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Republic of the Philippines BULACAN AGRICULTURAL STATE COLLEGE Pinaod , San Ildefonso Bulacan

Business Plan Snack Attack Snack house

In Partial Fulfillment in Entrep 101 [Entrepreneurship and Business Planning ]

Submitted by: Leader: Dantis, Janine V. Members: Lugmay, Lozine Mahinay, Krischiel Pablo, Mylene Sevilla, Roselle

Submitted to: Ms. ImeeEsguerra Instructor September 24, 2012


Table of Contents Chapter I


A. Executive Summary------------------------------------------------------------4 1. Highlights----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Chapter II: Project Background A. Project Proponents----------------------------------------------------------- 5 B. Proposed Name of the Business------------------------------------------- 5 C. Type of the Business Organization---------------------------------------- 5 D. Location of Head Office------------------------------------------------------ 5 Chapter III: Management and Personnel Feasibility A. Personnel--------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 7 B. Number of Personnel------------------------------------------------------- 7 8 C. Organizational Chart---------------------------------------------------------- 8 D. Salaries and Wages----------------------------------------------------------- 9 E. Contract-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 F. Salary Distribution------------------------------------------------------------- 9 Chapter IV: Marketing Feasibility A. Target Market------------------------------------------------------------------ 10 B. Marketing Mix------------------------------------------------------------------ 10 11 C. Competitors Profile----------------------------------------------------------- 11 12 D. SWOT Analysis---------------------------------------------------------------- 12 13 E. Promotional Strategies------------------------------------------------------- 13 14

F. Demand-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 G. Supply---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 H. Projected Sales---------------------------------------------------------------- 15 - 16 Chapter V: Production Technical Feasibility A. The Products-------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 B. Production Process------------------------------------------------------------ 16 17 C. Floor Plan------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17 D. Building and Facilities--------------------------------------------------------- 18 E. Machineries and Equipment-------------------------------------------------- 18 19 F. Raw Materials Required-------------------------------------------------------- 19 22 G. Waste and Waste Disposal Method-------------------------------------------- 22 H. Mode of Operation of the Business----------------------------------------- 23 24 Chapter VI: Financing Feasibility A. Balance Sheet (Pre Operating Period)----------------------------------- 25 B. Balance Sheet (Operating Period)------------------------------------------ 26 C. Cash Flow (Pre Operating Period)-------------------------------------- 27 D. Cash Flow (Operating Period)---------------------------------------------- 28 31 E. Income Statement-------------------------------------------------------------- 32 Chapter VII: Socio Economic Feasibility A. Society--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 B. Government--------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 C. Environment-------------------------------------------------------------------- 33

Chapter I: Executive Summary Snack Attack is a locally owned Food Establishment which merely offers snacks, especially the sandwiches and fresh juices which will be the answer to the increasing demand for something that you can eat while you are waiting for someone , while chatting with your friends and while you are buying your needs inside the RCS. Snack Attack is producing quality foods at affordable price. You have a choice if you will take out our product or dine in our food establishment to feel relax and have internet access through wi-fi connection. Products that fall under our business are varieties of sandwiches, fresh juices, coffee, mocha and choco for hot beverage and French fries. We are assuring that those products can suffice your hunger for snacks. Sometimes sandwiches can replace main meals, especially those who want to lose their weight. The capital we a lot for our business is Php 1,200,000.00 which came from the contribution of the two owners and that capital is enough for the first year of operation of our business. Because on the succeeding years, we projected that our business can stand stronger though the help of our target market like travellers, employees and customers of RCS and local residents of San Miguel. Our location which is Camias, San Miguel Bulacan, but it is just near the highway and just a neighborhood of different establishment which can help us to earn profit every day. Increase of sales during the first year of operation will not be that big, it is just 2% to 4.5% every month and on the slack season which are August and September we will have decrease on sales. The payback period of Snack Attack Snack house will be on the last month of the second year of operation of our business. Snack Attack is just a small business which will be the first snack house to be build in our target location and seems different from nearby competitors.

Chapter II: Project Background

A . Project Proponents Dantis, Janine V Lugmay, Lozine

B. Proposed Name of the Business Snack Attack Snack House this name came from the thinking of the owners that their snack will attack the big number of market at the target location. Since it is the first snack house offering such products and services.

