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The student voice of the Colorado School of Mines

Volume 93, Issue 10 November 12, 2012


Obama wins a second term over Romney

Features 5

Great Italian food outside of Golden

Sports 6

Behind gaming: Graphene used Computer vision as a conductor

Sean Lopp Staff Writer
The technology that makes the Xbox Kinect and other motion sensing games is a complex field in computer science. Professor Bill Hoff, along with five graduate students, is heavily involved with research in this field, specifically in the areas of computer vision and pattern recognition. Computer vision is a process of using computers to interpret images from cameras and do things like recognize objects or measure the location of things. Hoff and his team mainly work with off-the-shelf cameras and sensors, focusing on software development. They write algorithms using high-level programming like MATLAB and C++, or in the case of developing applications for tablets and phones, Java. Beyond video games, the research into computer vision has numerous practical applications. For example, two years ago Hoff was on sabbatical working at Lockheed Martin. They were working on autonomous convoy technology. The idea is you would have a driver in a lead truck, with driverless trucks following it. I helped them develop mapping and landmark recognition localization using computer vision to help the following trucks follow the lead truck. Computer vision technology is also versatile and easily applied in inter-disciplinary research. For example, ten years ago Hoff worked with a research group in Denver and used medical imaging technology, like X-rays, in combination with computer vision technology to evaluate how knee implants degraded over time. We were trying to understand how these implants function and why they wear out so quickly. Your typical knee implant has a piece of plastic in-between the bones which tends to wear out in ten to fifteen years. We were studying, essentially, X-ray movies of people with these implants to see exactly how they were moving and using computer vision technology to quantify that motion. We found, as a result of this analysis, that one type of implant was better than the others. Hoff is currently working in the developing field of augmented reality. He said, Im really excited about augmented reality, its an area Im really interested in, and Id love to get students involved. Augmented reality is the process of augmenting the real world with virtual object. There are some applications on phones, like when you take a picture of a landmark and it is labeled. Continued at vision on page 3

The Mines community celebrates global cultures at this years International Day. See more of the festivities on page 6.

Deborah Good Managing Editor

Mines Volleyball takes RMAC Championship

Opinion 12

Minds at Mines asks about Thanksgiving

Graphene is often regarded as a miracle material by physicists. Composed of a layer of carbon exactly one atom thick, it has a plethora of potential applications. In less than ten years, publications numbering in the ten thousands have been released about graphene. Against this background, the Colorado School of Mines own Dr. Zhigang Wu recently presented new research on Band Gap Opening of Graphene with Periodic Structural Modifications. Many, though not all, of graphenes properties are favorable for practical use. Graphenes electron mobility, thermal conductivity, Youngs modulus, and optical absorption are very good, but it has certain difficulties for application. Most significantly, it has no inherent band gap opening, a very small on-off ratio in field-effect transistors, and excitations do not always last long enough for use. Therefore, a major focus of graphene research is in making graphene a semiconductor so it can be used in place of more common semi-conductors like silicon. Several options exist already to manipulate graphene into a semiconductor, including graphene nanoribbons and periodic defects. However, the focus of Wus presen-

tation was on a new technology, graphene nanomesh. This material is created by poking regular holes in a sheet of graphene and creates a semi-conductor. As a computational physicist, Wu worked to connect the theoretical underpinnings of graphene with practical experimental results. Wu successfully demonstrated that the created band gap opening could be modeled analytically mapping the discrete perturbative reciprocal lattice vectors onto Dirac points. The presented model used delta function potential to model periodic perturbation and match Dirac points. Wus research also mapped graphene nanomesh to carbon nanotubes and graphene nanoribbons. The model used rectangular and 60-degree parallelogram unit cells in this mapping. The mapping found that rectangular and hexagonal unit cells both show an exactly reverse correspondence between the graphene nanomesh and the carbon nanotubes. This results from the fact that the Dirac points should be matched to create an semi-conductor in one sort of material and avoided in the other. Wu mentioned these results were confirmed by discrete Fourier analysis, but that he hoped future work would verify the outcome with other analytical methods.

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november 12, 2012

Rochester, New York - Hydrogen-powered cars have been a goal for scientists and engineers for years, but limitations in catalyst technology have prevented any significant advancements until now. Researchers at the University of Rochester have discovered a catalyst that generates hydrogen molecules at a very high rate, and does so for weeks on end with no decrease in production. By coating Cadmium Selenide nanoparticles with organic compounds, known as DHLA, they were able to achieve the goal of a robust, fast-acting catalyst. This discovery addresses the main difficulties in hydrogen generation technology, finding catalysts that are inexpensive, easily generated, and robust.

Josh Kleitsch, Staff Writer

Pasadena, California - There is likely not a substantial concentration of methane on Mars, according to results from the Curiosity rover. Last week NASA held a press conference where Christopher Webster of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory reported with 95% certainty that between zero and five parts per billion (ppb) of methane exist in the Martian atmosphere. The finding casts doubt on the existence of methane-producing bacteria on Mars that would be similar to those found on Earth. Other scientists discount the results, saying that Curiosity is not in an auspicious area for methane release.

Amsterdam, Netherlands - Researchers at Amsterdams FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics have created a device, known as a waveguide, that appears to cause light to move infinitely fast. The nanoscale device has an index of refraction of zero for visible wavelength light. It alters light so that at a particular wavelength the entire guide lights up and the light waves behave as if their peaks are simultaneously everywhere and moving infinitely fast. Although at first glance this result appears to violate Einsteins Special Theory of Relativity, researchers explain this is not the case because light has two distinct speeds. The first is called the phase velocity, and it is the rate at which waves propagate through the medium. The second is called group velocity, and it is the rate at which information is transmitted through the medium. Group velocity must stay below the speed of light, but the phase velocity has no such limitation. This new technology may have significant applications in optical circuitry, allowing for virtually unlimited transfer speeds within operating cores and circuitry.

Pinnacle Point, South Africa - Early humans may have had major tools and weapons earlier than previously thought. An archeological dig in South Africa resulted in a set of stone blades, likely used in arrows or as weapons of some kind, that are about 71,000 years old. Previous research had indicated these technologies emerged briefly five to ten thousand years later. Within the single dig, there are stone tools and weapons from a continuous time span of roughly 11,000 years. Researchers on the project indicate that these weapons and tools gave coastal humans a major advantage over the Neanderthals.

Oredigger Staff
Katie Huckfeldt Editor-in-Chief Deborah Good Managing Editor Steven Wooldridge Webmaster Barbara Anderson Design Editor Lucy Orsi Business Manager Ian Mertz Copy Editor Arnaud Filliat Asst. Copy Editor Trevor Crane Content Manager Stephen Hejducek Content Manager David Tauchen Faculty Advisor

Headlines from around the world

Josh Kleitsch, Staff Writer
Syrian opposition groups from the entire Middle East region have plans to gather this week in an effort to unify the opposition to Bashar al-Assads government. UN agencies, aid workers, Arab League members, and the Friends of Syria movement all gathered to reach an agreement on how to deal with Syria, where humanitarian aid organizations say that some 35,000 people have been killed since the fighting began. Tensions are on the rise in the areas surrounding Iran, as reports have come out that Iranian fighter jets fired upon a US reconnaissance drone flying over the Arabian Gulf. The Department of Defense said that the drone was performing a routine surveillance mission over international waters, and never entered Iranian airspace. Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the producer of the anti-Islam film that caused massive riots in much of the Middle East two months ago, has been sentenced to 12 months in jail with two years of probation after that. His official sentence is for parole violations. The film he released criticizing Islam caused the deaths of dozens of people when protests erupted across much of the Arab world in response to the film. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has announced that he is ready and willing to initiate military action against Iran if the trade sanctions leveled against the country do not force it to abandon its nuclear program. Netanyahu is at odds with the President Barack Obama over his willingness to resort to nuclear force. Seven active-duty Navy Seals have been reprimanded for their involvement in the development of the new Medal of Honor: Warfighter video game. The official report from the U.S. Navy says that the seven Seals involved gave away military secrets and classified information to Electronic Arts in the development of the game. President Obama is scheduled to visit Burma, Thailand, and Cambodia over the next two weeks, as part of a tour to encourage the transition to a democratic form of government. Obama will be the first US president to visit the country of Burma. The most senior US official that has visited Burma is Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who made her trip to in December of 2011.

Local News
James Davies, a Lakewood police officer, was killed by the friendly fire of fellow officer, Devaney Braley on November 11. He was responding to a gunfire incident when Braley mistook him for a threat. Davies, a father of two, is the first Lakewood officer to die in the line of duty. The Denver Police Department just established a new crime lab, worth $36 million. The labs new technology will allow for 16,000 Denver crimes to be solved each year, including closure for previously unsolvable cold cases. A Southwest Airlines flight slid off the DIA taxiway on the afternoon of November 10. While attempting to land in the snow and sleet, the planes 125 passengers and 5 crew members, suffered no reported injuries. A Golden 5th grader honored veterans with his essay on heroes. Grant Allen, whose grandfathers both served in the military, wrote We do have super heroes in our country. They are known as the United States Armed forces. They are real super heroes. They have given their lives to us, for a time. The national Christmas tree made a stop in Denver on its way to Washington D.C. Sunday. The tree was harvested in Meeker, Colorado in White River national Forest and is riding to the capital on a custom truck driven by former Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell. Sundays festivities included a food, toy, and clothing drive and Santa and Mrs. Claus.







