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SUBMITTED BY P.Vinay Kumar 11671D0703

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering J.B. INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (AUTONOMOUS) Yenkapally, Moinabad Mandal, R.R. District, Hyderabad A.P, India-500075


ON POWER QUALITY MONITORING In partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Master of Technology In Electrical power systems engineering SUBMITTED BY P.Vinay Kumar 11671D0703

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering J.B INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (AUTONOMOUS) Yenkapally, Moinabad Mandal, R.R. District, Hyderabad A.P, India-500075


(AUTONOMOUS) Yenkapally, Moinabad Mandal, R.R. District, Hyderabad 2


This is to certify that the Seminar entitled

P. Vinay Kumar 11671D0703 In partial fulfillment for the award of master of technology in ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS Jawaharlal Nehru Technology University. The seminar report has been approved as it satisfied the academic requirement in respect of seminar work prescribed for the Masters of Technology





ABSTRACT The power quality is a term used to broadly encompass the entire scope of interaction among electrical suppliers, the environment, the system and products energized, and the uses of those systems and products. It is more than the delivery of clean electric power that compile with industry standards. It involves the maintainability of that power, the design, the selection, and the installation every piece of hardware and software in the electrical energy system. Stretching from the generation plant to the utility customer, power quality is a measure of how the elements affect system as a whole. This paper presents an overview of electric power quality with special emphasis on power quality problems, its adverse impacts on utilities and customers and the mitigation techniques. The wide spread usage of power electronic loads aimed at enhancement of energy efficiency and productivity has resulted in serious power quality problems such as voltage distortion due to current harmonics, flicker, voltage sag, voltage surges etc., which call for assessment and solution techniques. Here, we also discuss about two major power quality issues grounding and harmonics and some power system components, which correct the harmonics problems. This paper broadly describes the above features along with the means for improvement of power quality.

1) INTRODUCTION TO POWER QUALITY The term power quality means different things to different people. One definition is the relative frequency and severity of deviations in the incoming power supplied to electrical equipment from the customary, steady, 50Hz sinusoidal waveform of voltage or current. These deviations may affect the safe or reliable operation of equipment such as computers and electronic instruments. It also refers to the delivery of high grade of electric service maintaining a sinusoidal load, bus voltage and current at stipulated magnitude and frequency. As we connect electronic devices to our power system, the quality after power is more important. Quality can be defined in many ways. Stable voltages and undistorted waveforms are two characteristics, which are very desirable in power systems. Thus while not having a strict basis of measurement, terms like Poor Power Quality generally mean there is sufficient deviation from norms in the power supply to cause equipment mis-operation or pre-mature failure.

2) CAUSES OF POOR POWER QUALITY The causes of poor quality can be attributed to : Variations in voltage, magnitude and frequency Variations in magnitude can be due to sudden rise or fall of load, outages, repetitive varying loading pattern in rolling mills, power electronic converters, lightning etc. Variations in frequency can rise of out of system dynamics or harmonics injection. 6

Consequently the voltage or current waveforms of a power system ceases to be purely sinusoidal in nature but consist of harmonics and other noises. 3) IMPACT OF POOR POWER QUALITY: The effect of these aforesaid poor power quality problems has serious implication on the utilities and customers. Utility side impacts higher losses in transformers, cables etc. In conductors the neutral wires can burn due to the presence of third harmonics generated by non-linear loads. The power factor correction capacitors may puncture due to resonant conditions at resonant frequencies near lower order harmonics. The energy-meters, which are calibrated to operate under pure sinusoidal conditions, may give erroneous readings. The solid-state protective relays can maloperate due to poor power quality. There can be increased losses in cables, transformers and conductors. The customer side of the power network also experience adverse effects of poor power quality. The automatic processes employing adjustable speed drives may shut down because of nuisance tripping due to even short voltage sags.. The induction synchronous motors can have increased copper and core loses, pulsating torques and overheating with derating effect. The non-sinusoidal power supply thus reduces torque and efficiency of the motors. The computers and telecommunication equipment encounter loss of data and maloperation due to poor power supply quality. The domestic electronic gadgets such as digital clocks, VCRs and TVs are also affected by voltage distortions. 4) SYMPTOMS OF POWER QUALITY PROBLEMS Electronic controlled systems that stop unexpectedly. Many systems reboots required. Abnormal failure rate of electronic systems. Transformers over heating. Motors failing. PF capacitors failing. Test results unreliable. 5) TYPICAL POWER QUALITY PROBLEMS & THEIR SOURCES

