Topic 5 - Material Characterization

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Topic 5 Material Characterization

Dr. Christos Drakos University of Florida

Topic 5 Material Characterization 1. Introduction Pavement design inputs covered in previous topics: Predicted stresses and strains load magnitude Traffic load cycles What material properties have we used up to now? Most paving materials are not elastic, but experience some permanent deformation after each load application If the load is small compared to the strength of the material and is repeated for a large number of times, the deformation is almost recoverable and can be considered elastic

Topic 5 Material Characterization Resilient Modulus (MR)

Load Type and duration of loading is supposed to simulate that occurring in the field Time Deformation

r p Time

MR =

d r

Topic 5 Material Characterization Typical Flexible Pavement Structure



Decreasing Stiffness

1. Surface Course 2. Base

Layer that comes to contact with traffic; normally contains the highest quality material Provides additional load distribution and contributes to drainage and frost resistance Functions primarily as structural support but it can also help with drainage and frost action Native soil the only non-engineered material in the pvt structure

3. Subbase (optional) 4. Subgrade

Topic 5 Material Characterization Subgrade performance generally depends on: 1. Load bearing capacity; subgrade must be able to support loads passed on from the pavement structure 2. Moisture content; it tends to affect a number of subgrade properties including load bearing capacity 3. Shrinkage and/or swelling; some soils shrink or swell depending upon their moisture content Remedies for poor subgrade conditions: 1. Remove and replace; subgrade soil can be removed and replaced with higher quality fill 2. Stabilization; adding an appropriate binder such as lime, portland cement or emulsified asphalt can increase subgrade stiffness and/or reduce swelling tendencies 3. Additional base layers; include a subbase, or increase thickness of base

Topic 5 Material Characterization Subgrade Seasonal Variations MR

50,000 psi Frozen MR Normal MR

Thaw MR

Freeze Time

Thaw Time

Recovery Time

Normal Time


Total Time = 12 Months

Topic 5 Material Characterization 2. Design Resilient Modulus (Base & Subgrade) 2.1 Correlations
Maybe there is information already available

Also: MR=1500(CBR) MR=1155+555(R)

Topic 5 Material Characterization 2.1.1 California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Basically a penetration test Piston penetrates soil at constant rate 0.05 in/min Pressure is recorded Take the ratio to the bearing capacity of a standard rock Range: 0 (worst) 100 (best)


Pressure to cause 0.1 penetration to the sample Pressure to cause 0.1 penetration for standard rock

Topic 5 Material Characterization 2.1.1 California Bearing Ratio (CBR)

Deflection dial (loading) Piston Surcharge (confinement)

Deflection dial (swelling)




Topic 5 Material Characterization 2.1.1 California Bearing Ratio (CBR)

General Soil Type USC Soil Type GW GP GM GC SW SP SM SC ML CL LL < 50% OL MH CH LL > 50% OH CBR Range 40 - 80 30 - 60 20 - 60 20 - 40 20 - 40 10 - 40 10 - 40 5 - 20 15 or less 15 or less 5 or less 10 or less 15 or less 5 or less

Coarse-grained soils

Fine-grained soils

Topic 5 Material Characterization 2.1.2 Stabilometer (R-value) Resistance value of a soil determined by stabilometer Closed-system Triaxial test Apply vertical pressure Measure horizontal pressure induced in the fluid

R = 100

100 2.5 pv D p 1 + 1 2 h

pv & ph = Vertical and horizontal pressure respectively D2 = displacement of stabilometer fluid to increase ph from 5 to 100 psi, measured in revolutions of a calibrated pump handle

Topic 5 Material Characterization 2.1.2 Stabilometer (R-value)

160 psi

Pressure Gauge

Testing Head Sample

Fluid under pressure

Apply the vertical pressure and then measure the resulting horizontal pressure
R = 100 100 2 .5 p v D p 1 + 1 2 h

Bottom Plunger

160 psi

Topic 5 Material Characterization 2.2 In-situ Testing (Plate Loading Test) Circular plate 30 in ; series of plates used to minimize bending Apply load at constant rate to reach 10 psi Pressure held constant until the deflection increases no more than 0.001 in/min for three consecutive minutes Use average dial reading to determine the deflection


k = Modulus of subgrade reaction p = pressure on the plate (10 psi) = deflection of the plate