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november 12, 2012

Hurricane Sandy remains Syrian Civil War in the national spotlight is in full swing
Josh Kleitsch Staff Writer
The second-worst Atlantic storm in known history, Hurricane Sandy, made landfall in New Jersey on the Atlantic coast on October 29. The hurricane began as a tropical storm in the Western Caribbean Sea, then gained strength as it moved North and became a hurricane. As Sandy moved through the Caribbean Sea, across Jamaica, Cuba, Haiti, the Bahamas, and the Dominican Republic, it caused an estimated $3 billion in damages and claimed over 110 lives in the United States alone. When Sandy made landfall in New Jersey, it brought the largest storm surge ever recorded on the Atlantic coast. At nearly 14 feet, it topped the previous record of ten feet. As the storm moved inland it pushed hurricane-strength winds as far inland as Michigan, causing massive waves on Lake Michigan and affecting weather as far west as Wisconsin. The worst-hit areas of the nation include New Jersey and New York, where roughly 800,000 people were without power for over a week. Large neighborhoods that were in low-lying areas were entirely wiped out, leaving only splintered frames of houses remaining. To add to the drama, a New York power company, Consolidated Edison, experienced a massive explosion in Manhattans East Village, which subsequently lost all power. After the storm surge hit Manhattan Island the entire subway system rapidly flooded, leaving the citys residents without any way to travel out of the city. Many main roads were flooded as well, effectively eliminating any possibility of using mass transit until the water subsided. In New York City alone, the storm claimed 48 lives before it petered out. In contrast Hurricane Katrina claimed some 1833 lives across the affected area, nearly ten times that of Sandy. This may be due in large part to the geographical differences between the Atlantic Coast and the Gulf of Mexico Coast, as well as the relative preparedness of emergency responders. Early estimates of the monetary impact of the storm project that Sandy has caused nearly $55 billion to the U.S. and other countries affected. This is roughly half of the damage that Katrina caused in 2005. Sandy is widely considered to be the second-worst storm to hit the Atlantic Coast. With the immediate cost of the storm so high, the long-term impact of Sandy is difficult to ascertain at this time. After this record-breaking storm, many are wondering if there is a way to engineer our way out of this level of destruction if a storm of this magnitude ever comes again. Experts in water resources and climatology are proposing a plan that would involve installing massive sea-gates across the low-lying areas of Manhattan, which could be deployed in the event of a large storm with the potential to cause a storm surge. These gates would sit on the sea floor until needed. Initial estimate of the cost of such a massive undertaking are in the range of $10-$17 billion.

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Hurricane Sandy rips a tree out of the ground and destroys houses in a neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York.

people, but the sanctions have only pushed the Syrian government and military to more violence. Current For the past year and a half, estimates are that roughly 35,000 much of the population of Syria has people have been killed in the fightbeen protesting the government of ing. Bashar al-Assad. In the past few U.N. humanitarian aid groups remonths, this protest, which rose out port that roughly 1.2 million people of the Arab Spring in early 2011, has have been displaced by the violence escalated from isolated events of vi- in Syria, with some 11,000 fleeing olence to widespread civil war, with the country on last Thursday night the military forces under al-Assad alone. Turkey has been accepting combatting the lions share rebel forces. Over the past year, the U.S. of the refugees, Last week with 9,000 and the United Nations crossing the members of opposition border overgroups, hu- Security Council have lev- night. manitarian aid Civilians are organizations, eled trade sanctions against not the only and interested ones fleeing Syria to force them to Western powthe violence, it ers met to dis- listen to their people, but seems. Three cuss how to generals and effectively op- as the sanctions have only eight colonels pose the Syras well as other ian government pushed the Syrian govern- military officers without causing defected from more blood- ment and military to more the Syrian army shed. This and crossed violence. meeting took into Turkey last place in Doha, week, suggestthe capital city of Qatar. Under the ing that some of the Syrian governsupervision of the Arab League, this ment and military are becoming dismeeting sought to unite all parties gruntled with the direction al-Assad involved in opposition to Syria, in an has taken the nation. effort to force al-Assad and his govWith the death toll continuing to ernment to stop the violence and rise, it has become imperative that bloodshed. Those involved stated everyone involved reach an agreethat failure was forbidden, and that ment on how best to combat the they would not leave this meeting injustice in Syria. Turkey has made it without a working plan. clear that they are willing to use miliOver the past year, the U.S. and tary force, and many Middle Eastern the United Nations Security Council powers are now joining together to have leveled trade sanctions against oppose Bashar al-Assad until he Syria to force them to listen to their concedes.

Josh Kleitsch Staff Writer

Behind gaming: Computer vision

ing energy efficiency purposes. The sensors detect the presence of peoThere is a lot of potential for many ple, and then patterns can be creapplications, like navigation, training, ated about room use throughout the or education. Generally, when you day, as well as recognizing specific want to help a person understand patterns like evening exams, snow what theyre looking at and guide days, etc, he said. them through a task. Hoff and his projects are a part of Outside the larger The research group makes up of computresearch er vision is group on the broad- CARDI, the Center for Automated c a m p u s er area of is Robotics and Distributed Intel- which by pattern led recogniligence, which brings together P r o f e s tion. Hoff, sor Tracy along with professors with similar research Camp. The a graduresearch ate stu- areas for collaboration, seminars, g r o u p dent have makes up and occasionally joint projects. CARDI, the developed a project Center for using pattern recognition which will Automated Robotics and Distributed hopefully lead to a number of pub- Intelligence, which brings together lished journal articles. professors with similar research arPattern recognition is a bit more eas for collaboration, seminars, and general, where you try to classify pat- occasionally joint projects. terns from information which is more Hoff mentioned that the technolgeneral than vision information. For ogy behind the Wii was simple, covexample, I have a project in activity ered within the first few days of lecrecognition, where we are trying to ture in his computer vision class. The recognize group activities of people research he conducts may produce in Brown Building, with the purpose practical solutions, but it may also of predicting where people are going find its way into the next big video to be throughout the day for build- game. Continued from page 1

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Barack Obama wins a second term over Mitt Romney in 2012 Presidential Election
Ramiro Rodriguez Staff Writer
According to the electoral results published by the Associated Press, Barack Obama remains president of the United States. Obama claimed 303 electoral college votes over Republican challenger Governor Mitt Romneys 206 electoral college votes. President Obama also received 50.5% of the popular vote, followed by Romney at 48.02%, and Governor Gary Johnson of the Libertarian party at .96%. Obama won the following states: California (55 electoral votes), Connecticut (7), Colorado (9), Delaware (3), Hawaii (4), Illinois (20), Iowa (6), Maine (4), Maryland (10), Massachusetts (11), Michigan (16), Minnesota (10), Nevada (6), New Hampshire (4), New Jersey (14), New Mexico (5), New York (29), Ohio (18), Oregon (7), Pennsylvania (20), Rhode Island (4), Vermont (3), Virginia (13), Washington D.C. (2), Washington (12). Romney won the following states: Alabama (9), Alaska (3), Arizona (11), Arkansas (6), Georgia (16), Idaho (4), Indiana (11), Kansas (6), Kentucky (8), Louisiana (8), Mississippi (6), Missouri (10), Montana (3), Nebraska (5), North Carolina (15), North Dakota (3), Oklahoma (7), South

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november 12, 2012

A look at key issues and house representatives

Jared Riemer Staff Writer
For most people, an election causes anxiety and discourse because it means endless political ads and people politicking for their favorite candidate. Often, the average citizen simply bides his or her time until the election is over so he or she can get back to regular life. This was especially true in swing state Colorado, where it seemed like a presidential candidate was visiting the state every week. But while most people know that President Barack Obama won the recent election and won Colorado with 50.9 percent of the vote, there are other elections that deserve attention as well. All seven House of Representative seats were up for re-election. In the First District, Democrat Diana DeGette won 68 percent of the vote, in the Second District, Democrat Jared Polis won 56 percent of the vote to reclaim his house seat. Republican Scott Tipton reclaimed his seat with 53.4 percent of the vote. Republican Cory Gardner won the fourth district with 58.6 percent of the vote. Republican Doug Lamborn won the fifth district with 65.3 percent of the vote, Republican Mike Coffman won the Sixth with 48.7 percent of the vote in the clos-

