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Display. Giant Nativity scenes like the one above line the roads in
Tarlac to mark Christmas season. DANNY PATA
Departure. Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his wife
Laureen wave before departing for Canada after their two-day state
visit to the Philippines
Veterans Day. From top, war veterans salute in a ceremony honoring the American and Filipino soldiers
who died defending the Philippines during World War II on Veterans Day at the Manila American Cemetery
and Memorial in Taguig, while Rep. Rufus Rodriguez and US Ambassador to the Philippines Harry Thomas
walk together following a wreath-laying ceremony at the same site on Sunday. DANNY PATA AND AP
Finally, Florida counting
ends with Obama win
Firm cant invoke treaty in waste dumping case
Envoy says US forces here primarily
for military drills, humanitarian aid
Aquino sets
up P1b fund
for farmers
Coco levy
summit up
Drilon eyes
Nov. 9 vote
on sin tax
Romero now mere port locator
Next page
No US bases plan in PH
By Joyce Pangco Paares
PRESIDENT Benigno Aquino
III has ordered the release of a
P1-billion fund to help farmers
across the country put up post-
harvest facilities and buy farm
equipment and to nance agri-
cultural projects.
The fund will be used to
implement the Agrarian Pro-
duction Credit Program through
a ve year memorandum of
agreement between Land Bank
of the Philippines and the Ag-
riculture and Agrarian Reform
By Christine F. Herrera
THE 3.5 million coconut farm-
ers belonging to the farmers
groups Kilusang Magbubukid
ng Pilipinas and Kaisahang
Pambansa ng mga Magsasaka
sa Koprahan on Sunday an-
nounced they will hold a na-
tionwide Coco Levy Funds
Claimants Summit to claim
P57.6 billion in cash that they
say the government owes
By Macon R. Araneta
SENATOR Franklin Drilon on
Sunday said he favors a Nov. 9
vote on a new sin tax bill, after
tobacco farmers threatened to
boycott senatorial candidates
who support higher taxes on cig-
arettes, a move they said would
deprive those seeking re-election
up to 4.5 million votes.
My target is for us to vote
on third and nal reading on
Nov. 19, so that on Nov. 20 or
21, we can start with the bud-
get, said Drilon, who is acting
chairman of the Senate ways
and means committee.
In an interview on radio
By Joyce Pangco Paares
MALACAANG on Sunday up-
held the jurisdiction of the Subic
Bay Metropolitan Authority to
investigate a contractor of the US
Navy accused of dumping haz-
ardous waste from joint military
exercises last month.
The contractor, Glenn Defense
Marine Asia Phils. Inc., cannot
invoke the Visiting Forces Agree-
ment between the Philippines and
the United States to avoid an in-
vestigation, said deputy presiden-
tial spokeswoman Abigail Valte.
The VFA does not apply be-
cause this particular entity, Glenn
Defense, is a third-party corpora-
tion, Valte said.
President Benigno Aquino III
will withhold further action on the
alleged dumping until the Subic
authorities have concluded their
probe, Valte added.
The Foreign Affairs Department
said the VFA, which allows the US
government to retain jurisdiction
over American military personnel
accused of committing crimes in
the Philippines, covers only military
personnel and civilians employed
by the US Armed Forces.
Glenn Defense invoked the
VFA when it received a show
cause letter from the SBMA, and
claimed that the port authority had
no jurisdiction over the case, and
that it was the VFA Commission
that should look into the matter.
But Edilberto Adan, execu-
tive director of VFA Commission,
seemed to contradict Malacanang
By Christine F. Herrera
has been stripped of control and
management of the 79-hectare
Manila Harbour Centre and is now
considered just one of 200 locators
doing business in the state-owned
facility, a ranking government of-
cial declared Sunday.
Romeros and R-II Build-
ers arbitrariness and unfair and
dishonest business practices are
over now, Home Guaranty Corp.
president Manuel Sanchez told
the Manila Standard.
The court has nally exposed
In an interview at the sidelines
of the annual commemoration of
Veterans Day at the Manila Amer-
ican Cemetery and Memorial in
Taguig City, Thomas told reporters
that US authorities had no plans to
again put up military bases here
even though the US military had
been engaging the Philippine mili-
tary in regular joint exercises .
He said the US military would
just continue training the members
of the Philippine military.
No, we dont want bases [here
in the Philippines]. We never
asked for [the return of] the bases,
Thomas said.
We do a lot of training with the
Philippine [military], especially in
terms of humanitarian assistance,
which is our number one priority.
The US government is one of
President Barack Obama was de-
clared the winner of Floridas 29
electoral votes Saturday, ending a
four-day count with a razor-thin
margin that narrowly avoided an
automatic recount that would have
brought back memories of the 2000
No matter the outcome, Obama
had already clinched re-election
and now has 332 electoral votes
to Republican challenger Mitt
Romneys 206.
The Florida Secretary of States
Ofce said that with almost 100
percent of the vote counted, Obama
led Romney 50 percent to 49.1 per-
cent, a difference of about 74,000
votes. That was over the half-
percent margin where a computer
recount would have been automati-
cally ordered unless Romney had
waived it.
There is a Nov. 16 deadline for
overseas and military ballots, but
under Florida law, recounts are
based on Saturdays results. Only
a handful of overseas and military
What Obamas win means for PH
By Francisco S. Tatad
DESPITE an anemic four-year
economic and social record, Unit-
ed States President Barack Obama
overcame a powerful Republican
challenge to win a second term at
the White House. How he did it is
now being analyzed to death by all
sorts of morning-after pundits, but
very little or nothing is being said
about what it could mean to the US
itself and to the rest of the world.
Assuming Obama could lead
America out of the recession,
how will it affect the present and
future of China, Korea, Japan,
the whole of Southeast Asia, Iran,
Syria, Israel, the entire Middle
East and the African continent?
For President Benigno Aquino
III, how will it affect the pres-
ent and future of the Philippines?
That seems to be the question
most people should be asking at
this point.
In his congratulatory mes-
sage to Obama, Aquino looked
forward to deepening coopera-
tion between the Philippines
and the United States, in their
common quest for inclusive
growth and renewed prosper-
ity as treaty allies and stra-
tegic partners. It is standard
and obligatory text, but given
the enormity and wide array of
problems Obama faces at home
and abroad, it is highly unlikely
that relations with the Philip-
pines could be among his top
priorities. Continued on page A5
Vol. XXVI No. 228 24 Pages, 4 Sections
P18.00 Monday, November 12, 2012
By Sara Susanne D. Fabunan
THE United States government is not
keen on re-installing its military bases in
the Philippines, US Ambassador Harry
Thomas Jr. said Sunday.
the countries extending humani-
tarian assistance to the Philippines
each time it is struck by a calam-
But a source who refused to be
identied said there was still the
possibility that US bases would
again be established in the Philip-
Everything is possible but not
likely, the source said.
Analysts had predicted that the
US government would likely put
up military bases in the Philip-
pines after US President Barack
Obama announced that the US
would again focus on the Asia-
Pacic region after neglecting
it due to its preoccupation in the
Middle East. Next page
Next page
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Next page
ManilaStandardToday NOVEMBER 12, 2012 MONDAY
by saying the Philippines had
no right to ask the Malaysia-
based contractor to leave the
Adan said the commission
could not interfere because
the issue was between the
US Navy and Glenn Defense,
since it was these two parties
that entered into a contract.
US Ambassador Harry Tho-
mas Jr. on Sunday said that the
US government was appalled
by the alleged illegal dumping
of hazardous waste in Subic
Bay by the contractor tasked to
clean the American ships that
were docked there.
The US Navy is investigat-
ing these people, said Tho-
mas, who agreed that the case
does not fall under the VFA.
Earlier, the SBMA said it
was conducting its own in-
vestigation into the reported
Senator Miriam Defensor
Santiago said she will file a
resolution calling for a legisla-
tive inquiry as well today.
Santiago said the dumping of
toxic waste by Glenn Defense
was not just a violation of the
VFA but also of international
conventions on maritime pol-
lution as well as national laws
on toxic waste.
It is an internationally
wrongful conduct in breach
of the duty in international or
customary law to protect and
preserve the environment in
general and to prevent pollu-
tion from vessels, in particu-
lar, Santiago said.
Senator Loren Legarda, co-
chairperson of the legislative
oversight committee on the
VFA, said a review of the mili-
tary agreement would logically
In effect we will review the
VFA in the light of this, Le-
garda said. Clearly, the incident
did not serve national interest at
all. We shall require a report on
this incident and demand im-
mediate action against all those
involved in violating our laws.
The environmental group
Greenpeace on Sunday urged
the SBMA to disclose the full
results of the tests conducted
on the toxic wastes dumped off
Subic Bay.
Vince Cinches, Greenpeace
ocean campaigner, said the
government must be transpar-
ent enough to divulge the find-
ings of its investigation.
Unfortunately, this is an-
other example of how the lax
implementation of environ-
mental laws is destroying our
natural resources, he said.
Leftist groups on Sunday
criticized the Americans for
conducting their own inves-
tigation, saying the US Navy
officials should submit them-
selves to the local authorities.
The Pambansang Lakas ng
Kilusang Mamamalakaya ng Pili-
pinas, a group representing poor
fishermen, said the Philippine
government should assert its au-
thority and stop US military from
pursuing its own probe.
The militant youth group
Anakbayan added that the in-
cident showed that the Visiting
Forces Agreement was toxic
for the nations sovereignty
and called for its immediate
No self-respecting nation
will allow visitors to dump tox-
ic waste in their country. This
is clearly a violation of our
nations sovereignty and an in-
sult to our nation, said Vencer
Crisostomo, the groups presi-
dent. With Sara Susanne D.
Fabunan, Gigi Munoz David
and Rio N. Araja
Washington made known its
intention to refocus on the region
amid the territorial disputes be-
tween China and its neighboring
countries including the Philip-
The US recently increased its
military presence in Singapore
and Australia.
The Philippine Senate in 1991
voted to shut down the United
States air force base in Clark,
Pampanga, and its naval base in
Subic after the American mili-
tary started pulling out as a result
of Mount Pinatubos eruption.
The last American forces left
in 1992 after President Corazon
Aquino ordered their withdrawal
following the US governments
refusal to detail their withdrawal
plans and its failure to confirm
or deny if it had nuclear weapons
on its bases.
Still, in 1999 the Philippine
Senate ratified the Visiting Forc-
es Agreement between the Phil-
ippines and the United States,
ensuring the conduct of regular
military exercises by the US and
Philippine military.
Some critics say the treaty is
unconstitutional because it al-
lows the US government to re-
tain jurisdiction over its military
forces and exempts them from
the Philippines visa and pass-
port regulations.
Since the treatys signing,
some 600 US troops have been
deployed to the Philippines to
help the Philippines in its fight
against the Muslim insurgency
in Mindanao.
On Sunday, Philippine and
government officials trooped to
the American Cemetery to com-
memorate the valor and heroism
of the people who fought against
the Japanese during World War
In his keynote message, Tho-
mas, whos father also served
in Leyte and in Korea after
World War II, expressed his
gratitude to the American and
Filipino soldiers who fought
for freedom.
[They were the] warriors who
were responsible for the freedom
and democracy we now enjoy,
Thomas said.
ballots are believed to remain
Its normal for election super-
visors in Florida and other states
to spend days after any election
counting absentee, provisional,
military and overseas ballots.
Usually, though, the election
has already been called on elec-
tion night or soon after because
the winners margin is beyond
Florida has spoken loudly in
support of moving our nation
forward, Ashley Walker, the
Obama campaigns director for
Florida, said in a news release.
She added that the win was a
testament to the campaigns vol-
unteers and staff.
When reached by phone Sat-
urday, Mitt Romneys commu-
nications director Gail Gitcho
said the campaign had no com-
Obamas win came in part
from heavy support from black,
Hispanic and younger voters.
Exit polls conducted for The As-
sociated Press showed Obama
was favored by more than 9 of
10 black voters and 3 of 5 His-
panic voters in Florida. The
president also was the choice of
two-thirds of voters under age
Republican challenger Mitt
Romney led among both white
and older voters.
In the end, the facts of who
voted for which candidate in
Florida faded into memory as
voting issues emerged election
On election night this year, it
was difficult for officials and
the mediato call the presiden-
tial race here, in part because the
margin was so close and the vot-
ing stretched into the evening.
In Miami-Dade, for instance,
so many people were in line at
7 p.m. in certain precincts that
some people didnt vote until
after midnight.
The hours-long wait at the
polls in some areas, a lengthy
ballot and the fact that Gov.
Rick Scott refused to extend
early voting hours has led
some to criticize Floridas vot-
ing process. Some officials
have vowed to investigate
why there were problems at
the polls and how that led to a
lengthy vote count.
If there had been a recount, it
would not have been as difficult
as the lengthy one in 2000. The
state no longer uses punch-card
ballots, which became known
for their hanging chads. All 67
counties now use optical scan
ballots where voters mark their
selections manually.
Republican George W. Bush
won the 2000 contest after the
Supreme Court declared him the
winner over Democrat Al Gore
by a scant 537 votes.
The win gave Obama victories
in eight of the nine swing states,
losing only North Carolina.
In addition to Florida, he won
Ohio, Iowa, New Hampshire,
Wisconsin, Virginia, Colorado
and Nevada.
U.S. presidents are not elected
by national popular vote, but in
state-by-state contests that al-
locate electoral votes. Each
state gets one electoral vote for
each of its representatives in the
House of Representatives and
the Senate. Washington, D.C.,
gets three votes. All told, there
are 538 votes in the Electoral
College. A candidate must have
at least 270 to win. Except for
Maine and Nebraska, states
award all their electoral votes
to the candidate who wins the
state. In Maine and Nebraska,
votes are apportioned by con-
gressional districts.
and ended his bogus association
and handed over the power to the
legitimate group.
Sanchez said some 150 Manila
policemen and 40 HGC security
personnel successfully seized
the premises and the guarded
gates at around 10 p.m. Friday
by virtue of a court order issued
by Manila Regional Trial Court
Judge Lyliha Abella-Aquino.
Starting Monday, Romero, just
like the rest of the locators, would
be made to abide by the rules of
the court-recognized association
of locators, Sanchez said.
On Friday, Sanchez said
Romeros association refused to
recognize the court order brought
by the court sheriff directing
Romeros men to turn over the
premises, common areas, utili-
ties, facilities and all documents
pertaining to the management of
the Manila Harbour Center.
Romeros security men,
Sanchez said, barricaded the
gates and barred the HGC per-
sonnel and sheriff from enforc-
ing the court order, prompting
the judge to issue another or-
der to the Manila police to help
break into the compound to al-
low the government to seize con-
trol of the premises.
At 10 p.m. Friday, with the
sheer number of the policemen
sent by the Philippine National
Police and the governments po-
litical will to enforce the court
order, the Romero-hired security
men stood down and Romeros
men surrendered the association
office, Sanchez said.
He said the HGC would be
meeting with the legitimate lo-
cators association on Monday to
formally turn over the facilities
and documents to the groups of-
The HGC, as the major-
ity owner of the Harbour Cen-
tre Ports Terminal Inc. that runs
the Manila Harbour Centre, will
have the books of Romeros
bogus association audited,
Sanchez said.
Sanchez said Romeros R-II
Builders, for many years, had
been able to deceive and mislead
the business locators, the Secu-
rities and Exchange Commis-
sion, the courts, and government
agencies that Romero was the
majority owner of the HCPTI.
The HGC president said
Romero had forcibly taken over
the management of the Manila
Harbour Centre by forming a
bogus association on Sept. 21,
2010, months after the Aquino
government came to power.
He said Romero was able to
use the 30 percent or 23.7 hec-
tares of the 79 hectares for his
own personal interests at the ex-
pense of the rest of the locators.
Romero was just one of the
200 locators. He did not even
have the right to lease any of the
common areas but he went on il-
legally leasing out a big portion
of the 30 percent of the 79
hectares, including those
that were owned by the HGC
and other owners of the lots,
Sanchez said.
Remember the photos of the
coal mountain that the Manila
Standard published? Romero de-
nied his firm had anything to do
with it, and accused the paper of
maligning his name. But the truth
is, as early as 2010, the dirty coal
was being dumped into the HGC-
owned vacant lot and our investi-
gation showed he illegally had this
leased out to Jet Power Corp. but
the fees did not go to government
coffers, Sanchez said.
He said the HGC had com-
plained to Environment Secre-
tary Ramon Paje Jr., who had
Romero ordered to stop the ille-
gal stockpiling and comply with
the environmental laws.
Sanchez said the HGC started
asserting the governments right
as majority owner of the HCPTI
and issued ejection notices to
Jet Power Corp., another locator
engaged in trucking and freight
businesses, which pointed to
Romero as having allowed them
to use the vacant lot.
Sanchez added that locators
would meet today to decide how
to replace Romeros security
men, who enforced his orders in
the compound.
dzBB, Drilon said the 2013 na-
tional budget had programs that
could not be launched because of
a lack of funding.
One of these, he said, was
the enrollment of 5 million new
beneficiaries of the Philippine
Health Insurance Corp.
The Department of Health
needs P12.5 billion to enrol
them. If we do not pass this sin
tax bill, we cant afford to enrol
another 5 million poor Filipinos
in Philhealth to support them in
case they
become sick, Drilon said.
Tobacco farmers on Sunday
warned senators seeking re-elec-
tion next year that they would
vigorously campaign against
them if they support what they
described as exorbitant taxes on
locally produced igarettes.
PhilTobacco Growers Associ-
ation president Saturnino Distor
said tobacco farmers, workers,
their families, and allies in relat-
ed industries would join forces to
ensure that incumbent senators
seeking fresh terms in the 2013
elections would get zero votes
in tobacco-producing regions if
ignore calls for moderate and
reasonable excise taxes on ciga-
Distor said senators who ignore
the warning stand to lose about 4.5
million votes from the provinces
of Pangasinan, La Union, Ilocos
Sur, Ilocos Norte, Abra, Cagayan,
Isabela, and Mindoro.
He noted that other provinc-
es also produce tobacco such
as Mountain Province, Ifugao,
Nueva Vizcaya, Quirino, Tar-
lac, Nueva Ecija, Capiz, Iloilo,
Leyte, Cebu, Misamis Oriental,
Bukidnon, Davao, Zamboanga
del Sur, Maguindanao, Cotabato
and Saranggani.
We will make sure that re-
electionists who will support any
proposal imposing extremely
high taxes on cigarettes will re-
gret their decision on Election
Day, Distor said.
We are tried of asking for
mercy. It is time for us to act and
show them that they cannot just
ignore us, he added.
Those seeking re-election next
year are Senators Loren Legarda,
Francis Escudero, Alan Peter
Cayetano, Gregorio Honasan II,
Aquilino Pimentel III and Anto-
nio Trillanes IV.
Of the six senators, only Ho-
nasan and and Trillanes have
aired their strong objections to
the high increase in the excise
taxes being imposed on tobacco
and alcoholic beverages.
Legarda has remained silent
on this issue while Cayetano,
Escudero and Pimentel have no
clear stand on it.
Senate President Juan Ponce
Enrile and Senator Edgardo An-
gara have also been pushing for a
fair and reasonable increase in
the excise taxes on the so-called
sin products, whih the govern-
ment hopes will generate addi-
tional revenues of P40 billion to
P45 billion a year.
Both senators have sons run-
ning for the Senate next year.
Drilons measure has alarmed
farmers and workers in the to-
bacco industry as it proposes a
341 percent tax hike on low-priced
cigarettes in the first year and an-
nual increases that would amount
to a cumulative 1,076 percent tax
increase on the fourth year. He
said Drilons ultimate goal was to
kill the tobacco industry.
Of the total amount that will
be placed with Land Bank, P300
million would be allocated ex-
clusively to Negros Occidental,
Budget chief Florencio Abad
said Sunday.
The implementation of the
ACPC complements President
Aquinos commitment to fully
implement land reform across
the country by 2016, Abad said.
The ACPC will help ensure
the sustainable and effective pro-
duction of crops nationwide in
addition to boosting the income
of farmer-beneficiaries. Prior to
this, agrarian reform beneficiar-
ies have received meager credit
assistance, resulting in limited
crop production and slower eco-
nomic growth among benefici-
ary households.
Agrarian Reform will iden-
tify the agrarian reform ben-
eficiaries, while the Agriculture
Department will provide basic
support and services such as
marketing assistance and tech-
nology packages.
We expect this fund release
to have a considerable impact on
the ability of farmer-beneficiar-
ies to improve their livelihood
through their very own plots of
land, Abad said.
Earlier, Malacaang said
Agrarian Reform remained on
track in completing its land ac-
quisition and distribution targets
amid proposals from lawmak-
ers to extend the Comprehen-
sive Agrarian Reform Program,
which will expire in June 2014,
for another five years.
As far as the Department of
Agrarian Reform is concerned,
they will finish issuing notices
of coverage for landholdings
that are 10 hectares and above by
December 2012, so we still have
two months, deputy presiden-
tial spokeswoman Abigail Valte
As for landholdings below 10
hectares, DARs target is to fin-
ish issuing notices of coverage
by July 1, 2013.
Cagayan Rep. Rufus Rodrigu-
ez and Abante Mindanao party-
list Rep. Maximo Rodriguez Jr.
have filed House Bill 6614 seek-
ing a five-year extension of the
agrarian reform program.
The lawmakers claim that out
of its target of 180,000 hectares
of land, Agrarian Reform has
only been able to process some
32,000 hectares.
But Valte says the department
is on track.
As far as the DAR is con-
cerned, we are on target, she
Even if we have reached the
June 2014 deadline, as long as
the notices of coverage
have been issued the process
will continue.
The farmers will hold the
summit in Lucena City on Tues-
day to discuss how they will
claim their money.
Tuesdays summit will sig-
nal the start of a nationwide
campaign to reclaim the coco
levy funds, KMP deputy sec-
retary general Willy Marbella
:This will be followed by
provincial, municipal and up
to barrio-level assemblies that
includes screening, verification
and enlistment of small coconut
Marbella says the coconut
farmers decided to launch a na-
tionwide campaign to reclaim
the money after rejecting the
announcement of National Anti-
Poverty Commission Secretary
Joel Rocamora that P11.15 bil-
lion in levy funds will be given
to the coconut industry and not
to the coconut farmers.
He says the small coconut
farmers who are stilling holding
their receipts and certificates of
stock in coco oil mills have been
invited to the summit.
This is open to all small co-
conut farmers, Marbella said.
He lashed out at Rocamora
for hiring 81 consultants of
whom not one had faced them to
discuss their concerns. He said
Rocamoras decision was being
questioned by the Commission
on Audit.
The KMP and Koprahan are
also pushing for the immediate
cash distribution of the coco-
nut levy funds to small coconut
farmers and the enactment of
House Bill 3443, or the pro-
posed Coconut Levy Funds Ad-
ministration and Management
Act filed by Anakpawis Rep.
Rafael Mariano.
HB 3443 defines the exclu-
sivity of use of the coco levy
funds to ensure that it is used
in the best interest of the small
coconut farmers.
However, Agriculture Sec-
retary Proceso Alcala says he
does not favor the distribution
of money to individual coco-
nut farmers from the nearly
P70-billion fund representing a
24-percent stake in San Miguel
Corp. hat was turned over to the
government last month.
Marbella, a small coconut
farmer from Bicol who still
holds his fathers certificates of
stock in various oil mills, said
coconut farmers have all the
right to claim their money from
the Aquino government.
Again, we are not inciden-
tal beneficiaries of the coco levy
funds. Coconut farmers were
robbed by the Marcos-Cojuang-
co clique and it is only just and
legitimate to return the cash to
us, Marbella said.
Is Alcala mouthing the of-
ficial position of the Aquino
government? In fact, the Presi-
dents deafening silence on the
coco levy funds issue since he
assumed office continues to bol-
ster our fear that our money will
be stolen again.
The government and the so-
called coconut industry did not
even contribute a single cent to
the coco levy funds. Not a single
The money was forcibly
collected from coconut farm-
ers alone. We are the legitimate
owners of the billions of money
that the Aquino government
now holds. The Aquino govern-
ment doesnt have the right to
use our money.
In April this year, Marbella
said, Rocamora, also former
Akbayan president, drew up a
P11.15-billion, five-year road
map to revitalize the coconut
industry and that the first year
of the program could be funded
with loans.
The plan is to borrow off the
coco levy, Rocamora had said.
Aquinos coco levy task
force stinks of political oppor-
tunism and its so-called coco
industry road map polluted with
corruption-ridden programs,
Marbella said.
In Quezon province alone,
204,000 coconut farmer-fami-
lies dependent on 388,664 hec-
tares of coco lands will benefit
from the immediate distribution
of the coco levy funds.
Topping off. Icon Plaza, a plush mixed-used development venture of Philippine Realty and Excell Property
Ventures Inc., was recently topped off by ofcials, who say the 42-story condominium in Bonifacio Global
City is designed for contemporary living with sophisticated amenities.
ManilaStandardToday NOVEMBER 12, 2012 MONDAY
100 human trafckers jailed
Big license plates for
motorcycles needed
Public has 30 days to review listDAR
Flyover completed in
S. Fernando, Pampanga
ties should require oversized
license plates for motorcycles
and riders must use color-coded
helmets as part of new measures
to stop the rise of street crimes
committed with the use of the
vehicle, former senator Richard
Gordon said on Sunday.
Gordon said the oversized li-
cense plates at the front and back
would make it easy for witnesses
to jot down and report the mo-
torcycle involved in a crime and
the color-coded helmets would
point the bikers residence or
place of registration.
It is disquieting that 80 per-
cent of street crimes have been
committed with the use of mo-
torcycles. But the government
need not feel helpless because
even without legislation, we can
do a lot to help the police appre-
hend motorcylce-riding street
ends, Gordon said.
Criminals use motorcycles
in such crimes as assassinations,
robberies and snatchings because
they are fast and easy to maneuver
in crowded trafc. Helmets hide
the criminals identities and their
license plates are too small they
are difcult to read from afar.
The Land Transportation Of-
ce has required motorcycle
riders to print license plates on
helmets, but Congress is yet to
pass legislation to addresss the
involvement of motorcycles in
crimes, which Gordon said was
alarmingly high.
Gordon said the government
must launch a massive infor-
mation drive because public
vigilance is needed to report
to the police suspicions about
movements of people in crime
hotspots and dimly-lit streets.
I think law-abiding motor-
cycle users would not balk at my
suggestions because criminals
have given bikers a bad press,
Gordon said. Motorcycle riders
are themselves victims of riding-
in-tandem killers.
Organic rice. Henry Yunez, a volunteer from Tzu Chi philippines, checks organic rice in Bacood, Sta. Mesa during the Grand Charity Bazaar
and Food Festival. SONNY ESPIRITU
She said a total of 1,693 cases
were still pending in trial courts,
including 364 led last year, and
the country needs to put up spe-
cialized courts to try only human
trafcking cases to effectively
address the problem.
The Philippines is unreserv-
edly committed to combating
and eradicating trafcking of
persons ... The programs we are
now undertaking form only the
spearhead of the ever-expanding
scope of our campaign, De
Lima told Ngozi Ezeilo, a Unit-
ed Nations Special Rapporteur
on Trafcking in Persons.
Ezeilo was on a fact-nd-
ing mission in the country to
examine the situation of traf-
cked persons in the country.
In addition to Manila, she also
visited Cebu and Zamboanga,
which are known as trafcking
hot spots.
Human trafcking involve
recruitment of people to work
as illegals here and abroad.
Many of the recruits were
young girls, who end up as bar
girls and prostitutes.
De Lima said that since last
year, the government has imple-
mented strict inspection of trav-
el, employment, and nancial
documents of outgoing passen-
gers in airports and seaports to
prevent human trafcking.
We are also continuing to
expand our cooperation with
foreign governments, and our
Inter-Agency Council Against
Trafcking (IACAT) has forged
strong partnerships with the
Global Alliance for the Protec-
tion of Children Online and the
Microsoft Digital Crimes Unit to
protect minors who are victims
of exploitation, she said.
Last October 30, IACAT con-
ducted a joint operation with
Netherlands against a group
suspected of committing trans-
national trafcking and other
crimes in Amsterdam and Ma-
nila, De Lima said.
She said the government has
assisted 920 Filipino workers
repatriated from Syria and en-
hanced the Philippine Anti-Traf-
cking Database through the as-
sistance of Netherlands.
By Rey Requejo
THE government has sent about 100
people to jail since last year for human
trafcking violations but new measures
were needed to stop recruitment of
people to work in sweatshops and
prostitution dens, Justice Secretary Leila
de Lima said on Sunday.
THE Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) has
completed the construction of the P373 million yover bridge at
the intersection of the Lazatin and Jose Abad Santos Avenues in San
Fernando City in Pampanga, ofcials said on Sunday.
Known as the Lazatin Flyover, the modular steel type bridge was
composed of ve spans on four piers with the superstructure materi-
als supplied by the French company, Matiere S.A.S.
The yover increased the existing road capacity and will ease
the trafc congestion along Lazatin Avenue and Jose Abad Santos
Avenue, a senior ofcial said.
The bridge was built in anticipation of increased population and
was expected to improve tourism, and the business climate in the
area and nearby provinces.
The bridge has been formally opened to the motoring public by
city ofcials led by Mayor Oscar Rodriguez and DPWH Undersec-
retary Rafael Yabut.
By Rio Araja
THE Department of Agrarian
Reform (DAR) said on Sunday
the public has 30 days to review
and question the list of bene-
ciaries of the 4,915 hectare Ha-
cienda Luisita in Tarlac, a sugar
land estate owned by the family
of President Aquino that will be
distributed to farmers.
DAR Secretary Virgilio de
los Reyes invited the peasant
group Kilusang Magbubukind
ng Pilipinas (KMP) to file ex-
clusion petition and present
evidence against anybody in
the list.
Anyone is allowed to ques-
tion the list. We are open to
such move, De los Reyes told
The Supreme Court ordered
last year the break up and dis-
tribution of the hacienda to the
farmers. DAR has announced
a self-imposed deadline of six
months to produce a prelimi-
nary master list.
DAR released last October
31 a list of 5,365 farmers from
10 barangays of the hacienda
and another list of 1,221 farm-
ers as beneficiaries. The list
included Constancio Lundang,
Rector Lundang, Antonio Clar-
idad, Pedro Claridad and Ro-
drigo Claridad, who the KMP
said were horse breeders in the
hacienda and not sugar cane
De los Reyes said the pre-
liminary master list was drawn
after their database confirmed
that the 5,365 potential benefi-
ciaries had presented adequate
documents as workers.
Petitions for inclusion or
exclusion must be filed under
oath and should be supported
by evidence as per existing
rules to minimize spurious or
nuisance filings that would un-
necesarily delay land distribu-
tion, de los Reyes said.
Last week, De los Reyes
said DAR planned to distrib-
ute the land before the end of
May 2013 and those in the list
have presented documentary
evidence that included Scocial
Security System membership,
marriage and birth certificates.
He said 1,221 applicants have
been placed in the provisional
list because of deciencies in
their documentary evidence.
Our personnel ... went out
of their way to check the au-
thenticity of the farmers sup-
porting papers. We check doc-
uments with the SSS and the
Securities and Exchange Com-
mission, de los Reyes said.
A total of 8,641 had applied
and claimed to be farm workers
and beneficiaries. After verifi-
cation, DAR produce a pre-
liminary master list of 5,365
Toll highway. Picture shows a smooth ride on the Star Tollway in
Batangas during the Undas. Inset shows well-lighted entrance and
Opinion Adelle Chua, Editor
ManilaStandardToday NOVEMBER 12, 2012 MONDAY
DESPI TE i t s s t r a i ght
pat h pol i cy, t he Aqui no
administration continues to
be seen as being inept in law
enforcement or, worse, as a
coddler of criminals.
In our day-to-day lives, we
see an inexplicable tolerance
for people who overstep the
boundaries of the law. We see
it in the administrations con-
tinued inability to drive out
squatters who, by their deance,
have brought a major infrastruc-
ture project to a grinding halt in
Quezon City and occupied large
swaths of national roads with
illegally parked vehicles and
their makeshift stores.
We can also see it in the crime
rate, which shot up by almost
60 percent in Metro Manila
during the rst half this year.
Compared to this dramatic rise,
the 5-percent dip in September
is hardly any solace.
We also see a tolerance for in-
justice in the manner by which
this administration has failed
miserably to give priority to
prosecuting what is arguably
the most heinous crime of the
centurythe Maguindanao
massacre in which 59 people
were slaughtered in one day in
November 2009. The trial con-
tinues to drag on almost three
years after the fact, punctuated
by sporadic reports of intimida-
tion and state witnesses being
At the same time, high-prole
suspects continue to elude ar-
rest. Among them are former
Palawan governor Joel Reyes
and his brother Coron Mayor
Mario Reyes, former general
Jovito Palparan, Globe Asia-
tique developer Delfin Lee,
Dinagat Rep. Ruben Ecleo,
and New Peoples Army lead-
ers Benito Tiamzon and Jorge
The police and the National
Bureau of Investigation have
received akand rightly so
over their inability to track
down these fugitive despite a
P2 million bounty for the ar-
rest of each. The impression of
ineptitude is further reinforced
by Justice Secretary Leila de
Limas recent statement won-
dering why no one seems in-
terested in giving authorities
leads on the whereabouts of
the suspects despite the huge
rewards being offered.
None of this is helped by the
administrations coddling of its
own allies who are suspected
of wrongdoing. Senator Pan-
lo Lacson, a political ally of
President Benigno Aquino III,
was able to elude arrest for more
than a year on murder charges
by hiding abroadand was
welcomed back warmly by the
President when he returned af-
ter a court dismissed the charges
against him. Those who expect-
ed some form of rebuke from
the President for the senators
deance of the law during his
year as a fugitive were bitterly
disappointed. In a meeting after
the senators return, the two
men discussed pork cracklings
at the Palace.
A former shooting buddy
whom he appointed to the Inte-
rior Department and who sub-
sequently became embroiled in
a corruption scandal involving
gun procurement contracts was
quietly removedand offered
another post in the administra-
The President also showed
poor judgment when he paid
the bail from his personal
funds for the former governor
of Isabela province after she
was ordered arrested on cor-
ruption charges. With utter
disregard for due process, the
President declared her inno-
cent, and even appointed her
to be a commissioner in the
Commission on Elections.
With a track record such as
this, it is any wonder that this
straight path President is in-
creasingly being exposed as a
coddler of criminals?
A coddler of criminals
The lions roar
TWO deaths within one year owed to
fraternity violence was something with
which San Beda College would never
reconcile itself: rst, Marvin Reglos,
then Marc Andre Marcos. In fact one
fatality was more than enough, and to
be sure, San Beda College had exist-
ing policies proscribing membership
in unaccredited organizations long
before Marvin suffered his fate at the
hands of would-be brothers!
Some days ago, on November 5, the
Rector-President, Fr. Aloy Maranan,
OSB, approved the recommendations
of the Committee on Student Conduct
constituted to inquire into the unfor-
tunate demise of
Marc Andre Mar-
cos. It was a very
simple marginal
notation on the en-
dorsement sheet
of Dean Virgilio
Jara of the Col-
lege of Law: Ok!
Approved, but it
was nonetheless a
mighty roar, worthy
of San Beda Col-
lege! As a result,
27 students were
dismissed from San
Beda, and eight
were suspended so
that they could perform community ser-
vice. This does not in any way preempt
whatever action the prosecutors may
take, and eventually, whatever decision
the courts may arrive at!
In fact, the issue to which the Com-
mittee addressed itself was simply
whether or not Lex Leonum Frater-
nitas engaged in violent activity, and
whether or not the respondent stu-
dents were members of such a frater-
nity. Why it did not specically dwell
on the death of Marc should not be too
difcult to understand: as one of the
countrys leading law schools, it knew
better than to interfere with the pro-
cesses of investigation, prosecution
and adjudication.
San Beda in fact has a lower thresh-
old of tolerance for fraternity activ-
ity than does statute-law. R.A. 8049
subjects to penal liability only those
members who actually participated
in the hazing activities when such
activities result in death or physical
injuries. By contrast, the Law Stu-
dents Code of Conduct of San Beda
punishes with exclusion (dismissal)
any student found to be a member of
any unrecognized organization which
employs as part of its ceremonies, rit-
uals or other or practices, any act that
results in injury to any person through
intimidation, violence, reckless im-
prudence, coercion or any act that
tends to degrade any fellow student.
No one can charge San Beda with be-
ing tolerant. Its code of conduct is far
more stringent than the anti-hazing
law, and for very good reason!
But what the Committee uncov-
ered is nothing short of a horror story.
Unlike the horror stories, however,
that TV channels compete in offering
their audiences this November, this
story does not entertain. This story
really horries! Said one witness:
Pagkatapos po naming paghiwalayin
ay muli po kaming iblinindfold at dito
pa ay naramdaman ko na lamang po
na may tumama na sa akin sa ibat-
ibang parte ng aking katawan, wala
po akong nagawa kundi saluhin ang
lahat ng sakit. Pagkaraan po ng ilang
sandali ay itinabi po kami at narinig
naman po namin ang sigaw ng mga ki-
asamahan ko na nasasaktan rin. The
barbarity does not
end there. Pinalo
ako ng paddle sa
hita ng dalawam-
pung beses, ang
bawat isang palo
ay katumbas po ng
isang letra sa sali-
tang Lex Leonum
Fraternitas. To
top it all, this ritu-
al, so reminiscent
of the terrors of
medieval torture
chambers, had an
academic compo-
nent: Ang sumu-
nod pong bahagi
ay ang academics part, kung saan
ang bawat isa sa amin ay tinatanong
ng sampung tanong tungkol sa aming
mga pinag-aaralan sa College of Law
habang sinusuntok at sinasaktan sa
bandang braso. This is the brigand-
age and savagery that determines the
worthies who become part of the band
of brothers called Lex Leonum Fra-
ternitas and the likes of it! Unless
you are totally bankrupt morally, you
do not wave this off by saying: Boys
will be boys. These are not boys
pranks. These are foul and despicable
deeds of homicidal maniacs!
Of the darker side of man, Hobbes
once derisively wrote: Homo homini
lupus...Man is a wolf unto others.
The only trouble with this is that it
is insulting to the wolf! The wolf is
bereft of that degree of intelligence
and moral sense that we are supposed
to have, especially those who aspire
at membership in the Bar or, worse,
are already exalted members of the
Bar. The wolf is wolverine, because
it knows no better. But the ofcers,
recruiters and members of Lex Leo-
num were supposed to have known
better. And that is what makes them
all the more culpable: They knew bet-
ter, and they decided nonetheless that
they would act no better!
Clarifying the party-list issue
THE Supreme Court en banc is sched-
uled to discuss the issue of the disquali-
cation of the number-one party list
group Ako Bicol tomorrow. The deci-
sion should clarify the muddled party-
list issue.
AKB, which garnered more than
1.5 million votes in the 2010 elections,
was disqualied by the Commission on
Elections. The Comelecs October 10
resolution cancelled the groups party-
list registration and prevented it from
running in the 2013 mid-term elections.
The decision of the high court would
help clear various issues involving the
disqualication not only of AKB but
some 60 other party list groups, includ-
ing others which, like AKB, have sitting
members in the current Congress.
The party-list confusion was appar-
ent in the hearing called last week by
Senator Aquilino Koko Pimentel III
of the Senate committee on electoral
The hearing served to underscore
the lack of clear denition of who are
marginalized and underrepresented
and who are allowed to participate in
the party-list elections.
The hearing was called by Pimentel to
clarify the legal basis for the disqualica-
tion of AKB and other party list groups.
Comelec Chairman Sixto Brillan-
tes Jr. admitted during the hearing that
there is need for amendment in the par-
ty-list law to provide a clear denition
of what the marginalized or underrep-
resented sectors were.
Its very confusing, Brillantes said
explaining that We dont have enough
guidelines under the party-list law.
Brillantes said their only guide was
a 2001 Supreme Court decision which
said: The political party, sector, or-
ganization or coalition must represent
the marginalized and underrepresent-
ed groups identied in Section 5 of
RA 7941. Majority of its membership
should belong to the marginalized and
This is precisely why AKB and the
other disqualied party-list groups are
protesting the decision of the Comelec
to cancel their accreditation since no
less than the chairman of Comelec had
admitted that the Comelec commission-
ers themselves continue to debate on
who is marginalized and who is not.
University of the Philippine National
College of Public Administration and
Governance (UP-NCPAG) Dean Edna Co
crystallized the issue when she observed
that while the Comelec should be lauded
for its effort to sift the party-list system to
take out the dubious and illegitimate orga-
nizations, the cleansing process adopted
by Comelec was arbitrary and chaotic.
Dean Co said: The problem is that
such a mechanism for choosing among
the existing sectors has not been deter-
mined, thus the arbitrariness and seem-
ing chaos of the Comelecs process of
disqualifying party-list groups. It is dif-
cult for Comelec to cleanse the party-
list system without some clear guide-
lines or criteria that would guide them
of the purging or the cleansing. Given
such limitation, the Comelecs decision
could be arbitrary.
Co said the disqualication of at
least four party-list groups who have
incumbents in the House of Represen-
tatives is questionable and the cancella-
tion of their registration showed wanton
disregard of previous decisions of past
Comelec leadership and established ju-
She said Brillantes and the other
commissioners should have taken into
consideration the fact that these parties -
namely AKB, Association of Philippine
Electric Cooperatives, 1st Consumer
Alliance for Rural Energy and Aangat
Tayo - have already been accredited
by Comelec and that questions on their
legitimacy have already been resolved
with nality by the Comelec en banc, by
the Supreme Court, and by the House of
Representatives Electoral Tribunal.
In 2009, Comelec upheld AKBs ac-
creditation. In 2010 Comelecs Second
Division dismissed with nality a dis-
qualication case led against AKB. In
the deliberation of the Second Division
there was a lengthy discussion of mar-
ginalized and underrepresented.
The SC has also ruled with nal-
ity on the qualication of APEC and
1-CARE, while disqualication cases
Aangat Tayo were already dismissed,
also with nality, by the HRET and the
Comelec en banc.
There is also the issue an issue raised
against incumbent party-list groups par-
ticularly AKB that its representatives
are millionaires.
Turn to page 5
Turn to page 5
CHIN WONG/ RAY S. EANO Associate Editors
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These are
not boys
pranks. These
are foul and
despicable deeds
of homicidal
A5 Opinion Adelle Chua, Editor
THE winner of the US presidential
election was known on voting day itself.
One thus gets the impression that the
American electoral system operated on
the Cinderella clockone that wraps up
things by midnight.
The morning after the balloting, the
loser had already conceded and the
winner had received his congratulations
from him. This, while ballots were still
being cast and counted.
Overnight, closure has been
achieved. The victor has held out his
hand of reconciliation as he took center
stage to accept his mandate to lead.
Although attack ads on the past
year burst with vitriol, the speeches
on election night only brimmed with
calls for unity and of the need to move
forward .
Of course, wounds will be licked,
but in private. There will be no
histrionic bawling in public. The agony
of defeat will be mufed. The important
thing for the loser is to
exit with his head held
high. That has always
been the American
decorum for defeat.
And their etiquette
for winners, on the
other hand, prescribes
grace and prohibits
gloating. The victory
speech will deal on
how promises will be
keptnever on how
scores will be settled.
Compare these with elections
Philippine-style, where the ofcial
canvas of votes crawls in glacial pace,
and concessions are more of a forced
gesture than a voluntary act.
While computerization has sped up
the ballot count, the acceptance of the
nal tally by the losing candidates will
never be done with Internet speed.
Every election loser in this land
becomes a conspiracy theorist, with
him, of course, as the victim. To
explain his loss, he will search for some
electoral dysfunction, except his own.
The playbook in Philippine politics
calls for stonewalling even in the face
of certain defeat.
When one is trailing in the count,
whether it is for a Senate seat or a
barangay council slot, the standard
statement is to suspect fraud. And if the
nal returns do not reverse the trend,
the communiqu to be issued will allege
that indeed, fraud has been committed.
To substantiate his claims, the
aggrieved party will scramble his
lawyers to le protest. To inject drama
into his crusade, he will stage a pygmy
version of People Power, frontlined by
partisans whose full-throated recitation
of alleged ballot fraud is switched on
upon sight of a TV crew.
For the loser, the margin does
not matter. It can be razor-thin or a
landslide. He can lose by a mile, or a
million miles, but he will still be able to
cite the culprit in the thick Philippine
catalog of electoral scams.
If his opponent has an extended
family network that backed him up, he
will grumble that he was defeated by
clan politics.
If the winner has a willowy or
wealthy wife by his side, then he will
say that he won while hiding behind
the skirt of his spouse or by picking her
If he is outspent by the opposition,
he will plead poverty. Never mind if the
only crime he is guilty of is poverty of
If his opponent has a gift of gab
and pummeled him fair and square in
a debate, he will not blame his loss on
his incoherence but on the gullibility of
voters for owery oratory.
All of these, in his book, are electoral
With this kind of mentality, it is no
wonder that we rarely hear concession
speeches in this land, despite an election
cycle of about 1,000 days.
And rarer still are congratulatory
phone calls by the loser to his winning
opponent. While this sportsmanlike
gesture is standard fare in US politics, it
has not taken root in Philippine political
culture, notwithstanding the advent of
unli cellphones
If we ever hear
of post-election
speeches here, theyre
of the whining genre
that air gripes, hurl
charges and recite a
litany of complaints.
Our candidates
simply do not have the
courage to concede.
If there is a
lesson that can be
gleaned from the US
elections, it is the
swift admission of ones debacle. It is
the grace to accept the verdict of the
electorate, sometimes without having to
wait for the nal ofcial results.
Losers are known throw in the towel
once theyre in receipt of their own
internal count . Graceful exits have
been made based on exit polls.
That science-based reading of
election results are totally alien here. In
da Pilipins, early results of counting are
used to calculate victory, no matter how
remote, and never to extrapolate defeat.
Of course, US elections have their
own faults and fractures. One is the high
price tag, the other is the wallpaper of
attack ads, to name just a few.
But if there are things that we ought t
import from them, these are the fast way
ballots are counted and losers concede.
The only problem with this is that while
technology for fast ballot counting can
be bought, concession is a function of
tradition. It simply cannot be purchased.
I am not saying ,however, that we
should accept poll results here blindly.
There are sometimes grounds for
protest, especially if terror was used to
shoo people away from precincts. Or
when Comelec ofcials are bribed or
browbeaten to manipulate returns.
My point is not about relaxing
vigilance, it is about relinquishing this
stubbornness not to accept defeat. It
is accepting the verdict of the people
with class and style. More than voting
machines, that to me is the hallmark of
a modernized election.
The Cinderella
This is what
it means to
have a modern
By Kevin Timothy San Agustin
THIS past week, the world watched as
the United States of America elected its
president. Four more years of President
Barack Obama. Now, the real work
Theoretically, it is only the
314,696,189 Americans who should
care about this event. After all, theyre
the ones who will have to pay taxes and
obey the laws that are passed by their
In reality, the whole world watches
because all seven billion are, in one way
or another, affected by the decisions
made by the President, and to some
extent, the Congress of the United States
of America.
While the rest of the world does not
vote, we watch closely and intently, and
hope that the so-called leader of the free
world will favor our interests.
Enter Nietzsches Ubermensch (not
to be confused with Kal-el, son of Jor-
Can one person be so benevolent
and altruistic that this person may
successfully balance the interests of
the entire world? Assuming that is so,
can this person lead his or her state/
country/ world without the state/country
or world turning? Assuming this also,
will this person even be in a position
to be the leaderwould this person
even be elected, appointed or be able to
overthrow the incumbent?
Can just one person really change the
world? And would this change be for the
And what happens after the leader
is put in place? What if after he comes
into power, he loses his benevolence and
reneges on his promises?
In the United States, presidents may
run for re-election after their rst term.
Some view this as an expensive exercise
that merely validates a formality. The
incumbent is given a very big advantage
because the re-electionist would have
the resources of the ofce at his disposal.
This however is not absolute.
In 1988, a presidential candidate
made a line famous: read my lips- no
new taxes. Subsequently, he won that
election. In 1990, he raised taxes. In
1992, he did not get re-elected.
In colloquial termsthe tribe has
spoken. Leaders can only get away with
broken promises if the citizens let them.
We make our voices heard. We
constantly communicate with our
representatives. We vote.
Frankly, I do not understand how
Philippine politics works. I do not
understand how certain personalities
have managed to get themselves elected
despite and in spite of broken promises,
crazy political stances (assuming they
even have a stance) and very colorful
Nonetheless, when toes are stepped
on, people shout.
A few months ago, the cyber-crime
bill was passed into law. Within days,
Filipinos took to social media and
made their displeasure known. Others
took to the courts and were able to get
a temporary restraining order. Bills
have also been led to amend the law.
I wonder if this would affect the result
of the elections next year. I wonder if
people would remember this in a few
So what does it take for people to
move? Will it take another dictator
before we cry foul? How about a
plunderer? What about if government
passes oppressive laws? Or what if we
disagree with the one who is currently
in position? What if an environmentalist
singer is going to hold a concert at a
stadium whose other corporation balled
trees? How about if there is an election
on the opposite end of the world?
Every year during the rst meeting
of her constitutional law class, my
professor would ask: who is the author
of the Constitution?
This exercise would usually lead to a
room of dumbfounded freshmen.
We, the sovereign Filipino people,
imploring the aid of Almighty God,
in order to build a just and humane
society, and establish a Government
that shall embody our ideals and
aspirations, promote the common good,
conserve and develop our patrimony,
and secure to ourselves and our
posterity, the blessings of independence
and democracy under the rule of law
and a regime of truth, justice, freedom,
love, equality, and peace, do ordain and
promulgate this Constitution.
The sovereign Filipino people.
Maybe with an ubermensch in place,
it is enough to react. In reality, it all
starts and ends with we, the people.
Democracy is hard work. Now, the real
work begins.
Kevin San Agustin is a fourth-year
student of the MBA-JD program of De
La Salle University and Far Eastern
Decisions are made by those who show up
By Francisco S. Tatad
Continued from page 1
In a few days, Aquino and Obama
will both be attending the East Asian
Summit and the ASEAN-U.S. Leaders
Meeting in Phnom Penh. It is not
yet known whether a pull-aside or
shoulder-rub conversation between
the two is scheduled to take place during
the meeting. But it should be useful if it
Aquino is seen to have committed his
full support to Americas pivot to Asia,
at the risk of irritating China. His recent
state visit to Australia, a major factor in
that pivot, is believed by some to have
further cemented that commitment. His
known support for Obama is also said
to have encouraged his own Filipino-
American supporters in the US to vote
for Obama.
But the fact that Obama will
be making state visits to Cambodia,
Myanmar, and Thailand, but not to the
Philippines, seems to raise some questions
about the countrys real importance in the
scheme of things. Fairly or unfairly,
some observers are asking whether or not
Aquino has anything to contribute to the
making of US policy in Southeast Asia.
Understandably, the most immediate
challenge to Obama is domestic
how to turn around the worlds largest
economy with an unemployment rate of
at least 7.9 percent, a $16-trillion debt,
and a weakened dollar which remains
the worlds primary currency. To the
unrelieved effects of the crisis was
recently added the awesome wreck of
superstorm Sandy, which caused deaths,
injuries and billions of dollars in damages
to the US on the eve of the elections.
A European statesman, speaking a
little while before the U.S. elections, said
the world had been looking forward to
the US dealing squarely with the global
nancial crisis with greater resolve, just
as Europe had been trying to confront the
euro zone crisis. With Obamas reelection,
it should be able to do this now. But
time and a number of circumstances are
not on Obamas side.
In less than two months time,
observes The Economist, unless a deal
is struck, Americans will fall off a scal
cliff that will, through a combination of
automatic tax rises and spending cuts,
subtract as much as 5% from GDP in
a year. That would be a disaster for an
economy growing at an annual rate of
barely 2%. But behind this immediate
crisis is the deeper one: America taxes
itself like a small state economy, and
spends like a big one. Add in an ageing
population, and it is going broke. Mr.
Obama will be pilloried by history is he
does nothing to x that, though the bond
markets would probably punish him well
before he left ofce.
Assured of support from a Democrats-
controlled Senate, Obama will still have
to face a Republican-controlled House of
Representatives, which may or may not
be ready to forego partisanship. This is
an opportunity for Obama to prove that
his second mandate has improved his
ability to deal with Congress. Indeed,
he has taken the rst step to reach out
across the political divide, but it remains
to be seen whether and to what extent the
Republicans will cooperate.
A case can be made for the Republicans
supporting a reelected Democratic
president. Since he can no longer run
at the end of his term, it could be the
Republicans best way of preparing for
the next presidential contest. Moreover,
given the enormity of Americas
problems, neither the Democrats nor the
Republicans can afford to see the public
interest becoming hostage to extreme
partisanship in Congress.
The worlds largest economy has to
bounce back, as quickly as possible,
in order to restore global condence
and spur inclusive growth. But beyond
rebuilding the nancial and economic
system, the more enduring challenge to
the US is how to mitigate its decline as a
world power or prevent it from becoming
irreversible and permanent. That requires
utmost bipartisanship.
So how the second Obama
administration will redene Americas
position in the changing world is
what provokes the greatest possible
interest. From Europe to Australasia,
the political narrative is that the shift of
power from the West to the Eastsoft
rather than hard power, though it may
beis unstoppable; therefore, Americas
decline, which is seen as a consequence
and part of that shift, is also unstoppable.
More to the point, the rise of the rest has
likewise become unstoppable, and they
are demanding their own rightful places
as regional if not global actors.
Chinas announced intention of
becoming a maritime power, more than
its phenomenal economic growth, is as
much a formidable part of that rise as
much as Irans determination to pursue
its own nuclear development program
even without nuclear weaponsdespite
the vehement objections of other
countries like the United States and
Israel, which are also trying to assert their
own power.
This is not to say that China or any
other country is about to attain the level
of Americas economic or military
power. Even known critics of American
power concede that America is not
about to be replaced or succeeded as the
worlds preeminent power. In a recent
speech (Who Owns the World?),
given at the University of Massachusetts
in Amherst, the world-renowned
political dissident, linguist, author and
MIT professor Noam Chomsky suggests
that despite their recent phenomenal
economic growth rates, China and India
remain very poor countries, at the lower
rungs of the United Nations human
development index.
For all its military and political
ambitions, Chomsky sees China as a
great manufacturing center but mostly as
an assembly plant, which assembles parts
and components and high technology
from the more advanced industrial
centersJapan, Taiwan, South Korea,
Singapore, the United States, Europe.
Each product is made in China, but the
parts and components and technology all
come from outside.
But Americas decline is real,
Chomsky points out, and has been going
on long before China and India began to
post dramatic growth rates. Chomsky
recalls that in 1945 when America
took over from the British Empire,
it was so organized to control half the
worlds wealth. A grand area was then
sketched to include the entire Western
Hemisphere, the entire Far East, the
former British Empire, much of Eurasia,
and the commercial and industrial centers
in Western Europe.
Within that vast territory the US held
unquestioned military and economic
supremacy, restraining the exercise of
sovereignty by other states.
But in 1949, China became an
independent communist state, and was
lost. This was followed by so many
other similar lossesincluding the
ousting of dictators previously supported
by America in Asia, Latin America, the
Caribbean, and Africa and the Middle
East. In South America alone, in the last
ten years, the US has been driven out
of every single military base, Chomsky
points out.
For its part, the Philippines closed
down in 1991 the biggest air force and
naval bases in this part of the world,
which used to service the 13
Air Force
and the U.S. Seventh Fleet. A Mutual
Defense Pact between the Philippines
and the US, supported by a Visiting
Forces Agreement, continues to allow
temporary US troop visits. But this has
failed to resurrect the aura of American
military protection over the entire
Philippine archipelago, which used to be
completely free from intrusion from any
foreign vessel or aircraft.
How to restore the inviolability of
territorial waters and air space belonging
to a staunch US ally and to submit any
territorial dispute between such ally
and any other power to a peaceful
settlement is something the next Obama
administration, together with the
Philippine government and its Asean
allies, will seriously have to work on.
For although the next war, if there is to
be one, may not necessarily start here, the
inability to prevent maritime incidents in
an area within the US protective umbrella
could give denitive proof of Americas
But Obama could aim higher still
during his second term by trying to
regain the moral leadership the US had
lost to practical atheism, materialism
and hedonism. At the height of the Cold
War, people had a clear idea of what it
meant to be part of the free world and
to be part of the communist bloc. After
the collapse of the Soviet empire, there
was every effort to replicate in the West
the very practices that made the Soviet
Union the personication of evil.
This reached a high point when
following his rst inaugural, Obama made
US funding support for abortion around
the world his rst ofcial proclamation.
In interpreting his second mandate,
it is hoped Obama will see that he
won because he was a far better and
more resourceful campaigner than his
rival, and not because Mitt Romney
spoke passionately againstwhile he
spoke even more passionately in favor
ofabortion, same-sex marriage and
His global leadership will ultimately
be tested not by how closely he follows
the gay and lesbian crowd but how he will
teach himself and the American people to
go back if possible to the founding values
of the American nation which, according
to Tocqueville, saw religion as its rst
political institution.
The real challenge of the millennium
is not for the strong to retain power, but
rather for governments, individuals and
nations to have an unobstructed view of
the distinction between good and evil,
between right and wrong.
What Obamas win means for PH
Ms. Jimenos column will resume
From A4
Former Comelec Chairman Christian Monsod who also
served as a member of the Constitutional Commission
which drafted the 1987 Constitution stressed that there
was no clause in the Constitution that limits representation
in party-list groups only to poor individuals.
Monsod said AKB had already raised good and valid
arguments before the SC to contest the grounds used by
Comelec to cancel its accreditation.
Tomorrows deliberation of the SC on the appeal of
AKB to overturn its disqualication would be crucial not
only to AKB but to other disqualied party-list groups as
It is perfectly understandable for AKB and other dis-
qualied party-list groups to inveigh against the Come-
lecs decision against them. They should however also be
thankful that Comelec came out with its decision this early
which gave them time to make their appeals to the Su-
preme Court.
I will repeat a suggestion I made on
this corner not too long ago when I wrote
shortly after Marc Andres death. Fraterni-
ties enjoy some kind of prestige partly
because persons in high places associate
themselves with them, and adorn their
membership rosters with their names. Let
us vindicate Marvin and Marc Andreand
hundreds of other victimsby treating fra-
ternities and sororities that practice violent
and dehumanizing rituals as we would a
colony of lepers, or a band of hooligans,
which in fact they are. Once shunned and
ostracized, looked down upon by the truly
intelligent, scorned and scoffed by the wise-
ly discerning, there will be little incentive to
seek out membership in their lthy ranks!
From A4
The lions roar
ManilaStandardToday NOVEMBER 12, 2012 MONDAY
City to retake Gotesco mall

