RINF Digizine: Obama Continues War On Whistleblowers

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Obama continues war on whistleblowers

2012-11-09 04:10:39-05 Press TV | Wikileaks founder Julian Assange polarizes people. Some love him, some hate him, others believe he is, whether knowingly or not, a useful tool for the spy hierarchy in the U.S. and elsewhere in the West. Assanges reaction to the reelection of Obama is worthy of note, however. Not only because he is [...] Read more...

HSBC at the centre of HMRC investigation

2012-11-09 05:35:44-05 Britains biggest bank is at the centre of a HMRC investigation after allegations that criminals opened offshore accounts for money laundering purposes in the banks Jersey operation. The tax affairs of more than 4,000 Britons with an HSBC bank account in Jersey were under scrutiny after their details were leaked to HM Revenue & Customs. The [...] Read more...

Shocking survey result shows how much freedom Americans are willing to sacrifice
2012-11-09 10:59:00-05 Paul Joseph Watson, Propaganda Matrix | A survey commissioned by Infowars and conducted by Harris Interactive has found that 35% of American adults would be willing to wear an electric shock bracelet in order to fly, another startling example of how many Americans are willing to give up their rights in the name of safety. The idea [...] Read more...

Shooting the messengers to protect the powerful

2012-11-09 14:41:24-05 Child abuse, corruption, war crimes, whistleblowers and WikiLeaks a Welsh perspective. The north Wales child abuse scandal, whistleblowing in Wales and elsewhere, Bradley Manning, Julian Assange, WikiLeaks and the need for transparency. Genny Bove | Dedicated to Alison Taylor, who kept blowing the whistle in north Wales until people had no choice but to [...] Read more...

Greece: Profile of a Failed State

2012-11-09 14:43:30-05 Stephen Lendman, rinf.com | Greece exhibits failed and rogue state characteristics. It governs irresponsibly. Its beholden more to foreign interests than its own. Banker needs are prioritized. Ruling authority outside Greece dictates terms. The countrys unable or refuses to provide public services. It threatens the welfare of its people. It spurns legitimate rule. Its bankrupt [...] Read more...

Israels Dr. Strangelove

2012-11-09 14:44:35-05 Stephen Lendman, rinf.com | Uniting Netanyahu and Lieberman is bad enough. Combined with Uzi Arads influence makes it combustible. More on him below. Netanyahu and Lieberman represent the worst of rogue Israeli leadership. Both are out-of-control warmongers. Theyre also war criminals. They deserve prison, not high office. They deplore peace. They spurn democratic values. Why [...] Read more...

Iraq scraps $4.2 bln Russian arms deal

2012-11-10 10:12:20-05 Suadad al-Salhy | The Iraqi government said on Saturday it had cancelled a $4.2

billion deal to buy military jets, helicopters and missiles from Russia, citing possible corruption in the contract. In a confusing exchange, the announcement by Prime Minister Nuri al-Malikis office was immediately contradicted by the acting defense minister who denied the corruption [...] Read more...

Whenever Britain perceives threats to national security, the gloves come off
2012-11-10 10:15:07-05 Deagln de Bradn | The award-winning Guardian journalist Ian Cobain has been investigating human rights abuses by his own country in the wake of the World Trade Centre terrorist attacks. His findings are revealed in Cruel Britannia: A Secret History of Torture, published by Portobello Books of London, which also has two chapters on the [...] Read more...

Obamas Post-Election Militancy

2012-11-10 10:16:52-05 Stephen Lendman, rinf.com | Obama didnt miss a beat. He picked up where he left off. Hes Americas most belligerent leader. Hes waging multiple direct and proxy wars abroad and at home by other means. Despite pressing unresolved domestic issues, he celebrated his electoral victory belligerently. On November 7, he bombed Yemen. Washingtons been waging [...] Read more...