Colorado specific election statistics

est of the seven districts defeating challenger Joe Miklosi by just over three percent, and finally Democrat Ed Perlmutter won the Seventh district with 53.3 percent of the vote. All seven races were won by the incumbent, and only the Sixth district was within 10 percentage points. The other key issues on the ballot were Amendments 64, 65, and Amendment S. Amendment 64 was an amendment to the Colorado State Legislature that would allow those over 21 years of age to legally possess marijuana, up to one ounce, and allow for someone of legal age to grow up to six plants for personal use. Amendment 64 was approved by a majority of 54.8 percent of people, making Colorado, and later in the night Washington state, the first to legalize marijuana at the state level. Amendment 65 was to reform campaign finance limits to prevent the possible corruption of a candidate by special interest groups or large donors. It looked to limit the amount of money that could be donated to a specific candidate. It was overwhelmingly approved with 73.7 percent of people voting for campaign finance reform. Finally, Amendment S was approved by a 56.1 percent of voters. Amendment S is in regards to the state personnel system, requiring veterans preference to be exCOURTESY US CONGRESS panded and increasing the number of potential candidates eligible for appointment to a certain position. It would also adjust the duration of temporary employment, require merit based appointments to be made by means of comparative analysis, and adjust the terms of service for members of the State Ed Perlmutter, Democrat, won the Seventh PersonDistrict with 53.3% of votes. nel Board

Carolina (9), South Dakota (3), ing a new model for relations and conscious of the challenges majority in the House. If there is a Tennessee (11), Texas (38), Utah between great powers. French facing our planet: peace, the mandate, it is a mandate for both (6), West Virginia (5), and Wyo- President Francois Hollande economy and the environment. parties to find common ground ming (3). There were no states wrote, Your re-election is a clear Speaker of the House John and take steps together to help won by third party candidates. choice in favor of an America that Boehner wrote, The American our economy grow and create Reactions to the election, while is open, unified, completely en- people re-elected the president, jobs, which is critical to solving mixed, were generally positive. In- gaged in the international scene and re-elected our [Republican] our debt. ternational COURTESY ABCNEWS reactions were particularly positive. Chinese President Hu Jintao sent a telegram to Obama saying, You and I have common views on constructing a China-US cooperation partnership based on mutual respect, mutual benefit and a winwin situation and Barack Obama and Michelle Obama celebrate in Chicago with Joe Biden and his wife upon hearing of the construct- Democratic victory. Obama beat Romney 303 to 206 electoral college votes.

among other things. Judge Nathan B. Coats of the Colorado Supreme Court was retained, and the six Colorado Appeals Court judges, Daniel Taubman, Dennis Graham, Gale Miller, James Casebolt, John Webb, and Laurie Booras were also all retained. In Jefferson County, where CSM is located, the race for district 2 commissioner was won by Republican John Odom. The vote was decided by less than 150 votes, 50% to 49.9%. Overall, there were 20 state Senate positions up for re-election and 65 State House positions up for re-election. Instead of recapping all 85 races, this article will focus on the 10 races residents of Jefferson county were able to decide. They included two state Senate posts, district 19 and 22, and eight state House posts, districts 1, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, and 29. Senate district 19 was won by Democrat Evie Hudak by just over 325 votes at 46.9% to 46.4%. Andy Kerr (Dem) won district 22 with 52.3% of the vote. Jeanne Labuda (Dem) won District 1 with 61.8% of the vote; Justin Everett (GOP) won state house district 22 with 52.4% of the vote; Max Tyler (Dem) won District 23 with 49.9%; Sue Schafer (Dem) won district 24 with 58.5%; District 25 was won by Republican Cheri Gerou; District 27 by Republican Libby Szabo, 52.9%; District 28 was won by Democrat Brittany Petterson, 52.5%; and lastly District 29 with 51.3% by Democrat Tracy KraftTharp. All Information from politico. com, and the 2012 State Ballot Information Booklet.

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november 12, 2012

Cinzzettis: An excellent EPICS II in the Land Down Under out-of-town restaurant

Kyle Santi Staff Writer
Taking a break from Golden, diners can find a wonderful meal at an Italian buffet-style restaurant called Cinzzettis. Cinzzettis is a hugely popular restaurant located in Northglenn. While it is a bit of a drive, the trip is well worth it. The restaurant itself is huge with a fair amount of parking spots available. However, given its popularity, it is hard to find a parking space on weekend nights. The wait for a table can be a little long without a reservation, so make sure to schedule your time wisely. Upon sitting down, a waiter will promptly ask for your drink order and then you may visit the buffet table. For a set price, you can revisit the buffet again and again. The a stone appearance reminiscent buffet has all the traditional Italian of ancient Roman style. This resofferings. taurant tries very hard to present Guests can help themselves to its atmosphere as Italian, and it favorites such as lasagna, stro- succeeds on all fronts. ganoff, pizza, Parmesan chicken, Cinzzettis is an excellent ressalads and much more. taurant that serves delicious and Make sure to finish off the meal authentic Italian food. Given its with one of the many popularity, it is often desserts, includ- Cinzzettis is an ex- packed on weeking bread pudding, ends. gelato, and made- cellent restaurant The experience is to-order crepes. For fun in larger groups that serves deli- and it is ideal to this great food and the atmosphere, the a reservacious and authentic make one is going. price is around $15tion if $20. Visiting Cinzzetis Italian food. Regarding the atis also a chance to mosphere, it is simply gorgeous. leave Mines for a little while and The walls, ceiling, and woodwork enjoy the local shopping district. all elicit authentic Italian architec- Cinzzettis is located on 281 ture. West 104th Avenue Northglenn, Italian artwork adorns the CO 80234. Its phone number is walls which gives the restaurant a 303-451-7300. Check it out, you classy feel. The buffet tables have wont regret it.

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Helen Ringle Staff Writer

SuperFreakonomics: This isnt EBGN 201

Sean Lopp Staff Writer
If the thought Principles of Economics makes you cringe, then SuperFreakonomics is a book for you. This book takes the dismal science and economics, and applies it to case studies of the weird, exciting, and intriguing. What may have been boring in the context of oil exploration and profitability becomes interesting in the context of prostitutes, monkeys, and even monkey prostitution. This book, published in 2009, is a sequel to another book, Freakonomics. Both books are New York Times Bestsellers, and their popularity is largely justified. The books are the result of collaboration between economist Steven Levitt and journalist Stephen Dubner. Together, the pair have designed a book that uses the quantitative and analytical approaches behind economics to explain interesting phenomenon. For example, Does a real estate agent or a pimp secure more value for their clients? The answer, surprisingly, is based on an analysis of the marginal benefits accrued by the pimp and real estate agent. The result? Sell a house by yourself, but hire an agent if youre thinking of selling sex. Do not be afraid of the words quantitative and analysis. The book does not have any equations, graphs, or extravagant figures. Rather, the authors present economic concepts like the margin, supply and demand, and externalities through clever analogies and examples. The books focus always ends on human behavior and incentives, rather than on mathematical models. Besides prostitution, the other topics in the book run the gamut from mundane department store Santas and car seats, to global warming and terrorism. The analysis is insightful and clever, and is sure to challenge the typical perspective. For those students who enjoyed Principles of Economics, this book is a light read. While interesting, some of the proposed ideas lack the technical evidence expected to justify the claims the authors are presenting. For those who have read Freakonomics, this book lives up to the name it shares. The only real difference between the original work and this sequel are the topics. The chapter organization, theme, and writing style are consistent with the original book. SuperFreakonomics is also

available in an illustrated edition, with visuals that add to the imagery already present in the narration. The book poses questions that many may never have asked, and answers questions that many have always been asking. It mixes economics and human behavior into stories that are told in the unique voice of a humorous economics professor. In short, if any book were to redeem the dismal science, SuperFreakonomics is the one. COURTESY LEVITT, DUBNER