Filipino invention to help Mongolians breathe free
aids folk
in Navotas,
Walled City eyed as artist haven
Education infrastructure. Paraaque Mayor Florencio Bernabe Jr. visits the newly-constructed public high school building in
Barangay Sto. Nio in his administrations infrastructure program that includes a high school and an elementary school building
in Brgy. Sun Valley, a public high school in Brgy. Moonwalk, the Paraaque Science High School building in Brgy. Sto. Nio and
the PUP-Paraaque Campus Building beside it.
Mortal sin. Ilokano tobacco farmers hold a rally at the Senate
grounds to oppose the substitute bill of Senator Franklin Drilon to
increase the excise tax on low-priced cigarettes. MANNY PALMERO
Villages get potable water
BAMBANG--Nueva Vizcaya Governor
Luisa Lloren Cuaresma wants residents
in Gawad Kalinga villages in the
province to have a safe water supply.
The water system will improve the
health and welfare of about 300 house-
holds in the GK communities, she said.
Wilfred Delizo, executive assistant
on housing, said the capitol has allo-
cated at lerat P500,000 for deep well in
seven sites.
This project will be carried out in
partnership with the GK movement to
start by early 2013, he said.
He said the beneciaries included
Lumabanag-Queensland Australia GK
village in Barangay Bascaran in So-
lano town, Timpuyog Heros Run 5
GK village in Namamparan in Diadi,
Ibangbang-Ancop Canada GK village
in Aliaga in Bambang, Ari-Tau-Las Ve-
gas Realtors GK village in Banganan in
Completing the list are TV 5 GK vil-
lage in Oyao in Dupax del Norte, GG
Tagnawaan GK village in Manggayang
in Dupax del Sur and KL-Binnulig
SFC Illinois GK village in Malasin in
Dupax del Norte. Jessica M. Bacud
Building for the impaired
THE local government of Mandaluyong
is putting up a building for tertiary
education to accept hearing and speech-
impaired students.
Mandaluyong Mayor Benhur Abalos
has been known for hiring persons with
disabilities to join the local government,
recognizing their talents and dedication
to inspire public service as well.
He found that impauired students had
only four schools capable of attending
to their needsManule L. Quezon Uni-
versity, Wesleyan College, De La Salle-
College of Saint Benilde and Philippine
Normal University.
These schools are far from Man-
daluyong and require the parents to
shell out a lot of money because most of
the institutions are high-paying, which
means hearing-impaired graduates from
poor families will not be able to afford
to go to college, Abalos said, timing his
announcement during the observance of
Deafness Awareness Week.
Abalos also ordered sign language
lessons taught to front desk staff and po-
lice ofcers for better service.
Gigi Muoz David
MONGOLIA, one of the worlds
top 10 countries with the worst
air quality, is adopting Filipino
technology to help improve the
health of people in its urban cen-
Eco-G NanoTechnology
(Philippines) and Erdene & Go-
chioco LLC Company (Mon-
golia) signed an memorandum
of agreement to avert the life-
threatening conditions due to
fuel emmisions.
Representing the Mongo-
lian rm are Lawrence Go-
chioco, executive director, and
Erdenechimeg Yadamdorj, gen-
eral manager, who signed the
agreement with their counter-
parts Eco-G president Alexander
Cayaba and chief nance ofcer
Celestino Palma III.
Mongolia needs to employ
innovative technologies devel-
oped by other countries. The
Eco-G3000 is a novel low-cost
and low-maintenance device that
addresses our challenges in gas
saving and cutting auto emissions
signicantly, Yadamdorj said.
Field tests conducted during my
visit in Metro Manila convinced
me that the system works.
Mongolia is largely depen-
dent on imported oil and gaso-
line products for all its domestic
energy requirements. The capital
city, Ulaanbaatar, suffers from
severe air pollution coming from
the ger district and auto emis-
The Mongolian government
is ready to fully support such a
technology, said Yadamdorj.
According to Cayaba, Eco-
G3000 consists of a fuel vapor-
izer, an auxiliary tank, and a
The fuel mixture is vaporized,
heated and fed into the vehicles
intake manifold which results
in improved fuel efciency and
the signicant reduction of toxic
emissions such as carbon mon-
oxide, carbon dioxide, and nitro-
gen oxide.
Test results from Land
Transportation Ofce-accredited
testing centers have shown that
Eco-G3000 can reduce toxic
emissions up to 80 percent, said
Cayaba. The system has been in-
stalled in tricycles, motorcycles,
cars, truck, and buses in Metro
Miners hold safety conference
BANCO de Oro Foundation
is donating P400,000 for a
60-square meter multi- pur-
pose hall at a relocation site
for ood victims built by
Habitat for Humanity follow-
ing typhoon Ondoy.
The memorandum of
agreement was signed at the
BDO Corporate Center in
Makati City by Habitat for
Humanity Foundation of the
Philippines president Charli-
to Ayco and BDO Foundation
president Maureen Abelardo
joined by BDO vice chair-
man and Foundation trustee
Corazon de la Paz-Bernardo,
Jesus Tirona, BDO board ad-
viser, and Foundation trustee
Yvonne Lih, also chief -
nance ofcer of Habitat.
The hall is designed to
serve beneciaries at the set-
tlement in Barangay Tanza,
It is called the BDO Vol-
unteers MPH because the
P400,000 came from dona-
tions of employees, Abe-
lardo said.
BDO Foundation was
among those that responded
to the invitation last Novem-
ber of shipping heiress Doris
Magsaysay-Ho, who asked her
friends, relatives and heads of
local and foreign conglomer-
ates close to her not to give
her gifts on her 60th birthday
but help raise funds for the
construction of houses for the
poor in the Habitat for Human-
ity project sites.
|She aimed to raise funds
for 60 houses at P100,000
each but with P16 million and
some donations for a school
and day care center, Ho said
she would be able to build
more than 100 houses as she
was able to raise on her birth-
day alone some P16 million,
including actual projects like
the BDO MPH.
The MPH is the sec-
ond volunteer project of the
3-year old BDO Foundation
following the MPH in San
Jose del Monte in Bulacan
for the homeless people of
Makati after Ondoy in col-
laboration with the Gawad
Kalinga Foundation.
The Foundation is also
scounting for sites for ood
victims in Cagayan de Oro
and Iligan in Mindanao.
By Rey E. Requejo

