country but there's so much evidence out there yet nobody does anything about it...I wonder what the reason for causing all this damage to re-build? push the elections back a little? there's a reason they made this storm demolish the east coast...
Illadel Graff Supply 2 days ago

Damn it humans and the stupidity of wanting to take something and turn it into a weapon and trust me nobody's gonna tame earth blasting ion spheres will only create stronger and unstable weather conditions and ion spheres are like shields that protect the planet from dangerous meteors to burn up on entry
justice5897 2 days ago

Im perfectly agree that 6millions of citizens doesn't have electricity, that there is a lot of ppl looting around. And probably this time off, gives the perfect scenario to prepare (manipulate) elections. What I say that manipulate a disaster is for profit, I just mean that. Like kill 2 birds with a shot, suspended elections, expensive investment in order to rebuild, that inevitably will generate profit for companies that are involved actually involved in the secret Govt Agenda
Edw ard Hoff 2 days ago

@MsDreamee hurricane have never hit eastern america before that hard and this hurricane hit just before 21 december 2012 just can't be coincidence... open your eyes, gov. is really planning something...
huksu 2 days ago

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"there it is. you see? she's hit with a chem dump, to get her going again."
alara4935 2 days ago

What basis do you have for analysis?? Have you studied atmospheric science?? do you know the physics of radar technology? I find this hard to believe.
Ross Treistman 2 days ago

What I've learned regarding Atmospheric Science is because my best friend, who works for NASA, is a consumate instructor. He can't help himself. Knowledge just oozes out of him. LOL... I have had the privelage of working on projects with him. He is one of the world's foremost authorities on Atmospheric Science.
revmichellehopkins in reply to Ross Treistman (Show the comment) 2 days ago

i've seen 'target' style globs if you would on national radar too that pop up and disappear within an hour
Robert LaChance 2 days ago

Thank you for putting this our. People need to wake up and get ready.
childofyahvh 2 days ago

Absolutely! That is so true. Thank you for watching. (o:

revmichellehopkins in reply to childofyahvh (Show the comment) 2 days ago

Yes HAARP is real Jer 30:23 Behold, the whirlwind of the LORD goeth forth with fury, a continuing whirlwind: it shall fall with pain upon the head of the wicked. Hsa 8:7 For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind: it hath no stalk: the bud shall yield no meal: if so be it yield, the strangers shall swallow it up.
Chaplain Bob Walker B. Th. 2 days ago

Oh, so they don't dump them during the hurricane, only before the hurricane is there and it determines their outcome? Could you please post some websites on where I myself and people reading this comment could learn more about HAMP and DHS Operations
bluebull2006 2 days ago

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Please watch my feature vid. That will explain a lot. If you google DHS and Weather or Hurricane program, that might be a good start.
revmichellehopkins in reply to bluebull2006 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

What do you do for a living Michelle?

bluebull2006 in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 2 days ago

I'm an Ordained Minister - Music Evangelist - retired. (Disabled with a rare, crippling illness similar to Lou Gehrigs Disease or MS, called MJD) What I've learned regarding Atmospheric Science is because my best friend, who works for NASA, is a consumate instructor. He can't help himself. Knowledge just oozes out of him. LOL... I have had the privelage of working on projects with him. He is one of the world's foremost authorities on Atmospheric Science.
revmichellehopkins in reply to bluebull2006 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

i love you with all my heart!:)

marbleys56 2 days ago

God bless you Sweetie! May the love of the Lord be with you and ooze out of your every pore! Thank you so much for your love. I love you too. In Him, ~Michelle
revmichellehopkins in reply to marbleys56 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

thank you for the video,I totally agree with you

anti fetocu 2 days ago

Thank you so much for your support. This is a sea of learning. Awakening can be a painful thing. Thanks again. (o:
revmichellehopkins in reply to anti fetocu (Show the comment) 2 days ago

Thank you so much for your support. This is a sea of learning. Awakening can be a painful thing. Thanks again. (o:
revmichellehopkins in reply to anti fetocu (Show the comment) 2 days ago

Unless we know what we are looking at, you cpuld say Santa is the one responsible. REALLY?
hijab cat 2 days ago

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Sorry about that. I put some ref's to terms in the description. It looks like frequency on a spectrograph. If you Google images spectograph, you see pictures of frequency. "Infrasonic Undulation" through chemtrail is ELF waves stirring air deployed aerosols up. Chemtrails are thicker than the thin vineer of hurricane clouds and come out looking kind of like this... ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( or this | | | | | | And if the pic is clear enough, these patterns are in the thin clouds. (o:
revmichellehopkins in reply to hijab cat (Show the comment) 2 days ago

Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft take information from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. Those planes deploy aerosols. American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P. My Channel Feature vid reveals confirmation from DHS that President Obama did indeed order DHS to CONTROL Hurricane Sandy!
yugt100 2 days ago

Really. Try THIS Mr.'research meteorologist'. Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft generate data from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. Deploying aerosols. AMS presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P. My Channel Feature vid reveals confirmation from DHS that President Obama did indeed order DHS to CONTROL Hurricane Sandy!
revmichellehopkins in reply to thundersnow 93 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

well if this is real. was not whit the intencion of kill people. it have to be just for proof the they can do it... now ... if this is real .. (big hurricane make and control by someone ) (a corporation) the questions is whats next ?
minor25 2 days ago

3 words, my friend... UN Agenda 21.

revmichellehopkins in reply to minor25 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

It happened where i am sandy is real D:

CC Monk in reply to minor25 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

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3:55 nice bookmarks... Parallel Bibles, BibleGateway

teopay 2 days ago

I study to show myself aproved of God. (o: But do you say that as if it's a bad thing? Or because you believe in the Creator of the Universe as well?
revmichellehopkins in reply to teopay (Show the comment) 2 days ago

All prepped for the elections, nonetheless it is interesting that they have figured out how to control weather and weaponize it, they love heir weapons those damned terrorists disguised as governing officials and bankers
JEHERETIC 2 days ago

We ARE using them as weapons. They are regulated as 'Weather Weapon" under UN treaty. If our country's TTA is involved (and it is, because UN Treaty requires WE be the nation responsible under the UN "weather weapons" agreement) then our leader is at the helm of our TTA network. Working along side other countries' TTA's - this is a semi-global effort.
revmichellehopkins in reply to JEHERETIC (Show the comment) 2 days ago

Hahahahahahaha, HAARP, stop dedicating your time to this psuedoscientific bullshit.

lukas1051 2 days ago

Really. Try THIS... Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft generate data from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. Deploying aerosols. AMS presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P. My Channel Feature vid reveals confirmation from DHS that President Obama did indeed order DHS to CONTROL Hurricane Sandy!
revmichellehopkins in reply to lukas1051 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

Your voice is annoying, shut the fuck up.

TouchyBanana 2 days ago

bloorw estreno 2 days ago

i had to read the comments in order to see wtf she kept saying... Lmao.

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Thought she said can dumps.. Ok now i know its chem dumps. Anyway i agree with the haarp theory! N makes most sense to hit the east cuz its overpopulated n weve been knowing obamba is planning a mass depopulation.. So yeah.
2DayInKattsWorld 2 days ago

LOL... Sorry. That's why they're there. Cause for some reason, you people can't seem to read my freaking mind!!!! LOLOLOLOL... Just kidding. Even I have a problem doing that sometimes. LOL... Thanks for watching. (o:
revmichellehopkins in reply to 2DayInKattsWorld (Show the comment) 2 days ago

internal processes are what you are referring to continents, core etec . external processes include atmosphere and hydrology they are all an umbrella of geology. you would know without the oceans thus on earth-geo, there would be no weather..... but you knew that already ...
rmpbklyn in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 2 days ago

Do you you see?!?!?!?!?

iferrit 2 days ago

This stops democrats from voting not republicans. Chris Christie is mad at the Bush nazi's for starting this then blaming Obama ... Benjamin Fulford 1029-12Bush the boogey man plays the HAARP as Halloween approaches
Danie Clarke 2 days ago

I guess these chemtrails were filled with new virus ,deseases for the sleeping sheeple !!!
luttimatos 2 days ago

I could be agree with this evidence. Maybe yes, this anomalies are product of human engineering manipulation, but I disagree with the theory that this Frankenstorm has been manipulated to kill ppl... I mean... how many ppl died in this storm? 200? It's a very short step if they're trying to kill 6.5 billion. This is for profit, now ppl need loans, the cities must spent money in order to reconstruct, etc etc etc... The Broken Window Theory.
Edw ard Hoff 2 days ago

There are looters that advertised on twitter to join in looting. The story warning the population was attacked by the main stream media as fear mongering. Till

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those same looters uploading video of their bootie on twitter. And the looting was in full swing. We're told 6 million people are without electricity in this country and that it will remain that way for more than a week. Ummmm... Sounds like a possible situation for Regional Martial Law and suspended elections to me.
revmichellehopkins in reply to Edw ard Hoff (Show the comment) 2 days ago

bonyard31 2 days ago

Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft take information from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. Those planes deploy aerosols. American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P. My Channel Feature vid reveals confirmation from DHS that President Obama did indeed order DHS to control Hurricane Sandy!
revmichellehopkins in reply to bonyard31 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

Sheesh. I want to smoke what's she's smoking!

Sharppointy2 2 days ago

aerosol DUUMPS..
TheRAWcarnage 2 days ago

Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft take information from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. Those planes deploy aerosols. American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P. My Channel Feature vid reveals confirmation from DHS that President Obama did indeed order DHS to control Hurricane Sandy!
revmichellehopkins in reply to TheRAWcarnage (Show the comment) 2 days ago

And i was hoping could go a whole day without seeing something stupid... = /
zlm2112 2 days ago

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Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft take information from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. Those planes deploy aerosols. American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P. My Channel Feature vid reveals confirmation from DHS that President Obama did indeed order DHS to control Hurricane Sandy!
revmichellehopkins in reply to zlm2112 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

This is unadulterated bullshit & anyone who believes it is an idiot.

Lew South 2 days ago

Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft take information from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. Those planes deploy aerosols. American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P. My Channel Feature vid reveals confirmation from DHS that President Obama did indeed order DHS to control Hurricane Sandy!
revmichellehopkins in reply to Lew South (Show the comment) 2 days ago

BTW, I'm a conservative Christian. However, broadcasting these conspiracy theories without correct scientific interpretation, and while simultaneously advertising Christian faith only gives more ammunition to the atheists and antiChristians. We can be scientifically accurate AND be faithful to our Christian beliefs at the same time!
thundersnow 93 2 days ago

Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft take information from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. Those planes deploy aerosols. American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P. My Channel Feature vid reveals confirmation from DHS that President Obama did indeed order DHS to control Hurricane Sandy!
revmichellehopkins in reply to thundersnow 93 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

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Illadel Graff Supply 2 days ago

Thank you so much for watching and your gracious encouragement. (o:
revmichellehopkins in reply to Illadel Graff Supply (Show the comment) 2 days ago

Way to draw conclusions without evidence. Repeat everything you said while pointing at a basketball it might be more believable. Those areas that you are pointing out and circling with your fingers are so large that it would take every airplane in the united stats at maximum capacity for just one of your chem "DUMPS" of course half of them would end up crashing into the ocean as they have to much payload and they would be flying into the worse storm we have ever seen hitting the east coast!!
bigsixstring 2 days ago

Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft take information from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. Those planes deploy aerosols. American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P. My Channel Feature vid reveals confirmation from DHS that President Obama did indeed order DHS to control Hurricane Sandy!
revmichellehopkins in reply to bigsixstring (Show the comment) 2 days ago

Yeah, ALL hurricanes and disasters are made by yeah, since people think that HAARP is causing disasters...HAARP also caused the death of the dinosaurs and every hurricane or disaster that was made in the past....NOT. I feel bad for those who believe in this HAARP thing, GET A LIFE and stop listening to shitty internet media. People are getting pathetic nowadays...
MsDreamee 2 days ago

Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft take information from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. Those planes deploy aerosols. American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols

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were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P. My Channel Feature vid reveals confirmation from DHS that President Obama did indeed order DHS to control Hurricane Sandy!
revmichellehopkins in reply to MsDreamee (Show the comment) 2 days ago

How can you point to a picture and ask people unfamiliar with weather phenomena "do you see?" and expect them to believe what you're telling them they should see? How are we supposed to know what "normal" weather patterns look like on radar versus your signs of "weather manipulation"? How do we know the points you highlight aren't there because of improved weather monitoring technology? And of course, to what purpose does "creating" a superstorm serve for those who are allegedly the creators?
mikeyjay21 2 days ago

There are looters that advertised on twitter to join in looting. The story warning the population was attacked by the main stream media as fear mongering. Till those same looters uploading video of their bootie on twitter. And the looting was in full swing. We're told 6 million people are without electricity in this country and that it will remain that way for more than a week. Ummmm...Sounds like a possible situation for Regional Martial Law and suspended elections to me. See Feature video. (o:
revmichellehopkins in reply to mikeyjay21 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

LIke X-ray pic, only experts can see and read satellite pics. I cannt see the diffences
song kim 2 days ago

Infrasonic Undulation Looks like frequency on a spectrograph. If you Google images spectograph, you will find pictures of frequency. "Infrasonic Undulation" through chemtrail is ELF waves stirring air deployed aerosols up. Chemtrails are thicker than the thin vineer of hurricane clouds and come out looking kind of like this... ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( or this | | | | | | And if the pic is clear enough, these patterns are in the thin clouds. Hope this helps.
revmichellehopkins in reply to song kim (Show the comment) 2 days ago

Very Nice hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Connor Richmany 3 days ago

is it coincidence that while the storm was going on, there were NO chem trails or clouds in our area over jax fla?
bbqueenful 3 days ago

What r ur qualifications to be able to realize what chem dumps are?

cr32ow 3 days ago

What I've learned regarding Atmospheric Science is because my best friend, who works for NASA, is a consumate instructor. He can't help himself. Knowledge just oozes out of him. LOL... I have had the privelage of working on projects with him. He is one of the world's foremost authorities on Atmospheric Science.
revmichellehopkins in reply to cr32ow (Show the comment) 2 days ago

Lady u never heard of condensation from plane engines? U think there are enough chemicals to spread for hundreds or thousands of miles? No it was all a coincidence that this hurricane hit the east coast. Ever thought of the effect of jet streams?
Mike727309 3 days ago

Contrail vs chemtrail. (As Congress refers to them.) Contrails dissipate to invisibility within seconds or minutes of being laid down because they are simply steam from the jet wash. Chemtrails, stay in the sky for hours as trails n days or weeks dispersed, are mixtures of aerosols sprayed in the sky with metals n chemicals (aluminum n barium) in tiny particules, creating a mirror effect to ricochet frequency as far away as 1/4 of the globe. HAARP website explains this process.
revmichellehopkins in reply to Mike727309 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

So HAARP controls the wind ??? Lets get real here !!!

