Ab Initio Chapter 7

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My darling hunnybunnys! Im so sorry for not updating earlier you see, well, this chapter was so hard to write!

! I wanted it to be perfect for my darling reader who had waited so long (sorry!) but it just wasnt working! But yes, here it is let me know what you think of it!! JUST SO YOU KNOW this chapter is dedicated, well, to everyone who reads Ab Initio, but especially to my super faithful anonymous reviewer whose name I only know as Guest but yes, you kept me going after all the deleting-the-crap-chapter-and-restarting and hair ripping :P Chapter 7 In the Arena, at the Careers camp. Katniss woke as the first touches of sunlight dappled through the canopy, and her hand automatically moved for her knife. She closed her hand around the fuck where was it? Her head whipped around if any of the other tributes managed the get their hands on her weapon a flash of silver caught her eye. Cato lounged lazily at the mouth of the camp, absently flicking her knife through his long, lithe fingers. Missing something? He taunted. She reached over and filched one of Cloves multiple knives she wouldnt even notice it was missing. Nope, she replied, and stashed it in her belt, nonchalantly rising and brushing the dirt from her trousers. She picked up the bottle beside her and tossed back the remnants of her bottle, wincing at the weird, slightly bitter, metallic tang, spitting out what she hadnt reflexively swallowed. Even the water in the Arena tasted corrupted, a bitter film washing over her senses. She missed the displeasure that flickered through his eyes all he saw was that shed just messed up a prime opportunity to play out a little anecdote for the Capitol. There was no such thing as too much support. He uncoiled from his guard and threw the knife at Marvels head, who jerked awake, yelping in pain as the razor blade of the knife caught on the edge of his ear. His gaze whipped to Cato, who towered over him just as he had last night when Marvel had kissed Katniss. Cato grinned at him. Or rather, bared his teeth. Get up. Glimmer stumbled as her foot caught on a protruding branch, and would have surely sprained her ankle if not for a hand that had shot out and steadied her. Katniss traced the hand back to its owner. Cato. An irrational frisson of annoyance darted through her, but she dismissed it on the grounds Glimmer was a potential enemy who would be eradicated more easily had she been injured prior. It didnt quite explain why she felt her hands tremble with the need to accidentally shove Glimmer off a stone as they crossed a stream later. A very shallow stream, with nice, hard rocks in it that were bound to hurt. Katniss squeezed her eyes shut, and then opened them but the confusion was still a living beast within her. Her knuckles clenched white and for a moment she laboured to breathe. Why was this so fucking difficult? She was just supposed to get out, goddamnit, just get out of this nightmare, damn the consequences! She wasnt supposed to care, she wasnt supposed to give a flying fuck for Peeta, or that tiny girl that reminded her of Prim and not not Cato!