Topic 5 Material Characterization 2.2 In-situ Testing (Plate Loading Test)

Reaction (Steel Beam) Pressure Gauge Deflection Dial @ 1/3 Points

Hydraulic Jack


Figure 7.36 Correlation of k with MR

Topic 5 Material Characterization 2.3 Laboratory Testing (Triaxial Test)

Topic 5 Material Characterization 2.3 Laboratory Testing (Triaxial Test)

Sample 3 d

3 2

In Triaxial cell (cylinder): 2=3

= Confining Pressure (2,3) = Deviator Stress (d) Deviator Stress: Axial stress in excess of the confining pressure in Triaxial cell

What can affect the results? Level of confinement State of confinement defined by the first invariant

d = 1 3

= 1 + 2 + 3

Topic 5 Material Characterization 2.3.1 Triaxial Test Granular Material

For Granular subgrade:

MR MR = function (confinement) k1 & k2 experimentally determined values

= k1 k 2

Run Triaxial test at certain levels of confining pressure and vary the deviator stress. (Example 7.2 Huang)
log MR, psi


k1 x log , psi

Topic 5 Material Characterization 2.3.1 Triaxial Test Granular Material Sample Conditioning 1. Set the confining pressure to 5 psi, and apply a deviator stress of 5 psi, and then 10 psi, each for 200 repetitions 2. Set the confining pressure to 10 psi, and apply a deviator stress of 10 psi, and then 15 psi, each for 200 repetitions 3. Set the confining pressure to 15 psi, and apply a deviator stress of 15 psi, and then 20 psi, each for 200 repetitions Resilient Modulus Test After sample conditioning the resilient modulus test follows a constant confining pressure-increasing deviator sequence, and the results are recorded at the 200th repetition of each deviator stress

Topic 5 Material Characterization 2.3.1 Triaxial Test Granular Material Test Procedure 1. Set the confining pressure to 20 psi, and apply a deviator stress of 1, 2, 5, 10, 15 and 20 psi 2. Reduce the confining pressure to 15 psi, and apply a deviator stress of 1, 2, 5, 10, 15 and 20 psi 3. Reduce the confining pressure to 10 psi, and apply a deviator stress of 1, 2, 5, 10, and 15 psi 4. Reduce the confining pressure to 5 psi, and apply a deviator stress of 1, 2, 5, 10, and 15 psi 5. Reduce the confining pressure to 1 psi, and apply a deviator stress of 1, 2, 5, 7.5, and 10 psi; stop the test after 200 repetitions of the last deviator stress level or when the specimen fails

Topic 5 Material Characterization 2.3.1 Triaxial Test Granular Material

Confining Pressure, 3 (psi) Deviator Stress, d (psi) 1 2 5 10 15 20 1 2 5 10 15 20 1 2 5 10 15 1 2 5 10 15 1 2 5 7.5 10 Recoverable Deformation (mils) 0.264 0.496 1.184 2.284 3.428 4.420 0.260 0.512 1.300 2.500 3.636 4.572 0.324 0.672 1.740 3.636 3.872 0.508 0.988 2.224 3.884 5.768 0.636 0.880 2.704 3.260 4.440 Recoverable Strain, r () 66 124 296 571 857 1105 65 128 325 625 909 1143 81 168 435 909 968 127 247 556 971 1442 159 220 676 815 1110 Resilient Modulus, MR (psi) 15151.5 16129.0 16891.9 17513.1 17502.9 18099.5 15384.6 15625.0 15384.6 16000.0 16501.7 17497.8 12345.7 11904.8 11494.3 11001.1 15495.9 7874.0 8097.2 8992.8 10298.7 10402.2 6289.3 9090.9 7396.4 9202.5 9009.0 Stress Invariant, (psi) 61 62 65 70 75 80 46 47 50 55 60 65 31 32 35 40 45 16 17 20 25 30 4 5 8 10.5 13



r =

Recoverable Deformation Gage Distance (4)