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TOSK187 3 days ago

Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft take information from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. Those planes deploy aerosols. American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P. My Channel Feature vid reveals confirmation from DHS that President Obama did indeed order DHS to CONTROL Hurricane Sandy!
revmichellehopkins in reply to TOSK187 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

The biggest difference I saw between this storm and many many many other storms, I've seen many other storms hit the east coast with only the west part of the hurricane; and, nothing happens. Very little wind. Very little rain. A big nothing. It's only when the east side of the storm aka "dirty side" hits do things get ugly. The dirty side of this storm never came over land; but, look at all the damage.
301steady 3 days ago

Whew...not gonna get that 7 minutes of my life back. I call bullcrap. The government would love to do what you say they are able, however not possible in this lifetime.
Edgar Hartley 3 days ago

Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft take information from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. Those planes deploy aerosols. American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P. My Channel Feature vid reveals confirmation from DHS that President Obama did indeed order DHS to CONTROL Hurricane Sandy!
revmichellehopkins in reply to Edgar Hartley (Show the comment) 2 days ago

So what is the purpose of this? what does our government gain from creating a super storm ????
djb2285 3 days ago

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There are looters that advertised on twitter to join in looting. The story warning the population was attacked by the main stream media as fear mongering. Till those same looters uploading video of their bootie on twitter. And the looting was in full swing. We're told 6 million people are without electricity in this country and that it will remain that way for more than a week. Ummmm... Sounds like a possible situation for Regional Martial Law and suspended elections to me.
revmichellehopkins in reply to djb2285 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

Lol how many times you gonna say dump

djb2285 3 days ago

Chem Dumps? What the.....

SilverbladeVI 3 days ago

Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft take information from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. Those planes deploy aerosols. American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P. My Channel Feature vid reveals confirmation from DHS that President Obama did indeed order DHS to CONTROL Hurricane Sandy!
revmichellehopkins in reply to SilverbladeVI (Show the comment) 2 days ago

And when the election goes as planned? what will be the cause then?
James Medeiros 3 days ago

You're making quite an assumption. An incredibly paranoid assumption actually... And tell me more about your atmospheric credentials? Why should I believe you? Why should anyone in their right mind believe this, and not, say, that the warmest summer following the warmest winter had something to do with this?
mattyparsons93 3 days ago

Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft take information from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. Those planes deploy aerosols. American

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PROGRAM). DHS funds it. Those planes deploy aerosols. American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P. My Channel Feature vid reveals confirmation from DHS that President Obama did indeed order DHS to CONTROL Hurricane Sandy!
revmichellehopkins in reply to mattyparsons93 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

YUP this is also in part of Russia and US agreement to not practice ewperiments like this on foregin soil, but ti express them on their own territory. This was signed durring start of cold war. You are an expandable rat in the US gov system. Feel like paying for another "support our troops" arm band? SHEEPLE
Nanbo Pally 3 days ago

Are u on crack lady?

Mike727309 3 days ago

Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft take information from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. Those planes deploy aerosols. American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P. My Channel Feature vid reveals confirmation from DHS that President Obama did indeed order DHS to CONTROL Hurricane Sandy!
revmichellehopkins in reply to Mike727309 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

I have a couple of pictures that I would like to send you. Can you email me please?
TheCatucci 3 days ago

I'll tell you what. Put 'em in a little video, and if they are extraordinary I might just use them as a video response to this one.
revmichellehopkins in reply to TheCatucci (Show the comment) 2 days ago

If you can read maps, and radar, and understand irregular patterns, and behavior in the skies that are distorted and unnatural then lets just say yes I guess that makes us weather experts.
1Valdeenie 3 days ago

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Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft take information from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. Those planes deploy aerosols. American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P. My Channel Feature vid reveals confirmation from DHS that President Obama did indeed order DHS to CONTROL Hurricane Sandy!
revmichellehopkins in reply to 1Valdeenie (Show the comment) 2 days ago

I saw all the chemtrails on the east coast, but as far as infra-sonic undulation? I don't know about all that...Even if they are trying to kill off portions of the population, they will need to do a much better job than that. I don't know what the latest death toll was, but it probably wasn't more than a hundred...They should stick to earthquakes and tidal waves...
OHErieside 3 days ago

Thursday it was Hajj in Makkah. The people cursed America for its tyranny. On Friday it was Eid Day. Sandy was taking aim at the United Snakes of America
salahuddin786 3 days ago

Rubbish,its not us doing the manipulations.

reoreason 3 days ago

Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft take information from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. Those planes deploy aerosols. American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P. My Channel Feature vid reveals confirmation from DHS that President Obama did indeed order DHS to CONTROL Hurricane Sandy!
revmichellehopkins in reply to reoreason (Show the comment) 2 days ago

i wonder there is no any random live videos uploaded on you tube by random people around US...............its strange

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is that all filtered by you tube on orders of authorities of US democracyyyyyyyyyyyy but its is really tragic storm what happened to US people................ May you guys n ur families stay safe out there
Tosifify 3 days ago

When the first bit of your description says something about "Singular Polarity" and how a magnet without a south pole was used to impact a hurricane's trajectory. I am very skeptical to read further. First a magnet cannot exist without a North and South pole. Because a magnet is moving electricity. It has a negative and a positive charge running it's length. This idea defies the laws of physics. Second,It would also be so insubstantial in size it would be useless to use on any weather.
Corey Carnes 3 days ago

That was from my follow vids on the subject. There are single pole magnets. If you don't even know THAT much, why are you arguing with me. That is a case for the follow vids. And research it first, so you're not coming to the battle unarmed. Check out my feature vid. What's being used isn't metal (except in the chemtrails). It's frequency causing opposing polarity.
revmichellehopkins in reply to Corey Carnes (Show the comment) 2 days ago

I love how chemtrail believers jump on the "disinfo agent!!!" bandwagon the second someone is skeptical of this bullshit. The supreme irony is this video itself is the definition of disinformation.
radioactivew raith 3 days ago

Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft generate data from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. Deploying aerosols. AMS presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P. My Channel Feature vid reveals confirmation from DHS that President Obama did indeed order DHS to CONTROL Hurricane Sandy!
revmichellehopkins in reply to radioactivew raith (Show the comment) 2 days ago

could this be related to 12/21/2012 o.0

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SilentKnight1000 3 days ago

521 People are still asleep

ElliotFreestyleMX 3 days ago

Rev you should kill yourself. That would make the world a better place.
hulazigzag 3 days ago

What a fucking moron this woman is. No real understanding of meteorology. She just says the same thing over and over. It's hard to believe someone could take this serious.
hulazigzag 3 days ago

Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft generate data from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. Deploying aerosols. AMS presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P. My Channel Feature vid reveals confirmation from DHS that President Obama did indeed order DHS to CONTROL Hurricane Sandy!
revmichellehopkins in reply to hulazigzag (Show the comment) 2 days ago

even tho her voice makes me wanna stab my ears she is showing us some serious insight here
357chronic 3 days ago

Love the Vid! It's crazy what they are doing. Lots of chem-trailing going on in Denver this last week or so. Come quickly Lord Jesus!
Ladyney52 3 days ago

Maranatha! Thank you for watching. (o:

revmichellehopkins in reply to Ladyney52 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

Chem DUMPS. The way she says that is so annoying lol

TheGuyGinger 3 days ago 5

u said dumps

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UFO HuntingClouds in reply to TheGuyGinger (Show the comment) 3 days ago Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API

agreed, chem....dumps, chem...dumps. what an idiot. She can determine all this by looking at intellicast. It is laughable. Infrasonic undulation!!!!!!!!!! hahahaha!
gangelone999 in reply to TheGuyGinger (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft generate data from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. Deploying aerosols. AMS presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P. My Channel Feature vid reveals confirmation from DHS that President Obama did indeed order DHS to CONTROL Hurricane Sandy!
revmichellehopkins in reply to gangelone999 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

While this was happening on the East coast, on the west coast tens (hundreds?) of large earhquakes,all in the same place ... Check out IRIS seismology site - Queen Charlotte Islands area ... BBA attack on USA? 3w dot iris dot edu (forward slash) seismon/zoom/events/?lon=-131. 943&lat=52.5641
torquaytalkeytv 3 days ago

What a retard its a shame she actually believes the lies she has been told......ill pray for you.
Patrick Beatty 3 days ago

Just cause something sounds crazy don't mean it isn't true sir! Watch 12Monkeys with Bruce Willis&Brad Pitt! About a man that goes back in time to 1997 (our present day) people there all think hes nuts because what he tells em will happen sounded2crazy! Until they see him n a WW1 photo with fresh cuts he has now. I know just a movie but begs the crazy or insane thought unable 2b true? What if it is? Maybe we should ALL pull our heads out of our asses n look around now n again yes?
craigslistspamlist in reply to Patrick Beatty (Show the comment) 3 days ago

nobody wants to believe what is right in their faces, it's all one big plan coming together

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coming together
Zar0714 3 days ago

Lol so everyone here is a weather expert all of a sudden

bjaminstaples34 3 days ago

All things that the Father has are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall show it unto you. jOHN 16:15
PatrioticTruther 3 days ago

I could tell you must have known quite alot, revmichelle. I wasn't surprised to see your comment below that you flew aircraft. I'm 61 & grew up with no such thing in the skies. I only flew kites, watched clouds & had brothers in USAF. Then became a a gardener. I always was watching the skies. I knew it when things changed in the skies & was one of the first to be asking around. It's hard convincing ppl that this isn't normal -- and weather mod was used in Vietnam. But you have my support. Kudos
silkcat51 3 days ago

Thank you so much. I appreciate the support! Be blessed. Thank you for watching. (o:
revmichellehopkins in reply to silkcat51 (Show the comment) 3 days ago

You're Insane...
Lord Tullamore 3 days ago

LOL! problem is with idiots who make claims like this on the internet is that the REAL shit that is going on, ie NOT chem trails and HAAARP, gets discredited cos as soon as some significant event happens, youtube loonies claim "government conspiracy" and everyone dismisses it cos you are, well, youtube loonies. fer real Chem Trails?? its been proven its nothing but ice and condensation.
stevedetroit 3 days ago

No such thing has been proven. Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft take information from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. One of the

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functions of those planes is deploying aerosols. In 2010 the American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P.
revmichellehopkins in reply to stevedetroit (Show the comment) 3 days ago

There are none so blind as those who will not see!

Ladyney52 in reply to stevedetroit (Show the comment) 3 days ago

disaster program
Mildson Menezes 3 days ago

its a man made storm I'm sorry to that for the sleep people i dedicated a song to NY and the east coat
trilliz43 3 days ago

very interesting! thank you!

dodongop 3 days ago

Thank you for watching.

revmichellehopkins in reply to dodongop (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Interesting Video! :) Just a question, at approx 3:48 where you are pointing at the Chemtrails as you say.. Couldn't they most likely by Contrails from all the airliners that would still be up in the air at those times? These are seen daily and nightly, storm or not, I know you are much more educated on the matter, but many people seem to mistake these for Chemtrails all the time. Thanks!
1BassJohn 3 days ago

Contrail vs chemtrail. (As Congress refers to them.) Contrails dissipate to invisibility within seconds or minutes of being laid down because they are simply steam from the jet wash. Chemtrails, stay in the sky for hours as trails n days or weeks dispersed, are mixtures of aerosols sprayed in the sky with metals n chemicals (aluminum n barium) in tiny particules, creating a mirror effect to ricochet frequency as far away as 1/4 of the globe. HAARP website explains this process.