THE Court of Appeals has
paved the way for the Caloocan
City government to repossess
a mall belonging to Gotesco
Investments Inc.
In a decision, the CAs Eighth Division through
Associate Justice Agnes Reyes-Carpio dismissed the
petition led by Gotesco, seeking to annul the orders
of Caloocan City Regional Trial Court, Branch 126
dated Feb. 18, March 3, and March 6, all in 2009,
which granted the ex-parte petition for the issuance
of writ of possession led by the local government.
A writ of possession is a document issued after
the landlord wins an unlawful detainer suit, in-
dicating a time for the tenant to leave before a
sheriff enforces eviction.
The CA ruled that petitioner Gotesco erred in l-
ing a case for the nullication of the writ of pos-
session, instead of an ordinary appeal, which should
have been made within 15 days from notice of judg-
ment or the nal order being appealed.
Associate Justices Rosalinda Asuncion-Vicente and
Priscilla Baltazar-Padilla concurred with the ruling.
Gotesco, owned by the family of businessman
Jose Go, operates a chain of malls called Ever
Gotesco. It acquired the 22,685-square meter prop-
erty in Caloocan in 1990 for P182-million.
Record showed that on June 14, 1983, Gotesco and
the city government, represented by then Mayor Ma-
cario Asistio, entered into a 25-year lease covered by
TCT 54327on a lot along Rizal Avenue Extension.
Gotesco was allowed to build a commercial struc-
ture, named Ever Gotesco Grand Central Mall.
In 1990, the city council of Caloocan enacted Or-
dinance, authorizing the mayor to sell the property.
Asistio and Gotesco then executed a Deed of
Sale, dated Sept. 6, 1990, conveying the property
for P136,114,800. Under its review of the fair mar-
ket value, the Commission on Audit recommended
a sale price of P182,085,078.30, which Gotesco
agreed to pay.
But Asistios successor, Reynaldo Malonzo re-
fused to payment even as he recognized the validity
of the Deed of Absolute Sale, prompting Gotesco
to sue for consignation, which resulted in the can-
cellation of TCT 54327 in the name of the city of
Caloocan, and the issuance of TCT 326321 in the
name of Gotesco.
The agreed on Sept. 19, 2008 over a P30-million
downpayment through a managers check in the name
of the city treasurer of Caloocan and the balance was
to be paid in 36 equal monthly installments covered by
post-dated checks payable to the city treasurer.
On Nov. 18, 2008, the city legal ofcer termi-
nated services of the mall security agency because
the property has been sold in a public auction for
failure of Gotesco pay taxes, and that the one-year
redemption had expired, vesting ownership on the
city government.
Gotesco sued for damages in December 2008 the
city hall and its Register of Deeds before the Ma-
nila RTC which granted a temporary relief order
and barred the city government rom taking over and
foreclosing the property. A writ of preliminary in-
junction was issued by the RTC in December 2008.
Water power. The Department of Agriculture and National Irrigation Administration has signed a
memorandum of agreement with the Department of Energy and the Philippine National Oil Corp., on
mini-hydropowerplants on irrigation canals in Region III tto generate four megawatts of electricity to
benet around 500,000 households. The signing was led by (from right) Agriculture Undersecretary
Emerson Palad, Agriculture Secretary Proceso Alcala, NIA chief Antonio Nangel, Energy Secretary Carlos
Jereca, PNOC chief executive ofcer Roger Buendia and PNOC-RC director Maria Sta. Rita.
By Dexter A. See
pine Mine Safety and Environ-
ment Association is hosting
its 59th Annual National Mine
Safety and Environment Confer-
ence here from Nov. 13 to 16.
The conduct of the 2012
ANMSEC is a very timely event
as the Philippine minerals indus-
try is confronted with various
challenges, PMSEA President
Louie Sarmiento said..
As the best practices of its
members in the elds of occu-
pational safety and health, sound
environmental management and
social responsibility will be duly
recognized, PMSEA rms up
its commitment to responsible
mining and sustainable develop-
He said Pusong Minero would
remain the in the frontline and
ready to respond to any emer-
gency underscoring this years
theme on Responsible Mining:
Our AdvocacyOur Commit-
Tomorrows kickoff will be
led by PMSEA member Monark
Equipment at Twin Peaks in
Tuba to mark its silver jubilee,
aiming to plant 25,000 Kalinga
Orange trees.
The association will open its
1,000 square meter showcase of
endemic plants and trees at the
Botanical Garden which it ad-
opted in an agreement with the
city government in 2010.
Also lined up are sports
events, exhibits, safety demon-
strations, parade, conference
proper culminating in a testimo-
nial dinner.
While the tradition of the
minerals sector dates from dates
from 1938, November was de-
clared Mine Safety and Acci-
dent Prevention Month on Nov.
16, 1967 by Presidential Procla-
mation 115-A.
THE Intramuros Aministration wants the Walled
City to be a artist haven with its rich history
continuing to attract local and foreign visitors.
Intramuros was devastated when the Americans
bombarded the Japanese holed in the Spanish for-
tress during the liberation of Manila as World War
II drew to a close.
IA chief Jose Capistrano Jr. said the restoration
took care to follow the architectural style of the era
during the colonial times.
So thats what we are doing here, said Capist-
rano, noting the role of the National Commission
for Culture and the Arts in recapturing the glory of
the heritage site.
He said the the 1st Intramuros Arts Festival
will be held from November 16 to 18 at the Mae-
stranza Park along the Pasig River, on a stretch of
the wall rebuilt through Japanese government as-
sistance in a program started by then Tourism Sec-
retary Richard Gordon.
Capistrano urged the public, particularly art-
ists, hobbyists, painting collectors and visual arts
students from various colleges and universities to
come and take part in the cultural event.
The festival is a joint project with the Intra-
muros Visual Artists of the Philippines, which has
staging monthly exhibits at the Intramuros Visi-
tors Center in Fort Santiago.
At least 150 artists from all over the country
are expected to join a gliterring company led by
Paeng Pacheco, Al Perez, Badz Magsumbol, and
Pancho Piano.
Apart from the exhibits, Capistrano said an art
tiangge would have collections of prominent art-
ists on sale starting at P10,000.
Other activities include painting workshops and
seminars for students; parade of Angono, Rizals
Higantes, and performances from dance and
choral groups hailing from different schools inside
Intramuros, such as the Letran College, Mapua
Institute of the Philippines, Lyceum of the Phil-
ippines University, Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng
Maynila, and Manila High School.
Macon Ramos-Araneta
A7 Sports Riera U. Mallari, Editor
A second look at the
Younghusbands bros
Mioza joins
Cangolf hunt
Echauz, Balatibats
dominate triathlon
Bakers take on Rising Suns
GenSan, Davao jins win
RAISE a glass to the Younghus-
band brothers, Phil and James.
You may not know it yet, but Phil
and James have re-established
themselves on solid ground after
having left the Azkals on what
many said were imsy reasons.
Turns out they left, albeit
temporarily, on rm ground.
But to me, whatever rift caused
by their departure from the Azkals
is all water under the bridge now.
Bottom line is, they did what they
had to do: Fulll a commitment
that, unfortunately, conicted with
their commitments to the Azkals.
Whats done is done.
Que sera, sera.
Let bygones be bygones.
The thing to do is, we move
on, that we know when to move
on. Because moving on means
not dwelling on the past. For
the Younghusbandsand for us,
toothe past is gone. Time took
it away. Forever.
The present is here for us to
touch, to embrace, to lean on so
that we could move forward.
Listen to Obama: Lets go
forward to achieve the American
By all means, forward.
On Thursday (Nov. 15), the
Younghusbands and the Azkals
will play the Singapore Lions
in Cebu before leaving for the
Suzuki Cup on Nov. 19to 20 in
Bangkok. We battle Singapore
again for Round 2 of the Suzuki
Cup, with the Azkals gunning for
a second win after defeating Sin-
gapore, 2-0, last month.
Needless to say, with the
Younghusbands back in harness
and all set anew to team up with
the likes of Chieffy Caligdong,
Fil-Europeans Angel Guirado
and Denis Wolf, among other
Azkal stars, the Azkals are now a
force to reckon with in the 2012
Suzuki Cup set to start Nov. 24
in Bangkok. Even Dan Palami,
the Azkals manager, has admit-
ted to the Azkals new-found
classy stature.
From a mere underdog in the
past, we are now the dark horse
in the Suzuki Cup, said Palami.
One thing going for the Azkals
is, the Younghusband brothers are
fresh from spearheading a win
of their mother team, Meralco
Sparks, in the recent United Foot-
ball League Cup.
This came on the heels of the
victory of the Loyola Meralco
youth team, which the Young-
husband brothers are coaching,
in the boys under-12 crown of
the recent Kia Cup. The win was
a robust breakthrough as the team
was formed only this year by Phil
and James.
Do you know that even before
the Azkals were born, Phil and
James have been in the country
already, helping create awareness
and build the foundations of a re-
newed interest in the game?
In 2009 alone, the brothers put
up the Younghusband Football
Academy before rejoining the
Philippine national team in 2010.
Their hard work and dedication
in training the kids are paying off
as proven in the Meralco kids tri-
umph in the Kia Cup.
We want to help develop foot-
ball through these kids. Were
looking at taking them abroad and
bringing in foreign teams to help
out, James said. We have schol-
arships for kids who cant afford
to play the sport.
As part of their program, the
brothers said they regularly team
up with local governments to
reach out to Physical Education
teachers and teach them football
Weve been to Palawan, La
Union and Tarlac, Phil said.
As the heart and soul of the
Loyola Meralco Sparks, the Youn-
ghusbands sparked early this year
the Sparks to the seminals of the
recent Singapore Cup, the only
foreign team that made it to the
penultimate round.
For a local club to reach that
far in an international tournament,
it shows how much football has
developed in the country, said
Randy Roxas, the United Football
League president and Sparks vice
Again, heres a glass to the
* * *
ALL IN. I nd it a bit weird
that Comelect ofcials Konkoy
Chavez, Ricky Palou and Oca
Villegas are serious in disquali-
fying Go Teng Kok a.k.a. GTK
as a presidential candidate in the
Philippine Olympic Committee
election on Nov. 30 merely on
the basis of GTK being declared
persona non grata by the POC a
while back. Nowhere in the POC
Constitution that one can nd
persona non grata as a ground
for disqualication in any POC
election. And wasnt GTK de-
clared persona non grata without
the benet of due process? Even
Adam and Eve got due process
before God banished them from
the Garden of Eden.
FIFTEEN-year old Magali
Echauz reasserted her dominance
in her age group, even as siblings
Emilaine, Jayline and Ann Maris
Balatibat won three medals at the
close yesterday of the 3-leg Tri
United Series at the Narra Park
inside the posh Ayala Alabang
Village in Muntinlupa City.
Competing in the 13-15 year old
in the sprint distance (300m swim,
7.6k bike ad 1.7k run), Echauz, a
member of the Unilab Tri-Team
and has won almost all the triathlon
events she competed in this year,
led the race from start to nish for
an impressive 30 minutes-and-one-
second clocking.
I lost track of how many tourna-
ments Ive competed and won but
this is one of the best performances
I had this year, said Echauz, who
easily defeated Isabella Kapunan
(34:36) and Hannah Angelika De
Guzman (36:49).
Not to be left behind in the event
organized by BIKEKING, led by
Raul Cuevas in cooperation with
Triathlon Association of the Phil-
ippines and Ayala Alabang Village
Association, were the Balatibat sis-
ters who are making a comeback in
this endurance sport.
They saw action in the sprint
distance (900m swim, 30k bike
and 7k run), with 22-year-old
Emilaine and 28-year-old Jayline
topping the female 18-14 and 25-
29 age groups, with 2:10:01 and
2:14:07, respectively.
Their eldest sister, 32-year-old
Ann Maris took the silver medal
in the 30-34 age class with 2:13
at time.
Were been competing in tria-
thlon for the past years, but we
decided to take a break last year
to concentrate on other things.
Were all proud and happy with
our performance since our sac-
rices in our training paid off,
said Jayline, who also competed
in Tri United 1 and 2 and won the
gold and silver medals respective.
No less than sponsoring Unilab
Active Health executives Clinton
Hess, Alex Panlilio and Lester
Castillo witnessed the race that
drew 520 triathletes that were
agged off in 18 waves making
this event the biggest one-day
race held in 2012.
FRANKIE Minoza and Jay Bayron,
fresh from victories in various fronts,
have conrmed participation in the In-
ternational Container Terminal Services
Inc. Canlubang Golf Invitational begin-
ning Wednesday (Nov. 14), guaranteeing
a shootout for top honors at Cangolfs
north course in Canlubang, Laguna.
Minoza ashed vintage form to pull off
a thrilling victory in Japan Seniors Open
last month, ending a year-long victory
drought and sparking hopes of another
surge by the two-time Philippine Open
The win also primed up the veteran ace
shotmaker for a repeat title bid at ICTSI-
Philippine Golf Tours closing leg at
Wack Wack next month which he ruled in
stirring fashion last year.
Minoza came from seven strokes
down in the nal round to capture the
ICTSI Wack Wack crown but went on
a winless campaign this year, including
a series of mediocre nishes in the US
Seniors Tour.
Gen. Santos City, which also
starred with seven golds in ath-
letics, went in full force in taek-
wondo held at the New Govern-
ment Lobby with six gold medals,
a performance barely rivaled by
closest competitor Davao del
Norte which collected three.
Things went as expected in
boxing at the Jose Rizal Memo-
COACH Egay Macaraya may not
be too pleased that Caf France
had earned its rst W off the
basketball court.
But he would surely be proud
of his troops if they could redeem
themselves and crash into the
leaders circle in the Philippine
Basketball Association D-League
Aspirants Cup.
On record, the Bakers lost their
opening game, 82-88, against new-
comer Fruitas last Oct. 25, but was
awarded the victory a day later
after PBA Commissioner Chito
Salud ruled to forfeit the result of
the match because the Shakers
elded an ineligible player.
Macaraya claimed the loss
was a wake-up call and consid-
ered the commissioners decision
a timely boost to his teams con-
The Bakers return to the court
this afternoon to play the Cagay-
an Valley Rising Suns, a team just
as red-up to bounce back in their
scheduled 4 p.m. encounter at the
Arellano University Gym in Le-
garada, Manila. Erase Xfoliant
takes on newcomer Informatics
in the rst game at 2 p.m.
Bone scan. Former Philippine Basketball Association star Vince Hizon gets a free bone scan during
the Anlene bone health check dubbed Partners for Life, Now and Forever held as part of the World
Osteoporosis Day celebrations at Makati Shangri-La Hotel recently. Hizon and wife sportscaster
Patricia Bermudez have stressed the importance of having regular exercise, a healthy lifestyle, and a
balanced diet complemented by Anlene.
DAPITAN CITYGen. Santos City and
Davao del Norte lorded it over in taekwon-
do, while Panabo City and Misamis Orien-
tal held sway in boxing to underscore this
regions toughness in combat sports Sun-
day at the close of the Philippine Olympic
Committee-Philippine Sports Commission
Batang Pinoy 2012 Mindanao leg here.
rial State University Sports Com-
plex gym as favorites Panabo City
and Misamis Oriental took ve
and three victories, respectively,
which practically provided a
glimpse of how the region would
perform in the national nals.
And while the four local gov-
ernment units carved a niche in
contact sports, Davao City and
Zamboanga City stamped their
class over the opposition as they
ashed brilliance in most of the 11
sports played. All except for pen-
cak silat served as qualifying legs
as the gold and silver winners got
tickets to the Dec. 5 to 9 National
Finals in Iloilo City.
Zamboanga City totalled 42
golds, 27 silvers and 25 bronzes,
counting the two golden wins it
posted in pencak silat, which served
as national championships already.
It scored heavily in karatedo with
14 golds medals, swimming with
13 and athletics with seven.
Davao City also made an im-
pressive showing with 40 gold
medals, 27 silvers and 14 bronz-
es, including smashing victories
in swimming, where it got 15
gold medals, ve of which came
from 15-year-old Dara Clariza
Republic of the Philippines
San Miguel Avenue, Pasig City
FEBRUARY 27, 2012
ERC CASE NO. 2012-105 RC
x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x
Notice is hereby given that on September 26, 2012, the National Transmission
Corporation (TRANSCO) and Cagayan Electric Power and Light Company, Incorporated
(CEPALCO) fled a joint application for approval of the sale of various subtransmission
lines/assets of TRANSCO to CEPALCO, as covered by an amended contract to sell
dated February 27, 2012.
In the said joint application, TRANSCO and CEPALCO alleged, among others, that:
1. TRANSCO is a government-owned and controlled corporation (GOCC)
created and existing by virtue of Republic Act No. 9136,otherwise known as
the Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001 or the EPIRA, with principal
offce address at the TRANSCO Main Building, Quezon Avenue corner BIR
Road, Diliman, Quezon City.
2. CEPALCO is a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue
of Philippines laws, with principal offce address at 44 Don Toribio Chaves
St., Cagayan de Oro City. It is franchised to construct, operate and maintain
an electric distribution network within the City of Cagayan de Oro and the
Municipalities of Tagoloan, Villanueva and Jasaan, all in the Province of
Misamis Oriental.
3. By virtue of Section 8 of the EPIRA, TRANSCO assumed the electrical
transmission functions of the National Power Corporation (NPC) and it was
authorized and made to assume the responsibility of NPC for the planning,
construction and centralized operation and maintenance of high voltage
transmission facilities, including grid interconnections and ancillary services.
4. Section 8 of the EPIRA and Rule 6, Section 8 (e) of its Implementing Rules
and Regulations (IRR) also mandate the segregation of the transmission
and subtransmission functions and assets for transparency and disposal,
and authorize TRANSCO to negotiate, and to transfer such subtransmission
assetsand facilities to qualifed distribution utilities (DUs).
5. Pursuant thereto, the Commission promulgated the Guidelines on the Sale and
Transfer of the TRANSCOs Subtransmission Assets and the Franchising of
Qualifed Consortiums (ERC Guidelines) dated October 17, 2003, as amended
by Resolution No. 3, Series of 2005 dated March 17, 2005 which set forth
among others, the standards to distinguish TRANSCOs transmission assets
from its subtransmission assets and establish the approval process prior to
the fnal sale and transfer of subtransmission assets to DUs.
6. Consistent with the ERC Guidelines, TRANSCO adopted its own Guidelines
on the Sale of Subtransmission Assets (TRANSCO Guidelines), as approved
by TRANSCO Board Resolution No. TC-2003-067 dated November 28, 2003,
as further amended by TRANSCO Board Resolution No.TC-2004-009 dated
March 16, 2004.
7. On July 16, 2011, the Commission issued Resolution No. 15, Series of 2011,
entitled: A Resolution Adopting the Amended Rules for the Approval of the
Sale and Transfer of TRANSCOs Subtransmission Assets and the Acquisition
by Qualifed Consortiums.
8. In accordance with the aforesaid ERC Guidelines, TRANSCO has evaluated
that the following assets meet the criteria for subtransmission assets:
8.1 Opol (Iponan) Carmen (portion of Lugait-Carmen 69 kV Line); and
8.2 Carmen S/S 10 MVA Power Transformer.
9. Moreover, TRANSCO established that CEPALCO possesses the technical and
fnancial qualifcations to purchase, operate, maintain, upgrade and expand
the subject subtransmission assets.
10. On December 28, 2010, CEPALCO and Misamis Oriental I Electric Service
Cooperative, Incorporated (MORESCO I) entered into a Compromise
Agreement under ERC Case No. 2006-031 MC, the relevant provisions of
which read, as follows:
2. That by way of amicable settlement, the Parties have
agreed as follows:
2.1 Subtransmission assets that are located from Lugait to
Opol, Misamis Oriental shall be purchased exclusively by
Moresco I, while those that are located in Cagayan de Oro
City, particularly from Iponan up to Carmen, Cagayan de Oro
City shall be purchased exclusively by CEPALCO;
2.2 Parties agree to separately negotiate with TRANSCO for the
purchase of the subtransmission assets.
11. On November 9, 2011, CEPALCOs Board of Directors issued a Board
Resolution authorizing it to acquire from TRANSCO the subject subtransmission
assets and designating their respective authorized representatives to the sale
12. On December 16, 2011, CEPALCO and MORESCO I executed a Supplement
to the Compromise Agreement which established their clear intent on the
Solo acquisition of the Lugait S/S breakers (Switchbay 53LU4, 54LU4, 55LU4
and 56LU4) by MORESCO I and the Solo acquisition of the 10 MVA Carmen
Substation Transformer and associated equipment by CEPALCO.
13. On December 19, 2011, TRANSCO and CEPALCO concluded a Contract to
Sell covering the Iponan-Carmen 69 kV Line in the amount of Eight Million
Nine Hundred Thirty-Four Thousand Nine Hundred Forty-One Pesos
and Twenty-Three Centavos (PhP8,934,941.23), net of adjustments and
14. Subsequently, CEPALCO requested for the inclusion in the sale, of the Carmen
S/S Transformer amounting to Twenty-Two Million Two Hundred Fifty-Six
Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty Pesos (PhP22,256,720.00).
15. Thus, TRANSCO and CEPALCO entered into an Amended Contract to Sell
dated February 27, 2012 which covers both the Iponan-Carmen 69 kV Line
(PhP8,934,941.23)and the Carmen S/S Transformer(PhP22,256,720.00),
thereby increasing the purchase price to Thirty-One Million One Hundred
Ninety-One Thousand Six Hundred Sixty-One Pesos and Twenty-Three
Centavos (PhP31,191,661.23).
16. The subject subtransmission assets are valued in reference to the Sinclair
Knight Merz (SKM) valuation pursuant to ERC Resolution No. 1, Series of
2009, as amended.
17. Further, TRANSCO and CEPALCO submit the following documents as part of
the requirements provided in the ERC Guidelines:
17.1 Third Party Appraisal Report;
17.2 List of Connected DUs, Electric Cooperatives (ECs) and Directly Connected
Entities; and
17.3 Draft Deed of Sale.
18. Furthermore, they attached the following documents in support of the joint
18.1 TRANSCO Board Resolution Nos. TC-2003-067 dated November 28,
2003 and TC-2004-009 dated March 16, 2004;
18.2 Report that the assets for sale meet the criteria for subtransmission
assets, list of subtransmission assets for sale to CEPALCO and single
line diagram;
18.3 Technical and financial qualification evaluations conducted by
TRANSCO as well as the description of the franchise area being served
by the subject assets;
18.4 CEPALCOs Audited Financial Statements (AFS) as of December 31,
2009 and December 31, 2010;
18.5 Compromise Agreement dated December 28, 210 executed by and
between CEPALCO and MORESCO I under ERC Case No. 2006-031
18.6 CEPALCOs Secretarys Certifcate dated December 16, 2011;
18.7 Supplement to the Compromise Agreement dated December 16, 2011
executed by and between CEPALCO and MORESCO I;
18.8 Contract to Sell dated December 19, 2011;
18.9 Amended Contract to Sell dated February 27, 2012; and
18.10 Excerpt from the report of SKM for the third regulatory period as regards
the valuation of the subject subtransmission assets.
19. The proposed sale has satisfed all of the requirements and criteria set by the
EPIRA and its IRR as well as the ERC and TRANSCO Guidelines on the sale
of subtransmission assets.
20. The Commissions approval of the joint application shall pave the way for the
attainment of a reformed electricity industry under the EPIRA which would
ultimately best serve the interest of the consuming public.
21. Thus, they pray that the instant joint application for approval of the sale of
TRANSCOs Iponan-Carmen 69 kV Lineand Carmen S/S Transformer in
favorof CEPALCO under the terms provided in the Amended Contract to Sell
dated February 27, 2012, be approved.
The Commission has set the application for initial hearing, expository presentation,
pre-trial conference and evidentiary hearing onNovember 22, 2012 (Thursday) at nine
oclock in the morning (9:00 A.M.) at the Dynasty Hotel and Restaurant, Dining One
Function Room, Tiano corner Hayes Sts., Cagayan De Oro City.
All persons who have an interest in the subject matter of the proceeding may
become a party by fling, at least fve (5) days prior to the initial hearing and subject to
the requirements in the ERCs Rules of Practice and Procedure, a verifed petition with
the Commission giving the docket number and title of the proceeding and stating: (1)
the petitioners name and address; (2) the nature of petitioners interest in the subject
matter of the proceeding, and the way and manner in which such interest is affected by
the issues involved in the proceeding; and (3) a statement of the relief desired.
All other persons who may want their views known to the Commission with
respect to the subject matter of the proceeding may fle their opposition to the application
or comment thereon at any stage of the proceeding before the applicants conclude the
presentation of their evidence. No particular form of opposition or comment is required,
but the document, letter or writing should contain the name and address of such person
and a concise statement of the opposition or comment and the grounds relied upon.
All such persons who may wish to have a copy of the application may request
the applicants, prior to the date of the initial hearing, that they be furnished with a copy
of the application. The applicants are hereby directed to furnish all those making such
request with copies of the application and its attachments, subject to reimbursement of
reasonable photocopying costs. Likewise, any such person may examine the application
and other pertinent records fled with the Commission during the usual offce hours.
WITNESS, the Honorable Chairperson, ZENAIDA G. CRUZ-DUCUT, and the
Honorable Commissioners,JOSE C. REYES, and GLORIA VICTORIA C. YAP-TARUC,
Energy Regulatory Commission, this 22
day of October, 2012 at Pasig City.
Executive Director III
(MST-Nov. 5 & 12, 2012)
Manila Standard TODAY
Riera U. Mallari, Editor
6/49 000000
3 DIGITS 000
2 EZ2 00
poco and AJ Lim emerged champions
over the weekend in the Summit Plan-
ners Singapore ITF Junior Tennis Cham-
pionships at the Kallang Tennis Center
in Singapore. Playing with heart and de-
termination, the second-seeded Tanpoco
needed three sets to repulse Indonesian
foe Efriliya Herlina, 2-6, 6-4, 6-4, in the
girls singles nals. Peter Atencio
Pacquiao gets a 10
ROSARIOBrian Bautista hung
tough in a tightly contested dash
to the nish line in the nal lap
to emerge the pioneer champion
of the 1st TRS Retro Touring Car
Philippines recently at the Batan-
gas Racing Circuit here.
The 1st Retro Touring Car
Philippines gave the huge crowd
a feeling of being time-warped
back to the 1960s, 70s and 80s,
watching 29 classic cars like
Mini-Coopers, Volkswagen Bee-
tles, Toyota Starlets, Ford Escorts
and other old school cars on the
grid vying for the titles at stake in
the fun-lled but equally thrilling
side event of TRS Raceday.
The event was backed by Cas-
trol, Bridgestone, Standard Insur-
ance, Coke Zero, OMP, Automo-
bile Association of the Philippines,
Ford Alabang, Emotions, Speed-
lab, Aguila Auto Glass, Life-
line Ambulance, PLDT Fibr, C!
Magazine,, HasTRavel,
Stoplight TV and Business World.
And the spectators, who were
guessing which of the classic cars
will prevail, got more than they
expected as drivers struggled to
get out of the trafc to gain better
positions, resulting in some funny
moments and intense action go-
ing into the nal two laps.
Race One witnessed the gruel-
ing showdown between Bautista,
driving a Volkswagen, and Albert
Quiroz, on a Lancer box-type.
Quiroz topped the time trials to
claim the pole position for Race
1, but Bautista put up a gallant
ght as he moved side by side
with the former throughout the
six-lap race
However, Quiroz uncorked a
decisive move on the nal lap to
pull ahead and win Race 1.
Carlos Castaneda, with his
Mini-Cooper and Raymond Bayer
aboard a Volkswagen, made it a
four-way battle that got the eyes of
the crowd glued closely in Race 2.
Castaneda and Bayer moved up
to second and third behind Bau-
tista as Quiroz slipped to fourth
following a bad start. Quiroz
quickly joined the three-man lead
pack, grabbed third place from
Bayer and later moved up to sec-
ond behind Bautista.
Quiroz forced a move to wrest
the lead from Bautista, but it back-
red as he went off the track at the
Casino Filipino bend. He got back
immediately to third place, but
Bautista was already far ahead to
be denied of the overall crown.
Quiroz snatched second place
from Castaneda, but in the nal
lap, lost second place while run-
ning through the backmarkers.
Castaneda nished the nerve-
wracking Race 2 second overall,
while Quiroz settled for third.
Bautista also bagged the crown
in the Volkswagen Class A over
Bayer and Arvir Gervacio while
Castaneda bagged the Mini-Coo-
per plum over runner-up Rueven
Locson and Jun Mallari.
Bautista rules retro touring car kickoff
stamp class
at world
Mares wants
Donaire next
De Leon, Tan capture
senior masters titles
PH/Smart jins bag 5 golds in Korea
Ateneo, La Salle-Zobel prevail at inter-school jungolf
TRS Retro Touring Car Race 2012 winners are shown here. They are
(from left) Reuven Locson, Raymund Bayer, Carlos Castaneda, Brian
Bautista, Albert Quiroz, Arvir Gervacio and Jun Mallari.
By Peter Atencio
ANGELES City German rid-
ers Frederick von Osten and
Sophie Marie Reimer came up
with a better executions on their
second runs yesterday at the
close of the Cable Wakeboard
Worlds 2012 here.
Their improved performanc-
es in the second runs allowed
them to claim the open mens
and womens championships at
the at the man-made Deca Wake
Park here.
The 19-year-old Von Osten,
who placed second in the brack-
et 2 of the seminals, came up
with the highest score of 80.77
points in the mens action. He
shrugged off a mishap in the
rst run to bounce back and
overtake Briton Clifford Clif-
ford and Korean Im San on his
second attempt.
Then, he outperformed Clif-
ford, who was rst in bracket 1
and settled for the silver with a
74.67 aggregate on his rst run
in the nals.
Clifford, who was the top
candidate for the gold after the
rst run, then scored no points
after he opped into the water
on his second attempt in the af-
Reimer received a big ap-
plause while doing a backflip
transfer, allowing her to out-
score British rival Kirsteen
Mitchell, who crashed into
the water, while attempting
to improve on her score in
Round 2.
The Hamburg-based Von Os-
ten was dead last with his score
of 20.67 in the rst run.
Fifteen-year-old Im San
emerged as the highest-placed
Asian nisher by tallying 70
points in the rst run.
MEXICOS Abner Mares (25-
0-1, 14 KOs) successfully de-
fended his World Boxing Coun-
cil super bantamweight title
with a unanimous 12-round de-
cision over former World Box-
ing Association bantamweight
champion Anselmo Moreno
(33-2-1, 12 KOs), but the judg-
es scorecards didnt reect the
closeness of the bout held at the
Staples Center in Los Angeles.
In a ght that was telecast on
weekly boxing show Big Time
Bakbakan over AKTV IBC 13,
Mares got the nod of judges Da-
vid Sutherland and Marty Den-
kin, 116-110, but the third judge,
James Jen-Kin turned in a ridicu-
lous 120-106 shutout for Mares .
Shortly after the decision
was announced, Mares called
out reigning World Boxing Or-
ganization champion Nontito
Donaire, who defends his title
against Mexican warrior Jorge
Arce at the Honda Center in
Houston, Texas on Dec. 15.
Ronnie Nathanielsz
Ariza told the Manila Stand-
ard that on Saturday, Pacquiaos
sixth day of sparring, he was
Ariza said Pacquiao sparred
eight rounds, three with the Rus-
sian sparring partner, whom he
had earlier described as a beast,
and ve with longtime sparring
partner Raymund Beltran.
Asked to assess Pacquiaos per-
formance after two weeks, Ariza
said on a scale of 1 to 10, Id give
him a 10, but I hate doing that be-
cause I dont want to set myself up
since I dont know whats going to
happen over the next two weeks.
He emphasized that even
Pacquiao vowed to regain his
old, explosive self.
He wants to be the old Man-
ny Pacquiao, weve seen in the
old Manny the resiliency. This is
a different Manny for sure.
Ariza said the eight-division
champion appeared to have lost
his desire to ght and looked
sluggish and not focused in his
past three ghts.
There are no distractions this
time around and Pacquiao lets
his legs rest when he needs to and
hes looking better, said Ariza.
He even gave Filipino trainer
Buboy Fernandez credit for do-
ing the punch-mitts when Fred-
die is not there.
DING de Leon of Magallanes
Bowling Association and Lynn
Tan of Pasig captured the mens
and ladies Senior Masters titles
in contrasting fashion Saturday in
the 41st PBC-Philippine Olym-
pic Committee-Philippine Sports
Commission Open championships
at the SM lanes in Mall of Asia,
Pasay City.
Banking on a respectable show-
ing in the last four games, De Leon
posted an eight-game series of 1640
pinfalls, including handicap, to whip
MTBAs Joe Cabactulan (1591) and
PBAs Nilo Penado (1572) for the
Tan had a tougher time in the
ladies group, but she rallied with
a 219 in the eighth and nal game
to trim BALPs Nida Lagrisola by
three pins and and TBAM-Primas
Girlie Solis by 34.
Solis, the tournaments deputy
chairperson, slumped to a 160 in
her nal game after starting with a
sizzling 245.
De Leon and Tan won P60,000
and P30,000, respectively, while
Cabactulan and Lagrisola bagged
P30,000 and P15,000.
Cash prizes of P120,000 and
P100,000 are at stake in the Open
mens and ladies Masters event of
the tourney sponsored by the Phil-
ippine Sports Commission, Philip-
pine Olympic Committee, Boysen,
PCSO, Team Prima, F.R. Sevilla
Construction and HCG.
Heres how the other Senior
Masters nalists nished:
Men Boy de Leon, 1556, Odjie
Guerrero, 1545; Jules Pedrajas, 1542;
Par Pineda, 1535; John Mendoza,
1533; Vener Reasonda, 1533; Regie
Flores, 1518; Mar Serac, 1516; Tato
Carabeo, 1512; Boyet Tiu, 1509;
Ceasar Muere, 1474; Puring Batin,
1452; Willy Lim, 1450; Rene Rode-
las, 1446; George Ongkeko, 1428;
Juncky Tabora, 1422; Benny Tanlo,
1420; Butch Samonte, 1413; Lito
Santarinala, 1409; Robert Tutana,
1390; and Steve Robles, 1364.
THE Philippine/Smart taek-
wondo team boosted its prepa-
ration for the Southeast Asian
Games by bagging ve gold,
seven silver and 14 bronze
medals in kyorugi (sparring)
and poomsae (forms) events
of the recent Korea Open in-
ternational championships in
Gyeongju, Korea.
The PH/Smart jins collected
the gold medals in the junior
sparring competition through the
spectacular showing of Aaron
James Galita, Keno Anthony
Mendoza, Francios Aaron Ago-
jo, Patricia Francesca Gonzalez
and Inna Izabella Dionisio.
Veteran internationalist John
Paul Lizardo led the silver me-
dalists in sparring, nosing out
an American in the quarter-
nals and knocking out the Asian
champion from Korea in the
semis before falling to a Russian
in the nals.
The other sparring seminal-
ists in the tourney which was
participated by more than 1,000
athletes from 50 countries were
Samuel Thomas Harper Mor-
rison, Gershon Bautista and
Kristhoper Robert Uy.
Korina Paladin produced the
other PH silver medal in junior
womens sparring, while Ernesto
Guzman Jr. and Mikeala Calam-
ba pocketed a silver medal each
in poomsae.
LA Salle Zobel saved its best for
last to run away with the Girls
2 team championship, even as
Ateneo coasted to victory in the
Midgets 2 division of the ICTSI-
JGFP InterSchool Tournament at
the Club Intramuros and Ayala
Greeneld courses recently.
Holding on to just a six-point lead
heading to the round, Zobel turned a
close ght into a rout as world age
group champion Bernice Olivarez
Ilas red a 54 and Mika Fortuna
carded a 55 for a 109 total for the
day and 371 overall.
They nished 23 points ahead
of the Assumption duo of Sam
Bruce and Andrea Pineda, which
made just 51 and 41 for 92 and
348 aggregate for 72 holes. The
OB Montessori Greenhills team of
Sophia Blanco (44) and Chanelle
Cayabyab (32) poster 76 for 327.
Ateneo never encountered any
trouble in taking the Midgets 2
crown over La Salle Greenhills
with a 72 for the day and 319 to-
tal in the tourney, which has the
major backing of the International
Container Terminal Services Inc.
It is also sponsored by Golf De-
pot, Philippine Airlines, Pancake
House Group and Sizzlin Pepper.
Xavier nished third at 266 af-
ter a 69.
Riggs Illescas carried Ateneo
with a 39 and clinched the indi-
vidual diadem over the younger
brother of Ilas of La Salle Zobel,
who had a 37 and Josh Blanco of
La Salle Greenhills.
The 199 of Ilas won her the in-
dividual by three over Bruce with
Ashia Nocum of Holy Spirit plac-
ing third at 192.
The top teams in both divisions
of the tourney that drew more
than 250 players from 40 schools
in Metro Manila will return for the
grand nals this coming January
at The Orchard Golf and Country
Last round for Seniors today is
at Valley Golf and Midgets 1 at
Ayala Greenelds.
ImSanofSouht KoreamakeshismoveintheWakeboardWorlds2012inClark, Pampanga. Kimwasthehighest-placedAsianinthetournament. ZIGFREIDPROSPERO
Members of the Philippine/Smart team are shown prior to the event.
By Ronnie Nathanielsz
conditioning coach
Alex Ariza couldnt
hide his elation over
Fighter of the Decade
Manny Pacquiaos
performance after two
weeks of training at
the Wild Card Gym
of Freddie Roach in
preparation for his
fourth showdown
with Juan Manuel
Marquez at the MGM
Grand in Las Vegas
on Dec. 8.
Manila Standard TODAY
Ray S. Eano, Editor
Roderick T. dela Cruz, Assistant Editor
Q4 loans
to keep
BSP poll
RCBCs net profit increases 17% to P4.8b
Ayala Land increases
capex target to P70b
Trans-Asia eyes 200-MW market under open access regime
PAL bucks Emirates
expansion to Manila
Closing November 9, 2012
LPG/11-kg tank
Unleaded Gasoline
Auto LPG
Currency Unit US Dollar Peso
United States Dollar 1.000000 41.0650
Japan Yen 0.012601 0.5175
UK Pound 1.598400 65.6383
Hong Kong Dollar 0.129026 5.2985
Switzerland Franc 1.056859 43.3999
Canada Dollar 1.00000 41.0650
Singapore Dollar 0.816660 33.5361
Australia Dollar 1.042427 42.8073
Bahrain Dinar 2.653224 108.9546
Saudi Arabia Rial 0.266652 10.9501
Brunei Dollar 0.813339 33.3998
Indonesia Rupiah 0.000104 0.0043
Thailand Baht 0.032605 1.3389
UAE Dirham 0.272264 11.1805
Euro Euro 1.274800 52.3497
Korea Won 0.000918 0.0377
China Yuan 0.160182 6.5779
India Rupee 0.170885 0.7554
Malaysia Ringgit 0.326584 13.4112
NewZealand Dollar 0.816593 33.5334
Taiwan Dollar 0.034343 1.4103
Source: PDS Bridge
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
Friday, November 9, 2012
Closing NOVEMBER 9, 2012
HIGH P41.050 LOW P41.140 AVERAGE P41.080
VOLUME 834.240M
By Jenniffer B. Austria
AYALA Land Inc., the countrys
biggest property company,
has increased its programmed
project and capital expenditures
for the whole year of 2012 to P70
billion from the original target of
P37 billion due to unbudgeted
property acquisitions.
Ayala Land in a ling with
the Philippine Stock Exchange
said the company expects to
spend P33 billion for property
acquisitions to boost its landbank
for future development.
...due to attractive
opportunities presented by the
market, full-year consolidated
budget for project and capital
expenditures is projected to
reach P70 billion, Ayala Land
The property rm in October
made an initial payment of P19.46
billion to the national government
for the acquisition of 74 hectares
owned by Food Terminal Inc.
It will pay the balance of P4.8
billion next year.
The company is also in talks
with the Ortigas Group for a
possible joint venture.
Ayala Land said it would
fund the P70-billion capital
spending through a combination
of internally-generated funds,
borrowings and pre-selling.
It said the property acquisition
will ensure the pipeline of
value accretive projects beyond
the current ve-year plan.
Ayala Land said it spent
P34.9 billion in project and
capital expenditures in the rst
nine months of the year, up 73
percent from P20.2 billion year-
It spent the bulk of the capital
in the nine-month period on
residential developments, 31
percent; land acquisition, 44
percent; shopping centers, 11
percent; hotels and resorts, 9
percent; and the balance on
BPO ofces and other land
development activities.
The P34.9 billion spent in the
rst nine months accounted for
94 percent of the initial capex
program of P37 billion this
By Alena Mae S. Flores
TRANS-ASIA Oil and Energy
Development Corp., a unit of
the Phinma Group, plans to
serve a potential market for 200
megawatts of electricity under
the retail competition and open
access regime, which will start
by the middle of 2013.
Were approaching the
prospective contestable market.
We talk with them and make
offers, Trans-Asia president
Francisco Viray told reporters
over the weekend.
Viray said while the target
was 200-MW of customers in an
open access regime, the company
could actually serve up to 560
MW of peak demand.
Open access allows large
power users to choose their own
supplier. The Energy Regulatory
Commission set the initial
implementation of open access on
Dec. 26, which signals the start of
the six-month transition. A trial
run will be in place by March 26
and the full implementation by
June 26.
Viray, meanwhile, said the
company would raise P4.3 billion
in debt nancing for the 54-MW
San Lorenzo wind project. The
entire project is expected to cost
P6.3 billion.
He said construction of the
wind project would commence
within the year and Trans-Asia
was looking at a partner in the
Were nalizing the
shareholders agreement, Viray
He said the company also
focused on oil and gas projects,
specically Service Contract
55 near the Malampaya gas
eld in northwest Palawan.
SC 55 is estimated to have a
potential reservoir equivalent to
Malampayas 2.7 trillion cubic
Trans-Asia explored the
possibility of selling part of
its 6.82-percent stake in the
project to other oil and gas
companies. Drilling of the SC
55 project is slated in the rst
half of 2013.
By Lailany P. Gomez
FLAG carrier Philippine Airlines asked
the Civil Aeronautics Board to reject the
petition of Emirates Air to add several
additional ight frequencies between
Dubai and Manila.
PAL said in a letter to CAB
executive director Carmelo
Arcilla the Middle Eastern
airlines winter 2012 schedule
involving ights to Manila
was counterproductive and
Emirates wanted to increase
weekly ights between Manila
and Dubai from 14 to 21 effective
Jan. 1, 2013.
PAL plans to introduce its
own-operated ights to the
United Arab Emirates by 2012
and 2014, given the assurance
that no more than 28 weekly
frequencies are to be operated
by each side on the agreed routes
between the UAE and Manila.
We believe that it would be
difcult, perhaps, impossible,
for Philippine carriers to viably
sustain our own operations over
the long term in the face of such a
commanding undue advantage on
the part of our top competitor. The
envisioned new era could be very
well be stillborn, PAL said.
PAL said while it had no
objection to the operation by
EK of 14 weekly frequencies
between Dubai and Manila under
the continuing code sharing
arrangement, the latters petition
for seven additional frequencies
was unjustied.
As code share partner, PAL
honors its existing code share
arrangement which remains in
effect until 2014. Our objection
is to the proposed unjustied
and counterproductive excess
of seven frequencies, or for
that matter any formulation
that results in an EK operation
[code share or not] in excess of
14 frequencies per week on the
Dubai-Manila route, PAL said
in the letter.
PAL said the new PAL-United
Arab Emirates condential
memorandum of understanding
already provided for a maximum
entitlement of 14 weekly
frequencies for EK as the
exclusive designated UAE carrier
under Category 1 Route.
It said EKs proposed schedule
of 21 weekly frequencies would
exceed that limit.
PAL also said EKs proposed
petition would undermine the
earlier negotiation of a new CMOU
in September that was intended
to usher in a new development
era where the airlines of both the
Philippines and the UAE would
offer their own self-operated
services in an environment of fair
and healthy competition.
As the board will noted,
EKs proposed 21 times weekly
service will result in a total UAE
carrier operation of 36 weekly
frequencies when added to the
existing 14 times weekly Abu
Dhabi-Manila services of Etihad
Airways, the UAEs designated
carrier for Category 1 Route 2
under the CMOU, PAL said.
By Anna Leah G. Estrada
RIZAL Commercial Banking Corp. said
over the weekend net income in the rst
nine months climbed 17 percent to P4.8
billion from P4.1 billion a year ago,
on higher interest income and trading
The bank controlled by the Yuchengco
Group said net interest income reached
P8.4 billion, accounting for 49 percent
of its gross income in the nine-month
Other operating income grew by
22.3 percent to P8.7 billion, backed by
sustained trading and foreign exchange
gains, which increased 63.5 percent;
service fees and commissions by 10.6
percent; and trust fees by 20.1 percent.
The banks annualized return on equity
reached 16.1 percent in the nine-month
Deposits rose 7 percent to P233.6
billion while loans amounted to P188.54
billion, as corporate loans increased 13.4
percent, SME loans by 27.7 percent and
consumer loan by 28 percent.
The bank also reported an improvement
in asset quality as non-performing loans
ratio dropped to 1.86 percent from the
previous years 2.13 percent.
Capital funds amounted to P43.2
billion as of end-September, up from
P40.6 billion last year, while capital
adequacy ratio stood at 18.52 percent.
Tier 1 ratio was at 13.75 percent.
RCBC said it recently approved the
sale of its non-performing assets to Phil.
Asset Growth One Inc. which would
further improve its asset quality after
the completion of the sale.
Phil. Asset Growth One Inc. is a special
purpose vehicle formed by International
Finance Corp., OSK Group-Malaysia
and Altus Transaction Services Inc.
Century sees strong sales
CENTURY Properties Group Inc. expects
to generate P3.5 billion from sales of newly
launched signature condominium tower located
in a 2.4-hectare residential development in
Mandaluyong City.
The condominium tower, called Acqua Iguaza,
is a collaboration of Century Properties with the
internationally-acclaimed interior design brand
yoo inspired by Starck, which was founded by
French designer Philippe Starck and British real
estate entrepreneur John Hitchcox.
The P1.7-billion development is the fth of
six buildings to rise within the companys Acqua
Private Residences in Mandaluyong.
We continue to establish international
collaborations because the local market has
shown its readiness for branded real estate, said
Century Properties co-chief operating ofcer
and managing director Marco Antonio.
The rst four towers in Acqua Private
ResidencesNiagara, Sutherland, Dettifoss
and the MissoniHome-interior designed Acqua
Livingstone--generated strong sales, according
to Antonio.
The 50-story Acqua Iguaza will be crowned by
a multi-level amenity deck, called the Cielo,
which is interior designed by yoo inspired by
Starck. Jenniffer B. Austria
Exporters must improve
THE Export Development Council asked
Filipino exporters to meet global standards to catch
up with competitors in the international market.
We really have to teach people to compete.
Its a very competitive eld now especially with
our Asean [Association of Southeast Asian]
neighbors, EDC executive director Senen
Perlada said.
Perlada said the government was active in
informing exporters about the global standards.
He said the failure of exporters to meet these
standards would mean losing out to neighboring
competitors in the region.
He said the Bureau of Export and Trade
Promotion, an attached agency of the Trade
Department, conducted promotions and
educational campaigns to inform local exporters
on what products to sell overseas.
He also urged exporters to diversify and
innovate to become competitive. He said aside
from maintaining the presence of local products
in traditional markets such as the United States
and Europe, the Philippines had the potential
to penetrate emerging markets such as Brazil,
Russia, India and China. Julito G. Rada
THE banking sector expects
loans to sustain the strong
growth in the fourth quarter,
amid demand for credit by
companies and consumers,
according to a survey conducted
by the Bangko Sentral.
Results of the third-quarter
senior bank loan ofcers
survey showed that banks
expected demand for credit
from both businesses (except
micro enterprises) and
households (except credit card
and auto loans) to continue to
increase in the fourth quarter.
Banks foresee an increase in
loan demand from businesses
owing largely to expectations of
increased accounts receivable
nancing and working capital
needs of borrowers in the next
quarter, the Bangko Sentral
said, citing the survey results.
Similarly, the likely overall
increase in households demand
for credit was due largely
to the increase in household
consumption, lower income
prospects, lower interest rates,
and lack of other sources of
funds, it added.
Data showed that outstanding
loans of commercial banks grew
13.5 percent year-on-year as of
end-September, although this
was slower than the 13.5-percent
gain recorded in August.
The Bangko Sentral noted an
increase in overall demand for
loans from both enterprises and
households in the third quarter.
The increase for loans among
businesses was attributed to
lower interest rates, improved
economic outlook and increased
accounts receivable nancing
and working capital needs.
The Bangko Sentral
said household loans also
increased, reecting the higher
consumption, lack of other
sources of funds, banks more
attractive nancing terms and
lower interest rates.
Anna Leah G. Estrada
Telecom rivals. A man walks by advertising boards of HTC Corp. (two at right) and Samsung Electric Co. in Taipei in this
le photo. Apple Inc. and HTC Corp. settled all global lawsuits and signed a 10-year licensing agreement, ending a dispute that
threatened their shipments of mobile devices. Story on C3. AP
NOVEMBER 5-9, 2012 OCTOBER 29-31, 2012
Banco de Oro Unibank Inc. 68.95 52,215,280 3,412,098,883.00 64.00 3,457,520 221,574,095.00
Bank of PI 85.50 13,763,510 2,657,348,327.50 81.00 4,223,820 351,275,310.00
Bankard, Inc. 0.73 78,000 56,710.00 0.74 1,267,000 937,440.00
China Bank 52.90 566,790 29,973,579.00 52.80 225,320 11,902,164.50
BDO Leasing & Fin. Inc. 1.95 51,000 99,630.00 1.95 12,000 23,850.00
Citystate Savings 18.00 1,600 28,800.00
COL Financial 18.4 1,639,800 30,235,304.00 18.58 130,700 2,427,686.00
Eastwest Bank 24.3 3,363,500 82,086,135.00 23.8 3,818,500 90,966,410.00
Filipino Fund Inc. 10.30 2,000 20,538 10.44 5,300 55,044
First Abacus 0.73 150,000 109,500.00 0.80 107,000 85,110.00
First Metro Inv. 87.1 1,530 133,172.00 87 710 61,735.00
I-Remit Inc. 2.69 2,531,000 7,258,330.00 2.74 3,000 8,220.00
Manulife Fin. Corp. 460.00 1,260 597,130.00 475.00 210 99,750.00
Maybank ATR KE 21 74,500 1,534,024.00 21 9,600 205,280.00
Metrobank 96.55 31,693,590 3,098,201,059.00 95.00 16,216,310 1,520,721,055.50
Natl Reinsurance Corp. 1.87 1,134,000 2,132,150.00 1.89 295,000 555,950.00
Phil. National Bank 71.80 1,146,720 81,421,484.00 72.00 1,044,800 74,212,907.00
Phil. Savings Bank 87.00 3,120 271262.50 86.50 60 5,190
PSE Inc. 371 33,990 12,590,664.00 370 125,530 46,446,620.00
RCBC `A 46.85 410,800.00 19,019,650.00 45.9 196,600.00 9,039,015.00
Security Bank 163 3,802,370 594,931,854.00 161.9 1,199,340 194,462,662.00
Sun Life Financial 955.00 610 581,835.00 950.00 530 502,740.00
Union Bank 110.00 413,670 45,933,716.00 107.00 507,230 54,333,115.00
Vantage Equities 2.15 2,173,000 4,683,710.00 2.15 2,861,000 6,120,020.00
Aboitiz Power Corp. 33.65 8,526,600 286,869,065.00 33.1 7,398,600 244,488,625.00
Agrinurture Inc. 8 275,500 2,212,213.00 8.04 81,600 656,792.00
Alliance Tuna Intl Inc. 2.05 27,827,000 56,515,920.00 2.03 46,637,000 92,620,820.00
Alphaland Corp. 27.7 4,400 95,485.00 27.5 1,400 38,800.00
Alsons Cons. 1.40 4,015,000 5,628,400.00 1.41 3,201,000 4,537,170.00
Asiabest Group 18.5 147,300 2,691,152.00 18.6 123,300 2,277,558.00
Bogo Medellin 51.00 260 14,100.00 58.00 60 3,480.00
Calapan Venture 4.2 569,000 2,380,820.00 4 292,000 1,145,740.00
Chemphil 90 30 2,700.00 99.45 90 8,950.50
Chemrez Technologies Inc. 3.05 1,622,000 4,963,700.00 3.02 1,668,000 4,976,450.00
Cirtek Holdings (Chips) 11.96 57,900 2,225,588.00 11.94 11,800 140,684.00
Energy Devt. Corp. (EDC) 6.64 110,768,100 1,738,053,738.00 6.67 104,027,100 679,867,874.00
EEI 8.93 2,684,800 23,733,010.00 8.90 2,459,500 21,517,480.00
Federal Chemicals 10.00 2,000 19,984.00 9.94 5,000 49,896.00
First Gen Corp. 22.55 8,374,100 189,211,210.00 22.35 12,968,200 284,395,495.00
First Holdings A 94 8,732,170 784,795,345.00 86.4 5,128,030 429,389,240.00
Ginebra San Miguel Inc. 17.60 15,800 284,162.00 18.00 10,800 194,220.00
Greenergy 0.0230 16,057,800,000 369,566,600.00 0.0190 456,800,000 8,706,400.00
Holcim Philippines Inc. 13.40 1,322,600 17,930,938.00 13.40 342,000 4,572,768.00
Integ. Micro-Electronics 4.25 1,102,000 4,881,000.00 3.9 58,000 226,930.00
Ionics Inc 0.640 573,000 363,320.00 0.630 3,912,000 2,489,030.00
Jollibee Foods Corp. 105.50 2,090,790 219,542,894.00 105.70 1,245,280 130,683,189.00
Lafarge Rep 9.65 13,549,400 127,868,996.00 10.2 4,390,000 41,767,364.00
LMG Chemicals 2 751,000 1,501,190.00 2.08 659,000 1,344,850.00
Mabuhay Vinyl Corp. 1.54 26,000 39,700.00 1.52 20,000 30,640.00
Manchester Intl. A 9.5 4,983,900 32,925,145.00 4.74 1,253,000 5,054,210.00
Manchester Intl. B 9.32 2,981,400 20,592,919.00 5.25 883,000 3,781,590.00
Manila Water Co. Inc. 29.55 12,894,500 382,416,885.00 29 7,169,200 207,078,010.00
Mariwasa MFG. Inc. 3.7 458,000 1,889,160.00
Megawide 16.200 354,600 5,766,338.00 16.340 9,500 155,954.00
Mla. Elect. Co `A 265.80 2,848,280 770,570,098.00 279.00 1,906,770 536,154,124.00
Panasonic Mfg Phil. Corp. 5.05 3,000 15,150.00
Pancake House Inc. 7.50 41,300 315,366.00 7.90 22,400 173,752.00
Pepsi-Cola Products Phil. 5.6 45,274,800 253,385,747.00 5.4 19,054,900 100,809,863.00
Petron Corporation 10.74 12,634,200 136,137,832.00 10.86 10,841,000 117,206,822.00
Phinma Corporation 10.44 500 5,364.00 10.50 6,700 70,350.00
Phoenix Petroleum Phils. 8.48 532,400 4,416,005.00 8.11 162,500 1,308,738.00
RFM Corporation 4.17 10,692,000 43,633,260.00 4.05 9,127,000 36,470,990.00
Roxas Holdings 2.54 23,000 58,570.00 2.54 5,000 12,700.00
Salcon Power Corp. 4.8 17,000 40,320.00 5 12,000 58,890.00
San Miguel Brewery Inc. 34.00 358,600 12,190,980.00 34.00 221,000 7,514,000.00
San Miguel Corp `A 109.00 2,517,160 274,855,120.00 109.10 1,427,060 156,592,259.00
San MiguelPure Foods `B 700 830 591,510.00
Seacem 2.39 7,371,000 18,329,390.00 2.57 6,851,000 16,987,670.00
Splash Corporation 1.77 277,000 500,630.00 1.81 112,000 201,070.00
Swift Foods, Inc. 0.159 15,000,000 2,473,880.00 0.171 34,070,000 5,787,320.00
Tanduay Holdings 11.66 4,229,100 49,207,514.00 11.50 2,982,900 34,260,180.00
TKC Steel Corp. 1.99 53,000 108,240.00 2.00 664,000 1,303,200.00
Trans-Asia Oil 1.13 35,123,000 40,427,880.00 1.16 15,694,000 19,158,790.00
Universal Robina 74.70 8,637,300 645,754,834.50 71.90 4,781,730 343,150,247.00
Victorias Milling 1.2 20,226,000 24,636,690.00 1.2 8,805,000 10,248,870.00
Vitarich Corp. 1.17 60,280,000 85,220,820.00 1.450 109,077,000 176,810,180.00
Vivant Corp. 10.78 8,200 80,458.00 10.80 4,500 48,670.00
Vulcan Indl. 1.89 159,440,000 291,252,580.00
Abacus Cons. `A 0.70 23,411,000 16,462,970.00 0.71 24,421,000 17,398,960.00
Aboitiz Equity 48.80 5,574,710 299,814,800.00 48.25 2,323,700 111,617,520.00
Alcorn Gold Res. 0.1220 17,992,880,000 2,065,774,110.00 0.1470 3,817,230,000 582,943,380.00
Alliance Global Inc. 15.08 74,937,300 1,131,432,280.00 14.88 36,403,400 533,923,292.00
Anglo Holdings A 2.09 31,042,000 66,693,830.00 2.04 271,000 563,390.00
Anscor `A 4.80 363,000 1,764,990.00 4.96 20,000 99,500.00
Asia Amalgamated A 5.03 1,331,500 6,781,607.00 5.19 1,644,000 8,536,012.00
ATN Holdings A 1.43 5,229,000 6,928,020.00 1.32 207,000 272,390.00
ATN Holdings B 1.51 391,000 559,420.00 1.35 36,000 49,240.00
Ayala Corp `A 448 4,512,140 2,016,541,268.00 443 1,707,730 752,679,340.00
DMCI Holdings 52.10 11,465,930 604,895,113.50 54.00 7,592,930 411,146,361.00
F&J Prince A 2.6 52,000 135,300.00 3.09 257,000 771,150.00
Filinvest Dev. Corp. 4.57 2,196,000 9,823,840.00 4.48 3,109,000 13,750,890.00
Forum Pacic 0.218 2,220,000 493,090.00 0.219 1,310,000 289,300.00
GT Capital 542 1,488,220 804,507,985.00 530 298,480 157,223,225.00
House of Inv. 5.98 301,000 1,771,408.00 5.82 20,000 116,400.00
JG Summit Holdings 34.00 12,425,500 418,834,645.00 33.00 4,252,500 139,866,380.00
Jolliville Holdings 7.9 96,700 778,855.00 8.15 453,400 3,567,828.00
Keppel Holdings `A 4.68 11,000 50,620.00
Keppel Holdings `B 4.6 49,000 224,240.00
Lopez Holdings Corp. 6.5 133,368,700 813,783,260.00 5.45 16,695,900 89,374,893.00
Lodestar Invt. Holdg.Corp. 1.08 9,795,000 10,603,540.00 1.1 13,628,000 15,034,080.00
Mabuhay Holdings `A 0.405 230,000 94,700.00 0.415 70,000 29,350.00
Marcventures Hldgs., Inc. 2.05 2,484,000 5,172,390.00 2.13 762,000 1,605,530.00
Metro Pacic Inv. Corp. 4.27 150,139,000 630,885,600.00 4.14 84,443,000 342,710,860.00
Minerales Industrias Corp. 4.8 547,000 2,621,580.00 4.9 213,600 1,034,374.00
MJCI Investments Inc. 5.99 160,200 953,185.00 6.14 143,600 862,996.00
Pacica `A 0.0470 18,700,000 883,900.00 0.0480 3,500,000 172,400.00
Prime Media Hldg 1.300 214,000 278,870.00
Prime Orion 0.590 45,161,000 26,571,610.00 0.550 7,530,000 4,189,740.00
Republic Glass A 2.2 9,000 22,530.00 2.6 12,000 31,900.00
Seafront `A 1.95 589,000 1,120,060.00 1.76 160,000 266,720.00
Sinophil Corp. 0.320 5,190,000 1,664,450.00 0.325 1,620,000 527,500.00
SM Investments Inc. 815.00 1,824,150 1,461,604,925.00 803.00 828,160 666,041,075.00
Solid Group Inc. 1.92 1,571,000 2,973,470.00 1.92 1,531,000 2,941,370.00
South China Res. Inc. 1.14 415,000 471,600.00 1.15 140,000 161,000.00
Transgrid 500.00 100 49,700.00
Unioil Res. & Hldgs 0.2850 6,970,000 1,855,500.00 0.2750 27,600,000 8,026,600.00
Wellex Industries 0.3000 4,780,000 1,435,350.00 0.2950 2,110,000 624,850.00
Zeus Holdings 0.385 3,200,000 1,280,650.00 0.405 2,510,000 1,029,350.00
Anchor Land Holdings Inc. 16.40 13,900 229,010.00 17.00 3,100 51,538.00
A. Brown Co., Inc. 3.09 2,243,000 6,937,260.00 3.24 1,048,000 3,262,880.00
Araneta Prop `A 0.560 9,000 4,920.00 0.600 460,000 279,790.00
Arthaland Corp. 0.180 350,000 61,730.00 0.180 38,000 69,100.00
Ayala Land `B 22.90 91,399,900 2,090,815,825.00 23.55 36,073,700 849,852,450.00
Belle Corp. `A 5.15 15,259,900 79,720,281.00 5.38 17,166,700 92,411,802.00
Cebu Holdings 4.6 730,000 3,427,450.00 4.9 356,000 1,748,140.00
Centennial City 1.4 8,306,000 11,859,940.00 1.43 4,688,000 6,697,170.00
City & Land Dev. 2.25 68,000 156,460.00 2.35 88,000 204,860.00
Cityland Dev. `A 1.10 114,000 127,010.00 1.07 37,000 39,510.00
Crown Equities Inc. 0.072 9,180,000 639,340.00 0.074 8,710,000 612,410.00
Cyber Bay Corp. 0.83 10,068,000 8,438,800.00 0.85 4,625,000 3,930,970.00
Empire East Land 0.960 173,465,000 169,153,460.00 0.990 89,920,000 88,863,460.00
Eton Properties 2.92 1,088,000 3,194,940.00 2.99 250,000 693,480.00
Ever Gotesco 0.350 112,920,000 35,501,050.00 0.350 533,490,000 196,822,800.00
Global-Estate 1.92 18,060,000 34,476,780.00 1.90 7,540,000 14,021,370.00
Filinvest Land,Inc. 1.57 448,607,000 703,097,230.00 1.46 189,826,000 272,490,120.00
Highlands Prime 1.90 176,000 390,750.00 2.00 65,000 136,750.00
Interport `A 1.15 2,585,000 3,000,500.00 1.20 728,000 885,150.00
Keppel Properties 2.42 36,000 87,120.00 2.20 200,000 4,400.00
Megaworld Corp. 2.5 334,549,000 834,509,190.00 2.45 167,486,000 404,730,480.00
MRC Allied Ind. 0.1780 32,390,000 5,676,180.00 0.1770 192,090,000 35,655,030.00
Phil. Estates Corp. 0.6400 9,288,000 5,922,240.00 0.6200 7,578,000 4,691,340.00
Phil. Realty `A 0.430 5,236,000 3,128,650.00 0.480 180,000 83,100.00
Primex Corp. 3.44 9,000 30,920.00
Robinsons Land `B 18.56 17,117,000 319,102,476.00 19.00 2,322,000 44,049,918.00
Rockwell 3.03 934,000 2,865,040.00 3.09 560,000 1,740,350.00
San Miguel Prop. 550 20 11,000.00 550 10 5,500.00
Shang Properties Inc. 2.93 194,000 544,540.00 2.75 473,000 1,307,810.00
SM Development `A 6.07 8,892,100 55,593,148.00 6.24 2,317,900 14,517,060.00
SM Prime Holdings 14.58 73,568,000 1,069,926,402.00 14.50 30,107,500 433,766,848.00
Sta. Lucia Land Inc. 0.67 917,000 622,470.00 0.68 481,000 327,180.00
Starmalls 3.66 510,000 1,865,490.00 3.7 608,000 2,245,950.00
Suntrust Home Dev. Inc. 0.530 684,000 375,200.00 0.560 818,000 457,250.00
Vista Land & Lifescapes 5.120 76,431,800 387,942,655.00 4.800 22,040,000 104,795,470.00
2GO Group 2.12 514,000 1,298,380.00 2.85 2,844,000 7,853,970.00
ABS-CBN 31 1,169,300 35,876,660.00 30.3 285,700 8,631,915.00
Acesite Hotel 1.31 3,862,000 5,033,760.00 1.32 513,000 672,800.00
APC Group, Inc. 0.620 1,908,001 1,584,490.00 0.610 3,371,000 2,056,310.00
Asian Terminals Inc. 9.1 38,500 352,350.00 9.2 8,000 73,600.00
Berjaya Phils. Inc. 25 200 5,000.00 27 16,000 432,000.00
Bloomberry 14.10 51,740,800 752,676,314.00 14.10 20,422,400 280,503,720.00
Boulevard Holdings 0.1560 374,750,000 59,387,440.00 0.1580 1,180,670,000 198,824,550.00
Calata Corp. 6.09 3,654,600 21,965,404.00 5.92 7,285,800 43,541,102.00
Cebu Air Inc. (5J) 58.80 2,331,090 135,943,950.50 57.20 1,161,340 66,224,217.00
Centro Esc. Univ. 10 30,000 301,170.00 10.98 5,700 62,586.00
DFNN Inc. 5.34 556,200 3,019,254.00 5.49 209,000 1,134,160.00
Easy Call Common 2.31 30,000 70,680.00
FEUI 1080 890 923,700.00 1050 3,315 3,476,950.00
Globalports 19 100 1,900.00
Globe Telecom 1143.00 394,275 451,930,520.00 1140.00 197,945 226,371,320.00
GMA Network Inc. 8.50 941,200 7,953,585.00 8.39 661,500 5,486,853.00
I.C.T.S.I. 70 9,413,160 657,537,755.00 71 1,800,880 127,609,565.50
Information Capital Tech. 0.440 530,000 228,250.00 0.440 280,000 119,000.00
Imperial Res. `A 5.00 3,400 17,400 5.01 2,300 12,254
IPeople Inc. `A 8 3,900 31,000.00 7.5 20,200 169,699.00
IP Converge 2.44 306,000 775,590.00 2.5 220,000 551,310.00
IP E-Game Ventures Inc. 0.031 2,352,100,000 79,737,000.00 0.041 1,352,300,000 61,639,100.00
IPVG Corp. 0.99 18,171,000 18,260,570.00 1 4,475,000 4,522,870.00
Island Info 0.0440 19,400,000 872,700.00 0.0460 9,500,000 437,000.00
ISM Communications 2.5700 351,000 910,900.00 2.7000 180,000 479,450.00
Leisure & Resorts 9.27 11,329,100 103,540,782.00 9.60 24,484,800 229,378,936.00
Liberty Telecom 2.40 455,000 1,080,610.00 2.38 22,000 52,780.00
Lorenzo Shipping 1.26 12,000 15,320.00 1.34 8,000 10,720.00
Macroasia Corp. 2.71 385,000 1,040,920.00 2.74 355,000 975,120.00
Manila Bulletin 0.68 196,000 133,910.00 0.68 163,000 110,850.00
Manila Jockey 2.88 6,064,000 17,527,800.00 3.01 2,975,000 8,914,700.00
Metro Pacic Tollways 6.25 15,200 95,499.00 6.25 19,000 116,685.00
Pacic Online Sys. Corp. 14.02 330,300 4,626,594.00 14 149,400 2,091,376.00
PAL Holdings Inc. 5.22 366,300 1,918,932 5.36 151,900 799,021
Paxys Inc. 2.9 2,410,000 6,947,630.00 2.84 3,147,000 9,219,640.00
Phil. Racing Club 9.5 1,096,000 10,407,722.00 9.5 1,001,300 9,512,363.00
Phil. Seven Corp. 93.00 1,000,740 82,088,195.00 73.50 2,520 190,420.00
Philweb.Com Inc. 14.16 1,474,200 20,921,708.00 14.00 31,570,300 442,717,282.00
PLDT Common 2630.00 714,780 1,863,522,370.00 2650.00 312,350 828,854,430.00
PremiereHorizon 0.320 5,310,000 1,713,350.00 0.335 250,000 83,850.00
Puregold 29.95 12,847,700 385,947,140.00 29.95 17,498,200 526,350,560.00
STI Holdings 1.03 651,853,000 639,019,660.00 1.23 23,012,000 29,640,320.00
Touch Solutions 4.25 149,000 625,950.00 4 31,000 123,350.00
Transpacic Broadcast 2.2 346,000 558,740.00 2.43 73,000 174,750.00
Waterfront Phils. 0.440 1,450,000 616,850.00 0.430 460,000 197,600.00
Yehey 1.390 1,721,000 2,778,230.00 2.000 1,715,000 3,423,680.00
Abra Mining 0.0062 1,112,900,000 8,890,900.00 0.0062 6,068,000,000 38,304,000.00
Apex `A 4.70 165,000 768,530.00 4.65 266,000 1,238,700.00
Apex `B 4.70 126,000 592,200.00 4.70 20,000 94,000.00
Atlas Cons. `A 17.52 2,365,300 41,601,334.00 17.80 2,569,800 45,579,974.00
Atok-Big Wedge `A 25.70 3,600 90,455.00 25.25 4,400 109,000.00
Basic Energy Corp. 0.275 89,280,000 25,397,800.00 0.270 19,260,000 5,407,050.00
Benguet Corp `A 21.25 139,600 2,987,795.00 23 23,100 523,300.00
Benguet Corp `B 20.5 67,300 1,604,240.00 22 300 6,600.00
Century Peak Metals Hldgs 1.03 1,320,000 1,362,530.00 1.06 779,000 820,740.00
Coal Asia 1.06 136,628,800 174,786,790.00 1.35 126,816,000 167,329,260.00
Dizon 17.40 235,800 4,104,482.00 17.40 1,407,300 24,714,644.00
Geograce Res. Phil. Inc. 0.56 11,607,000 6,522,500.00 0.57 4,266,000 2,439,950.00
Lepanto `A 1.100 72,888,000 80,791,370.00 1.140 44,351,000 50,172,300.00
Lepanto `B 1.200 34,592,000 40,777,930.00 1.190 23,026,000 27,758,530.00
Manila Mining `A 0.0630 379,900,000 23,114,810.00 0.0620 567,410,000 34,831,030.00
Manila Mining `B 0.0610 258,850,000 15,827,480.00 0.0610 153,320,000 9,430,590.00
Nickelasia 17 4,057,800 68,207,646.00 17.14 889,400 15,235,296.00
Nihao Mineral Resources 5.7 1,640,100 10,401,923.00 6.25 2,210,400 14,064,762.00
Omico 0.6300 542,000 346,810.00 0.6400 232,000 147,630.00
Oriental Peninsula Res. 3.900 2,176,000 8,598,160.00 4.030 2,083,000 8,437,590.00
Oriental Pet. `A 0.0190 923,500,000 17,136,100.00 0.0180 95,900,000 1,736,600.00
Oriental Pet. `B 0.0200 360,700,000 7,011,300.00 0.0190 18,600,000 353,400.00
Petroenergy Res. Corp. 5.90 223,300 1,318,874.00 5.90 336,200 1,994,431.00
Philex `A 14.70 8,157,600 120,978,820.00 15.00 4,846,300 72,552,906.00
PhilexPetroleum 25.95 421,400 10,951,980.00 25.5 261,200 6,750,780.00
Philodrill Corp. `A 0.042 1,596,000,000 66,197,000.00 0.042 1,091,100,000 46,888,000.00
PNOC Expls `A 56 400 22,400.00 56 110 6,160.00
PNOC Expls `B 50 3,470 188,155.00 51 2,560 130,500.00
Semirara Corp. 220.00 1,244,530 273,752,150.00 219.00 363,730 79,723,148.00
United Paragon 0.0160 336,500,000 5,451,900.00 0.0160 304,900,000 4,888,500.00
2GO Group P 3.18 1000 3180
ABS-CBN Holdings Corp. 30.6 10,739,500 329,238,755.00 29.7 2,654,100 77,955,330.00
Ayala Corp. Pref `A 518 2,200 1,143,000.00 520 2,530 1,328,815.00
Benguet Corp. Con. Pref 22.65 1,000 22,650.00
First Gen G 104 110,530 11,569,851.00 104.9 6,220 647,800.00
First Phil. Hldgs.-Pref. 102.5 2,350 240,875.00 102.5 26,830 2,750,075.00
GMA Holdings Inc. 8.4 827,500 5,770,845.00 8.4 555,000 4,614,450.00
PCOR-Preferred 110 47,750 5,247,504.00 109.5 70,000 7,660,000.00
SMC Preferred A 75 5,249,470 393,710,000.00 75 3,252,530 243,939,449.00
SMC Preferred B 75.25 46,680 3,511,960.00 75.25 54,000 4,063,500.00
SMC Preferred C 75.4 255,830 19,282,020.50 75.25 89,700 6,749,250.00
SMPFC Preferred 1025 4,710 4,776,140.00 1013 2,340 2,366,080.00
Swift Pref 1.36 7,000 9,520.00
Megaworld Corp. Warrants 1.48 6,053,000 8,884,600.00 1.42 367,000 517,520.00
Ripple E-Business Intl 5.08 20,000 101,600.00 5 37,000 184,300.00
Market index may
surpass 5,500 points
Alcorn Gold Res. 17,992,880,000
Greenergy 16,057,800,000
IP E-Game Ventures Inc. 2,352,100,000
Philodrill Corp. `A 1,596,000,000
Abra Mining 1,112,900,000
Oriental Pet. `A 923,500,000
STI Holdings 651,853,000
Filinvest Land,Inc. 448,607,000
Manila Mining `A 379,900,000
Boulevard Holdings 374,750,000
Metrobank 1,520,721,055.50
Ayala Land `B 849,852,450.00
PLDT Common 828,854,430.00
Ayala Corp `A 752,679,340.00
Energy Devt. Corp. (EDC) 679,867,874.00
SM Investments Inc. 666,041,075.00
Alcorn Gold Res. 582,943,380.00
Mla. Elect. Co `A 536,154,124.00
Alliance Global Inc. 533,923,292.00
Puregold 526,350,560.00
Next-generation Internet. Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co. and Smart Communications
Inc. teamed up with Cisco to expand the PLDT Groups next-generation Internet to meet growing local
demand for high-bandwidth xed and mobile services such as 3G, HSPA+ and LTE. Shown are (from left)
Smart chief wireless advisor Orlando Vea, PLDT/Smart president and chief executive Napoleon Nazareno,
Cisco vice president for Asia and ANZ Les Williamson, and Cisco Philippines country general manager
Stephen Thomas Misa.
By Jenniffer B. Austria
SHARE prices are expected to trade
in a narrow range this week with an
upward bias as concerns about external
factors could temper bullishness on the
domestic front.
Accord Capital Equities Corp.
trader Justino Calaycay said
while positive earnings of listed
companies could continue to boost
the market, concerns over scal
cliff in the United States and the
lingering fears over the European
crisis could inuence the market
to take a negative spin.
The present earnings season
should give investors enough
reason to push the index past the
5,500 level, before easing back
and preparing for a nal push
while riding the traditionally
bullish yuletide season trading,
Calaycay said.
AB Capital Securities said the
PSEis robust valuations showed
limited upside on most index
The PSEi was trading at 14x
2012 earnings during the start of
the year and is now at 17x. We
think that additional multiple
expansions for this year are
improbable unless 2012 earnings
are upgraded. Given that
earnings were generally in line
with expectations, upgrades on
earning projections are unlikely,
AB Capital said.
The local equities market
scaled higher last week, as
investors cheered the benign
ination in October as well as
the peaceful elections in the US.
The benchmark PSEi closed
44 points higher at 5,468.79 on
Nov. 9, boosted by nancials,
which advanced 3.6 percent and
holdings companies which gained
1.6 percent.
Among the gainers were Lopez
Holdings Inc., which jumped
19.3 percent to P6.50 per share;
First Philippine Holdings, up 8.8
percent to P94; BDO Unibank,
up 7.7 percent to P68.95; and
Filinvest Land Inc., up 7.5 percent
to P1.57.
Average turnover improved to
P7.6 billion last week from prior
weeks P5.64 billion while net
foreign buying was maintained at
P390 million.
The government reported that
ination rate in October eased to
3.1 percent from 3.6 percent in
September on cheaper prices of
basic commodities.
The October gure brought the
year-to-date ination average to
3.2 percent, which was in line
with Bangko Sentrals target
ination range of 3 percent to 5
percent in 2012.
BEVERAGE manufacturer
Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines
Inc. said net income trebled in the
rst nine months, as it continues
to benet from strong consumer
spending this year.
PCPPI said prot in the
January-September period
reached P696 million, up by
208 percent from P225 million
posted in the same period last
year, as gross sales jumped 13
percent to P16.5 billion from
P14.7 billion.
With our top-line growth
continuing to outperform industry
growth for yet another quarter, we
are poised to signicantly exceed
our full-year targets, PCPPI
president Partho Chakrabarti
Chakrabarti said the companys
strong nancial performance was
fueled by higher sales volume
across brands and categories.
The third quarter of the year
is typically a difcult period
for the beverage industry due
to seasonality. This year, it was
further compounded by the heavy
rains of July and August. But
our notable achievements across
brands and categories were
driven by a better-than-expected
performance in carbonated
softdrinks, particularly in the
cola segment, Chakrabarti
Net income in the third quarter
reached P119 million as sales
went up slightly to P5.2 billion
from P4.9 billion in the third
quarter of 2011.
Cost of sales also went up by 6
percent in the third quarter and 5
percent in the nine-month period.
Cost of sales consists primarily
of raw and packaging materials,
direct labor and manufacturing
The softdrink maker
introduced new products in the
rst nine months to boost the
companys growth in the future.
Among these are Tropicana Coco
Quench, Gatorade Low Carb, and
Sting Power Pacq.
PCPPI is the exclusive bottler
of PepsiCo beverages in the
Philippines. Lotte Chilsung,
one of the biggest beverage
companies in South Korea, is
the lead shareholder of PCPPI
as an independently-listed
company and co-manages it
with PepsiCo.
PCPPI manufactures and
sells well-known brands such
as Pepsi-Cola, Mountain Dew,
7-Up, Mirinda, Mug, Gatorade,
Tropicana, Lipton, Sting and
Its manufacturing facilities
across the country serving at
least 440,000 outlets and provide
employment through its extensive
distribution network.
Jenniffer B. Austria
Pepsis profit soars 208% to P696m
ManilaStandardToday NOVEMBER 12, 2012 MONDAY
Mindanao power outage eases
Mekeni gets world-class
food safety certification
16th to 19th Floors, Fort Legend Towers
31st Street corner 3rd Avenue, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City, 1634
Statement of Condition
(Head Offce and Branches)
As of September 30, 2012

Cash and Cash tems Php 291,133,264.29
Due from Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) 1,351,021,704.63
Due from Other Banks 830,821,543.13
Financial Assets at Fair Value through Proft or Loss 2,124,470,650.01
Available-for-Sale Financial Assets-Net 853,207,075.30
Held-to-Maturity (HTM) Financial Assets-Net 270,006,282.09
Unquoted Debt Securities Classifed as Loans-Net 623,731,330.10
nvestments in Non-Marketable Equity Security-Net 12,440,816.63
Loans and Receivables - Net 13,377,561,741.34
nterbank Loans Receivable 532,000,000.00
Loans and Receivables - Others 12,159,752,530.11
Loans and Receivables Arising from RA/CA/PR/SLB 865,000,000.00
General Loan Loss Provision 179,190,788.77
Other Financial Assets 115,652,989.31
Equity nvestment in Subsidiaries, Associates & Joint Ventures-Net 20,000,099.13
Bank Premises, Furniture, Fixture and Equipment-Net 340,834,645.46
Real and Other Properties Acquired-Net 3,572,708.79
Other Assets-Net 879,363,630.79

TOTAL ASSETS Php 21,093,818,481.00


Financial Liabilities at Fair Value through Proft or Loss Php 190,282.10
Deposit Liabilities 11,912,449,444.03
Bills Payable 1,626,300,000.00
a) nterbank Loans Payable 1,626,300,000.00
Other Financial Liabilities 153,442,500.07
Other Liabilities 1,167,411,481.14
TOTAL LIABILITIES Php 14,859,793,707.34

Capital Stock Php 2,533,200,985.17
Other Capital Accounts 266,889,965.92
Retained Earnings 3,433,933,822.57




Performance Standby Letters of Credit Php 491,110,205.29
Commercial Letters of Credit 89,227,857.79
Trade Related Guarantees 6,554,380.58
Spot Foreign Exchange Contracts 2,980,450,277.61
Trust Department Accounts 6,460,198,294.06
a) Trust and Other Fiduciary Accounts 337,154,471.13
b) Agency Accounts 6,123,043,822.93
Derivatives 1,669,604,290.85
Others 939,408,255.74



Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) Php 347,839,976.98
Ratio of Non-Performing Loans to Total Loan Portfolio 2.53%
Classifed Loans & Other Risk Assets Php 421,533,344.88
Specifc provision for loan losses Php 205,,555,731.43
Return on Equity (ROE) 5.34%
DOSR loans and receivables Php 21,142,422.47
Past due DOSR loans and receivables Php 39,266.48
Compliance with Magna Carta Law
a. 8% Small Enterprises 7.64%
b. 2% for Medium Enterprises 11.01%
Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) on Solo Basis, under Cir. No. 538 or
Cir. No. 280, as applicable
a. Total CAR 29.79%
b. Tier 1 CAR 29.09%

/WE, ANDRE P. PAYAWAL and MARK CHEN of the abovementioned Bank, do solemnly
swear that all matters set forth in the above statement of condition are true and correct to the best
of my/our knowledge and belief.

Chief Finance Ofcer, FVP (For) Mark Chen, President and CEO
(Signature Over Printed Name) (Signature Over Printed Name)

SUBSCRBED AND SWORN to before me this October 24, 2012 affants exhibiting to me his/
their TN No. 150-031-779-000 and SSS No. 03-7035177-7.
Doc No. 275; 16/F, Fort Legend Towers, 3rd Ave. corner 31st St.
Book No. ; Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City
Page No. 56; APPT NO. 71 / ROLL NO. 51630
Series of 2012 PTR NO. A-1448675/01-05-12/TAGUG CTY
BP NO. 879980 / 01-06-12 / CAVTE

Form 2B (Revised June 2007)
Balance Sheet
As of SEPTEMBER 30, 2012
) S.S.

I/We HENRY T. PELAEZ and MA. CHRISTINA J. DEL CARMEN of the above-mentioned bank do solemnly swear that all matters
set forth in the above statement of condition are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief.

_______________________________ _________________________________

SVP - Country Manager VP - Manager

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this November 08, 2012 at affants exhibiting to their Residence Certifcate No.
14239314 issued in Manila on January 07, 2012 and Residence Certifcate No. 03278362 issued in Quezon City on January 20,
2012 respectively.The affants also exhibited their Passport Numbers XX5027665 dated November 23, 2009 and XX2924640 dated
February 03, 2009.