MR =

d r


= d + 33

Topic 5 Material Characterization 2.3.1 Triaxial Test Granular Material


Resilient Modulus, MR (psi)


1000 1

y = 3686x0.3511



Stress Invariant, (psi)

M R = 3686 0.351

Topic 5 Material Characterization 2.3.2 Triaxial Test Cohesive Material

For Fine-grained (cohesive) subgrade:

MR = function (deviator stress, d) k1, k2, k3 & K4 experimentally determined values

Run Triaxial tests at certain values of deviator stress and vary the confining pressure. (Example 7.3 Huang)

MR, psi

M R = k1 + k3 (k 2 d )
k3 k4 k2 d, psi

d < k 2 d > k 2

M R = k1 + k 4 ( d k 2 )


Topic 5 Material Characterization 2.3.3 Asphalt Institute Subgrade Characterization

To determine subgrade MR, Asphalt Institute suggests:

Confining stress 3 = 2 = 2 psi Deviator stress d = 1 - 3 = 6 psi

For granular material:

For example use data from Fig 7.8

For fine-grained material:

For example use data from Fig 7.9

Topic 5 Material Characterization 2.3.4 Granular material example

M R = k1 k2
k2 = 0.35

= 3960 12 0.35 = 9449.5

k1 = 3960

Topic 5 Material Characterization 2.3.5 Fine-grained material example

d > k2
M R = k1 + k 4 ( d k 2 ) = 5600 + 388(6 5.2) = 5910

Topic 5 Material Characterization 3. Hot-Mix Asphalt 3.1 Structural Layer Coefficient Used in AASHTO design procedure Describes the quality of the material Function of MR & position in the pavement 3.2


Marshall Test Used in the Marshall Mix Design procedure Performed on cylindrical specimens Measure Stability (fail load) and Flow (deformation)

3.3 Cohesiometer Test Used to measure the cohesion of cemented materials Apply load at controlled rate until failure

Topic 5 Material Characterization 3. Hot-Mix Asphalt (cont.)

Topic 5 Material Characterization 4. Bases 4.1 Untreated Granular Base

Topic 5 Material Characterization 4.2 Stabilized Granular Base

Bituminous Treated

Cement Treated

Topic 5 Material Characterization 5. Sub-Bases

Topic 5 Material Characterization 6. Drainage Important to keep water away from the pavement structure 6.1 Detrimental effects of water: Reduces strength of unbound material & subgrade Causes pumping, faulting, cracking & shoulder deterioration Pore-pressure increase Pumping of fines Loss of support Load goes over saturated base & soil Pore-pressure increases Water is incompressible; moves up Causes heaving swelling of soils Pore-pressure within the AC layer causes stripping, durability cracking Frost action (in Northern climates)

Topic 5 Material Characterization 6.2 Sources of water: i. Seepage ii. Raise of water table iii. Infiltration iv. From proximity of water table Capillary moisture held in the pores from surface tension v. Vapor movement Movement of water associated with fluctuating temperature and pressure

Topic 5 Material Characterization 6.2 Sources of water:

Topic 5 Material Characterization 6.3 Protecting the Pavement Structure: Need to minimize availability of water Impervious surface/shoulders. How? (sealants) Drainage to remove water quickly (Ditch) Drainage layer for subsurface water Design phase / Construction Three drainage installations for subsurface water: 1. Drainage layer or blanket 2. Longitudinal drain 3. Transverse drain
Can be performed after construction

Topic 5 Material Characterization 6.4 Drainage Deficiencies for Pavements with Ditch 6.4.1 Typical Pavement with a Ditch

Topic 5 Material Characterization 6.4.2 Water infiltrating from rutted shoulder

6.4.3 Water infiltrating due to debris caused ponding

Topic 5 Material Characterization 6.4.4 Water infiltrating due to differential settlement

Topic 5 Material Characterization 6.5 Subsurface Drainage 6.5.1 Drainage layer / Blanket

Base Course as drainage layer

Topic 5 Material Characterization 6.5.2 Longitudinal drainage

Topic 5 Material Characterization 6.5.3 Transverse drainage Same concept as longitudinal drainage, but in this case the drainage runs across the lanes Where would we use the transverse drain?

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