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revmichellehopkins in reply to 1BassJohn (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Thanks for the explanation! Though just to correct, no, Contrails can, and almost always do, stay in the atmosphere for some time. I'm an avid believer in Chemtrails so don't get me wrong. I have questioned this with pilots I know... Depending on Atmospheric conditions, contrails have been known to stay in the air for up to an hour or more, eventually turning into a 'Cloud' of sorts. I do agree, most typically, contrails should disappear shortly after forming. This is almost never the case
1BassJohn in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Sweetie, I have flown aircrafts myself. And I am telling you, you have been lied to. Contrails are simple water vapor. They cannot possibly maintain cohesion for more than a few moments. Even as ice. They disperse in the fierce high altitude winds immediately. If you ever see a jet fly by, and on the ground close one eye and lay your finger against the trail in the sky, if is it longer than your finger, I guarantee you, it's not a contrail.
revmichellehopkins in reply to 1BassJohn (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Sorry, but that is absolutely impossible. :) Look up 'Sublimation' A contrail is essentially Ice Crystals, and in the -40 temperatures in which they form, of course they can exist longer than a few moments. If your theory was correct, that means every aircraft that is flying right now, above approx 32,000ft + that is a leaving a trail (All of them), is a chemtrail. You and I know that is impossible! I do appreciate you taking the time to respond
1BassJohn in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 3 days ago

What everyone who knows about the chemtrail program here is trying to do is to get you to set asside your disbelief for a moment to ponder...if all those planes that are leaving those long trails, that are staying in the sky for hours and then covering the sky with a cloudy haze are all chemtrail planes laying down chemtrail, why are they doing it?
revmichellehopkins in reply to 1BassJohn (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Again you are operating from the assumption that they are all doing it. Also, I am not a disbeliever, but the truth is, most people who are following will have no clue what a normal contrail is, before they start talking about chemtrails. There are multitudes of people out there now pointing at the sky at trails and thinking every last thing is a chemtrail. If I'm going to study something, I like to be sure of what the difference is, that's all. Will be following your vids, keep

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up good work!
1BassJohn in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Contrail vs chemtrail. (As Congress refers to them.) Contrails dissipate to invisibility within sec's or min's because they're steam from jet wash. Chemtrails, stay in the sky for hours as trails n days or weeks dispersed, are mixes of aerosols with metals n chemicals (aluminum n barium) creating a mirror effect to ricochet frequency as far away as 1/4 of the globe. HAARP website explains this process. My Channel Feature vid reveals from DHS Obama did indeed order DHS to CONTROL Hurricane Sandy!
revmichellehopkins in reply to 1BassJohn (Show the comment) 2 days ago

Dude, if they have the 'technology' to create storms, they can use this as their advantage in wars. They would be able to literally place a storm in Russia, instead of soldiers.
TarikProductions in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Exactly. Why the UN Treaty on "Weather Weapons" Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft take information from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. One of the functions of those planes is deploying aerosols. In 2010 the American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P.
revmichellehopkins in reply to TarikProductions (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Contrails evaporate rather quickly

hgaddy2 in reply to 1BassJohn (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Watch the documentary "What In the World Are They Spraying". BUT, you never really answered my question. I would like to know the motivation behind this. Katrina obviously had one, but I don't see it here.
hgaddy2 in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Well... There are looters that advertised on twitter to join in looting. The story warning the population was attacked by the main stream media as fear mongering. Till those same looters uploading video of their bootie on twitter. And the looting was in full swing. We're told 6 million people are without

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And the looting was in full swing. We're told 6 million people are without electricity in this country and that it will remain that way for more than a week. Ummmm... Sounds like a possible situation for Regional Martial Law and suspended elections to me.
revmichellehopkins in reply to hgaddy2 (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Definitely!! I'm in Alabama so we don't get regional coverage of that. I've been looking around on the internet, but I haven't even seen that story yet. Thanks for the info.
hgaddy2 in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Thank you so much. You're quite welcome.

revmichellehopkins in reply to hgaddy2 (Show the comment) 3 days ago

do you see what??? lol..this to read one needs to be scientist.. normal person can't understand this and I see nothing, I'm sorry but this is kind of rubish for common people understanding..
jm108108 3 days ago

Infrasonic Undulation Looks like frequency on a spectrograph. If you Google images spectograph, you will find pictures of frequency. "Infrasonic Undulation" through chemtrail is ELF waves stirring air deployed aerosols up. Chemtrails are thicker than the thin vineer of hurricane clouds and come out looking kind of like this... ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( or this | | | | | | And if the pic is clear enough, these patterns are in the thin clouds. Hope this helps.
revmichellehopkins in reply to jm108108 (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Then don't watch it. Are you really complaining to her about you being too ignorant? This is a new one for me. Haha!!
hgaddy2 in reply to jm108108 (Show the comment) 3 days ago

This is the dumbest post on the entire message board.

hgaddy2 in reply to Christian Irving (Show the comment) 3 days ago

revmichellehopkins in reply to hgaddy2 (Show the comment) 3 days ago

"BS"??? That's not an acronym, genius. Maybe you should look up the definition.
hgaddy2 in reply to mew imi (Show the comment) 3 days ago

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Actually, clouds don't naturally form patterns of straight lines. Planes do that, genius.
hgaddy2 in reply to chd176 (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Sure...we'll all just take you for your word. I mean, you aren't under a false name or anything. You must be legit.
hgaddy2 in reply to MrThemeteorologist (Show the comment) 3 days ago

There's an entire documentary about chem dumps that proves they're real with scientific evidence. Just in case you didn't already know. It's called "What In the World Are They Spraying". You should give it a look before you sound any dumber than you already do.
hgaddy2 in reply to 3ran62 (Show the comment) 3 days ago

revmichelle I cannot thank you enough for this video. I am very impressed and grateful. When you're a scientist and you try to tell others about this stuff it's like talking to a wall. This video is compelling. It display's the wicked reality of weather modification with clarity and in the absence of bias. I'm laughing because these cowards are hiding in plain sight. This technology is being exploited. It's rather unfortunate.
dpfecarotta 3 days ago

Thank you so much! I appreciate the encouragement. Thank you for watching. You might be interested in the followup vid I have featured, capturing another entirely different type of TTA event. The map was taken down moments after I was told about it and got it on video. And I'm uploading documentation that the President actually ordered it.
revmichellehopkins in reply to dpfecarotta (Show the comment) 3 days ago

How could a plane dump chem-dumps right on the hurricane, wouldn't they get sucked in from the hurricane? KILLUMINATI Pray to Jesus
bluebull2006 3 days ago

hgaddy2 in reply to bluebull2006 (Show the comment) 3 days ago

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Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft take information from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. One of the functions of those planes is deploying aerosols. In 2010 the American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P.
revmichellehopkins in reply to bluebull2006 (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Oh, so they don't dump them during the hurricane, only before the hurricane is there and it determines their outcome? Could you please post some websites on where I myself and people reading this comment could learn more about HAMP and DHS Operations
bluebull2006 in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 2 days ago

Can easily fly above the hurricane and drop a "bomb" to have it disperse at altitude. Also could have been a drone. Just 2 options but I'm sure many more.
e4365yghdh in reply to bluebull2006 (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Yeah and what can the people do to stop it from happening I ask
GiMasterchef in reply to bluebull2006 (Show the comment) 3 days ago

We have several methods of changing things like this. 1. Prayer - the most powerful weapon in our arsonal. 2. Knowledge - researching and sharing. 3. Lobbying US and UN law makers to create laws to govern these technologies. 4. Our vote. Right now this is the best list I can come up with.
revmichellehopkins in reply to GiMasterchef (Show the comment) 3 days ago

you hit right 1 out of 4 1. prayer (yeah go ask you santa jesus to do things for your imaginary friend) 2. Knowlege (I approve this) 3. Lobbying law makers... (we just need to eliminate the monetary system and everything would fall right) 4. our vote ( if we eliminate the monetary system there would be no gov and science would rule the day like the venus project)

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OverlordZephyros in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 2 days ago

You really think voting for anyone will make any difference in changing the outcome of the human existence on this planet. The politicians are the last to care if anyone survives the catastrophes awaiting us all! Wake up everyoneonly becoming better spiritual beings are we every going to affect our futures. Real knowledge comes from sastras(scripture from God), not Science(most of the Scientists are Atheists). Don't be misled by ignorant liars and cheaters and find out the truth for yourselves!
nrg16108 in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 2 days ago

A plane can fly through a hurricane whitout any problems.

Reintjuh100 in reply to bluebull2006 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

To say this is compelling is an understatement. Wishing there was a single web location with many relevant links to HAARP info sites...
mrose0127 3 days ago

If you subscribe to my channel, that is one. In fact I am uploading a followup vid with documentation that Obama actually ordered it.
revmichellehopkins in reply to mrose0127 (Show the comment) 3 days ago

The interpretations of the satellite and radar imagery are all incorrect. What we really have are thunderstorm anvils, gravity waves near Florida, radar anomalous propagation, data drop-outs, ground clutter, etc. If you're a meteorologist, you understand that Sandy turned hard-left due to a strong upper-level trough with steering flow from the SE to NW. There was no TTA, weather modification, etc. involved. The energy involved with large storms is well beyond anything man can influence.
thundersnow 93 in reply to mrose0127 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

Riiiiiiiight... Try THIS Mr. 'meteorologist'. Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft generate data from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. Deploying aerosols. AMS presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P. My Channel Feature vid reveals confirmation from DHS that President Obama did indeed order DHS to CONTROL Hurricane Sandy!
revmichellehopkins in reply to thundersnow 93 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

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You obviously know nothing about how radar works or what TTA or Tesla weapons are either. Radars don't mess up, they show their own energy reflected back to them and if it isn't coming from it then it's coming from somewhere else.
Joe Fudd in reply to thundersnow 93 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

How could a plane dump chem-dumps right on the hurricane, wouldn't they get sucked in from the hurricane? KILLUMINATI
bluebull2006 3 days ago

We've been modifying weather since 1940. Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft take information from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P.(HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. One of the functions of those planes is deploying aerosols. American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P. I'm uploading documentation that obama ordered it.
revmichellehopkins in reply to bluebull2006 (Show the comment) 3 days ago

i'm not trying to poke holes in the story but when you say "chem-dumps" they are huge, taking up a couple of islands in the bahamas, if it was man dumping it why is it so big, i just don't see how man could dump that much?
john doe 3 days ago 2

LOLOL... I understand the confusion. If you've seen chemtrails, you notice how thin and small they are when they are first deployed from the plane. As a few moments pass you see the dispersal. It's the same here. Except the instead of trailing it, it was deployed all at once. And the energy of the storm caused it to plume over time lapse. We couldn't see the actual dump take place. Plane too small n gone before first the photos in the time loop.
revmichellehopkins in reply to john doe (Show the comment) 3 days ago

may I add... John Doe, the actual cloud eruption that you see is not the actual dump itself. The particulates and toxins of the dump combined with frozen water cause the massive expansion that you see. Granted, it is a full chemtrail dumped at once, but it's purpose is to "cloud seed". This is also achieved through

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once, but it's purpose is to "cloud seed". This is also achieved through HAARP with infrasonic anomalies in the ionosphere, as shown as those boxlike polyps on the radar.
dpfecarotta in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Would ya look at that? Just look at it!

trackstars0420 3 days ago

1)The Day After Tomorrow 2) they cant vote with no power, odd that it happened now 3)they planned this in 1997, same name, same pattern, same everything as the "fake/hypothetical" hurricane they practiced evacuation procedures for in 1997. i knew they could control/influence the weather for months now
superkaceylynn 3 days ago

Awesome video! Easily understood, well explained in a clear and perfectly paced voice. Thank you.
James McKay 3 days ago

Awwww... Thank you so much! I do appreciate it. Thank you for listening and watching.
revmichellehopkins in reply to James McKay (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Too bad it is entirely incorrect. I'm a meteorologist and can explain every facet of the imagery and Sandy's movement without the use of conspiracy theories.
thundersnow 93 in reply to James McKay (Show the comment) 2 days ago

Really. Try THIS Mr. 'meteorologist'. Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft generate data from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. Deploying aerosols. AMS presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P. My Channel Feature vid reveals confirmation from DHS that President Obama did indeed order DHS to CONTROL Hurricane Sandy!
revmichellehopkins in reply to thundersnow 93 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

As a meteorologist, you have no excuse for not knowing what's going on.

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Have you searched the World Meteorological Organisation for research on Hurricane steering and modification? Do you really know what's going on in the world of Geoengineering and Weather Mod? Or maybe you just believe that everyone has good intentions. Why did you not include any evidence to refute this person's claims?
Black317au in reply to thundersnow 93 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

Suuuuuuuure you can. NOT with any credibility!

Joe Fudd in reply to thundersnow 93 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

Fox is the only news channel NOT showing this, instead their politizing the Bengazi issue!?? FOX News is pure slanted garbage!
sw ingdancerfool 3 days ago

Do you believe there is a connection between this and the election?

fearw orshipGod 3 days ago

There are looters that advertised on twitter to join in looting. The story warning the population was attacked by the main stream media as fear mongering. Till those same looters uploading video of their bootie on twitter. And the looting was in full swing. We're told 6 million people are without electricity in this country and that it will remain that way for more than a week. Ummmm... Sounds like a possible situation for Regional Martial Law and suspended elections to me.
revmichellehopkins in reply to fearw orshipGod (Show the comment) 3 days ago

My understanding is that there are probably more without power because of how they figure their numbers..I also understand that it may be a month or more before they get I wonder if west coast will have the big one before Madrid..this is just the beginning of much worse to come..
1WORLDLIFE in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 3 days ago

I've been saying that for a while now.

revmichellehopkins in reply to 1WORLDLIFE (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Very saddening to the soul...just saw a bulletin post that military has been called out to gas stations on east coast...things will speed up exponentially from here on out I fear ...thank you for your hard work..peace and stay safe...