Notary Public for Makati City
Appointment No. M-251 until Dec. 31, 2012
Doc. No. 199 Roll of Attorney No. 27192
Book No. 241 PTR NO. 3178236MA; 01/04/12; Makati City
Page No. 41 BP No. 869717; 01/02/12; Makati Chapter
Series of 2012 SyCipLaw Centre, 105 Paseo de Roxas
Makati City,1226,Metro Manila, Philippines


Cash and Cash tems 15,127,006.09
Due from Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas 11,981,383,077.59
Due from Other Banks 3,066,466,406.98
Financial Assets at Fair Value through Proft or Loss 30,695,439.40
Available-for-Sale Financial Assets-Net -
Held-to-Maturity (HTM) Financial Assets-Net -
Unquoted Debt Securities Classifed as Loans-Net -
nvestments in Non-Marketable Equity Security-Net 4,712,600.00
Loans and Receivables-Net 637,808,734.69
Loans to Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas -
Interbank Loans Receivable -
Loans and Receivables - Others 644,708,738.69
Loans and Receivables Arising from RA/CA/PR/SLB -
General Loan Loss Provision 6,900,004.00
Other Financial Assets 14,527,666.51
Equity Investment in Subsidiaries, Associates and Joint Ventures-Net -
Bank Premises, Furniture, Fixture and Equipment-Net 8,931,229.07
Real and Other Properties Acquired - Net -
Non-Current Assets Held for Sale -
Other Assets-Net 17,257,778.28
Net Due from Head Offce/Branches/Agencies Abroad -

TOTAL ASSETS 15,776,909,938.60


Financial Liabilities at Fair Value through Proft or Loss 29,207,264.47
Deposit Liabilities 12,257,498,576.98
Due to Other Banks -
Bills Payable -
a) BSP - (Rediscounting and Other Advances) -
b) Interbank Loans Payable -
c) Other Deposit Substitute -
d) Others -
Bonds Payable - Net -
Unsecured Subordinated Debt - Net -
Redeemable Preferred Shares -
Special Time Deposit -
Due to BSP 1,049,145.85
Other Financial Liabilities 185,324,268.18
Other Liabilities 78,163,507.43
Net Due to Head Offce/Branches/Agencies (Philippine branch of a foreign bank) 2,628,720,470.49

TOTAL LIABILITIES 15,179,963,233.40


Capital Stock -
Other Capital Accounts -
Retained Earnings -
Assigned Capital 596,946,705.20




Guarantees Issued -
Financial Standby Letters of Credit -
Performance Standby Letters of Credit 60,482,492.19
Commercial Letters of Credit
Trade Related Guarantees -
Commitments 496,022.00
Spot Foreign Exchange Contracts 1,043,207,115.24
Securities Held Under Custodianship by Bank Proper -
Trust Department Accounts -
a) Trust and Agency Accounts -
b) Unit Investment Trust Fund (UITF) -
c) Other Trust and Fiduciary Accounts -
Derivatives 3,110,482,083.22
Others 2,348,620,594.09


As of December 31, 2011
(In Millions)

PAD-N CAPTAL $ 156,621
TOTAL DEPOSITS $ 1,033,041


Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) -
Ratio of Non-Performing Loans to Total Loan Portfolio (NPL to TLP) -
Classifed Loans and Other Risk Assets 6,655,115.17
Specifc Provision for Loan Losses -
Return on Equity (ROE) -11.46
DOSR Loans and Receivables 27,485,120.46
Ratio of DOSR Loans and Receivables to TLP 4.26
Past Due DOSRI Loans and receivables -
Ratio of Past Due DOSRI Loans and receivables to TLP -
Compliance with Magna Carta -
a. 8% Small Enterprises 0.00
b. 2% for Medium Enterprises 0.00
Capital Adequacy Ratio ( CAR for Solo Basis) under Circular No. 538 -
or Circular No. 280, as applicable -
a. Tier 1 (Solo Basis) 47.10
b. Total ( Solo Basis) 47.21
Deferred Charges Not yet Written Down -
Unbooked Allowance for Probable Losses on Financial Instruments Received -
Sugarcane issues. Ma. Regina Bautista-Martin (second from right), administrator of the Sugar Regulatory
Administration and the invited guest speaker at the recent economic brieng held by BDO Unibank Inc. in Bacolod
City, highlighted the importance of the private sector in the realization of the programs planned for the sugarcane
industry. Shown with her (from left) are Glenn Birch Ong, BDO senior assistant vice president; BDO president Nestor
Tan; and BDO chief market strategist Jonathan Ravelas.
By Othel V. Campos
MEAT processing company Mekeni
Food Corp. received a world-class
certification for food safety management
as the company plans expansion at home
and abroad.
The rms hotdog processing plant in
Porac, Pampanga became the rst in the
country to be awarded food safety system
certication or FSSC 22000.
The certication, recognized by
benchmarking organization Global Food
Safety Initiative, allows the company to
use the FSSC 22000 standard to meet
the requirements of global retailers and
major branded food companies under one,
internationally-recognized food safety
management system.
Mekeni Food president Prudencio Garcia
said the company continued to search
for improvement and surpass previous
achievements. He credited the companys
team for the success of the business and for
achieving a world-class certication that was
expected to boost the companys expansion
Instead of sending Filipinos outside
[of the country], well send our products
outside, he said.
Mekeni Food, during the recent awarding
of food safety certication, unveiled its
newest tagline Masarap na, world-class
pa! which sets its vision in exporting
Mekeni products around the world.
SGS Philippines managing director
Rosario Cajucom-Bradbury said the FSSC
award received by Mekeni was even higher
than its previous certication under ISO
22000, otherwise known as food safety
management system.
The company made history in 2006 when
it was conferred with the ISO 22000, a rst
in the Philippines and in Asia, and second in
the world.
Bradbury conrmed that Mekeni Food
was the rst company to be awarded the
FSSC 22000 certication in the meat
processing industry particularly in the
hotdog category.
The Agriculture Department congratulated
Mekeni for its leadership in food safety and
quality and for upgrading the quality level of
Filipino products in the global market.
By Alena Mae S. Flores
THE second unit of the 210-megawatt coal
plant of Steag State Power Inc. in Misamis
Oriental resumed operations, after a two-
week maintenance shutdown, helping ease
the power supply decit in Mindanao.
Steag ofcially declared the
200-MW power availability
at 10:02 a.m. Nov. 10. The
precarious power supply
condition in Mindanao is
expected to substantially improve
with the full capacity operation
of Steags power plant beginning
[Saturday], Steag corporate
communications ofcer Jerome
Soldevilla said.
Steag is a special purpose
company established to
build, operate and maintain
Mindanaos first coal-fired
power plant. The company is
principally owned by Steag
GmbH, one of the largest
electricity producers in
Germany and a market leader
in clean coal technology and
biomass power plants.
Steag reported that Unit 2 (105
MW) was ofcially synchronized
to the Mindanao grid at 8:58 a.m.
Nov. 10, or about 15 hours ahead
of schedule, following a 12-day
planned preventive maintenance
shutdown beginning Oct. 29.
Steags Unit 1 also came on line
on Nov. 4, or 10 hours ahead of
schedule, boosting power supply
in Mindanao. Unit 1 underwent
a relatively long scheduled
preventive maintenance shutdown
on Oct. 6 to Nov. 4.
The company said it carried
out the preventive maintenance
activities for both units 25 hours
ahead of schedule.
Carrying out the necessary
preventive maintenance as
planned and scheduled will
bring long-term benets for
Mindanao power consumers in
terms operational reliability,
Soldevilla said.
National Grid Corp. of the
Philippines power outlook
on Sunday showed that the
shortage in Mindanao was only
at 49 MW from the previous
days shortage of as much as
200 MW.
Mindanaos system capacity
as of Sunday reached 1,008
MW while system peak demand
was at 1,057 MW.
Steag, meanwhile, the
Mindanao power plant sustained
an availability rate of 93.3 percent
and a low unplanned outage rate
of less than 1 percent in its rst
six years of operation,
The company said despite
the relatively long maintenance
shutdown conducted for Unit
1, it was condent it could still
achieve an availability rate of 92
percent by the end of the year.
NEW YORKCitigroup has paid its former chief
executive Vikram Pandit, who resigned abruptly last
month, a bonus of $6.7 million for work he did for the
bank this year.
The bank, which disclosed the payment in a regulatory
ling Friday, also paid its former chief operating ofcer
John Havens, who left the bank at the same time Pandit
did, $6.8 million. Citi characterized the payments as
incentive awards and said the two executives werent
entitled to any severance payments as a result
of their departures.
The executives will get 40 percent of the
money right away, and the rest will be paid in
installments through 2017.
Citi said Pandit and Havens will continue
to vest in deferred stock and deferred cash
incentive awards previously granted to them.
Those were worth $8.8 million for Pandit and
$8.7 million for Havens.
Pandits sudden departure from Citi on Oct.
16 shocked the nancial industry. Citi gave
no explanation at the time, but it was widely
reported that Pandit had fallen out of favor
with the companys board. The bank was
embarrassed by several missteps including
failing a nancial checkup this spring with
the Federal Reserve, which refused Citis
request to raise its dividend.
Pandit joined Citi in 2007 and steered the
bank through the nancial crisis. He accepted
a token $1 in compensation in 2010 as the
bank righted itself. His pay increased to $15
million in 2011, roughly in line with most of his
counterparts. But Citis shareholders, unhappy
with a 44-percent plunge in the banks stock
price that year, rebuked Citi by rejecting his pay
package in a non-binding vote this spring.
In the ling, Citis chairman, Michael
ONeill, said in a statement that Pandit and
Havens made important contributions to Citi
that warranted the payments.
Vikram steered Citi through the nancial
crisis, realigned its strategy, bolstered its risk management
processes and returned it to protability ..., ONeill
said. Based on the progress this year through the date of
separation, the board determined that an incentive award
for their work in 2012 was appropriate and equitable.
As part of the agreements Citi made with Pandit and
Havens granting the payments, the two executives agreed
not to become afliated with another major bank or to
poach Citi executives or clients for a year. AP
Former Citi chief gets $6.7-m bonus
US retail sales
in October likely
SALES at US retailers probably fell in
October for the rst time in four months as
consumers in the Northeast stayed away from
auto dealers and shopping centers before and
after superstorm Sandy, economists said
before a report this week.
The projected 0.2 percent drop in
purchases would follow a 1.1 percent gain in
September, according to the median forecast
of 72 economists surveyed by Bloomberg
before Nov. 14 gures from the Commerce
Department. Other reports may show the cost
of living climbed more slowly and factory
output rose.
General Motors Co. and Ford Motor Co. are
among companies saying the drop in demand
will probably be temporary as brighter job
prospects, rising home prices and improving
nances boost household condence heading
into the holiday shopping season. Sustained
gains in consumer spending, which accounts
for about 70 percent of the economy, are
needed to overcome a slowdown in business
investment. Bloomberg
executive resigned Saturday
night after the prestigious
broadcasters marquee news
magazine wrongly implicated
a British politician in a child
sex-abuse scandal, deepening
the crisis that exploded after
it decided not to air similar
YANGON, MyanmarA strong
earthquake struck northern
Myanmar on Sunday, collapsing
a bridge and a gold mine,
damaging several old Buddhist
pagodas and leaving as many as
12 people feared dead.
No casualties or major damage
was reported in the nearest major
population center, Myanmars
second-biggest city of Mandalay,
about 117 kilometers (72 miles)
south of the quakes epicenter
near the town of Shwebo.
An ofcial from the
Meteorological Department in
the capital, Naypyitaw, said the
magnitude-6.8 quake struck at
7:42 a.m. local time.
The area surrounding the
epicenter is underdeveloped, and
casualty reports were coming
in piecemeal, mostly from local
media. The region is a center
for mining of minerals and
gemstones, and several mines
were reported to have collapsed.
The biggest single death
toll was reported by a local
administrative ofcer in Sintku
townshipon the Irrawaddy
River near the quakes
epicenterwho told The
Associated Press that six people
had died there and another 11
were injured.
He said some of the dead were
miners who were killed when a
gold mine collapsed. He spoke
on condition of anonymity
because local ofcials are not
usually allowed to release
information to the media.
According to news reports,
several people died when a
bridge under construction across
the Irrawaddy River east of
Shwebo collapsed. The bridge
linked the town of Sinku, 65
kilometers (40 miles) north of
Mandalay on the east bank of the
Irrawaddy, with Kyaukmyaung
on the west bank.
The Web site of Weekly Eleven
magazine said four people were
killed and 25 injured when the
bridge, which was 80 percent
built, fell. The local government
announced a toll of two dead
and 16 injured. All of the victims
appeared to be workers.
However, a Shwebo police
ofcer, also speaking on
condition of anonymity, said
just one person was conrmed
dead from the bridges
collapse, while ve were still
unaccounted for. AP
Manila Standard TODAY
winner in
Strong quake rocks
Myanmar; 12 dead
woman linked to CIA chief
BBCs top executive quits post
Justin Bieber, Selena break up
By Kimberly Dozier and Pete Yost
WASHINGTONThe scandal that
brought down CIA director David
Petraeus started with harassing e-mails
sent by his biographer and paramour,
Paula Broadwell, to another woman, and
eventually led the FBI to discover the
affair, US ofcials told The Associated
Press on Saturday.
Petraeus quit Friday after
acknowledging an extramarital
The ofcial said the FBI
investigation began several
months ago with a complaint
against Broadwell, a 40-year-
old graduate of the US Military
Academy and an Army Reserve
ofcer. That probe led agents
to her e-mail account, which
uncovered the relationship with
the 60-year-old retired four-star
general, who earned acclaim for
his leadership of the wars in Iraq
and Afghanistan.
The identity of the other
woman and her connection with
Broadwell were not immediately
Concerned that the e-mails
he exchanged with Broadwell
raised the possibility of a security
breach, the FBI brought the
matter up with Petraeus directly,
according to the ofcial, who
spoke on condition of anonymity
because he was not authorized to
publicly discuss the investigation.
The FBI approached the CIA
President Barack Obama was
declared the winner of Floridas
29 electoral votes Saturday,
ending a four-day count with a
razor-thin margin that narrowly
avoided an automatic recount
that would have brought back
memories of 2000.
No matter the outcome, Obama
had already clinched reelection
and now has 332 electoral votes
to Romneys 206.
The Florida Secretary of
States Ofce said that with
almost 100 percent of the
vote counted, Obama led
Republican challenger Mitt
Romney 50 percent to 49.1
percent, a difference of about
74,000 votes. That was over
the half-percent margin where
a computer recount would have
been automatically ordered
unless Romney had waived it.
There is a Nov. 16 deadline
for overseas and military ballots,
but under Florida law, recounts
are based on Saturdays results.
Only a handful of overseas and
military ballots are believed to
remain outstanding.
Its normal for election
supervisors in Florida and
other states to spend days
after any election counting
absentee, provisional, military
and overseas ballots. Usually,
though, the election has
already been called on election
night or soon after because the
winners margin is beyond
But on election night this year,
it was difcult for ofcials
and the mediato call the
presidential race here, in part
because the margin was so close
and the voting stretched into the
In Miami-Dade, for instance,
so many people were in line at
7 p.m. in certain precincts that
some people didnt vote until
after midnight. AP
allegations against one of its
own stars who police now say
was one of the nations worst
In a brief statement outside
BBC headquarters, George
Entwistle said he decided to do
the honorable thing and step
down after just eight weeks in
the job.
The wholly-
exceptional events of
the past few weeks
have led me to
conclude that the BBC
should appoint a new
leader, he said.
It was a rapid
about-face for
Entwistle, a 23-year
BBC veteran who
earlier Saturday
had insisted he had
no plans to resign
despite growing
questions about his
leadership and the
BBCs integrity
in the wake of the
Lawmaker John
Whittingdale, who
chairs a parliamentary
committee on the news
media, said Entwistle
had no choice but
to go, as the BBCs
management appears to have
lost their grip on the publicly
funded organization.
I think that what has
happened in the last few days
has immensely weakened his
authority and credibility,
Whittingdale said. It would
have been very difcult for
him to continue in those
The scandal comes at a
sensitive time for Britains
media establishment,
struggling to recover from
an ongoing phone-hacking
scandal which brought down
the nations best-selling Sunday
newspaper, led to the arrests
of dozens of journalists and
prompted a judge-led inquiry
into journalistic ethics and the
ties between politics and the
news media.
Kevin Marsh, a former
senior editor of the BBC, said
the resignation does little to
reestablish public trust in the
BBC, which is funded mainly
by a tax on UK households that
have televisions.
The BBC asks the British
public to pay its bills every
year, and the only way it can
do that is if the British public
trusts the way it is spending its
money, he said. AP
NEW YORKA source
conrms to The Associated
Press that Justin Bieber is
no longer Selena Gomezs
The source is not authorized
to discuss the split with the
press and spoke on condition
of anonymity.
The breakup apparently
happened last week, and
distance and their busy
schedules were cited as factors.
The 18-year-old Bieber is
touring to promote his latest
album, Believe, which
contains the hit Boyfriend.
Gomez, 20, is lming a
Wizards of Waverly Place
reunion for the Disney
The pair made their
relationship public in
February 2011.
E! News was the rst to
report the split.
Bieber seems to be doing
okay, at least publicly. On the
red carpet of Wednesdays
Victorias Secret fashion show
he said, Id rather be here than
anywhere in the world. AP
At peace. A Syrian elderly disabled man who ed from the violence in his village, prays in front of his
tent at a displaced camp, in the Syrian village of Atma, near the Turkish border with Syria. The newly
elected leader of Syrias main opposition group slammed the international community for what he called
inaction, saying Saturday that ghters are in desperate need of weapons to break the stalemate with
President Bashar Assads forces. AP
Paula Broadwell, author of
the David Petraeus biography
All In, poses for photos in
Charlotte, N.C. in this Jan. 15
le. Petraeus carried on an
affair with Broadwell. AP
director because his e-mails in
the matter were in most instances
sent from a personal account, not
his CIA one.
Petraeus decided to quit, abruptly
ending a high-prole career that
might have culminated with a run
for the presidency, a notion he was
believed to be considering.
Petraeus handed his resignation
letter to President Barack Obama
on Thursday, stunning many in
the White House, the CIA and
Congress. The news broke in
the media before the House and
Senate intelligence committees
were briefed, ofcials say.
By Friday evening, multiple
ofcials identied Broadwell,
who spent the better part of a
year reporting on Petraeus time
in Afghanistan.
Members of Congress said they
want answers to questions about
the affair that led to Petraeus
House intelligence committee
chairman Mike Rogers, R-Mich.,
and ranking member Dutch
Ruppersberger, D-Md., will meet
Wednesday with FBI deputy
director Sean Joyce, and CIA
acting director Michael Morell
to ask questions, including
how the investigation came
about, according to a senior
congressional staffer who spoke
anonymously because he was
not authorized to discuss the
investigation publicly. AP
Standard TODAY
Gianna Maniego, Editor
Dinna Chan Vasquez, Assistant Editor
fashion beauty health wellness NOVEMBER 12, 2012 MONDAY

The vibrant world of
eye fashion offers
trendy eye wear for
men and women.
THIS weeks column puts on the
spotlight everybodys favorite
preoccupationeating. Two
recent events drew in overow
crowds simply because what was
featured were attractive come-
ons that gave everyone, the party
people especially, a valid reason
to have fun.
Fabulous meals
ACADEMY Award-winner Octavia Spencer is rarely seen
on the red carpet wearing a dress thats not made by Tadashi
Shoji. Throughout the 2012 awards season, the actress was
dressed by Tadashi and the ensembles earned her a spot in
almost every best-dressed list.
By Ed Biado
be an event that goes beyond
perfection, beyond passion. It
will be a transcendental feast for
all the senses.
Famealy matters
The Shangri-La Plaza
Grand Atrium was the venue
for the launch of Monde
Nissins Famealy Matters:
50-Plus Stories of Everyday
Intimacy at the Family Dining
Table, a compilation of well-
known personalities stories of
memorable meal time moments
with their loved ones.
During the evenings program
hosted by Suzi Entrata-Abrera,
the books publisher Francis
Kong welcomed invited speaker,
Education Secretary Bro. Armin
Luistro, FSC, who shared his
insights on the importance of
having family meals together.
Some of the notable
celebrity-contributors of the
book graced the occasion
ABS-CBN Publishing
managing director Ernie Lopez,
Studio 23 managing director
March Ventosa, Mansmith
and Fielders president Chiqui
Escareal-Go, Plains & Prints
founder Roxanne Ang Farillas,
Monde Nissin marketing
director Marivic Cajucom-Uy,
GE Philippines chief executive
ofcer Jocot de Dios, East
West Bank and Sky Cable
director Paul Aquino, Gawad
Kalinga executive director Luis
Oquiena, celebrity lawyer
Adel Tamano, TV host Edu
Manzano, basketball star Chris
Tiu, Appetite editor-in-chief
Nina Daza-Puyat, columnist
Elizabeth Lolarga, author
Queenie Lee-Chua, columnist
Cathy Babao-Guballa, TV host
Edric Mendoza, and blogger
Anton Diaz.
Through the new book,
Monde Nissin reminds Filipino
families of the joys that come
with sharing meals with your
loved ones, highlighting the need
for each family member to make
the effort to partake in the family
salu-salo. It is now available
at all National Book Store and
Powerbooks outlets.
25 percent of women in the US are
on medication for mental illness.
Thats scary. It means75 percent
are running around untreated!
For feedback, Im at
Spiral is back
After having been closed
for more than a year, Sotel
Philippine Plaza Manilas
premiere food and beverage
outlet, the 452-seat Spiral is
springing back to action. Not
too long ago, the hotel invited
selected members of the Media
and some loyal friends to a sneak
preview of what the restaurant
will be offering its guests.
For foodies like you and me,
Spiral will be a virtual Heaven
because it boasts of 21 food
stations, which executive chef Eric
Costille prefers to call ateliers
because every item served in these
stations are culinary masterpieces.
These are: Salad and Appetizer,
LEcailler (Neptunes catch),
Sushi Salami, LEpicerie (meat
and cheese), Hot Japanese,
French Stove, Rotisserie, Wood
Fired Oven, Churrasco, North
Indian, Asian Noodles, Peking
Duck Oven, Chinese Wok, Steam
Baskets, Filipino, Thai, Korean,
La Boulangerie (bakery items), La
Patisserie (pastries), Chocolaterie,
and Creamery (ice cream).
Sotel general manager
Goran Aleks proudly claims
that the restaurant, extensively
renovated to the tune of US$11
million, will revolutionize the
art of interactive dining, never
before seen in any restaurant
in the Asia-Pacic region. The
renovated restaurant now has
La Veranda, an indoor trendy
lounge that opens to an outdoor
terrace with four gazebos leading
to the iconic lagoon-shaped pool.
It also has six private dining
rooms labeled with interesting
names like Hidden, Voyeur,
Indulgence, Epicure, Decadence
and Tasting.
The classy and elegant staff
uniforms, conceptualized and
designed by Rajo Laurel,
make the new Spiral even
more attractive as they are
a perfect t for the soothing
interiors designed by Masakazu
Koizumi. He put together nature
and modern industrial elements
in harmony, intertwined with the
best of both Filipino and French
As Goran Aleks put it,
Dining at Spiral will now
Famealy Matters
contributor Au-
drey Zubiri-Tan
Actor and TV
host Edu Man-
Secretary of Education Bro. Armin
Luistro shared a special message on
the importance of eating together
as a family
TV host and professional basket-
ball player Chris Tiu with Monde
Nissins Gen Aquino
Actress and TV host Sharon
Executive Chef Eric Costille and his Culinary Team
Executive Chef Eric
Costille orches-
trating culinary
F&B Uniforms by Rajo Laurel
Sotel GM Goran Aleks being interviewed
by Angel Jacob
of Spiral
The Ham
and Cheese
The recently minted Council of
Fashion Designers of America member
hasnt had a red-carpet moment before
Spencer. But when the Best Supporting
Actress went to the Oscars and went
up the stage to accept her award in
an incredible white beaded number,
Tadashi immediately became the one to
watch. Being a CFDA member is kind
of a big deal as well, as membership to
the organization is by invitation only, a
privilege granted only to top designers.
I wasnt famous before, the
Japanese designer modestly says,
explaining why it took him this long to
get invited to join the CFDA.
Well, he is now. A bonade designer
to the stars, Tadashi has dressed Kate
Beckinsale, Queen Latifah, Julie
Bowen, Monique, Mena Suvari,
Kaley Cuoco, Maggie Q, Tina
Fey and a slew of other Hollywood
celebrities, not to mention countless
Asian stars and artists. He is also the
ofcial designer for the Miss USA and
Miss Universe pageants.
Today, Tadashi is one of the most
important designers in the world.
His designs are carried in over 4,000
department stores and high-end retailers
across the globe, including Rustans. To
celebrate his success, Rustan Commercial
Corporation president Zenaida Tantoco
invited Tadashi to come to Manila so he,
himself, can lead the Philippine launch
of his Fall/Winter 2012/13 collection.
The show was staged at the Peninsula
Manilas Rigodon Ballroom on the
evening of Oct. 24. An auction featuring
three special-edition handpicked looks
was held as well for the benet the
Philippine Red Cross.
I wanted to be an artist [when I
was young], Tadashi told local fashion
writers over lunch that same day. But
when he visited Los Angeles in his
youth, he stumbled upon an art school
with a fashion design program that
grabbed his attention. He was amazed
at how a simple and at piece of fabric
can be transformed into something
three-dimensional. He considered that
art. So instead of pursuing his initial
dream, he went on to get a degree in
fashion design instead, becoming an
accidental designer of sorts.
In 1982, after gaining several years
of experience in the fashion industry,
he set up the Tadashi fashion house.
The label, specializing in evening and
special-occasion dresses, experienced
steady growth through the years due
to Tadashis own brand of intricate
beadwork and embroidery, dressy
comfort and wearability. A tried
and tested formula, these elements
still make up the framework of the
designers new collections.
For the fall 2007 season of New
York Fashion Week, Tadashi introduced
the Signature Collection, a line
of high-end one-of-a-kind pieces
made using couture techniques,
such as hand-embroidery and
hand-beading on opulent and
expensive fabrics.
As for the current collection,
the inspiration is the Golden
Age of Shanghai, envisioned by
Tadashi as a glamorous world
of modernity, transformation, and
prosperity [before] a darker time.
lace, chiffon, silk and velvet are
the luxurious fabrics utilized in
creating drop-waist and column
constructions. The hemlines
are dropped a few inches below
normal to give the impression of
excess. Rich hues of blue (marina),
green (seagrass), red (ame) and
gold (hazel, ginseng and pearl) are
dominant and evocative of wealth.
Though the designs are decidedly
contemporary western, subtle
hints of eastern sophistication are
found in every piece, especially in
the embroidered ones.
The entire Fall/Winter 2012/13
collection was presented at the
Manila runway show. However,
only selected pieces are on retail
at Rustans. Ladies who want to
purchase a Tadashi creation that
isnt locally available may request
the department store to order it
for them from China, where the
dresses are made. Delivery can be
expected within a week.
Tadashi Shoji
NOVEMBER 12, 2012
Gianna Maniego, Editor
Dinna Chan Vasquez, Assistant Editor
fashion beauty health wellness
By Dinna Chan Vasquez
A popular eyewear brand from Hawaii,
Maui Jims is now available in the Philip-
pines. The brand enters the local market
with two important models. Banyans and
Sunset, under the MJ Sport Collection, are
made for men who live and play actively.
Recognizing that sunglasses are a neces-
sary accessory to protect the eyes from
the damaging effects of sun exposure,
the sunnies are made with the trademark
PolarizedPlus multilayer lens technology
to ensure 100-percent elimination of glare
and UV rays.
Maui Jims shades are also waterproof,
anti-grease and anti-smudge. According
to press notes, the lenses have the ability
to enhance color, upgrade clarity and limit
the amount of distortion that comes from
wearing glasses, assuring optimum clar-
ity and visibility. The MJ Sport models, in
particular, incorporates a scratch-resistant
coating that adds durability and mini-
mizes the risk of damage even in extreme
Meanwhile, popular accessories brand
Coach is introducing its new eyewear lines
to the Philippines. The leather goods mak-
er prides itself in exquisite renement and
craftsmanship and classic all-American
style; and it extends that attention to qual-
ity and aesthetics to its expansion lines, in-
cluding eyewear. Balance between luxury
and affordability is selling point.
The 4Cs Logo collection is composed
of oversize frames t for a celebrity. Both
sunglasses and clear glasses come with la-
ser-engraving at the temple inlaid with the
metallic Cs logo. Hardware nishes range
from metal to lightweight acetate while
lenses are in a variety of gradient shades.
Coachs other offering the Lozenge
Logo collection, features the well-known
lozenge logo prominently and enameled
to exude luxuriousness. The classic avia-
tor, the cat eye and the bumblebee are re-
interpreted in the form of new streamlined
silhouettes while maintaining the styles
iconic feel. A distinctive feature is the so-
FILIPINOS may not be getting the right amount of
most vitamins and minerals they need every day. At
the same time more Filipinos are becoming over-
weight and obese. According to the 2008 survey of
the Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI),
this trend also exposes more Filipinos to health risks.
According to the survey data, while 1 out of 10
Filipino adults still have chronic energy deciency
(CED, a term referring to the state of being under-
nourished), there is also the other end of the extreme:
3 out of 10 Filipinos are overweight.
Overnutrition is a form of malnutrition in which
there is an imbalance in the consumption of nutrients.
In the case of overweight and obesity, this means that
a person is, in general, eating too many high calorie
High blood sugar, cholesterol
The FNRI survey also
found that there is now
an increasing preva-
lence of high fasting
blood sugar (FBS) for
more Filipinos.
The prevalence of
high FBS among Fili-
pinos has gone from 3.9
percent in 1998, to 3.4
percent in 2003 and up
to 4.8 percent in 2008.
Cholesterol levels of
Filipinos have also been
going up. Total choles-
terol levels of Filipinos
went up from 8.5 percent in 2003 to 10.2 percent in
Balanced dietat right amounts
Young, middle-aged, and older adults can ensure
that they have enough energy and greater resistance
to disease by living a healthy lifestyle, which includes
eating a balanced diet.
Wheat bread, brown rice, and corn, for example,
are preferable to white rice and white bread. This
is because white bread and white rice are too pro-
cessedthey lack ber and are too easily converted
to energy.
The role of supplements
Along with a healthy diet, we can get maximum
nutritional benets and good health by choosing the
right vitamins and minerals supplement. Centrum is
complete and specially balanced with 30 vitamins
and minerals our body needs, from vitamin A to Zinc.
Taking Centrum can help complete your nutritional
needs every day.
By Ed Biado
FASHION allows women to dress up a
thousand and one ways that are depen-
dent on trends, season, location, occa-
sion, dress code and ones personal style.
Men, on the other hand, have very limited
choices. For most instances where theres
a need to dress up, the good old-fashioned
suit is the safest bet.
While dress codes these days are not al-
ways strictsome of which, such as cre-
ative informal, cocktail chic and black-tie
optional, actually encourage nontradition-
al outtsthere will come a time in every
mans life that he will need to wear a suit.
That a suit is arguably the only dressy op-
tion for men is no reason for it to be plain
and boring. Just ask Harvey Specter and
Neal Caffrey.
As such, ev-
ery guy needs to
learn how to get
the perfect suit
for himself. De-
tails magazine
compiled a list of
everything there
is to know about
suiting up in an ar-
ticle called The Complete Guide to Suits:
57 Rules of Style. Here are some of the
most important points:
Fit is everything. No matter how ex-
pensive your suit is, if it doesnt t you the
right way, it will look cheap and lousy on
you. On the ip side, a department store-
bought suit, altered to t your body pro-
portions and dimensions, will look pol-
ished and more expensive than it really is.
Youll know that a jacket ts well if youre
able to t a st between your chest and
the fabric when its buttoned and if the
sleeves reveal about half an inch of shirt
cuff. Further, tailoring your pants a little
bit short will add distinctiveness to your
simple look, especially for slim-t styles.
For less formal settings, not wearing a
tie is acceptable, but its best to keep your
shirt collar on the smaller side. Not only
that, a trim, shortened collar also works
great with a winter knit tie. That brings us
to the rule on tie barsthey should never
be wider than your tie.
To steer clear of bleakness, patterns are
your friend. Ties with polka dots are a
great way to bring energy to a suit while
a herringbone or glen plaid [suit] in a
muted shade makes an impression. Just
remember that if the pattern of your tie
is already bold, go for a simple shirt. But
subtle patterns on both the tie and the shirt
can work well together. Pocket squares
should never be forgotten as well, as a
dark, patterned [one] provides a welcome
visual anchor to a light-colored suit.
For more tips on suits, including tai-
loring details and specications to take
note of, and rules on buttons, shirt-and-
tie combinations and accessorizing, go
How a suit
should be
SOMETHING sleek and functional for the guys,
something stylish and quintessential for the ladies
and a progressive advertising campaign that harkens
back to unsung key moments in modern history. All
these in the vibrant world of eye fashion.
Filipino adults
face health risks
How to deal with stress
LOOKING at her light frame and soft fea-
tures, one wouldnt think that 31-year-
old Patricia Denise Hizon is into combat
sports, particularly Jiu-Jitsu and Muay Thai.
Trish, as she prefers to be called, keeps her-
self in tip-top shape by running regularly
and joining marathons occasionally. She is
a member of the prestigious Evolve Gym in
Singapore where she has been based for the
last seven years.
She grew up seeing the importance of
being active because as a child, she always
saw her parents working out. I love the
discipline these sports bring. Aside from
the fact that they keep me on my toes
literally, they also make me more condent
and more comfortable with myself, Trish
shares. Engaging in martial arts is her self-
defense against burnout, a way to de-
stress her mind at days end. Always looking for new things to explore, she
has just learned how to ride a bike. To keep things balanced, I travel and go
out with friends. I also take yoga classes to relax.
At the other end of the spectrum, husband-and-wife tandem Miguel and
Cachelle de Alba have their hands full running the familys Alba Restau-
rante Espanol. Chef Miguel is in charge of the kitchen while wife Cachelle takes
care of marketing and promotions. Work is seven days a week. Multi-tasking
is essential to getting things done while still having time for my family and my-
self, says Cachelle. Like his wife, Miguel works hard every day.
But while the couple is often hard-pressed for time, they refuse to make it
an excuse to lead a sedentary lifestyle. Quite the opposite, they are very much
into physical tness and share a common interest:
My week is incomplete if I dont run
or go to the gym. My goal is to n-
ish a marathon before I hit 40, says 36-year-
old Cachelle who is also into TRX, bands and aero-
boxing. Miguel, meanwhile, is into trail running and
ultra marathons.
Eating well, staying healthy
At some point, work-related stress is likely to take
a toll on ones health, something that a career wom-
an like Trish and entrepreneurs Miguel and Cachelle
cannot afford.
I feel I do not get all the vital nutrients I need
in a day because I am too busy with work and other
chores. So I take vitamins to ensure that I am healthy
despite my active lifestyle, notes Trish. She takes
supplements like glucosamine, sh oil, Vitamin B,
iron and Vitamin C.
She also discloses that skipping fast food, avoiding fried and oily dishes and
loading up on vegetables everyday has become a habit. When she feels that
shes about to get sick or when her resistance is low, Trish says that she takes
Poten-cee Forte.
Ascorbic Acid Poten-cee Fortes 1-gram formulation sufciently gives all
the benets of Vitamin C to help cope with stress and the challenges of life. Its
8-hour time-release formula ensures a constant level of Vitamin C in the blood
to keep the immune system protected all throughout the day providing effec-
tive, sustained defense against sickness. Poten-cee Forte is a quality product
of Pascual Laboratories. It is available in major drugstores and supermarkets
called Asian t, which is made with a
custom bridge and specialized nose-pad
arm to complement the unique facial
bone structure of Asian women.
And now, a brand that really doesnt
need to create new styles because its
old ones are still the most sought after
eyewear designs in the world. Ray-Ban
is arguably the leading and most iconic
name in the eyewear arena. With global
presence spanning 75 years, the brand
is known for the classic Aviator, a style
that was launched a long time ago (in
1937, to be specic) but has remained
popular throughout its existence. The
Wayfarer model, on the other hand, be-
came a pop culture staple in the 50s
upon being seen on Marilyn Monroe,
Kim Novak, James Dean, Bob Dylan
and a slew of other famous folk. And it
endures until today.
In 2007, the then-70-year-old compa-
ny launched the Never Hide advertis-
ing campaign that encourages consumers
to be true to themselves. Ray-Ban reaf-
rms the message this year when it came
out with a series of photographs entitled
Legends in celebration of its diamond
Seven images, each representing a
decade from the 30s to the 90s, depict
trailblazing individuals defying social
conventions in game-changing scenar-
ioswearing Ray-Ban, of coursean
analogy perfect for a brand that tran-
scends eras and trends. And if the snap-
shots look realistic, its because theyre
all representations of real people and
The military volunteer is based on Lt.
Raymond Swalleys experience ying
with the Marines in the 1930s. The man
holding hands with another man out in
the open is writer Taylor Meads true-to-
life story about being a gay man in New
York in the 1940s. The rowdy dancers on
the dance oor is a reection of singer
Norman Blagman performing in the
Bronx in the 1950s.
The modish woman in a high society
event is a nod to Judi Cohen wearing
a mini skirt in the 1960s. The couple
passionately kissing in the middle of a
riot is a scene from Donna Ellabys ac-
counts of the May Day protests in the
1970s. The scantily-clad female exiting
a club is inspired by Yaka Chupenko
being a member of a punk band in the
1980s. The white rapper is a reference
to The Rugged Man nding his place in
an African-American-dominated eld
in the 1990s.
The gallery has been reaping praises
since it was unveiled for being inclusive
and really capturing the Never Hide
theme. It indeed is a great way to cel-
ebrate seven and a half decades of game-
changing success and relevance.
All three brands are distributed in the
Philippines by Branded Lifestyle Inc.
Maui Jims is available at LS Pascual,
Adora, Sarabia Rockwell and Rustans
Shangri-la Plaza Mall. Coach is available
at Adora, LS Pascual, Almeda Optical,
Unique SM Mall of Asia and SM Depart-
ment Store.
By Ed Biado
BEAUTY does not just come from jars and bottles.
Beauty, according to experts, can also be achieved
with wellness products. GNC offers health solu-
tions for women who are looking for beauty from
the inside, so to speak.
These include Womens Hair, Skin, and Nails
Formula, a three-in-one product that contains a
combination of essential nutrients such as biotin,
lutein, amino acids, and antioxidants that help
maintain healthy hair, skin and nails.
GNC also carries Resveratrol, an all-around
antioxidant with strengthening, anti-aging and
anti-inammatory properties. Taking in a good
amount of Resveratrol helps bring back ones
youthful glow and vitality. Another product with
much promise is Collagen Enhance, the latest skin-
care breakthrough from GNC. Featuring a power-
ful combination of collagen and hyaluronic acid, it
works to diminish ne lines and plump the skins
visible layer for a younger looking complexion.
Biotin is part of the B complex group of vitamins,
which helps the body to convert food (carbohydrates)
into fuel (glucose), which is used to produce energy.
These B vitamins, often referred to as B complex
vitamins, also help the body metabolize fats and
protein. B complex vitamins are needed for healthy
skin, hair, eyes, and liver. They also help the nervous
system function properly. Your body needs biotin
to metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and amino acids,
the building blocks of protein. Biotin is often rec-
ommended for strengthening hair and nails and its
found in many cosmetic products for hair and skin.
Lutein, a plant carotenoid decient in most West-
ern diets, helps improve a persons vision.
Collagen gives body tissues form and provides
rmness and strength; elastin gives the same body
tissues much need exibility. This combination of
collagen and elastin is very important in many parts
of the body, including, but not limited to, the lungs,
bones, and tendons. Even the blood vessels rely on
collagen and elastin.
Research suggests that resveratrol might help
protect the body against a number of diseases, in-
cluding heart disease, cancer and diabetes.
Resveratrol has also been linked to prevention of
age-related problems such as heart disease and insu-
lin resistance. Researchers believe that resveratrol
activates the SIRT1 gene, a biological mechanism
that protect the body against the harmful effects of
obesity and the diseases of aging.
GNC lets customers take home a free GNC sling
bag with every P4000 minimum single receipt pur-
chase or with every purchase of Womens Hair,
Skin, and Nails Formula, Collagen Enhance and
Resveratrol until November 30.
De Alba Family Cachelle De Alaba and Miguel De Alba with
daughter Maya Angela
Inner beauty
Coach eyewear
Ray-ban Shooter (1938)
TAIWANESE computer maker ASUS
reached another signicant milestone on
its journey In Search of Incredible with
the recent launch of new mobile and desk-
top computers powered by Microsoft Win-
dows 8.
Unveiled during a mesmerizing performance by technological
illusionist Marco Tempest, the exciting range array of tablets,
notebooks, ultraportables and all-in-one PCs offer unprecedented
ease of use through a combination of innovative design and intuitive
multi-touch control, according to the company.
We are approaching a critical transition from an age of personal
computing to a new era of ubiquitous cloud computing, where
every device must be intuitive, mobile and adaptable, said ASUS
Chairman Jonney Shih. With Windows 8 and our relentless pursuit
of incredible innovation, ASUS is at the very forefront of this
An incredible fusion of notebook and
tablet, ASUS TAICHI is an ultra-slim,
ultra-stylish ultraportable that features a
unique dual-screen design with back-to-
back 11.6 Full HD displays. It combines the
best features of both multi-touch tablet and
Ultrabook and switches seamlessly between
the two simply by lifting a nger.
With the lid open, TAICHI is a powerful
Ultrabook with a backlit keyboard
for dealing with even the most
demanding productivity tasks. With
the lid closed, TAICHI is a lightweight multi-
touch tablet for easy and intuitive use with
Windows 8 when on the move. Both screens
can also be used simultaneously
and independently for unparalleled
mobile exibility.
ASUS Taichi
a l s o
features a
Intel Core
i7 or dual-
core i5
Marlon Magtira, Section Editor
bares premium pricing
Singles Day online shopping a big hit in China
HTC end
By Joe Mcdonald
BEIJINGLei Shujie, a designer in
Shanghai, piled up a wish list for Sunday,
a quirky holiday dubbed Singles Day
that has grown into Chinas--and possibly
the worlds--busiest online shopping day.
Clothes, a pillow, a cabinet to give a
friend--Lei put off buying until Sunday,
when retailers promised discounts of up
to 70 percent. The prices are irresistible,
she said.
Singles Day was begun by Chinese
college students in the 1990s as a version
of Valentines Day for people without
romantic partners. The timing was based
on the date Nov. 11, or 11.11--four
singles. Unattached young people would
treat each other to dinner or give gifts to
woo that special someone and end their
single status.
That gift-giving helped to turn it into
a major shopping event as sellers of
everything from jewelry to TVs to cars
saw a marketing opportunity and launched
Singles Day sales. It is Chinas answer to
Cyber Monday in the United States--the
day after Thanksgiving weekend, when
online Christmas shopping begins and
merchants have their busiest sales day.
Companies that are rushing to cash in
on the holiday range from Alibaba Group,
operator of Chinas biggest e-commerce
platforms, to rival platforms such as
360buy Ltd., mom-and-pop companies
that sell online and delivery services.
In the rst 13 hours of selling on Sunday,
the 50,000-plus merchants on Alibabas
consumer-oriented took in 10
billion yuan ($1.6 billion), the company
announced on its microblog account.
That would top the total of $1.25 billion
that research rm comScore said US
online retailers took in last year on Cyber
Monday and might make Singles Day the
biggest e-commerce sales day on record.
This is very, very big for us, Steve
Wang, vice president of and
head of Web site operations, said in a
phone interview. The company said on its
Web site that Sunday might be the biggest
e-shopping orgy ever.
The spending binge will be welcome
news for communist leaders who want
to shift the basis of growth in the worlds
second-largest economy from trade and
investment to consumer spending and
service industries. Weak global demand for
Chinese exports has added to the urgency
of ramping up domestic consumption.
China has the worlds biggest population
of Internet users, with 538 million people
online. Its population of online shoppers
also is the biggest at 193 million, versus
170 million for the United States,
according to Boston Consulting Group. It
trails the US and Japan in online spending
but, despite average incomes less than
one-tenth the American level, is forecast
to rise to rst place as early as 2015.
The Communist Partys latest ve-year
development plan calls for more than
quadrupling annual e-commerce volume
from 2010 levels to 18 trillion yuan
($2.9 trillion) by 2015. The party tries to
block access to online material deemed
subversive or pornographic but promotes
Web use for business and education.
The Internet today in China is similar
to television in the 1960s and 70s in
the West--the place where consumers
congregate and companies need to locate,
Boston Consulting Group said in an April
Alibaba, founded by a former English
teacher, Jack Ma, grew into one of the
worlds biggest e-commerce players by
linking Chinese suppliers with Western
manufacturers and retailers. It branched
into consumer sales with the 2003 launch
of Taobao, which operates
Alibaba also operates Chinas biggest
online payment system, Alipay. accounted for 45.1 percent
of business-to-consumer online sales
in China in the three months ending
in September, according to Analysys
International, a research rm in Beijing.
360buy was in second place with 17.4
percent. Boston Consulting Group said
more products were sold through Taobao
in 2010--about 48,000 per minute--than
at Chinas top ve bricks-and-mortar
retailers combined.
Alibaba has so many assets that they
can integrate that its hard to compete
with them, said Mark Natkin, managing
director of Marbridge Consulting, a
technology consulting rm in Beijing.
Other rivals include clothing retailer, bookseller, Inc.s joint venture with a
Chinese partner, and traditional retailers
such as consumer electronics chain Suning
Ltd. that have expanded online. Walmart
Stores Inc., which operates 340 outlets
in China, boosted its online presence last
month by expanding its stake in online
retailer Yihaodian to a controlling 51
In addition to its e-commerce platform
used by other merchants, 360buy also is
Chinas biggest online retailer, selling
consumer electronics and other goods
directly to customers.
The source of Singles Days rise as
Chinas online shopping day is a matter
of debate by Chinese commentators and
industry analysts.
Some cite demographics and timing:
University graduates who adopted the
holiday earn more and shop online. Singles
Day comes as people receive monthly
paychecks and need to buy winter clothes.
Unlike other events such as the Lunar
New Year, Chinas biggest family holiday,
it involves few other expenses such as
travel or banquets, leaving more money
for gifts.
And there is the romantic angle that
might prompt shoppers to open their
This is about giving a gift that will
woo that perfect someone, Natkin said.
If you play your cards right, you only
need to make that purchase once.
Lei, the Shanghai designer, wound up
buying only the pillow from her shopping
list for 118 yuan ($18) because other
discounts werent as big as she hoped.
I will wait to see if I can get them
later, she said.
Companies began preparing for Sunday
months in advance.
At its headquarters in Hangzhou,
southwest of Shanghai, Alibaba set up
200 lounge chairs for its 800-strong staff
to rest during the day. The company
rented 180 rooms at nearby hotels for
longer breaks. AP
APPLE Inc. and HTC Corp. settled
all global lawsuits and signed
a 10-year licensing agreement,
ending a dispute that threatened
their shipments of mobile devices.
Apple, which accused HTC
of copying features that made its
iPhone unique, will continue
to stay laser focused on product
innovation, chief executive Tim
Cook was quoted as saying in a
joint press release conrmed by
both companies.
HTC had accused the Cupertino,
California-based maker of iPads
and MacBooks of infringing its
wireless patents.
An Apple complaint to the US
International Trade Commission
sought to block imports of HTC
smartphones because the devices
allegedly copied the iPhones
pinch-to-zoom feature. HTC
fought back, alleging infringement
of patents it bought last year for
ways to reliably transmit a larger
amount of data. Both parties
declined to provide details of the
This is denitely a positive
surprise for HTC, said Daniel
Chang, who rates the stock
underperform at Macquarie
Group Ltd. in Taipei. The shares
will probably get a bump on this
news, though it doesnt solve
the structural problems at the
Shares of HTC, the Taoyuan,
Taiwan-based maker of One,
Desire, and Sensation handsets,
have fallen 55 percent this year in
Taipei trading, after a 42 percent
drop last year spurred by continued
market-share losses, falling sales
and lower prot. Bloomberg
ASUS unveils touch-enabled
bares premium pricing
with 4GB
memory, Intel HD
4000 graphics and
a choice of 128GB or
256GB SSD storage. ASUS Taichi 21 with quad-core i7
processor and 256GB storage will sell for PhP85,995.
The newly expanded ASUS ZENBOOK Series of sleek and stylish
ultraportables now features a range of specications and screen sizes
to suit every mobile need. ZENBOOK features an award-winning,
precision-engineered, design with a beautiful spun-metal nish
and a stunning razor-thin prole. Brilliant high-denition displays,
powerful quad-core processors and lightning-quick solid-state
storage feature throughout, while optional multi-touch on select
models gives full gesture control with Windows 8.
ASUS VivoBook Series
hinge enables the screen to be used at almost any angle ET2300
folds at to the table-top for multi-touch use with Windows 8 and sits
upright for traditional productivity use. It features spatial-audio array
speakers and two subwoofers for cinematic sound quality.
The ASUS ET2300 All-in-One desktop PC will be made available
for PhP49,600 with an Intel Core i5-3330 (6M Cache, 3.0 GHz, Turbo
Boost up to 3.2GHz) and Microsoft Windows 8 OS pre-installed.
ASUS VivoBook S200 and S400 ultraportables offer a
stylish combination portability, durability and affordability
for mainstream Windows 8 users. With specications that
include 3rd generation Intel Core processors for excellent
multi-tasking performance, VivoBook is available with an
11.6 or 14 high-denition screen and features a large
multi-touch touchpad, incredible SonicMaster audio, and a
choice of hard drive and hybrid storage.
They are ideal for the increasingly cloud-based nature
of computing, supporting seamless connectivity and usage
on the go all models include 32GB of ASUS WebStorage
space at no charge for three years.
The ASUS VivoBookX202E will be available soon
locally in two congurations: Intel Core i3
processor at PhP26,995 and Intel Celeron
processor at PhP20,995. The VivoBook
S400 will available for PhP35,995.
ASUS VivoTab Series
With slim, light designs and
optional lightweight
keyboards, ASUS
VivoTab offers a perfect
balance of portability and
productivity. With a resilient
metallic nish and high-denition
multi-touch displays, both
the 11.6 VivoTab
with Windows 8 and
10 VivoTab RT with Windows RT
feature Super IPS+ technology for a brilliant image
with wide viewing angle.
Both models also feature an optional keyboard
dock with built-in battery for up to 19 hours mobile
use and VivoTab also includes a Wacom stylus for
high-precision input.
VivoTab Smart is the thinnest and lightest tablet
with a Full Windows 8 experience for mainstream
users and is available in a stylish black, white or red nish. Its
optional TranSleeve Keyboard combines a compact wireless
keyboard with color-coordinated screen protection, too.
VivoTab RT models will be available in Wi-Fi, 3G and 4G and
its optional mobile dock provides a keyboard, multi-touch touchpad,
USB port and up to 16 hours battery life for all-day use.
VivoTab RT features the powerful NVIDIATegra3 quad-core
processor and is available in 32GB of onboard storage. It comes
preloaded with Ofce Home & Student 2013 RT Preview for
productivity at home and on the move. The ASUS VivoTab RT will
be available locally starting this month for PhP37,995.
ASUS All-in-One PC ET2300
Perfect for both productivity and home entertainment, the ASUS
All-in-One PC ET2300 is a sleek and compact all-in-one desktop
PC with a stunning 23 high-denition display. A specially designed
Isah V. Red, Editor
Manila Standard TODAY
Fast forward to 2012, the Korean
romance is now Filipinized in the lo-
cal adaptation of the series that stars
Aljur Abrenica and Kris Bernal.
In their biggest reunion project to
date, Aljur plays the role of Arthur
Ochoa, the rich handsome owner of
a renovated coffee shop, while Kris is
Andy Gomez, a struggling breadwin-
ner who pretends to be a man for a
job in Arthurs coffee show with an
all-male staff. But in a more hilari-
ous twist of fate, Arthur commissions
Andy to be his gay lover in order to
ward off the girls his Mamita is ask-
ing him to date, oblivious to the fact
that Andy is actually a girl. He then
falls in love with him, or her, or him,
and there begins an affair everyone
will truly go crazy for.
In the early stages of production,
Ricky Davao who is directing the
series expressed concerns about how
the remake of Coffee Prince will be
received by critics and audiences,
after the original version accumu-
lated huge following that translated
into high ratings. Then again, he was
convinced by the strength of his en-
semble cast, fueled by the strength of
Aljur and Kriss on-screen chemistry,
practically more than enough to set
the show sailing.
After a month since the shows
premiere on Oct. 8, Coffee Prince is
undoubtedly a serious threat to com-
peting shows in the ratings game, not
to mention a hot topic in social media
and other online platforms as well.
Among the most talked about sub-
jects is actually Aljurs breakthrough
performance as an actor. Many rave
about his portrayal of Arthur, which
he consistently delivers with the
characters core emotions and nu-
Aljur is a revelation, to tell [you]
honestly, admits Davao. Hes more
committed to his craft now more than
ever. Also, I noticed that his acting
style has developed in a sense that he
has learned to delve more into what
the character really is.
When asked how is it working
with someone like Aljur, he says,
As a director, I am inspired to work
with people, especially actors, who
genuinely surprise you. Thats him,
and I hope he continues doing a good
fancies bartending
Anne Curtis has proven that
she can achieve anything once she
puts her mind to it. And after a suc-
cessful singing (or what she calls
entertaining) career that spawned
the Annebisyosa concert series and
an album, the Filipina-Australian
actress now wants to dabble in bar-
And if a local version of the 2000
hit lm Coyote Ugly is to be made,
Anne could be a cinch for the role of
the sizzling hot bartender who has
more than just cocktail mixing skills.
Anne says that she was rst in-
spired to try out bartending by Hotel
and Restaurant Management (HRM)
students who join the GSM Blueni-
versity and GSM Blue Flair Idol ev-
ery year.
I have been attending the mixol-
ogy and airtending event as a guest
for so long, so I asked myself, why
not? So I tried it, and I found that
I enjoyed the experience so much. I
learned to mix drinks on my own be-
cause it is so simple and easy. Flair-
tending naman is very interesting and
sexy, especially if you are a woman,
says Anne, who is set to appear in a
new television commercial for GSM
I can actually attest to the suc-
cess of one of the contestants who
now works in Waterfront Cebu. I
was there for my Annebisyosa tour.
He came up to me and said Maam
Anne, naalala ninyo po ba ako? Isa
ako sa mga nalists ng GSM Blueni-
versity. I thought that was amazing,
she adds.
Anne said GSM Blueniversitys
mixology and airtending seminars
are a big help to students who are
looking to improve their employment
chances in the competitive HRM in-
dustry here and abroad.
Based on experience, I can say that
hard work really pays off. If youre re-
ally passionate about your craft, you
should work hard and do whatever
you can to excel in it, she says.
Eric Bana in
new thriller
FROM the Producers of Saving
Private Ryan, The Patriot, Snakes on
the Plane and Academy Award Winner
Stefan Ruzowitzky (director) comes
Deadfall starring Eric Bana (Troy,
Star Trek and Hulk) and Olivia Wilde
(TRON: Legacy, Aliens and Cowboys,
TVs House).
Siblings Addison and Liza are
on the run from a casino heist gone
wrong. When a car accident leaves
their wheelman and a state trooper
dead, they split up and make a run
for the Canadian border in the worst
of circumstances a near whiteout
While Addison heads cross-
country, creating mayhem in his
wake, Liza is picked up by ex-boxer
Jay (Charlie Hunnam), en-route for
a Thanksgiving homecoming with
his parents, June (Academy Award
winner Sissy Spacek), retired sheriff
Chet (Academy Award winner Kris
Kristofferson) and Kate Mara (127
Hours) and Treat Williams.
Its there the siblings are reunited
in a terse and thrilling showdown that
pushes the bonds of family to the limit.
MALLGOERS recently
had the rare opportunity
to view internationally ac-
claimed lm director Bril-
lante Mendozas award
winning lms and to meet
the lmmaker up close
during the Brillante Men-
doza Film Festival at the
SM malls and cinemas.
The festival showcased
four of Director Men-
dozas lmsManoro,
Kaleldo, Foster Child, and
Lolawith each screening
highlighted by a Q and A
Session with the renowned
lmmaker. The festival had
students as its primary au-
dience, paving the way for
a new generation of lm
enthusiasts. But prominent
members of the local com-
munity also attended the
screenings to pay tribute
to Director Mendoza, who
had brought so many hon-
ors to the country.
The lm festival un-
reeled at SM City Clark,
a homecoming of sorts for
Director Mendoza, who
is a proud Kapampangan
with students from the An-
geles University Founda-
tion, Jocson College, and
Sta. Maria Elementary
School viewing his award
winning lms.
It then proceeded to SM
City Dasmarinas, where
the director got a heros
welcome from students
of De La Salle Univer-
sity Dasmarias, Emilio
Aguinaldo College, FEU
Silang, as well as the Sis-
ters of Mary Boys Town
and Sisters of Mary Girls
Town Schools.
The event at SM City
San Lazaro was a senti-
mental one, as these were
special screenings for
the University of Santo
Tomas, of which Director
Mendoza was an alumnus.
And not even the habagat
during that time could stop
the faculty and students
from honoring him.
Other lm festival stops
were at SM City Santa Rosa
with students from the Al-
pha Angelicum Academy
and the Santa Rosa Educa-
tional Institution; and SM
City Batangas attended by
students from the Univer-
sity of Batangas, Colegio
ng Lungsod ng Batangas,
and Cristo Rey Institute of
Career Development.
At SM City Naga, the
cinema was packed with
students from Ateneo de
Naga, Universidad de Sta
Isabel, University of Nue-
va Careces, Naga College
Foundation, Bicol Science
of Applied Technology, St.
Joseph School, Naga City
Science High School, Ca-
maligan High School, and
Inuyunan High School.
The same was true at
SM City Marilao, where the
lms played to SRO audi-
ences including students
from St. Paul Bocaue, Mey-
cauayan College, Sophia
School, Felicitas Berardino
Memorial Trade School,
Bulacan State University,
Dr. Yangas College, and
Colegio San Pascual.
More recent screenings
were held at SM Lanang
Premier in Davao and SM
City Taytay.
The Brillante Mendoza
Film Festival is one of the
many exciting projects of
the SM malls and cinemas.
BOTH Erich Gonzales and Mario
Maurer admit that they really enjoyed
working for the currently showing ro-
mantic comedy Suddenly Its Magic.
My stay in the Philippines proved
to be unforgettable, says Mario. For
one, the Filipinos are very nice. The
rst day I arrived and met with our di-
rector (Rory Quintos), she readily told
me: When you work here, were going
to be a family! True enough, I became
close to everyone, from my co-actors to
the staff and crew. When I came back to
Thailand, I missed them. I also love our
location in Ilocos, very picturesque!
For Erich, it was an honor sharing
the screen with the handsome Thai su-
Mario is very professional, humble,
nice and easy-to-deal with. He wont
let you feel that hes a big star. A very
down-to-earth guy! Hes charming and
cute as well, she avers.
Mario has only good words for Fil-
They are sexy, nice, kind and cook
very well!
One scene in the movie, which the
handsome heartthrob couldnt forget is
when Erich slapped him.
Yes! Ha-ha-ha! I got a locked jaw! I
must say that Erich has a strong hand,
he states.
Interestingly, showbiz isnt really
part of Marios childhood dreams.
It wasnt my plan to become an
actor. Originally, I wanted to become
a businessman. When I was a kid, I
was good at skateboards. I just wanted
to buy my own without asking mon-
ey from my mom. I didnt have any
knowledge about acting at all when I
started in the biz. But I learned to love
the craft as days passed.
The Thai superstar doesnt deny that
with his present popularity, some sacri-
ces must be made.
I lack time for myself, family and
friends. My personal time, I have to
share with my fans. But for me, its just
Erich attests to Marios immense
fame back in his native land when she
had the chance to shoot some scenes
I witnessed how well-loved he is in
Thailand. And hes very accommodat-
ing to them, she says.
Asked how he envisions himself
in the next ten years, Mario reveals:
Well, Im probably doing movies still,
but not as busy as like now. Perhaps,
Im managing my own business, too
and yesdriving my classic cars!
Why does he think he was able to
capture the hearts of the Filipinos?
I think its because I am myself.
I didnt pretend to be someone else,
ends Mario.
Comparisons inevitable
Now that they are under one man-
ager (Popoy Caritativo), many say
that Dennis Trillo and Rafael Rosell
is a perfect match. Especially that they
are both leading man material and are
currently working in the local remake
of the hit Koreanovela Temptation of
Wife, comparisons are inevitable.
Honestly, I dont want to entertain
such thought, says Rafael. Dennis and
I are under one management so compe-
tition should be out of the frame!
The actor points out that the two of
them have distinct qualities.
When you see us in our talent man-
agements functions, you can clearly
see the difference. Dennis is very dif-
ferent off cam. I can say that we wont
ght for future roles!
In Temptation of Wife, they play two
extreme characters.
Yes! Dennis has a challenging role
as the awed husband. It offers lots of
angst and provides opportunities where
he can esh out his emotional torments.
But my role is as challenging as well
since I havent done a straight good
guy role ever since. So you can see that
our attacks would be different.
According to the sexy lad, his trans-
fer to GMA further reignited his pas-
sion for acting.
Im very excited with the future
projects theyll line up for me. Temp-
tation of Wife is a good start. I feel
at home already and the adjustment
is fast. I can really say Ive no regret
whatsoever with the decision I made,
assures Rafael.
Erich, Mario
enjoy each
other at work
Brillante Mendoza Film Festival at SM
wins accolades for Coffee Prince
IN 2008, the Kapuso network marked
a milestone in airing the Korean drama
series Coffee Prince. After the rst
episode, the audience were hooked
and followed Arthur and Andys
world, taking part of their rather
unconventional yet funny love story.
Anne has made huge contribu-
tions to GSM Blue over the years,
not only in terms of promoting our
brand but in our efforts to help the
youth through GSM Blueniversity.
We could not have asked for a better
brand ambassador, says GSM Blue
brand manager Lori Infante.
Among the topics discussed in the
seminars are trends in bartending,
molecular mixology and global and
local alcoholic law.
For the last two months of 2012,
the brand is slated to conduct GSM
Blueniversity Mixology Seminars
at the Pacita Astrodome (Nov.
20); Olongapo Conven-
tion (Nov. 21); Victory
Central Mall (Nov.
23); The Avenue
Plaza Hotel
(Nov. 25);
D u a d
s i u m
( De c .
4); Grand
Theater, PAG-
COR Paraaque
(Dec. 6) and Cuneta As-
trodome (Dec. 7).
Seminars have also been con-
ducted at PAGCOR, Balibago Ange-
les; Bataan Peoples Center; Isabela
State University; Davao Doctors
College; Bulacan Capitol Gym;
Wesleyan University Gym; Theatro
Marikina; Queen Margarette Hotel;
Amoranto Complex; Maritime In-
stitute; Eastern Visayas State Uni-
versity; Zamboanga Convention;
WVSU Cultural Center; Asian Col-
lege Technology; Negros Oriental
State University; BCU; Mauway
Gym; One Esplanade in Roxas Bou-
levard and Gaisano City Mall.
GSM Blue, a favorite of mixolo-
gists beause of its versatility, can also
be taken neat, straight up or on the
rocks. It is made of 65-proof, sugar-
cane alcohol with essences of juni-
per berries and other botanicals. Its
smooth, sweet taste gives drinkers a
light-on-the-chest feeling without the
Brillante Mendoza with Angeles City Vice Mayor Vicky
Vega, Mall Manager Anna Datu, and SM Vice President
for Marketing Millie Dizon
Anne Curtis: Face of GSM Blue
Republic of the Philippines
Westbank Road, Manggahan Floodway,
Brgy. Rosario, Pasig City
A. The Department of Public Works and Highways-First Metro Manila
Engineering District, Westbank Road, Manggahan Floodway, Rosario,
Pasig City through its Bids and Awards Committee (BAC), invites contractors
to apply to bid for the following contracts:

