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The impressive Terminator hand the best ever created bionic arm in Black friday and Cyber monday

A team of astronomers has confirmed that planetary nebulae thrown outside symmetrical gas jets because at heart live two stars, not one, rotating around each other in minimal orbits. So advanced today in a statement the European Southern Observatory (ESO), which fully discloses morning discovery in the scientific journal "Science", noting the planetary nebula Fleming 1, in the constellation Centaurus, with a long-range telescope Paranal Observatory (Chile). "Our results provide further confirmation of the role of the interaction between pairs of stars in shaping planetary nebulae," said the head of the scientific team, Henri Boffin. Some astronomers had previously conjectured theoretically that the symmetrical appearance of the jets-technically-gassy ejections had to be an effect of the interaction between two stars orbiting. "The origin of the intricate and beautiful forms of Fleming 1 and other similar objects has been a controversial topic for many decades," he acknowledged Boffin. The achievement of this research is precisely to have confirmed, for the first time and empirically, in the heart of Fleming 1 live two stars and that the combination of their movements are the cause of the "surprising jets tangled weave patterns symmetrical curved "of the nebula. In the Fleming 1, the material seems fired from the two poles of the central region in the form of gaseous jets 'S'. "In this case each part of the nebula has an exact twin jet, at the same distance from the star, but in the opposite direction, the type of symmetry shown by the figures of the conventional cards in a deck of cards," explains ESO statement. The research team also found that the two stars that inhabit the center Fleming 1 are similar to the Sun in our solar system and are at the end of his life-that is, are two white dwarfs, in technical language, which their gassy ejections are "the surprising swan song of a stellar couple." Also found that these two stars orbits much smaller than it had been postulated theoretically, tracing paths that complete in just 1.2 days. "Astronomers had suggested the possibility of a binary star, but always thought that, if it did, would be quite separate, with an orbital period of tens of years or even more," says Boffin.

Meanwhile, Brent Miszalski, coauthor of the study, explained that "this is the most comprehensive case yet of a binary star center for which the simulations have correctly predicted how the nebula was formed around her ... and with a really spectacular. " European astronomers have discovered just 42 light years away, quite close in a new extrasolar planet that can bring favorable conditions to support life. This super-Earth, which has seven times the mass of our world, seems to have a climate similar to Earth, perhaps a stable atmosphere and liquid water, as it is located at the right distance from its star, which is called zone habitability. Receive an amount of energy much like we receive from the sun and also if scientists are wrong, meets patterns of day and night. This promising exoplanet is part of a six worlds orbiting a star known as HD 40307. Three of the worlds of the system had already been observed before, but they were too close to its sun to support liquid water. Now, thanks to new techniques of data analysis more sensitive in detecting signals from the star, scientists have identified three other super-Earths in its orbit. Of the new planets, the most interesting is HD 40307g, the one with the outer shell of the star, a similar distance to the Earth is from the Sun, so it receives an amount of energy similar to our Earth receives from the Sun, which, according to scientists, it increases the probability that is habitable. Under these conditions, the presence of liquid water and a stable atmosphere to support life possible. What's more, astronomers believe that the new world may turn on its axis as it orbits around the star effect creating day and night, which favors an environment similar to that we enjoy here on Earth. "The star HD 40307 is an old dwarf perfectly quiet, so there is no reason that this planet can not maintain a climate similar to Earth," says astrophysicist Guillem Anglada-Escud Spanish, University of Gttingen ( Lower Saxony, Germany) Discovery exciting According to Hugh Jones, of the University of Hertfordshire, "the longest orbit of the new planet makes its climate and atmosphere may be suitable for sustaining life. Just as Goldilocks (the fairy tale character) likes the porridge neither too hot nor too cold, but somewhere in between, the planet is in an orbit similar to that of Earth, which increases the likelihood that livable. " Unfortunately, medicine has not yet found the way to allow us to regenerate lost limbs. Meanwhile, advances in prosthetics investigadoers explore that enable a person to regain greater capacity for action and movement possible. And this is one of his best and most impressive results. The third version of the bionic hand-Bebionic first appeared in mid-2010 is able to allow the user to perform movements as delicate as breaking eggs, use a keyboard and mouse, and sustain without making glass bottles shattered.

With the advancement of technology, it is becoming more feasible advanced idea of a prosthesis with a wide range of movement and accuracy, which can be adapted to every potential user. In the video on these lines, the creators of Bebionic hand, the company RSLSteeper, presented Nigel Ackland, 53. Nigel worked in a precious metal smelting, until his arm was seriously damaged in an accident. Six months of operations and battle infections carried transradial amputation. For some time, Nigel has Bebionic access, and video tests his third version. The new version is able to move so delicate that Nigel can break eggs, use a keyboard and mouse, and holding fragile items such as glass bottles without any problems. Bebionic3 hand has a total of fourteen positions and ways to "grip" the user determines its own muscles. Its price ranges between 25,000 and 35,000 dollars. Definitely a high price, but the people responsible for Bebionic3 and others doing similar developments are aimed at expanding the capacity of these robotic prostheses, squeeze the most of what current technology can offer, and find ways to create prosthetic This level cheaper, without sacrificing functionality. It's complicated, but certainly not impossible.

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