C.Type of Business Organization Partnership this type of ownership was chosen by the owners because in this type, only two or three person will be the beneficiaries of what will be the profit of the business.

D . Location of the Business Snack Attack is located at Camias, San Miguel Bulacan because it has large number of market that can be tap by our snack house business.

Chapter III: Management and Personnel Feasibility A. Personnel 1. Snack House Manager Basic Function: Oversees the whole operation of the business, from planning up to the delivery of foods to the customer. Qualification: She/he must be a college graduate or handling a degree of any course related to food business. And has an experience from his past job related to managerial aspect. Time of duty: 9:00 AM 7:00 PM 2. Kitchen Head Basic Function: responsible in preparing different foods offered by our establishments and other related tasks. Qualification: She/He must have the knowledge in terms of good preparation and a graduate or at least having two years experience in tertiary level. Neat looking Time of duty: 9:00 AM 7:00 PM 3. Kitchen Head Basic Function : Responsible in preparing cold and hot beverage offered by the firm. Qualification: He/She must be a graduate or undergraduate of atleast two years in tertiary level. He must have knowledge in preparation of food. neat looking Time of duty: 9:00 AM 7:00 PM 4. Food Server (two) Basic Function: Responsible in asking, selling and delivery of food to the customer at their store.

Qualification: He/She must have good interpersonal skills and neat looking. At least a graduate of secondary level or undergraduate in college. Time of duty: 9::0 AM 7:00 PM 5. Cashier Basic Function: Responsible in handling financial aspects, keeping, auditing and inspecting financial records, giving receipt, accepting payments of customer\. Qualification: Without criminal records and has knowledge, especially in money matters and a graduate of at least two years course in college. Time of duty: 9:00 AM 7::00 PM 6. Team Member Basic Function : Responsible in maintaining cleanliness and orderliness in kitchen and dining area. Qualification: She/he must be responsible enough and a graduate of at least secondary level. Time of duty: 9:00 AM 7:00 PM 7. Dishwasher Basic function : Responsible in cleaning soiled dishes. Qualification : Careful and at least a graduate of secondary level. Time of duty: 9:00 AM 7:00 PM B. Number of Personnel 1. Snack house Manager 1 2. Kitchen Head 2 3. Food server 2

4. Cashier 1 5. Team Member 1 6. Dishwasher 1 Total number of personnel - 8 C. Organizational Chart

Snack House manager

Kitchen Head (foods) Cashier Food Server (foods) Team Member

Kitchen Head (beverages)

Food Server (beverages)


D. Salaries and Wages Personnel Manager Per day Php 400.00 Per week Php 2,400.00 Per month Php 9,600.00 Per year Php 115,200.00 Kitchen head(food) Kitchen head(beverage) Food server(food) Food server(beverage) Cashier Team member Dishwasher Total salaries Php 320.00 Php 300.00 Php 300.00 Php 2,660.00 Php 1,920.00 Php 1,800.00 Php 1,800.00 Php 15,960.00 Php 7,680.00 Php 7,200.00 Php 7,200.00 Php 63,840.00 Php 92,160.00 Php 86,400.00 Php 86,400.00 Php 766,080.00 Php 320.00 Php 1,920.00 Php 7,680.00 Php 92,160.00 Php 320.00 Php 1,920.00 Php 7,680.00 Php 350.00 Php 2,100.00 Php 8,400.00 Php 350.00 Php 2,100.00 Php 8,400.00 Php 100,800.00 Php 100,800.00 Php 92,160.00

E. Contract Every employee has 6 months contract and it can be renew if they have good performance for 6 months also. F. Salary Distribution Salary of each employee will be given every Saturday, before the closing of the business.

Chapter IV: Marketing Feasibility A. Target Market 1. Employees of RCS Since our target location is in front of RCS establishment, almost all of the employees having their break is looking for something which can suffice their hunger. Employees of RCS have different break time and have their snack during that time. 2. Travelers Travelers going to their target destination are waiting for the jip or bus near the vacant space in the waiting shed. And theres a possibility that they will buy in our store or they can also take out or product and eat this during their ride. 3. Customers of RCS Since RCS is patronized merely by all residents of San Miguel and it is possible for them to buy our product as they go out from the said establishment and after buying their needs. 4. Curious and open-minded Through marketing, publicity and word of mouth, people will seek out to try and taste the food in a convenient and inexpensive way.

