December January 2010 11

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Prayer Requests


Dec em ber & J anuar y


That God continues to move in the relationships that are being formed. That I will be able to continue to adjust to the culture and still be effective Positive family influ ences of the students and even the shoe shiners not in the school.


Domincan focus
A Christmas Party at Colegio Timoteo...

Merry Christmas
On December 17, we had our school Christmas party. It was very cool because the very first thing we did was explain to the boys the real meaning of Christmas. That this is a day to celebrate the birth of Jesus. We had a cake and sang Happy Birthday to Jesus, and we started the party with a prayer of thankfulness to our Lord and Savior. The party consisted of many things like play games, eat some amazing food, there were some arts and craft things that were donated by a church for the school, lots of candy and of course Presents. Back in November, we had the boys make lists of if they could have anything for Christmas, what would it be. There were so many interesting requests. Things like a big Christmas dinner with a family, to shoes and soccer balls, and some of the more popular requests such as bicycles, remote controlled cars, and even PSPs (which are like a hand-held video game). So for the whole month of November and December, the boys prayed over their lists. Thanks to many prayers, several churches and individual donors, each boy received something he had asked for. This Christmas Party ended up being one of the most exciting things that many of these boys get to do during the Christmas season.

A Miracle in the Making...

In December, I had the opportunity to go home for Christmas. This was a great time to be able to spend with family and friends. However, even just being home for a few short weeks was even time that God used to make an impact back home in Jarabacoa, Dominican Republic. I have a friend/ co-worker here at Colegio Timoteo named Sandra, who has studied dentistry. She has been in the process of trying to start her own Dental ministry. The lack of a dental chair was the one thing keeping her from being able to do what she feels called to do. She had already started arranging an office with some things that she has been acquiring gradually, but one thing she really needed was a dental chair. When I was back home, I was mentioning Sandras story to some friends of mine and they had said, Well hey we are going to the dentist today, well just ask them. Surprisingly, their dentist office happened to be remodeling their whole office and had 10 chairs that they were just going to be throwing out. So I met with Dr. Rosenbaugh, and the meeting was very good. Dr. Rosenbaugh and his office were all very excited about the idea of

& Gods Faithfulness

D ECEMBER 10, 2010

giving Sandra the chairs. They were very helpful in providing information and were very interested in her ministry. They have also agreed to send an XRay machine when they upgrade to digital, and some steri-




Home for Christmas

D ECEMBER 18, 2010 J ANUARY 7, 2011

Dr. Rosenbaugh & Mindy

lizing equipment. It is pretty awesome to see how God does things and how He provides and follows through in His plans. Right now we currently have been given the 10 chairs and are still searching for an affordable way to package and send them here. We are praying that God continues to work in this awesome ministry opportunity.

Marriage of Raymundo
Gonzalez & Kyndal Jacks D ECEMBER 18,2010

Donation of Sandras
Dental Chairs J ANUAURY 3,2011

You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others. 2 TIMOTHY 2:1-2

Trip to Salto Jimenoa

with YanKaury & Oendy J ANUARY 8,2011

On December 10, 2010, our church Amor a Quisqueya had their Baptism. There were 14 people baptized and one of them happens to be one of our students at Colegio Timoteo. YanKaury is one of our most mature students and has been a huge example for many of the boys in our school. This day was an exciting time to celebrate with him the steps that he is taking to deepen his relationship with Jesus Christ.
**Also, Keep updated by following my blog:**

Contact Information
Cell: 809.430.7892
Email: Please Send Donations to:
College Park Missionary Church 2014 Liberty Drive Mishawaka, IN 46545 Attn: Danny Hunter

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