Observations From Walking Dead Episode 304

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Observations from Walking Dead episode 304 (Killer Within) [Spoilers are included, so if you didnt watch yet,

consider watching first, before you read!!] I have to say, Michonne is an example of getting the most character development out of the fewest lines! Some have speculated privately, and I will do so now. Is there some form of, shall we say, additional attraction between Michonne & Andrea at least on Michonnes part? Not that there would be anything wrong with that, relax.. The Governor must really be in love. About 45 show-minutes earlier, he wouldnt dare reveal his name. Now he blabs it to Andrea just like that? Merle is setting the stage for future tension with the Governor. I dont think the Governor is too game for Merle to find his brother. Either he thinks Daryl would be a bad influence, or perhaps a COMPETING influence. Who wouldve thought that one of the most vomit-inspiring moments of the show would actually be Loris Caesarean section? Hershel was able to use his crutch as a weapon against a walker, which begs an important question: How long until those crutches get blade attachments? With regard to dead-Lori, who gets the official kill Maggie with the bad Caesarean or Carl with the gunshot? For that matter, who gets the kill with any zombie? Is it the one who put them to death in the first place, or the one who shoots out their walker-brains the second time around? I am speculating the following plot development. In the coming attractions, Herschel says they need to search for baby formula. A gal in Woodbury was also pregnant, so someone will have to search for her baby formula too. Will this be what causes the two groups to meet? Big inconsistency alert! Rogue prisoner Andrew uses DEAD deer parts to attract the walkers to the prison doors. Its been ascertained that they only go for live flesh! Also Andrew was STUPID to sound all the prison alarms, because the walkers would easily just have converged on him, as well as the other prison dwellers. Oscar chooses sides wisely by shooting Andrew and handing the gun off to Rick. They appear to be establishing his character as tough yet honorable. When Andrea gave Merle the map and told him where to look for his brother, he asked her why she'd do that for him. Her response is that's what she'd want if it was her family. He realized that even after his behavior toward her, she did something nice for him. So he returns the favor. Here's how: He tells her what she wants to hear about the Governor (good man) even though he knows the guy ISNT a good man. I think he did it because he knows that if she tries to leave, the Guv will kill her. He looked out for her. That tells me that he does have a soft spot, if a small one. Fortunately for us, they did not make Lori into a walker, because she had no pants on when she died. Not that Im averse to seeing Lori with no pants, just not with mutilated.never mind.

T-Dog died an honorable death. I am sorry they did not develop his character more, as was implied in many articles and interviews. As walkers were chasing them, did you hear Carol talking to T-Dog about "the pact"? I can assume this means that they agree to shoot each other if someone is devoured/bitten by zombies. I can also speculate that this might reference amputating limbs to keep people alive. We see Rick implement this on Hershel, who thanked him. Apparently, they all agreed to this during the winter months and that is why they carried that makeshift medical bag with the axe. T-Dog didn't want Carol to try and fail to save him. She was hysterical and not thinking clearly. He was wounded on the shoulder and there was no way to save him. Carl is gonna REALLY be messed up even more now. Beth watch out!

Until next week, which is real soon, AIM FOR THE HEAD! AJV

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