buildings. Students will also work with University of Wollongong professors Are you tired of not finding a de- and live on campus for the duration cent parking space and eating at of the course. The university offers Slate Caf? Do you want a break much of the same services to stufrom hiking across campus with a dents as are offered at Mines (i.e. heavy backpack and smelling the recreation center, bookstore), but Coors factory? Do you want the the University of Wollongong offers chance to travel around the world a few more things than Mines. Acand experience new cultures? Are cording to the University of Wollonyou an undergraduate student and gong website, the campus offers still need EPICS II credit? pubs, cafes, restaurants, concerts, Then get your plays, art exhibpassport in order There is a new Sustainable its, a bank, and take EPICS general store, II at the Universi- Buildings Research Center and even a hairty of Wollongong dresser. Many in Australia! The on campus that uses net- pubs in Australia University of Wolzero energy. One project are places where longong is just families can go, a short train ride is to develop a protocol much more fam(80-km/49.7ily-friendly than miles) south of for energy audits of one or in the states, Sydney. Accordsaid Profesing to QS World sor Sonneborn. more local buildings. University RankAside from camings, the University of Wollongong is pus amenities, the professors plan ranked in the top two percent of re- to take students on outings over the search universities in the world. The weekends to places such as Syduniversity is within walking distance ney, the Blue Mountains, Kiama, and of beaches. Australia has some of Minnamurra Rainforest. the most gorgeous beaches youve To make the trip more affordever seen; every beach you go to is able, why not just stay for the Julyfantastic, said Assistant Professor December semester? The Office of Martin Spann, one of the professors International Programs can help get who is heading the program. courses pre-approved for transfer This program will take place over back to CSM in fulfillment of degree three weeks in Summer 2013 from requirements and can help obtain a July 1 21. When asked the season student visa. Courses must be apin Australia, Professor Carrie Son- proved prior to leaving, and students neborn said, Yes it will be winter in must earn a C or better in order to Australia, but dont worry; the win- transfer the credit back. Contact ters in Australia are beautiful. It is a Kay Godel-Gengenbach (kgengen@ lot like San Diego in winter or our fall at the Office of Internahere (in Golden, CO). tional Programs located at 1706 IlliProfessor Sonneborn is one of noisacross the street from USGS. the leaders of EPICS II course in the If you would like more informaUniversity of Wollongong. Profes- tion about taking EPICS II at the Unisor Bob Knecht is also leading this versity of Wollongong and the opEPICS II course at the University of tion to stay for a full semester as an Wollongong. He commented that exchange student, come to one of There is a new Sustainable Build- two information sessions. One will ings Research Center on campus be held on Monday, November 12, that uses net-zero energy. One and the other to be held on Monday project is to develop a protocol for November 19 both at 12:00 in the energy audits of one or more local EPICS Annex.

A rendering of a building at the University of Wollongongs Sustainable Buildings Research Center.


SuperFreakonomics mixes economics and human behavior into stories that are told in the unique voice of a humorous economics professor.

Aerial view of the University of Wollongong.

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International Day was a multicultural success


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november 12, 2012

Students at the Iran table are adorned in authentic Iranian dress.


Mines students enjoy International Day festivities.


Flavorful and easy Taco soup a tasty, adaptable Homemade, customizable calzones variation on Southwest cuisine
Whitney Welch Staff Writer
This recipe makes a delicious and easy dinner, but do not forget the butter and garlic salt. It makes these calzones extra tasty. Ingredients: 1 package pre-made pizza dough (Whole Foods, Martha White, or homemade dough) 1 cup mozzarella cheese, divided cup fillings, divided (onion, green pepper, mushrooms, pepperoni) cup pizza sauce, divided tablespoon melted butter, divided garlic salt Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 375 F. 2. Mix pizza dough. Divide the dough in two and roll out into even circle. 3. Fill each calzone with 3/8 cup pizza sauce, 3/8 cup fillings, and cup cheese. 4. Fold dough in half and pinch the edges closed. 5. Melt butter and brush tops with butter and a sprinkle of garlic salt. 6. Bake at 350 F for 35 minutes or until tops are golden brown. To make some homemade dough: Ingredients: 1.5 cups of flour package of active yeast cup warm water teaspoon salt tablespoon white sugar 1 tablespoon vegetable oil Directions: Mix together flour, yeast, water, salt, and white sugar. Coat dough with vegetable oil.

Students at the Turkey table wear national colors to show their patriotism.

Students at the Malaysia table offer authentic cuisine.

Katerina Gonzales Staff Writer


The homemade calzones can be customized with your choice of fillings!

As winter begins to roll in, there is nothing quite like a bowl of soup to chase away the cold. This taco soup is a filling and tasty end to a long day and can bring a taste of the Southwest to any dining table or desk. The recipe takes some time to cook, but it is worth the wait. The recipe can easily KATERINA GONZALES / OREDIGGER be changed to make enough soup for a couple of people or a large group. Ingredients: 2 pounds ground beef 2 cups diced onions 2 (15.5 oz.) cans pinto beans 1 (15.5 oz.) can pink kidney beans 1 (15 oz.) can whole kernel corn, drained 1 (14.5 oz.) can stewed tomatoes 1 (14.5 oz.) can diced tomatoes 1 (14.5 oz.) can Rotel (or tomato with chile substitute brand) 2 (4.5 oz.) cans diced green This taco soup is the perfect meal for a cold winter day or any time chiles youre craving a tasty, Southwest dish. 1 (1 .25 oz.)

package taco seasoning mix 1 (1 oz.) package ranch salad dressing mix Directions: 1. Brown the ground beef and onions in a large skillet and drain excess fat. 2. Transfer the browned beef and onions to a large slow cooker or crockpot. 3. Add the beans, corn, tomatoes, green chiles, taco season-

ing, and ranch dressing mix. 4. Cook in a slow cooker on low for 6 to 8 hours or simmer over low heat for about 1 hour in a pot on the stove. 5. Enjoy! Serve with tortilla chips, fritos, a tortilla, or unaccompanied. Add a variety of toppings including sour cream, cheese, green onions, jalapenos, or tomatoes for an extra kick.

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november 12, 2012

Lady Orediggers outright 2012 RMAC Champions with 3-0 win over UCCS
Jared Riemer Staff Writer
The No. 12 Colorado School of Mines volleyball team entered the week needing just two wins to claim the outright RMAC title for the first time in school history. With games against Colorado Christian University and UC-Colorado Springs, the Orediggers were looking to make their mark on the record books. On Greek Night, sponsored by Jimmy Johns, the Lady Orediggers welcomed the visiting Colorado Christian University Cougars to Lockridge Arena for the final home game of the year. With a win, Mines would claim at least a share of the RMAC regular season title. The first set was a battle; Mines had an early 4-3 lead before CCU took control and ran off four straight points. The Cougars would extend their lead to five at 17-12, and a few points later they still lead 21-17. With the first set slipping away from them, the Lady Orediggers battled back to tie the set at 25 apiece, and Melanie Wannamaker put the final two points away to complete the comeback and capture the first set 27-25 for the home team. The second set was also hotly contested, as neither team was able to hold more than a four point lead during it. The set would go back and forth before CCU evened the score at 24 each. But, after a CCU service error, senior Holly Hutchison earned her fifth kill of the set giving Mines the 26-24 win and a two set to none lead. The third set would prove to be the clincher, but Mines had to come back from a four point deficit with the score 20-16 before finally winning 25-23. Wannamaker led the Lady Orediggers with 16 kills and three blocks, and both Danielle Johnson-Hazlewood and Sarah Pekarek had 15 digs to lead the team. Overall, Mines had three service aces, 62 kills, 5 blocks, and a .232 kill percentage. The match was far more competitive than the final outcome would suggest, but in the end Mines came out the victor and with that victory, they claimed at least a share of the RMAC title. With at least a share of the conference title, the Lady Orediggers traveled to Colorado Springs to take on the 18-9 Mountain Lions of UCCS. A win and the Orediggers would claim the outright RMAC title for the first time in school history. This match was also a rematch from earlier in the year when UCCS came to Golden and handed Mines one of only five losses on the year. The Lady Orediggers raced to an early 6-1 lead thanks to a few kills by All-American Jackie Stabell. UCCS was not about to go down without a fight, and they stormed back to lead the set at 10-7. The set stayed close, but Mines was able to pull away in the end for the 25-21 set victory. The second set was even closer than the first, and UCCS scored five straight points after Mines took the first point to grab the early 5-1 lead. Later in the set, with UCCS leading 16-8, Mines rallied off a few points and eventually tied the set up at 20 points apiece. Stabell captured the final three kills of the second set for the Lady Orediggers to give Mines the 25-23 set victory and a 2-0 lead in the match. The third and final set was a blowout from the start, and Mines quickly saw themselves up 7-0 and then 12-3. UCCS got the score to within six points at 159, but never got any closer as the Lady Orediggers cruised to a 2512 final set victory and the Outright RMAC regular season title. Wannamaker again led Mines with 14 kills for the match and Stabell recorded 13 kills. Hutchinson led Mines with 5 blocks, Johnson-Hazlewood had 37 assists, and Pekarek tallied 14 digs to lead the Lady Orediggers. As a team, Mines recorded 10 blocks, 63 digs, 3 aces, and a .241 kill percentage. On the season, Stabell leads the team with 349 kills at a .254 kill percentage and Wannamaker is second on the team with 322 kills at .388 percent. Hannah Margheim leads the team with 365 digs, and Johnson-Hazlewood leads with 918 assists on the year. The win also gives Mines the number one seed in the RMAC conference tournament this coming weekend at Lockridge Arena. With a record of 23-5, the No. 12 Orediggers recorded their most successful season in school history with 23 total wins, and 17 conference victories.

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Sarah Pekarek (#3) and Melanie Wannamaker (#11) go up for the block against CCU.

The Orediggers are the top seed in the RMAC Tournament.

Mines played CCU Tuesday night, winning 3-0.