Supreme Court to decide if DNA can be collected from the innocent

2012-11-10 19:13:07-05 Warren Richey | The US Supreme Court on Friday agreed to take up a case examining whether the Fourth Amendment permits police to collect and analyze a persons DNA at the time of arrest or whether they have to wait until after the suspect has been convicted to take a DNA sample. The case raises the [...] Read more...

Doom Economists Asset Protection Strategy: Buy A Machine Gun and a Tank
2012-11-10 20:43:12-05 Mac Slavo, SHTFplan.com | When most economists talk about asset diversification theyll often recommend a portfolio of stocks, bonds and cash. Marc Faber, however, isnt your everyday mainstream economist. Appropriately named Dr. Doom for his past predictions of coming market chaos and global economic destruction, Faber has long recommended a different strategy. Fromhigh voltage fences and barbed wire to heavily [...] Read more...

Ron Paul: America has already gone over the fiscal cliff
2012-11-10 20:49:36-05 RT | US President Barack Obama demanded from Congress immediate action to prevent America from falling of a so-called fiscal cliff, but Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) says it might be too late to keep the country afloat. Speaking with Bloomberg Television on Thursday, the lawmaker who ran against Pres. Obama during the last two elections [...] Read more...

How Was Petraeus Affair Uncovered?

2012-11-10 20:53:45-05 Daniel Politi, Slate | In a town where watching powerful men and women fall from grace is a particularly perverse sport, no one in Washington seemed to be taking joy at the resignation of CIA Director David Petraeus, the man many have qualified as the best military mind in decades, after admitting he had an [...] Read more...

About the Untold History of the United States

2012-11-10 21:03:32-05 War is a Crime | Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznik have produced a phenomenally great book of U.S. history, and an accompanying television series premiering on Showtime on Monday. Having just read half the book and having watched an advance copy of the first episode, my conclusion is that the book is dramatically better than the TV [...] Read more...

The Political Trial of a Caring Man and the End of Justice in America
2012-11-11 09:38:50-05 John Pilger | In 1999, I travelled to Iraq with Denis Halliday who had resigned as assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations rather than enforce a punitive UN embargo on Iraq. Devised and policed by the United States and Britain, the extreme suffering caused by these sanctions included, according to Unicef, the deaths of half [...] Read more...

Video: Child abuse the BBC has failed to report about

2012-11-11 10:03:48-05 Channel 4 | From the initial investigation into north Wales child abuse in 1991 to the Waterhouse inquiry in 2000, Sian Griffiths has collated details of every allegation and document surrounding the scandal. Read more...

8 million children are on secret database

2012-11-12 04:01:03-05 Steve Nolan | A huge Big Brother style database containing details of around eight million schoolchildren is being compiled without the knowledge of their parents. IT systems specialists are creating the database including such information as a childs age, sex, and academic records which can be shared among officials from other agencies such [...] Read more...

Petraeus: Resignation or Sacking?

2012-11-12 04:07:51-05 Stephen Lendman, rinf.com | Some observers call Washington a city of scandals. Lots of intrigue reflects daily life in the nations capital. Elected and appointed officials come and go. Most often its uneventful. Other times once powerful figures fell from grace or scandals affecting them rose to the level of affixing a gate suffix on [...] Read more...

Waging War Without Declaring It

2012-11-12 04:09:04-05 Stephen Lendman, rinf.com | America does it in proxy wars and some direct ones. Israel waged war on Palestine since 1948. Daily violence against innocent civilians persists largely below the radar. So does occupation harshness. Media scoundrels turn a blind eye. In the week ending November 7 alone, Israel killed a Gaza civilian epileptic victim [...] Read more...

The BBCs Culture of SelfCensorship

2012-11-12 12:49:30-05 TARIQ ALI | Is the BBC in such a petrified or paralysed state, so badly decayed, that it is beyond repair? Are all hopes of inner movement or structural reform misplaced? To read the national press this would appear to be the case. Im not so sure. Hysteria has now reached absurd proportions, as has [...] Read more...

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