1. Sags: A reduction in r.m.s voltage or current at the power frequency for duration of 0.5 cycles to 1 minute. Also called voltage dip. Events below the equipment: ride through capability cause load dropout. Voltage sags are originated in lighting strikes, short circuits and sudden overloads. Sags are under voltages on the power system and commonly caused by power failures, down lines, utility recloser operations and storms. They can be corrected by using backup power source such as UPSs, generators or similar voltage restoration technologies. 2. Surges: Voltage variations are another common source of problems to home computers and other sensitive electronic equipment. Voltage variations can be positive (higher than normal) or negative (lower). Positive voltage variations can be even more troubling than negative ones. If powerful enough they can destroy components in sensitive electronic equipment. Lighting striking power lines is a frequent cause, as is load switching (re-routing power around the grid), by utility. Voltage surges can also be caused by equipment in our home Refrigerator motors, air conditioners, vacuum cleaners and other electrical loads can generate voltage surges and electrical noise.

Voltage Sag

Voltage Swell

3. Transients: The main difficulty with transients is in detection, since they manifest only as a short duration change in voltage. The switching on and off of the electric motors that power air conditioners, power tools, furnace ignitions, electrostatic copiers, arc welders and elevators causes low energy swells. Lighting usually causes larger swells. Electrical noise is another, milder transient power irregularity that often manifests as a computer glitch rather than an equipment failure. Essentially, electrical noise is created when one piece of equipment interacts negative with another, or with building grounding or wiring. Loose connections or the equipment itself can be responsible for noise. Known noise-generating equipment includes everything from computers, radios and fluorescent lights to fax machines, welders and light sockets. 4. Voltage Fluctuations: Flickering lights can be an indication of voltage fluctuations in your buildings or facilities electrical system. Left unchecked, high and low-voltage conditions can result in equipment damage, data loss and erroneous readings on monitoring systems. Overloaded power circuits are typically the cause behind under voltage conditions. Heavily loaded motors such as air conditioners can result in intermittent low voltages. Less common but more damaging, facilities with rapidly varying loads can cause over voltage conditions.

6) Two modern power quality issues Harmonics & Grounding Voltage Surge Harmonic Penetration Harmonics: A sinusoidal component of a periodic wave of quality having a frequency that is an integral multiple of the fundamental frequency. It is a mathematical model, which is used to analyse distorted waveforms and the current drawn by computers, electronic ballasts; variable frequency drives and other equipment, which have modern transformer-less power supplies. The dynamic power system loads produce a time varying amplitude in current waveforms depending on the load characteristics which consists of the fundamental and harmonics components. These harmonic components distort the voltage or current waveforms thereby 9

deteriorating the power quality. The non-linear loads such as inverter fed adjustable speed drives. UPS (uninterrupted power supply system), rectifiers and furnaces, cyclo-converters etc., which form the major chunk of industrial loads, contribute to the severe fluctuations in power quality The industrial load also consist of large percentage of power factor improvement capacitors which often create resonance conditions at particular harmonic frequencies generated by nonlinear loads fed from the load bus, producing high oscillating currents at resonant frequency and there by induces harmonic voltages distorting the pure sinusoidal voltage waveform.. For assessing power quality it is important to know the total harmonic distortion i.e. the voltage and current distortion factors V THD = VK V1 & I THD = IK I1