Jackie Stabell (#9) posted 14 points against CCU. w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t

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Mens Soccer concludes year with 4-2 loss to Incarnate Word in second round of NCAA
Jared Riemer Staff Writer
The No. 19 Colorado School of Mines Mens Soccer Team took on No. 13 Incarnate Word in the second round of the NCAA Division II soccer tournament. The two teams faced off earlier in the season with Mines earning the 3-2 victory back in September. Saturday, with a mixture of snow and rain falling for most of the match, the Cardinals of Incarnate Word earned a bit of revenge, coming out on the winning side of a 4-2 contest to move on to face Regis in the third round. Incarnate Word struck quickly, scoring the games first goal just five minutes in on a corner kick by Vincent Bailey. Mines responded just seven minutes later in the 13th minute on a strike from nine yards out by Tesho Akindele with the assist by Zach Page-Belknap. Incarnate Word once again countered with their second goal ten minutes later at the 23rd minute. UIWs Leon Taylor headed a ball off the far post that just barely rolled past the line to give UIW the 2-1 lead. The Orediggers once again found a response eight minutes later when PageBelknap this time connected on a cross from Akindele. The first half ended with the score tied at two. In the second half, Incarnate Word came out and put the pressure on Mines with the go ahead goal in the sixty-eighth minute on a free kick that was headed in from point blank range. Three minutes later, in the 72nd minute, UIW netted an insurance goal to take a 4-2 lead. Mines failed to find the net in the second half after outshooting the Cardinals 8-5 in the first half. However, in the second half, UIW returned the favor and outshot Mines 11-6 with 12 of their 16 shots overall on goal. UIW recorded 13 fouls to Mines 11 and had the advantage in corner kicks 8-5. The Orediggers finished the 2012 campaign 14-5-2 as the RMAC tournament champions. On the year, Akindele tallied 22 goals and Alex Nass led the team with 11 assists. Four seniors played their final match for the Orediggers in the contest, goalkeeper Manville Strand, midfielder Alex Nass and defenders Sean Helster and Page-Belknap. The four seniors became the one and only senior class to make it to three NCAA tournaments.

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november 12, 2012


The snow made for an interesting game against Incarnate Word Saturday.

Mines scored goals in the 12th and 30th minute of play.

Despite eight saves, Incarnate Words offense was unrelenting.

This triumphant week in Oredigger sports

Trevor Crane Content Manager
November 9 Volleyball - #12 CSM 3, UCCS 0 - Junior Melanie Wannamaker led all players with 14 kills, and Sarah Pekarek added 14 digs as the No. 12 Orediggers cruised past UCCS in the regular season finale. Mines improved to 17-2 in RMAC play, good enough to earn their first conference title in school history. Mines has now won seven straight and looks to extend that streak as they host the quarterfinal round of the RMAC Tournament. Womens Basketball - CSM 80, #22 Alaska Anchorage 74 - Mines Angie Charchalis led all scorers with 31, Allie Grazulis finished with a career best 20, and Danielle Skinner added 12 as the Orediggers handed Alaska Anchorage their first home defeat in nearly a full year. Charchalis led the Orediggers with rebounds as well with nine in Mines first game of the season. November 10 Mens Soccer - #13 UIW 4, #19 CSM 2 - Twice Mines rallied from one-goal deficits to tie the game, but it was not enough as Incarnate Word defeated the No. 19 Orediggers 4-2 in the second round of the NCAA Championship Tournament. Junior Tesho Akindele and Senior Zach Page-Belknap each tallied first half goals for Mines while Manville Strand made eight saves in the loss. Womens Soccer - #15 CSM 3, #4 Dallas Baptist 0 - The Lady Orediggers defense dominated, holding the fifth highest-scoring offense in the nation without a goal in the second round of the NCAA Championship Tournament. Mines broke the scoreless tie late in the first half on an Anna Evans 20-yard shot for the game winner. Evans added a second in the 54th and Bree Archuleta added the insurance goal in the 55th. True freshman Jalyn Yates made seven saves, earning her 10th shutout of the year and Mines fifth consecutive shutout. Mines continues on to the Round of 16 Friday, November 16. Football - #21 CSC 20, CSM 14 - In the final game of the season, the Orediggers could not recover from a 20-0 deficit, falling to No. 21 Chadron State. An Oredigger rushing attack that netted just 27 yards the week before saw sophomore Tevin Champagne rush for a career-high 118 yards on the ground and another 21 through the air in the loss. Punter Taylor Accardi had three punts for 121 yards, finishing his career with 51.1 yards per punt, breaking the previous NCAA Division II record of 49.1, set in 1965. Mens Basketball - #13 CSM 87, Minot 83 2OT - With senior Brett Green sidelined with an injury, sophomore Brian Muller led all scorers with a career-high 28 points and Trevor Wages added 15 rebounds for the Orediggers in their double overtime victory to open the 2012-2013 season. Wages added 15 points while Luke Meisch, Nico Mucci and Trey Winbush each added 12 points. Of the eight players that entered the game for Mines, five reached double figures as the Orediggers rallied from a five point halftime deficit to earn their first win of the year. Womens Basketball - CSM 87, Alas. Fairbanks 73 - Juniors Allie Grazulis and Courtney Gallo combined for 40 points as Mines offense exploded for the second night in a row, earning the Orediggers a two-game sweep on their Alaskan road trip. Danielle Skinner added 11 points while Taylor Helbig had eight and Angie Charchalis and Sam Rusk each added seven. Wrestling - CMU Open - Freshmen John Crowley (157) and Paul Wilson (197) each earned first place finishes at the CMU Open in Grand Junction. Redshirt freshman Justin Frazer finished second in 165 while senior Ryan Swanson (184) and freshman Luis Gurule (125) each fell in their third place matches.

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november 12, 2012

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The Football Informant Making an entrance

James Kergosien Staff Writer
As the old adage goes, Thats why they play the games. Alabama had just vanquished their great nemesis. They were unbeaten and seemingly unstoppable and the remainder of this season had an air of inevitability to it. Alabama would finish number one, and someone else would take a desperate shot at dethroning the Tide for the crystal ball. Then along came Southeastern Conference newcomer Texas A&M. The Aggies had been respectable this season, but fell short in the second half in their two games against elite competition. Still, A&M had overachieved its expectations significantly this season and was ranked fifteenth going into the game. The Aggies executed their up-tempo spread offense to perfection in the first half, taking a stunning 20-0 lead on the home-standing Tide. Alabama was forced to play catchup, which they have rarely been forced to do, and the transition to a comeback-oriented passing game was one that Alabama could not make. They pulled to within three points, but A. J. McCarron threw an interception on fourth-and-goal from the two yard line late in the fourth quarter to seal Alabamas fate. McCarron threw two interceptions in this game after avoiding throwing any over the entire season. Suddenly, one year after featuring both participants in the BCS title game, the SEC is unlikely to get even one entrant. Instead, Kansas State will move up to the top spot in the BCS, with Oregon close behind. If the Wildcats reach the national title game, they will do it despite a preseason ranking of 22, the lowest of the BCS era for a championship participant, eclipsing even the record of Cam Newtons Auburn team. Kansas State truly came out of nowhere this season. The impact of Alabamas loss is resonating across college football. Texas A&M is preparing for a potential BCS bowl appearance, snagging a trip to one of the big games in its first year in the SEC. The Aggies also have at least a hypothetical chance of winning the SEC West given another Alabama loss; the same is true of LSU. Oregon and Kansas State are cheering, as they are both comfortably in the national title game should they avoid losing. Notre Dame had misfortune strike one of the four teams standing in its way to the title game; a loss by Oregon or Kansas State should put the Irish in the title game. Any further chaos would likely bring will play Wisconsin for the conAlabama right back up to the top ference title, as the Badgers do of the pile. not need to worry about postIn the meantime, Georgia season-ineligible Penn State and clinched the SEC East division, Ohio State in their division and while archrivals Florida used a could very well finish behind both blocked punt in the standreturn in the The impact of Alabamas ings and .500 final seconds in conference loss is resonating across play. Rutgers, to avoid a humiliating Louisville, and college football. Texas homecoming Cincinnati defeat to the A&M is preparing for a have a comRagin Cajuns plicated tangle of Louisiana- potential BCS bowl appear- at the top of Lafayette. the Big East, Undefeated ance, snagging a trip to while LouisiLouisville was ana Tech has exposed by one of the big games in its the possibility Syracuse, of reaching a first year in the SEC. LSU flexed its BCS bowl with newfound ofa top-16 finish fensive muscle by overpowering and either a Cincinnati win in the Mississippi State, and Stanford Big East or a loss by Nebraska. won a thriller against Oregon This is all because college footState to effectively end the Bea- balls postseason makes comvers Pac-12 title hopes. Oregon plete sense. will clinch a spot in the conference Looking forward, the SEC title game against the USC-UCLA looks poised to maintain its winner with one more conference strength even if its title streak is victory. Kansas State needs one ended at six. The SEC West can more win for a Big 12 champion- once again claim to be the toughship, while Alabama can win the est spot in football, with three SEC West by beating Auburn in legitimate national title contendtwo weeks. Nebraska controls ers in LSU, Alabama, and Texas its fate in the Big Ten, although a A&M, as well as Mississippi State, loss could let Michigan back into the best fourth-place team in the the picture; one of these teams nation and a squad that would probably win the Big Ten with little difficulty this year. In the East, the triumvirate of Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina will battle for national contention as well, while Missouri will try to rebound after a disappointing inaugural season and Vanderbilt will try to build on its surprising relevance this year. In short, the SEC could have ten teams in next years preseason top 25, including potentially six of the top ten. Electrifying freshman Johnny Manziel, the A&M quarterback nicknamed Johnny Football, has three more years to potentially turn the Aggies into a title-winning juggernaut; with a bit of luck in two key games, Texas A&M would be unbeaten, top-ranked, and potentially on its way to a national championship right now. Nick Sabans Alabama defense will continue to be monstrous, and the Tide will be spending the entire offseason trying to fix the problems that LSU and the Aggies have caused them these past two weeks. Meanwhile, LSU appears to be finding an offensive identity around Zach Mettenburger, also a freshman, and should be better next season than they are now. This season may end in a celebration in Oregon, Kansas, or South Bend, but it is looking like a SEC Westdominated future.

