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SGA Newsletter

STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION Representing the voice and vision of UNCW students Fisher Student Center Room 2029 Contact us at: 910-962-3553 Follow us at: @SeahawkSGA


Volume 1, Issue 3

Did you know?

November 2012

Wagoner Hall has new Spice Racks!

Your student organization can earn money for travel lodging and programs through the Special Activities Fund. See page below. There are tons of volunteer opportuninites through the opening of the local middle school DC Virgo. Contact Caro Pelhan at for more info! Want to save money during cab rides? Not only does SGA sponsor $5 Safe Ride Tickets for $2 at Sharkys Game Room, but SGA is going to GIVEAWAY free tickets. To be elgible, like UNCW SGA on Facebook.


Shannon Marie Morris

Health and Human Services Senator Major:Nursing Minor: Psychology Junior

enate potlight

Meet your SGA Executive Board

Student Body President:

Keith Fraser

Senior - Political Science Wilmington, NC Why did you join SGA? So I can leave UNCW better then when I arrived here! Proudest moment memory in SGA: Collaborating with Randall Library on an array of issues such as adding outlets, having an exhibit, and creating an advisory board. Fun fact: I have a twin brother at NC State.

How long have you been in SGA?: 3 years Proudest moment in SGA: Getting elected at Freshman Class President because I worked crazy hard for it. At the time, I didnt really know a whole lot of people, so I set out with mini flyers in my hands and spent hours outside each dorm! Hobbies and interests: I love to go deer hunting, anything outdoors, hanging out with my boyfriend of three years, and being the typical type A personality.
Shannon has shown leadership in the Senate thus far in the semester. She has authored bills and resolutions for academic affairs as well. I am beyond proud of the work she is doing!


The University of North Carolina Wilmington

Junior - Economics and Finance Mooresville, NC Why did you join SGA?: To make a difference. Fun fact: I am an Eagle Scout! Whats youre spirit animal?: A Bear because the quiz I just took told me so.

Student Body VP: Adam Webb

Senior Operations Management Charlotte, NC Why did you join SGA?: I was an active member of RHA for 3 years so I wanted to do something new. What would your super power be?: I would want to be able to walk through walls because I am a very efficient person and honestly sometimes it takes too long to walk. If you could be a celebrity for a day, who would you be?: Any actress who would play Leonardo DiCaprios love interest. I think that speaks for itself.

Secretary : Sara Ann Sonderman

Junior - Psych, Leadership Studies Minor Greensboro, NC Favorite SGA memory: Tabling at the Halloween Carnival, putting smiles on childrens faces! My goal this year in SGA: Create a UNI presentation for incoming freshman, so they know about SGA from the very beginning of their UNCW experience Fun Fact: I LOVE to iron!

Chief of Staff: Hannah Braun

Senior - Finance Manalapan, NJ Proudest moment in SGA: The September 11th Memorial Day event. My goal in this year in SGA: To allocate out all SAF and Cap Ex funds to student organizations Whats youre spirit animal?: An eagle or a leopard -top of the food chain and both are pretty impressive creations.

Treasurer: Patrick LeCompte

Junior - Film Studies; Marketing Okinawa, Japan Why did you join SGA? I think Marketing is fun! I thought the opportunity to develop the marketing structure in SGA was exciting! Whats youre spirit animal?: In a perfect world, I would be an animal that could morph into anything it wanted to. But in the meantime, Ill settle for a monkey - it fits my personality. Fun Fact: Im not all.

Director of Marketing: Mary Schweers

Junior - Education of Young Children; Studio Art Minor Murrells Inlet, SC What would your super power be?: To never need sleep - imagine what I could get done! My goal in SGA this year: To work towards erasing the stereotypes that are applied to UNCW about our student body. If you could be a celebrity for a day, who would you be?: Nelson Mandela - I want to know that mans internal thoughts.

Director for Student Multicultural Organizations: Caro Pelhan


Upcoming Events
Sammys Garage Sale 22

If you are interested in receiving an electronic copy of the SGA Newsletter, please contact Director of Marketing, Mary Schweers at


November is I like your Political Afflication Month in SGA. Special Activities Funding Deadline Did you know that the If you and your student organization would like funding for travel lodging and program requests for Spring Diversity Committee holds a of 2013, then you need to apply for Special Activies Funding. Deadline for application is November 22nd of monthly event as a part of the this month. Contact Patrick LeCompte for more info at award-winning 10 Things I Like About You campaign? World Political Trivia 6:30 PM - 8 PM at Warwick. There are 196 counThis months event is a tries in world. Come out and test your knowledge <<< World Political Trivia! on their politics!
7 AM - 1 PM at Trask Parking Lot. Bring gently used items and raise money for your student organization. Sign up in the CAIC office or contact Cam Baker at

Be sure to check out the SGA exhibit located on the second floor of Randall!

UNCW Student Government Association

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