Vk = Voltage of Kth harmonic, Ik = Current of Kth harmonic Where V1 and I1 are the r.m.s values of fundamental components of voltage and current waveforms. The power quality deteriorates if the source has significant impedance causing the distortion of voltage of the load bus supplying combination of linear and non-linear loads. Harmonics problems often can be corrected by filtering or resizing power system components like: Harmonic Filters Filters are sometimes most cost effective in an existing structure where rewiring is difficult or costly. The filters are used to block or trap the offending currents, lessening the harmonic loads on the wiring. But the filter design is dependent on the equipment on which it is installed, and may be ineffective if the particular piece of equipment is changed. Filtering characteristics need to be carefully designed for a given installation, and seeking professional design advice is recommended. Filters are also fairly expensive on a per-kVA basis. Shielded Isolation Transformers Shielded isolation transformers are filtering devices that lessen feed-through of harmonic frequencies from the source or the load. They are a plausible retrofit


technique where power problems have already been encountered, but are also quite expensive per-kVA. K-Rated Transformers K-rated transformers have beefed-up conductors and sometimes cooling to safely handle harmonic loads. Alternatively, standard transformers are sometimes de-rated to allow for the extra heating due to harmonics. Depending on the conditions encountered, a load limit of as little as 50% of the nameplate rating is observed. This may be adequate to handle harmonics, but lowers effective transformer efficiency. A careful comparison of the relative costs of K-rated vs. de-rated standard transformers should be made. Harmonic-Rated Circuit Breakers and Panels Overheating due to harmonics is the danger here, and beefed-up components used in these elements offer protection. Neutral buses should be rated for double the phase current. 7) Grounding: The primary purpose of grounding electrical systems is to protect personnel and property if a fault (short circuit) were to occur. Grounding conductors connect all of the non-current carrying parts of the electrical system, or any metallic parts in the vicinity of the electrical system together. This part includes conduits, enclosures, supports and other metallic objects. This grounding system has two purposes: 1. Safety. The grounding conductor system provides a low impedance path for fault currents to flow. This allows the full current to be detected by over current protective devices (fuses and circuit breakers), safely clearing the fault quickly. 2. Power quality. The grounding system allows all equipment to have the same reference voltage. This helps the facility electronic equipments operation and helps prevent the flowing of objectionable currents on communication lines, seals and other connections. 8) Wiring: Generally, wiring and grounding problems come in the form of intermittent network failures, buzzing sounds (corona effect), scorched insulation, intermittent voltages at equipment, and 11

burned panel or junction boxes. The table below illustrates some of the new wiring practices recommended to achieve a high level of power quality. Many of the "before" practices are still reflected in building codes today. Receptacle Outlets per 20 Amp Circuit Neutrals Before: 13 Before: Full size or downsized neutral (on 3-phase systems) Before: One neutral shared among equipment (on 1-phase branch) Before: Standard phase conductor sizing per code Before: Can shared among many outlets and uses Before: Can use metal conduit as grounding conductor Recommended: 3 to 6 Recommended: Use double size neutral (CBEMA) or larger Recommended: Separate neutrals or upsized neutral back to panel Recommended: Use upsized phase conductors to minimize heating for harmonics Recommended: Use separate circuits for harmonic-sensitive loads Recommended: Use separate insulated wire as grounding conductor Recommended: Use full size or over size grounding conductor Recommended: Use a copper ground ring and multiple interconnected ground rods Recommended: Use multiple rods or ring and measure to ensure very low resistance to ground Recommended: Use copper system for equipotential grid Recommended: Use lightning and surge protection

Phase Conductors Circuits Grounding

Before: Downsized grounding conductor Before: (Commercial/Industrial) Must use metal water pipe and a concrete-encased electrode (if available) Before: Use a second ground rod if first is over 25 ohms (no resistance measurement required) Before: Access floor for equipotential grid in computer mainframe room Before: No lightning or surge protection Courtesy: Copper org. 9) Lightning: Lightning Protection Systems

In simple terms, if part of the "path of least resistance" to ground the lightning sees is through your wiring or equipment that is where it will flow. Lightning produces very high currents, for a short time interval, but enough to cause fires or to destroy microcircuits even miles away. The idea of air terminals, or lightning rods as commonly known, goes back to Benjamin Franklin. The purpose is to provide a convenient, controlled point for lightning to 12

strike, and then be safely conducted to ground. To provide the least resistive path, heavy-gage copper wire should be employed in the leaders and down conductors. Grounding of Lightning Systems The down conductors tie directly to the ring ground described above, or other grounding electrode system, along with all building steel and electric service grounds. Use heavy-gage copper conductors to minimize impedance. 10) Techniques to mitigate power quality problems: The increasing application of sensitive loads in the power networks has necessitated the need to mitigate the serious power quality problems. The compensation techniques can be broadly classified into two main categories viz.: passive and active techniques.