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1WORLDLIFE in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 3 days ago

VERY saddening. I'm not ashamed to say that I wept when I saw what America was in for, the night the 7.7 mag. earthquake hit BC as Sandy was coming up the coast and earth quakes started happening near the New Madrid Fault that night. USGS listed them, then they took them offline. You are most welcome. Have you seen my feature vid follow up? Confirmation President Obama order DHS to CONTROL hurricane Sandy? I just stood there and...hung my head.
revmichellehopkins in reply to 1WORLDLIFE (Show the comment) 2 days ago

that's what i'm trying to figure out. conspiracy theories.

orlanduce in reply to fearw orshipGod (Show the comment) 3 days ago

I try to keep an open mind but still have many questions. Why would anyone want to destroy so much of NY & NJ? NY is mostly for Oboob so he will be loosing out on votes Not sure about NJ.Chemtrails are all over the world not just in the US. So who & why (climate change?). This has got to be a costly project. Spraying the world for several years day & night. I did not see chemtrails for awhile, then one sleepless night I looked out the window & spotted them in the middle of the night.
LoyaltotheUSA 3 days ago

There are looters that advertised on twitter to join in looting. The story warning the population was attacked by the main stream media as fear mongering. Till those same looters uploading video of their bootie on twitter. And the looting was in full swing. We're told 6 million people are without electricity in this country and that it will remain that way for more than a week. Ummmm... Sounds like a possible situation for Regional Martial Law and suspended elections to me
revmichellehopkins in reply to LoyaltotheUSA (Show the comment) 3 days ago

If that happens my hats off to you for your prediction. You see a big picture most do not.
AmericanLifeVideos in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 3 days ago

I'm uploading documentation that obama ordered it.

revmichellehopkins in reply to AmericanLifeVideos (Show the comment) 3 days ago

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You will be met with retaliation of insults and ridicule mostly from individuals who have done nothing personally to investigate the matter themselves. I commend for putting up and making this video.
Prevail17 3 days ago

Thank you so much. If you haven't seen my feature vid, a follow up to this one, it will amaze you even more than this one. And I am uploading confirmation from DHS that President Obama did indeed order DHS to control Hurricane Sandy! That one should be up within the hour or so.
revmichellehopkins in reply to Prevail17 (Show the comment) 3 days ago

This is but one example of the resulting apathy that has bred the allowance of the MOST evil, vile, corrupt, ego-centric driven fools to infiltrate and own basically every facet of our lives. As our founding fathers warned it was our responsibility to remain in a state of utmost vigilance to defend the cause of liberty, we have now turned into the purveyors of evil while the majority of people occupying the country are so disillusioned that if you even bring up such topics are possibilities
Prevail17 3 days ago

I have researched it more than I think you realize. Haha!! The population reduction you're speaking of is by direction of the Georgia Guidestones. However, directing a storm somewhere, but evacuating everyone to safety does nothing to help that plan at all.
hgaddy2 in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 3 days ago

American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P. I'm uploading documentation that obama ordered it.
revmichellehopkins in reply to hgaddy2 (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Ok?? What does that have to do with my initial question?

hgaddy2 in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 3 days ago

What question? You didn't ask a question. (o:

revmichellehopkins in reply to hgaddy2 (Show the comment) 3 days ago

I asked the Question: "what do they seek to gain by fueling a storm &

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directing it toward the direction of D.C.?" but you just answered it.
hgaddy2 in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 3 days ago

DC never had 1 single outage. No damage. There are looters that advertised on twitter to join looting. The story warning of it was attacked by the main stream media as fear mongering.Till those same looters uploading video of their bootie on twitter. And the looting was in full swing.We're told 6 million people are without electricity in this country and that it will remain that way for more than a week. Ummmm... Sounds like a set up for Regional Martial Law and suspended elections to me.
revmichellehopkins in reply to hgaddy2 (Show the comment) 3 days ago

and when the election goes as planned? what will be the cause for this then?? lol
James Medeiros in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 3 days ago

2 words...UN Agenda 21.

revmichellehopkins in reply to James Medeiros (Show the comment) 2 days ago

One thing is for sure, and we all can agree, the Chem-Trails are very real. Now, if it can be proven that this Hurricane was intenionally manipulated to strike where it did, then it's Time for the People to Rise-up and kick some New World Order Ass!!! First, these things must be proven that HAMP and HAARP was used to manipulate Hurricane Sandy.
dckgozenya 3 days ago

American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P. I'm uploading documentation that obama ordered it.
revmichellehopkins in reply to dckgozenya (Show the comment) 3 days ago

we are not meant to see these things. but we must understand that evil surrounds the world. it is our right to know. the unjust crave power, while the humble stay strong minded. uprise and our world will be free again.
destr0n 3 days ago

I thought they stopped this with Katrina.

Gary Harden 3 days ago

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American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P. I'm uploading documentation that obama ordered it.
revmichellehopkins in reply to Gary Harden (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Seems that the 497 which dislike this video are too ignorant to do any research on the topic of weather modification or warfare. Look up Dr. Ben Livingston, the father of weaponized weather. Or even H.A.A.R.P., the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program Interesting to note, that in Oct 1997, a simulation of a storm of Sandy's magnitude was performed by the Feds. based on the Hurricane of 1938. Do a search for Bernard Eastland, TARFOX, geo-engineering and chemtrails.
Machinka 3 days ago

Thank you for making this video, we totally agree that HAARP made Hurricane Sandy.
PrognatusSeptem 3 days ago

But why? Why would people do this?

George Couldw ell 3 days ago

Decency dictates that having this technology we would use it to save lives and property but... UN Agenda 21 - depopulation reduction from 7 Billion to 500 Million. It means the wholesale slaughter of 6.5 Billion people. 'The great culling' they call it. Impossible to believe until you do the research as to why. If you step into their economic shoes, you understand their rationale. The PTB n UN want Obama in office. UN is overseeing our election. May need Martial Law to suspend elections.
revmichellehopkins in reply to George Couldw ell (Show the comment) 3 days ago

I don't see anything. I looked. REALLY, REALLY hard, too. Nothing. I see a hurricane spinning towards the eastern U.S. If the "chem dumps" were what I thought I saw, wouldn't it take like a gigantic BOMB worth of the stuff to do something like this? It would take the world's entire naval fleet with aerosol cans the size of Rhode Island to pull this off. I don't doubt that this is

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possible; however, I doubt that this is the case here. Maybe you're paranoid? Just saying.
Derek Brow n 3 days ago

Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft take information from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. One of the functions of those planes is deploying aerosols. In 2010 the American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P.
revmichellehopkins in reply to Derek Brow n (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Check the website haarpstatus dot com You were spot on and so were they. Now they are saying to watch for a big earthquake on the west coast sometime between Sunday through Wednesday. We shall see.
Now LifeStarts 3 days ago

Sandy breaking down trees and setting up fire. /watch?v=7gKccJiLX_w

Daxesis 3 days ago

l find it interesting that people believe that government organisations can create hurricanes , This lady on the video sounds quite intelligent too. so strange.
TheNeedlefactory 3 days ago

Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft take information from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. One of the functions of those planes is deploying aerosols. In 2010 the American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P.
revmichellehopkins in reply to TheNeedlefactory (Show the comment) 3 days ago

if it keeps you busy.

TheNeedlefactory in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 3 days ago

if it keeps you busy.

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TheNeedlefactory in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 2 days ago

Amazing coincidence,Barrack Obama was starting to need an October miracle to survive in office,LO and BEHOLD i give you the Storm of the century,the next day Israel announce no action to be taken against Iran untill next spring,to give sanctions time to bite they claim,hmmm very coincidental. Peace,Love,Wisdom
shane edw ards 3 days ago

you realize when you speed up the video it will look like an "aerosol" burst.. but whact the cloud formation in real time.. seriously sit there for 4 or 5 days and tell me you see a sudden strong burst like you show in the video.... ps where is my previous comment? why are you hiding my word and why are you only posting comments that agree with you???
Jeffrey Paul 3 days ago

Not sure whether I deleted your comment or not. I delete comments that attack me or others with foul names and viciousness. It's MY page. Not YOURS. You don't get to attack me like that at MY PLACE. If you didn't, I simply haven't gotten to it yet. But if you read the comments, you'll realize, those who disagree without viciously attacking and calling people foul names that children shouldn't read, are all on this page.
revmichellehopkins in reply to Jeffrey Paul (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Wow, I was already wondering wtf you were taking about. Then I read #1 on what to do about it. I guess if you believe that talking to the sky is gonna get a storm to move, then human control of one sounds totally logical.
dezprincesscc 3 days ago

What did Frankenstein do to Dr. Frankenstein?

Duborah Oya 3 days ago

"10 inches" ? Try 13 ft!

RosUNw ell 3 days ago

WRONG! The pics you show of trails are just from Hurricane Hunters flying in and out gathering info.

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And a pic from above cannot prove whether it contains certain chemicals. It's like assuming red Jell-O is cherry-flavored. Current technology can't control weather, or hurricanes. They've tried. Look up Projects Cirrus and Stormfury. HAARP's only purpose is studying the atmosphere. No specific mention to hurricanes. That's the NHC's job. Don't use disasters like this to spread lies. PLEASE
Michael Cooke 3 days ago

We've been modifying weather since 1940. Is there existance of 'natural' hurricane video? Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft take information from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P.(HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. One of the functions of those planes is deploying aerosols. American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P.
revmichellehopkins in reply to Michael Cooke (Show the comment) 3 days ago

How can we control weather if we can't even predict it?

Michael Cooke in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft generate data from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. Deploying aerosols. AMS presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P. My Channel Feature vid reveals confirmation from DHS that President Obama did indeed order DHS to CONTROL Hurricane Sandy!
revmichellehopkins in reply to Michael Cooke (Show the comment) 2 days ago

I hate Obama too (rooting for Mitt!) but even he wouldn't do such a thing, and didn't. Neither would Bush. All he had to do to create a disaster was do nothing :) Are you also going to tell me that the Freemason-Illumanati-Bilderburg-Moon landing faking-JFK killing 1%ers were involved too? As a friend of a conspiracy theorist, victim of Sandy, and hurricane

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entusiast, I am immune to this nonsense. Just drop it.

Michael Cooke in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 2 days ago

Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft take information from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. Those planes deploy aerosols. American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P. My Channel Feature vid reveals confirmation from DHS that President Obama did indeed order DHS to CONTROL Hurricane Sandy!
revmichellehopkins in reply to Michael Cooke (Show the comment) 2 days ago

lady speak regular my vocab aint as extencive as your so basically i hardly understand wut your were saying about sonic under and all that other stuff... im not trying to be rude in any way i just trying to understand whats going on because its crazy how we go 2 hurricanes 1 last year around this time and this 1 i know people remember hurricane irene last year and it was on a smaller scale now this 1 hits and its twice the size of last years hurricane.
crashdarebel 3 days ago

Sorry sweetie. I added some definitions and explanations in the description. Hope that helps everyone. Thank you for watching. (o:
revmichellehopkins in reply to crashdarebel (Show the comment) 3 days ago

I said it numerous times before, I will say it again... Slip of the key... M not B - MHz not Watts. My bad. But Im answering hundreds of comments here. I make mistakes. I mean come on! Note to self need more sleep!!! LOL Thank you for watching. (o:
revmichellehopkins in reply to aw boater (Show the comment) 3 days ago

also i tooki pictures of all but unfortunantly my camera and all else was stolen from me, I'm refering to the pictures before and after Isaac hit Florida.
w hyw ar1986 3 days ago

when my mom got back from toronto she shown a picture of the sky around the moon, jsut so happens to be a perfectly straight cloud, like a big perfect straight line, its like a sound wave, and you can def tell the difference between a normal cloud and a cloud formed from haarp, even a chemtrail, the

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difference between a chemtrail and an airplanes trail or jets trail is wayyy different, in sie and everything i use to think chemtrails were fake but once i seen it with my own eyes
Chris Barks 3 days ago

when my mom got back from toronto she shown a picture of the sky around the moon, jsut so happens to be a perfectly straight cloud, like a big perfect straight line, its like a sound wave, and you can def tell the difference between a normal cloud and a cloud formed from haarp, even a chemtrail, the difference between a chemtrail and an airplanes trail or jets trail is wayyy different, in sie and everything i use to think chemtrails were fake but once i seen it with my own eyes
Chris Barks 3 days ago

Vapour trails or con trails disapate quite soon after the aeroplane has passed,usually gone in a few minutes.Chemtrails linger and spread across the sky in a straight line as you said,but getting wider as they spread across the sky,on a clear day i watch the jets formation flying making criss cross patterns across the sky,Alluminium oxide,Barium and other toxic nasties.Agenda 21 in full effect. Peace,Love,Wisdom
shane edw ards in reply to Chris Barks (Show the comment) 3 days ago

I cant seem to be able to reply right in the bottom I have tried to do so revmachellehopkins but i believe in the chemtrails and chembombs thing i've seen it here in south florida in action before and after Isaac, and even while i was in vacation in Santo Domingo RD before category two Sandy hit and ruined my plans to go to the beach luckly there was still a tour going on where Christopher Columbuses reamains lay to rest LOL, plan B was to explor the cave, but the park was closed.
w hyw ar1986 3 days ago

because people are happy being slaves- there's alot of other things they doing to us that people know about but they don't want to fight or even talk about it so they will continue to do what the hell they want without opposition.
striker3231 in reply to TheTruthDK (Show the comment) 3 days ago

No clue why they're doing this.... Decreasing population? Along with

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genetically modified food? :/ It doesn't seem right... Let Earth balance itself out.... The Earth knows what's best.... Truly.. Let populations decrease naturally... With disease, etc. Let us go back to being more natural. We're playing dangerously...
Juggafreeze2 3 days ago

Infrasonic waves, is seen in all types of hurricanes, therefore that is not proof oh haarp.
GsBBoyDan 3 days ago

We've been modifying weather since 1940. Is there existance of 'natural' hurricane video? Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft take information from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P.(HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. One of the functions of those planes is deploying aerosols. American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P.
revmichellehopkins in reply to GsBBoyDan (Show the comment) 3 days ago

I know weather modification is real, "silver iodide being sprayed to prevent hail" was broadcasted on the news in my area. But I am not convinced of the info presented here. Those chemtrails arent anything suspicious to me, there's chemtrails along the coast like, look at flight maps and photos. Chembombs, just looks like normal forming cells. Infrasound waves look like normal rainbands. show an actual jet dumping stuff, or haarp shooting a detectable beam there, and I'll believe it.
GsBBoyDan in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 3 days ago

What my channel's feature video. Your answer lies there. Exactly what you just asked for.
revmichellehopkins in reply to GsBBoyDan (Show the comment) 3 days ago

3:38min- 4:30min, look at the *** Chemtrails.- Yesterday they sprayed here again. Look at my Videos, Chemtrails in Germany. And open your eyes!! best greetz

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best greetz
Jeff Lehmann 3 days ago

My, how ignorance abounds... IF President Obama could actually have this done, then WHY did he send it after the states that are most likely to vote for him? Conspiacy theories seem all the vogue, though, and are fed to and spread by scientific illterates- that is, a majority of Americans.
1959xplorer 3 days ago

I'm uploading a video with documentation that obama ordered it.

revmichellehopkins in reply to 1959xplorer (Show the comment) 3 days ago

So i checked out an image of an australian hurricane from a few years ago and i saw the same kind of features you call infra waves and chemtrails. Perhaps they are just natural hurricane features.
garysair4 3 days ago

We've been modifying weather since 1940. Is there existance of 'natural' hurricane video? Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft take information from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P.(HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. One of the functions of those planes is deploying aerosols. American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P.
revmichellehopkins in reply to garysair4 (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Funny and entertaining. Nothing more.

packinw ood2009 3 days ago

so u want me to believe that a number of airplanes that are capable of spraying chemicals could create/ cause a hurricane or massive storm that's hundreds of miles wide, think about what ur saying quit trying to scare people with false B S! Anybody can look at a screen and point out unusual looking clouds no facts just a bad conspiracy
KY11nobs 3 days ago

Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft take information from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. One of the functions of those planes is deploying

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aerosols. In 2010 the American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P.
revmichellehopkins in reply to KY11nobs (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Do people actually -believe- this crap?