B. Marketing Mix 1. Product Snack Attack main products are varieties of sandwiches which will serve as the snacks of the consumer accompanied by cold and hot beverage which are best even hot and cold season. 2. Price Affordable price and quality food is the main goal of our snack house thats why we are aiming to produce products with affordable price in order to be patronize even by middle level customer.


3. Place Camias , San Miguel Bulacan is our target location. Lots of residents are living there. It is just near in highway where lots of people pass by. Different businesses are present there like carwash, salon, motor dealer, hardware and RCS, where in their employees might be our customer. 4. Promotion Awareness is one of the best tool needed to catch the attention of the customer. We will make people feel that our business is existing by means of making them aware about our product, thus if satisfied, be our regular customer and attract new customer by means of promotion. C. Competitors Profile 1. Carinderias Carinderias serving lunch and snacks were established in front of RCs. There are two carinderias existing there were almost all of the employees of RCS are eating during their lunch break. They are offering main meals and drinks like soft drinks, C2 and water. And as we all know these are the basic food eaten by the workers. Eatery businesses that serves as our competitors earn lots of profit everyday because even they dont use any promotion like flyers, leaflets or tarpaulins, they patronized by the customers because it is their main need especially during lunch break. They sell their product at affordable prices worth 25 per order.

2. Burger and Sandwich Stand Varieties of burger and sandwiches are offered by this stand which serves as a snack of their customers with their affordable price that was merely patronized by the customers, but the thing is, they dont have dining area for those who wants to eat and rest.


As what other burger stand use, they also promote their products by means of buy 1 take 1 strategies having the minimum price of Php24.00 each buy 1take 1 product and maximum of Php34.00 each buy 1 take 1 product. 3. RCS supermarket RCS is offering wide variety of products like groceries and even lots of snacks. This supermarket tap the large portion of market at San Miguel, Bulacan not only here but also in nearby town like San Ildefonso, Bulacan and other places. RCS is located at front of our target location of our snack house. The reason why lots of residents are patronizing RCS is the cheaper price of the products they offered by this establishment and more convenient way of buying the products of RCS because of the wider place and proper location of all the products offered.

D. SWOT Analysis 1. Strengths1.1 New face of snack house will catch the attention of the customer. Relaxing ambiance in the dining area has the ability to make them feel that they are being cared and important. 1.2 Quality food accompanied with affordable price is being introduced by our business which is equals to quality service. 1.3 Free WIFI is a very strong tool to attract customers because even in cell phone, internet exists wherein during the break of the employees of different establishment there can chat with their friends and search for what they want while having their snack at our store. 2. Weaknesses 3.1. Since our product is vegetarian sandwich, we have our doubt if it

will tap the market because lots of Filipinos now especially in rural area are not that concern in terms of the health and figure.



Limited products will be offer by our business which are the snacks

,unlike other food establishment there which offers breakfast, lunch, dinner and other foods. 4. Opportunities 3.1 Existing burger and sandwich stand in our target location doesnt have their dining area unlike us having our comfortable and relaxing area where customers can rest and have their snack. 3.2 Fresh juices will only be offer by our business in that place which can suffice the thirst of the customers. 3.3 Employees of RCS have their snacks during their break in the morning and in the afternoon where in we are sure that part of them will by our product. 3.4 Our target location is just near on the waiting shed where travellers are waiting, thus making it possible for them to buy our product.

5. Threats 4.1 Competitors are the major threat in our business, just like the carinderiaswhich offer also snack for the customers. 4.2 Noisy place or location. Since our goal is to provide quality goods accompanied with quality service (relaxing and comfortable ambiance), it is quite hard for us to make them feel relax in our stand.

E. Promotional Strategies 1. Flyers and tarpaulins Tarpaulins will be post on different places, just like in San Miguel and San Ildefonso, before the opening of our business, maybe a month before in order to inform the residents about our product. Anotherpromotional tools we will use are the flyers to be given at the day of opening our business and preceding days, maybe at the first week of opening. This will be given inside the RCS, to the travelers and simple residents of San Miguel.