Passive techniques: these techniques employ following devices: Passive shunt L-C Filters Power Factor Correction Capacitors. Active techniques: these techniques employ the following devices: PWM (VSI/CSI ) Active Filters.

Thus, finally the following steps may prevent most of the power quality problems from occurring: Use double-size neutral conductors or separate neutrals for each phase. Specify a separate, insulated full-size grounding conductor, rather than relying on the conduit alone. Use an isolated grounding conductor for sensitive equipment. Segregate sensitive loads on separate branch circuits, fed from a separate panelboard, fed from separate feeders (and even separate transformers if possible). Run a separate branch circuit for every 4 to 6 duplex outlets. Use an outside copper ground ring and multiple ground rods as part of the grounding electrode to achieve lowest practical resistance to ground. Measure ground resistance. 13

Use harmonic-rated circuit breakers, panelboards, and transformers. Use surge and lightning protection. Oversize phase conductors to minimize voltage drop. (This will save energy too, and may even pay for itself through lower I2R losses.) Choose materials based on superior connect ability. Poor quality connections are a major consideration. This is where all-copper wiring excels over other materials.

11) Sources of PQ Problems

Internal Sources Individual Loads Lighting, Elevators, Coolers, HVAC 14

Uninterruptible Power Supplies Variable Frequency Drives Battery Chargers Large Motors During Startup Electronic Dimming Systems Lighting Ballasts (esp. Electronic) Arc Welders, and Other Arc Devices Medical Equipment, e.g. MRIs and X-Ray Machines Office Equipment and Computers Wiring

Utility Sources Lightning PF Correction Equipment Faults Switching

12) POWER QUALITY DISTURBANCES: Power quality is the set of parameters defining the properties of power supply delivered to the users in normal operating conditions in terms of continuity of supply and characteristics such as harmonic content in the waveform, variations in voltage (magnitude, frequency, and symmetry), transient disturbances and flicker etc. Power Quality can be defined as the measure, analysis, and improvement of the bus voltage to maintain a sinusoidal waveform at rated voltage and frequency. Ideally the power signal waveforms supplied by the utility are not clean 50 Hz sine wave as specified by the national standards or system specifications. It can generally deviate at least in the following ways. A voltage dip is a reduction in the RMS voltage in the range of 0.1 to 0.9 pu (retained) for duration greater than half a mains cycle and less than 1 minute. Often referred to as sag caused by faults, increased load demand and transitional events such as large motor starting.


A voltage swell is an increase in the RMS voltage of 1.1 to 1.8 pu for a duration greater than half a mains cycle and less than 1 minute caused by system faults, loads switching and capacitor switching.

A transient is an undesirable momentary duration of the supply voltage or load current transients, which are generally classified in two categories: Impulsive and Oscillatory. Harmonics are periodic sinusoidal distortions of the supply voltage or load current caused by nonlinear loads. Harmonics are measured in integer multiples of the fundamental supply frequency. Distorted voltage or current waveforms containing periodic distortions of a sinusoidal nature that are not integer multiples of the fundamental supply frequency are termed as inter-harmonics. Flicker is a term used to describe the visual effect of small voltage variations on electrical lightning equipment. The frequency range of disturbances affecting lightning appliances, which are detectable by the human eye, is 1-30HZ. Voltage imbalance is defined as a deviation in the magnitude and/or phase of one or more of the phases of a three-phase supply, with respect to the magnitude of the other phases and the normal phase angle (120 deg). Frequency deviation is a variation in frequency from the nominal supply frequency above/below a predetermined level normally plus or minus 1%. A transient interruption is defined as a reduction in the supply voltage, or load current, to a level less than 0.1pu for a time of not more than 1minute. Interruption can be caused by system faults, system equipment failures or control and protection malfunctions. An outage is defined as interruption that has duration lasting in excess of 1 minute. 13) CAUSES OF DISTURBANCES IN POWER SYSTEMS: Due to the power system impedance, any current (or voltage) harmonic will result in the generation and propagation of voltage (or current) harmonic and effects the entire power system. Fig.1.1 illustrates the impact of current harmonics generated by a nonlinear load on a typical power system with linear loads. 14) SOURCES RESPONSIBLE FOR POOR POWER QUALITY: POWER ELECTRONIC DEVICES: 16