1. Contract ID No.: 0120B0276
Contract Name: Preventive Maintenance (Intermittent Section
along Ortigas Avenue, Pasig City, K0010+K2082
- K0010+2504/Chainage 1497 - Chainage 2482
& Chainage 2482 - Chainage 3017
Contract Location: Pasig City
Scope of Work: Preventive Maintenance
Approved Budget for
the Contract (ABC): PhP21,423,329.32
Contract Duration: 90 Calendar Days
Cost of Bid Documents: PhP25,000.00
2. Contract ID No.: 0120B0277
Contract Name: Rehabilitation of Drainage System Ortigas Avenue,
San Juan City
Contract Location: San Juan City
Scope of Work: Rehabilitation of Drainage System
Approved Budget for
the Contract (ABC): PhP29,399,933.69
Contract Duration: 300 Calendar Days
Cost of Bid Documents: PhP25,000.00
3. Contract ID No.: 0120B0278
Contract Name: Construction of Gravity Wall along Nangka River
(Intermittent Sections) Brgy. Fortune, Marikina
City, 2nd District
Contract Location: Marikina City
Scope of Work: Construction of Gravity Eall
Approved Budget for
the Contract (ABC): PhP39,199,256.02
Contract Duration: 180 Calendar Days
Cost of Bid Documents: PhP25,000.00
4. Contract ID No.: 0120B0279
Contract Name: Repair/Rehabilitation of Revetment along Nangka
River from Mabini St. to Libya St., Brgy. Nangka,
Marikina City, 2nd District
Contract Location: Marikina City
Scope of Work: Repair/Rehab. of Revetment Wall
Approved Budget for
the Contract (ABC): PhP48,452,453.96
Contract Duration: 180 Calendar Days
Cost of Bid Documents: PhP25,000.00
5. Contract ID No.: 0120B0280
Contract Name: Rehab. of Drainage System, F. Manalo St., and
Vicinity, San Juan City
Contract Location: San Juan City
Scope of Work: Rehab of Drainage System
Approved Budget for
the Contract (ABC): PhP24,499,973.44
Contract Duration: 300 Calendar Days
Cost of Bid Documents: PhP25,000.00
6. Contract ID No.: 0120B0281
Contract Name: Rehabilitation of Gen. Ordoez St. and Vicinity including
Drainage System, Marikina City, 2nd District
Contract Location: Marikina City
Scope of Work: Rehabilitation of Drainage
Approved Budget for
the Contract (ABC): PhP48,849,779.11
Contract Duration: 120 Calendar Days
Cost of Bid Documents: PhP25,000.00
7. Contract ID No.: 0120B0282
Contract Name: Construction of Slope Protection along Nangka
River from Bonanza Creek to Balete Drive,
Marikina City, 2nd District
Contract Location: Marikina City
Scope of Work: Construction of Slope Protection
Approved Budget for
the Contract (ABC): PhP39,198,723.33
Contract Duration: 180 Calendar Days
Cost of Bid Documents: PhP25,000.00
8. Contract ID No.: 0120B0283
Contract Name: Widening of Libingan ng mga Bayani Road-
MRT Road including Rehabilitation of Drainage
System, Taguig City
Contract Location: Taguig City
Scope of Work: Widening of Road
Approved Budget for
the Contract (ABC): P 48,848,260.35
Contract Duration: 120 Calendar Days
Cost of Bid Documents: PhP25,000.00
9. Contract ID No.: 0120B0284
Contract Name: Construction of Slope Protection for Marikina River
along Kalumpang Side, Eastbank, Marikina City
Contract Location: Marikina City
Scope of Work: Construction of Slope Protection
Approved Budget for
the Contract (ABC): PhP48,869,176.25
Contract Duration: 214 Calendar Days
Cost of Bid Documents: PhP25,000.00
10. Contract ID No.: 0120B0285
Contract Name: Construction of Slope Protection for Marikina River
along Marikina River Banks, Westbank, Marikina
Contract Location: Marikina City
Scope of Work: Construction of Slope Protection
Approved Budget for
the Contract (ABC): PhP48,869,176.25
Contract Duration: 214 Calendar Days
Cost of Bid Documents: PhP25,000.00
11. Contract ID No.: 0120B0286
Contract Name: Construction of Slope Protection for Marikina River
along Brgy. Tumana, Eastbank, Marikina City, 2nd
District, Sta. 6+621.10 - Sta. 6+987.70
Contract Location: Marikina City
Scope of Work: Construction of Slope Protection
Approved Budget for
the Contract (ABC): PhP48,853,960.33
Contract Duration: 214 Calendar Days
Cost of Bid Documents: PhP25,000.00
12. Contract ID No.: 0120B0287
Contract Name: Construction of Slope Protection for Marikina River
along Brgy. Tumana, Eastbank, Marikina City, 2nd
Contract Location: Marikina City
Scope of Work: Construction of Slope Protection
Approved Budget for
the Contract (ABC): PhP48,790,271.87
Contract Duration: 214 Calendar Days
Cost of Bid Documents: PhP25,000.00
13. Contract ID No.: 0120B0288
Contract Name: Construction of Slope Protection for Marikina River along
Isla Area, Eastbank, Brgy. Nangka Marikina City
Contract Location: Marikina City
Scope of Work: Construction of Slope Protection
Approved Budget for
the Contract (ABC): PhP48,845,637.50
Contract Duration: 214 Calendar Days
Cost of Bid Documents: PhP25,000.00
14. Contract ID No.: 0120B0289
Contract Name: Construction of Slope Protection for Marikina River
along Malanday High School Side, Eastbank,
Marikina City
Contract Location: Marikina City
Scope of Work: Construction of Slope Protection
Approved Budget for
the Contract (ABC): PhP29,260,470.68
Contract Duration: 214 Calendar Days
Cost of Bid Documents: PhP25,000.00
15. Contract ID No.: 0120B0290
Contract Name: Rehabilitation of Tipas River, Taguig City
Contract Location: Taguig City
Scope of Work: Rehabilitation
Approved Budget for
the Contract (ABC): PhP37,057,770.79
Contract Duration: 180 Calendar Days
Cost of Bid Documents: PhP25,000.00
16. Contract ID No.: 0120B0291
Contract Name: Construction of Taguig Diversion Road (Bantayan
Road to F. Manalo St., Brgy. Palingon-Tipas,
Taguig City
Contract Location: Taguig City
Scope of Work: Construction of Road
Approved Budget for
the Contract (ABC): PhP17,795,368.79
Contract Duration: 120 Calendar Days
Cost of Bid Documents: PhP25,000.00
17. Contract ID No.: 0120B0292
Contract Name: Repair/Rehabilitation/Improvement along Bayan-
Bayanan Avenue, Marikina City, Sta. 0+391 to
Sta. 0+913
Contract Location: Marikina City
Scope of Work: Repair/Rehabilitation/Improvement
Approved Budget for
the Contract (ABC): PhP9,899,975.20
Contract Duration: 60 Calendar Days
Cost of Bid Documents: PhP10,000.00
18. Contract ID No.: 0120B0293
Contract Name: Repai r/Rehabi l i tati on/Improvement al ong
F. Blumentritt St., San Juan City, K007+(-
1147)-K0007+234 with Exceptions
Contract Location: San Juan City
Scope of Work: Repair/Rehabilitation/Improvement
Approved Budget for
the Contract (ABC): PhP9,899,907.47
Contract Duration: 30 Calendar Days
Cost of Bid Documents: PhP10,000.00
19. Contract ID No.: 0120B0294
Contract Name: Demolition & Removal of Affected Structures for
the Construction of Tarlac-Pangasinan-La Union
Toll Expressway Project (TPLEX) Urdaneta-Villasis-
Pangasina Section 2 and Remaining Structures at
Section 1 (6) Plan Set No.
Contract Location: TPLEX
Scope of Work: Demolition and Removal
Approved Budget for
the Contract (ABC): PhP14,808,452.04
Contract Duration: 120 Calendar Days
Cost of Bid Documents: PhP10,000.00
B. Bidders should have completed, within ten (10) years from the date of
submission and receipt of bids, a single contract similar to the Project,
equivalent to at least ffty percent (50%) of the ABC. The description of an
eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section
II, Instruction to Bidders.
C. Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using
non-discretionary pass/fail critetion as specifed in the Revised Implementing
Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act 9184 (RA 9184), otherwise
known as the Government Procurement Reform Act.
Bidding is restricted to Filipino Citizens/sole proprietorships, or organizations
with at least seventy fve percent (75%) interest or outstanding capital stock
belonging to citizens of the Philippines.
D. Interested Bidders may obtain further information from First Metro Manila
Engineering District, and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given
below from [8:00A.M.-12:00NN and 1:00P.M.-5:00P.M.].
E. A. complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested
bidders from the address below and upon payment of a non-refundable fee
for the Bidding Documents.
It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine
Government Electronic System (PhilGEPS) and the website of the procuring
Entity, provided that bidders shall pay the fee for the Bidding Documents not
later that the submission of their bids.
F. The First Metro Manila Engineering District, will hold the Pre-Bid Conference
on November 16, 2012 at 2:00 P.M. at FMMED-Offce Conference Room,
Westbank Road, Manggahan Floodway, Rosario, Pasig City, which
shall be open only to all interested parties who have purchased the Bidding
G. Bids must be delivered on or before November 29, 2012, 10:00 A.M. at First Metro
Manila Engineering District, Westbank Road, Manggahan Floodway, Rosario,
Pasig City. All bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable
forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause 18.1.
Bids will be opened on the same date at 2:00 P.M. in the presence of the
bidders representatives who choose to attend at the aforesaid address. Late
bids shall not be accepted.
H. The First Metro Manila Engineering District, reserves the right to accept or
reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time
prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected
or bidders.
I. For further information, please refer to:
OIC-Chief, Maintenance Section
Engineer III/BAC Chairman
District Engineer
(MST-NOV. 12, 2012) (MST-Nov. 12, 2012)
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Ilocos Sur
Municipality of Narvacan
THE MUNICIPALITY OF NARVACAN, through its Bids and Awards
Committee (BAC), invites Suppliers/Manufacturers /Distributors/
Contractors to bid for the hereunder contract:
Name of Contract: Purchase/Acquisition of Farm/Agricultural
Location: Narvacan, Ilocos Sur
Brief Description: Supply/Delivery of Water Pumps; Power/Knapsack
Sprayers; Complete Sets of Kuligligs and Plastic
Approved Budget for the contract (ABC): P21,200,000.00
Contract Duration: 60 Calendar Days
Source of Fund: R.A. 8240 (Congressional Share)
Prospective bidders should possess a valid PCAB License applicable to
the contract, have completed a similar contract with a value of at least
50% of the ABC, and have key personnel and equipment (listed in the
eligibility forms) available for the prosecution of the contract. The BAC will
use non-discretionary pass/fail criteria in the Eligibility Check/Screening
as well as the Preliminary Examination of Bids. The BAC will conduct post
qualifcation of the lowest calculated bid.
All particulars relative to Eligibility Statement and Screening, Bid
Security, Performance Security, Pre-Bidding Conference, Evaluation
of Bids, Post Qualifcation and Award of Contract shall be governed by
the pertinent provisions of RA 9184 and its Implementing Rules and
Regulations (IRR).
The schedules of BAC activities are as follows:
BAC Activities Schedule
Issuance of Eligibility Documents November 12-December 04, 2012
Issuance & availability of Bidding
Documents November 12-December 04, 2012
Pre-bid Conference November 19, 2012 2:30 PM,
BAC Offce
Receipt and Opening of Bids
(includes submission of Eligibility
Requirements and Eligibility Check) December 04, 2012 1:30 PM
BAC Offce
Bid Evaluation December 05, 2012
Post Qualifcation December 06, 2012
Approval of BAC Resolution/Issuance
of Notice of Award December 07, 2012
Contract Preparation and Signing December 10, 2012
Approval of Contract December 11, 2012
Issuance of Notice to Proceed December 12, 2012
The BAC will issue prospective bidders Eligibility Forms and Bidding
Documents at the Offce of the BAC Chairman, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur, upon
their payment of a non refundable amount of P 10,000.00 to the Municipal
Treasurers Offce, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur.
The Local Government Unit of Narvacan, Ilocos Sur assumes no
responsibility whatsoever to compensate or indemnify bidders for any
expense incurred in the preparation of their bids.
November 12, 2012
BAC Chairman

Municipal Mayor
Shown is the completed Construction/Rehabilitation/
Repair/Improvement of Multi-Purpose Bldg., at Brgy. 82
& 83, Zone 7 Tondo, Manila Implemented by the North,
Manila Engineering District under Congressional Fund. It
was undertaken within 75 C.D. and completed last August
11, 2012.
Republic of the Philippines
Municipality of Cabarroguis
Cabarroguis, Quirino
The Local Government Unit through its Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) invites all interested bidders to apply for eligibility and
to bid in the:
Item # Description Approved budget Cost
1 Garbage truck 792,000.00
2 Power Generator, 50 kva 495,000.00
3 Five (5) Tonner Truck 700,000.00
amounting to Two Million One Hundred Ninety Two Thousand pesos (Php 2,192,000.00) inclusive of VAT.
The Schedule of BAC activities is as follows:
Receipt from prospective bidders of Letter of intent(LOI) including application for Eligibility November 12 , 2012
Issuance of Eligibility forms November 14-15, 2012
Receipt of Eligibility requirements November 19, 2012
Notice of Results of Eligibility check November 20,2012
Issuance of BID Documents November 23,2012
Pre bid Conference November 26,2012
Receipt and opening of bids November 13,2012
The BACwill issue Eligibility forms to prospective bidders at MPDCoffce upon their submission of LOI and upon payment of non refundable
amount of FiveThousandPesos (5,000.00) totheLGUCabarroguis QuirinoCashier. Prospectivebidder shall submit theeligibilityrequirements
to the BAC at the said address. They also obtain the results of Eligibility checks by the BAC at the same address.
The LGU Cabarroguis assumes no responsibility whatsoever to compensate or indemnify bidders for any expenses incurred in the
preparation of their bids.
BAC Chairman
Municipal Mayor
(MST-NOV. 12, 2012)
Republic of the Philippines
Civic Drive, Filinvest Corporate City
Alabang, Muntinlupa City
(ITB No. 12-008)
The Food and Drug Administration, through its Bids and Awards Committee (BAC)
invites agencies/ suppliers to apply for eligibility and to bid for the hereunder project:
Name of Project : Procurement of One (1) Unit Cryogenic Jar Mill and
Two (2) Units X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Analyzer

Location : Food and Drug Administration
Civic Drive , Filinvest Corporate City
Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Brief Description : For the use of FDA Central Laboratory
Approved Budget
For the Contract : Php4,910,000.00

The complete schedule of activities is listed, as follows:
Activities Schedule
1. Posting of ITB 12-18 November 2012
2. Issuance of Bid Documents 12 November - 10 December 2012
3. Pre-Bid Conference 28 November 2012 - 9:30 A.M.
Conference Room A, 3/F FDA Annex
Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang,
Muntinlupa City
4. Deadline of Submission and
Receipt of Bids
10 December 2012 - 9:30 A.M.
c/o BAC Head Secretariat
5. Opening of Bids 10 December 2012 - 9:30 A.M.
Conference Room A, 3/F FDA Annex
Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang,
Muntinlupa City
Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening. The
description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in
Section II. Instructions to Bidders.
Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using a
non-discretionary pass/fail criterion as specifed in the Implementing Rules and
Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184, otherwise known as the Government
Procurement Reform Act.
A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders upon
payment of a non-refundable fee for the Bidding Documents in the amount of Two
Thousand Five Hundred Pesos Only (Php2,500.00).
The Pre-Bid Conference shall be open to all interested parties; however, only those
who have purchased the Bidding Documents may participate in the discussion at said
Interested bidders may obtain further information from the Food and Drug
Administration, please call BAC Secretariat at Trunkline No. 857-19-00 local
1051/1052; or visit FDA website at
The Food and Drug Administration reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to
annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award,
without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.
05 November 2012.
BAC Chairperson
MST Nov. 12, 2012
MST Classifed Ads section is implementing a
Two (2) day CUT-OFF PERIOD on all ITBs, BID
BULLETIN, NOTICES and REOIs prior publication
Page Compositor: Diana Keyser Punzalan
ManilaStandardToday NOVEMBER 12, 2012 MONDAY
Page Compositor: Diana Keyser Punzalan
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Public Works and Highways
Cagayan Second Engineering Offce
Libertad, Abulug, Cagayan
October 29, 2012
Cluster No.: 2012-047
(MST-Nov. 12, 2012)
The Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) of the DPWH- Cagayan 2
District Engineering
Offce (Cagayan 2
DEO), Libertad, Abulug, Cagayan invites contractors to bid for
the aforementioned projects, viz:
1. Contract ID: 12BC0297
Contract Name: Construction of Pamplona Flood Control Project
Location: Pamplona, Cagayan
Brief Description: FHR-Flood Contro/Hydraulics/River Control
Contract Duration 120 Cal. days
Approved Budget for the Contract: Php 19,400,000.00
Cost of Bid Docs. Php 10,000.00
2. Contract ID: 12BC0298
Contract Name: Construction of Cabicungan Flood Control Project
Location: Cabicungan, Claveria, Cagayan
Brief Description: FHR-Flood Contro/Hydraulics/River Control
Contract Duration 120 Cal. days
Approved Budget for the Contract: Php 19,400,000.00
Cost of Bid Docs. Php 10,000.00
3. Contract ID: 12BC0299
Contract Name: Construction of Sicalao Flood Control Project
Location: KO 738+840 KO 738+940, Lasam, Cagayan
Brief Description FHR-Flood Contro/Hydraulics/River Control
Contract Duration 120 Cal. days
Approved Budget for the Contract: Php 9,800,000.00
Cost of Bid Docs. Php 10,000.00
4. Contract ID: 12BC0300
Contract Name: Construction of Aggunetan River Control Project
Location: Aggunetan, Lasam, Cagayan
Brief Description: FHR-Flood Contro/Hydraulics/River Control
Contract Duration 180 Cal. days
Approved Budget for the Contract: Php 28,950,000.00
Cost of Bid Docs. Php 20,000.00
5. Contract ID: 12BC0301
Contract Name: Construction of Pamplona River Control Project
Location: Masi, Pamplona, Cagayan
Brief Description: FHR-Flood Contro/Hydraulics/River Control
Contract Duration: 300 Cal. days
Approved Budget for the Contract: Php 38,800,000.00
Cost of Bid Docs. Php 20,000.00
6. Contract ID: 12BC0302
Contract Name: Rehabilitation of Simayung Flood Control Project
Location: Abulug, Cagayan
Brief Description: FHR-Flood Contro/Hydraulics/River Control
Contract Duration: 180 Cal. days
Approved Budget for the Contract: Php 19,400,000.00
Cost of Bid Docs. Php 10,000.00
7. Contract ID: 12BC0303
Contract Name: Rehabilitation of Tabbugan Flood Control Project
Location: Claveria, Cagayan
Brief Description: FHR-Flood Contro/Hydraulics/River Control
Contract Duration: 180 Cal. days
Approved Budget for the Contract: Php 19,400,000.00
Cost of Bid Docs. Php 10,000.00
8. Contract ID: 12BC0304
Contract Name: Calayan Sea Wall
Location: Magsidel, Calayan, Cagayan
Brief Description: FHR-Flood Contro/Hydraulics/River Control
Contract Duration: 180 Cal. days
Approved Budget for the Contract: Php 19,400,000.00
Cost of Bid Docs. Php 10,000.00
9. Contract ID: 12BC0305
Contract Name: Rehabilitation of Lucban River Control Project
Location: Abulug, Cagayan
Brief Description: FHR-Flood Contro/Hydraulics/River Control
Contract Duration: 180 Cal. days
Approved Budget for the Contract: Php 19,400,000.00
Cost of Bid Docs. Php 10,000.00
The BAC will conduct this procurement process in accordance with the Revised
Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act 9184. Bids in excess of
the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) shall be automatically rejected at the
opening of bid.
All communications relative to this transaction shall be received by the Offce of the
BAC Chairman thru the BAC Secretariat/Technical Working Group of DPWH-Cagayan
District Engineering Offce.
To bid for this contract, a contractor shall purchase Bid Documents and submit his
Letter of Intent and must meet the following major criteria: (a) prior registration with
the DPWH and the PhilGEPS, (b) Filipino citizen or 75% Filipino-owned partnership,
corporation, cooperative or joint venture, (c) with PCAB license applicable to the type
and cost of the contract, (d) completion of similar contract costing at least 50% of the
ABC within a period of (10) ten years, and (e) Net Financial Contracting Capacity at
least equal to ABC, or credit line commitment at least equal to 10% of the ABC. The
BAC will use non-discretionary pass/fail criteria in the eligibility check and preliminary
examination of bids.
Unregistered contractors, however, may submit their applications for registration to
the DPWH-Central Procurement Offce (CPO) before the deadline for the receipt of
LOI. The DPWH-CPO will only process contractors application for registration with
complete requirements and issue the Contractors Certifcate of Registration (CRC).
Registration forms may be downloaded at the DPWH
The signifcant times and deadlines of procurement activities are shown below:
1. Issuance of Bidding Documents 10:00 AM November 6-November 29, 2012
2. Deadline: Receipt of LOI from
Prospective Bidders
10:00 AM, November 14, 2012
3. Pre-bidding Conference 1:30 PM, November 14, 2012
4. Receipt of Bids-Deadline 10:00 AM, November 29, 2012
5. Opening of Bids Starts 1:30 PM, November 29, 2012
The BAC will issue hard copies of Bidding Documents (BDs) at the Offce of the BAC
Chairman-DPWH-Cagayan 2
DEO upon payment if a non-refundable fees as stated
above Prospective Bidders may also download the BDs from the DPWH Website.
Prospective bidders that will download the BDs from the DPWH website shall pay
the said fees on or before the submission of their bid. The pre-bid conference shall be
open only to interested parties who have purchased BDs. Bids must be accompanied
by a Bid Security in the amount and form as required under Section 27.2 of the revised
IRR of RA 9184.
Prospective Bidders shall submit their duly accomplished forms as specifed in the BDs
in two (2) separate sealed bid envelopes to the offce of the BAC Chairman before
the deadline set above. The frst envelope shall contain the technical component of
the bid, which shall include a copy of the CRC and the updated PCAB license. The
second envelope shall contain the fnancial component of the bid. Contract will be
awarded to the lowest Calculated Responsive Bid as determined in the bid evaluation
and post qualifcation.
Prospective contractors may be required to present the original copies, of their license
and CRC during the bidding for authentication.
The DPWH-Cagayan 2
DEO reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and to
annul the bidding process at any time prior to contract award, without hereby incurring
any liability to the affected bidder/s.
Approved By:
OIC-Asst. District Engineer
Chairman-Bids and Awards Committee
(MST-Nov. 12, 2012)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Public Works and Highways
Calbayog City

I. Contract ID : 12IJ - 0072
Scope of Work : CONSTRUCTION OF 104.10 Linear Meter STONE
Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): PHP 13,487,439.00
Contract Duration : 196 CD
Cost of Bid Documents : P 10,000.00
1. The DPWH-Samar First District Engineering Offce, Calbayog City, through
the FY-2012 GAA intends to apply the sum stated being the Approved Budget
for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for the abovementioned
contracts. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at
bidding opening.
2. The DPWH-Samar First District Engineering Offce, Calbayog City now invites
bids for the abovementioned description of works. Completion of the works is
required for the above stated contract duration. Bidders should have completed,
within ten (10) years from the date of submission and receipt of bids, a contract
similar to the Project. The description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding
Documents, particularly, in Section II. Instruction to Bidders.
3. Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using non-
discrepancy pass/fail criterion in the Eligibility Check and Preliminary Examination of
Bids as specifed in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act
9184 (RA 9184), otherwise known as the Government Procurement Reform Act.
Bidding is restricted to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships, partnership,
organizations or joint venture with at least seventy fve percent (75%) interest or
outstanding capital stock belonging to citizens of the Philippines.

4. Interested bidders may obtain further information from the DPWH-Samar First
District Engineering Offce, Calbayog City, and inspect the Bidding Documents at
the address given below from 8:00 A.M. 5:00. P.M.
5. A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by Interested Bidders
from the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the Bidding
Documents in the amount stated above. Issuance of Bidding Documents will
be on November 12-Nov. 29, 2012.
6. The DPWH-Samar First District Engineering Offce, Calbayog City will hold a
Pre-Bid Conference on Nov. 16, 2012 at 3:00 P.M. at the BAC Offce, DPWH-
Samar First District Engineering Offce, Calbayog City which shall be open to all
interested parties.
7. Bids must be delivered at the address below on or before Nov. 29, 2012 at 9:00
A.M. at the BAC Offce- DPWH-Samar First District Engineering Offce, Brgy. San
Policarpo, Calbayog City. All bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of
the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause 1B.
Bids will be opened on Nov. 29, 2012 at 2:00 P.M., in the presence of the Bidders
representative who choose to attend at the address below. Late bids shall not be
8. To bid for this contract, a contractor must purchased bidding documents and meet
the following major criteria; a) prior registration with DPWH, BAC-CPO, Manila; b)
with PCAB License applicable to the type and cost of the contract; c) completion of
a similar contract costing at least 50% of ABC within a period of 10 years, and d) Net
Financial Contracting Capacity at least equal to ABC, or Credit Line Commitment
at least equal to 10% of ABC. Bidders shall submit their bids through their duly
Authorized Liaison Offcer only as specifed in the Contractors Information (CI).
Submission of Letter (LOI) is no longer required to participate in the bidding per
D.O. No. 64 Series of 2012.
9. The DPWH-Samar First District Engineering Offce, Calbayog City reserves
the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all
bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability or
obligation to the affected bidder or bidders.
10. For further information, please refer to:
OIC, Asst. District Engineer
(BAC Chairman)
Head, BAC Secretariat
BAC Offce, DPWH-Samar First District Engineering Offce
Brgy. San Policarpo, Calbayog City
OIC, Asst. District Engineer
(BAC Chairman)

(MST-Nov. 12, 2012)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Public Works and Highways
Calbayog City
I. Contract ID : 13IJ - 0011


Contract Location : CALBAYOG CITY, SAMAR


Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): PHP 33,708,000.00

Contract Duration : 160 CD

Cost of Bid Documents : P 20,000.00
1. The DPWH-Samar First District Engineering Offce, Calbayog City, through the
FY-2013 GAA intends to apply the sum stated being the Approved Budget for the
Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for the abovementioned contracts.
Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bidding opening.
2. The DPWH-Samar First District Engineering Offce, Calbayog City now invites
bids for the abovementioned description of works. Completion of the works is
required for the above stated contract duration. Bidders should have completed,
within ten (10) years from the date of submission and receipt of bids, a contract
similar to the Project. The description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding
Documents, particularly, in Section II. Instruction to Bidders.
3. Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using non-
discrepancy pass/fail criterion in the Eligibility Check and Preliminary Examination of
Bids as specifed in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act
9184 (RA 9184), otherwise known as the Government Procurement Reform Act.
Bidding is restricted to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships, partnership, organizations
or joint venture with at least seventy fve percent (75%) interest or outstanding capital
stock belonging to citizens of the Philippines.

4. Interested bidders may obtain further information from the DPWH-Samar First District
Engineering Offce, Calbayog City, and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address
given below from 8:00 A.M. 5:00. P.M.
5. A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by Interested Bidders
from the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the Bidding
Documents in the amount stated above. Issuance of Bidding Documents will be
on November 12-Nov. 29, 2012.
6. The DPWH-Samar First District Engineering Offce, Calbayog City will hold a Pre-
Bid Conference on Nov. 16, 2012 at 3:00 P.M. at the BAC Offce, DPWH-Samar First
District Engineering Offce, Calbayog City which shall be open to all interested parties.
7. Bids must be delivered at the address below on or before Nov. 29, 2012 at 9:00
A.M. at the BAC Offce- DPWH-Samar First District Engineering Offce, Brgy. San
Policarpo, Calbayog City. All bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of
the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause 1B.
Bids will be opened on Nov. 29, 2012 at 2:00 P.M., in the presence of the Bidders
representative who choose to attend at the address below. Late bids shall not be
8. To bid for this contract, a contractor must purchased bidding documents and meet
the following major criteria; a) prior registration with DPWH, BAC-CPO, Manila; b)
with PCAB License applicable to the type and cost of the contract; c) completion of
a similar contract costing at least 50% of ABC within a period of 10 years, and d) Net
Financial Contracting Capacity at least equal to ABC, or Credit Line Commitment
at least equal to 10% of ABC. Bidders shall submit their bids through their duly
Authorized Liaison Offcer only as specifed in the Contractors Information (CI).
Submission of Letter (LOI) is no longer required to participate in the bidding per
D.O. No. 64 Series of 2012.
9. The DPWH-Samar First District Engineering Offce, Calbayog City reserves the
right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at
any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability or obligation
to the affected bidder or bidders.
10. For further information, please refer to:
OIC, Asst. District Engineer
(BAC Chairman)
Head, BAC Secretariat
BAC Offce, DPWH-Samar First District Engineering Offce
Brgy. San Policarpo, Calbayog City
OIC, Asst. District Engineer
(BAC Chairman)
(MST-Nov. 12, 2012)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Public Works and Highways
Fifth Leyte Engineering District
Baybay City, Leyte
Telephone Number (053) 335-2503
Invitation to Bid
October 31, 2012
Contract ID : 13IG0010
Contract Name : Rehabilitation/Improvement of Flood Control Project, Salog River Flood
Control Works
Contract Location : Hilongos, Leyte
Brief Description/Scope : Structure Excavation, Embankment, Riprap & Grouted Riprap, Concrete
Of Work Slope Protection, Sheet Pile, Handlaid Rock Embankment, Site Clearing
Construction of Access Road, Construction Safety & Health, Warning Signs
& Traffc Management
Approved Budget for the : P 29,100,000.00
Contract (ABC)
Contract Duration : 180 Calendar Days
Cost of Bid Documents : P 20,000.00
Contract ID : 13IG0011
Contract Name : Preventive Maintenance along Da-ang Maharlika K1000+000 to K1003+000
Contract Location : Mahaplag, Leyte
Brief Description/Scope : Removal of Existing Pavement, Roadway Excavation, Embankment,
Of Work Aggregate Sub-base Course, Bituminous Tack Coat, Bituminous Concrete
Surface Course (Hotlaid), PCCP (280 mm), Refectorized Thermoplastic
Pavement Marking (White), Refectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Marking
(Yellow), Construction Safety & Health, Warning Signs & Traffc Management
Approved Budget for the : P 26,496,520.00
Contract (ABC)
Contract Duration : 100 Calendar Days
Cost of Bid Documents : P 20,000.00
1. The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) Fifth Leyte Engineering District, through the
General Appropriation Act CY 2013 intends to apply the sum above stated being the Approved Budget
for the Contract (ABC) to payments for the abovementioned contract. Bids received in excess of the
ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening.
2. The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), Fifth Leyte Engineering District (5
LED) now
invites contractors to bid for the abovementioned description of works. Completion of the works is
required for the above stated contract duration. Bidders should have completed, within ten (10) years
from the date of submission and receipt of bids, a contract similar to the Project. The description of an
eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section 10 Instruction to Bidders.
3. Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using non-discretionary pass/fail
criterion as specifed in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act 9184 (RA9184),
otherwise known as the Government Procurement Reform Act.
Bidding is restricted to Filipino Citizens/sole proprietorships, partnerships, or organizations with at least
seventy fve percent (75%) interest or outstanding capital stock belonging to citizens of the Philippines.
4. Contractors/applicants who are interested in the DPWH civil works are required to register prior to the
set scheduled of submission of bid while those already registered shall keep their records current and
updated. Contractors eligibility to bid on the project will be determined using the DPWH Contract Profle
eligibility Process (CPEP) and subject to further post-qualifcation. Information on registration can be
obtained at DPWH website Interested bidders may obtain further information from
DPWh 5
Leyte Engineering District and inspect the bidding documents at the address given below
from 8:00 A.m. to 5:00 P.M.
5. Acomplete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested bidders from the address below
and upon payment of non-refundable fee for the Bidding Documents in the amount stated above. Issuance
of Bidding Documents will be on November 9 to 29, 2012.

It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine Government Electronic
Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the website of the Procuring Entity, provided that bidders shall
pay the fee for the Bidding Documents not later that the submission of their bids.
6. The DPWH 5
LED will hold a pre-bid Conference on November 15, 2012, 10:00 Oclock in the
morning at Offce of the bids and Awards Committee, DPWH 5
LED, Baybay City, Leyte, which
shall be open to all interested parties.
7. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before November 29, 2012, 9:00 Oclock in the
morning at DPWH 5
LED, Baybay City, Leyte. All bids must be accompanied by a bid security in
any of the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause 14.
Bids will be opened at 2:00 Oclock in the afternoon of November 29, 2012 in the presence of the
bidders representatives who choose to attend at the address below. Late bids shall not be accepted.
8. All interested bidders shall purchase the Bidding Documents. Bids will not be accepted without proof of
payment for the purchase of bidding documents. Bidders shall likewise submit their bids through their
duly Authorized Liaison Offcers only as specifed in the Contractors Information (CI).
To bid for this contract, a contractor must submit a Net Financial Contracting Capacity at least equal to
the ABC or Credit Line Commitment at least equal to 10% of the ABC before dropping of bids.
9. The DPWH 5
LED reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to
reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected
bidder or bidders.
10. For further information, please refer to:
OIC-Assistant District Engineer
BAC Chairman
Head, BAC Secretariat
Brgy. Hipusngo, Baybay City, Leyte
(053) 335-2230
Email Add:
OIC-Assistant District Engineer
BAC Chairman

District Engineer
(MST-Nov. 12, 2012)
Republic of the Philippines
Palawan III District Engineering Offce
Puerto Princesa City
Construction/Improvement of Flood Control and Drainage
Structures San Pedro Section Puerto Princesa South Road, Puerto
Princesa City

The DPWH-Palawan III District Engineering Offce, Puerto Princesa City, through
the Regular Infra Project CY-2013 intends to apply the sum of P15, 320, 922.38
being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract
for Construction/Improvement of Flood Control and Drainage Structures San
Pedro Section, Puerto Princesa City/12EG0056. Bids received in excess of the
ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening.
The DPWH-Palawan III District Engineering Offce, Puerto Princesa City now invites
bids for: Removal of Structures /Obstruction, Roadway Excavation(Surplus),
Foundation Fill, Pipe Culvert and Drain Excavation, Embankment/Backfll(From
Excavation), Sub-Grade Preparation, 0.20m. thk. Aggregate Sub-base Course,
910mm RCPC, i) Manholes, Masonry Units (6 THK. CHB), Curbs and Gutter,
Sidewalk and Entrance . Completion of the Works is required 270 cal. days.
Bidders should have completed, within ten (10) years from the date of submission and
receipt of bids, a contract similar to the Project. The description of an eligible bidder is
contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section 11. Instructions id Bidders.
Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using non-
discretionary pass/fail criterion as specifed in the Implementing Rules and Regulations
(IRR) of Republic Act 9184 (RA 9184), otherwise known as the Government
Procurement Reform Act.
Bidding is restricted to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships, partnerships, or
organizations with at least seventy fve percent (75%) interest or outstanding capital
stock belonging to citizens of the Philippines.
Interested bidders may obtain further information from DPWH-Palawan III District
Engineering Offce, Puerto Princesa City and inspect the Bidding Documents at
the address given below from [insert offce hours].
A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders from the
address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents
in the amount of P10,000.00.
It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine
Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) @ and
the DPWH website @, provided that bidders shall pay the fee for
the Bidding Documents not later that the submission of their bids.
The DPWH-Palawan III District Engineering Offce, Puerto Princesa City will hold
a Pre-Bid Conference on November 16, 2012 at 10:00a.m. at BAC Room- DPWH-
Palawan III District Engineering Offce, Puerto Princesa City , which shall be open
only to all interested parties who have purchased the Bidding Documents.
Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before November 28, 2012 at
10:00 a.m. at DPWH-Palawan III District Engineering Offce, Puerto Princesa
City until 10:00 a.m. All bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the
acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause 18.
Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders representatives who choose to
attend at the address below. Late bids shall not be accepted.
The signifcant times and deadlines of procurement activities are shown below:
1. Issuance of Bidding Documents November 9-28, 2012
2. Pre-Bid Conference November 16, 2012 at 10:00 A.M.
3. Receipt of Bids On or before: 10:00 A.M. November 28, 2012
4. Opening of Bids November 28, 2012 at 2:00 P.M.