2. Free wi-fi will be offered by our snack house. Since internet service is widely offered even in cellular phone, customers can take their snack at our establishment while chatting and searching. F. Demand Since all of the employees of RCS have their break time during morning and late afternoon there is the possibility that almost of them will buy our product. According to our research, there is 130 employees in RCS every day and seeking to suffice their hunger during their break. tricycle driver in front of our target location has contributed a lot to our target market. RCS is open up to 9 oclock in the evening and it is possible that tricycle drivers are also there up to that time, thus having their snacks in our business. Travelers waiting in the waiting shed can take our product and eat during their ride, we all know that during travel, especially in bus, heavy snacks are not advisable and light meals can be eaten. After buying the needs of the customers of RCS, they are looking for a place where they can have their snacks, rest and feel comfortable and it is the place that they are looking for and what we want to build

G. Supply Since almost all of our competitors are carinderias, they are only offering heavy meals or main meals. From that we concluded that we can introduce them the change and innovation in terms of food habits during their snack break. With affordable price, healthy and quality foods we know that we can tap the market.


H. Projected Sales Average Projected sales/day Target market Products Total no. of target market Employees of RCS Juices 130 15% 20 Php 7.00 Sandwiches 130 20% 26 Php 21.00 Php 546.00 Php 140.00 French fries 130 10% 13 Php 10.00 Php 130.00 Travellers Sandwiches 400 10% 40 Php 21.00 Php 840.00 Juices 400 8% 32 Php 7.00 Php 224.00 French fries 400 5% 20 Php 10.00 Php 200.00 Customers of RCS Juices 600 10% 60 Php 7.00 Sandwiches 600 15% 90 Php 21.00 Php 1,890.00 Php 420.00 French fries 600 8% 48 Php 10.00 Php 480.00 Percentage Number of Price target market the product of Projected sales

Target market

Total no. of target Price/product market/day

Total sales/day

Sandwiches Juices

156 112

Php 21.00 Php 7.00

Php 3,276.00 Php 784.00


French fries Sundae ice cream Vendo machine

81 55 240

Php 10.00 Php 15.00 Php 5.00

Php 810.00 Php 825.00 Php 1,200.00

Total projected sales/day Php 6,895.00

Total projected sales/week Php 41,370.00

Total projected sales/month Php 165,480.00

Chapter V: Production Technical Feasibility A. The Products 1. Sandwiches these are only light meals which can serve as their snack during their break. This composes of healthy ingredients like bread, fresh tomatoes and cabbage. Some of the ingredients are frozen foods in which we will choose those which do not contain lots of preservatives. 2. French Fries regular French fries with the toppings of mayonnaise and ketchup mixture will serve as their snack having the touch of cheese powder on top. 3. Fresh juices we choose to offer fresh juices in our store to avoid usage of chemicals. Buko, melon and pineapple juices will be our main cold beverage. 4. Vendo machine ( choco, coffee & caramel ) choco, caramel and coffee will be offer as our hot beverages, especially in rainy season. But this will be our permanent product even in hot or cold season. 5. Sundae ice cream soft ice cream become popular as of these days with the toppings of pure chocolate syrup to make it more appealing to the eyes of the customer.

B. Production process Sandwiches All ingredients of sandwiches that will be used for the whole day of operation will be precook and prepared at the morning. Like ham, hotdog, eggs

will be cut according to desired size and fried at the morning and stored in large oven to maintain its hot temperature in low heat. While the vegetables use in making vegetable sandwiches will be precut, blanch and stored in refrigerator. When order of sandwiches came, customers have to wait for at least 5 minutes per order. Because when the sandwich is made, this will be heat in oven toaster for 1 minute to make it hot and serve with wrap of tissue and place in a plate if it is for dine in and if it is for take-out it will be place in paper bag instead ofplastic. Fresh Juices We all know that pineapple and melon can only be buy if it is in season. If both of them are in season and we know that buko can be buy everywhere. Amount of those fresh fruits that will be used for the whole day must be prepared, grate the fruits and stock it in refrigerator. All the ingredients that will use like sugar and milk shall be stored in one cabinet with cups and straw. At the morning we will make the 3 juices in 3 containers. If fresh melon and pineapple is not available, we will only use the pineapple in a can and since fresh melon has no substitute, we will eliminate the selling of melon juice if it is not in season. French Fries The ingredients will also be stored in refrigerator and will be cook if order came. Vendo machine and ice cream maker Vendo machine and ice cream maker will be filled at the morning and fill it up if it is almost empty. C. Floor plan see floor plan at the next page.