The non-linear loads such as adjustable speed drives, electronic ballasts for fluorescent lamps, and power supplies for welding machines have become sources of poor power quality. Often the nonlinearity of the load results in the generation of harmonics that cause overheating of electrical equipment and distort the voltage wave. IT AND OFFICE EQUIPMENT: IT equipment power supplies consist of a switched mode power supply (SMPS) and are the cause of a significant increase in the level of 3 , 5 and 7 harmonics voltage distortion in
rd th th

recent years. ARCING DEVICES: Electric arc furnaces, arc welders and electric discharge lamps are all forms of electric arcing devices. All arcing devices are sources of harmonic distortion. Arc welders commonly cause transients in the local network due to the intermittent switching and therefore some electronic equipment may require protection from the impulsive spikes generated. LOAD SWITCHING: The effect of heavy load switching on the local network is a fairly common problem causing transients to propagate through to other electrically close equipments. LARGE MOTOR STARTING: In starting mode of operation, induction machines draw current which can be as high as six times the normal rated current which has the effect of causing voltage dip on the local network. EMBEDDED GENERATION: Increased levels of embedded generation predicted in the future are likely to have an effect of poor power quality. An increased level of embedded generation will lead to increased fault current level in the feeders. This increased fault level is one of the major concerns while considering embedded generation issues. SENSITIVE EQUIPMENT: If it were not for the use of increasing levels of sophisticated equipment which tends to be more sensitive, power quality would not have become such an issue in recent years. STORM AND ENVIRONMENTAL RELATED DAMAGE: Lightning strikes are a cause of transient over-voltages often leading to faults on the electric supply networks. High winds and storm conditions cause widespread disruption to the supply networks. Snow and ice building up have a severe effect on the reliability of overhead lines. METHODOLOGY: 17

In the present study, graphical programming of LabVIEW software has been utilized to develop power quality analyzer and also to monitor power quality disturbances (like voltage sag, swell, interruption, frequency variation etc.) using ADVANTECH DAQ Card (inserted in PC).Use of virtual instrumentation for the measurement and monitoring power system improves the performance and reliability of the system. Virtual instrumentation saves extra cost, time and energy that are incurred while setting up traditional instrumentation system. It is a latest form of modern measurement/monitoring technology where all types of measurements are done on front panels created on PC screen. In real situations data can be collected with the help of data acquisition technique and given to PC through specific interfacing device. Then this raw data can be processed or analyzed by using VI software, LabVIEW. The VI software is powerful, and can acquire, analyze and present any signal efficiently and hence this can be very helpful for devising methods to avoid their harmful effects. 15) CONSEQUENCES OF POOR POWER QUALITY: Poor electric power quality has many harmful effects on power system devices and end users. Even if failures do not occur, poor power quality and harmonics increase losses and decrease the lifetime of power system components and end users devices. Some of the main detrimental effects of poor power quality include the following. Harmonics add to the rms and peak values of the waveform. This means equipment could receive a damagingly high peak voltage and may be susceptible to failure. There are adverse effects from heating, noise, and reduced life on capacitors, surge suppressors, rotating machines, cables and transformers, fuses and customer equipments as well as malfunction of controllers and protective devices such as fuses and relays. Additional losses of transmission lines, cables, generators, AC motors and transformers may occur due to harmonics. Failure of power system components and customer loads may occur due to unpredicted disturbances such as voltage and / or current magnifications due to parallel resonance and Ferro-resonance.


Utility companies are particularly concerned that distribution transformers may need to be derated to avoid permanent failure due to overheating (caused by harmonics).

Inter harmonics may occur which can perturb ripple control signals and cause flicker at sub-harmonic levels.

Harmonic instability may be caused by large and unpredicted harmonic sources such as arc furnaces.

Harmonic, sub-harmonic, and inter-harmonic torques may arise.