The DPWH-Palawan III District Engineering Offce, Puerto Princesa City reserves
the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all
bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the
affected bidder or bidders.
For further information, please refer to:
Engineer III
(BAC Chairman)
DPWH-Palawan III District Engineering Offce
Brgy, Sta. Monica, Puerto Princesa City
Tel. No.433-7313
Notice is hereby given that STATE PROPERTIES CORPORATION (owner/
developer) have fled with this Board a sworn registration statement for
I located at Tindig na Mangga, Almanza Dox, Las Pias City specifcally
described as Lot 2-A, Psd-00-070158, Lots 4 to 20, Pcs-00-012775 and Lot
8, Pcs-00-011752 covered by TCT Nos. T-101025, T-116739 to T-116755
and Lot 8, Pcs-00-011752 covered by TCT Nos. T-101025, T-116739 to
T-116755 (inclusive) and TCT No. T-100499.
All papers relative thereto shall upon request and payment of processing
fee, be available for Inspection during business hours by any person having
legal Interest thereon.
Absent any legal impediment, the above-cited project is deemed registered
and a certifcate, in evidence thereof, shall forthwith be issued after fve (5)
days from the last day of publication.
Quezon City, Metro Manila, OCT. 09, 2012.
Regional Director
Expanded National Capital Region Field Offce
Floor, HLURB Building, Kalayaan Avenue,
Diliman, Quezon City
(MST-Nov. 5 & 12, 2012)
For fast ad results, please call
659-48-30 local 303 or 659-48-03
D3 Classifeds
Page Compositor: Diana Keyser Punzalan
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Public Works and Highways
Region XIII
Surigao del Norte 1
Engineering District
Surigao City
The DPWH-Surigao del Norte 1st Engineering District through the REGULAR INFRA FY 2013 intends to apply
the sum of P 9,700,000.00 being the Approved Budget Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for 12NF0092/
received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected in the bid opening.
The DPWH-Surigao del Norte 1st Engineering District through the REGULAR INFRA FY 2013 intends to apply
the sum of P 6,052,800.00 being the Approved Budget Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for 12NF0093/
/BRGY. MOTORPOOL, TUBOD ,SURIGAO DEL NORTE. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically
rejected in the bid opening.
The DPWH-Surigao del Norte 1st Engineering District now invites for:
Cost of Bidding Documents : P10,000.00
100(2) Clearing and Grubbing 0.192 Ha.
101(3) Removal of Structures (Extg Roadway & Shoulder Pavt.) 304.85 sq.m.
102(1) Unsuitable Excavation 449.46 Cu.m.
103(1) Structure Excavation 1,268.18 Cu.m.
103(3) Foundation Fill 84.56 Cu.m.
104(1B) Embankment (From Borrow) 373.83 Cu.m.
105(1) Sub-Grade Preparation( Common Materials) 637.76 sq.m.
204 Portland Cement Stabilized Road Mix Base Coursed 149.14 cu.m.
311(1) PCCP ( Plain Roadway, 280mm thk) 227.67 Sq.m.
311(1A) PCCP( Plain Roadway , 230mm thk) 410.10 Sq.m.
404 Reinforcing Steel Bars ( Grade 40) 11,473.70 Kgs
405(1) Structural Concrete, Class A 449.89 Cu.m.
407(1) Lean Concrete Class B 10.67 Cu.m.
506 Stone Masonry 68.43 Cu.m.
508 Handlaid Rock Embankment 189.59 Cu.m.
518(1) Coco-net 1,816.94 Sq.m.
518(2) Coco-logs 106.67 Ln.m.
518(3) Vegetation 1,816.94 Sq.m.
603(3) Removed and Reinstallation of Steel Guardrails 120.00 Ln.m.
605 Informative Road Signs (Hazard Marker Chevron) ( 24 x 36) 32.00 each
606(2) Pavement Markings (Refectorized Thermoplastic) 36.10 Sq.m.
SPL-I Construction Safety and Health Program First Aid Kit
(w/ Medical Supplies)
Rain Coat
Safety Gloves
Safety Googles
1.00 L.s.
SPL-II Engineering Facilities (BunkHouse) Field Offce /Quarter ( 5.00m x
5.00 m = 25 sq.m. ) w/ provision of Electricity & water Offce table
W/ Chair
1.00 l.s
Completion of the Work is Required 60 calendar days
Cost of Bidding Documents : P10,000.00
101(3) Removal of Structures (Extg. Roadway Pavt) 187.60 Sq.m
102(1) Unsuitable Excavation 57.01 cu.m.
103(2A) Structure Excavation 271.03 Cu.m.
103(3) Foundation Fill 47.43 Cu.m.
105(1) Sub-Grade Preparation (Common Materials) 199.20 sq.m.
204 Portland Cement Stabilized Road Mix Base Course 41.77 Cu.m.
302(2) Bituminous Tack Coat ( Emulsifed Asphalt) 1.13 tonne
303 Bituminous Seal Coat (Penetration Grade 60/70) 0.60 tonne
310 Bituminous Concrete Surface Course, Hotlaid 2,157.40 Sq.m.
311(1) PCCP (Plain Roadway , 0.28 m thk) 121.15 Sq.m.
311(2) PCCP (Approach Slab ,0.30m thk) 78.60 Sq.m.
404 Reinforcing Steel Bars (Grade 40) 2,162.01 Kgs
405(1) Structural Concrete Class A 91.03 Cu.m.
506 Stone Masonry 13.97 Cu.m.
508 Handlaid Rock (End Protection Works) 13.20 Cu.m.
511 Gabions 210.00 Cu.m.
606(2) Pavement Markings (Refectorized Thermoplastic) 134.35 Sq.m.
SPL-I Facilities for Engineers Field Offce /Quarter (5.00m x 5.00 m = 25
sq.m. ) w/ provision of Electricity & water Offce table W/ Chair
1.00 L.s.
SPL-II Project Billboard 1.00 unit
SPL-III Const. Safety and Health Program Safety Shoes
Safety Gloves
Helmet( hard Hats)
Eye Googles
First Aid Kit w/ Medicines
1.00 L.s.

Completion of the Work is Required 60 calendar days
Bidders should have completed, within 10 years from the date of submission and receipt of bids, a contract similar
to the Project. The description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents particularly, in Section V.
Instruction to Bidders.
Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using non-discretionary pass/fail criterion as
specifed in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act 9184(RA 9184), Otherwise known as the
Government Procurement ReformAct.
Bidding is restricted to Filipino citizen/sole proprietorships, partnership, or organizations with at least seventy fve percent
(75%) interest or outstanding capital stock belonging to citizen of the Philippines.
Interested bidders may obtain further information fromDPWH-Surigao del Norte 1st Engineering District and inspect the
Bidding Documents at the address given belowfor 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 pm. Monday to Friday
during the issuance of bidding documents stated below.
A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by the interested Bidders from the address below and upon
payment of nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents stated above on each project.
It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement
System(PhilGEPS) and the website of DPWH, provided that the bidders shall pay the fee for the Bidding Documents
not later that the submission of their bids.
TheBids andAwardCommittee(BAC) of DPWH-Surigaodel Norte1st EngineeringDistrict will holdaPre-BidConference
on November 16, 2012 @10:00 a.m. @Conference Roomwhich shall be open only to all interested parties.
Bids must be delivered to the address below on November 28, 2012 @12:00 noon at the conference room, DPWH-
Surigao del Norte 1
Engineering District, Surigao City.All bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the
acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause 18.
Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders representatives who chose to attend at the address below. Late
bids shall not be accepted.
The signifcant times and deadlines of procurement activities are shown below:
1.Issuance of bidding documents November 8, 2012 to November 28, 2012 until 10:00 a.m.
2. Pre-bid Conference November 16 , 2012 @ 10:00 a.m
3. Submission/Receipt of bids November 28, 2012 until 12:00 noon
4. Opening of Bids November 28, 2012 @ 2:00 p.m.
The DPWH-Surigao del Norte 1st Engineering District reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding
process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected
bidder or bidders.
For further Information, please refer to:
Engineer III
BAC Chairman
DPWH-Surigao del Norte 1st Engineering District
Capitol Road, Surigao City
(085) 231-5068
Engineer III
(MST-Nov. 12, 2012) (MST-Nov. 12, 2012)
Republic of the Philippines
Palawan First District Engineering Offce
Roxas, Palawan

November 07, 2012
The Bids and Award Committee (BAC) of the DPWH, Palawan 1
District Engineering
Offce, Roxas, Palawan, invites prospective contractors to apply to bid for the
following project;
Contract ID: 12EE0097
Contract Name Repair/ Rehab./ Improvement of Roxas-Taytay National
Road Section KO 142+094-KO 143+228
Roxas, Palawan
Contract Location: Roxas, Palawan
Scope of Work: Repair/Rehab./Improvement of Road
Approved Budget for the Contract P9,899,582.92
Contract Duration: 81 calendar days
The BAC will conduct the procurement process in accordance with the Revised IRR
of R.A. 9184. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at
the opening of bid.
To bid for this contract, a contractor must submit a Letter of Intent (LOI), purchase
bid documents and must meet the following major criteria: (a) prior registration
with DPWH, (b) Filipino citizen or 75% Filipino-owned partnership, corporation,
cooperative, or joint venture, (c) with PCAB license applicable to the type and cost
of this contract, (d) completion of a similar contract costing at least 50% of ABC
within a period of 10 years, and (e) Net Financial Contracting Capacity at least
equal to ABC, or credit line commitment at least equal to 10% of ABC. The BAC
wilt use nondiscretionary pass/fail criteria in the eligibility check and preliminary
examination of bids.
Unregistered contractors, however, shall submit their applications for registration
to the DPWH-POCW Central Offce before the deadline for the receipt of LOI.
The DPWHPOCW- Central Offce will only process contractors applications for
registration with complete requirements and issue the Contractors Certifcate of
Registration (CRC). Registration Forms may be downloaded at the DPWH website
The signifcant times and deadlines of procurement activities are shown below:
1. Issuance of Bidding Documents From: November 12, 2012 To: November 29, 2012
2. Pre-Bid Conference Time: 2:00 PM Date: November 20, 2012
3. Deadline of Receipt of LOI from
Prospective Bidders
Date: November 26, 2012 Time: until 5:00 p.m.
4. Submission` of Bids Time: until 1:30 PM Date: December 03, 2012
5. Opening of Bids Time: 2:00 p.m. Date: December 03, 2012
The BAC will issue hard copies of Bidding Documents (BDs) at DPWH, Palawan 1
District Engineering Offce, Roxas, Palawan, upon payment of a non-refundable fee of
Php.10,000.00 Project. Prospective bidders may also download the BDs from the
DPWH website, if available. Prospective bidders that will download the BDs from
the DPWH website shall pay the said fees on or before the submission of their bids
Documents. The Pre-Bid Conference shall be opened only to interested parties who
have purchased the BDs. Bids must accompanied by a bid security, in the amount and
acceptable form, as stated in Section 27.2 of the Revised IRR.
Prospective bidders shall submit their duly accomplished forms as specifed in the BDs
in two (2) separate sealed bid envelopes to the BAC Chairman. The frst envelope shall
contain the technical component of the bid, which shall include a copy of the CRC.
The second envelope shall contain the fnancial component of the bid. Contract will be
awarded to the Lowest Calculated Responsive Bid as determined In the bid evaluation
and post-qualifcation.
The DPWH, Palawan 1
District Engineering Offce, Roxas, Palawan reserves the
right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process at any time prior contract
award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder/so
Engineer III
(MST-Nov. 12, 2012)
Republic of the Philippines
Southern Mindoro District Engineering Offce
Roxas, Oriental Mindoro
The DPWH Southern Mindoro District Engineering Offce, through GAA
CY 2013 intends to apply the sum of P 20,579,677.89 being the Approved
Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for 13EI0015
-Replacement/Rehabilitation of Macanlig Bridge Along Calapan South Road,
Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall
be automatically rejected at bid opening.
The DPWH Southern Mindoro District Engineering Offce now invites bids
for the Replacement/Rehabilitation of 20.00 L.M. Prestressed concrete
girder bridge; Clear Roadway = 7.32m; Sidewalk = 0.76m; Two Approach
Slab = 8.0 ln.m.; Concreting of 192 ln.m. approaches, width = 6.70m;
thickness = 0.28m; shoulder = 3.0m; Construction of 193 ln.m. line canal
and slope protection bothsides. Completion of the works is required in 192
calendar days.
Prospective bidders must have an experience of having completed at least
one (1) contract that is similar to the contract to be bid, and whose value,
adjusted to current prices using the NSO consumer price indices, must be
at least ffty percent (50%) of the ABC to be bid as stated in the Revised
Section under GPPB Resolution No. 11 2012 of the IRR of R.A.
9184. The description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding
Documents, particularly, in Section II, Instruction to Bidders.
Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures
using non discretionary pass/fail criterion as specifed in the Revised
Implementing Rules and Regulations of R.A. 9184, otherwise known as
the Government Procurement Reform Act.
Bidding is restricted to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships, partnerships,
or organizations with at least seventy fve (75%) interest or outstanding
capital stock belonging to citizens of the Philippines.
Interested bidders may obtain further information from DPWH Southern
Mindoro District Engineering Offce and inspect the Bidding Documents at
the address given below from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested
Bidders from the address below or any DPWH feld offces and upon
payment of a non refundable fee for the Bidding Documents in the amount
of P 25,000.00.
It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippines
Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the website of
the Procuring Entity, provided that bidders shall pay the fee for the Bidding
Documents not later than the submission of their bids.
The DPWH Southern Mindoro District Engineering Offce will hold a Pre
Bid Conference on November 16, 2012 @ 10:00 A.M. at the Conference
Room, DPWH Southern Mindoro District Engineering Offce which shall
be open to all interested parties.
Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before November 28,
2012 until 10:00 A.M. at the DPWH Southern Mindoro District Engineering
Offce. All bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the
acceptable forms and in the amount stated in the Bid Data Sheet (BDS).
Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders representative who
choose to attend at the address below. Late bids shall not be accepted.
The DPWH, Southern Mindoro District Engineering Offce reserves the
right to accept or reject any bid to annul the bidding process, and to reject
all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any
liability to the affected bidder or bidders.
For further information, please refer to:
DPWH, Southern Mindoro District Engineering Offce
Dangay, Roxas, Oriental Mindoro
Telefax No. (043) 289 - 2565
Approved :

(BAC Chairperson)
(MST-Nov. 12, 2012)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Public Works and Highways
Regional Offce No. VIII
Government Center, Baras, Palo, Leyte
Telefax No.: (053) 323-5553
Email Add:
Invitation to Bid
November 8, 2012
1. Contract ID : 12IO0084
Contract Name : Repair/Rehabilitation/Improvement of La Paz
Palale Javier Bito Road, K0070+000
K0071+030, Javier, Leyte
Contract Location : Javier, Leyte
Brief Description/Scope of Work : Asphalt Overlay of 1,060.00 meters Carriageway
( Thi ckness=0. 05 m. ; Wi dt h=6. 10 m. ) wi t h
Thermoplastic Pavement Markings at Center and
Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) : Php 9,891,342.52
Contract Duration : 60 Calendar Days
Cost of Bidding Documents : Php 10,000.00
1. The DPWH Regional Offce No. VIII, Baras, Palo, Leyte, through the SR2012-05-004859/
SARO No. BMB-12-0006924 intends to apply the sum above stated being the Approved
Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for the abovementioned
contract/s. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening.
2. The DPWH Regional Office No. VIII, Baras, Palo, Leyte now invites bids for the
abovementioned description of works. Completion of the Works is required for the above stated
contract duration. Bidders should have completed at least one (1) contract that is similar to this
project/s, equivalent to at least ffty percent (50%) of the ABC. The description of an eligible
bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly in Section II, Instructions to Bidders.
3. Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using non-
discretionary pass/fail criterion in the Eligibility Check and Preliminary Examination of Bids as
specifed in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (lRR) of Republic Act 9184 (RA9184),
otherwise known as the Government Procurement Reform Act.
Bidding is restricted to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships, partnerships, organizations or
joint venture with at least seventy fve percent (75%) interest or outstanding capital stock
belonging to citizens of the Philippines.
4. Contractors/applicants who are interested in the DPWH civil works are required to register prior
to the set scheduled of submission of bid while those already registered shall keep their records
current and updated. Contractors eligibility to bid on the project will be determined using the
DPWH Contract Profle Eligibility Process (CPEP) and subject to further post-qualifcation.
Information on registration can be obtained at DPWH website Interested
bidders may obtain further information from DPWH Regional Offce No. VIII, Baras, Palo, Leyte
and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below from 8:00 A.M. 5:00 P.M.
5. A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders from the
address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents in the
amount stated above. Bidders can make payments for the purchase of the Bidding
Documents at any DPWH feld offces. It may also be downloaded free of charge from
the website of the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and
the website of the Procuring Entity, provided that bidders shall pay the fee for the Bidding
Documents not later that the submission of their bids.
The signifcant date and time of procurement activities are shown below:
1. Issuance of Bidding Documents November 9 28, 2012
2. Pre-Bid Conference November 16, 2012 (3:00 P.M.)
3. Receipt of Bids On or before: November 28, 2012 (10:00 A.M.)
4. Opening of Bids November 28, 2012 (1:30 P.M.)
6. Pre-Bid Conference will be held at BAC Offce, DPWH Regional Offce No. VIII, Baras, Palo,
Leyte which shall be open only to all interested parties who have purchased the Bidding
7. Bids must be delivered at BAC Offce, DPWH Regional Offce No. VIII, Baras, Palo, Leyte.
All bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and in the
amount stated in ITB Clause 18, or a Bid Securing Declaration in lieu of a bid security as
an additional form, pursuant to GPPB Resolution No. 03-2012. Bids will be opened in the
presence of the bidders representatives who choose to attend at the address below. Late
bids shall not be accepted.
8. To bid for this contract, a contractor must submit a Net Financial Contracting Capacity
(NFCC) at least equal to ABC or Credit Line Commitment at least equal to 10% of ABC
and the Original Receipt (OR) for payment of bidding documents before dropping of bids.
Bidders shall likewise submit their bids through their duly Authorized Liaison Offcers only as
specifed in the Contractors Information (CI). Submission of Letter of Intent (LOI) is no
longer required to participate in the bidding, pursuant to D.O. No. 64, Series of 2012.
9. The DPWH Regional Offce No. VIII, Baras, Palo, Leyte reserves the right to accept or
reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract
award, without thereby incurring any liability or obligation to the affected bidder or bidders.
10. For further information, please refer to:
Assistant Regional Director
(BAC Chairman)
The Head, BAC Secretariat
DPWH Regional Offce No. VIII,
Baras, Palo, Leyte
Telefax No.: (053) 323-5553
Email Add:
Assistant Regional Director
(BAC Chairman)
Regional Director

(MST-Nov. 12, 2012)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Public Works and Highways
Leyte 1 District Engineering Offce
Pawing, Palo, Leyte
November 07, 2012
Contract ID No. 12IC0087
Contract Name and Location
Rehab./Repair/Improvement of Baras-Candahug-
Manlurip-DZR Airport Road, Palo, Leyte
Brief Description/Scope of Work
Conc. of Road Shoulder, Seawall Protection with
Conc. Sheet Pile & Pile Cap, Reblocking
ABC P19,400,000.00
Contract Duration 102 CD
Cost of Bid Documents P25,000.00
1. The DPWH, Leyte 1 District Engineering Offce, Pawing, Palo, Leyte, through
the CY 2013 GAA Infrastructure Projects intends to apply the sum above-stated
being the Approved Budget of the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract
for the aforementioned contracts. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be
automatically rejected at bid opening.
2. DPWH, Leyte 1 District Engineering Offce, Pawing, Palo, Leyte now invites bids
for the aforementioned description of works. Completion of the work is required for the
above-stated contract duration. Bidders should have completed, within ten (10) years
from the date of submission and receipt of bids, a contract similar to the project. The
description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in
Section II. Instruction to Bidders.
3. Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using non-
discretionary pass/fail criterion in the Eligibility Check and Preliminary Examination of
Bids as specifed in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act 9184
(RA 9184), otherwise known as the Government Procurement Reform Act. Bidding
is restricted to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships, partnerships, organization or joint
venture with at least seventy fve percent (75%) interest or outstanding capital stock
belonging to citizens of the Philippines.
4. Contractors/applicants who are interested in the DPWH civil works are required to
register prior to the schedule of submission of bid while those already registered shall
keep their records current and updated. Contractors eligibility to bid on the project
will be determined using the DPWH Contract Profle Eligibility Process (CPEP) and
subject to further post-qualifcation. Information on registration can be obtained at
DPWH website Interested bidders may obtain further information
from DPWH, Leyte 1 District engineering Offce, Pawing, Palo, Leyte and inspect
the Bidding Documents from 8:00 a.m. 5:00p.m.
Date and time of Procurement Activities are shown below:
1. Issuance of Bidding Documents November 09 - 29, 2012
2. Pre-Bid Conference November 15, 2012; 9:00 a.m. (Conference Hall)
3. Receipt of Bids On or before: November 29, 2012; 9:00 a.m.
4. Opening of Bids November 29, 2012; 2:00 p.m.
5. A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders upon
payment of a nonrefundable fee. It may also be downloaded free of charge from the
website of the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS)
and the website of the Procuring Entity, provided that bidders shall pay the fee for the
Bidding Documents not later than the submission of their bids.
6. Pre- Bid Conference shall be open only to all interested parties who have purchased
the Bidding Documents.
7. All bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and
in the amount stated in ITB Clause 18. Bids will be opened in the presence of the
bidders representative who chooses to attend. Late bids shall not be accepted.
8. To bid for this contract/s, a contractor must submit a Net Financial Contracting Capacity
at least equal to the ABC or Credit Line Commitment at least equal to 10% of ABC
before dropping the bids. Bidders shall likewise submit their bids through their
duly Authorized Liaison Offcers only as specifed in the Contractors Information
(CI). Submission of Letter of Intent (LOI) is no longer required to participate in the
bidding, per D.O. 64, series of 2012.
9. The DPWH, Leyte 1 District Engineering Offce, Pawing, Palo, Leyte reserves the
right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at
any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability or obligation to
the affected bidder or bidders.
10. For further information, please refer to:
Lesma B. Tingoy
BAC Chairman
Tel. No.: (053) 323-5701
Fax No.: (053) 323-8801
e-mail address:
Chief, Materials Quality Control Section
BAC Chairman
N O T E D:
(Sgd.) ANGEL A. SIA, JR.
OIC-District Engineer
(MST-Nov. 12, 2012)
The Offce of the President, through the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC), hereby
invites all interested Phil-GEPS registered manufacturers, suppliers, dealers, automotive
manufacturer and authorized franchised dealers to submit bids for the following projects, to wit:
Request (PR)
Project Approved Budget for
the Contract
Non- Refundable
Bid Fees
12-09-5955 1. Procurement of janitorial Service of the
Offce of the President for FY 2013
Php8,532,720.00 Php5,000.00
12-08-5470 2. One (1) Lot Supply and Delivery of
Assorted Gifts of the President
Php1,680,400.00 Php5,000.00
12-08-5458RB 3. One (1) Lot Supply & Delivery of Two
(2) Units Trucks
Php2,720,000.00 Php5,000.00
12-10-6058 4. One (1) Lot Suppl y of Labor and
Materials for Re-varnishing of Panel
Doors and Wooden Window Frames,
and for Re-painting of Wrought Iron
Doors and Grilles of Kalayaan Hall
Php1,900,000.00 Php5,000.00
12-09-6009 5. One (1) Lot Supply and Delivery of
One (1) unit Brand New Diesel Electric
Generating Set for replacement of
the 40-year old deteriorated Electric
Generatingt Set of Mansion House,
Baguio City
Php1,792,600.00 Php5,000.00
Bid Documents are available from November 12 November 29, 2012, upon payment
of non-refundable fees stated above, from 8:00AM to 12:00N and from 1:00PM to 5:00PM,
Monday to Friday, and up to 9AM on the last day of the issuance and acquisition of bid docs,
at the BAC Secretariat Offce, RM 118, First Floor Mezzanine, Mabini Hall Bldg., JP Laurel
St.,San Miguel, Malacaang, Manila (Tel. No. 784-42-86 loc. 4161).
A pre-bid conference for the purpose will be held on November 15, 2012 at 1:00 PM
at the Executive Secretaries Hall and Gallery, 4
Floor, Mabini Hall Building, Malacaang,
Manila. Only those who have purchased bidding documents will be allowed to participate
in the pre-bid conference.

Deadline for the submission of the Bid/Tender Documents/Forms is onNovember 29,
2012 Thursdayat 10:00AM at the BAC Secretariat Offce, RM 118 First Floor Mezzanine,
Mabini Hall Bldg., JP Laurel St.,San Miguel, Malacaang, Manila. The opening of bids will
be held on the same day, November 29, 2012, Thursday at 10:05AMat the Executive
Secretaries Hall and Gallery, 4
/F Mabini Hall Bldg., Malacaang, Manila.
Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using a non-
discretionary pass/fail criterion as specifed in the Revised Implementing Rules and Regula-
tions (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184, otherwise known as the Government Procurement
Reform Act. Bids received in excess of the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) shall be
automatically rejected at bid opening.

All particulars relative to eligibility screening, bid security, performance security, pre-bid
conference/s, evaluation of bids, post-qualifcation and award of contracts shall be governed
by the pertinent provisions of RA 9184 and its Revised IRR.
The Offce of the President-Bids and Awards Committee reserves the right to accept or
reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract
award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.
Chairman, Bids and Awards Committee
Offce of the President
of the Philippines
ManilaStandardToday NOVEMBER 12, 2012 MONDAY
Page Compositor: Diana Keyser Punzalan
Republic of the Philippines
Region XI
Digos City
Invitation to Bid for Preventive Maintenance Asphalt Overlay
Along Digos Diversion Road K1562+(-692) K1563+080
Digos City, Davao del Sur
1. The Davao del Sur 1
District Engineering Offce, Digos City, Davao
del Sur, through the CY 2013 Infrastructure Program intends to apply the
sum of P 41,376,792.40 being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC)
to payments under the contract for Preventive Maintenance Asphalt
Overlay along Digos Diversion Road K1562+(-692) K1563+080,
Digos City, Davao del Sur Contract ID # 12LD0043. Bids received
in excess of ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening
2. The Davao del Sur 1
District Engineering Office, Digos City,
Davao del Sur now invites bids for Widening of Roads with Massive
Embankment and Asphalt Overlay with Corrections. Completion of
the Works is required for One Hundred Twenty (120) calendar days.
Bidders should have completed, within ten (10) years from the date of
submission and receipt of bids, a contract similar to the Project. The
description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents,
particularly, in Section II Instructions to Bidders.
3. Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures
using non-discretionary pass/fail criterion as specifed in the Implementing
Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act 9184 (RA 9184), otherwise
known as the Government Procurement Reform Act.
Bidding is restricted to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships, partnerships,
or organizations with at least seventy fve percent (75%) interest or
outstanding capital stock belonging to citizens of the Philippines.
4. Interested bidders may obtain further information from Davao del Sur 1
District Engineering Offce, Digos City, Davao del Sur and inspect the
Bidding Documents at the address given below from 8:00 5:00 P.M.
5. A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested
Bidders from the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable
fee for the Bidding Documents in the amount of Twenty Five Thousand
pesos (P25,000.00).
It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine
Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the website
of the Procuring Entity, provided that bidders shall pay the fee for the
Bidding Documents not later that the submission of their bids.
6. The Davao del Sur 1
District Engineering Offce, Digos City, Davao del
Sur will hold a Pre-Bid Conference on November 15, 2012, 10:00 A.M. at BAC
Offce, DPWH, Digos City, which shall be open to all interested parties.
7. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before November
27, 2012, 2:00 P.M. at BAC Offce, DPWH, Digos City. All bids must be
accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and in the
amount stated in ITB Clause 18.

Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders representatives who
choose to attend at the address below. Late bids shall not be accepted.
8. Deadline of Letter of Intent will be on November 22, 2012 at 2:00 P.M.
9. The Davao del Sur 1
District Engineering Offce, Digos City, Davao
del Sur reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding
process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without
thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.
10. For further information, please refer to:
BAC Secretariat
TELEFAX: 082-553-6465
BAC Chairman
(MST-NOV. 12, 2012)
Republic of the Philippines
Region XI
Digos City
Invitation to Bid for Widening of Davao-Cotabato Road
(Sinawilan-Cogon Section)
K1559+180-K1560+770 Digos City, Davao del Sur
1. The Davao del Sur 1
District Engineering Offce, Digos City, Davao
del Sur, through the CY 2013 Infrastructure Program intends to apply
the sum of P 36,328,712.27 being the Approved Budget for the Contract
(ABC) to payments under the contract for Widening of Davao-Cotabato
Road (Sinawilan-Cogon Section) K1559+180-K1560+770, Digos City,
Davao del Sur-Contract ID# 12LD0042. Bids received in excess of ABC
shall be automatically rejected at bid opening
2. The Davao del Sur 1
District Engineering Offce, Digos City, Davao
del Sur now invites bids for Widening of Roads with Box Culvert.
Completion of the Works is required for Ninety Three (93) calendar
days. Bidders should have completed, within ten (10) years from the date
of submission and receipt of bids, a contract similar to the Project. The
description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents,
particularly, in Section II Instructions to Bidders.
3. Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures
using non-discretionary pass/fail criterion as specifed in the Implementing
Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act 9184 (RA 9184), otherwise
known as the Government Procurement Reform Act.
Bidding is restricted to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships, partnerships,
or organizations with at least seventy fve percent (75%) interest or out-
standing capital stock belonging to citizens of the Philippines.
4. Interested bidders may obtain further information from Davao del Sur 1
District Engineering Offce, Digos City, Davao del Sur and inspect the
Bidding Documents at the address given below from 8:00 5:00 P.M.
5. A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested
Bidders from the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable
fee for the Bidding Documents in the amount of Twenty Five Thousand
pesos (P25,000.00).
It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philip-
pine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the
website of the Procuring Entity, provided that bidders shall pay the fee
for the Bidding Documents not later that the submission of their bids.
6. The Davao del Sur 1st District Engineering Offce, Digos City, Davao del
Sur will hold a Pre-Bid Conference on November 15, 2012, 10:00 A.M. at BAC
Offce, DPWH, Digos City, which shall be open to all interested parties.
7. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before November
27, 2012, 2:00 P.M. at BAC Offce, DPWH, Digos City. All bids must be
accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and in the
amount stated in ITB Clause 18.

Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders representatives who
choose to attend at the address below. Late bids shall not be accepted.
8. Deadline of Letter of Intent will be on November 22, 2012 at 2:00 P.M.
9. The Davao del Sur 1
District Engineering Offce, Digos City, Davao
del Sur reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding
process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without
thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.
10. For further information, please refer to:

BAC Secretariat
TELEFAX: 082-553-6465
BAC Chairman
(MST-NOV. 12, 2012)
Republic of the Philippines
Marinduque Engineering District
Boac, Marinduque
The Bids and Awards Committee ( BAC) of the DPWH Marinduque
Engineering District Offce, Boac, Marinduque, through the SARO No. NEP
2013 invites contractors to bid aforementioned projects.
Contract ID: 12EA0038
Contract Name: Road Upgrading of Dr. Damian Reyes Mem. Road
(Torrijos Side) Km. 47+800-Km. 51+790 w/e
Contract Location: Torrijos, Marinduque
Scope of Work: Road upgrading (conc). of 1.42 km road with 3
units box culvert and stone masonry
Approved Budget for
the Contract (ABC): Php28,813,336.87
Contract Duration: 95 calendar days
The BAC will conduct the procurement process in accordance with the Revised
IRR of R.A. 9184. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically
rejected at the opening of bid.
To bid for this contract, a contractor must submit a Letter of Intent (LOI), purchase bid
documents and must meet the following major criteria: (a) prior registration with DPWH,
(b) Filipino citizen or 75% Filipino- owned partnership, corporation, cooperative, or
joint venture, (c) with PCAB license applicable to the type and cost of this contract,
(d) completion of a similarcontract costing at least 50 % of ABC within a period of 10
years, and (e)Net Financial Contracting Capacity at least equal to ABC, or credit line
commitment at least equal to 10% of ABC.The BAC will use non-discretionary pass/fail
criteria in the eligibility check and preliminary examination of bids.
Unregistered contractors, however, shall submit their applications for registration
to the DPWH-POCW Central Offce before the deadline for the receipt of
LOI. The DPWH-Central Offce will only process contractors applications for
registration with complete requirements and issue the Contractors Certifcate
of Registration (CRC). Registration Forms may be downloaded at the DPWH
The signifcant times and deadlines for procurement are shown below:
1. Issuance of Bidding Documents Novmber 9, 2012-
Novmber 29, 2012
2. Pre-Bid Conference Novmber 20, 2012/ 9:00 A.M.
3. Receipt of Bids Novmber 29, 2012 / 10:00 A.M.
4. Opening of Bids Novmber 29, 2012/ 2:00 P.M.
The BAC will issue hard copies of Bidding Documents (BDs) at DPWH,
Marinduque District Engineering Offce, Boac, Marinduque, upon payment of a
non-refundable fee of P 25,000.00 for (BDs).
Prospective bidders may also download the BDs from the DPWH Website.
Prospective bidders that will download the BDs from DPWH Website shall pay
the said fees on or before the submission of their Bid Documents. The Pre-Bid
Conference shall be open only to interested parties who have purchased the
BDs. Bids must accompanied by a bid security, in the amount and acceptable
form, as stated in Section 27.2 of the Revised IRR.
Prospective bidders shall submit their duly accomplished forms as specifed
in the BDs in two (2) separate bid envelops to the BAC Chairman. The frst
envelop shall contain the technical component of the bid, which shall include
the eligibility requirements. The second envelop shall contain the fnancial
component of the bid. Contract will be awarded to the Lowest Calculated
Responsive Bid as determined in the bid evaluation and post qualifcation.
DPWH, Marinduque Engineering Offce reserves the right to accept or reject
any or all bid and to annul the bidding process at any time before Contract
award, without incurring any liability to the affected bidder/s.
Approved by:
BAC Chairman
(MST-NOV. 12, 2012)
Republic of the Philippines
Marinduque Engineering District
Boac, Marinduque
The Bids and Awards Committee ( BAC) of the DPWH Marinduque
Engineering District Offce, Boac, Marinduque, through the SARO No. NEP
2013 invites contractors to bid aforementioned projects.
Contract ID: 12EA0039
Contract Name: Road Upgrading of Tigwi-Dampulan-Lipata-Yook,
Buenavista Road Km. 86+460-Km. 88+130.81
Contract Location: Buenavista, Marinduque
Scope of Work: Road upgrading (concreting) of 1,670.81 l.m. with
1 unit box culvert and stone masonry
Approved Budget for
the Contract (ABC): Php25,762,395.70
Contract Duration: 82 calendar days
The BAC will conduct the procurement process in accordance with the Revised
IRR of R.A. 9184. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically
rejected at the opening of bid.
To bid for this contract, a contractor must submit a Letter of Intent (LOI), purchase bid
documents and must meet the following major criteria: (a) prior registration with DPWH,
(b) Filipino citizen or 75% Filipino- owned partnership, corporation, cooperative, or
joint venture, (c) with PCAB license applicable to the type and cost of this contract,
(d) completion of a similarcontract costing at least 50 % of ABC within a period of 10
years, and (e)Net Financial Contracting Capacity at least equal to ABC, or credit line
commitment at least equal to 10% of ABC.The BAC will use non-discretionary pass/fail
criteria in the eligibility check and preliminary examination of bids.
Unregistered contractors, however, shall submit their applications for registration
to the DPWH-POCW Central Offce before the deadline for the receipt of
LOI. The DPWH-Central Offce will only process contractors applications for
registration with complete requirements and issue the Contractors Certifcate
of Registration (CRC). Registration Forms may be downloaded at the DPWH
The signifcant times and deadlines for procurement are shown below:
1. Issuance of Bidding Documents Novmber 9, 2012-
Novmber 20, 2012
2. Pre-Bid Conference Novmber 20, 2012/ 9:00 A.M.
3. Receipt of Bids Novmber 29, 2012 / 10:00 A.M.
4. Opening of Bids Novmber 29, 2012/ 2:00 P.M.
The BAC will issue hard copies of Bidding Documents (BDs) at DPWH,
Marinduque District Engineering Offce, Boac, Marinduque, upon payment of a
non-refundable fee of P 25,000.00 for (BDs).
Prospective bidders may also download the BDs from the DPWH Website.
Prospective bidders that will download the BDs from DPWH Website shall pay
the said fees on or before the submission of their Bid Documents. The Pre-Bid
Conference shall be open only to interested parties who have purchased the
BDs. Bids must accompanied by a bid security, in the amount and acceptable
form, as stated in Section 27.2 of the Revised IRR.
Prospective bidders shall submit their duly accomplished forms as specifed
in the BDs in two (2) separate bid envelops to the BAC Chairman. The frst
envelop shall contain the technical component of the bid, which shall include
the eligibility requirements. The second envelop shall contain the fnancial
component of the bid. Contract will be awarded to the Lowest Calculated
Responsive Bid as determined in the bid evaluation and post qualifcation.
DPWH, Marinduque Engineering Offce reserves the right to accept or reject
any or all bid and to annul the bidding process at any time before Contract
award, without incurring any liability to the affected bidder/s.
Approved by:
BAC Chairman
(MST-NOV. 12, 2012)
Republic of the Philippines
Region XI
Digos City
Invitation to Bid for Road Upgrading (Gravel to Concrete) Along
Bansalan-Mt. Apo National Park Road K1584+(-234)-K1585+008
Bansalan, Davao del Sur
1. The Davao del Sur 1
District Engineering Office, Digos City,
Davao del Sur, through the CY 2013 Infrastructure Program intends to
apply the sum of P 30,107,535.42 being the Approved Budget for the
Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for Road Upgrading
(Gravel to Paved along Bansalan-Mt. Apo National Park Road
(K1584+(-234)-K1585+008, Bansalan, Davao del Sur-Contract
ID# 12LD0041. Bids received in excess of ABC shall be automatically
rejected at bid opening
2. The Davao del Sur 1st District Engineering Offce, Digos City, Davao
del Sur now invites bids for Concreting of Roads. Completion of the
Works is required for Ninety Three (93) calendar days. Bidders should
have completed, within ten (10) years from the date of submission and
receipt of bids, a contract similar to the Project. The description of an
eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in
Section II Instructions to Bidders.
3. Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures
using non-discretionary pass/fail criterion as specifed in the Implementing
Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act 9184 (RA 9184), otherwise
known as the Government Procurement Reform Act.
Bidding is restricted to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships, partnerships,
or organizations with at least seventy fve percent (75%) interest or
outstanding capital stock belonging to citizens of the Philippines.
4. Interested bidders may obtain further information from Davao del Sur 1
District Engineering Offce, Digos City, Davao del Sur and inspect the
Bidding Documents at the address given below from 8:00 5:00 P.M.
5. A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested
Bidders from the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable
fee for the Bidding Documents in the amount of Twenty Five Thousand
pesos (P25,000.00).
It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine
Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the website
of the Procuring Entity, provided that bidders shall pay the fee for the
Bidding Documents not later that the submission of their bids.
6. The Davao del Sur 1
District Engineering Offce, Digos City, Davao del
Sur will hold a Pre-Bid Conference on November 15, 2012, 10:00 A.M. at BAC
Offce, DPWH, Digos City, which shall be open to all interested parties.
7. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before November
27, 2012, 2:00 P.M. at BAC Offce, DPWH, Digos City. All bids must be
accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and in the
amount stated in ITB Clause 18.

Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders representatives who
choose to attend at the address below. Late bids shall not be accepted.
8. Deadline of Letter of Intent will be on November 22, 2012 at 2:00 P.M.
9. The Davao del Sur 1
District Engineering Offce, Digos City, Davao
del Sur reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding
process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without
thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.
10. For further information, please refer to:

BAC Secretariat
TELEFAX: 082-553-6465
BAC Chairman
(MST-NOV. 12, 2012)
Republic of the Philippines
Region XI
Digos City
Invitation to Bid for Preventive Maintenance Asphalt Overlay at Digos
Makar Road K1565+1000-K1567+000, Davao Del Sur
1. The Davao del Sur 1
District Engineering Offce, Digos City, Davao
del Sur, through the CY 2013 Infrastructure Program intends to apply
the sum of P 20,230,180.00 being the Approved Budget for the Contract
(ABC) to payments under the contract for Preventive Maintenance
Asphalt Overlay at Digos Makar Road K1565+100-K1567+000, Davao
del Sur-Contract ID# 12LD0040. Bids received in excess of ABC shall
be automatically rejected at bid opening
2. The Davao del Sur 1st District Engineering Offce, Digos City, Davao
del Sur now invites bids for Concreting of Roads. Completion of the
Works is required for Seventy (70) calendar days. Bidders should have
completed, within ten (10) years from the date of submission and receipt
of bids, a contract similar to the Project. The description of an eligible
bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section II
Instructions to Bidders.
3. Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures
using non-discretionary pass/fail criterion as specifed in the Implementing
Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act 9184 (RA 9184), otherwise
known as the Government Procurement Reform Act.
Bidding is restricted to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships, partnerships,
or organizations with at least seventy fve percent (75%) interest or
outstanding capital stock belonging to citizens of the Philippines.
4. Interested bidders may obtain further information from Davao del Sur 1
District Engineering Offce, Digos City, Davao del Sur and inspect the
Bidding Documents at the address given below from 8:00 5:00 P.M.
5. A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested
Bidders from the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable
fee for the Bidding Documents in the amount of Twenty Five Thousand
pesos (P25,000.00).
It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine
Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the website
of the Procuring Entity, provided that bidders shall pay the fee for the
Bidding Documents not later that the submission of their bids.
6. The Davao del Sur 1
District Engineering Offce, Digos City, Davao
del Sur will hold a Pre-Bid Conference on November 15, 2012, 10:00
A.M. at BAC Offce, DPWH, Digos City, which shall be open to all
interested parties.
7. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before November
27, 2012, 2:00 P.M. at BAC Offce, DPWH, Digos City. All bids must be
accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and in the
amount stated in ITB Clause 18.

Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders representatives who
choose to attend at the address below. Late bids shall not be accepted.
8. Deadline of Letter of Intent will be on November 22, 2012 at 2:00 P.M.
9. The Davao del Sur 1
District Engineering Offce, Digos City, Davao
del Sur reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding
process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without
thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.
10. For further information, please refer to:
BAC Secretariat
TELEFAX: 082-553-6465
BAC Chairman
(MST-NOV. 12, 2012)
For f ast ad resul ts,
pl ease cal l
527- 83- 51 to 55
l ocal s 227-228
Manila Offce
Page Compositor: Diana Keyser Punzalan
In Cl assi fi ed Ads section must be
brought to our attention the very day the
advertisement is published. We will not
be responsible for any incorrect ads not
reported to us immediately.
Republic of the Philippines
Kagawaran ng Pagawain at Lansangang Pambayan
Tanggapan ng Distrito Inhenyero
Telefax (035) 231-3184; 336-1124; 336-1125
Negros Oriental 1
District Engineering District Offce
Bindoy, Negros Oriental, Rehiyon VII
(MST-Nov. 12, 2012)
The DPWH, Negros Oriental 1
District Engineering Offce, through the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC), invites
contractors to apply to bid for the contract(s);
1.) Contract ID 012HJ00018
Contract Name Replacement of Pangaloan Bridge
Contract Location Jimalalud, Negros Oriental
Scope of Works 101(3a) Removal of DamagedConcretePavement, 101(4) Removal of DamagedExisting
Bridge, 103(2) Bridge Excavation, 104(1) Embankment (for the approaches), 311(2)
Portland Cement Concrete Pavement (Reinforced), 400(22a) Reinforced Concrete Test
Pile (F & D), 400(22b) Reinforced Concrete Pile (F & D), 401 Concrete Railing, 404
Reinforcing Steel, Grade 40, 405(1) Structural Concrete, Class A (fc = 20.70 mPa),
405(1a) Structural Concrete, Class A (fc = 27.58 mPa), 406(1a) PSC Girder (AASHTO
Type IV, L=25 m), 506 Stone Masonry, SPL 1 Mobilization and Demobilization, SPL 2
Facilities for the Engineers, SPL 3 Installation of Project Billboard, SPL 4 Safety and
Health Program, SPL 5 Facilities for Handicapped Persons (B.P. 344 - 1 % of EDC)
and SPL 6 Facilities for Gender and Development (GAD - 5% of EDC)
Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) P 43,014,650.00
Duration 176 Calendar Days
2.) Contract ID 012HJ00019
Contract Name Replacement of Tampocon Bridge
Contract Location Ayungon, Negros Oriental
Scope of Works A.1 Construction of Detour
101(1) Removal of Structure and Obstruction, 102(4) Surplus unclassifed Excavation,
103(3) Foundation Fill, 104(1) Embankment, 201 Aggregate Base Course, 505(a)
Grouted Riprap, Class A and 500(1)c 910mm RCPC
A.2 Construction of Bridge Structure 101(3a) Removal of Damaged Concrete Pavement,
101(4) Removal of Damaged Existing Bridge, 103(2) Bridge Excavation, 104(1)
Embankment (for the approaches), 311(2) Portland Cement Concrete Pavement
(Reinforced), 400(22a) Reinforced Concrete Test Pile (F & D), 400 (22b) Reinforced
Concrete Pile (F & D), 401 Concrete Railing, 404 Reinforcing Steel, Grade 40, 405(1)
Structural Concrete Class A (fc = 20.70 mPa), 405(1a) Structural Concrete Class
A (fc = 27.58 mPa), 406(1a) PSC Girder (AASHTO Type IV, L=25 m), 506 Stone
Masonry, SPL1 Mobilization and Demobilization, SPL2 Facilities for the Engineers, SPL
3 Installation of Project Billboard, SPL 4 Safety and Health Program, SPL 5 Facilities
for Handicapped Persons (B.P. 344 - 1 % of EDC) and SPL 6 Facilities for Gender and
Development (GAD-5 % of EDC)
Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) P 31,913,000.00
Duration 170 Calendar Days
3.) Contract ID 012HJ00020
Contract Name Road Upgrading (Gravel to Paved) based on Gravel Road Strategies, Traffc
Benchmark for Upgrading to Paved National Road Standards (HDM-4 Projects
Analysis) (Intermittent Section) @ Mabinay-Ayungon Road
Contract Location Sec. 1: K0126+764 to K0128+385; Sec. 2: K0131+862 to K0132+282, Negros Oriental
Scope of Works A.1. Facilities for the Engineers A.2 Provide, Operate & Maintain Service Vehicle for
the Engineers (Rent to Own), 101(4) Removal of Defective Existing RCPC, 102(4)
Surplus Unclassifed Excavation, 103(3) Foundation Fill, 103(6) Pipe Culvert and Drain
Excavation, 104(1) Embankment, 105(1) Subgrade Preparation (Common Materials),
200 Aggregate Sub-base Course, 300 Aggregate Surface Course, 311(1) Portland
Cement Concrete Pavement (Plain), 280mm thick, 404 Reinforcing Steel, Grade 40,
405 Structural Concrete Class A, 500(1) RC Pipe Culvert, 910 mm dia, 505(5) Grouted
Riprap, Class A, 506 Stone Masonry, 518(a) Bio-Engineered Coco Fiber Erosion
Control Net, 518(b) Bio-Engineered Coco Fascine Erosion Control System, 518(c) Bio-
Engineered Erosion Control System (Vegetation), 612(1) Refectorized Thermoplastic
Pavement Markings (White), 612(2) Refectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings
(Yellow), SPL 1 Mobilization and Demobilization, SPL 2 Facilities for Handicapped
Persons (B.P. 344 1 % of EDC), SPL 3 Safety and Health Program, SPL 4 Facilities
for Gender and Development (GAD - 5% of EDC) and SPL 5 Installation of Project
Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) P 47,849,130.00
Duration 118 Calendar Days
4.) Contract ID 012HJ00021
Contract Name Road Upgrading (Gravel to Paved) based on Gravel Road Strategies, Traffc
Benchmark for Upgrading to Paved National Road Standards (HDM-4 Projects
Analysis) (Intermittent Section) @ Mabinay-Ayungon Road
Contract Location Sec 1: K0120+319 to K0121+395, Negros Oriental Province
Scope of Works A.1 Facilities for the Engineers, A.2 Provide, Operate & Maintain Service Vehicle for
the Engineers (Rent to Own), 101(4) Removal of Defective Existing RCPC, 102(4)
Surplus Unclassifed Excavation, 103(3) Foundation Fill, 103(6) Pipe Culvert and Drain
Excavation, 104(1) Embankment, 105(1) Subgrade Preparation (Common Materials),
200 Aggregate Subbase Course, 300 Aggregate Surface Course, 311(1)Portland
Cement Concrete Pavement (Plain), 280mm thick, 404 Reinforcing Steel, Grade 40,
405 Structural Concrete Class A, 500(1) RC Pipe Culvert, 910 mm dia, 505(5) Grouted
Riprap, Class A, 506 Stone Masonry, 518(a) Bio-Engineered Coco Fiber Erosion
Control Net, 518(b) Bio-Engineered Coco Fascine Erosion Control System, 518(c) Bio-
Engineered Erosion Control System (Vegetation), 612(1) Refectorized Thermoplastic
Pavement Markings (White), 612(2) Refectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings
(Yellow), SPL 1 Mobilization and Demobilization, SPL 2 Facilities For Handicapped
Persons (B.P. 344 1 % of EDC), SPL3 Safety and Health Program, SPL4 Facilities for
Gender and Development (GAD-5% of EDC) and SPL5 Installation of Project Billboard.
Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) P 25,389,750.00
Duration 118 Calendar Days
5.) Contract ID 012HJ00022
Contract Name Road Upgrading (Gravel to Paved) based on Gravel Road Strategies, Traffc
Benchmark for Upgrading to Paved National Road Standards (HDM-4 Projects
Analysis) (Intermittent Section) @ Mabinay-Ayungon Road
Contract Location Sec. 1: K0100+000 to K0100+346; Sec. 2: K0102+727 to K0104+000, Negros Oriental
Scope of Works A.1 Facilities for the Engineers, A.2 Provide, Operate & Maintain Service Vehicle for the
Engineers (Rent to Own), 102(4) Surplus Unclassifed Excavation, 103(3) Foundation
Fill, 103(6) Pipe Culvert and Drain Excavation, 104(1) Embankment, 105(1) Subgrade
Preparation (Common Materials), 200 Aggregate Subbase Course, 300 Aggregate
Surface Course, 311(1)Portland Cement Concrete Pavement (Plain), 280mm thick,
500(1) RC Pipe Culvert, 910 mm dia., 505(5) Grouted Riprap, Class A, 506 Stone
Masonry, 518(a) Bio-Engineered Coco Fiber Erosion Control Net, 518(b) Bio-Engineered
Coco Fascine Erosion Control System, 518(c) Bio-Engineered Erosion Control System
(Vegetation), 612(1) Refectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings (White), 612(2)
Refectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings (Yellow), SPL 1 Mobilization and
Demobilization, SPL 2 Facilities for the Handicapped Persons (B.P. 344 1 % of EDC),
SPL3 Safety and Health Program, SPL4 Facilities for Gender and Development (GAD-
5% of EDC) and SPL 5 Installation of Project Billboard.

Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) P 40,938,850.00
Duration 118 Calendar Days
6.) Contract ID 012HJ00023
Contract Name Road Upgrading (Gravel to Paved) based on Gravel Road Strategies, Traffc
Benchmark for Upgrading to Paved National Road Standards (HDM-4 Projects
Analysis) (Intermittent Section) @ Mabinay-Ayungon Road
Contract Location Sec. 1: K0107+050 to K0108+184; Sec. 2: K0108+236 to K0109+000
Scope of Works A.1 Facilities for the Engineers, A.2 Provide, Operate & Maintain Service Vehicle for
the Engineers (Rent to Own), 101(4) Removal of Defective Existing RCPC, 102(4)
Surplus Unclassifed Excavation, 103(3) Foundation Fill, 103(6) Pipe Culvert and
Drain Excavation, 104(1) Embankment, 105(1) Subgrade Preparation (Common
Materials), 200 Aggregate Subbase Course, 300 Aggregate Surface Course, 311(1)
Portland Cement Concrete Pavement (Plain), 280mm thick, 500(1) RC Pipe Culvert,
910 mm dia., 505(5) Grouted Riprap, Class A, 506 Stone Masonry, 518(a) Bio-
Engineered Coco Fiber Erosion Control Net, 518(b) Bio-Engineered Coco Fascine
Erosion Control System, 518(c) Bio-Engineered Erosion Control System (Vegetation),
612(1) Refectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings (White), 612(2) Refectorized
Thermoplastic Pavement Markings (Yellow), SPL 1 Mobilization and Demobilization,
SPL 2 Facilities for the Handicapped Persons (B.P. 344 1 % of EDC), SPL 3 Safety
and Health Program, SPL 4 Facilities for Gender and Development (GAD-5% of EDC)
and SPL 5 Installation of Project Billboard.

Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) P 47,239,000.00
Duration 118 Calendar Days
7.) Contract ID 012HJ00024
Contract Name Rehabilitation Reconstruction/Upgrading of Damaged Paved National Roads
(Intermittent Sections) Along Dumaguete North Road(DNR).
Contract Location Sec. 1: K0107+050 to K0108+184, Sec. 2: K0108+236 to K0109+000, Negros Oriental
Scope of Work PL I Mobilization and Demobilization, SPCL II (A.1) Facilities for the Engineers (1 Unit
Bunkhouse), SPCLII (A.2) Provide, Operate &Maintenance Service Vehicle for the (Rent
to Own), SPL III Facilities for Handicapped Persons (BP 344) - Waiting Shed, SPCL IV
Safety and Health Programs, SPCL V Facilities for Gender and Development (GAD-
5% of the EDC)- Stone Masonry Open Canal, SPL VI Installation of Billboard, 101(4b)
Removal of Existing Dilapidated Asphalt Pavement, 102(2)a Roadway Excavation
(Surplus Common), 103(6) Pipe culvert and Drain Excavation, 104(1)a Embankment,
105(2) Subgrade Preparation, 200Aggregate Sub base Course, 300Aggregate Surface
Course,311(1)Portland Cement Concrete Pavement (Plain, t = 280mm), 500(1)c Pipe
Culverts, 910mm RCPC, 505(5) Riprap & Grouted Riprap Class A, 506 Stone
Masonry, 612(1) Refectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(White) and 612(2)
Refectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Marking (Yellow)
Approved Budget for the (ABC) P 44,227,150.00
Duration 148 Calendar Days
Procurement will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures in accordance with R.A. 9184
and its Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations.
To bid for the contract, a contractor must submit a Letter of Intent (LOI), purchased bid documents and must
meet the following major criteria; (a) prior registration with DPWH, (b) Filipino Citizen owned partnership, corporation,
cooperative, or venture (c) with PCAB License applicable to the type and the cost of this contract, (d) completion of
a similar contract costing at least 50% of ABC, or credit line commitment at least equal to 10% of ABC. The BAC will
use non-discretionary pass/fll criteria in the eligibility check and preliminary examination of bids.
Unregistered contractors, however, shall submit their applications for registration to the DPWH-POCW
Central Offce will only process contractors applications for the registration with complete requirements and issue
the Contractors Certifcate of Registration (CCR). Registration forms may be downloaded at the DPWH website.
The signifcant time and deadlines of procurement activities are shown below:
1. Receipt of LOI from Prospective Bidders Deadline: November 16, 2012
2. Issuance of Bidding Documents November 9, 2012 to November 27, 2012
3. Pre-Bid Conference November 16, 2012 @ 10:30 A.M.
4. Receipt of Bids November 27, 2012
5. Opening of Bids November 27, 2012 @ at 1:30 P.M.

The BAC will issue hard copies of Bidding Documents (BDs) upon payment of a non-refundable fee of
P 20,000.00 per Contract ID.
Prospective bidders may also download the BDs from the DPWH website, if available. Prospective bidders that
will download formthe DPWHwebsite shall pay the said fees on or before the submission of their documents. Bids must
be accomplished by a bid security, in the amount and acceptable form, as started in Section 27.2 of the Revised IRR.
Insofar as the participating bidders are concerned, they should be forewarned if this probable occurrence
and possibility of change in the ABC through the Reservation Clause appearing in the Invitation to Bid. Procuring
entities are also encouraged to emphasize this reservation clause during pre-bid conference or submission of bids.
Prospective bidders shall submit their duly accomplished forms as specifed in the BDs in two (2) separate
sealed bid envelopes to the BAC Chairman. The frst envelope shall contain the technical component of the bid, which
shall include a copy of the CRC. The second envelope shall contain the fnancial component of the bid. Contract
will be awarded to the lowest calculated responsive bid as determined in the bid evaluation and post-qualifcation
The DPWH, Negros Oriental 1
District EngineeringDistrict Offce reserves theright to accept or reject any or
all bid and annul the bidding process anytime before contract award, without incurring any liability to the affected bidders.


(Vice Chairman - BAC)
(MST-Nov. 12, 2012)
Republic of the Philippines
Isabela 4
District Engineering Offce
Quezon, San Isidro, Isabela
The Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) of the DPWH Isabela 4th District Engineering
Offce, through the FY2013 Regular Infrastructure Fund, invites contractors to bid for the
aforementioned projects:

1 a Contract ID No. : 12BH 0082
b Name of Project and : Preventive Maintenance along Daang
c Location: : Cordon Isabela
d Brief Description : RRA-Roads-Rehabilitation-Asphalt
e Major Item of Work : item 310-50mm thickness
f Approved Budget for the Contract : P 21,421,480.00
g Duration, C.D. : 80 c.d.
h Cost of Bid Documents : P 20,000.00

2 a Contract ID No. : 12BH 0083
b Name of Project and : Preventive Maintenance along Santiago-
Baluarte-Quirino Boundary Road KO331+063-
KO332+066,KO332+066-KO333+097 & KO333+097-
c Location: : Santiago City
d Brief Description : RRA-Roads-Rehab-Asphalt
e Major Item of Work : item 310-50 mm thickness
f Approved Budget for the Contract : P 20,511,620.00
g Duration, C.D. : 80 c.d.
h Cost of Bid Documents : P 20,000.00

3 a Contract ID No. : 12BH 0084
b Name of Project and : Preventive Maintenance along Daang Maharlika(LZ),
KO334+609-KO336+000,KO337+207-KO338+00 &
c Location: : San Isidro-Echague,Isabela
d Brief Description : RRA-Roads-Rehab-Asphalt
e Major Item of Work : item 310- 80mm thickness
f Approved Budget for the Contract : P 26,233,650.00
g Duration, C.D. : 80 c.d.
h Cost of Bid Documents : P 20,000.00

4 a Contract ID No. : 12BH 0085
b Name of Project and : Preventive Maintenance along Jct-Ipil-Quirino
Boundary Road,KO354+000-KO355+000,KO356+000-
c Location: : Jones, Isabela
d Brief Description : RRA-Roads-Rehab-Asphalt
e Major Item of Work : item 310- 50mm thickness
f Approved Budget for the Contract : P 24,151,060.00
g Duration, C.D. : 80 c.d.
h Cost of Bid Documents : P 20,000.00

Procurement shall be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures in
accordance with R.A. 9184 and its Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations.

To bid for this contract, a contractor must submit a Letter of Intent (LOI), purchase
bid documents and must meet the followingmajor criteria: (a) prior registration with
DPWH; (b) Filipino citizen or 75% Filipino-owned partnership, corporation, cooperative,
or joint venture; (c) with PCAB license applicable to the type and cost of this contract;
(d) completion of a similar contract costing at least 50% of ABC within a period of 10
years; and (e) Net Financial Contracting Capacity at least equal to ABC, or credit line
commitment of at least 10% of ABC. The BAC will use non-discretionary pass/fail criteria
in the eligibility check and preliminary examination of bids.

Unregistered contractors, however, shall submit their applications for registration to the
DPWH-POCW Central Offce before the deadline of receipt of LOI. The DPWH POCW
Central Offce will only process contractors applications for registration with complete
requirements, and issue the Contractors Registration Certifcate (CRC). Registration
forms may be downlloaded at the DPWH website

Signifcant times and deadlines of procurement activities are shown below:
1 Deadline of Receipt of LOI November 15, 2012 4:00 P.M.
2 Issuance of Bid Documents November 09-December 6, 2012
3 Pre-Bid Conference November 22, 2012 10:00 A.M.
4 Deadline of Receipt of Bids December 6, 2012 9:00 A.M.
5 Opening of Bids December 6, 2012 10:00 A.M.

The BAC will issue hard copies of Bidding Documents (BDs) at DPWH-Isabela 4th DEO,
Quezon, Isabela upon payment of non-refundable costs indicated above. Prospective
bidders may also download the BDs if available, from the DPWH website. Prospective
bidders that will download BDs from the website shall pay the stated fees on or before
the submission of their bid documents. The Pre-Bid Conference shall be open only to
interested parties who purchased the BDs. Bids must be accompanied bya bid security,
in the amount and acceptable form, as stated in Sec. 27.2 of the Revised IRR.

Prospective bidders shall submit their duly accomplished forms as specifed in
the BDs in two (2) separate sealed bid envelopes to the BAC chairman. The
frst enveloipe shall contain the technical component of the bid, which shall include the
eligibility regquirements. The second envelope shall contain the fnancial component
of the bid. Contract will be awarded to the Lowest Calculated Responsive Bid as
determined in the bid evaluation and post-qualifcation.

The BAC shall receive Letters of Intent (LOI) only of prospective bidders upon presenting
the copy of duly updated BRS accreditation of their asphalt plant.

The DPWH Isabela 4
DEO reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to
annul the bidding process anytime before contract award, without incurring any liability
to the affected bidders.

BAC Chairman

(MST-Nov. 12, 2012)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Public Works and Highways
Region I
La Union 2
District Engineering Offce
Natividad, Naguilian, La Union
Invitation to Bid for
1. The DPWH-LUSDEO, through the REGULAR INFRA CY 2013 intends
to apply the sum of PHP 28,799,561.91 being the Approved Budget
for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for 12AF0104.
Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at
bid opening.
2. The DPWH-LUSDEO now invites bids for Groins and Extension of
Groins. Completion of the Works is required 240 Calendar Days.
Bidders should have completed from the date of submission and
receipt of bids, a contract similar to the Project. The description of an
eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, Particularly, in
Section II. Instructions to Bidders.
3. Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding
procedures using non-discretionary pass/fail criterion as specifed in
the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act 9184
(RA 9184), otherwise known as the Government Procurement Reform
Bidding is restricted to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships,
partnerships or organization with at least seventy fve percent (75%)
interest or outstanding capital stock belonging to citizens of the
4. Interested bidders may obtain further information from DPWH-
LUSDEO and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given
below from 8:00am 5:00pm starting November 8, 2012 to November
28, 2012.
5. A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested
Bidders from the address below and/or any DPWH Field Offces upon
payment of a nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents in the
amount of PHP 25,000.00.
It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of
the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System
(PhilGEPS) and the website of the Procuring Entity, provided that
the bidders shall pay the fee for the Bidding Documents not later that
the submission of their bids.
6. The DPWH-LUSDEO will hold a Pre-Bid Conference on November 16,
2012 - 2:00pm at DPWH-LUSDEO, Natividad, Naguilian, La Union
BAC Offce which shall be open to all interested parties.
7. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before November
28, 2012 10:00am at DPWH-LUSDEO, Natividad, Naguilian, La
Union BAC Offce. All bids must be accompanied by a bid security
in any of the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause
Bids will be opened at 2:00pm on November 28, 2012 in the presence
of the bidders representatives who choose to attend at the address
below. Late bids shall not be accepted.
8. The DPWH-LUSDEO reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to
annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to
contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected
bidder or bidders.
9. For further information, please refer to:
BAC Secretariat
(072) 6091716

Asst. District Engineer
BAC Chairman
Republic of the Philippines
Pampanga 1
District Engineering Offce
Sindalan, City of San Fernando, Pampanga
The Department of Public Works and Highways - Pampanga 1
Engineering Office, through its Bids and Awards Committee (BAC), invites
contractors to bid for the following contract/s:
1. a. Contract ID : 12CG0156
b. Name of Project : Improvement of Channel of Abacan River
System (Downstream Section)
c. Location: Brgy. San Pablo, Mexico, Pampanga
d. Brief Description: Improvement of River Channel
e. Approved Budget for
the Contract (ABC): Php 9,704,329.28
f. Duration: 90 calendar days
g. Source of Fund: SARO A-12-00864
h. Cost of Bid Documents: Php10,000.00
Procurement will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures in
accordance with R.A. 9184 and its Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations.
To bid for this/these contract/s, a contractor must submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) and
must meet the following major criteria: (a) prior registration with DPWH, (b) Filipino
citizen of 75% Filipino-owned partnership, corporation, cooperative, or joint venture with
PCAB license applicable to the type and cost of this contract, (c) completion of a similar
contract costing at least 50% of ABC within period of 10 years, and (d) Net Financial
Contracting Capacity at least equal to ABC, or credit line commitment for at least 10%
of ABC. The BAC will use non-discretionary pass/fail criteria in the eligibility check and
preliminary examination of bids, evaluation of bids.
Unregistered contractors, however, shall submit their application to the DPWH-
POCW Central Offce before the deadline for the receipt of LOI. The DPWH-POCW
Central Offce will only process contractors application for registration with complete
requirements, and issue the Contractors Certifcate of Registration (CRC).
The signifcant times and deadlines of procurement activities are shown below:
1. Issuance of Bid Documents November 9 29, 2012
2. Pre-Bid Conference November 16, 2012
3. Receipt and Opening of Bids November 29, 2012 until 10:00AM
only; Opening of Bids at 10:00 AM
Prospective bidders shall submit their duly accomplished forms as specifed in
the BDs in two (2) separate sealed bid envelopes to the BAC Chairman. The frst
envelope shall contain the technical component of the bid, which shall include the
eligibility requirements. The second envelope shall contain the fnancial component
of the bid. Contract will be awarded to the Lowest Calculated Responsive Bid as
determined in the bid evaluation and the post-qualifcation.
Prospective bidders may download the Registration from the DPWH-website The BAC will issue hard copies of Letter of Intent Documents
(LOIS) at the BAC Secretariat, DPWH-Pampanga 1
District Engineering Offce,
Sindalan, City of San Fernando, Pampanga. Prospective bidders can download the
LOI Documents. Bids must accompanied by a bid security in any form in the amount
stated in Section 27.2 of the Revised IRR.
Prospective bidders may also download the BDs, if available, from the DPWH
website. The BAC will also issue hard copies of the BDs at the same address to
eligible bidders upon payment of a non-refundable fee. Bidders that will download the
BDs from the DPWH website shall pay the said fees upon the submission of their bids.
The Department of Public Works and Highways - Pampanga 1
Engineering Offce reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and to annul the
bidding process anytime before Contract award, without incurring any liability to
the affected bidders.
Approved by:
BAC Chairman
(MST-NOV. 12, 2012) (MST-Nov. 12, 2012)
Republic of the Philippines
Pampanga 1
District Engineering Offce
Sindalan City of San Fernando (P)
Invitation to Bid
The Department of Public Works and Highways - Pampanga 1
Engineering Offce, through its Bids and Awards Committee (BAC), invites
contractors to bid for the following contract/s:
1. a. Contract ID : 12CG0155
b. Name of Project : Extension of the Rehabilitation of Del
Carmen-Balimbing Creek
c. Location : City of San Fernando, Pampanga
d. Brief Description : Extension of the Rehabilitation of Creek
e. Approved Budget for
the Contract (ABC) : Php 28,978,032.72
f. Duration : 180 calendar days
g. Source of Fund :
h. Cost of Bid Documents : Php 20,000.00
Procurement will be conducted through open competitive bidding
procedures in accordance with R.A. 9184 and its Revised Implementing
Rules and Regulations
To bid for this/these contract/s, a contractor must submit a Letter of Intent
(LOI) and must meet the following major criteria: (a) prior registration with
DPWH, (b) Filipino citizen of 75% Filipino-owned partnership, corporation,
cooperative, or joint venture with PCAB license applicable to the type and cost
of this contract, (c) completion of a similar contract costing at least 50% of ABC
within period of 10 years, and (d) Net Financial Contracting Capacity at least
equal to ABC, or credit line commitment for at least 10% of ABC. The BAC will
use non-discretionary pass/fail criteria in the eligibility check and preliminary
examination of bids, evaluation of bids.
Unregistered contractors, however, shall submit their application to the
DPWH-POCW Central Offce before the deadline for the receipt of LOI. The
DPWH-POCW Central Offce will only process contractors application for
registration with complete requirements, and issue the Contractors Certifcate
of Registration (CRC).
The signifcant times and deadlines of procurement activities are shown
1. Issuance of Bid Documents November 8 29, 2012
2. Pre-Bid Conference November 16, 2012
2. Receipt and Opening of Bids November 29, 2012 until 10:00AM
only; Opening of Bids at 10:00 AM
Prospective bidders shall submit their duly accomplished forms as specifed
in the BDs in two (2) separate sealed bid envelopes to the BAC Chairman.
The frst envelope shall contain the technical component of the bid, which shall
include the eligibility requirements. The second envelope shall contain the
fnancial component of the bid. Contract will be awarded to the Lowest Calculated
Responsive Bid as determined in the bid evaluation and the post-qualifcation.
Prospective bidders may download the Registration from the DPWH-
website The BAC will issue hard copies of Letter of Intent
Documents (LOIS) at the BAC Secretariat, DPWH-Pampanga 1
Engineering Offce, Sindalan, City of San Fernando, Pampanga. Prospective
bidders can download the LOI Documents. Bids must accompanied by a bid
security in any form in the amount stated in Section 27.2 of the Revised IRR.
Prospective bidders may also download the BDs, if available, from the
DPWH website. The BAC will also issue hard copies of the BDs at the same
address to eligible bidders upon payment of a non-refundable fee. Bidders that
will download the BDs from the DPWH website shall pay the said fees upon
the submission of their bids.
The Department of Public Works and Highways - Pampanga 1st District
Engineering Offce reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and to annul
the bidding process anytime before Contract award, without incurring any liability
to the affected bidders.
Approved by:
BAC Chairman
ManilaStandardToday NOVEMBER 12, 2012 MONDAY
Page Compositor: Diana Keyser Punzalan
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Public Works and Highways
Region IV-A
Batangas 1
District Engineering Offce
Batangas City
Tel. No. (043) 402-5900 and Fax No. 043-723-7934
Invitation to Bid
The Department of Public Works and Highways, Batangas I District Engineering Offce, Batangas
City through the Priority Development Assistance Fund intends to apply the sum of various amount
of Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) being the payment under the contract listed below. Bids
received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening.
The Department of Public Works and Highways, Batangas I District Engineering Offce,
Batangas City now invites bids for:
Contract ID No.: 12DB0171
Contract Name: Widening along Palico-Balayan-Batangas Road, including
sidewalk, curb and gutter
Contract Location: Lemery, Batangas, K126+100-K126+600
Scope of Work: Asphalt Overlay/Const. of CHB Line Cover Canal
Approved Budget for
the Contract (ABC): Php 19,400,000.00
Contract Duration: 120 c.d.
Amount of Bid Document: Php 25,000.00
Contract ID No.: 12DB0172
Contract Name: Widening along Palico-Balayan-Batangas Road, Mahayahay
Contract Location: Lemery, Batangas
Scope of Work: Road Asphalt & CHB Canal w/ cover
Approved Budget for
the Contract (ABC): Php 9,700,000.00
Contract Duration: 120 c.d.
Amount of Bid Document: Php 10,000.00
Bidders should have completed, within (10) years from the date of submission and receipt
of bids, a contract similar to the Project. The description of an eligible bidder is contained in
the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section II. Instruction to Bidders.
Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using non-discretionary
pass/fail criterion as specifed in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act
9184 (R.A. 9184), otherwise known as the Government Procurement Reform Act.
Bidding is restricted to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships, partnerships, or organizations
with at least seventy fve percent (75%) interest or outstanding capital stock belonging to
citizens of the Philippines.
Interested bidders may obtain further information from Department of Public Works and Highways,
Batangas I District Engineering Offce, Batangas City, and inspect the Bidding Documents
at the address given below from 8:00 A.M. 5:00 P.M., Monday to Friday.
A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders on November
7, 2012 up to 9:00 A.M. of November 27, 2012 upon payment of a non-refundable fee for
the Bidding Documents.
It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine Government
Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the website of the Department of Public
Works and Highways, if available, provided that bidders shall pay the fee for the Bidding
Documents not later than the submission of their bids.
The Department of Public Works and Highways, Batangas I Engineering District, Batangas City will
hold a Pre-Bid Conference on November 16, 2012 at the Department of Public Works and Highways,
Batangas I Engineering District, Batangas City , which shall be open only to all interested parties.
Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 10:00 A.M. on Nov. 27, 2012 at
Batangas I Engineering District, Kumintang Ilaya, Batangas City. All bids must be accompanied
by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause 18.
Bid opening shall be on November 27, 2012, 2:00 oclock, p.m. at Batangas I Engineering
District, Kumintang Ilaya, Batangas City. Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders
representatives who choose to attend at the address below. Late bids shall not be accepted.
The DPWH reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process,
and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any
liability to the affected bidder or bidders.
The DPWH Batangas 1 Engineering District, Kumintang Ilaya, Batangas City likewise assume no
obligation whatsoever to compensate or indemnify any bidder or winning bidders, as the case may
be, for any expenses or loss that said party(ies) may incur in its participation in the pre-bidding
and bidding process nor does it guarantee that an award will be made.
For further information, please refer to:
BAC Chairman
Batangas 1
District Engineering Offce
Department of Public Works and Highways
Kumintang Ilaya, Batangas City, 4200
Tel. 043-723-7934
Attn.: BAC Secretariat
OIC, Chief Construction Section
BAC Chairman
District Engineer
(MST-NOV. 12, 2012)

I. Contract ID: 12IB0139
Contract Name: Completion of Phase III (Improvement of Medical &
Service Wards) Phase IV (Completion of ER, OPD
Complex and admin. Offces)
Contract Location: Brgy. San Roque, Oras, Eastern Samar
Brief Description/
Scope of Work: Construction of 12.5m x 30.5m left wing and other scope
of work per approved POW
Approved Budget for
the Contract (ABC): P 6,840,319.35
Contract Duration: 120 CD
Cost of Bidding Documents: Php 10,000.00

1. The DPWH Eastern Samar District Engineering Offce, Brgy. Alang-alang, Borongan City,
PROGRAM intends to apply the sum above stated being the Approved Budget for the Contract
(ABC) to payments under the contract for the above mentioned contracts. Bids received in
excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening.
2. The DPWH Eastern Samar District Engineering Offce, Brgy. Alang-alang, Borongan
City, Eastern Samar now invites bids for the above mentioned description of works.
Completion of the Work is required for the above stated contract duration. Bidders should
have completed, within ten (10) years from the date of submission and receipt of bids, a
contract similar to the project. The description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bid-
ding Documents, particularly in Section II. Instruction to Bidders.
3. Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using non-discretionary
pass/fail criterion as specifed in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act
of 9184 (RA9184), otherwise known as Government Procurement Reform Act.
Bidding is restricted to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorship, partnerships, or organization
with at least seventy fve percent (75%) interest or outstanding capital stock belonging to
citizens of the Philippines.
4. Interested bidders may obtain further information from DPWH Eastern Samar District En-
gineering Offce, Brgy. Alang-alang, Borongan City, Eastern Samar and inspect the bidding
Documents at the address given below from 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.
5. A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders from the
address below and upon payment of a non-refundable fee for the Bidding Documents in
the amount stated above. It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of
the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the website of
the Procuring Entity, provided that bidders shall pay the fee for the Bidding Documents not
later that the submission of their bids.
The signifcant date and time of procurement activities are shown below:
1. Issuance of Bidding Documents Nov. 8 27, 2012
2. Pre-bid Conference Nov. 16, 2012 @10:00 a.m.
3. Receipt of Bids On or before: Nov. 27, 2012 (9:00 a.m.)
4. Opening of Bids Nov. 27, 2012 (2:00 p.m.)
6. Pre-bid Conference will be held at the BAC District Offce, DPWH-ESDEO, Brgy. Alang-
alang, Borongan City, Eastern Samar which shall be opened to bidders who purchased
the biding documents.
7. Bids must be delivered at the BAC District Offce, DPWH-ESDEO, Brgy. Alang-alang, Bo-
rongan City, Eastern Samar. All bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the
acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause 18, or a Bid Securing Declaration
in lieu of a bid security as an additional form, pursuant to GPPB Resolution No. 03-2012.
Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders representatives who choose to attend
at the address below. Late bids shall not be accepted.
8. To bid for this contract, a contractor must submit a Net Financial Contracting Capacity
(NFCC) at least equal to ABC or Credit Line Commitment at least equal to 10% of ABC
and the original receipt (OR) for payment of bidding documents before dropping of bids.
Bidders shall likewise submit their bids through their duly Authorized Liaison Offcers only
as specifed in the Contractors Information (CI). Submission of Letter of Intent (LOI) is
no longer required to participate in the bidding, pursuant to D.O. No. 64, series of 2012.
9. The DPWH Eastern Samar District Engineering Offce, Brgy. Alang-alang, Borongan
City, Eastern Samar reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding
process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring
any liability or obligation to the affected bidder or bidders.
10. For further information, please refer to:
Chief, Maint. Section
BAC Chairman
Head, BAC Secretariat
Brgy. Alang-alang,
Borongan City, Eastern Samar
Chief, Maint. Section
BAC Chairman
Noted :
OIC District Engineer
(MST-NOV. 12, 2012)
Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Abra District Engineering Offce
Bangued, Abra
November 9, 2012
The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) Bangued, Abra
through its Bids and Awards Committee (BAC), invites contractors to apply to bid for
the following contract(s):
Contract ID : 12PA0065
Contract Location : Abra-Ilocos Norte Road, K0 439+500-K0 441+640
Scope of Work : Item 102a, 200, 311, 506, 600, Spl 1
Approved Budget for
the Contract (ABC) : Php 46,779,735.53
Contract Duration : 179 calendar days
Source of Fund : CY 2013 Regular Infra

Contract ID : 12PA0066
Contract Location : Abra-Cervantes Road, K0 449+415-K0 456+346
Scope of Work : Item 102a, 200, 311, 405, 505, 506, 600, Spl 1
Approved Budget for
the Contract (ABC) : Php 42,537,825.26
Contract Duration : 179 calendar days
Source of Fund : CY 2013 Regular Infra
Procurement will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures in
accordance with R.A. 9184 and its Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations.
To bid for the contract, a contractor must submit a Letter of Intent (LOI),
purchase bid documents and must meet the following major criteria: (a) prior
registration with DPWH, (b) Filipino citizen or 75% Filipino-owned partnership,
corporation, cooperative, or joint venture, (c) with PCAB license applicable to the
type and cost of this contract, (c) completion of a similar contract costing at least
50% of ABC within a period of 10 years, and (e) Net Financial Contracting Capacity
at least equal to ABC, or credit line commitment at least equal to 10% of ABC. The
BAC will use non-discretionary pass/fail criteria in the eligibility check and preliminary
examination of bids.
Unregistered contractors, however, shall submit their applications for registration
to the DPWH-POCW Central Offce before the deadline for the receipt of LOI. The
DPWH POCW-Central Offce will only process contractors applications for registration
with complete requirements and issue the Contractors Certifcate of Registration (CRC).
Registration Forms may be downloaded at the DPWH website
The signifcant times and deadlines procurement activities are shown below:
1. Issuance of Bidding Documents November 12, 2012 to June 28, 2012
2. Pre-Bid Conference November 22, 2012
3. Deadline of Receipt of LOI from
Prospective Bidders
November 28/, 2012
4. Receipt of Bids December 4, 2012 Until 10:00 A.M.
5. Opening of Bids December 4, 2012 @ 10:00 A.M.
The BAC will issue hard copies of Bidding Documents (BDs) at DPWH,
Abra Engineering District, Bangued, Abra upon payment of a non-refundable fee of
P20,000.00 for Bidding Documents. Prospective bidders may download the BDs from
the DPWH website, if available. Prospective bidders that will download the BDs from
the DPWH website shall pay the said fees on or before the submission of their bids
Documents. Bids must accompanied by a bid security, in the amount and acceptable
form, as stated in Section 27.2 of the Revised IRR.
Prospective bidders shall submit their duly accomplished forms as specifed in
the BDs in two (2) separate sealed bid envelopes to the BAC Chairman. The frst
envelope shall contain the technical component of the bid, which shall include a copy
of the CRC. The second envelope shall contain the fnancial component of the bid.
Contract will be awarded to the Lowest Calculated Responsive Bid as determined in
the bid evaluation and post-qualifcation
The DPWH-Abra Engineering District, Bangued, Abra reserves the right
to accept or reject any or all bid and to annul the bidding process anytime before
Contract Award, without incurring any liability to affected Bidders.
Chief, Maintenance Section
Tel. # 752-8507
(MST-NOV. 12, 2012)
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan Second District Engineering Offce
Libertad, Abulug, Cagayan
October 23, 2012
The Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) of the DPWH- Cagayan 2
District Engineering
Offce (Cagayan 2nd DEO), Libertad, Abulug, Cagayan invites contractors to bid for the
aforementioned projects, viz:
1. Contract ID: 12BC0294
Contract Name: Road Upgrading along Cadcadir-Kabugao Road
Location: Sta. Praxedes, Cagayan
Brief Description: RRP-Roads-Rehabilitation-PCCP
Contract Duration 136 Cal. days
Approved Budget for
the Contract: Php 20,466,685.00
Cost of Bid Docs. Php 20,000.00
2. Contract ID: 12BC0295
Contract Name: Road Upgrading along Jct. Logac-Lasam-Gagabutan Road
Location: Lasam, Cagayan
Brief Description: RRP-Roads-Rehabilitation-PCCP
Contract Duration 133 Cal. days
Approved Budget for
the Contract: Php 21,253,160.00
Cost of Bid Docs. Php 20,000.00
3. Contract ID: 12BC0296
Contract Name: Road Upgrading along Cagayan Apayao Road
Location: Rizal, Cagayan
Brief Description: RRP-Roads-Rehabilitation-PCCP
Contract Duration 177 Cal. days
Approved Budget for
the Contract: Php 48,209,470.00
Cost of Bid Docs. Php 20,000.00
The BAC will conduct this procurement process in accordance with the Revised Implementing
Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act 9184. Bids in excess of the Approved Budget for
the Contract (ABC) shall be automatically rejected at the opening of bid.
All communications relative to this transaction shall be received by the Offce of the BAC
Chairman thru the BAC Secretariat/Technical Working Group of DPWH-Cagayan 2
Engineering Offce.
To bid for this contract, a contractor shall purchase Bid Documents and submit his Letter of
Intent and must meet the following major criteria: (a) prior registration with the DPWH and
the PhilGEPS, (b) Filipino citizen or 75% Filipino-owned partnership, corporation, coopera-
tive or joint venture, (c) with PCAB license applicable to the type and cost of the contract, (d)
completion of similar contract costing at least 50% of the ABC within a period of (10) ten years,
and (e) Net Financial Contracting Capacity at least equal to ABC, or credit line commitment
at least equal to 10% of the ABC. The BAC will use non-discretionary pass/fail criteria in the
eligibility check and preliminary examination of bids.
Unregistered contractors, however, may submit their applications for registration to the DPWH-
Central Procurement Offce (CPO) before the deadline for the receipt of LOI. The DPWH-CPO
will only process contractors application for registration with complete requirements and issue
the Contractors Certifcate of Registration (CRC). Registration forms may be downloaded at
the DPWH
The signifcant times and deadlines of procurement activities are shown below:
1. Issuance of Bidding Documents 10:00 AM November 5-November 27, 2012
2. Deadline: Receipt of LOI from Prospective Bidders 10:00 AM, November 13, 2012
3. Pre-bidding Conference 1:30 PM, November 13, 2012
4. Receipt of Bids-Deadline 10:00 AM, November 27, 2012
5. Opening of Bids Starts 1:30 PM, November 27, 2012
The BAC will issue hard copies of Bidding Documents (BDs) at the Offce of the BAC
Chairman-DPWH-Cagayan 2
DEO upon payment if a non-refundable fees as stated above
Prospective Bidders may also download the BDs from the DPWH Website. Prospective bid-
ders that will download the BDs from the DPWH website shall pay the said fees on or before
the submission of their bid. The pre-bid conference shall be open only to interested parties
who have purchased BDs. Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security in the amount and
form as required under Section 27.2 of the revised IRR of RA 9184.
Prospective Bidders shall submit their duly accomplished forms as specifed in the BDs in two
(2) separate sealed bid envelopes to the offce of the BAC Chairman before the deadline set
above. The frst envelope shall contain the technical component of the bid, which shall include
a copy of the CRC and the updated PCAB license. The second envelope shall contain the
fnancial component of the bid. Contract will be awarded to the lowest Calculated Responsive
Bid as determined in the bid evaluation and post qualifcation.
Prospective contractors may be required to present the original copies, of their license and
CRC during the bidding for authentication.
The DPWH-Cagayan 2
DEO reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and to annul the
bidding process at any time prior to contract award, without hereby incurring any liability to
the affected bidder/s.

Approved By:
OIC-Asst. District Engineer
Chairman-Bids and Awards Committee
(MST-NOV. 12, 2012)
Republic of the Philippines
Isabela City Sub-District Engineering Offce
Tabuk, Isabela City, Basilan
The Department of Public Works and Highways, lsabela City Sub-District
Engineering Offce, through its Bids and Awards Committee (BAC), through the
Fund FY 2013 Regular Infrastructure Projects, invites contractors registered with
and classifed by the Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board (PCAB) to apply for
eligibility and if found eligible to bid for the contract to wit:
Contract ID: 12JH0006
Contract Name: Road Upgrading (Gravel to Paved) based on
Gravel Strategies,Traffc Benchmark for Upgrading
to Paved Road Standard (HDM-4 Project Analysis)
Intermittent Section, Basilan Circumferential Road
(K 086+900 to K 088+180)
Contract Location: Basilan Province
Scope of Work: Concrete Paving (0.28 mtrs. THK) with 36 Pipe
Culverts and Storm Drains
Appropriation: Php 48,387,089.97
Contract Duration: 90 CD
Cost of Bidding Documents P25,000.00
Bidding will be conducted through open competitive. bidding procedures in
accordance with R.A. 9184 known as Government Procurement Reform Act, and its
Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations. Bids received in excess of the ABC
shall be automatically rejected at bid opening. To be eligible to bid for this contract, a
contractor must submit a letter of Intent (LOI), purchase bid documents and must meet
the following major criteria: (a) prior registration with the DPWH, (b) Filipino Citizen
or 75% Filipino-owned partnership, corporation, cooperative, or joint venture, (e) with
PCAB license applicable to the type and cost of this contract, (d) completion of a similar
contract costing at least 50% of ABC within a period of 10 years and (e) Net Financial
Contracting Capacity at least equal to ABC, or credit line commitment at least equal to
10% of ABC. The BAC will use non discretionary pass/fail criteria in the Eligibility Check
and preliminary examination of bids.
Unregistered contractors, however, shall submit their application for registration to the
DPWH-POCW Central Offce before the deadline for the receipt of LOI. Tne DPWH-POCW
Central Offce witl only process contractors application for registratIon with the complete
requIrements and issue the Contractors Certifcate of Registration (CRC). Registration
forms may be downloaded at the DPWH website
The signifcant times and deadlines of procurement activities are shown below:
BAC Activities Schedule
1. Issuance of Bidding Documents November 12-27, 2012
2. Pre-Bid Conference November 15, 2012
3. Deadline of Receipt of LOIs from Prospective
November 22, 2012
4. Receipt of Bids November 27, 2012 @
8:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M.
5. Opening of Bids November 27, 2012 @ 10:00 A.M.
The BAC will issue hard copies of Bidding Documents (BDs) at the BAC
Secretariat, DPWH Isabela City Sub-District Engineering OffICe, Tabuk, lsabela City,
Basilan, upon payment of a non-refundable fee as stated above. Prospective bidders
may also download the BDs from the DPWH website, if available. Prospective bidders
that will download the BDs from the DPWH website shall pay the said fees on or
before the submission of their Bid Documents. The Pre-Bid Conference shall be open
only to interested parties who have purchased the BDs. Bids must be accompanied
by a bid security, in the amount and acceptable form, as stated in Section 27.2 of the
Revised IRR.
Prospective bidders shall submit their duly accomplished forms as specifed in
the BDs in two (2) separate sealed bid envelopes to the BAC Chairman. The frst
envelope shall contain the technical component of the bid, which shall include a
copy of the CRC. The second envelope shall contain the fnancial component of the
bid. Contract will be awarded top the Lowest Calculated Responsive Bid (LCRB) as
determined in the bid evaluation and post-qualifcation.
The DPWH Isabela City Sub-District Engineering Offce reserves the right to
accept orreject any bid, to annul the bidding process at any time prior contract award,
without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder/so

BAC Chairman
Engineer IV (ADE)
OIC-District Engineer
(MST-NOV. 12 & 14, 2012)
Republic of the Philippines
Misamis Oriental 2
Engineering District
Balase Street, El Salvador City
Misamis Oriental
The DPWH-Misamis Oriental 2
Engineering District, through its Bids and Awards
Committee invites contractors to apply for eligibility and if found eligible, to bid for the following
1. a. Contract ID: 12KL0063
b. Name of Project: Concreting of Farm to Market Road
c. Location: Brgy. Gumaod, Zone 1, Zone 3, Zone 7, Claveria, Misamis
d. Brief Description: Concreting of road with a total length of 1.093 Km,; width is
3.50m and thickness of pavement is 0.15m.
e. Major Items of work: Item 311(1)a-PCCP: 150mm. thk
f. Estimated Project Cost: PHP 9,740,000.00
g. Source of Funds: FY 2012 DA
h. Duration: 120 CD
Procurement will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures in accordance
with R.A. 9184 and its Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations.
To bid for this contract, a contractor must purchase bid documents and must meet the following
major criteria: (a) prior registration with DPWH, (b) Filipino citizen or 75% Filipino-owned
partnership, corporation, cooperative, or joint venture, (c) with PCAB license applicable to the
type and cost of this contract, (d) completion of a similar contract costing at least 50% of ABC
within a period of 10 years, and (e) Net Financial Contracting Capacity at least equal to ABC,
or credit line commitment at least equal to 10% of ABC. The BAC will use non-discretionary
pass/fail criteria in the eligibility check and preliminary examination of bids.
Unregistered contractors, however, shall submit their applications for registration, to the
DPWH-POCW, Central Offce before the scheduled date of bidding. The DPWH-POCW,
Central Offce will only process contractors applications for registration with complete
requirements and issue the Contractors Certifcate of Registration (CRC). Registration
Forms may be downloaded at the DPWH website
The signifcant times and deadlines of procurement activities are shown below:
1. Issuance of Bidding Documents From November 12, 2012 to December 3, 2012
2. Pre-Bid Conference November 19, 2012 @ 2:00 oclock p.m.
3.Deadline of Receipt of LOI from
Prospective Bidders
Deadline: November 28, 2012 until 4:00 p.m.
4. Receipt of Bids Deadline: December 3, 2012 until 1:00 p.m.
5. Opening of Bids December 3, 2012 @ 2:00 p.m.

