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Written by Peter Kimball-Evans. Based off of Morrowind Lore.

Mike Elle Verity Amy Sara Laura Sveinn Hero Udyrfrykte Matron Bathmar The Bard Ulfrun Mirisa

The Udyrfrykte of Thirsk

(The mead hall of Thirsk. Sveinn, Bathmar, Ulfrun and Mirisa are celebrating together in the back. Bathmar breaks off to merrily address the audience) Welcome all you people, to the great mead hall of Thirsk. We are in the wilderness, cut off by the snow! This is where we choose to live, within our wooden walls. We look out for each other, as there's nowhere else to go.
Only a few weeks ago, the weather became worse! W e often take adventurers to shelter from the cold. But in this terrible snow storm, no-one's been so bold! Today we were attacked by some crazy lunatics. But the great mead Hall of Thirsk, we managed to hold. And now we celebrate with a feast in our happy hall, the victory we won over the lunatics. The fires are roaring, the mead is flowing, and joy is in the air. Bathmar: Welcome! My name is Bathmar The Bard, and I will be your entertainment this evening!

(The Udyrfrykte bursts into the mead hall and roars. Sveinn and Ulfrun stand to face the beast, Mirisa backs away)
Udyrfrykte: RWOOOOOOAAARRR! Bathmar: But on this cold night, an horrid bloody beast, the Udyrfrykte appeared, and ended our poor feast. The lights were all blown out, and the people ran away. The Udyrfrykte was savage so our warriors had to stay. But this terrible beast, they did not manage to slay.

(Mirisa runs away, Ulfrun notices and follows her, Sveinn is thrown back by the Udyrfrykte, then get up and also runs away. Bathmar follows and the Udyrfrykte takes her place)


(The Udyrfrykte runs off thrashing around menacingly. Bathmar, Sveinn and Ulfrun return, tired and

Bathmar: It is now the morning after. The weather has died down and we return cautiously to the mead hall. Everything is destroyed by the beast. All warriors who stayed to fight were slain, as was our chief. We set about cleaning up.

(As they clear up)

Sveinn: Now Thirsk has no Chieftain, no leader. Ulfrun: I don't believe it, everybody who stayed to fight is no more. What terrible creature was that? Sveinn: Ulfrun, have you never heard the tale of the Udyrfrykte? Ulfrun: Surely, the Udyrfrykte is mere legend. A tale invented to scare naughty children!

Sveinn: I'm afraid that what we encountered could only be such a terrible Beast. Many years ago, when our ancestors first built this great mead hall, they disturbed the lair of the Udyrfrykte Matron. Most of the men working were slain, and the Chieftain had to make a terrible choice, to stay or move on and create a settlement elsewhere. He decided to stay, and to do so would have to trap the Udyrfrykte in it's lair. Unfortunately it took many days of searching to find the lair under the lake to the west, and many men were lost to the sheer cold climate and wild beasts. When they did find the lair, they sealed it off with a giant stone, and the Chieftain returned victorious and finished building Thirsk, and started the first settlement here. Bathmar: What a great story, I think I'll write a song about that! Maybe Mirisa could help me... Ulfrun: Mirisa? MIRISAAAAA? She managed to escape with us, she must have run further into the wilderness! Sveinn: Give it a little more time. Ulfrun: I think I see her approaching in the snow! Sveinn: Hold fast friends, that is not Mirisa. I fear bandits have found out about or weakened situation and approach to steal whatever the Udyrfrykte didn't destroy! Bathmar: Bandits?!? Errr.. I think it would be best if I looked for Mirisa... over there... bye!

