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How Creative Can a Camera Get? Yu Lin IT 103 Section 001 10/9/2012
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What is the "Creative" camera? The new development that I will be going into depth about is the next generation voice recognition, gesture interfaces, and Intel's Creative camera that Intel will be including in their Ultrabooks. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the benefits, problems, and the significance of the product. Briefly, the new voice recognition and gesture interfaces is to compensate the growing trend of societies need for updated technology. The new line of Ultrabooks by Intel will include human-like senses to perceive the user's intentions, and this is all made possible by their new generation of processors. Intel's main goal is to bring the natural interaction between users and computers to a more advance state by offering more interactive platforms such as the ones stated previously. Having mentioned all these interactive software that Intel will be presenting in the future, this is all made possible by Intel's Creative camera, which will be mounted on the computer. This Creative camera is a low-power 760p that works at close range. What sets this Creative camera aside from a regular webcam is its 3D depth array and a dual microphone array, simply meaning they have more features than a simple webcam. The benefit of the "Creative" camera. After understanding the technology Intel is attempting to bring to the market, how will this product benefit society? Intel hopes that software developers will take advantage of this new Creative camera that they created and develop sophisticated applications that will escalate user interactions. While Intel is hoping outside developers to pitch into the programming, Intel is already planning on taking the current speech recognition from "barking orders" to a more natural state, for example, they would like to implement software such as real-time language translation. This real-time language translation software will allow the user to speak in whatever accent in whatever language, and the device will pick up all of it. Next amazing application they

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hope to bring, and the first of its kind, is the facial recognition and facial analysis application. this facial recognition and analysis application will enable the Creative camera not only to determine the user's gender but her age as well. The facial tracking will allow the computer know about the user's emotions, whether he or she is smiling or frowning at a given time. Other users for the facial software is its innovation virtual interface. With this close range device, users can manipulate and control applications through gestures with the body, very similar to the Kinect for X-box. The user will also be able to go further than just controlling objects through the camera, they will also have the ability to wear things such as glasses in a virtual environment. The significance of this new technology. What is the significance of this new technology? This Creative camera technology is the next step towards artificial intelligence. Intel's goal is to make computers to be as smart as humans in the area of understanding gestures and voices. Throughout the generations of technology, we seen several milestones in user ability with the computer. For example, the first milestone consisted of a mouse and keyboard, where users input their ideas through manually inputting without any virtual detection of emotion, voice, or personality other than what the user puts on the screen. Second was the creation of touch screens, with the implementation of touch screen into computers, it eliminated the need of a mouse, which in turn led to the multi-touch screen that opened doors to gamers and simpler user ability. Next was facial and voice recognition, this heightened security when logging into a computer as well as communicating with the technology. The user no longer needed their hand to input information into the computer device. Lastly the Creative camera arguably the next milestone, improved the facial and voice recognition and eliminated the need of using your hands to input information into the computer. For example, users will be able to make commands such as "share this link on Twitter". The

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camera opens doors to all sorts of innovations, whether the innovation is regarding games or communications, being able to control objects virtually through making gestures has only been perfected in movies. Facial and gesture recognition technology is the foundation for hologram technology and the ability to control project virtual objects through 3D tracking software. With this software, users will be able to try on a hat, sunglasses, or even a shirt before they even purchase the product, possibly eliminating the need to go to the mall. Obstacles that Intel faces. First off, the biggest legal challenge that the Creative camera will face is the similarity to Apple's "Siri", but the multiple features offered through this product changes the legality of the product. One of Intel's biggest obstacle at this point in time is actually developing the software for their product. They went as far as to offer any software developer a million dollars by December for the best idea for their technology. Even though Intel has the technology, it is just the platform for many things to come. Although Intel has already implemented several applications linking to their Creative camera, they still lack the milestone they were looking for. Intel wants to find the idea that reinvents mobility and creative interface that implements the user in a unique way other than what Intel has already done. On the other side, the offer is only limited to the people who have the skill to create this type of software. Intel feels that they have exhausted most of their ideas and feel that their innovation is slowing down in regarding to software. But their hardware technology has been increasingly improving. What are the dangers and ethical problems of this technology? Are there danger's in using this new technology? There are only one question about privacy that arises when using this device, such as, "is my personal information safe?" Though very similar to webcams, there is a chance that hackers can hack into the device and view the user. With the

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increase of personality of the Creative camera and its ability to detect emotion and gestures, if information about the user's personality or the way they speak falls into a hacker's possession. With the increase in stolen financial records, stolen information from the Creative camera could contribute to a higher level of identity theft. Ethically, there isn't much to talk about except for the types of software created for the Creative camera. For example, there is a possibility that people could integrate this camera into a public area and develop a software that tracks all the information of people who pass by. The camera in turn could gather intimate information about people in how they write, speak, and even react to certain gestures. But on the other hand, the device can also further research in the psychological world, and could benefit the legal sector by identifying whether a person is telling the truth of lying. But at the end, it isn't for a user to judge another user how the technology is used in regarding to personal use, of course if the purpose of the product is used to harm another person, it would be morally wrong. Conclusion. In conclusion, the Creative camera is the foundation for future innovation in gaming, communication, and research. The convenience and options that the Creative camera offers, spawns a whole new generation of technology. Artificial intelligence is the next step after Siri by Apple was implemented. Since the start of the century, technology had several milestones regarding to user ability. The first milestone being the mouse and keyboard, then was the touch and soon after the multi-touch, next became voice recognition, and now is the integration and improvement of all of the milestones into something more efficient and beneficial. Being able to communicate with the computer device as if it were human was only present in movies, but now

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is slowly becoming a reality. While the product is present, the ideas needed to fuel the product are floating in the minds of software developers all over the world.

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Reference Page
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Case, L. (2012, September 24). Intel outlines plan to 'reinvent mobility' during IDF keynote [Electronic version]. PC World.

Myslewski, R. (2012, September 11). Intel demos next-generation voice and gesture interfaces. In The Register. Retrieved October 4, 2012, from

Mott, J. (2012, September 10). Intel Perceptual Computing SDK 2013 Beta FAQ. In Intel. Retrieved October 4, 2012, from

Owana, N. (2012, September 12). Intel: Ultrabooks will be thin and light but heavy in innovation. In PHYS ORG. Retrieved October 4, 2012, from

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