Prospective bidders may download the Registration and LOI Forms from the DPWH website The BAC will issue hard copies of LOI Forms at DPWH-Misamis Oriental
Engineering District, free of charge.
The BAC will issue hard copies of Bidding Documents (BDs) at DPWH-Misamis Oriental 2

Engineering District, upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Ten Thousand Pesos only
(PHP 10,000.00). Prospective bidders may also download the BDs from the DPWH website,
if available. Prospective bidders that will download the BDs from the DPWH website shall pay
the said fees on or before the submission of their bid documents. Bids must be accompanied
by a bid security, in the amount and acceptable form, as stated in Section 27.2 of the Revised

Prospective bidders shall submit their duly accomplished forms as specifed in the BDs in
two separate sealed bid envelopes to the BAC Chairman. The frst envelope shall contain the
technical component of the bid, which shall include a copy of the Contractors Registration
Certifcate (CRC). The second envelope shall contain the fnancial component of the bid.
Contract will be awarded to the Lowest Calculated Responsive Bid as determined in the bid
evaluation and post-qualifcation.
The DPWH-Misamis Oriental 2
Engineering District reserves the right to accept or reject any
or all bid and to annul the bidding process anytime before Contract award, without incurring any
liability to the affected bidders.
Approved by:

Chief, Planning & Design Section
District Engineer
(MST-NOV. 12, 2012)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Public Works and Highways
Eastern Samar District Engineering Office
Brgy. Alang-Alang, Borongan, Eastern Samar
Tel. No. (055) 560-9423
Fax. No. (055) 261-2196
E-Mail Add:
Page Compositor: Diana Keyser Punzalan
Republic of the Philippines
Offce of the District Engineer
Cebu 5
District Engineering Offce
V. Sotto Street, Cebu City

The Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) of the Department of Public Works and Highways
- Cebu 5
District Engineering Offce, invites contractors to bid for the aforementioned projects.
Contract ID: 012HI0030
Contract Name: Preventive Maintenance (Asphalt Overlay) along Cebu
North Hagnaya Wharf Road (Intermittent Section) Section
1-K0046+000-K0046+170 Section 2-K0046+918-K0047+154
Section 3-K0047+501-K0047+603 (K0047+596-K0047+736 Section
4- K0048+453-K0049+000 (K0048+583-K0048+200) Section
5-K0049+000-K0049+200 (K0045+800-K0046+000) Section
6-K0049+200-K0050+000 Section 7-K0051+400-K0051+700 Section
Contract Location: Catmon, Cebu
Scope of Work: Facilities for the Engineers, Provide, Operate & Maintain Service
Vehicle for the Enginers (Rent to Own), Aggregate Base Course,
Bituminous Tack Coat, Bituminous Concrete Surface Course,
Refectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings (white & yellow),
Mobilization & Demobilization, Provide & Maintain Traffc Control,
Provide Project Sign Board, Const. Safety & Health and Facilities
for the Handicapped Persons
Approved Budget for
the Contract (ABC): Php 42,263,575.82
Contract Duration: 80 calendar days
Contract ID: 012HI0035
Contract Name: Constructionof2-CLSchool Building@ElpidioH. PerezMNS, DanaoCity,
Contract Location: Danao City, Cebu
Scope of Work: Excavation & Backflling , Concrete Footing, Column, Roof Beam,
Masonry Works: Wall Footing, Walling & Partition w/Plaster Plain
Cement Finish, Roof Framing, Roofng, Fascia Board & Ceiling
Insulation, Fab./Inst. of Doors & Windows (Including Steel Grills),
Concrete Flooring Including Corridor w/Reinforcement Bar
& Ramp, Electrical Works, Painting Works: Walling Interior &
Exterior, Doors, Fascia Board & Roofng
Approved Budget for
the Contract (ABC): Php1,210,000.00
Contract Duration: 70 calendar days
Contract ID: 012HI0036
Contract Name: Improvement/Rehabilitation of Public Market Brgy. Poblacion, San
Francisco, Cebu
Contract Location: SanFrancisco, Cebu
Scope of Work: Removal of Existing Concrete Structure, Excavation of Footing
& Septic Tank, Concrete Footing & Columns, CHB Walling &
Partition w/Plaster Plain Cement Finish (Stall), Toilet w/Septic
Tank (Including Plumbing & Water Line), Installation of Floor Tiles,
Painting Works: CHB Walling & Partition (Including Toilet)
Approved Budget for
the Contract (ABC): Php1,000,000.00
Contract Duration: 80 calendar days
The BAC will conduct the procurement process in accordance with the Revised IRR of R.A.
9184. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at the opening of bid.
To bid for this contract, a contractor must submit a Letter of Intent (LOI), purchase bid
documents and must meet the following major criteria: (a) prior registration with DPWH, (b) Filipino
citizen or 75% Filipino-owned partnership, corporation, cooperative, or joint venture, (c) with PCAB
license applicable to the type and cost of this contract, (d) completion of a similar contract costing
at least 50% of ABC within a period of 10 years, and (e) Net Financial Contracting Capacity at
least equal to ABC, or credit line commitment at least equal to 10% of ABC. The BAC will use
non-discretionary pass/fail criteria in the eligibility check and preliminary examination of bids.
Unregistered contractors, however, shall submit their applications for registration to the DPWH-
POCW Central Offce before the deadline for the receipt of LOI. The DPWH-POCW Central Offce
will only process contractors applications for registration with complete requirements and issue the
Contractors Certifcate of Registration (CRC).
Prospective bidders may download the Registration and LOI Forms from the DPWH website The BAC will issue hard copies of LOI Forms at Department of Public Works
and Highways-Cebu 5
District Engineering Offce, V. Sotto St., Cebu City. Prospective bidders shall
submit their accomplished LOIs and obtain the results of the eligibility check at the same address.
The signifcant times and deadlines of procurement activities are shown below:
1. Issuance of Bidding Documents FROM: 11/09/12 TO: 11/29/12
2. Receipt of LOIs from Prospective Bidders Deadline: 11/22/12 12:00 NOON
3. Pre-Bid Conference 11/16/2012 9:30 A.M.
4. Receipt of Bids 11/29/2012 8:00-10:00 A.M.
5. Opening of Bids 11/29/2012 10:30 A.M.
The BAC will issue hard copies of Bidding Documents (BDs) at DPWH-Cebu 5
District Engineering
Offce, upon payment of a non-refundable fee of P25,000 for the project12HI0030, P5,000.00 for
project 12HI0035 and P1,000.00 for project ID 12IH0036. Prospective bidders may also download
the BDs from the DPWH web site shall pay the said fees on or before the submission of their bids
Documents. The Pre-Bid Conference shall be open only to interested parties who have purchased
the BDs. Bids must be accompanied by a bid security, in the amount and acceptable form as stated
in Section 27.2 of the Revised IRR.
Prospective bidders shall submit their duly accomplished forms as specifed in the BDs in two (2)
separate sealed bid envelopes to the BAC Chairman. The frst envelope shall contain the technical
component of the bid, which shall include a copy of the CRC. The second envelope shall contain
the fnancial component of the bid. Contract will be awarded to the Lowest Calculated Responsive
Bid as determined in the bid evaluation and post-qualifcation.
The DWPH-Cebu 5
District Engineering Offce reserves the right to accept or reject any
bid, to annul the bidding process at any time prior contract award, without thereby incurring any
liability to the affected bidder/s.
Approved by:
BAC Chairman (MST-NOV. 12, 2012)
(MST-Nov. 12, 2012)
1. Contract ID No. : 12GH0054
Name of Contract : Preventive Maintenance of Sara-Concepcion Road,
K0209+ 266-K0215+816 w/ exceptions
Location : Sara & Concepcion, Iloilo
Brief Description : Asphalt Overlay (50mm thick)
Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC):Twenty One Million Six Hundred Thirty
One Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Nine Pesos & 26/100
Contract Duration : Ninety One (91) Calendar Days
2. Contract ID No. : 12GH0055
Name of Contract : Construction of Drainage Canal along San Dionisio-
Capinang Road
Location : Brgy. Pase, San Dionisio, iloilo
Brief Description : Drainage Canal
Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): Nineteen Million Four Hundred Thousand
Pesos: (P19,400,000.00)
Contract Duration : One Hundred Sixty Four (164) Calendar Days
The DPWH Iloilo 3
District Engineering Offce, through the RA - Fund 101 -
Regular Infra 2013 Projects intends to apply the Approved Budget for the Contract
(ABC) to payments under the contract for the projects listed above. Bids received
in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening.
The DPWH Iloilo 3
District Engineering Offce now invites bids for the Projects
listed above. Completion of the Works also indicated above. Bidders should have
completed, within ten (10) years from the date of submission and receipt of bids, a
contract similar to the Project. The description of an eligible bidder is contained in
the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section II. Instructions to Bidders.
Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using
non-discretionary pass/fail criterion as specifed in the Implementing Rules
and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act 9184 (RA 9184), otherwise known as the
Government Procurement Reform Act.
Bidding is restricted to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships, partnerships, or
organizations with at least seventy fve percent (75%) interest or outstanding capital
stock belonging to citizens of the Philippines.
Interested bidders may obtain further information from DPWH Iloilo 3
Engineering Offce and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below
from November 9, 2012 to December 11, 2012, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday to
Friday except on tbe bidding date.
A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders
from the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the Bidding
Documents in the amount of Twenty Five Thousand Pesos (P25,000.00) for
projects above Ten Million up to Fifty Million.
It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine
Government Electronic Procurement System (phiIGEPS) and the website of the
Procuring Entity, provided that bidders shall pay the fee for the Bidding Documents
not later that the submission of their bids.
The DPWH Iloilo 3
District Engineering Offce will hold a Pre-Bid Conference on
November 28, 2012, 10:00 A.M at DPWH Iloilo 3
District Engineering Offce,
Barotac Viejo, Iloilo. which shall be open only to all interested parties who have
purchased the Bidding Documents.
Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before December 11, 2012, 9:00
AM at DPWH Iloilo 3rd DEO, Barotac Viejo, Iloilo. All bids must be accompanied
by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB
Clause 18.
Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders representatives who choose to
attend at the address below. Late bids shall not be accepted.
The DPWH Iloilo 3
District Engineering Offce reserves the right to accept or
reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior
to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or
For further information, please refer to:
Head, BAC Secretariat
DPWH Roilo 3rdDEO
Barotac Viejo, Iloilo 5011
Engineer III
BAC Chairman
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Public Works and Highways
Iloilo 3
District Engineering Offce
Barotac Viejo, Iloilo
DPWH Raila 3rdDEO
Barotac Viejo, Iloilo 5011

(MST-Nov. 12, 2012)
Republic of the Philippines
The Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) of the Ilocos Norte 2
District Engineering Offce, San Pablo,
San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte through GAA 2013, intends to apply the various sum indicated per project being
the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for the following projects. Bids
received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening.
1. Contract ID: 2012-AB-0087
Contract Name: Road Opening/Construction to close the Gap Sections of National
Roads with determined alignment (including ROW) Road Opening/
Reconstruction of Ilocos Norte-Abra Road, Nueva Era, Ilocos Norte
Contract Location: KO543 + 200 KO545 + 200
Scope of Work: Road Opening
Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): Php 48,999,237.50
Contract Duration: 179 calendar days
2. Contract ID: 2012-AB-0088
Contract Name: Road Upgrading (Gravel to Paved) based on Gravel
Road Strategies, Traffc Benchmark for Upgrading to Paved
Road Standard (HDM-4 Project Analysis) Ilocos Norte- Abra Road
Contract Location: KO532 + 000 KO533 + 240
Scope of Work: P.C.C.P.
Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): Php 30,084,864.72
Contract Duration: 179 calendar days
3. Contract ID: 2012-AB-0089
Contract Name: Road Upgrading (Gravel to Paved) based on Gravel
Road Strategies, Traffc Benchmark for Upgrading to Paved
Road Standard (HDM-4 Project Analysis) Ilocos Norte- Apayao Road
Contract Location: KO533 + 400 KO535 + 221.80
Scope of Work: P.C.C.P.
Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): Php 30,252,859.13
Contract Duration: 100 calendar days
4. Contract ID: 2012-AB-0090
Contract Name: Asset Preservation of national Roads Generated from Pavement
Management System/Highway Development and Management- 4
(HDM-4) Preventive Maintenance Laoag-Sarrat-Piddig-Solsona
Contract Location: KO510 + (-856) KO515 + 240
Scope of Work: Asphalt Overlay
Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): Php 33,089,700.00
Contract Duration: 88 calendar days
5. Contract ID: 2012-AB-0091
Contract Name: Rehabilitation/Reconstruction/Upgrading of Damaged Paved
National Road Generated from PMS/HDM-4, Intermittent Sections
Pias-Currimao-Balaccad Road
Contract Location: KO460 + (-117) KO462 + 883
Scope of Work: Asphalt Overlay
Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): Php 21,182,700.00
Contract Duration: 63 calendar days
The signifcant times and deadlines of procurement activities are shown below:
Activities Schedule
1. Issuance of Bidding Documents From : November 9-29 , 2012 until 10:00 A.M.
2. Pre-Bid Conference November 16, 2012, 2012 at 9:00 A.M.
3. Receipt of Bids Deadline: November 29, 2012 until 10:00 A.M.
4. Opening of Bids November 29, 2012 at 2:00 P.M.
The Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) of the Ilocos Norte 2
District Engineering Offce, San Pablo,
San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte now invites bids for the aforementioned projects. The prospective bidder must
have an experience of having completed at least one (1) contract that is similar to the contract to be bid, and
whose value, adjusted to current prices using the NSO consumer price indices, must be at least ffty percent
(50%) of the ABC to be bid: Provided, however, That contractors under Small A and Small B categories
without similar experience on the contract to be bid may be allowed to bid if the cost of such contract is not
more than ffty percent (50%) of the Allowable Range of Contract Cost (ARCC) of their registration based
on the guidelines as prescribed by the PCAB as per Amendment of the IRR of RA 9184, Section
Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using a non-discretionary
pass/fail criterion as specifed in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184,
otherwise known as Government Procurement Reform Act.
Bidding is restricted to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships, partnerships, or organizations with at
least seventy fve percent (75%) interest or outstanding capital stock belonging to citizens of the Philippines.
Interested bidders may obtain further information from DPWH-Ilocos Norte Second District Engineering
Offce, San Pablo, San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte and inspect the Bidding Documents. A complete set of Bidding
Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders from the given address and upon payment of a non-
refundable fee for the Bidding Documents of Twenty fve thousand pesos only (P25, 000.00) for each project.
It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine Government Electronic
Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the website of the Procuring Entity, provided that Bidders shall pay the
nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents not later than the submission of their bids.
The DPWH-Ilocos Norte Second District Engineering Offce will hold a Pre-Bid conference on November
16, 2012 at 9:00 A.M. at San Pablo, San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte, which shall be open to all interested parties
who have purchased the Bidding Documents.
Bids must be delivered to the address given on or before 10:00 A.M. on November 29, 2012. All bids
must be accompanied by a bid security or bid securing declaration in any of the acceptable forms and in
the amount stated in ITB Clause 18.
Bid opening shall be on November 29, 2012 at 2:00 PM at DPWH-Ilocos Norte Second District
Engineering Offce, San Pablo, San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte. Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders
representatives who choose to attend and late bids shall not be accepted.
The DPWH-Ilocos Norte Second District Engineering Offce, San Pablo, San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte,
reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bid and to annul the bidding process anytime before Contract
award, without incurring any liability to the affected bidders.
For further information, please refer to Rosaline A. Cacao, BAC Chairman of DPWH Ilocos Norte
Second District Engineering Offce, Brgy. 20, San Pablo, San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte 2901 with offce telephone
number 786-1481 or email address at

BAC Chairman

OIC-District Engineer
Street, Port Area, Manila
Invitation to Bid for;
1. Contract ID No. 12OH0184
Contract Name: Rehabilitation/Reconstruction/Upgrading of Damaged Paved
National Roads (Intermittent Section) along San Marcelino St.,
Ermita, Manila
Contract Location: Manila City
Scope of Work: road works
Source of fund and year: GAA 2013
Approved Budget for the
Contract (ABC): (Ph. P 27,455,738.34)
Contract Duration: 101 cal. days
Cost of Bid Documents: Ph. P 25,000.00
2. Contract ID No. 12OH0185
CONTRACT NAME Assets Preservation of National Roads, Generated from Pavement
Management System/Highway Development and Management-4
(HDM-4) along Taft Ave., Manila City
Contract Location: Manila City
Scope of Work: road works
Source of fund and year: GAA 2013
Approved Budget for the
Contract (ABC): (Ph. P 22,454,719.25)
Contract Duration: 60 cal. days
Cost of Bid Documents: Ph. P 25,000.00
3. Contract ID No. 12OH0186
CONTRACT NAME : Rehabilitation/Reconstruction/Upgrading of Damaged Paved
National Roads along Leon Guinto St., Manila
Contract Location: Pasay City
Scope of Work: Repair of Roads-1,039.20 L.M.
Source of fund and year: GAA 2013
Approved Budget for the
Contract (ABC): (Ph. P 48,412,404.28)
Contract Duration: 173 cal. days
Cost of Bid Documents: Ph. P 25,000.00
4. Contract ID No. 12OH0187
CONTRACT NAME. Repair/Rehab. of DPWH-NCR Building 2
St., Port Area, Manila
Contract Location: Manila
Scope of Work: Repair/Rehab of Building
Source of fund and year: GAA 2012
Approved Budget for the
Contract (ABC): (Ph. P 7,233,670.00)
Contract Duration: 150 cal. days
Cost of Bid Documents: Ph. P 10,000.00
1) The South Manila Engineering District, through the [above indicated source of funding and year]
intends to apply the sum of [Phil P 115,901,945.03, being the Approved Budget for the Contract
(ABC) to payments under the contract for [the above indicated name/no. of contract]. Bids
received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening.
2) The South Manila Engineering District, now invites bids for [various construction projects indicated
above]. Completion of the Works is required [173 calendar days]. Bidders should have completed,
within ten (10) years from the date of submission and receipt of bids, a contract similar to the
Project. The description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly,
in Section II, Instructions to Bidders.
3) Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using nondiscretionary
pass/fail criterion in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act 9184 (RA
9184), otherwise known as the Government Procurement Reform Act. Bidding is restricted
to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships, partnerships, or organizations with at least seventy fve
percent (75%) interest or outstanding capital stock belonging to citizens of the Philippines.
4) Interested Bidders may obtain further information from South Manila Engineering District, and
inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below from [8:00-12:00 A.M. and 1:00-5:00
5) A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders from the address
below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents in the amount of
[indicated above].
It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine Government
Electronic System (PhilGEPS) and the website of the Procuring Entity, provided that bidders shall
pay the fee for the Bidding Documents not later that the submission of their bids.
6) The South Manila Engineering District, will hold a Pre-Bid Conference on [November 16, 2012-
10:00 A.M.] at [SMED-BAC OFFICE, PORT AREA, MANILA], which shall be open to all interested
parties who have purchased the Bidding Documents.
7) Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before [November 29, 2012- 09:00 A.M.] at [SMED-
BAC OFFICE, PORT AREA, MANILA]. All bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the
acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause 18.
Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders representatives who choose to attend at the
address below. Late bids shall not be accepted.
8) Bids will be opened on November 28, 2012 at 02:00 P.M.
9) The South Manila Engineering District, reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the
bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring
any liability to the affected or bidders.

For Further information, please refer to:

Head, BAC Secretariat/Procurement Staff
South Manila Engineering District, NCR, DPWH
1018 -8TH Street corner Bonifacio Drive, Port Area, Manila
Tel. no. 023044020
Fax no. 025279727
Offcer in Charge
Offce of the Assistant District Engineer
BAC Chairperson
District Engineer
(MST-NOV. 12, 2012)
(MST-Nov. 12, 2012)
Pulong Buhangin, Sta. Maria, Bulacan
November 6, 2012
The Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) of the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) of
Bulacan 2
District Engineering Offce, through the Fund 153-Special Road Safety Fund-(MVUC CY
2012) and Fund 101 GAA - DPWH Regular Infrastructure Program CY 2013, invites contractors to
bid for the aforementioned projects:
1. Contract ID: 12CD0272
Contract Name: Installation/Application/Construction of Road Safety Devices along NCR/
Bulacan-Bdry.-Bigte-Ipo Dam Road, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan
Contract Location: San Jose del Monte City, Bulacan
Scope of Work: Guardrail/Thermoplastic
Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): Php 9,899,842.60
Contract Duration : 60 calendar days
2. Contract ID: 2CD0273
Contract Name: Repair/Rehabilitation/Improvement along Eastern Bulacan Road
K0070+000 K0071+000 (with exceptions), Angat, Bulacan
Contract Location: Angat, Bulacan
Scope of Work: Concreting of road
Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): Php 9,899,962.63
Contract Duration : 90 calendar days
3. Contract ID: 12CD0281
Contract Name: Preventive Maintenance along NCR/Bulacan Brdy.-Bigte Ipo Dam Road
K0042+116 K0044+1000 (with exceptions)
Contract Location: Norzagaray, Bulacan
Scope of Work: Asphalting of road
Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): Php 29,913,492.36
Contract Duration : 45 calendar days
4. Contract ID: 12CD0282
Contract Name: Preventive Maintenance along Bocaue-San Jose Road
K0030+(-603) K0036+450 (with exceptions)
Contract Location: Sta. Maria, Bulacan
Scope of Work: Asphalting of road/concreting of road
Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): Php 30,373,091.53
Contract Duration : 110 calendar days
5. Contract ID: 12CD0283
Contract Name: Rehabilitation/Reconstruction/Upgrading of Damaged Paved National Roads
San Miguel-Sibul Road, San Miguel, Bulacan
a) K0082+537 K0083+236
b) K0078+(-400) K0078+000
c) K0083+236 K0083+366
d) K0078+(-476) K0078+(-400)
e) K0086+000 K0086+231
f) K0086+908 K0087+621
Contract Location: San Miguel, Bulacan
Scope of Work: Concreting of road
Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): Php 29,042,789.73
Contract Duration : 180 calendar days
6. Contract ID: 12CD0284
Contract Name: Road Upgrading (Gravel to Paved) of Eastern Bulacan Road,
K0080+200 K0094+809, Doa Remedios Trinidad, Bulacan
Contract Location: Doa Remedios Trinidad, Bulacan
Scope of Work: Concreting of road/Slope Protection
Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): Php 20,751,203.03
Contract Duration : 150 calendar days
7. Contract ID: 12CD0285
Contract Name: Road Upgrading (Gravel to Paved) of Eastern Bulacan Road,
K0104+000 K0105+000, Doa Remedios Trinidad, Bulacan
Contract Location: Doa Remedios Trinidad, Bulacan
Scope of Work: Concreting of road/Slope Protection
Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): Php 25,271,024.52
Contract Duration : 150 calendar days
8. Contract ID: 12CD0286
Contract Name: Rehabilitation/Reconstruction/Upgrading of Damaged Paved National Roads
Sta. Maria-Norzagaray Road K0034+115 K0039+000
Contract Location: Sta. Maria, Bulacan
Scope of Work: Concreting of road/Drainage canal
Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): Php 43,621,593.67
Contract Duration : 200 calendar days
9. Contract ID: 12CD0287
Contract Name: Flood Control and Drainage Projects Meycauayan River Control Projects
Contract Location: Meycauayan City, Bulacan
Scope of Work: River Control/Slope Protection
Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): Php 29,399,905.70
Contract Duration : 200 calendar days
10. Contract ID: 12CD0288
Contract Name: Construction of Slope Protection along NCR-Bulacan Bdry.-Bigte-Ipo Dam
Road, Sto. Cristo River, San Jose del Monte City, Bulacan
Contract Location: San Jose del Monte City, Bulacan
Scope of Work: Slope Protection
Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): Php 48,999,575.92
Contract Duration : 210 calendar days
11. Contract ID: 12CD0289
Contract Name: Construction of Slope Protection along NCR-Bulacan Bdry.-Bigte-Ipo Dam
Road, San Jose River, San Jose del Monte City, Bulacan
Contract Location: San Jose del Monte City, Bulacan
Scope of Work: Slope Protection
Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): Php 39,199,943.34
Contract Duration : 210 calendar days
12. Contract ID: 12CD0290
Contract Name: Flood Control Structures in San Jose Del Monte City, Bulacan
Contract Location: San Jose del Monte City, Bulacan
Scope of Work: Slope Protection
Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): Php 39,199,909.64
Contract Duration : 180 calendar days
The BAC will conduct the procurement process in accordance with the Revised IRR of R.A. 9184. Bids
received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at the opening of bid.
To apply and to bid for this contract, a contractor must submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) signed and
submitted by the person authorized in the Contractors License issued by PCAB. Upon submission of
the LOIs, interested Contractor must also submit the photo copy and original (for authentication purpose
and issuance of Bid Documents) of the following documents: 1. Class A Documents (contained in the
Contractors Registration Certifcate)(CRC), 1.1 Legal Documents: a) DTI Business Name Registration
(DTI) or SEC Registration or CDA; b) Valid and Current Mayors Permit/Municipal License; 1.2. Technical
Documents; a) Valid Joint Venture Agreement, in case of J.V., b) Valid PCAB License and Registration c)
Certifcate of Materials Engineer Accreditation duly certifed by the Authorized Managing Offcer (AMO),
d) Latest copy of AMO course Seminar, e) Certifcate of Safety Offcer Seminar from DOLE, f) Document
Request List (DRL) g) Latest CPES Rating; 1.3. Financial Documents; a) Prospective bidders Audited
Financial Statement for the preceding calendar which should not be earlier than 2 years from the date
of bid submission; b) Prospective bidders computation of its NFCC. The LOI must be submitted by
the Authorized Liaison Offcer as specifed in the Contractors Information (CI). Submission of LOI by
persons with Special Power of Attorney shall not be allowed. Contractors who will purchase bid documents
and must meet the following major criteria: (a) prior registration with DPWH & PHILGEPS, (b) Filipino
citizen or 75% Filipino-owned partnership, corporation, cooperative, or joint venture with PCAB license
applicable to the type and cost of this contract, (c) completion of a similar contract costing at least 50%
of ABC within a period of 10 years, and (d) Net Financial Contracting Capacity at least equal to ABC, or
credit line commitment for at least 10% of ABC. The BAC will use non-discretionary pass/fail criteria in
the eligibility check and preliminary examination of bids.
Unregistered contractors, however, shall submit their applications for registration to the DPWH-POCW
Central Offce before the deadline for the receipt of LOI. The DPWH-POCW will only process contractors
applications for registration with complete requirements and issue the Contractors Certifcate of
Registration (CRC). Registration Forms may be downloaded at the DPWH website
The signifcant times and deadlines of procurement activities are shown below:
1. Receipt of LOI from Prospective Bidders Until 10:00 A.M. of November 28, 2012 (for Item
Nos. 1-3) and 10:00 A.M. of November 29, 2012
(for Item Nos. 4-12)
2. Issuance of Bidding Documents From: November 9, 2012 up to 10:00 A.M. of
November 28, 2012 (For item Nos. 1-3) and
November 29, 2012 (for Item Nos. 4-12)
3. Pre-Bid Conference 2:00 P.M. of November 16, 2012
4. Submission of Bids Deadline: 10:00 A.M. of November 28, 2012
(for Item Nos. 1-3; November 29, 2012 (for
Item Nos. 4-12)
5. Opening of Bids November 28, 2012 @ 2:00 P.M. (for Item Nos.
1-3) and November 29, 2012 @ 2:00 P.M. (for
Item Nos. 4-12)
The BAC will issue hard copies of Bidding Documents (BDs) at DPWH-Bulacan 2
District Engineering
Offce, Pulong Buhangin, Sta. Maria, Bulacan, upon payment of a non-refundable fee for Bidding
Documents Ten Thousand Pesos (Php 10,000.00) for Item No. 1 & 2 and Twenty Thousand Pesos
(Php 20,000.00) for Item Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12. Prospective bidders may also download
the Bidding documents (BDs), from the DPWH website, if available. Prospective bidders that will
download the BDs from DPWH website shall pay the said fees on or before the submission of their
Bids Documents. The Pre-Bid Conference shall be open only to interested parties who have purchased
the BDs. Bids must be accompanied by a bid security, in the amount and acceptable form, as stated
in Section 27.2 of the Revised IRR.
Prospective bidders shall submit their duly accomplished forms as specifed in the BDs in two (2)
separate sealed bid envelopes to the BAC Chairman. The frst envelope shall contain the technical
component of the bid, which shall include a copy of the CRC. The second envelope shall contain the
fnancial component of the bid. Contract will be awarded to the Lowest Calculated Responsive Bid as
determined in the bid evaluation and post-qualifcation.
The DPWH-Bulacan 2
District Engineering Offce reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to
annul the bidding process at anytime prior contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the
affected bidder/s.

BAC Chairman
District Engineer
local 303
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Public Works and Highways
Regional Offce No. IV-A (CALABARZON)
Quezon 3
District Engineering Offce
Catanauan, Quezon
Invitation to Bid No. 2012-15
The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), Quezon 3
District Engineering
Offce, Catanauan, Quezon, through its Bids and Awards Committee (BAC), now invites
contractors to bid for the following contract(s):
1. Contract ID: 12DM0079
Contract Name: Concrete Paving/Road Upgrading of Abuyon-Buenavista
Contract Location: K0266+051-K0267+051
Scope of Work: PCCP/Flood Control & Drainage
Target: 1.000 Kms
Approved Budget for
the Contract: Php 24,306,637.07
Contract Duration: 101 Calendar Days
Cost of Bidding Documents: Php25,000.00
2. Contract ID: 12DM0080
Contract Name: Concrete Paving/Road Upgrading of Abuyon-Buenavista
Contract Location: K0265+051-K0266+051, 3LD
Scope of Work: PCCP,Flood Control & Drainage
Target: 1.00 Kms
Approved Budget for
the Contract: Php24,408,766.91
Contract Duration: 101 Calendar Days
Cost of Bidding Documents: Php25,000.00
3. Contract ID: 12DM0081
Contract Name: Concrete Paving/Road Upgrading of Catanauan-
Buenavista Road
Contract Location: K0253+538-K0254+158
Scope of Work: PCCP,Flood Control & Drainage
Target: 0.620 Kms
Approved Budget for
the Contract: Php13,120,497.47
Contract Duration: 58 Calendar Days
Cost of Bidding Documents: Php25,000.00
4. Contract ID: 12DM0082
Contract Name: Concrete Paving/Road Upgrading of Catanauan-
Buenavista Road
Contract Location: K0252+538-K0253+538
Scope of Work: PCCP,Flood Control & Drainage
Target: 1.000 Kms
Approved Budget for
the Contract: Php24,453,473.59
Contract Duration: 101 Calendar Days
Cost of Bidding Documents: Php25,000.00
5. Contract ID: 12DM0083
Contract Name: Concrete Paving/Road Upgrading of Mulanay-San
Francisco Road
Contract Location: K0287+115-K0288+000
Scope of Work: PCCP,Flood Control & Drainage
Target: 0.885 Kms
Approved Budget for
the Contract: Php21,442,170.23
Contract Duration: 91 Calendar Days
Cost of Bidding Documents: Php25,000.00
6. Contract ID: 12DM0084
Contract Name: Concrete Paving/Road Upgrading of Mulanay-San
Francisco Road
Contract Location: K0288+000-K0289+102
Scope of Work: PCCP,Flood Control & Drainage
Target: 1.102 Kms
Approved Budget for
the Contract: Php26,703,280.91
Contract Duration: 109 Calendar Days
Cost of Bidding Documents: Php25,000.00
7. Contract ID: 12DM0085
Contract Name: Concrete Paving/Road Upgrading of Mulanay-San
Francisco Road
Contract Location: K0297+082-K0298+082
Scope of Work: PCCP,Flood Control & Drainage
Target: 1.000 Kms
Approved Budget for
the Contract: Php23,702,945.35
Contract Duration: 101 Calendar Days
Cost of Bidding Documents: Php25,000.00
8. Contract ID: 12DM0086
Contract Name: Concrete Paving/Road Upgrading of Mulanay-San
Francisco Road
Contract Location: K0303+472-K0305+400
Scope of Work: PCCP,Flood Control & Drainage
Target: 1.928 Kms
Approved Budget for
the Contract: Php48,877,690.44
Contract Duration: 182 Calendar Days
Cost of Bidding Documents: Php25,000.00
9. Contract ID: 12DM0087
Contract Name: Concrete Paving/Road Upgrading of MSR Jct. Lopez-
Buenavista Road
Contract Location: K0240+267-K241+788
Scope of Work: PCCP,Flood Control & Drainage
Target: 1.521 Kms
Approved Budget for
the Contract: Php36,615,326.90
Contract Duration: 141 Calendar Days
Cost of Bidding Documents: Php25,000.00
10. Contract ID: 12DM0088
Contract Name: Concrete Paving/Road Upgrading of MSR Jct. Lopez-
Buenavista Road
Contract Location: K0245+713-K0247+128
Scope of Work: PCCP,Flood Control & Drainage
Target: 1.415 Kms
Approved Budget for
the Contract: Php34,576,162.90
Contract Duration: 134 Calendar Days
Cost of Bidding Documents: Php25,000.00
11. Contract ID: 12DM0089
Contract Name: Concrete Paving/Road Upgrading of MSR Jct-Lopez-
Catanauan Road
Contract Location: K0240+328-K0241+598
Scope of Work: PCCP,Flood Control & Drainage
Target: 1.270 Kms
Approved Budget for
the Contract: Php 30,858,238.53
Contract Duration: 117 Calendar Days
Cost of Bidding Documents: Php25,000.00
12. Contract ID: 12DM0090
Contract Name: Concrete Paving/Road Upgrading of MSR Jct-Lopez-
Catanauan Road
Contract Location: K0245+300-K0246+050
Scope of Work: PCCP,Flood Control & Drainage
Target: 0.750 Kms
Approved Budget for
the Contract: Php18,259,919.74
Contract Duration: 76 Calendar Days
Cost of Bidding Documents: Php25,000.00
The BAC will conduct the procurement process in accordance with the Revised Implementing
Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 9184. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be
automatically rejected at the opening of bid.
To bid for the contract, a contractor must submit Original Receipt (OR) for payments of bidding
documents issued by the procuring entity together with their eligibility documents on or before the
date and time stated hereunder and must meet the following major criteria: (a) prior registration
with DPWH, (b) Filipino citizen or 75% Filipino-owned partnership, corporation, cooperative, or
joint venture with PCAB license applicable to the type and cost of this contract, (c) completion of a
similar contract costing at least 50% of ABC within a period of ten(10) years, and (d) Net Financial
Contracting Capacity at least equal to ABC, or credit line commitment for at least equal to 10% of
the ABC. The BAC will use non-discretionary pass/fail criteria in the eligibility check and preliminary
examination of bids.
Unregistered contractors, however, shall submit their applications for registration to the DPWH-
POCW Central Offce before the deadline set herein. The DPWH POCW-Central Offce will only
process contractors applications for registration with complete requirements and issue the
Contractors Certifcate of Registration (CRC). Registration Forms may be downloaded at the DPWH
The signifcant times and deadlines of procurement activities are shown below:
1. Issuance of Bidding Documents November 9-29, 2012
to registered contractors
2. Pre-Bid Conference November 16, 2012 at 10:00 AM
3. Deadline of Submission of Eligibility Documents November 26, 2012 until 5:00 PM
4. Receipt of Bids November 29, 2012 until 10:00 AM
5. Opening of Bids November 29, 2012 at 2:00 PM
The BAC will issue hardcopies of Bid Documents at the DPWH, Quezon 3
District Engineering
Offce, Catanauan, Quezon, upon payment of a non-refundable fee for Bidding Documents.
Prospective bidder may also download the BDs from the DPWH website, if available. Prospective
bidders that will download the BDs from the DPWH website shall pay the said fees on or before the
submission of their bid documents. The Pre-bid conference shall be open only to interested parties
who have purchased the BDs. Bids must be accompanied by a bid security, in the amount and
acceptable forms stated in Section 27.2 of the Revised IRR.
Interested contractors must request documents from Philgeps (DRL) and printed copy must
be included in the submission of Original Receipt (OR). They are also required to present the
original of their Contractors Registration Certifcate to the BAC for authentication and should
be represented by the Authorized Liaison Offcer of the company, whose name is stated in
their CRC. No substitution will be entertained.
Prospective bidders shall submit their duly accomplished forms as specifed in the Bidding Documents
(BDs) in two (2) separate sealed bid envelopes to the BAC Chairman. The frst envelope shall contain
the technical component of the bid, which shall include a copy of the CRC. The second envelope
shall contain the fnancial component of the bid. Contract will be awarded to the Lowest Calculated
Responsive Bid as determined in the bid evaluation and post-qualifcation.
The DPWH, Quezon 3
District Engineering Offce reserves the right to accept or reject any bid
and to annul the bidding process anytime before Contract award, without thereby incurring any liability
to the affected Bidder or Bidders.
Assistant District Engineer
Chairman, Bids and Awards Committee
Tel. No.: 042-315-8195/042-315-8194
Email Address:
District Engineer
(MST-NOV. 12, 2012)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Public Works and Highways
Region VII
Bohol 3
District Engineering Offce
Guindulman, Bohol
The DPWH, Bohol 3
District Engineering Offce, Brgy. Sawang, Guindulman, Bohol, through its Bids
and Awards Committee (BAC), invites contractors and suppliers to apply to bid for the following contracts:
I. Advertisement Number: A 075-12
1.) Contract Name: Repainting of Centerline and Edgeline Pavement Markings and
Pedestrian Lanes
2.) Contract Location: Within the district
3.) Brief Description: Supply and delivery of construction materials for the repainting of
centerline and edgeline pavement markings and pedestrian lanes
within the district
4.) Total Approved Budget
for the Contract: PhP 374,480.00
5.) Contract Duration: 10 Calendar days
6.) Bid Documents: PhP 400.00
II. Advertisement Number : A 076-12
1.) Contract Name: Upgrading of Jct. Dat-an, Carmen Sierra Bullones Pilar Alicia
Road, Alicia Section
2.) Contract Location: Alicia, Bohol
3.) Brief Description: Supply and delivery of construction materials for the Upgrading of
Jct. Dat-an, Carmen Sierra Bullones Pilar Alicia Road for
Grouted Riprap Class A
4.) Total Approved Budget
for the Contract: PhP 283,930.00
5.) Contract Duration: 10 Calendar days
6.) Bid Documents: PhP 300.00
III. Advertisement Number : A 077-12
1.) Contract Name: Installation of Road Safety Devices along Tagbilaran East Road
2.) Contract Location: KO195+000 KO200+000 with exception
3.) Brief Description: Supply and installation of Road Safety Devices along TER
4.) Total Approved Budget
for the Contract: PhP 1,035,186.65
5.) Contract Duration: 10 Calendar days
6.) Bid Documents: PhP 1,000.00
IV. Advertisement Number : A 078-12
1.) Contract Name: Installation of Road Safety Devices along Carmen Sagbayan
Bacane Road
2.) Contract Location: KO069+400 KO071+988 with exception
3.) Brief Description: Supply and installation of Road Safety Devices along CSBR
4.) Total Approved Budget
for the Contract: PhP 1,190,597.14
5.) Contract Duration: 10 Calendar days
6.) Bid Documents: PhP 1,200.00
V. Advertisement Number : A 079-12
1.) Contract Name: Rehabilitation/Reconstruction/Upgrading of Damaged Paved
National Road (Intermittent Section)
2.) Contract Location: Valencia, Bohol
3.) Brief Description: Labor for the Rehab/Reconstruction/Upgrading of Damaged Paved
National Road (Intermittent Section)
4.) Total Approved Budget
for the Contract: PhP 174,208.91
5.) Contract Duration: 35 Calendar days
VI. Advertisement Number : A 080-12
1.) Contract Name: Construction of Barangay Road
2.) Contract Location: Bacong, Anda, Bohol
3.) Brief Description: Supply and delivery of construction materials for the construction of
Brgy. Road at Bacong, Anda, Bohol
4.) Total Approved Budget
for the Contract: PhP 103,899.18
5.) Contract Duration: 10 Calendar days
6.) Bid Documents: PhP 100.00
VII. Advertisement Number : A 081-12
1.) Contract Name: Construction of Barangay Road
2.) Contract Location: Candabong, Anda, Bohol
3.) Brief Description: Supply and delivery of construction materials for the construction of
Brgy. Road at Candabong, Anda, Bohol
4.) Total Approved Budget
for the Contract: PhP 101,207.24
5.) Contract Duration: 10 Calendar days
6.) Bid Documents: PhP 100.00
VIII. Advertisement Number : A 082-12
1.) Contract Name: Repair/Rehabilitation of Multi-purpose Building, Carmen Multi-
purpose Cooperative
2.) Contract Location: Poblacion Norte, Carmen, Bohol
3.) Brief Description: Supply and delivery of construction materials for the Repair/Rehab.
Of MPC, Poblacion Norte, Carmen, Bohol
4.) Total Approved Budget
for the Contract: PhP 381,417.00
5.) Contract Duration: 10 Calendar days
6.) Bid Documents: PhP 400.00
IX. Advertisement Number : A 083-12
1.) Contract Name: Rehabilitation of Barangay Road
2.) Contract Location: Bicao, Carmen, Bohol
3.) Brief Description: Supply and delivery of construction materials for the
Rehabilitation of Brgy. Road at Bicao, Carmen, Bohol
4.) Total Approved Budget
for the Contract: PhP 102,545.80
5.) Contract Duration: 10 Calendar days
6.) Bid Documents: PhP 100.00
X. Advertisement Number : A 084-12
1.) Contract Name: Rehabilitation of Barangay Road
2.) Contract Location: Buenos Aires, Carmen, Bohol
3.) Brief Description: Supply and delivery of construction materials for the
Rehabilitation of Brgy. Road at BuenosAires, Carmen, Bohol
4.) Total Approved Budget
for the Contract: PhP 137,919.40
5.) Contract Duration: 10 Calendar days
6.) Bid Documents: PhP 100.00
XI. Advertisement Number : A 085-12
1.) Contract Name: Rehabilitation of Barangay Road
2.) Contract Location: Guadalupe, Carmen, Bohol
3.) Brief Description: Supply and delivery of construction materials for the
Rehabilitation of Brgy. Road at Guadalupe, Carmen, Bohol
4.) Total Approved Budget
for the Contract: PhP 103,789.80
5.) Contract Duration: 10 Calendar days
6.) Bid Documents: PhP 100.00
XII. Advertisement Number : A 086-12
1.) Contract Name: Rehabilitation of Barangay Road
2.) Contract Location: Katipunan, Carmen, Bohol
3.) Brief Description: Supply and delivery of construction materials for the
Rehabilitation of Brgy. Road at Katipunan, Carmen, Bohol
4.) Total Approved Budget
for the Contract: PhP 103,150.55
5.) Contract Duration: 10 Calendar days
6.) Bid Documents: PhP 100.00
XIII. Advertisement Number : A 087-12
1.) Contract Name: Rehabilitation of Barangay Road
2.) Contract Location: Sitio Hinabuyan, Montesuerte, Carmen, Bohol
3.) Brief Description: Supply and delivery of construction materials for the
Rehabilitation of Brgy. Road at Sitio Hinabuyan, Montesuerte,
Carmen, Bohol
4.) Total Approved Budget
for the Contract: PhP 104,508.30
5.) Contract Duration: 10 Calendar days
6.) Bid Documents: PhP 100.00
XIV. Advertisement Number : A 088-12
1.) Contract Name: Rehabilitation of Barangay Road
2.) Contract Location: Montesunting, Carmen, Bohol
3.) Brief Description: Supply and delivery of construction materials for the
Rehabilitation of Brgy. Road at Montesunting, Carmen, Bohol
4.) Total Approved Budget
for the Contract: PhP 104,508.30
5.) Contract Duration: 10 Calendar days
6.) Bid Documents: PhP 100.00
XV. Advertisement Number : A 089-12
1.) Contract Name: Rehabilitation of Barangay Road
2.) Contract Location: Nueva Vida Este, Carmen, Bohol
3.) Brief Description: Supply and delivery of construction materials for the
Rehabilitation of Brgy. Road at Nueva Vida Este, Carmen, Bohol
4.) Total Approved Budget
for the Contract: PhP 359,067.15
5.) Contract Duration: 10 Calendar days
6.) Bid Documents: PhP 400.00
XVI. Advertisement Number : A 090-12
1.) Contract Name: Rehabilitation of Barangay Road
2.) Contract Location : Nueva Vida Este, Carmen, Bohol
3.) Brief Description: Labor for the Rehabilitation of Brgy. Road at Nueva Vida Este,
Carmen, Bohol
4.) Total Approved Budget
for the Contract: PhP 117,060.85
5.) Contract Duration: 20 Calendar days
XVII. Advertisement Number : A 091-12
1.) Contract Name: Rehabilitation of Barangay Road
2.) Contract Location: Nueva Vida Sur, Carmen, Bohol
3.) Brief Description: Supply and delivery of construction materials for the
Rehabilitation of Brgy. Road at Nueva Vida Sur, Carmen, Bohol
4.) Total Approved Budget
for the Contract: PhP 104,010.80
5.) Contract Duration: 10 Calendar days
6.) Bid Documents: PhP 100.00
XVIII. Advertisement Number : A 092-12
1.) Contract Name: Rehabilitation of Barangay Road
2.) Contract Location: Vallehermoso, Carmen, Bohol
3.) Brief Description: Supply and delivery of construction materials for the
Rehabilitation of Brgy. Road at Vallehermoso, Carmen, Bohol
4.) Total Approved Budget
for the Contract: PhP 103,697.80
5.) Contract Duration: 10 Calendar days
6.) Bid Documents: PhP 100.00
XIX. Advertisement Number: A 093-12
1.) Contract Name: Rehabilitation of Barangay Road
2.) Contract Location: Buenavista, Carmen, Bohol
3.) Brief Description: Supply and delivery of construction materials for the
Rehabilitation of Brgy. Road at Buenavista, Carmen, Bohol
4.) Total Approved Budget
for the Contract: PhP 103,000.00
5.) Contract Duration: 10 Calendar days
6.) Bid Documents: PhP 100.00
XX. Advertisement Number : A 094-12
1.) Contract Name: Construction of Multi-purpose Building
2.) Contract Location: Poblacion Norte, Carmen, Bohol
3.) Brief Description: Supply and delivery of construction materials for the
Const. of MPB, Poblacion Norte, Carmen, Bohol
4.) Total Approved Budget
for the Contract: PhP 105,000.00
5.) Contract Duration: 10 Calendar days
6.) Bid Documents: PhP 100.00
XXI. Advertisement Number : A 095-12
1.) Contract Name : Construction of Multi-purpose Building
2.) Contract Location : La Paz, Carmen, Bohol
3.) Brief Description: Supply and delivery of construction materials for the
Const. of MPB, La Paz, Carmen, Bohol
4.) Total Approved Budget
for the Contract: PhP 137,000.00
5.) Contract Duration: 10 Calendar days
6.) Bid Documents : PhP 100.00
XXII. Advertisement Number : A 096-12
1.) Contract Name: Rehabilitation of Multi-purpose Building (Renovation)
2.) Contract Location: La Libertad, Carmen, Bohol
3.) Brief Description: Supply and delivery of construction materials for the Rehabilitation
of MPB (Renovation), la Libertad, Carmen, Bohol
4.) Total Approved Budget
for the Contract: PhP 103,000.00
5.) Contract Duration: 10 Calendar days
6.) Bid Documents: PhP 100.00
XXIII. Advertisement Number : A 097-12
1.) Contract Name: Rehabilitation of Multi-purpose Building
2.) Contract Location: La Salvacion, Carmen, Bohol
3.) Brief Description: Supply and delivery of construction materials for the Rehabilitation
of MPB, La Salvacion, Carmen, Bohol
4.) Total Approved Budget
for the Contract: PhP 105,134.20
5.) Contract Duration: 10 Calendar days
6.) Bid Documents: PhP 100.00
XXIV. Advertisement Number : A 098-12
1.) Contract Name: Construction of Multi-purpose Pavement (Drier)
2.) Contract Location: Nueva Vida Norte, Carmen, Bohol
3.) Brief Description: Supply and delivery of construction materials for the Construction of
MPP (Drier), Neva Vida Norte, Carmen, Bohol
4.) Total Approved Budget
for the Contract: PhP 106,759.20
5.) Contract Duration: 10 Calendar days
6.) Bid Documents: PhP 100.00
XXV. Advertisement Number : A 099-12
1.) Contract Name: Construction of Water System
2.) Contract Location: Cogtong, Candijay, Bohol
3.) Brief Description: Supply and delivery of construction materials for the Construction of
Water System, Cogtong, Candijay, Bohol
4.) Total Approved Budget
for the Contract: PhP 353,206.50
5.) Contract Duration: 10 Calendar days
6.) Bid Documents: PhP 400.00
XXVI. Advertisement Number : A 100-12
1.) Contract Name: Construction of Water System
2.) Contract Location: Cogtong, Candijay, Bohol
3.) Brief Description: Labor for the Construction of Water System, Cogtong, Candijay,
4.) Total Approved Budget
for the Contract: PhP 121,401.50
5.) Contract Duration: 35 Calendar days
XXVII. Advertisement Number : A 101-12
1.) Contract Name: Completion of Multi-purpose Building
2.) Contract Location: Langkis, Bohol
3.) Brief Description: Supply and installation of construction materials for the Completion
of MPB, Langkis, Duero, Bohol
4.) Total Approved Budget
for the Contract: PhP 140,000.00
5.) Contract Duration: 10 Calendar days
6.) Bid Documents: PhP 100.00
XXVIII. Advertisement Number : A 102-12
1.) Contract Name: Completion of Multi-purpose Building
2.) Contract Location: Cayam, Garcia-Hernandez, Bohol
3.) Brief Description: Supply and installation of construction materials for the Completion
of MPB, Cayam, Garcia-Hernandez, Bohol
4.) Total Approved Budget
for the Contract: PhP 411,856.08
5.) Contract Duration: 10 Calendar days
6.) Bid Documents: PhP 400.00
XXIX. Advertisement Number : A 103-12
1.) Contract Name: Completion of Multi-purpose Building
2.) Contract Location: Cayam, Garcia-Hernandez, Bohol
3.) Brief Description: Labor for the Completion of MPB, Cayam, Garcia-Hernandez, Bohol
4.) Total Approved Budget
for the Contract: PhP 150,000.00
5.) Contract Duration: 35 Calendar days
XXX. Advertisement Number : A 104-12
1.) Contract Name: Completion of Multi-purpose Building, Coop NATCCO
2.) Contract Location: Loay, Bohol
3.) Brief Description: Supply and installation of construction materials for the Completion
of MPB, Coop NATCCO, Loay, Bohol
4.) Total Approved Budget
for the Contract: PhP 580,829.22
5.) Contract Duration: 10 Calendar days
6.) Bid Documents : PhP 600.00
XXXI. Advertisement Number : A 105-12
1.) Contract Name: Completion of Multi-purpose Building, Coop NATCCO
2.) Contract Location: Loay, Bohol
3.) Brief Description: Labor for the Completion of MPB, Coop NATCCO, Loay, Bohol
4.) Total Approved Budget
for the Contract: PhP 115,087.24
5.) Contract Duration: 20 Calendar days
XXXII. Advertisement Number : A 106-12
1.) Contract Name: Completion of Multi-purpose Building
2.) Contract Location: Tangcasan Sur, Loay, Bohol
3.) Brief Description: Supply and delivery of construction materials for the Compl. Of
MPB, Tangcasan Sur, Bohol
4.) Total Approved Budget
for the Contract: PhP 131,937.90
5.) Contract Duration: 10 Calendar days
6.) Bid Documents: PhP 100.00
XXXIII. Advertisement Number : A 107-12
1.) Contract Name: Rehabilitation of Barangay Road
2.) Contract Location: Poblacion, Sevilla, Bohol
3.) Brief Description: Supply and delivery of construction materials for the Rehab. Of
Brgy. Road, Poblacion, Sevilla, Bohol
4.) Total Approved Budget
for the Contract: PhP 106,115.00
5.) Contract Duration: 10 Calendar days
6.) Bid Documents: PhP 100.00
XXXIV. Advertisement Number : A 108-12
1.) Contract Name: Const./Rehab./Imprvt. Of Barangay Road
2.) Contract Location: Abijilan, Garcia-Hernandez, Bohol
3.) Brief Description: Supply and delivery of construction materials for the Const./Rehab./
Imprvt. Of Brgy. Road, Abijilan Garcia-Hernandez
4.) Total Approved Budget
for the Contract: PhP 140,810.55
5.) Contract Duration: 10 Calendar days
6.) Bid Documents: PhP 100.00
XXXV. Advertisement Number : A 109-12
1.) Contract Name : Concreting of Barangay Road
2.) Contract Location : Abijilan, Garcia-Hernandez, Bohol
3.) Brief Description : Supply and delivery of construction materials for the Concreting Of
Brgy. Road, Abijilan, Garcia-Hernandez, Bohol
4.) Total Approved Budget
for the Contract : PhP 171,576.45
5.) Contract Duration : 10 Calendar days
6.) Bid Documents : PhP 100.00
XXXVI. Advertisement Number : A 110-12
1.) Contract Name: Rehabilitation of Barangay Road
2.) Contract Location: Canhaway, Guindulman, Bohol
3.) Brief Description: Supply and delivery of construction materials for the Rehab of Brgy.
Road, Canhaway, Guindulman, Bohol
4.) Total Approved Budget
for the Contract: PhP 103,980.00
5.) Contract Duration: 10 Calendar days
6.) Bid Documents: PhP 100.00
Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures in accordance with R.A.
9184 and its Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations.
To bid for this contract, a supplier must submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) and must meet the
following major criteria: (a) Prior registration with the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement
System (PHILGEPS) and DPWH registry, (b) Filipino citizen or 60% Filipino-owned partnership/
corporation, (c) completion of a similar contract costing at least 50% of ABC, and (d) Net Financial
Contracting Capacity at least equal to ABC, or credit line commitment for at least 10% of ABC. The
BAC will use non-discretionary pass/fail criteria in the eligibility check, preliminary examination of bids.
Unregistered suppliers, however, shall submit their applications for registration (Suppliers
Registration Certifcate), to the DPWH Bohol 3
District Engineering Offce, Brgy. Sawang, Guindulman,
Bohol before the deadline set below for the receipt of LOIs. The DPWH Bohol 3
District Engineering
Offce will only process suppliers applications for registration, with complete registration requirements.
The signifcant times and deadlines of procurement activities are shown below:
1. Receipt of LOIs from Prospective Bidders Deadline: Nov. 20, 2012 - 5:00 PM
2. Issuance of Bidding Documents Nov. 9 Nov. 27, 2012 - 9:00 AM
3. Receipt of Bids Nov. 27, 2012 -10:00 AM
4. Opening of Bids Nov. 27, 2012 -10:15 AM
Prospective bidders shall submit their duly accomplished forms as specifed in the Bidding
Documents (BDs) in two (2) separate sealed bid envelopes to the BAC Chairman. The frst envelope
shall contain the technical component of the bid, including the eligibility requirements. The second
envelope shall contain the fnancial component of the bid. Contract will be awarded to the Lowest
Calculated Responsive Bid as determined in the bid evaluation and the post-qualifcation.
Prospective bidders may download the Letter of Intent (LOI) from the DPWH website The BAC will issue hard copies of LOI Forms at BAC Offce Bohol 3
District Engineering
Offce Brgy. Sawang, Guindulman, Bohol, upon payment of a non-refundable fee of PhP100.00 each for
Advertisement Nos. A-080-12, A-081-12, A-083-12 to A-088-12, A-091-12 to A-098-12, A-101-12, and A-106-
12 to A-110-12; PhP300.00 for Advertisement No. A-076-12; PhP 400.00 for Advertisement Nos. A-075-12,
A-082-12, A-089-12, A-099-12 and A-102-12; PhP600.00 for Advertisement No. A-104-12; PhP1,000.00 for
Advertisement No. A-077-12 and PhP1,200.00 for Advertisement No. A-078-12. Prospective bidders that
will download the LOI forms shall pay the same amount upon submission of their accomplished LOIs at the
same address.
Prospective bidders may also download the Bidding Documents (BDs), if available, from the
DPWH website. The BAC will also issue hard copies of the BDs at the same address to prospective
bidders upon payment of a non-refundable fee as scheduled in each contract. Prospective bidders that
will download the BDs from the DPWH website shall pay the said fees upon the submission of their
bids. Bids must accomplished by a bid security in any acceptable form in the amount stated in Section
27.2 of the Revised IRR.
The Bohol 3rd District Engineering Offce Brgy. Sawang, Guindulman, Bohol reserves the right
to accept or reject any bid and to annul the bidding process anytime before Contract award, without
incurring any liability to the affected bidders.
Approved by:
Engineer III
BAC Chairman
District Engineer
(MST-NOV. 12, 2012)
Page Compositor: Diana Keyser Punzalan

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