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Sunday November 11, 2012
Start 6:00 Scheduled Material:

End 9:45 Material Covered:

Blocking-Work Thru Show

Breaks 7:10-7:20

Next Rehearsal:
Wednesday November 14, 2012 Lighting Design Run-Thru No James

-REHEARSAL MONDAY NOVEMBER 12 HAS BEEN CANCELED. -Vicky has come in and taken the promotional photos with Aly th -Katie: We have the black box reserved for Rehearsal Sunday, Nov 18 from 7-10. Is it possible to get this space earlier in the day for possible painting that will be done? Im aware the building is open at 1:00. If we could extend the space reservation from 1-7 as well, it would help a great deal. (See Set Notes) -Katie: Is the violin we are renting an acoustic electric violin, or just electric? Will it be rented with its own amp? I know you and Helen were discussing possibly different dates of when it will start being used. Do we have a time when its coming in?

Robin: The parachute material will now be handled through you. All we need is for the order to be placed. Below is the website where you will find what we need. Please order Trevira Silk in Ivory: 2 yards wide by 8 yards long. Is it possible to have the order placed by Monday, November 12? -We have also discussed the possibilities of painting silhouettes across the back wall if possible, or above the mirrors. We will be using white paint that will easily be covered/removed by black paint for strike. The projector used for the previous floor design will need to be available. You will not need to worry about the actual painting; we have that taken care of. It will be done Sunday Nov 18 earlier in the day if we are able to get the space reserved -The black box with red trim that was pulled will be used. Is it possible to have the trim removed and the black paint retouched? -We have already pulled 3 wooden chairs from storage. Can we have them painted the same cherry red used for the window frames? (They are the only wooden chairs in the black box.) Robin: We have pulled the wooden cylinder from the options you gave us. We will not be using the other shapes left in the shopping cart. Can we have the cylinder painted black by Wednesday? -With what we are using/already pulled, we would like one more additional square box made 16 inches high, 24 inches wide, and 24 inches deep. This will also be black. -As the window frames will be ready to hang Wednesday, what time would be best for you? Anytime before 6, or possibly after rehearsal at 10 may work. Please email me your availability that day.

Properties: Sound:
-Christine has already received a preshow announcement template, which will be live in place of a pre-recorded one. -More will be known about the need for monitor use once the cast starts using mics -Due the removal of the curtains, a studio ring or moon gel may be used to dampen the drums and will be handled by Sound. -2 rug choices from the pit are wanted to place under the drumset for performance however will not be pulled until the end of George as they are already being used by the Schneider Orchestra

-As a reminder, the deadline to hang the canopy lights is Wednesday, November 21


Director: Christine Weber Stage Manager: Melissa Erickson (435) 669-6468

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