Jared Riemer Staff Writer

Football falls to Chadron State 14-20 on the road

their third possession went for 12 yards on a Tevin Champagne rush. Two plays later Matt Brown hit Jerrod Doucet for 23 yards. After marching into Eagle territory, the Oredigger offense once again stalled and turned the ball over on downs for the second time in as many drives. Chadron did little with the ball however and punted just six plays later. After the punt, Mines took over at their own three yard line and quickly completed a 12-yard pass to gain some relief from their own end zone. But just three plays later an interception by Brown gave Chadron the ball at their 44 yard line. Chadron scored eight plays later on a 27yard pass to push their lead to 14-0. Mines punted on their next possession and Chadron ran the clock out to head to halftime up by two scores. Chadron scored on their first possession of the second half on a 29-yard pass on fourth and one. They failed to convert the extra point however, and kicked off leading 20-0. The Orediggers first play of the second half was just what the doctor order when Champagne rushed for 27 yards to the CSM 37 yard line. After a few short passes and runs, Brown hit David Pawelek for 23 yards as they threatened to crack the scoreboard. Champagne found the end zone five plays later with a rush from three yards out and Avery Llewellyn made the extra point to bring the score to 20-7. After a Chadron punt, Mines took over at their own 20 down two scores with one quarter to play. For the second consecutive drive, a Champagne run gave the Orediggers life as he carried the ball for 30 more yards to the 50 yard line. The Orediggers continued to move down the field to the Chardon 10 yard line, where three plays later on fourth and nine, Brown scrambled 10 yards for the 10-yard touchdown bringing the score to 20-14. That would be as close as the Orediggers got though, as both teams traded punts and turnovers in the final 10 minutes to end the game. Brown finished the day 14-29 for 132 yards with two interceptions and a rushing touchdown in his first full year as the starting quarterback. Champagne led the Orediggers in rushing with 118 yards on 21 attempts with one touchdown in his second game back from injury. Doucet finished with four receptions for 71 yards. Ian McFadden had a forced fumble, Matt Craighead recovered the fumble, and Wood had one interception. Billy Sprague led the defense with 11 total tackles and Tyler Denson had 10. In the end, the comeback came short, but Mines recorded 18 total first downs to Chadrons 20, and tallied 22 more rushing yards than Chadron in the losing effort.

Mens Basketball opened season versus Minot State


The Colorado School of Mines Football team travelled to Nebraska to take on No. 21 Chadron State in the snow in the final matchup of the season. Unfortunately for the Orediggers, the final result was 20-14 in Chadrons favor, but in a year plagued with injuries, Mines ended up with a respectable 6-5 record. After Chadron kicked the opening kickoff out of bounds, Mines started with good field position at the 35 yard line and moved the ball 21 yards over eight plays, but ended the drive with a Taylor Accardi punt. Chadron took over at their 10 yard line and moved the ball 43 yards thanks to a couple of short passes and a 15 yard pass interference penalty on Mines. But the defense would hold strong as the drive stalled thanks to a Ryan Wood interception to again set the Oredigger offense up with great field position at the CSM 38 yard line. However, Mines would turn the ball over on downs just seven plays later after failing to convert a fourth and four at the Chadron 24 yard line. Chadron took advantage of the turnover and marched the 76 yards down the field to score the first points of the game on a 14-yard pass to give them the early 7-0 lead. The Orediggers started at their 20 yard line and the first play of

The Orediggers won 87-83 in double overtime.

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Geek Week
of the
for two years. I absolutely love it. Being a TA has actually really inspired me to maybe teach some day, just because I really love teaching students and getting to know the students on campus. And with being a peer mentor, its nice to be able to get to connect with freshman and make them feel welcome. Just because its such a small school I think its really nice for them to have an upperclassman being able to say hi to them or ask hows their day and being known on campus rather than just being another freshman. Any interesting physics exam proctoring experiences? I see people pick their boogers and eat them on a regular basis. Or when they use their left hand for the right-hand-rule, Im like, NOOOOO! Why a Physics II TA? I loved Phys II, and actually after I took Phys II I decided I wanted to be a physics major. But ended up going into Chemical Engineering my junior year. How did that happen? Well, I really loved Phys II, but the next semester I took Thermo and Modern Physics, and all my physics friends helped me with Modern Physics, and I helped all of them with Thermo. So right away I liked Thermo more than physics, but I kept continuing on every semester to see if it would get better, and then it eventually became that I wanted to graduate on time, and it was a pride thing, like I wanted to graduate with all my friends that I came in with, but I just really enjoy physics and I didnt really see a future for myself in it. So when I realized that, I decided to change my major to Chemical Engineering because I liked the material better and I saw a future for myself in it. What are things about yourself that make you geeky? I collected Pokmon cards when I was younger. My best friend played with me, so I just liked whatever he liked. My favorite was probably Pikachu. Actually, no, I liked Dragonite, but I played that game on the GameBoy, and I named him Spitball. But I had a lot more Pokmon cards than all of my friends when I was little. I dont feel like Im a geek here. But when Im with normal people like my family, my nerdiness totally comes out. I talk with my finger [demonstrates], Well actually When I was taking Organic Chemistry, I went to dinner with my family at a restaurant and I was drawing compounds on the table. I was just making them up, but I was able to name them for some reason. I could also be a geek because I went from Engineering Physics to Chemical Engineering which was the worst decision ever, going from a really hard degree to another really hard degree. Which is harder? Hmm, I think Physics wants you to achieve and ChemEs are really mean. There was a time when I thought Chemical Engineering was easier. But I think theres more work in ChemE. What is your favorite class this semester? Honestly, I really like Ethics. Its been a really interesting class and a nice break from the technical mind,

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november 12, 2012

Katerina Gonzales Staff Writer

Most Chemical Engineering majors are buckled down with homework all the time, but Marie Hrdlicka manages to balance her activities and social life despite being in two of the most difficult majors in her time at Mines. Between TA-ing and attending all the other meetings she has, The Oredigger managed to catch up with her to discuss her time at Mines. [Oredigger]: Why did you choose Mines? [Hrdlicka]: Well I was actually looking into nursing school, and my grandpa was a doctor, and so he told me, You should do something to your full potential. And so I thought, Yeah, that would be engineering. And so after he tried to convince me to be a doctor I decided I wanted to be an engineer. And when I came to this school I just fell in love with the campus and it just felt like home. What is your favorite thing about Mines? I really love the education here thats offered. I think its really valuable. I really like the people Im around; I like that its a small campus. But mostly I just really appreciate the education Im getting and love that everyones in it for the same thing. And I like being involved in a lot of things, like being a TA and a peer mentor, and just getting to know people because it is a small campus. So youre a Physics II TA and a peer mentor? Yeah, so Ive TAd for three semesters and Ive been a peer mentor

...Marie Hrdlicka, Senior: Chemical Engineering

as Ive been having to think in a different way. Thats been really interesting hearing different philosophies and different theories that I can take with me after college. And a lot of the ChemE classes, I do and did like, because its puzzle-solving. What do you do in your free time? When I have free time... I try and hang out with friends. I actually really love playing music. I play guitar and piano, mostly self-taught. I write my own music. So when I actually get free time, I find a lot of joy for the rest of the day. Hmm... I also play peanuts with my roommates. What superhero would you be? Well, I love Batman. But mostly because of Christian Bale. You know Green Lantern? Id just have a green ring. He can make anything out

of green light... and we know from physics that you cant get something from nothing. But technically its an energy source I guess... Do you have any advice for fellow Mines students? I would say that learning the balance between academics and social life is really important because I dont think you can get through school if you just focus on school. You have to have the social aspect: its really important to have both. If you can figure those two things out well, you can get through school. Also, make friends in your department. And make sure you get to know your teachers. Favorite quote? Do not worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks. - Philippians 4:6