LackofImpulseControl 3 days ago

Why do you keep harping on HAARP. It is located 180 miles ENE of Anchorage, Alaska and approximately 8 miles north of Gakona, Alaska. What has it to do with a storm on the east coast?
gkseifert 3 days ago

'HAARP' - tho not quite appropriate - has become a psuedonym for the TTA Network all over the world. Arecibo is the TTA shown in the next video as the possible culprit. Ground based TTA's with multi-million Mhz frequency emitters around the world (30+ so far), countless Low Orbit SAC (AEHF) Satellites, booster antenna arrays, oceanic echo buoys, military sea going vessels w/ TTA units, mobile units, are all a part of the SAME Global TTA Network, under UN and NATO, thereby complicit.
revmichellehopkins in reply to gkseifert (Show the comment) 3 days ago

search "2pac hurricane" for more on Hurricane Sandy

Will Briggs 3 days ago

Grasping for straws now, aren't you?

BigBoreHK 3 days ago

its the beginning of the end sandy hits, economic collapse, world economic collapse with usa, wars and Chaos, and then one world order
TheUnkillsam 3 days ago

That "sonic undulation" looks a lot like cirrus clouds, the normal outflow from a hurricane!!
SevereTstormFan 3 days ago

How do you know these are "chem dumps"? What, specifically, is

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"infrasonic undulation"? A Google search only finds your use of that term. How do you know that anything on the screen is "infrasonic undulation"? How do you know that "Tesla Tech Arrays" are being used or what their effect is? What is the backup substantiation for any of these terms or interpretations of what is shown? Using this kind of "interpretation", you could apply this "reasoning" to any satellite photo of developing weather.
David Barrow 3 days ago

Image not clear as I would like for you all. It's confirmed Obama ordered it. Uploading that now. It would take a book to answer all your questions. I'll try...Infrasonic Undulation Looks like frequency on a spectrograph. Google images spectograph, you'll see pics of frequency. "I.U." through chemtrail is ELF waves stirring aerosols up. Chemtrails come out looking kind of like this... ( ( ( ( ( or this | | | | | And if the pic is clear enough, these patterns are in the thin clouds.
revmichellehopkins in reply to David Barrow (Show the comment) 3 days ago

I have an accuweather app on my android phone. I check it frequently and notice these strange circular green spots that pop up even when there's no storms. what are they?
Scott Vogler 3 days ago

TTA footprints, depending on your app and the radar being used.
revmichellehopkins in reply to Scott Vogler (Show the comment) 3 days ago

what are TTA footprints?

Scott Vogler in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 2 days ago

Tesla Tech Array Radar imagery tell tale indications of existence. Like a perpetrator at the scene of a crime with a certain kind of shoe on. You will see some in my other vids. One looks like a scorpion in a ring of fire with an eye of the illuminati in the center. For hours - intermittant frequency in this bizzare shape. I was told later interestingly in astrological views we had recently moved into Scorpio or the Sun had. PTB are occultists. They'd know that. Kinda in our face!
revmichellehopkins in reply to Scott Vogler (Show the comment) 2 days ago

One needs nothing else but to just go outside and look up at the clouds. Notice how super high up most of them are? And they are all lined up in neat

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serrated rows no matter which way the wind is blowing? And they often look like fish scales like mackerel have? Do any of you ever remember seeing such cloud formations as a child (if you were born before the 1990's)? They look like they are electric clouds...that's because they REALLY ARE NOW! No weather man can tell you what these are called!
Joe Fudd in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 2 days ago

Sad but true. Thank you. (o:

revmichellehopkins in reply to Joe Fudd (Show the comment) 2 days ago

i'm sure people have interesting occult information about this, but i think for now, in more than most peoples minds, they just want the bare bones science behind it. I want to be able to describe what's happening with our weather in clear scientific terms so that any arguments against mine have some legitimacy behind them. This way we all get to the truth quicker. We need to expose the methods, economics, and political power behind these programs. Then we can go after their spiritual motives.
Scott Vogler in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 2 days ago

If that is so, I'm quite sure you will want to see my feature video. You will be astounded. A little of this one made it into that one, but the additional visual polarity caught and what it does to the storm in front of your eyes will wow you. Add to that DHS documentation that Obama ordered it...
revmichellehopkins in reply to Scott Vogler (Show the comment) 2 days ago

It's called clear air mode. Typically used for non-convective events. Often times it can detect insects, frontal boundary, and even wind farms in North Dakota!
qw ertyyqw ertt in reply to Scott Vogler (Show the comment) 2 days ago

look up the patents and information on cloud seeding and also HAARP technology. Don't believe this lady, fine....just do your own research. It's not spreading fear, it's spreading the truth.
Scott Vogler in reply to MFImPhil (Show the comment) 3 days ago

datnew fag 3 days ago


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ivan roberson 3 days ago

Wait....Some people realy belive in haarp ? wow, that to say more....

numerocro 3 days ago

i knew i would find a HAARP Hurricane Sandy video

DopeMuzicEnt 3 days ago

Fr mich spricht das ganz klar fr eine Destabilisierung des Volkes um von wichtigen Sachen abzulenken und um Mobilisationen des Volkes gegen bestimme Lgen von der Regierung, den Pharmakartellen und den Militrs zu unterbinden. Keine Macht fr niemanden.
masKNew s23 4 days ago

Sehr aufschlussreich! Ich denke, es gibt eine Menge Wahrheit ist das, was sie sagte. Haben einen wunderbaren Tag. Und vielen Dank fr Ihre Aufmerksamkeit.
revmichellehopkins in reply to masKNew s23 (Show the comment) 3 days ago

More ignorant claptrap about chemtrails and HAARP

FuzzyUK1 4 days ago

This hurts democratic voters not repulican voters..

Danie Clarke 4 days ago

Tiger Woods did it!

sermok nermok 4 days ago

i live in morocco and i saw chemtrails heavilly sprayed before rain starts, but i dont talk about it anymore it makes people looks at me as if i went nuts! i really knw how it works depanding on the wind and the chemtrail design depanfing on the levels of heat and humidity : huricains is made worse by haarp certainly
tyreza79 4 days ago

Thank you so much for sharing. You are so right! (o:

revmichellehopkins in reply to tyreza79 (Show the comment) 3 days ago

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All your frequencies are belonging to us!

RooFx 4 days ago

My only question is WHY?

Anon Error 4 days ago

UN Agenda 21 - and getting ready for the great deception - all a part of the systematic slaughter of 6.5 million people in this world for the sake of "Depopulation." I'm sure it will surprise you to learn, it was the Fed, (money makers, banksters, wallstreet) under the auspices of the Bilderbergs and the mysterious 7, not the government who call the shots. The UN, our president and other countries leaders report to them. Culling the unproductive eaters seems perfectly rational to these Devils!
revmichellehopkins in reply to Anon Error (Show the comment) 3 days ago

reasonable....definitely a possibility. thanks for posting

honeybearfur 4 days ago

Thank you for watching. If you'd like to see my follow up video, the site was taken off the internet immediately after I videoed it. when you see the vid, you'll know why...FEATURED ON MY CHANNEL - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - " WHAT??? "Frankenstorm" NEW HAARP TTA EVENT CAUGHT DRIVING Hurricane Sandy??!!!"
revmichellehopkins in reply to honeybearfur (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Thank you for watching. (o:

revmichellehopkins in reply to honeybearfur (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Im not a totally anti conspiracy guy, and I do belive the goverment dont always act in the best interest of the majority, but what if the chemtrails are actually slowing the storm down, and not making it bigger? What is the science explanation that prove the chemtrail actually is not to help the people? Im open for both sides of the story, but need better proof than this, this video go some way to show the existence of the chemtrails in connection to extreme weather, but not if it hurt or create
garry Holden 4 days ago

It should be. And DHS via H.A.M.P. claims it is. But if that is true... How might they explain this...FEATURED ON MY CHANNEL - You will NOT

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believe your eyes!!! Video - " WHAT??? "Frankenstorm" NEW HAARP TTA EVENT - CAUGHT DRIVING Hurricane Sandy??!!!"
revmichellehopkins in reply to garry Holden (Show the comment) 3 days ago

I'm a bit confused, are these waves electromagnetic or mechanical? You talk about them as sound, but say they're outside radio range. I'm just trying to better understand.
Bobjoe620 in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Mechanically created. Sonic frequency is 'sound' audible or not. If you barrage metals with ELF or EHF or say...microwave - all of which are different ranges of frequency or sound outside the radio range...the metals become dynamic with magnatism and ionization - alive with static electrical current. (Try this in a microwave and you'll understand - metals spark and can even short out the microwave because of the sound waves barraging it making the metal electodynamic - magnetodynamic.)
revmichellehopkins in reply to Bobjoe620 (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Mechanical waves are displacements of matter (such as air particles) and include things such as sound. Electromagnetic waves are oscillations of an electric and a magnetic field. Radio waves, the energy in microwave ovens, and visible light are all examples of this type of wave. So I assume you really mean that HAARP is using some very low frequency EM wave to influence the storm. I'm trying to understand in what way these waves could influence the hurricane.
Bobjoe620 in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Yes. When I said 'mechanical' I meant man made. Also 'sound' is waves, not particles. It can manipulate particles. Like in a microwave, it speeds them up creating heat. So you can move particles with sound, like in a microwave, except in this case, it is on a much grander scale. And first you must introduce the particles in order to agitate them with sound. This example is seen in the follow up vid. WHAT??? "Frankenstorm" NEW HAARP TTA EVENT - CAUGHT DRIVING Hurricane Sandy??!!!"
revmichellehopkins in reply to Bobjoe620 (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Sound is a pressure wave created by displacing particles. So, the aerosols are agitated by some form of EM wave to introduce more energy to the storm to strengthen it... Where do they get enough power to

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make a difference compared to all the energy already in the storm?

Bobjoe620 in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Each TTA is multi-million Mhz with massive capabilities. Using numerous TTA's could do it. If you saw my follow up vid, it showed what appeared to be a secondary TTA signature event. If several TTA's maintained a particular polarity in the storm, the secondary TTA event, a singular polarity, looked like it was creating perpetual momentum in the storm. When the event subsided, Sandy's momentum slowed almost completely.
revmichellehopkins in reply to Bobjoe620 (Show the comment) 3 days ago

My question was about how they generate the power. MHz is a measure of frequency, not power. You said earlier that they're using ELF EM waves, but millions of MHz is definitely an extremely high frequency. Regardless, how are they powering these multi-million MHz devices? And could you elaborate on what a singular polarity actually means? I'd like to believe what you're saying, but just throwing a few sci-fi words around isn't going to do it for me.
Bobjoe620 in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 3 days ago

The definition of singular polarity is in the description. They power it with electricity. Go to the HAARP website. They explain how it's done. My channel's Feature vid may help I think. It's sounds like you would like to have a deeper understanding than I can explain here in this little space. Feel free to message me in my inbox. I'll write you a 'book' Thanks for watching.
revmichellehopkins in reply to Bobjoe620 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

I do not work for NASA nor any other branch government. My field of work deals with power systems. You kinda missed the point of my comment which is "multi billions or millions Watts of frequency" just does not make any sense period. Frequency has nothing to do with Watts. heard of 3 or 4 G phones? the G stands for Giga that is in reference to Hz so those phones work with 4,000,000,000Hz having Hz higher then this is not uncommon. See next comment
jcn35 in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 4 days ago

I said it numerous times before, I will say it again... Slip of the key... M not B - MHz not Watts. My bad. But Im answering hundreds of comments here. I make mistakes. I mean come on! Note to self need more sleep!!!

