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January 2008 - February 2009




Final Session

peer shadowing
and stakeholder
interviews Prototype Review

Sensemaking Deep-Dive Journey

The Presencing Institute, the Society for Co-founders of ELIAS include, BASF, BP,
Organizational Learning, the MIT Leadership Nissan, Oxfam Great Britain, the UN Global
Center, and the MIT Center for Reflective Compact, Unilever, the World Bank Institute,
Community Practice are launching the and the World Wildlife Fund.
second year of the program “Emerging
Leaders Innovate Across Sectors” (ELIAS).
ELIAS is a global cross-sector network of Why ELIAS?
high-potential leaders and their institutions
working collectively to generate new ideas, Leaders in institutions around the world face
prototypes, and ventures. The purpose of unprecedented economic, social, ecological,
ELIAS is to contribute to the evolution of and political challenges locally and globally.
sustainable global market systems that build These challenges will only multiply in the next
human, social, and natural capital as well as decades; leaders must confront them. In
financial and industrial capital. doing so, they can create opportunities for
innovation by reinventing business models
Concrete outcomes of this 12-month and identities, transforming social change
leadership journey are: protocols, and working more collaboratively
with governments.
 Prototypes for cross-sector innovation
that address the shared challenges of Community Value will become the guiding
creating value for the triple bottom line— term as successful companies of this century
the economy, society, and the purposefully connect to communities, NGOs,
environment—with the ultimate goal of and governments to co-create more
advancing global sustainability. transparent and generative economic, social,
and ecological processes/relationships. The
 A steadily growing network of leaders in result will be productive, healthy and sound
the public, private, and civic sectors that business, social, and environmental
will enhance and accelerate the benefits relationships.
to individual members.

 A growing capacity among participating

organizations to develop sustainable
solutions across the three sectors.

 Useful information and ideas for

innovative solutions to individual
members’ challenges.

 An enhanced capacity among leaders to

respond to the challenges of globalization
and sustainable development by
pioneering practical innovations.

© 2007 ELIAS Emerging Leaders Innovate Across Sectors 1

Future sources of value will stem from through multiple iterations in various
leveraging these four areas of innovation. contexts with multiple feedback loops.
But for that to happen, leaders and
institutions must reach out to other • Participants learn how to leverage their
stakeholders to create new patterns that institutional and personal networks in
weave together business, government, and order to move their systems toward more
civil society. effective ways of operating.

To meet major global challenges, cross- • Regular interaction among participants

sector engagement demands new skills, and institutional stakeholders helps embed
networks, and fields of practice. ELIAS innovation within participating institutions.
provides both the stimulating context or
practice field and active methodologies.
How does it work?

Approach: From 2008, ELIAS will operate on four levels:

Using a methodology called “presencing” i to 1. The Global ELIAS Platform

achieve profound innovations, ELIAS Emerging highest-potential leaders
provides participants with a core set of nominated by the CEOs of their
practical skills: institutions to participate in a global
innovation program will receive intensive
• Immersion in cross-sector peer-shadowing training in core presencing skills,
experiences and “deep-dive learning participate in deep dives, and learn to
journeys” in different regions offer a fresh develop and guide prototyping
view into another aspect of the global experiences. A proposed curriculum is
economy and some of its core issues. attached.

• Deep listening and dialogue tools help 2. An Evolving Network of Regional

participants operate more powerfully and ELIAS Platforms
effectively as part of rapidly changing Country-level and regional programs will
systems of value creation. continue to be organized by ELIAS
participants. Currently, these are being
• Deep reflection practices help participants
planned for Indonesia, southern Africa,
convert experiential input into improved
Europe, and China, with a possible fifth
leadership practices and to communicate
with more authentic leadership presence. country-level program in Brazil. In each of
these places, ELIAS alumni have
• Hands-on prototyping allows participants committed to being core leaders and
to create experimental microcosms in faculty in country-level and regional
order to explore the future by doing. ELIAS efforts. These efforts will also
create opportunities for high-potential
• Participants experience innovation leaders from ELIAS member institutions
processes from concept creation to fast- to join ELIAS programs at any level.
cycle experimentation; teams build, test,
refine, and improve prototype ideas

© 2007 ELIAS Emerging Leaders Innovate Across Sectors 2

 Indonesia and Southern Africa: Each members, continue to enhance their
ELIAS microcosm will take on a key learning as they teach presencing
challenge facing each country (e.g., practices, the impact of the course is
flooding in Jakarta; social protection spread to other members of the
for children orphaned by AIDS in organization and the capacity of the
Namibia). It will also bring together organization to use this knowledge and
young and future leaders from global skills is enhanced. For in-house
ELIAS companies/institutions. Jointly workshops and projects, ELIAS fellows
these teams will put their skills and can draw on the ELIAS alumni network.
strategic networks into the service of
solving pressing problems in the local 4. ELIAS Alumni
community. The global network of ELIAS fellows
continues to build and implement
 Europe: The Summer School project prototypes, as well as to create space for
led by ELIAS alums from BASF, innovation in their institutions based on
InWEnt, UNICEF, and WWF is their greater capacity to sense the needs
currently experimenting with using and aspirations of their communities.
cross-institutional ELIAS platforms These leaders serve as coaches and as
and younger leaders to address co-creators of an evolving innovation
leadership challenges related to water ecology that serves our economic, social,
issues in Africa and China. and ecological well-being.

 China: The Learning Lab is focused

on the critical issue of sustainable For further information, please contact:
mobility, with obvious implications for
the country and region, but also the C. Otto Scharmer
global community. MIT Sloan School of Management
Phone: (+1) 617-253-0486
3. In-House Platform Email:
Participating ELIAS institutions are
pursuing innovations that integrate social Dayna L. Cunningham
innovation, business innovation, MIT Ctr for Reflective Community Practice
institutional (or brand) identity Phone: (+1) 646 327-3770
transformation, and “leadership DNA” Email:
transformation (connecting to your
authentic Self). This ELIAS effort is
undertaken by participants in order to
advance core innovation principles in their i
For more information about presencing, see C. O.
own fields of practice. The goal is to Scharmer, Theory U: Leading from the Future as It
harness institutional energy and maintain Emerges (Cambridge, Mass.: Society for
the push toward transformation in Organizational Learning, 2007). See also: P. Senge et
participants’ everyday efforts. This can be al., Presence: An Exploration of Profound Change in
accomplished, for example, by taking on People, Organizations and Society (NewYork, N.Y:
board an innovative project or through Doubleday, 2005).
short workshops focused on the core
principles. While ELIAS fellows, as faculty

© 2007 ELIAS Emerging Leaders Innovate Across Sectors 3

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