RINF Digizine - Activists Slam UK Arms Sales 2012-11-09

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Human rights activists slam UK arms sales

2012-11-05 22:23:32-05 Press TV | Human rights campaigners have criticized British Prime Minister David Cameron who is pushing to sell weapons to repressive regimes in the Middle East during his three-day trip to the region. Amnesty International UKs head of policy and government affairs Allan Hogarth said the UK government must exact watertight guarantees that its weapons [...] Read more...

Remote control murder set to increase

2012-11-05 22:31:03-05 SchNews | Remote control murder is set to increase over the skies of Afghanistan when the Ministry of Defence unveils its new five armed Reaper drones at RAF Waddington on Friday, doubling the 13th Squadron. The standing in ceremony also marks the movement of UK drone control to the British Isles for the first time. [...] Read more...

Big Brother Society spying shame of councils

2012-11-06 05:39:44-05 The Courier | Councils across Scotland have used anti-terrorism powers to spy on their own residents hundreds of times but just a handful of surveillance operations have led to prosecutions. Over the past five years, local authorities have used covert surveillance to investigate suspected cases of benefit fraud, anti-social behaviour and even littering, but [...] Read more...

Senior police officer telling officers how to vote in commissioner elections

2012-11-06 09:24:43-05 A senior police figure has been reported for allegedly breaching data protection rules after twice e-mailing officers urging them to vote for his preferred candidate in the upcoming police and crime commissioner election. Mike Bull, chairman of the Devon and Cornwall police authority, encouraged police officers to vote for Brian Greenslade, who is standing as [...] Read more...

Overreach: Americas Imperial Waterloo?

2012-11-06 09:27:31-05 Stephen Lendman, rinf.com | Arrogance defines US imperialism. In 1945, Americas economic, political and military dominance stood unchallenged. In his book titled, The World in Crisis: The End of the American Century historian Gabriel Kolko said US decline began after the Korean War, was continued in relation to Cuba, and was greatly accelerated in Vietnam [...] Read more...

Victory for Obama

2012-11-07 01:29:50-05 President Barack Obama handily defeated Republican Governor Mitt Romney and won himself a second term last night after a bitter and historically expensive race that was primarily fought in just a handful of battleground states. Television news networks across America projected that Obama beat Romney after nabbing the crucial state of Ohio. The Romney campaigns [...] Read more...

Torturer Lawsuits: Some Good News

2012-11-07 03:57:36-05

Stephen Lendman, rinf.com | A previous article titled Good News and Bad said when something good surfaces, reporting it should follow. Theres so precious little around. Two lawsuits against private military contractors (PMCs) offer encouragement. Both were brought under the Alien Tort Statute (ATS). The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) filed them on behalf of [...] Read more...

Marijuana legalized in Colorado and Washington

2012-11-07 04:07:45-05 Allison Linn, NBC News | Voters in Colorado and Washington on Tuesday approved measures allowing adults to use marijuana for any purpose, NBC News projected, marking an historic turning point in the slow-growing acceptance of marijuana usage. In Massachusetts, voters also approved an initiative allowing people to use marijuana for medicinal purposes, NBC News projected. [...] Read more...

Arguments in Supreme Court warrantless spying case

2012-11-07 05:34:05-05 Tom Carter, WSWS | On October 29, the US Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a case challenging the power asserted by the Bush and Obama administrations to conduct secret warrantless surveillance around the world without any significant judicial oversight. The oral arguments were noteworthy for the position, put forward by the Obama administration and [...] Read more...

Murdered businessman was MI6 informant

2012-11-07 07:54:01-05 A UK businessman murdered by the wife of top Chinese politician Bo Xilai had informed on the couple for more than a year to MI6, the Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday. Neil Heywood shared details derived from his unusually close access to the couple, the paper said, citing his friends and current and former [...] Read more...

Fox News Slowly Loses Its Mind Over Election Results

2012-11-07 10:02:06-05 Joe Coscarelli | When Fox News called the election for Barack Obama just before 11:30 p.m., it was the culmination of a night-long sigh by the right-wing network, capped off with a climactic hissy fit steeped in denial, courtesy of Karl Rove. The polls didnt look good going into the day, but the channels well-manicured hosts [...] Read more...

Families torn apart by Israels strict separation policy

2012-11-07 10:04:44-05 Mya Guarnieri | To Westerners and Palestinians, Gaza is hell, says Ali Batha. Its a scary place Its the last place in the world [people want to go]. Theres Gazas 30 per cent unemployment rate, and the Israeli blockade that restricts imports and exports. Clean drinking water is increasingly scarce. Fuel and electricity shortages cause [...] Read more...

Money Party Wins US Election

2012-11-07 12:42:08-05 Stephen Lendman, rinf.com | The same party wins every time. Duopoly power rules. America is a one party state with two wings. Each replicates the other. On major issues mattering most, not a dimes worth of difference separates them. The late Gore Vidal explained it as well as anyone. Some of his best comments included: [...] Read more...

FACT: A handful of companies control the global economy

2012-11-08 03:21:14-05 Andrew Gavin Marshall | In October of 2011, New Scientist reported that a scientific study on the global financial system was undertaken by three complex

systems theorists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland. The conclusion of the study revealed what many theorists and observers have noted for years, decades, and indeed, even centuries: An [...] Read more...

Tribunal tried to suppress journalists from revealing care home abuse

2012-11-08 03:29:28-05 Martin Shipton | THE tribunal which investigated child abuse at care homes in North Wales threatened TV journalists with legal action if they screened allegations that the abuse was more extensive than believed at the time, it has been revealed. HTV now known as ITV Wales was planning to run a programme at [...] Read more...

Haaretz on Obamas Reelection

2012-11-08 04:27:48-05 Stephen Lendman, rinf.com | Haaretz used most of its November 7 issue covering it. Doing so reflects the importance of America to Israeli interests. Netanyahu and Obama dont like each other. Nonetheless, the Israeli prime minister extended congratulatory best wishes, saying: The strategic alliance between Israel the U.S. is stronger than ever. I will continue [...] Read more...

New York Times Opposes Palestinian Self-Determination

2012-11-08 04:29:53-05 Stephen Lendman, rinf.com | Longstanding NYT articles, op-eds, and editorials are notoriously one-sided for Israel. Palestinian rights dont matter, only Jewish ones. Life in Occupied Palestine harshness goes largely unreported. Crimes of war and against humanity are ignored. An earlier If If Americans Knew report explained highly disturbing patterns of distorted, one-sided coverage. Little changed [...] Read more...

CIA using drug money to

overthrow Ecuador President

2012-11-08 17:18:48-05 Matas Rojas | The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is using drug money to fund Rafael Correas opposition in the coming 2013 Ecuadorian elections, intelligence sources have revealed to Chilean independent media. The accusations do not stand alone. In October, former UK diplomat Craig Murray said that the CIA had tripled its budget to destabilize the [...] Read more...

Waiving Freedom
2012-11-09 04:04:40-05 Among the objections to ObamaCare, one that has not gotten as much attention as it should is the presidents power to waive the law for any company, union or other enterprise he chooses. The 14th Amendment to the Constitution provides for equal protection of the laws for all Americans. To have a law that can [...] Read more...

U.S. envoy Michele Sison indicts Sri Lanka but ignores Obamas tyrannical Executive Orders
2012-11-09 04:08:21-05 Daya Gamage | The United States remains concerned by the consolidation of executive power, was what American ambassador to Sri Lanka Michele Sison declared in her maiden media interview since she took up her duties in Colombo last August. Anyone who knows the basics of political science is aware what the ambassador is endeavoring to [...] Read more...

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