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How can you reach todays students? Look around, what do you see? You see many teenagers of the 21st century texting! What better way to communicate with students than using devices they are already comfortable with and is part of their real life. Edmodo is an educational social networking site which is created for student and teacher use. It is a safe place for students and teachers alike to communicate with the privacy controlled by the teacher.

Edmodo provides a medium for differentiated instruction and assessment. A place where collaboration and sharing of resources can take place, between and amongst students, teachers and parents. Edmodos online interface creates a record of all work completed throughout the course of the year.

This video provides a great introduction of Edmodo for teachers using an analogy to osmosis. qEMO4&feature=related

Access to technology and infrastructure including adequate access to computers, the Internet, hardware, and software prove to be motivational for students. Riaz et al. (2010) found that collaborative learning and sharing had the highest score for motivational factors in formal learning processes and that learner interaction created a positive impact on learner motivation.

Teachers can post notes, alerts, quizzes, assignments (complete with attachments and due dates that automatically occur on the group calendar), and polls. All of which can be sent to individual members or groups. Group members can comment on them, extending the conversation around the shared resources. Teachers can annotate assignments and return to students with detailed feedback for improvement. STUDENT APPLICATIONS Embed web links and videos Upload and submit assignments online Create personal calendars Communicate with classmates and teacher anywhere, anytime Post questions or concerns to teacher or class Create portfolios

Gradebook Library Google docs Badges Calendar Mobile Apps Digital citizenship

Parents can be invited to see firsthand what is happening in class. View their childs progress as well as homework and assignment

SOCIAL NETWORKING Lim and Kim (2003) indicate in terms of reinforcement, the use of timely feedback, frequent emails to check progress, and encouragement are important motivation strategies for students. Customized assignments and class projects that connect to students work experience helped students apply their learning to their work.

Edmodo vs Facebook Facebook and Edmodo are two social networking sites. Edmodo is a safer alternative because the teacher has full control over group membership. Students and other teachers or special guests require a group code in order to gain access to group features. All activity settings are default to private. Unlike Facebook, everyone in the group is aware of who else is in the group. That is, this platform provides a known audience. Parents can also be invited to join.

Lim, D., & Kim, H. (2003). Motivation and learner characteristics affecting online learning and learning application. Journal of Educational Technology Systems,31(4), 423-439. Riaz, S., Rohaya Rambli, D., Salleh, R. & Mashtaq, A. (2010). Study to investigate learning motivation factors within formal and informal learning environments and their influence upon web-based learning. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 5(4), 4150.

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