Club Tennis makes their mark Simpsons Futurama crossover a hit

Sydney Liming Staff Writer
Club Tennis may certainly be one of the newest additions to the Club Sports Department, but the team has definitely made their mark already on the club sports world by finishing 4th out of 32 teams in their second attendance of the USTA World Team Tennis Fall Invitational Event at Hilton Head, South Carolina. By beating Clemson University B Team 30-8 and #52 Ohio State University 26-15, the team was placed in the Gold Bracket to play #46 North Carolina State. The CSM team won four out of five sets, winning 24-15. Then the team beat Clemson University A Team in the quarterfinals in a 20-19 victory. In the semifinals, the team fell to the University of Virginia Cavaliers. The team ended up also losing to UniCOURTESY CLUB SPORTS versity of Central Florida (ranked third in the nation) in the consolation match. CSM was one of only two Division II universities in attendance, with the CSM men giving up only eight games in seven sets of singles play, a feat unlikely to be met by any other school in attendance. The three teams that comprise Club Tennis total to more than 30 members, with nearly half of the members being women. The competitive team, the A Team, plays local, regional, and national varsity Club Tennis finished 4th out of 32 teams at the USTA World Team and club teams. The 2011-2012 team was comprised of nine men and seven women. The second competitive team, the B Team, plays local and regional club teams and had ten men and eight women on the 2011-2012 team. The recreational team plays only on the Intramural team ladder and contains fifteen men and four women. When the varsity tennis program at Mines in 2004-2005 was disbanded, the club team was formed to compete in the NIRSA/NCCS club level for both men and women. Competition is year-round at both men and women, consisting of tournaments such as the United States Tennis Association (USTA) Fall Invitational, USTA Spring Invitational, USTA Intermountain Sectionals, & USTA Tennis on Campus (TOC) Nationals. Currently, the club team practices a minimum of three times per week with conditioning and indoor practicing during the winter. The tennis team at CSM has existed in some form or another since at least 1913. From the early 1970s until 2005, the CSM men competed at the varsity level, winning four RMAC championships. Since 1972, the CSM women have fielded a club team off and on. The Club Tennis team officially became a club sport in 2010. Club Tennis is a no-cut program, promising to include any who wish to play at least semi-competitively. Members skill levels range from former high school junior varsity athletes to former NCAA varsity players and nationally ranked juniors. Club Tennis is always looking for new players. Any student wanting to play can contact the team at with questions.

Geek of the Week, Marie Hrdlicka, is a TA for Physics II.

Kyle Santi Staff Writer

The Simpsons is the longestrunning prime-time television show in American history and it shows no sign of stopping soon. Everyone knows of the animated creation of Matt Groening. Less well-known and shorter-lived was Futurama, another animated classic by Groening. Futurama was recently revived by Comedy Central after being canceled by Fox. Both shows are extremely popular and have memorable characters that generate pervasive memes such as The goggles do nothing! and Why not Zoidberg? Such entertainment juggernauts unsurprisingly have comic book series based on their respective shows produced by Bongo Comics. Of course, fans wanted a crossover between

The Simpsons and Futurama. The first part, Futurama/Simpsons Infinitely Secret Crossover Crisis, was published in 2002 and 2003. A sequel, Crossover Crisis II, was published in 2005. Both series were hits, and both were finally brought together in the hardbound book, The Simpsons Futurama Crossover Crisis released in 2010. Expectations for this work were high, and it delivered. The story starts in Futuramas universe where The Simpsons are a TV show and comic book series of which Fry is a fan. He, Leela, and Bender travel to Nerdanus XII, the Living Planet that is a parody of comic book fans. The crew is bringing the planets collection of comic books to Earth to be sealed in liquid diamond to preserve their value. Continued at

Tennis Fall Invitational Event.

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november 12, 2012

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The Knight, the Seer, and the Child Miranda

Nicole Johnson Staff Writer
Previous chapters can be found online at I wonder if theyll like me. Miranda tugged at her bodice but the boning was too stiff. Her ribs protested as much as her feet as she shuffled down the halls in these ridiculous shoes with a heel taller than the width of her palm. She preferred her own clothes of soft fur to the extravagant silk her parents sent. Parents, Miranda thought. She often dreamed about a womans face. It was soft, like hers, with the same white hair and calm blue eyes. When she sat on the beach back home, Miranda often thought of the womans smile. Now that she was going to meet her mother, however, Miranda wondered if she would be like she dreamed or something completely different. Suddenly Garreth and Vanar stopped in front of a set of large, ornate doors. The wood was painted white with sapphire and silver inlays of waves along the door frame. Kaitu Kingdom was scrawled in more silver across the double doors. Garreth stepped forward and knocked three times. The doors swung open and a servant ushered them inside to a parlor. Miranda stared in awe at the sheer amount of decoration. Likenesses of Salacia adorned every wall and spare table. The goddess was always surrounded by a swirling whirlpool and a variety of sea creatures that frolicked in the waves. The King and Queen will be with you shortly. The servant bowed before shutting the parlor door behind them. Miranda tried sitting, but found she couldnt find a comfortable position in this awful dress. She looked up to find Garreth smirking. Do you not know how to stay still? Miranda narrowed her eyes at him. I dont see you dressed in a steel cage. She tugged at the bodice again but the material still would not give. How am I supposed to be a princess when I cant breathe? Youll learn. Adina placed a hand on her arm. Plus those garments are only meant for special occasions. Just remember what we told you, and youll be fine. Miranda leaned back as much as she could and tried to cross her arms, but couldnt so she placed her hands in her lap. She had just gotten comfortable when the doors to the parlor swung open. The servant from earlier cleared her throat. Her majesty of the water kingdom, Queen Cassandra. Miranda abruptly got up from her chair and placed a hand over her stomach to quell the nerves bubbling inside her. Only when she looked past the servant to the queen, her face fell. The scarring covered most of her face, obscuring any beauty there may have been. Still, the queen held herself high even when the servant guided her to a large, cushioned chair. The queen leaned against its high back, staring through all of them with her furrowed eyebrows. Youll have to forgive my husband. He is indisposed at the moment. Tell me, which of you claims to be my daughter. Mirandas throat suddenly dried. Adina stood and gave Miranda a slight nudge forward. The rustling of the skirts drew the queens gaze straight to Miranda. Come and sit, she indicated a stool next to the chair. Miranda inched forward and sat as gracefully as she could on the stool. Every time she adjusted, the skirts rustled, which brought the queens expression from a scowl to slightly amused. Restless thing, arent you? Its this bodice, Your Grace. A man had to have designed it for it to be this tight. The queen tilted her head slightly. What do you normally wear? Loose travelers clothes, mostly fur. Although truth be told, I swam quite a bit so I usually didnt wear much. Miranda held her breath, realizing how easily that story came out. There was something about the queen that was familiar somehow. The queens hair, white and streaked with gray, looked like a soft flowing waterfall. Beneath the scar tissue, Miranda could see the crystal blue of her eyes. They looked so familiar to her, but she couldnt be. Uncle Caldon said her parents died. Why would he lie to her? Although if he really wasnt her uncle, what else had he lied about? My apologies, I dont know why I told you that. Where did you grow up? The queens expression eased into one of slight interest. In a little village in the Goshken Forest just outside of Aldana. The queen piqued up at that, leaning towards Miranda. Who raised you? My uncle. He told me my parents died when I was a small child in some sort of accident, but you look so familiar. The queens shoulders tensed. What was your uncles name? What did he look like? Miranda turned back to Adina who gave her a nod. Uncle Caldon was tall and strong with the kindest eyes, dark grey. Tears began brimming and her voice choked from the strain of holding the tears in. What happened to him, child? My Queen. My name is Sir Garreth of the Alpha Order. Miranda turned and watched Garreth approach and kneel before the queen. Sir Vanar and I rescued Miranda from the village when it was attacked by Hectahn. We could not save Sir Caldon. He gave his life to make sure your daughter was brought back. My daughter, the queen whispered. A shaking hand found its way to Mirandas leg. Miranda placed her own hand over the queens and for a moment the queen almost smiled. She looked down at where their hands met and for a moment a soft bluish glue emanated from between them. Miranda gasped as the light pulsed with her heart. Cassandra yanked her hand away. You shouldnt be here. He will find you. Garreth remained kneeling. Your majesty, a lost prophecy has been found. She could be the key to destroying him. Cassandra turned toward Miranda. She is the key to releasing him. Releasing who? Adina shook her head. The lost princess will guide the way to each piece of the Goddesses Stone, which when placed into sacred steel will banish the darkness forever. We already have one piece, the Mountains Diamond. Adina pulled out a small pouch from within her robes, took out a small cloth wrapped stone. As she unwrapped it, she held it out to the queen. The Trinity Knights will keep her safe, we promise. Truly? Yes. She will be under our protection, Garreth indicated all three of them. Under Sir Hallons command, she is our priority. Cassandra placed her fingers gently over the surface of the diamond. So the legend is true. You may rise, Sir Garreth. Cassandra walked up to Miranda, placing a hand to her face. After so long, my daughter. Mother. The word felt odd to say but something in Miranda knew it was right. She broke into tears and allowed the queen to hug her. But why did you send me away? The queen grew tense. I was young and stupid. I am so sorry, my child. Every day I wanted to go to you but I thought being near you would draw the shadow dancers attention. I wanted to keep you and Sir Caldon safe. He was a knight? Cassandra smiled. It was a sad smile. My closest knight. We knew each other for a very long time. The queen shook her head. But enough of this. We have a lot of planning to do. Well start with a proper introduction to the world. She turned her head back to Adina and the two knights. You are never to leave her side, understand? Also, please summon Sir Hallon immediately. We have a lot to discuss. It is time the Trinity Knights were revealed. Miranda happened to catch something move from the corner of her eye, but it was gone by the next blink.