(Bathmar makes a hasty exit. The Hero approaches Sveinn)

Sveinn: Halt where you stand! What manner of woman wonders through the harsh icy wastelands alone? Hero: I am an adventurer, seeking to use my talents for good, and one day find fame in my profession. I have heard stories of the great mead hall of Thirsk, the refuge in the cold for travellers like myself. Is this not that place? Sveinn: It was. Last night we were attacked by a great daemon sent from the depths of the 7 Hells. It would be wise for you to move on. And leave us to fight off the monster alone. Hero: Please noble warrior, I am weary from the long trip. Allow me to stay to rest the night, and I will help you rebuild come the morning. Sveinn: How do I know that you can be trusted. Hero: Take my sword. Without it I am without a weapon, and I'm sure you and your... (looks over to Ulfrun, who watches suspiciously) will feel safer. Ulfrun: I'm not convincedSveinn: Ulfrun, please! Hold your tongue. Ulfrun: I don't recall us making you the new chieftain, Sveinn! I may talk when I want to. And I say we need to test this traveller's mettle if she wishes to remain in our company. Sveinn: And what do you propose? Bathmar: (returning hurriedly) Sveinn! I see footprints headed west. The snow has nearly completely covered them, but if we hurry we may still find Mirisa before nightfall. Sveinn: Perfect. Well traveller, will you assist in locating our lost friend, Mirisa?

Hero: Of course. I am an excellent tracker, and will take on any wild beasts that may stand in our way! Sveinn: Ulfrun, you may be unhappy with me taking control, but I think you'll agree it's a good idea for you and Bathmar to accompany our new friend here. Ulfrun: Of course. Sveinn: Then I shall stay here and continue to rebuild and protect Thirsk from any wandering lunatics. They have been attacking so frequently lately. It's very odd. Bathmar: We shall return before nightfall. Good luck Sveinn: The gods be with you!

(All exit. The Udyrfrykte stomps on slowly and faces the audience)
Udyrfrykte: RWWWOOOOAAAARRRR!! Bet you didn't know I could talk? Just because I'm a terrifying monster who attacks people doesn't mean I'm not educated. I happen to be able to count all the way up to three, I'll have you know! Last night I nearly got all of those smelly little humans, but now I want to get the rest! This time I want help. I need little monsters to help my attack. I need little monsters that can ROAR. Everyone show me your ROAR after 'three'. One, Two, Three, RWOOOOOOAAARRR! Come one, really shout out load, RWOOOOOOAAARRR! Now, who was the best at shouting? (Udyrfrykte Picks up to three willing children) Good, stay sitting right there, I'll come back for you when I'm ready to attack! RWOOOOOOAAARRR!!

(Udyrfrykte exits. Bathmar enters and once again addresses the audience. Ulfrun and the Hero act along to the Bard's song)
Bathmar: And so the brave new hero, set off to find our friend. A freezing storm was set on us, but we faltered not! Eventually we found a cave, our search was at an end. But when we found Mirisa, her nerves were badly shot.. Ulfrun: (Spirits obviously raised again) Mirisa! It's good to see you again! We see you have found shelter in this cave. Mirisa: Ulfrun! I'm glad you found me Ulfrun: Well, we wouldn't have been so successful if it wasn't for this brave hero, who navigated through this storm and found you! Mirisa: Thank you, Hero. Hero: (Modest) It was not a problem, I enjoyed the challenge! Ulfrun: Ha ha! A true hero indeed. It should be an easier journey backMirisa: No, we must be cautious. It was only a few minutes before your arrival, when I heard the terrible cry of the Udyrfrykte nearby. I think the beast wishes to return and finish off the survivors! Bathmar: If I was trapped in a cave for hundreds of years, I'd also be pretty angry. Hero: Then we must hurry back to warn Sveinn.

(They exit quickly. The Udyrfrykte stomps on)

Udyrfrykte: RWOOOOOOAAARRR! Hello again. It is nearly time to attack. I can smell them nearby! I need my terrifying little monsters to join me now. Come on up here and get ready to show these warriors your best roars!