It had been so clear cut in her mind when shed arrived at the Capitol. Charm them, kill as little as possible and get the hell out. Now? Something about this, something about Cato was weakening her, killing her resolve and she really, really needed to do something about it. She breathed deeply, envisioning Prim. Her head cleared slightly, but there was a mist in her brain, something that felt a littledrugging. In sudden panic, she remembered her water had tasted strange. Were the Gamemakers up to something? But it didnt matter nothing mattered if she couldnt do something about it, and if shed drank it already there was nothing she could do other than carry on. And what she desperately didnt need to do was accidentally do something like lead them to Peeta. Her nimble fingers quickly filched a torn scrap of clothing from a twig and stuffed it in her pocket if it was Peetas, she wasnt taking chances. Theyd trekked for a good two hours, no one quite sure what they were doing and funnily enough it was that silent boy from District 4 who ended up timidly breaking the silence. Should wesplit up? It might be faster to k-kill the other tributes he faltered, unsure. Involuntarily, everyone looked to Cato, who glanced down at him contemplatively, the unequivocal leader. He nodded shortly. More efficient. Katniss, come with me. Glimmer, stay with Clove and you two pair up. He waved dismissively at Marvel and the boy from 4. Well meet at base camp tomorrow night. You dont show up by nightfall, youre assumed dead. Got it? His verdict was swift and sure with no room for dissent despite the glare Glimmer shot at Katniss. Everyone began shuffling in different directions. Katniss felt like she was moving in a dream why was everything a little hazy around the edges, and so detached? Come, he ordered, grabbing Katniss wrist. She yanked it away as heat flared up her pulse. God, when had it become so warm in here? What was wrong with her? She noticed the way his clothes clung to his torso, the way his dishevelled hair fell just so into his eyes why couldnt she concentrate? She felt so dizzy. His perceptive eyes noted everything but he didnt comment, knowing shed be alarmed and wary to know hed picked up on any weakness Lord, why did he know her so well? He reminded himself that this was for his districts honour. And maybemaybe his father would smile. Like he used to. Before his mother had died. Bird? He offered, sticking out a wing from the prey shed shot just before nightfall. She registered that the wind was blowing louder and theoretically she should be getting chillier and chillier, but she felt so warm. Hot, even. She caught a warning look in his eyes and an almost imperceptible shake of his head. Fine. He wanted to do something for the Capitol. So she played along and shook her head. Honey. Why did her heart skip a beat at the endearment? Even when she knew it couldnt be anything but false? He shifted an arm about her shoulders, and God, why was it was so fucking hot in here? What was with her? She felt positively feverish! He leaned in and her breathing spiked. He smelled like musk and sunshine and death anda paradox. He just smelled like Cato. Addictive. She swallowed. He leaned down, pressing a small kiss below her ear, dotting butterfly kisses on her creamy throat. He grazed his way across her jawline, his nose nudging up her chin. His hands rose up to caress her waist, one thumb skimming the underside of her breast, breath hot against her.

And bit down on her pulse, stroking across it in a velvety caress with his hot tongue. Her lungs seized. Her heartbeat stuttered. If he did that again, she was going to die. She forced her hands to move up to his soft, soft hair and tugged him away. Honey. He repeated, as though incredulous. You even fucking taste like honey. He released a ragged groan and shoved a hand through his hair, a dishevelled, frustrated fallen angel. Her tongue involuntarily darted out to sweep across her parched lips. He sighed heavily and reached across her and picked up the bird wing, proffering it to her lips. Eat. You need your strength. He leaned in and nudged his nose with hers, giving her a secret little quirk of the lips. He shifted away to clean up their dinner, and she suddenly felt bereft. Of his mind addling body heat. And scent. Her mind cooled a little, and that mist the haze that had covered her senses all day seemed to justdissipate. The hotness, the flush, was suddenly gone. How strange. And then she remembered. Wished she hadnt. She cursed herself for forgetting, for one fucking moment, that it was an act. But hed felt so strong, sothere. His arms, holding her, made her feel like she didnt always have to be the strong one. She was so fucking tired from being strong for everyone. But thenhow could she win if she wasnt strong? Prim flashed across her mind, her white vulnerability, her need for Katniss, to be protected and sheltered a safety only Katniss could give. Not winning wasnt an option. There was only one other way. A sudden gust of wind ripped through, and it felt like icy shards trying to tear into her clothing. She shivered, suddenly aware of the cold with the receding of that strange, dizzy heat. She yanked her backpack toward her and plunged her hand in. She froze. Dug around and turned it upside down. Things fell out binoculars, a torchlight, matches, a water bottlebut where was..? She grabbed Catos bag and rummaged feverishly. Her head lifted slowly. Theres no sleeping bag. I know. What was it that just sparked in his eyes? Come here, he patted the grass between his outstretched legs. She breathed heavily. Prim. And supporters whose help she could not afford to forgo. She was being played, but in this, she could afford to be. Katniss couldnt help but reluctantly admire Catos manipulative brilliance. She shifted across to settle in his arms, and an arm rose lazily to rest warm across her stomach. She ignored the safe, cosy feeling that suddenly invaded her senses. His shirt had ridden up a little on one side to reveal a long, silvery white scar. Well wellshe could play just as well as he. Twisting slightly in his arms she traced the scar with her fingertips, watching in fascination as golden muscles rippled under her touch. She looked up to find his eyes closed, his long lashes gilding the tops of his high cheekbones. A sexy little smirk nonchalantly quirked his lips, and indifference that begged to differ from the racing tattoo of his heart she could feel burning into her other hand that shed planted on his chest. What, couldnt keep your hands off me, honey? She ignored the endearment, twisting around fully to straddle him. No she drew out slowly, dragging her nails across the thin scar, and his lashes