D. Building and facilities

Facilities Overall construction of building Land Labor cost Ceiling fans Flat screen TV Wi Fi connection Tables Chairs Coffee light Snack Attack light



Total price Php 300,000.00 Php 150,000.00 Php 64,800.00

4 1 1 4 20 1 1

Php 981.00 Php 16,000.00 Php 500.00 Php 981.00 Php 220.00 Php 500.00 Php 1,000.00

Php 5,280.00 Php 16,000.00 Php 500.00 Php 3,924.00 Php 4,400.00 Php 500.00 Php 1,000.00

Dust Pan Brooms Mops Vases with flowers Waste bins Generator Total Cost

2 2 2 2 4 1 Php 546,604.00

Php 75.00 Php 75.00 Php 100.00 Php 1,050.00 Php 100.00 Php 15,000.00

Php150.00 Php 150.00 Php 200.00 Php 2,100.00 Php 400.00 Php 15,000.00

E. Machineries and Equipments Machineries equipment Commercial oven Oven toaster Gasul 1 2 2 Php 15,000.00 Php 3,500.00 Php 2,250.00 Php 15,000.00 Php 7,000.00 Php 4,500.00

and Pieces


Total Price

Frying pan Burner Siense Collander Tongs Utility tray Serving tray Wood cabinet Glass cabinet Juice container Juice ladle Vendo machine Ice cream maker Freezer Refrigerator Frenchfries equipment Pitcher Saucer Chopping board Bowls Water goblet Cashiers supplies Total cost

2 2 2 2 2 5 4 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1

Php 750.00 Php 700.00 Php 41.00 Php 90.00 Php 25.00 Php 73.00 Php 65.00 Php 4,500.00 Php 7,500.00 Php 165.000 Php 16.00 Pho 15,000.00 Php 68,000.00 Php 25,500.00 Php 12,000.00 Php 2,800.00

Php 1,500.00 Php 1,400.00 Php 82.00 Php 180.00 Php 50.00 Php 365.00 Php 260.00 Php 4,500.00 Php 7,500.00 Php 495.00 Php 48.00 Php 15,000.00 Php 68,000.00 Php 25,500.00 Php 12,000.00 Php 2,800.00

4 100 3 5 50 1 Php 171,205.00

Php 65.00 Php 8.00 Php 80.00 Php 95.00 Php 15.00 Php 2,500.00

Php 260.00 Php 800.00 Php 240.00 Php 475.00 Php 750.00 Php 2,500.00

F. Raw Materials Required/day

1. Sandwiches Ingredients Pan Quantity 11 packs Price/Unit Php 40.00 Total price Php 440.00


Ham Hotdog Eggs Cheese Mayonnaise Ketchup Tomatoes Cabbage Oil Tissue Total cost

1 kg 1 kg 30 pcs 2 packs gallon gallon kg 1 kg 1L 2 packs Php 1,260.00

Php 130.00 Php 130.00 Php 4.00 Php 60.00 Php 160.00 Php 140.00 Php 30.00 Php 35.00 Php 35.00 Php 20.00

Php 195.00 Php 130.00 Php 120.00 Php 120.00 Php 80.00 Php 35.00 Php 30.00 Php 35.00 Php 35.00 Php 40.00

2. French Fries Ingredients Fries Mayonnaise Ketchup Cheese powder Toothpick Plate Oil Total cost Quantity 3 kg gallon 1/8 gallon kg 2 packs 2 packs 1L Php 424.00 Price/Unit Php 90.00 Php 160.00 Php 140.00 Php 80.00 Php 6.00 Php 15.00 Php 35.00 Total price Php 270.00 Php 40.00 Php 17.00 Php 20.00 Php 12.00 Php 30.00 Php 35.00

3. Sundae Ice Cream Ingredients Powder Water Chocolate syrup Quantity 1 kg 5L 1 bottle Price/Unit Php 140.00 Php 3.00 Php 87.00 Total Price Php 140.00 Php 15.00 Php 87.00


Cups/Cones Total Cost

55 pcs Php 281.00

Php 0.70

Php 39.00

4. Vendo Machine Ingredients Choco powder Coffee powder Caramel powder Water Cups Total cost Quantity 1 kg 1 kg 1 kg 20 L 240 pcs Php 888.00 Price/Unit Php 220.00 Php 220.00 Php 220.00 Php 3.00 Php 0.70 Total Price Php 220.00 Php 220.00 Php 220.00 Php 60.00 Php 168.00