(Hopefully, at least one volunteer will join the Udyrfrykte. She leads them off to the side, waiting to attack. Sveinn enters, still restoring Thirsk. Ulfrun, Mirisa, Bathmar and the Hero enter behind him)
Ulfrun: Sveinn! We must prepare for battle, Mirisa heard the Udyrfrykte nearby. The beast must wish to return and finish us off! Sveinn: Well it's good to see you safe Mirisa. Mirisa: It was this Hero who found me! Bathmar: She was an excellent guide through the snowy wastelands, kept us protected from lunatics, wolves and bears. Sveinn: Well Hero, we are all very thankful for your assistance, you have earned my trust. But I am afraid that I have one more request of you. Hero: Of course Sveinn, whatever you need, I'm ready! Sveinn: The Udyrfrykte is returning and we have lost our chief and most of our warriors. Will you help us defend Thirsk? Hero: It will be an honour. I will however require help.

(Hero faces the audience)

I need all of you to assist us in whatever way we need you during this battle. Stay put and prepare yourselves! Bathmar: Blimey, that's resourceful! Udyrfrykte: Come on my monsters. The time to attack is now!

(The Udyrfrykte and volunteers approach the heroes, leaving enough space for acting between the two groups)
Roar at them, on three. One, Two, THREE! RWOOOOOOAAARRR!!!

(Sveinn, Bathmar, Ulfrun and Mirisa recoil, but the Hero stands her ground)
Hero: A show of strength, eh? ROOOOOAAARR!!! Udyrfrykte: This one isn't scared. We have to be louder! One, two, THREE! RWOOOOOOAAARRR!!! Hero: Come on, we have to show that we are stronger! Sveinn: She's right. Let's help! ROOOOOAAARR! Hero: ROOOOOAAARR! Ulfrun: ROOOOOAAARR! Bathmar: ROOOOOAAARR!

Mirisa: ROOOOOAAARR! Udyrfrykte: Goodness, that was terrifying! These warriors are so powerful. One more time my little monsters, give it all you've got! One, two, THREE! RWOOOOOOAAARRR!!! Hero: (Addressing the audience) Right everybody, now we could really use your help! Let's send these monsters back to their caves, once and for all! Everyone give your loudest roar, on three! One, two, THREE! ROOOOOAAARR!!! Udyrfrykte: Agh! There's no way I can fight off these warriors. I was thinking about moving to a warmer place anyway, maybe Rio, or Rome, perhaps New Zealand... I'm off! Come on little monsters, back home with you!

(Udyrfrykte leads the volunteers away and leaves)

Mirisa: We won!

(All cheer)
Sveinn: And we couldn't have done it without our new Hero, the Hero of Thirsk! Bathmar: We were nearly all destroyed, and some had lost the way. Until this brave young hero, took us back from dismay! The Udyrfrykte was thwarted, without so much delay. We now sing of this Hero, on this joyous day of days. Ulfrun: Hang on Bathmar, hold it, hold it. Our story isn't complete without the Hero rewarded. Sveinn: Of course, Ulfrun's words are wise. Hero, we would be honoured if you were to accept our offer, of appointing you as our new leader, the new Chieftain of Thirsk! Mirisa: Yes, under your leadership, we will always be victorious, and Thirsk will never fall again! Please will you accept, Hero? Hero: Wait wait wait. You kind people haven't even asked me my name yet, and you already want me to be the chief ofBathmar: Chieftain Hero: -Chieftain of your settlement? Sveinn: I must apologise, what is your name, Hero? Hero: Haero Ulfrun: The Hero's name is... Hero? Hero: No, H-Ae-ro. Haero Ulfrun: Heeer-o Sveinn: No no no, it's like- Hhhh (phlegmy) hhhaero. Hero: Close butUlfrun: Hhhay-row

Hero: Haero... Mirisa: Haero! Hero: That's it! Ulfrun: Hyyyaaro Hero: No. Sveinn: The Gods hail Haero! The Chieftain of Thirsk!

(All cheer)
Bathmar: So our story ends here, and we thank all of you. We fought off the Udyrfrykte, you shouted bold and true! Now the hero is our new chief, these trouble times are through. Maybe come back next year, and we will have part two! Goodbye!


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