lifted, his glacial eyes pinning her. Right there. In his lap. Who were you fighting, that you got this? She prodded his scar in emphasis. His eyes suddenly shuttered, unreadable. I wasnt fighting. He said curtly. I was being taught a lesson. Katniss pursed her lips, unsatisfied, but didnt push. He sighed, and gentled his tone, running his hands up and down her arms. Dont you think you should sleep? Youll need your strength tomorrow. It didnt answer her question, but she supposed it was as good as shed get. She let herself be turned around, and let him arrange her in his arms, her ear pressed to his heart. The leaves rustled, the pseudo moon rose higher, time passed and his heartbeat grew slower, steadier, his breathing even. His breath ruffled the fine hairs on top of her head, and she stayed like this for the longest while, reluctant to disturb the peace. Funny, that. Peace in the middle of a nightmare bloodbath of the sick, twisted Games. But it was true. Somehow she felt safe and precious in his arms, protected from the outside world. An icy breeze shivered the crinkly leaves above; the moment dispelled and she steeled her resolve. She pushed carefully against his arms, and they fell away easily, a testament he was actually sleeping. She turned to look at his face, beautiful even young, somehow, softer in his sleep, in the moonlight. He made her weak even by just looking at him, and she couldnt be weak. Quietly unsheathing her dagger, she placed it at the base of his throat. She looked down at her other hand, fighting the unruly tears. Why was she even crying? This was the only way! She would weep about it later, the remorse would be cloying over her senses. Murderer, shed berate herself in the years to come, killing the defenceless in his sleep, no less. But at least shed still be alive. She looked up his eyes were open. Disappointment in them, yet no surprise, no shock. Fuck. She couldnt do it. The blade shook. His icy eyes bored into hers as one hand rose slowly to capture the hand that held the dagger. Pressed it deeper into his throat. Her eyes widened in shock. A single droplet of ruby gleamed blackly at the blade point. Kill me. He whispered hoarsely. Do it now. Fast. Youre strong enough, arent you? Wont you like it? The feel of my blood dripping down your arm, the life of another spent by your hand? Do it. Do it! He taunted, pressing the blade deeper. Clear tears tracked openly down her cheeks, blurring her vision. Her throat convulsed. Prim! This was for Prim! He had to die! Godammit, he had to die so she could win in the end, why not now? The muscles in her arm bunched. Mm, questions, questions. How did Cato obtain his scar? Whered the sneakalicious Marvel go? And uh, the no brainer whats Katniss going to do? Well, all shall be revealed in due time if you just have faith in me and keep REVIEWING :P

You guys reviewing lets me know people still read it gives me motivation AND MAKES ME UPDATE FASTER :P So yes. GUEST I love you to the moon and back, you know who you are! Thanks so much to my ANONYMOUS REVIEWERS: Jennifer, Alyss, Guest, Samantha, Emma, Liz, Shen, Dragonflame, HaReviews, Anon, Guest, OneLiner, Stuff, Lelia, Wildflower, Pearl, Pheonix, Rose Gold, Pink Sapphire, Guest, Luckydog, Catolover, BadBoyObsession, Megan, anon, Kait, N, Allison, IloveCato, Mamacitathats allthewordsiknow, Bandgeek, criticheromance, Mairen, giiiii, NYCstarlet, Too Lazy to Login to Review, Really Blackmail, Athena, Remmy, Noir-parachutes, Sophet, Collinscai08, x, AndreaShea, Tiara, Laur, LadySarahJ, kc, FP, Y, GB, Guest, Caitie Manda, lalaloopsy, Nighthawk, ilovegreensocks, Lola, Sumera. AND GUEST, times like 500 :P I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!! And sorry it wasnt super long like I originally planned but you would have been reading through a lot of fluff. LOTS. So it got cut down. :P Natalily~

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