POWER QUALITY MEASUREMENT TOOLS: Power quality monitoring is the process of gathering, analyzing and interpreting raw measurement data into useful information. The process of gathering data is usually carried out by continuous measurement of voltage, current and frequency over an extended period. Obviously, we would like to monitor locations at virtually all locations throughout the system to completely understand the overall power quality. However, such monitoring may be prohibitively expensive. Fortunately, taking measurements from all possible locations is usually not necessary since measurements taken from strategic locations can be used to determine characteristic of the overall system. 16) POWER QUALITY MONITORING STANDARADS: Standards are very important in the area of power quality monitoring. Power quality levels must be defined consistently and characterized using the same methods if they are going to be compared from one site to another and from one system to another .IEEE 1159 is the IEEE working group that coordinates the development of power quality monitoring standards. The existing IEEE 1159 provides general guidelines and definitions for monitoring power quality much of this work is coordinated with IEC activities so that the monitoring requirements can be more consistent internationally. This section describes the most important IEEE and IEC standards. IEEE 1159 guide for power quality monitoring: After publication of the basic monitoring guidelines, working groups were established for development of more advanced guides for power quality monitoring. The IEEE 1159.1 working group is developing guidelines for instrumentation requirements associated with different types of power quality phenomena like sampling rate requirements, synchronization, A/D sampling accuracy, and number of cycles and sample. 19

The IEEE 1159.2 working group is developing guidelines for characterizing different power quality phenomena. Single task force is being coordinated with the development of an international standard for characterizing power quality variations with monitoring equipmentIEC 61000-4-30. The IEEE 1159.3 working group is defined an interchange format that can be used to exchange power quality monitoring information between different applications. Table 1.1 Suggested Monitoring Thresholds from IEEE 1159 OBJECTIVES OF THIS DISSERTATION: Objective of this dissertation is 1) First objective is to develop a single indicator, designated power quality factor (PQF), in the range between zero to one, which integrally reflects the power transfer quality of a general three-phase network feeding unbalanced nonlinear loads. PQF varies between 0 to 1. For a balanced loaded network, with sinusoidal currents and voltages and zero phase displacements yield an ideal PQF 1. A low value of PQF indicates a low degree of utilization of the power capacity of the source and/or a high level of harmonic and/or a high degree of unbalance between the phases. Power-quality Factor Power quality, like quality in other goods and services, is difficult to quantify. There is no single accepted definition of quality power. There are standards for voltage and other technical criteria that may be measured, but the ultimate measure of power quality is determined by the performance and productivity of end-user equipment. If the electric power is inadequate for those needs, then the quality is lacking. While the common term for describing the subject of this chapter is power quality, it is actually the quality of the voltage that is being addressed in most cases. Technically, in engineering terms, power is the rate of delivery or energy and is proportional to the product of the voltage and current. It would be difficult to define the quality of this quantity in any meaningful manner. The power supply system can only control the quality of the voltage; it has no control over the currents that particular loads might draw. Therefore, the standards in the power quality area are devoted to maintaining the voltage within certain limits. Alternating-current power systems are designed to operate at a sinusoidal voltage of a given frequency (typically 50 or 60 Hz) and magnitude. Any significant deviation in the magnitude, frequency, or purity of waveform is a potential power-quality problem. Of course, there is always a close relationship between voltage and 20

current in any practical power system. Although the generators may provide a near-perfect sine-wave voltage, the current passing through the impedance of the system can cause a variety of disturbances to the voltage. For example, the current resulting from short-circuit causes the voltage to sag, or disappear completely, as the case may be. Distorted currents from harmonic-producing loads also distort the voltage as they pass through the system impedance. Thus a distorted voltage is presented to other end-users. Therefore, while it is the voltage with which we are ultimately concerned, in some situations we must address phenomena in the current to understand the bases of many power-quality problems.




12) CONCLUSION: The wide spread applications of non-linear power electronics loads nave brought but degradation of power quality in the electric network. This paper has focused broadly on the power quality issues, the implications on the utilities and customers in the power system. At the same time, the paper has discussed in brief the assessment of power quality. The effective means of compensation through various techniques have also been highlighted.


REFERENCES: 1. Power quality and Harmonics: JOHN H. WAGGONER. 2. Inside PQ: MAX McGRANAGHAN. 3. Grounding and lightening protection: ROBISON, M.D. 4. Electric Power Quality: problems and means to improve them: S.MOHANTY, B.R.MISHRA, Dr. D.S. CHAUHAN.


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