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Student Product Brief BKAL3033 Group: A B C D E F (Please circle)

Project Group:_________________________________

PROJECT: Task _______________________________Date:_______________ What do we want to produce?

What research/information do we need to conduct/gather?

We expect to learn the following from working on this product:

We will do the following to complete the task:

We will complete the task by:

Student Learning BKAL3033 Group: A B C D E F (Please circle)

Project Group:_________________________________

PROJECT: Task _______________________________Date:_______________ Our most important concerns/problems/questions are:

We learned:

Group Contribution and End-of-Project Self-Assessment BKAL3033 Group: A B C D E F (Please circle)

Project Group:_C (8)________________________________ Your name (matric no):_LIM SHI LING (196433)_________________________ PROJECT: Task Company Secretary I have contributed to group progress in the following way:
As we have assigned part of the report separately, I was able to finish my part and submit it on time. Meanwhile, as the editor of the report, I have also reviewed and corrected some misstatements in the report which have been submitted by all of the group members. For the presentation part, my group member and I will present the profile of the candidate, the company background, and the reason for recommending the candidate to the executive members on 22 October 2012.

Date:22 October 2012

In this group, it is hard for me to :

Contact and meet with some group members due to the reason of we are locating at different hostel and our class schedules are different. Due to this problem, we were not able to have meeting frequently and I was not able to get all group members idea as some of them seem very shy.

I can change this by :

I try to contact all of the group members through facebook or I will try to find the most suitable time for every group members to meet up for example having the meeting on weekend such as during Saturday morning. So that our group could able to discuss more than one task in the meeting and always try to ask those members who are shy to point out their idea so that we can improve our next PBL more effectiveness.

I need to do the following to make our group more effective :

Make sure that everyone has the opportunity to voice up their idea especially for those who are shy n the meeting and I also try to have the meeting at a time that everyone able to attend.

Overall, I learned the following:

The important of characteristics and profile to be the permanent company secretary, the challenges that may face by a company secretary and also the duties and responsibilities of a company secretary. In term of soft skill, I have learnt how to communicate with my group members, and tolerate with each others.



(Please circle)

PROJECT: Task Company Secretary

Your Name (Matric No): LIM SHI LING (196433) Name of Group Member ( Matric No) MOHD SABRYHISHAM BIN AHMAD (195746) ROBIATUL ADAWIYAH BINTI TAKAI JUDIN (195747)

Project Group: C (8) NUR AMIRA NADILA BINTI RAMLI (195722) TAN SHU YEE (207784)

Scale: 5=Almost always; 4=Usually; 3=Frequently; 2=Sometimes; 1=Never 1. Contributes to effective group functioning 2. Fulfils his/her role responsibility 3. Asks questions that help the group 4. Listens respectfully to group members 5. Punctuality/Attendance 6. Completes assigned tasks on time 7. Contributes ideas that help the group 5 5 5 5

5 5

5 5

5 5

5 5

Scale: 5=Excellent; 4=good; 3= satisfactory; 2=needs work; 1=poor 8. Understand assigned task 9. Able to take leadership role 10. Overall rating of this person Total score Total Score x 2 = 5 5 5 5

50 100

50 100

50 100

50 100

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