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The Related of Mass Com, Culture & Media Literacy


Since a year, we have seen more and more media develop. At the same time, more regulatory bodies have been initiated. The need for public understanding has also grown. Organizations and businesses can exist only by public consent and their existence is justified only in terms of its contribution to society as viewed by society. The publicist not only attracts attention, but also support of the client by building a favorable image and understanding of the client.

Public relations is defined as a systematic effort to create and maintain goodwill of an organization's various publics such as customers, employees, investors and suppliers. The marketing educator, William F. Arens (1999) had defined that public relations have two elements, which is communication and management. Public relations are the management function that focuses on the relationships and communications that individuals and organizations have with other groups for the purpose of creating mutual goodwill.

They have too many comparisons between the public relations and advertising. Started with public relations, public relations can be very cost-effective but compare with the advertising; its become less cost. Public relations are free when we see from the time costs we have to spend with media attention for your company. The media outlets themselves bear the expense of air time or print space because in their eyes, they are reporting a newsworthy item to their viewers or readers.


The Related of Mass Com, Culture & Media Literacy

Public relations also create the perception of expertise and accomplishment. For example, you own the company that produce nourishment & health product. You like to advertise about your goodness product to public. So, what you need here is the expertise in public relations to behalf for you to bring the great story & informations about your product. This kind of publicity is priceless because it can quickly establish your business as the leader within a geographic area.

The public relations professional becomes a front man to writing press releases, organizing news conferences and producing company newsletters. Many of us also function as the liaison between media and company while guiding internal communications as well. Doing a job as public relations officer in each company is include the public speaking, being interviewed by media, organize the press release, spokesperson, evaluate and so on.

The most important task u have to do is to get the publicity for your company with no cost. Find the media exposure form the press release and conference to boost up your company profile to public.

Public relations officer also has to make a good relationship among media. Media will bring an impact to your company because they can publish the unveil truth and give bad expectation to your company.

The other benefit is when someone reviews your article about the written of new product or views coverage of your event on TV, they're seeing something you didn't pay for advertising. From here, the third party audients will spread to others about the goodness of the product. -2-

The Related of Mass Com, Culture & Media Literacy

They have several problems with public relations. You got no control how the media will bring out your information. Its also no guarantee at all that media will publish it or not. When you involves with the product company that produce a new product, its very sure for you to have the press release to exposure the product. They problem is, you will only have once not in circular time. The media like to publish a new issue with every edition.

You also have o be prepared every time to give a statement when something happened in the company. You may represent your company as a spokesperson at an event. To be blame by the company its very high because with false statement that publish on paper.

The early advertising had been identified 3000 BC at Babylon. The Babylonian merchant was hiring the barkers to shout out goods and prices at passerby. The history continued until 1625 when the first news book containing advertisement was printed out in England.

Advertising is the paid promotion of goods, services, companies and ideas by an identified sponsor. Marketers see advertising as part of an overall promotional strategy. Other components of the promotional mix include publicity, public relations, personal selling and sales promotion. Now days, advertisement have been digital through online like website and banners.


The Related of Mass Com, Culture & Media Literacy

Advertising are very connected with high volume money. Advertisement giving you complete control over the content of your message. Your creative idea will show through the media like television and magazine and you know exactly when that ad will air or be published. But, the attractive advertisement is related with how much do u willing to spend out.

Whereas advertising, although it may cost more than public relations, is mainly limited to the marketing and sales function. It is wise business practice for public relations to work with advertising, rather than relying solely on advertising to break into a new market or to introduce a new and unknown product or service.

The budget is a main issue in advertising. Since you pay, you can ads over and over. Usually the company will determine how long the ads will published.

To advertise, you must have a target audience and advertising accordingly. For example you wouldn't advertise a contractor or repairing services in sport magazine. Writing style will be important to attractive viewers of the advertisement. For example, Buy this product now, you will get 20% off discounted. You want to use those buzz words to motivate people to buy your product. So, the advertiser will guide you how the ads will be represented. Advertising also got a problem. It isnt working very well because advertising is self-promotion. People are very skeptical of ads. The source of all those nice things said about your company and its product is you and people just dont believe it. Another reason why advertising is not working very well these days is because of clutter which is the magnitude of commercial messages being -4-

The Related of Mass Com, Culture & Media Literacy

delivered within a short period of time. There are just too many messages to absorb and cutter. Like the point above, advertising is very expensive, especially if you have a big market to cover.

The conclusion is, the two of this element is connected between each. From my opinion, public relations are more efficient than advertisement. Investing in public relations is often much less expensive and it generates a substantial response. When one press release gets published by four or more media outlets, which means your message is being read by a variety of consumers in an assortment of publications. Public relations opportunities dont stop with press releases. The possibilities are endless. Public relations professionals are skilled at identifying unique opportunities to feature your company in targeted media outlets and working with reporters to coordinate interviews based on your expertise. They may also assist you with special events, focus groups, collateral, press conferences, industry awards and speaking engagements, all focused on maximizing your companys recognition in public and within the industry.

Though advertising has its benefits like we controlling the ads. Advertising is costly and the price tag comes with an implied endorsement, which consumers are becoming more aware of and thus more turned off by. The use of advertising, which was once a critical component to a brands awareness campaign, has begun to decline rapidly.


The Related of Mass Com, Culture & Media Literacy

INTERNET REFERENCE /html/pr-services.html

BOOK REFERENCE Internet and the world wide web - Introduction To Mass Communication Media Literacy & Culture, 5th edition by Stanley J.Baran Introduction to Public Relations and Advertising ( 2001 ) D.du Plesis ( ISBN: 0702155578 ) How Advertising Works : The Role Of Research ( 1998 ) - Jones, John Philip ( ISBN: 076191241X )


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