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LOL Thank you for watching. (o:

revmichellehopkins in reply to jcn35 (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Do any of you dumb ass americans know that HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction!!!??. It can alter the weather, You have all been fucked in the ass by OBAMA, Just another one of his many sly doings. Cant you see he is a fucking snake? A wolf in sheeps clothing? Cant you fucking see this. 9/11 was your goverment. Mexicans muslims flooding your country. There doing a good job of breaking you. Look at your food. What the fuck are twinkies? Cum stuffed cake rolls? Seriously.
SuperLaughOutLoud69 4 days ago

I was listening to the guy who invented weather weapons. they could do this stuff in the 80s!!! Why do people still consider it ridiculous that they can manipulate the weather. Keep taking your vaccines. You'll be killed off soon if you don't wake up.
dystopia47 4 days ago

I'm very curious to where you get your expertise?? Do you have a background in meteorology?? Also, was hoping to add you onto facebook... possible?? Thank You....
guruguy87 4 days ago

I don't use facebook as much. My inbox here is fine. What I've learned regarding Atmospheric Science is because my best friend, who works for NASA, is a consumate instructor. He can't help himself. Knowledge just oozes out of him. LOL... I have had the privelage of working on projects with him. He is one of the world's foremost authorities on Atmospheric Science. I share with the public what he cannot. Thank you for watching.
revmichellehopkins in reply to guruguy87 (Show the comment) 3 days ago

omg. sry, i take that back. no ones said haarp is radio. Kuhrd, said "anyone who understand basic radio and electronics knows this" and you're an idiot for trying to devalue that by saying it's not basic radio, when NO ONE ever said it was basic radio. so you can see how one would be confused, when dealing with idiots with no sense of scientific method.
Curtis Nixon in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 4 days ago

EHF frequency not radio range. Sonic frequency is 'sound' audible or not. If

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you barrage metals with ELF or EHF or say...microwave - all of which are different ranges of frequency or sound outside the radio range...chemtrail metals become dynamic with magnatism and ionization - alive with static electrical current. Try this in a microwave and you'll understand - metals spark and can even short out the microwave because of the sound waves barraging it making the metal electo- or magnetodynamic.
revmichellehopkins in reply to Curtis Nixon (Show the comment) 3 days ago

I shouldn't even dignify that with a response. But, well, you're an idiot. Keep on spreading disinformation. You're really good at it. Way to go. At least now you can tell your children you accomplished something with your life.
Curtis Nixon in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 2 days ago

WOW!!! I really have to question your motives! Even in the face of infantile truth...easy enough for any nincompoop to understand, you still chose to live at d'banks of d'nile. It's not that you truly believe that I'm wrong. It's that you cannot allow the fact that I'm right! What really is your agenda here??? What belief system does this step on for you? Because it holds no basis in truth.
revmichellehopkins in reply to Curtis Nixon (Show the comment) 2 days ago

What about the idea that the possibly created HAARP built storm would negatively effect Obamas chances? As his target groups might not vote as affected? Waging this against the "presidential effect" in this interrupting and changing media agenda? I can not see that Obama would take the risc loosing the thing as loosing his voters - but - well - not sure. Copied here - and need a "rational" answer. From Germany - cu and good work on getting out of cristis. Cu.
Klaus-Dieter Hinck 4 days ago

CONGRATS! OK, this is all happening! But where will it all lead? Do u believe Judy Wood's take on 911? Do u believe in other-dimensional and/or "alien" beings and that some are benevolent ('angels') and some are not ('devils') and that they have been around for ages, and perhaps their tech is behind this? Where is all of this leading? And how can we stop it? Of course this is AGENDA21 + regular corruption (Monsanto greed etc). Keep up the great work!
edw ardpow ellmusic in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 4 days ago

WOW!!! There is so much to share with you. Message me, if you like for more

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info than I can share here. But I will try to sum up. It will attempt to lead to the completion of UN Agenda 21. Don't know Judy wood, but I have a Susan Lindauer vid that explains my take on it..."Extreme Prejudice - CIA Whistle Blower..." I believe in God, who created angels, demons etc... Tesla said his frequency info came from spirits - i.e. demons - evil. We can pray, speak out, lobby N vote. (o: Thanks.
revmichellehopkins in reply to edw ardpow ellmusic (Show the comment) 3 days ago

I used to cling to that same belief. Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft take information from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. One of the functions of those planes is deploying aerosols. In 2010 the American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P.
revmichellehopkins in reply to kidzj123 (Show the comment) 4 days ago

selves as lunatics. It's HAARP allright, I ask you honestly: As if your big brothers, greed- power- and money-hungrier than ever, would like you to be happy....?
mozzrt in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Thank you so much for your encouragement! The Lord bless you and yours as well. You might want to see the follow up vid featured on my channel...FEATURED - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - " WHAT??? "Frankenstorm" NEW HAARP TTA EVENT - CAUGHT DRIVING Hurricane Sandy??!!!"
revmichellehopkins in reply to fonkee1 (Show the comment) 4 days ago

If they can then why didn't they? This follow up vid will help dispel that notion. FEATURED - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - " WHAT??? "Frankenstorm" NEW HAARP TTA EVENT - CAUGHT DRIVING Hurricane Sandy??!!!"
revmichellehopkins in reply to daboognish88 (Show the comment) 4 days ago

I'll try to fit it all in this window... If our country's TTA is involved (and it is, because UN Treaty requires WE be the nation responsible under the UN "weather weapons" agreement) then our leader is at the helm of our TTA network. Working along side other countries' TTA's - this is a semi-global

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effort. All ground based TTA's are under auspices of the UN and are a network. They are complicit. And too many TTA events surrounding this cyclonic system in various areas globally.
revmichellehopkins in reply to djchela (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Could you see the plumes near the eye? Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft take information from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. One of the functions of those planes is deploying aerosols. In 2010 the American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P.
revmichellehopkins in reply to OneTruth4Life (Show the comment) 4 days ago

I think the person here to die of shame is you. How's this for truth...Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft take information from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. One of the functions of those planes is deploying aerosols.In 2010 the American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P.- in the open.
revmichellehopkins in reply to PEATANTICS (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Thank you for the encouragement. Here is the follow up vid I've been promising... FEATURED - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - " WHAT??? "Frankenstorm" NEW HAARP TTA EVENT - CAUGHT DRIVING Hurricane Sandy??!!!"
revmichellehopkins in reply to patheticcliches (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft take information from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. One of the functions of those planes is deploying aerosols. In 2010 the American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P.
revmichellehopkins in reply to Reverend Ovni (Show the comment) 4 days ago

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Try this for proof... FEATURED - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - " WHAT??? "Frankenstorm" NEW HAARP TTA EVENT - CAUGHT DRIVING Hurricane Sandy??!!!"
revmichellehopkins in reply to godellmusic (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Thank you so much for your encouragement. In case you would like to see the follow up vid to this... FEATURED - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - " WHAT??? "Frankenstorm" NEW HAARP TTA EVENT - CAUGHT DRIVING Hurricane Sandy??!!!"
revmichellehopkins in reply to glenerw (Show the comment) 4 days ago

If our country's TTA is involved (and with FrankenStorm it is, because UN Treaty requires WE be the nation responsible under the UN "weather weapons" agreement) then our leader is at the helm of our TTA network. Working along side other countries' TTA's - this is a semi-global effort. The reason??? UN Agenda 21 (Population Reduction) and attempt to suspend elections. With no electricty, floods, population displacement, damage etc... state of emergency - possibly even martial law.
revmichellehopkins in reply to TheJohnEAngel (Show the comment) 4 days ago

TTA = Tesla Tech Array. HTA HAARP Type Array Ground based TTA's (like HAARP n Arecibo) multi-million Mhz frequency emitters around the world along with countless Low Orbit SAC (AEHF) Satellites, booster antenna arrays, oceanic echo buoys, military, commercial and privately owned sea going vessels with TTA units, in field military and mobile units, are all a part of the SAME Global TTA Network , under the auspices of the UN and NATO and are thereby complicit.
revmichellehopkins in reply to branthom88 (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Americans created UN, nobody else.

MrMedia34 4 days ago

Are you out of your mind? We CREATED the UN. The UN resides on US soil!!! Where are you living???
revmichellehopkins in reply to sexpot52 (Show the comment) 4 days ago

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Since I don't get paid, that argument doesn't hold water.

revmichellehopkins in reply to MFImPhil (Show the comment) 4 days ago

You definately want to see this... FEATURED - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - " WHAT??? "Frankenstorm" NEW HAARP TTA EVENT CAUGHT DRIVING Hurricane Sandy??!!!" Thank you so much for watching and for your encouragement!
revmichellehopkins in reply to Frank Ribbensky (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Only the Bilderbergs know the answer to that. That's why they are dubbed, the mysterious 7. Thank you so much for watching and for your encouragement! You might like to see the follow up - FEATURED - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - " WHAT??? "Frankenstorm" NEW HAARP TTA EVENT - CAUGHT DRIVING Hurricane Sandy??!!!"
revmichellehopkins in reply to Joe Lynch (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Interesting info, thanks for sharing. Unfortunately, I know absolutely nothing about your terminology or technical understanding about claimed effects. I wish I had more information to make an informed judgment about this. It would be most helpful if you could put together an information-packed tutorial and/or set of informative links so that your observations could be verified and/or viewed in a more understandable context.
EagleEyesYT 4 days ago

Try the description. It has a lot of definition and explanation in it. Hope it helps.
revmichellehopkins in reply to EagleEyesYT (Show the comment) 4 days ago

i live in west germany and today i saw a rainbow-cloud over my house

HighnRichChiller 4 days ago

Thank you so much for watching and for your encouragement! You might like to see the follow up - FEATURED - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video " WHAT??? "Frankenstorm" NEW HAARP TTA EVENT - CAUGHT DRIVING Hurricane Sandy??!!!"
revmichellehopkins in reply to Leviticus192728 (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Frankensein was Man Made ! A hybryd, just like a marijuana strain, is also Man Made !

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Big things like theese are ALWAYS MAN MADE, like katrina, like world wars, like every BIG MEDIA THING, were a lot of people die, a lot of damage ! ALWAYS MAN MADE ! Nature always comes and repairs the mess made by men ! Nature = God, Soul, Spirit ! ;) Wake UP !
Ion Pozitiv 4 days ago

All settings on this video are public and allowed to the public. I have no idea what you're talking about. Is there anyone else who cannot see the numbers for this video?????
revmichellehopkins in reply to BudDub67 (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Thank You for showing us what the scumbags are pulling. I always suspected Katrina was engineered.
lovefrankiephuck 4 days ago

I'm not censoring the count. What...what???? I never heard of that before.
revmichellehopkins in reply to BudDub67 (Show the comment) 4 days ago

If our country's TTA is involved (and it is, because UN Treaty requires WE be the nation responsible under the UN "weather weapons" agreement) then our leader is at the helm of our TTA network. Working along side other countries' TTA's - this is a semi-global effort. The reason??? UN Agenda 21 (Population Reduction) and attempt to suspend elections. With no electricty, floods, population displacement, damage etc... state of emergency - possibly even martial law.
revmichellehopkins in reply to NePdXploit (Show the comment) 4 days ago

What I've learned regarding Atmospheric Science is because my best friend, who works for NASA, is a consumate instructor. I have had the privelage of working on projects with him. He is one of the world's foremost authorities on Atmospheric Science. I share with the public what he cannot. If you can't trust me, trust your eyes - follow up vid - FEATURED - You will NOT believe what you're seeing!!! Video - " WHAT??? "Frankenstorm" NEW HAARP TTA EVENT - CAUGHT DRIVING Hurricane Sandy??!!!"
revmichellehopkins in reply to JonDMA (Show the comment) 4 days ago

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I think we have stepped past the testing phase. You might like to see my follow up vid... Follow up alert - Video Name Change ALERT EVERYONE!!! My PART 2 - follow up video is uploaded Renamed and FEATURED - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - " WHAT??? "Frankenstorm" NEW HAARP TTA EVENT - CAUGHT DRIVING Hurricane Sandy??!!!"
revmichellehopkins in reply to rosesryellow 2 (Show the comment) 4 days ago

its seems to me who ever keeps doing this shit 9.11 storms and shit dnt like americans very much
jayson thomas 4 days ago

Slip of the key... M not B - MHz not Watts. My bad. But Im answering hundreds of comments here. I make mistakes. I mean come on! Note to self need more sleep!!! LOL Thank you for watching. (o:
revmichellehopkins in reply to essenmeinstuff (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft take information from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. One of the functions of those planes is deploying aerosols. In 2010 the American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P.
revmichellehopkins in reply to codyjohnhamblin (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Thanks for the reply, great channel btw, subbed

codyjohnhamblin in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Awesome! Welcome aboard!

revmichellehopkins in reply to codyjohnhamblin (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Good question. Infrasonic Undulation Looks like frequency on a spectrograph. If you Google images spectograph, you will find pictures of frequency. "Infrasonic Undulation" through chemtrail is ELF waves stirring air deployed aerosols up. Chemtrails are thicker than the thin vineer of hurricane clouds and come out looking kind of like this... ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( or this | | | | | | And if the pic is clear enough, these patterns are in the thin clouds. Hope this helps.
revmichellehopkins in reply to codyjohnhamblin (Show the comment) 4 days ago

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Check out the description. It has updates on all the verbage and terms used in the video. There is a follow up video that might help. And there is info in the description there too. Follow up alert - Video Name Change ALERT EVERYONE!!! My PART 2 - follow up video is uploaded Renamed and FEATURED - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - " WHAT??? "Frankenstorm" NEW HAARP TTA EVENT - CAUGHT DRIVING Hurricane Sandy??!!!"
revmichellehopkins in reply to codyjohnhamblin (Show the comment) 4 days ago

The biggest hurricane ever to hit NY was in 1938. Was HAARP powered by steam and vacuum tubes? whack job
Robert Dobalina 4 days ago 2

Most people in the know agree with you. Particularly folks in the military. Check out my channel, you might enjoy some vids there. Thank you for watching. (o: Here's my follow up vid Follow up alert - Video Name Change ALERT EVERYONE!!! My PART 2 - follow up video is uploaded Renamed and FEATURED - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - " WHAT??? "Frankenstorm" NEW HAARP TTA EVENT - CAUGHT DRIVING Hurricane Sandy??!!!"
revmichellehopkins in reply to Rainbow tardiful (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Yikes!!! You folks got hit pretty hard. Hope everything and everyone is alright. Thank you for watching and sharing. You may be interested in my follow up vid... Follow up alert - Video Name Change ALERT EVERYONE!!! My PART 2 - follow up video is uploaded Renamed and FEATURED - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - " WHAT??? "Frankenstorm" NEW HAARP TTA EVENT - CAUGHT DRIVING Hurricane Sandy??!!!"
revmichellehopkins in reply to DaNKNeWPGooN (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Thanks, kinda... LOL.. Follow up alert - Video Name Change ALERT EVERYONE!!! My PART 2 - follow up video is uploaded Renamed and FEATURED - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - " WHAT??? "Frankenstorm" NEW HAARP TTA EVENT - CAUGHT DRIVING Hurricane Sandy??!!!"
revmichellehopkins in reply to TONILOVE28 (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Thank you for watching. You may be interested in my follow up. Video Name