5. Juices Ingredients Buko Melon Pineapple juice Sugar Evaporada milk Cups Ice Total cost Quantity 2 pcs 2 pcs gallon 1 kg 1 cans 3 packs 10 pcs Php 387.00 Price/Unit Php 20.00 Php 25.00 Php 160.00 Php 46.00 Php 25.00 Php 30.00 Php 3.00 Total Price Php 40.00 Php 50.00 Php 80.00 Php 57.00 Php 40.00 Php 90.00 Php 30.00

All products ingredients/day Products Sandwich French fries Total cost of ingredients Php 1,260.00 Php 424.00


Sundae ice cream Vendo machine Juices

Php 281.00 Php 888.00 Php 387.00

Total cost of ingredients/day Php 3,240.00

Total cost of ingredients/week Php 19,440.00

Total cost of ingredients/month Php 77,760.00

* Marketing of raw materials required will be once a week or every Sunday at San Miguels public market and also at RCS.

G. Waste and Waste Disposal Methods Our business will have biodegradables waste like peel of vegetables and leftovers of those who will dine in in our food establishment and non-biodegradable waste like plastic cups and other plastic bags which will be used when we buy the ingredients that we need. Those biodegradable waste will be composted at the body part of our establishment, before the opening of our business, a big hole with cover will be dig in where the waste will be placed at the end of the day. While those are non-biodegradable like plastic cups will be sell for to undergo recycling process, while plastic bags after using must be wash, clean and dry and keep it in one cabinet to reuse it again. We will place 2 trashcans in front of our establishment outside and 2 trashcans with covers also inside, 1 for the biodegradable and for non-biodegradable. And every end of the day or before closing our establishment we will see to it that all of the trashcans will be empty, clean and dry to avoid foul odor.


H. Mode of Operation of the Business The Snack Attack will be open at 9 oclock in the morning before their morning break of the employees of RCS. Up to 7 0clock in the evening. This will operate 10 hours every day from Mondays through Saturdays. Sunday will be the break or rest day of everyone to give time to their families. The Snack Attack employees will be trained and evaluated one week before the opening of our business. They will be informed and trained according to their specific job and familiarized them the rules and regulations during working hours like: 1. Using of cell phone is not allowed during working hours, they can only use this during their break. 2. Wearing of IDs is a must as they enter the establishment. 3. Any form of misconduct towards their work, especially towards the customers, has a corresponding punishment. 4. Rings are not allowed to wear, especially by those who are handling foods. 5. Proper working outfit is strictly advisable The uniform of the employees will be provided by the establishment deducted from their salaries, little by little. Proper working Attire Kitchen head 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Hairnet Plastic gloves Shirt sleeve chefs uniform(white) Slacks (brown) Apron (brown) Rubber shoes and will be

Food server 1. 2. 3. 4. Hairnet White polo shirt Slacks (brown) Light make up(for girls)

Cashier 1. White polo shirt 2. Slacks (brown)


3. Rubber shoes 4. Light make up (for girls) Team member 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hairnet White polo shirt Slacks (brown) Rubber shoes Belt bag (cleaning materials will be placed on)

Dishwasher 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hairnet White polo shirt Slacks (brown) Rubber shoes Apron (brown)


Chapter VI: Financing Feasibility A. Balance sheet (Pre - Operating Period) Snack Attack Pre Operating Period Projected Balance Sheet Assets Current Assets Cash on Hand Php 120,791.00 Cash on Bank Php 300,000.00 Pre paid Expenses Php 43,600.00 - Water installation - Electricity installation - Employees benefits - Educational training - Advance promotional tools - Administrative supplies - Legal permits Fixed assets Land Building & facilities Machineries & equipment Total Assets

Php 150,000.00 Php 414,404.00 Php 171,205.00 Php 1,200,000.00

Liabilities & Capital Liabilities Capital Total liabilities & capital Php 0.00 Php 1,200,000.00 Php 1,200,000.00


B. Balance Sheet ( Operating Period) Snack Attack Projected Balance Sheet For the year ended 2013 Assets Current assets Cash on hand Php 133,980.00 Cash on Bank Php 400,000.00 Other assets Cost of goods manufactured Electric bill Water bill Wi fi bill Administrative supplies Advertising expense Travelling expense Depn of building Depn of machines Employees salaries Employees benefits Pre paid expenses Government tax Total Assets Php 2,593,307.00

