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Committee Descriptions

INTERNAL BRANCH Student Activities

Academic / Peer Advising

In Student Activities Committee, were all about outreach and connections. We focus on reaching out to other communities at UC Berkeley and beyond. We primarily interact with other RC scholars through inter-UC events and the community around Berkeley through community service events. Our events will include Conference, an annual event held in the spring that gathers scholars from the UC system, and the Berkeley Project, a community-wide day of service in the Bay Area, along with many other events designed to engage RCSA with other communities of scholars as well as the surrounding community.


The Academic/Peer Advising committee is aimed to assist RCSA members in becoming acquainted with the Cal setting through matching new members with mentors as well as providing academic services that would give RC scholars the opportunities for success. Such services include continually updating a test bank database that shelves over 1,500 past exams. We will attempt to match every underclassmen who is interested in the program with an upperclassmen based on common interests and majors and through this mentorship, we hope to help RCSA members in all aspects of UCB life. Our events will integrate both academic and social entities together through providing helpful information about scheduling, research, and study-abroad opportunities in addition to building effective relationships with other RCSA members. The Social Committee is awesome. Why? Let us explain: Outside of the many academic and professional perks you get from being a member of RCSA, one of the best parts of RCSA is getting to know the people. There are so many wonderful, talented, intelligent, hilarious and kind people in RCSA, it would be a shame to not be friends with them. So, we are here to make that happen. With events like Icis ice cream runs, rock-climbing, watching football games and more, we make it easier (not that you should need any more encouragement) for scholars to meet and get to know each other. So forget that stereotype that Regents Scholars are antisocial and just study all the timewe all know it's not true.


Committee Descriptions

EXTERNAL BRANCH Regents Overnight Host Program (ROHP)


The Regents Overnight Host Program (ROHP) is an entirely student-run recruitment program that gives potential Regents and Chancellors Scholars a glimpse into the academic and social atmospheres at UC Berkeley. ROHP also provides committee members with leadership opportunities, as they collaborate with the Scholarship Office, professors, the Dean of Students, the ASUC, and various performance groups such as Noteworthy and Cal Band, to plan and oversee the logistics of the event. Thanks to the dedication and enthusiasm of committee members, hosts, guest speakers, and student performance groups, ROHP is the most effective recruitment organization on campus, and students who come to our event are 40% more likely to enroll at Cal. We are excited for ROHP 2013, and hope that you will join us in welcoming the Class of 2017! GO BEARS! The RCSA Faculty Committee is responsible for connecting scholars with the world-renowned UC Berkeley faculty. Members are urged and given the tools to develop professional relationships with faculty. Throughout the year, the faculty committee organizes events that allow scholars to interact with professors in social and professional settings. Examples of events include: Faculty Dinners, Faculty Game Night, and various Faculty Receptions. The RCSA Alumni Committee's goal is two-fold. First, we strive to connect current scholars with RC alumni, so that these scholars may better prepare themselves for their futures. However, this can be viewed from the opposite end of the spectrum as well; alumni who wish to stay involved with Berkeley and who wish to continue giving back to the university can do so easily by participating in the events that the committee puts on. These events include frequent alumni dinners with current scholars, community service events, and a winter externship program, amongst many others. RCSA sponsors and staffs the TEDxBerkeley conference annually on the UC Berkeley campus. TED talks strive to share and inspire ideas, experiences, and discoveries by inviting the worlds leading thinkers to discuss their passion. TED conferences encompass all focuses, as TED stands for three different areas: Technology, Entertainment, and Design. These talks are livestreamed around the world as the speakers deliver their presentations, in order to spread their ideas to a global audience also. TEDxBerkeley is a unique showcase of the best of UC Berkeley, the Bay Area, and beyond, and it is only possible thanks to RCSA leadership and volunteers. We hope you will join us as a volunteer or attendee of TEDxBerkeley on April 20th, 2013!




Committee Descriptions

FINANCE BRANCH Professional Development

Corporate Project

The Professional Development Committee arms students with tools and skills to effectively navigate the world in and after college. We provide opportunities for scholars to hone skills crucial to strong resumes, interviews, presentations, networking, and public speaking. PD will host events at which scholars can work with faculty, alumni, professionals, and fellow students to refine their skills in practical settings. Additionally, this year, PD will facilitate the development of skills necessary for the RCSA Resume Book through events such as resume critiques and career panels, preparing scholars to contributing high caliber resumes to the database.

Finance / Corporate Relations

The Corporate Project Committee is responsible for coordinating the production and success of the RCSA Resume Book. The RCSA resume book will be exclusive to RCSA members, and will be distributed to companies and non-profits so that scholars may be given volunteer, intern, and/or job opportunities. The Finance/Corporate Relations Committee in charge of establishing and maintaining relationships with companies. We market the RCSA resume book to corporations as well as obtain sponsorships for various events, such as TEDxBerkeley. In addition, the CR Committee also raises funds for RCSA by operating concession stands for all the Cal football games.


Committee Descriptions



The Public Relations committee is responsible for promoting RCSA's image on campus and publicizing RCSA-sponsored events. We will advertise internal and external events both on campus and through online media (Facebook and the RCSA website). In addition, we will design flyers and promotional materials for events like TEDxBerkeley.


The Historian committee is dedicated to documenting all the great events RCSA has to offer. At least one member of Historian will be there at every event taking pictures and writing posts for the website to make sure they're experiences we'll never forget. We also take care of the slideshows, newsletters, and banquet videos as a way to make those memories last!


The Tech committee is responsible for developing and maintaining RCSA's website. We work with all committees to ensure that all necessary content is accessible to scholars on the RCSA website. In addition, we are highly involved in working with the Finance Branch to deliver the RCSA Resume Book.

Sustainability ensures that RCSA events are carried out in an environmentally-friendly manner, and works together with Social Committee and Student Activities to create 'green' events with sustainability as a focus.

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