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Change ALERT EVERYONE!!! My PART 2 - follow up video is uploaded Renamed and FEATURED - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - " WHAT??? "Frankenstorm" NEW HAARP TTA EVENT - CAUGHT DRIVING Hurricane Sandy??!!!"
revmichellehopkins in reply to Marianna Avdeev (Show the comment) 4 days ago

TTA undulation and spikes do cause magneto-dynamic excitability often resulting in intense static electicity. It's possible.
revmichellehopkins in reply to UsernameNeutrality (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Video Name Change ALERT EVERYONE!!! My PART 2 - follow up video is uploaded Renamed and FEATURED - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - " WHAT??? "Frankenstorm" NEW HAARP TTA EVENT - CAUGHT DRIVING Hurricane Sandy??!!!"
revmichellehopkins 4 days ago

I just wish people would start aliasing what's going on around us! Rather than living a lie! It's so bizarre to see how easy it is to manipulate the nations even if it takes to manipulate the weather/mother nature.. Sad...
PTRenata 4 days ago

THANK YOU! I cant believe how these people speak in a "matter of fact" manner. It makes me happy to see everyone is not a conspiracy theory loony. I think its pretty sad that its come to this... Just knowing theres another sane human can make me happy
MFImPhil in reply to Jack Cusick (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Well first thing I see is Fox News so yeah you lost me!
TimmithyZERO 4 days ago

ALERT EVERYONE!!! My PART 2 - follow up video is uploaded - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - " WHAT??? "Frankenstorm" NEW HAARP TTA EVENT - CAUGHT DRIVING Hurricane Sandy??!!!"
revmichellehopkins 4 days ago

when will you upload

Mandems96 in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Sorry Sweetie. I changed the name a little... " WHAT??? "Frankenstorm"

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revmichellehopkins in reply to Mandems96 (Show the comment) 4 days ago

cheers thanks
Mandems96 in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 4 days ago

i just watched this video Dan Bidondi Predicted Hurricane Sandy Disaster he says how a DHS Informant told him a natural disater is going to occur weeks in advance please watch all of this /watch?v=ObQ3P9aTd5U&feature=g-all-u
Mandems96 in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Thank you for this!

PTRenata 4 days ago

You're very welcome. Thank you for watching.

revmichellehopkins in reply to PTRenata (Show the comment) 4 days ago

This is my follow up...ALERT EVERYONE!!! My PART 2 - follow up video is uploaded Renamed - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - " WHAT??? "Frankenstorm" NEW HAARP TTA EVENT - CAUGHT DRIVING Hurricane Sandy??!!!"
revmichellehopkins in reply to PTRenata (Show the comment) 4 days ago

We need more individuals like you who can professionally explain these types of occurrences in our current world. While safely tucked away in a questionable yet safe mass of rainclouds in WA, I can't help but worry about my relatives in NY. I've been following chemtrail/HAARP closely for several months now. Unfortunately, few of the cloud masses I've seen as of late on the radar seem to be free of various forms human manipulation. It seems as though every large cloud mass is a spear shape now.
Uncreativeish 4 days ago

Yeah, you wouldn't believe some of the stuff I've uploaded! Bless your heart. All my hopes for your relatives in NY. WOW! They are having it rough. Sandy is still hitting inland, being agitated by TTA footprints in the Texas area. I just

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uploaded my followup vid if you'd like to watch it. - Video - " WHAT??? "Frankenstorm" NEW HAARP TTA EVENT - CAUGHT DRIVING Hurricane Sandy??!!!" Enjoy...
revmichellehopkins in reply to Uncreativeish (Show the comment) 4 days ago

I'm new to all of this type of stuff But the only question I have is what are in the chem trials?
ashlyn31690 4 days ago

Chemtrails are aerosols sprayed in the ionosphere by aircraft in this case under the DHS program H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM) filled with tiny magneto-dynamic metallic particulates. Extremely Low Frequency (Infrasonic Undulation) (Stirring things up with sound) is added by TTA. (like HAARP and Arecibo) excites, heats and directs the metallic particulates accelerating and attracting moisture to them. Sound + Heat + cold create and steer this cyclonic system.
revmichellehopkins in reply to ashlyn31690 (Show the comment) 4 days ago 14

yeaaaa right and am hitler derrrrrrrrrp

t0k3z420 in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Are there any health or environment effects?

bmlsb in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Yes. Many of them are in my videos. But if you go to Wikipedia and look up "infrasound" far down on the page it tells a few things that it does to the human body. Feel free to subscribe to my channel. There are a lot of answers for you there. For you, I would start with...Well, I'll send a couple to you to help answer that.
revmichellehopkins in reply to bmlsb (Show the comment) 3 days ago

revmichellehopkins wow! Wow because I watched your video i think the 28th you had 50k views about! Now 313k! wow also cos i see soooo many replies to ppl that are not convinced, curious or what ever else! I show and tell all my close friends about this vid and i hope in near future some change comes (good). i hope your vid goes to 10M views! This is the ULTIMATE weapon of NWO... is the solution just to break it??? Jimmy from South Africa...(at the moment) WELL DONE again!
dimitrios24 in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 3 days ago

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Thank you so much! I "Featured" my follow up vid to this on my channel if you haven't seen it. It will burn you I just... WOW!!! All I can say is Wow. Interestingly, the map that showed what was in it was taken down, immediately after I video'd it for my presentation. I HAD to share it with the public. Even the worst skepics are scratching their heads. Thanks again. Be blessed. (o:
revmichellehopkins in reply to dimitrios24 (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Ionosphere? Aircraft? Chemtrails? very funny connection. very impossible.

Sebastian Krahel in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft take information from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. One of the functions of those planes is deploying aerosols. In 2010 the American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P.
revmichellehopkins in reply to Sebastian Krahel (Show the comment) 3 days ago

But very true my friend,the MOD in the UK recently admitted to the use of chem trails up to 1979,when asked if these "Experiments"were ongoing the MOD spokes person declined to answer on the grounds of "Not at liberty to disclose ongoing operations/experiments. Where i live in the UK you see planes on clear days flying in formation at alltitude and leaving criss cross patterns in the air,they don't disapate as con trails do,take the red pill my friend. Peace,Love,Wisdom
shane edw ards in reply to Sebastian Krahel (Show the comment) 3 days ago

I don't disagree with what you are saying at all - but do want to point out that it all depends on what is in the Chem Trail mixtures. Sometimes the chem trail mixture actually dries up the moisture - if the government (or large corporation) wants a drought to happen for instance.
EliseForJoy in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Absolutely!!!! You are dead ON!!! Thank you for that.

revmichellehopkins in reply to EliseForJoy (Show the comment) 3 days ago

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there are not many planes that can fly in the ionosphere, also, thats not where the storm is. The upper levels of the hurricane can reach upwards to 50,000 ft and the ionosphere starts at about 260,000 ft.
Jimmy Hoffa in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 3 days ago

The chemtrails may not be deployed in the ionosphere (particularly in this case) but in other cases, the dispersal spans the ionosphere. At least that's what HAARP says as to why they need it. As a mirror effect for transmissions. HAARP says that.
revmichellehopkins in reply to Jimmy Hoffa (Show the comment) 3 days ago

I understand, I love all this information you have provided. Ive been doing heavy research for years now on these facilities that are capable of Tesla Tech. I believe 100% that these storms are assisted and not 100% natural. One of my theories is that they want to wipe out the poverty stricken and low property value areas to rebuild on a massive scale to increase value. Like New Orleans.
Jimmy Hoffa in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 2 days ago

Yep..UN Agenda 21 and getting ready for the great deception - all a part of the systematic slaughter of 6.5 million people in this world for the sake of "Depopulation." I'm sure it will surprise you to learn, it was the Fed, (money makers, banksters, wallstreet) under the auspices of the Bilderbergs and the mysterious 7, not the government who call the shots.The UN, our president and other countries leaders report to them.Culling the unproductive eaters seems perfectly rational to these Devils!
revmichellehopkins in reply to Jimmy Hoffa (Show the comment) 2 days ago

MALCOM GIBBONS in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Just search "chem trails" on youtube, so you can get an idea what the governmet is doing or has been doing for a long time.
89azarael in reply to ashlyn31690 (Show the comment) 4 days ago

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iodide, aluminum dioxide, basically toxic heavy metals

Spork123able in reply to ashlyn31690 (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Thank you so much. These were found on Intellis and NWS websites. Have you seen my follow up video? You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video "BREAKING NEWS!!! "Frankenstorm" HAARP Type Singular Polarity Caught DRIVING Hurricane Sandy !!!" Enjoy...
revmichellehopkins in reply to HourOfOurTime (Show the comment) 4 days ago

yes, i did see the follow up video. It was very interesting. Unfortunately, when i went to look at the link the site was down, just as you said it was... I only wish i had the hard proof that all this evidence hasn't been tampered with. But hey, believe me - i know enough to know what's going on and i have no doubt that everything you're documenting is spot on. Thanks so much for all you work, the solution to this situation is education.
HourOfOurTime in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 3 days ago

I whole heartedly agree. Believe it or not, I am uploading documentation that the President ordered DHS to control hurricane Sandy.
revmichellehopkins in reply to HourOfOurTime (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Znam da ste ljuti. Znam da mrzi. Imate svako pravo na opanak. Budui da je Isus vas voli, volim vas. On je volio vam dovoljno da umre za vas. A ako ste bili jedina osoba na ovom svijetu, on jo uvijek bi umro da vas spasi. Bog vas blagoslovio. Molim Ga pronai.
revmichellehopkins in reply to opanak opancar (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Infrasonic Undulation Looks like frequency on a spectrograph. If you Google images spectograph, you will find pictures of frequency. "Infrasonic Undulation" through chemtrail is ELF waves stirring air deployed aerosols up. Chemtrails are thicker than the thin vineer of hurricane clouds and come out looking kind of like this... ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( or this | | | | | | And if the pic is clear enough, these patterns are in the thin clouds. Hope this helps.
revmichellehopkins in reply to HourOfOurTime (Show the comment) 4 days ago

My PART 2 - follow up video is uploaded - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - "BREAKING NEWS!!! "Frankenstorm" HAARP Type Singular Polarity - Caught DRIVING Hurricane Sandy !!!" Evidence even YOU can scarcely

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revmichellehopkins in reply to crossorion2004 (Show the comment) 4 days ago

We need to talk more. You're welcome to message me in my inbox. There's too much to tell here. I look forward to it. (o: And... Wait till you see this! My PART 2 - follow up video is uploaded - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - "BREAKING NEWS!!! "Frankenstorm" HAARP Type Singular Polarity Caught DRIVING Hurricane Sandy !!!" Enjoy...
revmichellehopkins in reply to Andrew King (Show the comment) 4 days ago

the question is who's HAARP? could be ours.....could be china.....who knows this world is crumbling apart anyway......could just be natures way of saying, " your turn to be a third world country!"
Trognagladon McHickunn 4 days ago

Here is part of the answer to your question. My follow up vid to this one. FEATURED - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - " WHAT??? "Frankenstorm" NEW HAARP TTA EVENT - CAUGHT DRIVING Hurricane Sandy??!!!"
revmichellehopkins in reply to Trognagladon McHickunn (Show the comment) 4 days ago

HAARP, is a DAPRA ionosphere "research center", it is a bunch of electrotranseivers. and micro waves that "read" the upper atmosphere, some think it can control weather, but its probably more of an eye and ears system and they uses chem dumps to actually change it, or it could be a massive waste of tax money to research shit we dont need too
homfri111 in reply to Trognagladon McHickunn (Show the comment) 3 days ago

theres 3 countries in the world that hve haarp...united states has one in alaska, that in my research has been used for many "natural" disasters, i knowrussia has one but never found nything on russia using it for bad only to make it rain where its dry and needed, and i forget the other country that has it, maybe there isnt, but haarp is very real haha and it CAN be used for big things like this, ive read all about haarp
Chris Barks in reply to Trognagladon McHickunn (Show the comment) 3 days ago

That was the most gut wrenching part for me. When I saw that, I had to do the video. But ... Wait till you see this! My PART 2 - follow up video is uploaded You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - "BREAKING NEWS!!!