Php 962,070.00 Php45,550.00 Php 13,900.00 Php 12,000.00 Php 4,200.00 Php 7,500.00 Php 6,000.00 Php 17,000.00 Php 22,500.00 Php 766,080.00 Php 24,000.00

Php 178,527.00

Liabilities & Capital Liabilities Capital Cash balance Php 420,791.00 Projected sales Php 2,172,516.00 Total capital Total liabilities & capital Php 0.00

Php 2,593,307 .00 Php 2,593,307.00


C. Cash flow (Pre operating Period) Snack Attack Pre Operating period Projected Cash Flow Cash Inflows Cash contribution Php 1,200,000.00 Loans Php 0.00 Total cash inflows Php 1,200,000.00 Less cash disbursement Land Labor cost Building construction Machineries & equipment Legal permits Business permit Mayors permit Sanitary permit BIR Php 9,000.00 Php 1,500.00 Php 8,000.00 Php 150,000.00 Php 64,800.00 Php 300,000.00 Php 171,205.00 Php 2,700.00

Electricity & water installation Administrative supplies Advance promotional tools

Advance employees benefits Php 8,400.00 Total cash disbursement Cash Balance Php 420,791.00 Php 779,209.00


D. Cash flow (operating period) Snack Attack Operating Period Projected Cash Flow Statement For the Year ended 2013

January Cash balance Php 420,791.00 - beginning Add:net sales Php 165,480.00 Total cash Php 586,271.00 available Less cash disbursement Cost of goods Php 77,760.00 manufactured Less operating expenses Advertising expense Travelling expense Water bill Electricity bill

February Php 420,807.00 Php 170,444.00 Php 591,251.00

March Php 424,252.00 Php 175,557.00 Php 599,809.00

April Php 432,131.00 Php 180,824.00 Php 612,955.00

May Php 444,935.00 Php 183,536.00 Php 628,471.00

June Php 459,525.00 Php 186,289.00 Php 645,814.00

Php 78,538.00

Php 79,323.00

Php 80,119.00

Php 80,519.00

Php 80,922.00

Php 3,000.00 Php 500.00 Php 1,000.00 Php 3,500.00

Php 2,500.00 Php 500.00 Php 1,050.00 Php

Php 2,500.00 Php 500.00 Php 1,100.00 Php

Php 0.00 Php 500.00 Php 1,150.00 Php 3,800.00

Php 0.00 Php 500.00 Php 1,175.00 Php 3,850.00

Php 0.00 Php 500.00 Php 1,200.00 Php 3,900.00


Wi- fi bill

Php 1,000.00

3,600.00 Php 1,000.00

3,700.00 Php 1,000.00

Php 1,000.00

Php 1,000.00

Php 1,000.00

Less administrative supplies Office Php 350.00 supplies Salaries Php 63,840.00 Employees benefits Less other expenses Depn of building Depn machineries & equipment Income before tax Less income tax Cash Balance ending Php 0.00

Php 350.00 Php 63,840.00 Php 0.00

Php 350.00 Php 63,840.00 Php 0.00

Php 350.00 Php 63,840.00 Php 0.00

Php 350.00 Php 63,840.00 Php 0.00

Php 350.00 Php 63,840.00 Php 0.00

Php 0.00 Php 1,500.00

Php 1,000.00 Php 1,500.00 Php 437,373.00 Php 13,121.00 Php 424,252.00

Php 1,000.00 Php 1,500.00 Php 445,496.00 Php 13,365.00 Php 432,131.00

Php 1,500.00 Php 2,000.00

Php 1,500.00 Php 2,000.00

Php 1,500.00 Php 2,000.00

Php 433,821 Php 13,041.00 Php 420,807.00

Php 458,696.00 Php 13,761.00 Php 444,935.00

Php 473,737.00 Php 14,212.00 Php 459,525.00

Php 490,602.00 Php 14,718.00 Php 475,884.00


July Cash balance beginning Add net sales Php 475,884.00

August Php 493,997.00



November Php 525,950.0 0 Php 185.095.0 0 Php 711,045.0 0

December Php 538,734.00

Php 506,998.00 Php 515,198.00 Php 177,908.00 Php 181,466.00 Php 684,906.00 Php 696,664.00

Php 189,083.00

Php 183,410.00

Php 193,424.00

Total cash available Less cash disbursement Cost of goods manufactured Less expenses Advertising expense Travelling expense Water bill Electricity bill Wi-fi bill Less administrative supplies Office supplies