Freshly brewed history This week in Changing landscape of Golden Colorado history
Political churches
Michelle Danaher Staff Writer Deborah Good Managing Editor
At the Golden Armory this week in 1921, a consortium of churches in the Golden area sponsored an address by Father William ORyan of Denver supporting disarmament. ORyan demonstrated the perilous situation in which European civilisation finds itself, pointing out the incredible amount of armament, relative to the need for relief from previous wars. The Colorado Transcript reported on his conclusions: His Master has showed another way of overcoming love which alone can eliminate the causes that inevitably lead to war. After the address, the churches present adopted a resolution supporting ORyans conclusions. Additionally, the Golden city government took steps to increase the municipal water supply this week in 1921. The mayor signed a filing which was to add to Goldens Beaver Brook water supply. The water was to come from Soda Creek in Clear Creek county and was to more than double the present supply. The increase in supply was considered a precautionary measure in anticipation of future population growth. Continuing what was apparently a disappointing season, The Miners were walloped again last Saturday reported The Colorado Transcript. The Utah Agricultural college team defeated them 23-7 in what was supposedly a good contest in spite of the one-sided score. Their record remained dismal, 0 and 4 in conference play. In addition to these larger issues, The Colorado Transcript reported a variety of small incidents in Colorado this week in 1921. The Evergreen PTA decided to purchase a drinking fountain and put on a minstrel show. Also, popular Mines student Doc Dakin departed Golden for a visit to his home in Chicago after an appendicitis operation. In an interesting coincidence, deputy county treasurer Anna Farmer was also recovering from an appendicitis operation and resumed work for Jefferson County this week in 1921. Walking through Golden, it is clear from the store fronts and buildings that a lot of history is preserved in the town. Golden is proud of the historic landmarks protected within its city limits. In celebration of the past, the Astor House Museum often hosts discussions and speakers which connect the history of Golden to the present. Tom Noel, Dr. Colorado, and Rick Muriby, city planner, discussed the historical and future landscape of Golden. The landscape of historic Golden resembles the Golden of today. Many historical landmarks can still be seen. Golden was a railroad hub, and while the roundhouse is no longer around, Coors Brewery still uses some of the original rail systems. There used to be a tram to the top of Castle Rock, on South Table Mountain. The caf on top of the mountain burned to the ground in 1921. While the tram and caf are no longer around, the steps which were built in 1921 are still on top of South Table. Residents have preserved many other historic buildings in Golden as well. The American Mountaineering Museum building, for example, was originally Golden High School. However, some of the landscape of Golden has changed dramatically. In the 1870s, there were five smelters in Golden. Nowadays, only the building from one of the smelters still remains. Coors Brewery has also grown substantially. Ironically, in the 1900s Golden moved away from the railroad system but with the new light rail station at the Jefferson County Justice Center scheduled to open in the spring of 2013, Golden is finally coming back to the rails that founded the city. The future of the city of Golden focuses on the community and will take into account the historical integrity of the town. The plans for the

city of Golden are known as Golden Vision 2030. They involve redeveloping areas of Golden rather than expanding the city. The plans include making the areas outside of historic downtown more community friendly. The city planners plan to do this by adding more sidewalks and gathering areas to the edges of the city. Golden has a rich history, and the many protected buildings have preserved the landscape of the city. While the city will inevitably change, the city plans will preserve the integrity of historic downtown and a sense of community.

The Astor House Museum is located on 12th Street, just west of Washington.

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o p i n i o n

Minds at Mines Thanksgiving plans

Arnaud Filliat Assistant Copy Editor
With the upcoming holiday season students cant wait to get a break from school and pig out on a delicious Thanksgiving dinner. Some are going home, some are skiing, and some are just hanging out in Golden. This week, Minds at Mines asked, What are your plans for Thanksgiving? Just heading back home for dinner and then coming to my apartment and hanging out. Im from Loveland and although I dont ski, if I did, I would be going. Corey Boettiger

Grinds my gears
Jarrod Sparks Staff Writer
You know what really grinds my gears? Apple. It started with the emergence of the iMac in 1998 and the iPod in 2001. Suddenly there were these chic, stylish, and functional computers on the market. More than that, Apple, a then struggling manufacturer of mundane computers, started receiving global attention for its product. Apples share price then was about $28.00 per share. If you fast forward to today, the share price is $550.00, they are constantly in the news with their patent infringement lawsuit, and their stock is the highest volume traded daily. I am fully convinced that Apple is now all hype. The share price at peak hype reached $700, but Apple has now started implementing average upgrades to its products and expecting the world to bow down in amazement. Take for example the iPhone 5. It has a bigger screen, a different connector, and a faster processor. I am blown away [sarcasm.] Now Apple has released an iPad mini, and they are starting to realize that public enthusiasm for their products is less than the amount of talent at a Pitbull concert. Until Siri becomes holographic, or my iPhone can print money, I will not be impressed. The worst part is that their apparent success has led the market to be mundane as well. Instead of producing and inventing their own unique products, Microsoft and

november 12, 2012

An end to the political barrage

Emily McNair Staff Writer
Im going home and Im baking pie and Im watching my brothers football game. Kelsey Lewis By the time the election ended, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, and the PACs that supported them spent a total of $2 billion to buy the votes of the American people. To put that into perspective, that is enough to fund the education of about 16,000 people at Mines. The money would do the world a lot of good and yet it went towards advertisements. Even the internet was not immune to the disease. Ads for Obama and Romney covered websites and even made their way into Pandoras ad rotation. Sadly, these advertisements were only good for one thing getting elected. They did not end poverty or lower the national debt; instead, they focused on somewhat trivial issues that should not have an effect on someones choice in voting. In fact, political advertisements are nothing more than propaganda meant to add fuel to the already partisan fire. Attacks from both sides of the aisle are often baseless, yet each side preaches to work with members from the other side. If political advertisements are not even civil, how can the senators manage to have a conversation without arguing? A lot of this falls back on the American people. These advertisements fill the airwaves because the propaganda they provide works. It sways some voters, which is enough for a candidate to win in a close election. For candidates, it is worth it to spend so much money for only a few votes. After all, most of the time, the candidates are not spending their own money. Those affiliated with a major party may not have to spend a cent of their own funds to run for president. They do

Samsung have started to produce computers that are, for all intents and purposes, copies of Apple products. They are just trying to get a share of an Apple market. In a sense, we are slowly transitioning into a world where whatever product Apple produces is the norm, and there is not a revolutionary competitor to stray us from this path in sight. Apple needs to talk to Carly Rae Jepsen. She entered an average music scene and took it to a new level, making the summer of 2012 one of the best music seasons since N Sync. Revolutionary actions need to happen at Apple, and with the recent death of Steve Jobs, Carly Rae is the answer to their problems. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what grinds my gears.

Im actually going home and my friend Jules is coming with me and we are going to eat amazing food and watch football. Im from Colorado Springs. Michael Brown

not care much about how much money they spend on advertisements. They only care about winning, not necessarily how wasteful they are on their way to the top. In fact, the advertisements benefit only the networks that air them. All this money could easily go towards helping millions of people that truly need it as opposed to helping companies that already have more than enough to keep themselves afloat. The end of election season should be a chance for politicians to rethink their advertising practices. In todays world, there are so many better things to do with $2 billion than simply attack an opponent because of his opinions. $2 billion could feed starving children in Africa, industrialize third world nations, or even help give thousands of American children the education they deserve.

Im going back to Texas and visiting my family in Houston. I dont have an accent because Im not very Texan. Connor Taylor

Study Break

What Im doing for thanksgiving... Probably gonna get some friends and go to Dennys. Thats about it cause I dont have the money to go home and you know three days is not worth it. Im from Washington, going home I gotta cross the rockies and its too much work. Benjamin Cathey
ALL PHOTOS ARNAUD FILLIAT / OREDIGGER Editorials Policy The Oredigger is a designated public forum. Editors have the authority to make all content decisions without censorship or advance approval and may edit submitted pieces for length so long as the original meaning of the piece is unchanged. Opinions contained within the Opinion Section do not necessarily reflect those of Colorado School of Mines or The Oredigger. The Oredigger does not accept submissions without identification and will consider all requests for anonymity in publication on a case-by-case basis. Submissions less than 300 words will receive preference.

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