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"Frankenstorm" HAARP Type Singular Polarity - Caught DRIVING Hurricane Sandy !!!" Enjoy...
revmichellehopkins in reply to James Bond (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Really? Try this one on for size. Explain this... My PART 2 - follow up video is uploaded - Video - "BREAKING NEWS!!! "Frankenstorm" HAARP Type Singular Polarity - Caught DRIVING Hurricane Sandy !!!" Enjoy...
revmichellehopkins in reply to Jack Cusick (Show the comment) 4 days ago

You still didnt inform me of your meteorology degree. :)

Jack Cusick in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 3 days ago

What I've learned regarding Atmospheric Science is because my best friend, who works for NASA, is a consummate instructor. He can't help himself. Knowledge just oozes out of him. LOL... I have had the privilege of working on projects with him. He is one of the world's foremost authorities on Atmospheric Science. I tell you what he cannot. It's funny, when I bested him, he used to ask how I came upon my scientific knowledge too. (o: Thanks for watching.
revmichellehopkins in reply to Jack Cusick (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Watch this. It may help. My PART 2 - follow up video is uploaded - Video "BREAKING NEWS!!! "Frankenstorm" HAARP Type Singular Polarity Caught DRIVING Hurricane Sandy !!!" Enjoy...
revmichellehopkins in reply to RooFx (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Thank you sweetie.

revmichellehopkins in reply to DeejayBizzy (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Very fascinating! Yeah... Wait till you see this! My PART 2 - follow up video is uploaded - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - "BREAKING NEWS!!! "Frankenstorm" HAARP Type Singular Polarity - Caught DRIVING Hurricane Sandy !!!" Enjoy...
revmichellehopkins in reply to MrsBabos (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Thank you so much Sweetie. Did I tell you about the follow up vid? It's absolutely ghastly!!! "BREAKING NEWS!!! "Frankenstorm" HAARP Type Singular Polarity - Caught DRIVING Hurricane Sandy !!!" Enjoy...
revmichellehopkins in reply to 1realblackman27 (Show the comment) 4 days ago

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My pleasure :) I will definitely watch the follow up right now

1realblackman27 in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 4 days ago

can you show us some normal storms so we can contrast between them please im a laymen and a lazy one.;-)
Tripper2010 4 days ago

Thank you. Did you hear about my follow up vid?

revmichellehopkins in reply to mikaris01g (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Amen! You might want to see this... My PART 2 - follow up video is uploaded - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - "BREAKING NEWS!!! "Frankenstorm" HAARP Type Singular Polarity - Caught DRIVING Hurricane Sandy !!!" Enjoy...
revmichellehopkins in reply to JBlitzed (Show the comment) 4 days ago

You're absolutely right! He is attacking, most definately. And I feel great about it! I must be doing something right. Wait till you see this... My PART 2 follow up video is uploaded - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video "BREAKING NEWS!!! "Frankenstorm" HAARP Type Singular Polarity Caught DRIVING Hurricane Sandy !!!" Enjoy...
revmichellehopkins in reply to Jehovahsdaughter1 (Show the comment) 4 days ago

WOW!!! Do you think you can get HAARP to wash my car??? LOL
revmichellehopkins in reply to erod1944 (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Power to the People! You gotta fight for your right.. To Vote I have a Dream!
SettleDow nHere in reply to TheTruthDK (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Yeah... Wait till you see this! My PART 2 - follow up video is uploaded - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - "BREAKING NEWS!!! "Frankenstorm" HAARP Type Singular Polarity - Caught DRIVING Hurricane Sandy !!!" Enjoy...

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revmichellehopkins in reply to ksms2523 (Show the comment) 4 days ago

So right. Wait till you see this! My PART 2 - follow up video is uploaded You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - "BREAKING NEWS!!! "Frankenstorm" HAARP Type Singular Polarity - Caught DRIVING Hurricane Sandy !!!" Enjoy...
revmichellehopkins in reply to TheTruthDK (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Yeah. Wait till you see this! My PART 2 - follow up video is uploaded - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - "BREAKING NEWS!!! "Frankenstorm" HAARP Type Singular Polarity - Caught DRIVING Hurricane Sandy !!!" Enjoy...
revmichellehopkins in reply to SagDec15 (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Thank you so much! My PART 2 - follow up video is uploaded - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - "BREAKING NEWS!!! "Frankenstorm" HAARP Type Singular Polarity - Caught DRIVING Hurricane Sandy !!!" Enjoy...
revmichellehopkins in reply to MihalyMusic (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Just like how they can use these same Tesla weapons to make plasma balls in the sky, shoot down aircraft, kill submarines or people on the ground and even make crop circles.
Joe Fudd in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 4 days ago

See the visible plumes eminating from the near eye of the storm. Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft take information from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. One of the functions of those planes is deploying aerosols. In 2010 the American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P.
revmichellehopkins in reply to oli2808 (Show the comment) 4 days ago

See the visible plumes eminating from the near eye of the storm. Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft take information from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. One of the functions of those planes is deploying aerosols. In 2010 the American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of

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Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P.

revmichellehopkins in reply to jonathan jun sheng (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Try the describtion. I left some things there that might help. Thanks for watching.
revmichellehopkins in reply to jerryjamify (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Atmospheric Scientists in aircraft take information from hurricanes for DHS Operation H.A.M.P. (HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM). DHS funds it. One of the functions of those planes is deploying aerosols. In 2010 the American Meteorological Society (AMS) presented discussion on how these aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane KATRINA under DHS Operation H.A.M.P.
revmichellehopkins in reply to oli2808 (Show the comment) 4 days ago

LOLOL... That was cute. Infrasonic Undulation Looks like frequency on a spectrograph. If you Google images spectograph, you will find pictures of frequency. "Infrasonic Undulation" through chemtrail is ELF waves stirring air deployed aerosols up. Chemtrails are thicker than the thin vineer of hurricane clouds and come out looking kind of like this... ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( or this | | | | | | And if the pic is clear enough, these patterns are in the thin clouds. Hope this helps.
revmichellehopkins in reply to claradusk (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Naplesfrank154 4 days ago

Notice how it weakens over land and intensifies over open warm water when the shear does not hold it back? A novel idea, maybe you should study weather a little bit instead of just believe this lady.
SettleDow nHere in reply to Cesar Ramos (Show the comment) 4 days ago

What ever.
peopleofthecircle in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 4 days ago

My PART 2 - follow up video is uploaded - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - "BREAKING NEWS!!! "Frankenstorm" HAARP Type Singular Polarity - Caught DRIVING Hurricane Sandy !!!" Evidence even YOU can scarcely deny!!!

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revmichellehopkins in reply to xDoubleZer00x (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Thank you so much! My PART 2 - follow up video is uploaded - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - "BREAKING NEWS!!! "Frankenstorm" HAARP Type Singular Polarity - Caught DRIVING Hurricane Sandy !!!" Enjoy... And thanks again.
revmichellehopkins in reply to The909009 (Show the comment) 4 days ago

My PART 2 - follow up video is uploaded - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - "BREAKING NEWS!!! "Frankenstorm" HAARP Type Singular Polarity - Caught DRIVING Hurricane Sandy !!!" Evidence even YOU can scarcely deny!!!
revmichellehopkins in reply to bangbangcan2 (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Uhuh, My PART 2 - follow up video is uploaded - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - "BREAKING NEWS!!! "Frankenstorm" HAARP Type Singular Polarity - Caught DRIVING Hurricane Sandy !!!" Enjoy. Thank you for watching...
revmichellehopkins in reply to Cesar Ramos (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Thank you Sweetie, My PART 2 - follow up video is uploaded - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - "BREAKING NEWS!!! "Frankenstorm" HAARP Type Singular Polarity - Caught DRIVING Hurricane Sandy !!!"
revmichellehopkins in reply to gingerw ood1969 (Show the comment) 4 days ago

My PART 2 - follow up video is uploaded - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - "BREAKING NEWS!!! "Frankenstorm" HAARP Type Singular Polarity - Caught DRIVING Hurricane Sandy !!!" Evidence even YOU can scarcely deny!!!
revmichellehopkins in reply to Nicolas Rivera (Show the comment) 4 days ago

You'll be interested to know one of the meteorologists who was at that HAMP meeting in 2010 is commenting on this page.
revmichellehopkins in reply to BucketandSlash (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Elmer Fudd is commenting on this page also, welcome to the internet.

SettleDow nHere in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 4 days ago


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revmichellehopkins in reply to FeL0niOuSmOnK (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Where in the world did you get that name? I'm not finding it anywhere. (o:
revmichellehopkins in reply to visqurin (Show the comment) 4 days ago

No, a contrail is not only left by a jet. So, when you want to call someone stupid or a liar, know what you are talking about first. This whole video and your comments are extremely embarrassing.
SettleDow nHere in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Prop planes don't leave contrails. I know. I've pilotted them. So not 'any plane' leaves contrail.
revmichellehopkins in reply to SettleDow nHere (Show the comment) 4 days ago

how many haarp stations are in your country, and where are they located, other than alaska.
John Turner 4 days ago

Oop,s I stand corrected. HAARP has a second station in Alaska and one in Puerto Rico. So that's 3 of em. But many countries have scalar Tesla weapons now and those will operate around the horizon with no problem.
Joe Fudd in reply to Joe Fudd (Show the comment) 4 days ago

WOW!!! Are YOU behind the times!!! Ground based TTA's (like HAARP n Arecibo) multi-million Mhz frequency emitters around the world along with countless Low Orbit SAC (AEHF) Satellites, booster antenna arrays, oceanic echo buoys, military, commercial and privately owned sea going vessels with TTA units, in field military and mobile units, are all a part of the SAME Global TTA Network , under the auspices of the UN and NATO and are thereby complicit.
revmichellehopkins in reply to Joe Fudd (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Do have any links where I can read up on where you got your information? Thanks!
Joe Fudd in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 4 days ago

ALERT EVERYONE!!! My PART 2 - follow up video is uploaded - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - "BREAKING NEWS!!! "Frankenstorm" HAARP Type Singular Polarity - Caught DRIVING Hurricane Sandy !!!"

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If you "LIKE" this message it will stay on top. Thanks. Enjoy the new video...
revmichellehopkins 4 days ago

My PART 2 - follow up video is uploaded - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - "BREAKING NEWS!!! "Frankenstorm" HAARP Type Singular Polarity - Caught DRIVING Hurricane Sandy !!!" Evidence even YOU can scarcely deny!!!
revmichellehopkins in reply to Zoltan1251 (Show the comment) 4 days ago

My PART 2 - follow up video is uploaded - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - "BREAKING NEWS!!! "Frankenstorm" HAARP Type Singular Polarity - Caught DRIVING Hurricane Sandy !!!" Evidence even YOU can scarcely deny!!!
revmichellehopkins in reply to Jsw eeneyification (Show the comment) 4 days ago

You're very welcome. My PART 2 - follow up video is uploaded - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - "BREAKING NEWS!!! "Frankenstorm" HAARP Type Singular Polarity - Caught DRIVING Hurricane Sandy !!!"
revmichellehopkins in reply to futureseven (Show the comment) 4 days ago

could you tell me HOW do you know these are chem dumps or infra-sonic undulations or whatever you called them, versus some other weather phenomenon??? From a person uneducated in this science, it is hard to believe this video without first knowing what normal weather satellite images should look like. If you could explain this to me I'd much appreciate. Thanks!
JuliusSP1 in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Good questions - most are answered in the description. If you watch this next video, it will astonish you. My PART 2 - follow up video is uploaded - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - "BREAKING NEWS!!! "Frankenstorm" HAARP Type Singular Polarity - Caught DRIVING Hurricane Sandy !!!" Enjoy the new video...
revmichellehopkins in reply to JuliusSP1 (Show the comment) 4 days ago

'HAARP' - though not quite appropriate - has become a psuedonym for the TTA Network all over the world, in the air and in space. Not merely the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project facility in Alaska. Arecibo is the

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Frequency Active Auroral Research Project facility in Alaska. Arecibo is the TTA shown in the next video as the possible culprit. I never actually said in the video that it was HAARP in Alaska. "BREAKING NEWS!!! "Frankenstorm" HAARP Type Singular Polarity - Caught DRIVING Hurricane Sandy !!!" Thank you for pointing that out and for watching. (o:
revmichellehopkins in reply to Joe Fudd (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Don't get me wrong, I'm not like some of the trolls here who are putting words into your mouth! I'm on your side of this issue. I discovered the scalar weapons and weather manipulation thing about 4 years ago when I ran across Tom Bearden's website on his book "Fer De Lance". He was the first authority who discovered how the Russians were attacking us with these weapons, even shot down our planes, 2 space shuttles and sank our subs. I do appreciate your videos and keep 'em coming!
Joe Fudd in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Are you for real? You're pointing out simple radar glitches and telling us it is some conspiracy? Anyone can look at a storm on radar, and there will be reflections showing up that are anomalies and will be gone before the next scan because they are nothing. You won't show my comments on this because you're just a scam artist who has no clue about radar and weather.
SettleDow nHere in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 4 days ago 3

My PART 2 - follow up video is uploaded - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - "BREAKING NEWS!!! "Frankenstorm" HAARP Type Singular Polarity - Caught DRIVING Hurricane Sandy !!!" Evidence even YOU can scarcely deny!!!
revmichellehopkins in reply to SettleDow nHere (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Sounds good :) I will check it out. I hope this video doesn't get taken down
ElliotFreestyleMX in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Video Name Change ALERT EVERYONE!!! My PART 2 - follow up video is uploaded Renamed - You will NOT believe your eyes!!! Video - " WHAT??? "Frankenstorm" NEW HAARP TTA EVENT - CAUGHT DRIVING Hurricane Sandy??!!!"
revmichellehopkins in reply to ElliotFreestyleMX (Show the comment) 4 days ago

No dude, you just don't know about scalarTesla weapons.

Joe Fudd in reply to SettleDow nHere (Show the comment) 4 days ago

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Did you receive my link to the Tom Bearden scalar weapons video? w w You probably already know all about this. I have been studying it for about 4 years now. Tesla interferometers (weapons) utilize longititudinal waves (magnetic) whereas HAARP is transverse radio waves that just point upwards to the ionosphere to heat it up.
Joe Fudd in reply to Joe Fudd (Show the comment) 4 days ago

Contrails are water vapor left behind for a few seconds in jet wash. Chemtrails are chemical aerosols sprayed in a Gov't program called H.A.M.P. Do some research on it.
revmichellehopkins in reply to 1WORLDLIFE (Show the comment) 4 days ago

I've done enough research to not be conned into the con-trail belief...I have a timelapse called cloud farmers ( if I remember right lol) that prooves con-trails are chemtrails ...I watch them make clouds and storms daily...regardless this madness must stop...unfortunately it will continue as people are blinded by the real agenda of it all...
1WORLDLIFE in reply to revmichellehopkins (Show the comment) 4 days ago


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