Php 664,967.00

Php 677,407.00

Php 732,158.00

Php 81,327.00

Php 80,514.00

Php 79,709.00

Php 80,307.00 Php 0.00 Php 500.00 Php 1,150.00 Php 3,800.00 Php 1,000.00

Php 80,909.00 Php 0.00 Php 500.00 Php 1,200.00 Php 3,850.00 Php 1,000.00

Php 82,123.00

Php 0.00 Php 500.00 Php 1,225.00 Php 3,950.00 Php 1,000.00

Php 0.00 Php 500.00 Php 1,175.00 Php 3,850.00 Php 1,000.00

Php 0.00 Php 500.00 Php 1,125.00 Php 3,750.00 Php 1,000.00

Php 0.00 Php 500.00 Php 1,350.00 Php 4,000.00 Php 1,000.00

Php 350.00

Php 350.00

Php 350.00

Php 350.00

Php 350.00

Php 350.00


Salaries supplies Employees benefits Less other expenses Depn of building Depn of machineries & equipment Income before tax Less income tax Cash balance ending

Php 63,840.00 Php 0.00

Php 63,840.00 Php 0.00

Php 63,840.00 Php 0.00

Php 63,840.00 Php 0.00

Php 63,840.00 Php 0.00

Php 63.840.00 Php 24,000.00

Php 1,500.00 Php 2,000.00

Php 1,500.00 Php 2,000.00

Php 1,500.00 Php 2,000.00

Php 1,500.00 Php 2,000.00

Php 2,000.00 Php 2,000.00 Php 555,396.0 0 Php 16,662.00 Php 538,734.0 0

Php 2,500.00 Php 2,000.00

Php 509,275.00

Php 522,678.00

Php 531,132.00

Php 542,217

Php 550,495.00

Php 15,278.00 Php 493,997 .00

Php 15,680.00 Php 506,998.00

Php 15.934.00

Php 16,267.00 Php 515.198.00 Php 525,950.00

Php 16,515.00 Php 533,980.00

Notes; There will be an increase of sales by 3% on the month of February, March and April. There will be an increase of sales by 1.5% on the month of May, June and July. There will be a decrease of sales by 3% on the month of August and September. There will be an increase of sales by 2% on the month of October and November. There will be an increase of sales by 4.5% on the month of December.

Note: Profitability Rate Php 533,980.00 / Php 1,200,000.00 = 0.44


E. Income Statement Snack Attack Income Statement For the year Ended 2013 Sales Less cost of goods manufactured Less : Operating expenses - Advertising expense - Travelling expense - Water expense - Electricity expense - Wi-Fi expense Php 2,172,516 Php 962,070.00

Php 7,500.00 Php 6,000.00 Php 13,900.00 Php 45,550.00 Php 12,000.00

Php 84,950.00

Less: Administrative expense - Office supplies expense Php 4,200.00 - Salaries and wages expense Php 766,080.00 - Employees benefits expense Php 24,000.00 Less :Other expenses - Depreciation of building Php 17,000.00 - Depreciation of machines Php 22,500.00 Income before tax Less: Income tax

Php 794,280.00

Php 39,500.00 Php 291,716.00

Php 178,527.00 Php 113,189.00

Net profit


Chapter VII: Socio Economic Feasibility A. Society Snack attack can provide quality foods which can be buy by the consumer at affordable price. Unlike other snacks which are high end, we assure that our product will be for those who comprises the big part of our society or the middle level or lower level residents when it comes to financial aspect. Employment can be provided also by our business because we all know lots of Filipinos, even they are college graduates, have no work. By means of our business few of them will be given a chance to work and earn money. Instead of wasting their time at their houses, a chance for profit earning, improvement and experience will be given to them. B. Government Every business which exists has their obligation to pay taxes at the government and this is their legal responsibilities. And those taxes will be the fund of our government to start beneficial program for us Filipinos. C. Environment As part of our environment, we will not just be selfish in building our business. We choose to use brown paper bags for takeout, instead of plastic bags to help our environment not to be destructed. And we all know that papers came from wood, so it means that it is also biodegradable waste. While the plastic cups will be use in selling juices will be sold to undergo recycling process. Instead of just earning profit, we can also help the environment not to be destroyed.


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